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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 017

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

Info-ParaNet Letters			Volume 1    Issue 17 

Date: 18 Aug 89 04:19:59 GMT
From: Paul.Faeder@f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Re: Cydonia.txt
Organization: FidoNet node 1:268/102 - Pocono Mounta, Bushkill PA

> After reading the C.TXT and the "decoding" business I still come back
> to this question -- If "you" were going to leave something behind,
> like the mars face, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to make it
> something unambiguous. Why not just build a series of geometric
> shapes; a circle, a square, a triangle, a trapezoid all in a row.
> They would clearly NOT be some freak of nature caused by winds.

If someone did leave something behind perhaps it made sense to them.
Have you seen the plaque that was attached to Voyager I? (Not sure if it
is Voyager 1, gettin' old ya' know). Anyway this plaque depicts a man
and woman, and show our position in our solar system along with a series
of 1's and 0's (binary numbers). Well I looked at a picture of the
plaque and it didn' make sense to me. Of course that's not saying too
much but if the plauque was received by another race would they be able
to figure it out?
Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!268!102!Paul.Faeder
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 15:39:00 GMT
From: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Bryon Smith)
Subject: Re: Info-paranet Newsletter
Organization: FidoNet node 1:19/19 - The Rainbow Q, Fort Smith AR

> First of all, I find it somewhat amazing how the "mythos"
> grows to the proportion it has ---. We are being asked to
> believe that the aliens are responsible for human
> sacrifices, and animal sacrifices (could it possibly be
> human ignorance?)... We are then, through various means
> being asked to believe that in turn the aliens are
> responsible for many wars on earth (could it once again be
> the fact that people just don't know how to dwell together
> on a single planet?) ---

Human ignorance is behind our problems all right, regardless if "aliens" are
involved or not. Something is external to and behind our beliefs giving
people the "evidence" they use to form their opinions be they correct or
incorrect. Knowing that humans can get themselves in a great deal of
trouble without help from outsiders is enough to know that with a bit of a
push it's inconceivable the conceptions that can form in the human mind.

I don't know if the "aliens" are "aliens," "space visitors," or what, but I
will refer to them as an external force affecting the thought patterns of
humankind. We then refer to the "grays" as a negitive force and the
"Elders" as a positive force affecting certain thought patters of certain
people. This would explain the major differences between Gulf Breeze and
the Fyffe, AL cases. I also feel there are certain people involved in the
Gulf Breeze case who might very well be "helping it along." I don't know
what their motivations or reasoning is for their actions, or even exactly
what their actions might be, but I am highly suspicious of a certain human
factor being involved in this case.

I would suggest forgetting about Mr Ed because he and his photos appear to
have created more confusion than evidence to support this case. There are
enough other people who are dealing with "something" in the Gulf Breeze
area to call it a paranormal case if nothing else, be it "ghosts," "aliens,"
or whatever.

I find it interesting that the Gulf Breeze case is taking place at the exact
same time as the Fyffe, AL. case, and yet the two cases are highly
different, and not all that far from each other.

> survives, comes back as victors ---I then looked at a map
> of the stars and saw the relationship of the earth and it's
> position in the Milky Way Galaxy. In my imaginings, I saw
> that we were somewhat isolated from the "mainstream" of the
> Galaxy. And I said to myself -- perhaps we are isolated for
> a purpose -- we must be very volitile creatures...

Concerning dreams for a moment and this very subject. I think I may have
told you of a "dream" I had where I saw myself standing inside a space ship
and a large being clad in white was standing to my right. I couldn't even
see past his shoulder he was so tall. He was showing me a 3-D hologram of
our universe and showing me where life existed in our universe. These
locations were highlighted by red dots. First he showed me a cluster of
stars that had life forms on planets withen the star systems. I then asked
where we were in relationship to these other places and another red dot lit
up over on the far right and out near the edge. It was all alone, (not
near the other red dots) and this being told me, "this is your solar
system." Now I know dreams can be funny things to deal with and not much
faith is ever placed in a dream by the majority of the population, but I had
never known where our solar system was and had not thought much about it
until then. I drew a picture of what I had seen in the dream and left it at
that. Sometime later I picked up a book that had a drawing in it very much
like the one I had seen in the dream and it showed our location in
relationship to the universe, it was the same as what I had drawn with the
exceptions that the other "red dots" were not on it. This caused me to
remember the dream. If there's anything to a dream, then my dream and what
you say about us being isolated might have some meaning. I'll keep that in

> given the same experience? If we really think about it,
> what is the real difference? (Could it possibly be, the
> people involved direct the end result?).

I think this is also something to consider. I believe that people being
different and living in different areas does have some effect on their
thinking and perhaps this "external force" uses that to form certain images,
things that people might expect to see perhaps. I would say this would
depend on whether or not the "external factor" involved was a + or a -.

> Could it possibly be, that it in turn depends upon whom
> the person is first contacted by? And how they interact
> with them? You and I *both* know who the control factor is
> in Fyffe --.

Considering this very thing there have been areas on Earth that have
demonstrated a constant ability to produce people after a like nature. Sodom
& Gomora(sp?) were "wicked" places, they were destroied. Libya has a nack
for producing factions of negative thinking, and certain other areas follow
like-wise. Is this because of the government in these areas ? Or is it
because of their religons ? Or is because there is a negative factor or
force working on the people in these areas ? Physical hard times or rough
living conditions can often affect the mental attitudes of the people who
live there. Both Greece and Egypt have been known for worshiping many gods
and their people tell of legonds of days of old. Was there something, some
factor that caused certain of them to believe these things, or was it just a
fiction story someone created ? I have done a good deal of research on
certain areas in certain books and I believe the people, or at least some of
them did see something that was not "human" and not "natural" and because of
their not understanding it they were subject to be influenced either by
their "imaginations" or perhaps something more external to them.

The Egyption Book of the Dead makes a number of references that lead one to
believe that a number of people in that area at that time did in fact see
"firey boats" come and go from the "heavens." This objects appeared to
those who lived on the Nile at that time to be "firey" flying "boats." They
saw beings depart from these flying boats and they saw them enter back into
these flying boats and then depart back to the heavens. They believed these
beings were gods and that their firey boats were coming from "RA" (the Sun)
which they believed was the great God in the Heavens. Their spiritual
understanding was very limited to physical things, things that could be seen
with the eyes and as such they did not consider certain unseen spiritual
factors as we do today. Their gods required fiery boats in order to come
and go from the god RA. Of course they worshiped the moon also, it was in
the heavens (a physical place in this deminsion) and that made it a god.

I am quite convience they were seeing something they believed was "gods" but
my question is, was they seeing "aliens" in "flying saucers" who were
influencing their thinking, or was they seeing an "illusion" designed by
another source that had intentions of creating this same effect ?

Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!19!19!Bryon.Smith
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 17:08:00 GMT
From: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Bryon Smith)
Subject: Re: Info-paranet Newsletter
Organization: FidoNet node 1:19/19 - The Rainbow Q, Fort Smith AR

> assure you Bryon, that there has been some "force" at work
> here to persuade how I feel about the Fyffe "incident" and
> even my own very being ---).

I have seen a very large UFO at very close range and I am certain that such
things do exist, I am certain that it was not man made, exactly what it was
I am at a loss for information to form a concrete conclusion. I have
described it as if it were a massive illusion, but I was not the only one
who saw it. I say that because it defied everything I understood about
flying things. It made no sound, it was bright to look at, bright enough it
should have lit up the entire town, but it didn't. It didn't affect
anything around it and only a slight glow could be seen on the leaves of the
tree it was near. That tree is still standing yet today and doing well.

I don't know if it was a "physical" object or not, but it certanly was
something very real and displaied actions that indicated that it was
controled by some intelligence. It had a route and schedule that it kept
fairly regular for over a year. The day we had our close encounter with it
it broke that route to descend directly over Pearl, Ill. and came right up
to us as if it was observing us. Perhaps this was a demonstration for our
benefit, or perhaps the intelligence withen it was truly observing us. I
find it interesting that many times my friends and I had tried to get near
it as it hovered over the power lines near the river, but every time it
would fly away just as we would get there as if it didn't want us to see it
up close, and now all of a sudden it decides to come right up to us smack in
the middle of town. Mr Klass isn't about to tell us that what we saw was
the planet Venus either because it was only a few feet from the highway and
blocked out the eastern sky from where we stood. Also it came out of the
north and went to the south with only minor variations and it did that 3
times a week. One observer stated that it landed in front of him on the Old
Pearl Hill (that's the direction it always departed from Pearl). He said
when it landed it was not glowing but looked like polished metal. He said he
was frightened out of his witts by the thing.

What was it ? I don't know, but I know what it wasn't. I don't know if it
was "aliens" or something else but it wasn't a man made object.

> -- and have become humbled in the experience. I will,
> however, not endorse the "Gray" belief that is being spread
> around, and I still will not evaluate the term "Elders".
> They are expressions, which in turn are not being handled
> too well, and as an end result, they are influencing
> thinking patterns based upon preconceived ideas.

People tend to place values on words, shapes, descriptions, etc. in-so-much
that it can influence their thinking, which many times can be incorrect and
highly misleading. Certain snakes look very much alike but one is poisonous
and one is not. If a person should mistake the poisonous one to be the
non-poisonous one a person can end up in a great deal of trouble. If the
deceiving factor was aware that a person would relate to a certian shape or
a certain word then they could use that to influence their thinking. While
a shape or word can be used as a "password" for recognition between certain
parties, one should guard it well, and always consider the possibilities
involved so that they should not be tricked or taken unaware.

What you say is true. People do respond to preconceived ideas and because
of this they may be influenced by certain factors.

> In regards to Gulf Breeze itself, I highly recommend that
> people who are looking into it, set aside the photograph
> controversy, and in turn remove the focus from Mr. Ed
> himself (you are feeding into it while you wage war over
> his validity) --- and silence things long enough so that
> you in turn can listen carefully to what is being said --

If people which to see a "real UFO case" then that's what they will see, if
they wish to see a "hoax" because of not wanting to believe certain things
then that is what they will see. If they backup and do like you suggest
they might very well discover that all is not what it appears to be, but at
the same time I believe something very real is taking place in the Gulf
Breeze area, as well as in the Fyffe area, yet they are very different in

> I know I probably surprise both you and Mike in speaking
> about it -- but I feel enough is enough.... There are
> people involved who are getting trampled on in the process

Some have changed their names in the reports to keep out of the public's
attention to avoid being harassed by either side. They feel a great need to
tell their story, and to let the public know that something very real is
taking place and so they continue, while others fade into the background
because of being "trampled on."

> -- that are *not* in a position to "defend" themselves,
> because they don't really understand what is going on. They
> are getting "caught" in the middle of the controversy
> against their wishes. (And I am sure that they are being
> fed all kinds of stuff along the way which is creating
> greater confusion for them)....

That's it in a nutshell, and while much information has come through this
echo that has little bits of helpful information along with a bit of
padding, we must understand that many who read this are looking for
"evidence of UFO's and alien beings," and it's not easy to comprenend
exactly what is being said here. The majority are looking for either black
or white, either to discover there are "aliens" (and I can't say there
isn't) or that the government is behind it, or someone else. Certanly most
of us would like to know the truth behind the mystery. Of course there are
a few who do not desire to know the truth but would rather have "proof of
what they wish to believe." Hard core skeptics would rather prove that
UFO's do not exist, that aliens do not exist, while many pro-UFO believers
want to prove they do exist. Much of this is caused by each wanting to be
"right" while at the same time proving the others wrong. Jim Speiser has
provided us with the ability to share our views with each other by setting
up a forum where both believers and non-believers can share their ideas in
hopes of eventually discovering the truth about the subjects. Mike Corbin
is following after the tradition in fine form. I believe that only through
proper communications can we gather the evidence needed to approach a

I say that just because something is not what it may appear to be doesn't
make it a "hoax," it just depends on what you expect to find and the
evidence you believe you have found, and your opinions concerning that

Could it be that the UFO issue has been so hard to solve because the
researchers are expecting to find certain "hard evidence" to support their
beliefs and they are unable to find it ? Perhaps the UFO phenomenon isn't
exactly what they think it is ? Perhaps our ideas concerning UFO's have
been affected by a preconceived notion. While in the past people have
believed these objects to be "gods" in "firey boats" or "angels" or perhaps
"demons" now we seek a scientific explination which deals with "hard facts"
and yet we are unable to come up with any.

I realize that your last message and these of mine will no doubt confuse
certain people even further, but what I would hope to accomplish would be to
broaden perspectives of those interested in this subject to perhaps
include factors that before have not been considered as solid evidence. I
am not as much concerned with "photographs" but rather with "real people"
and their experiences. True, "aliens" and "flying saucers" might very well
be what they appear to be, and they may have been involved in our religous
beliefs for thousands of years. I would not wish to limit the AllMighty to
my own understanding of His works. Something very real is taking place and
I feel that certain parts of it are not what we think they are.

Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!19!19!Bryon.Smith
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 16 Aug 89 14:24:00 GMT
From: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Bryon Smith)
Subject: Re: Corrections
Organization: FidoNet node 1:19/19 - The Rainbow Q, Fort Smith AR

> I would be interested in hearing more about your
> have not seemed to mention it before.

I posted a bit more about it in one of these last messages. There is a file
someone in the ParaNet files areas that tells about what happened that night
also, but I fogot the name of it. If you can't find it let me know and I'll
take another look for it, or do a repost of it.

Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!19!19!Bryon.Smith
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 16 Aug 89 16:16:00 GMT
From: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Bryon Smith)
Subject: Re: What's all this about Fyffe
Organization: FidoNet node 1:19/19 - The Rainbow Q, Fort Smith AR

> People on Paranet keep alluding to sightings at Fyffe
> (Alabama??).
> Can someone provide the details???

There are some files on ParaNet systems that give information about the
Fyffe, AL "Triangular" UFO sightings.

Very quickly I will give you a bit of a review.

A very large Triangular shaped UFO has been sighted in the Fyffe, AL area,
Fyffe being the center of a circle having a radius of approximately 50
miles. The UFO itself has been described by witnesses as being "red and
green lights in the sky" to "a metalic blue triangular shaped UFO the size
of a football field, and having a bright green light in front and two large
bright red lights on the back corners."

The UFO is totally silent and has been observed by a good number of people
in the surrounding towns off and on now for the past several months.

The UFO has been seen hovering both "flat" and "vertical." It has been
reported by police officers and another witness has having three very large
white lights underneath it that apparently were shining back up toward the
bottom of the craft and not at the ground.

I went to interview people in the area about this UFO and I came across a
man who had a UFO report from 11 years ago where a UFO of this exact
description was sighted over the Memphis International Airport. This UFO
was seen off and on for two days in this area and nearby towns. It was
reported by a number of police officers (who's names were given in the

To my knowledge no one has been "abducted" nor have they seen any "little
gray" creatures.

The UFO has been observed by certain witnesses for as long as 10-15 min. at
a time at close range (200-300ft my est.) at dusk while there was enough
light to observe the shape, color, and lighting configuration of the craft.

Hope that helps.

Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!19!19!Bryon.Smith
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 19 Aug 89 03:59:00 GMT
From: Jim.Speiser@f20.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: UFORA a ParaNet Source
Organization: FidoNet node 1:30163/20


Judging from the excellent job UFORA did on the Mundrabilla incident,
this is good news indeed!

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!30163!20!Jim.Speiser
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f20.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 19 Aug 89 01:11:24 GMT
From: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Murphy)
Subject: CUFOS files
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

> In the article contained in SMITH.TXT, Willy Smith states that the
> CUFOS files "are not accessible to anyone". This is a rather serious
> accusation. The Administrator(s) of ParaNet could perform a great
> service to the UFO community by verifying whether or not this
> accusation is true.
Out of curiosity, why would it be considered a "rather serious accusation?". Could you enlighten us, as to why you feel this to be so?

-- Linda
( 1:304/1)
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Linda.Murphy
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

ARTICLE SUBMISSION info-paranet@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM

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