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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 013

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

Date: 14 Aug 89 18:53:00 GMT
From: Don.Ecker@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Re: Cydonia Breakthrough
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343


I just got off the phone with Marc, after a very long conversation, and have
sent him Hoaglands text files. Marc is going to review them, and then
answer them in total.

I asked Marc if he is a CIS subscriber, and is not, but we can make
arrangements to get his answer to Hoagland either here or via CIS.

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Don.Ecker


Date: 14 Aug 89 19:29:00 GMT
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Piri Reis Map
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

> Mike:
> About the Piri Reis map...have you ever seen it in
> comparison to an
> actual map of Antarctica's coast? It seems "close" is in
> the eye of the
> beholder. I don't see much of a match, anyway.
> Jim
No, I have not seen this map. I am getting a copy of it for
review and also am going to look at the two books that were
referred to me about this subject.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 14 Aug 89 19:30:00 GMT
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Northover
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

> Thanks, I think,for the vote of confidence. I do not
> intend to disrupt your proceedings. Nor do I plan on
> reporting anything you (all of you) say to anyone.
> But I do intend to actively participate in your
> discussions.

On behalf of the group on ParaNet, we welcome you and hope that
together we all can get a better understanding of all of this.
Please enjoy.

Michael Corbin
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 13 Aug 89 08:49:00 GMT
From: Grame.Thompson@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Grame Thompson)
Subject: New Nodes
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

> ParaNet Omega-Eta(sm)
> Grame Thompson
> Lane Cove, New South Wales, Australia
> 011-61-002-428-2446

> Please take a moment and enter a message about your interests.

No worries Micheal here goes.. The BBS I run is Called TARDIS.. Yes from
that famous show Doctor Who. As you can all see from the name I picked..
Myself and my Co-Sysop Ian Harris are absolutely nutty about Sc-Fi and when
I discovered ParaNet we were both thrilled that there was an actual
organisation willing to express itself and let other people do the same in
these echo's whether they believe in UFO's, ET's or not..

Tardis is only A New System, actually only 2months old...

Myself I work as An Aircraft Avionics Engineer for the major Australian
Airline. (Yep the one with the weird looking Kangaroo on its Tail), I am
also a part time meber in our Airforce Reserves, doing basically the same
sort of work <sigh>....

Oh well thats enough from me..

Grame Thompson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Grame.Thompson
INTERNET: Grame.Thompson@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 02:01:00 GMT
From: Bob.Fletcher@f401.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Bob Fletcher)
Subject: UFO Research Australia
Organization: FidoNet node 1:30163/401 - Omega Alpha, Kingsburg Victoria

I have just received in the post a two copies of the newsletter
published by UFO Research Australia, (UFORA). The copies I have
received is the April and May editions. Although May might sound a
bit old the newsletter is not issued on a time schedule.

The newsletter is A4 stapled with a white glossy over. The printing
has been done by offset with duel column and sans sarif typeface.

The editorial of the April edition reflects that of most voluntary
clubs and organisations. That is, of a editor who does his hardest
against all odds to get a copy out.

The editor in this case is Vadirmir Godic who I would like to thank
for the April edition that he was kind enough to forward to me with
his compliments.

This edition contains the first part of a detailed study of the
Mundrabilla UFO incident, which occurred on the Nullarbor Plain in
Western Australia in January 1988.

Whist traveling the lonely Eyre Highway the Knowel's family stated
they where chased by an "Egg Shaped" object that landed on there car
roof picking the vehicle up and spinning it around before dropping it
to the ground bursting a tyre.

Many of you will have read something of this incident in the press as
well as some mention to it in this conference. I wrote a paper
(DUST_OZ.TXT) that followed a discussion I had with the mineralogist
that did the analysis of the "UFO Ash" found on the car.

Keith Basterfield and Ray Brooke have published their findings in the
UFORA newsletter. The report takes up most of the newsletters which
average about 30 pages. The report is thorough and in-depth.

I don't intent to make any quotes as I feel that this would not
justify the work of the Authors.

All in all the "UFO Research Australia Newsletter" is essential
reading for all serious ufologist and interested persons. It gives
some idea of what happens down under when UFO's are sighted.

The only negative criticism I have is that a subscription form in not
included in the newsletter so I am missing the overseas rates.

Subscription to the UFORA Newsletter for 5 issues is AUD$20.00 for
Australian subscribers and you should send your cheque made payable to
"UFO Research Australia" P.O. Box 229, Prospect, South Australia 5082.

For the US and Europe you can inquire at the above address or I will
be happy to do so for you if you write to me either in this conference
or on FidoNet 3:633/360 UUCP

In addition to the newsletter UFORA publishes a number of papers on
UFO sightings and research and I will list these in a few days time.

Bob Fletcher
Bureau Chief - Australia.

Bob Fletcher - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!30163!401!Bob.Fletcher
INTERNET: Bob.Fletcher@f401.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Linda.Murphy
Date: Tue Aug 15 10:08:36 MDT 1989

Article 126 of info.paranet:
Path: scicom!paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Linda.Murphy
>From: Linda.Murphy@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Murphy)
Newsgroups: info.paranet
Subject: Re: Info-paranet Newsletter
Message-ID: <129.24E76E5F@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
Date: 14 Aug 89 16:28:34 GMT
Sender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26)
Organization: FidoNet node 1:304/1 - NEXUS, Flagstaff AZ
Lines: 18

First of all, I find it somewhat amazing how the "mythos" grows to the proportion it has ---. We are being asked to believe that the aliens are responsible
for human sacrifices, and animal sacrifices (could it possibly be human ignorance?)... We are then, through various means being asked to believe that in turn
the aliens are responsible for many wars on earth (could it once again be the
fact that people just don't know how to dwell together on a single planet?) ---
So, in a sense, as long as there are particular types of crime (related to Satanism), and missing cows and other animals, in turn, we will have something else
to blame for it all.... The adage "The Devil Made Me Do It" so well promulgated
by Flip Wilson is quite appropriate here. Even if we did look at Keyhoe's
observation of a "penal colony" -- If we could rationalize it out with that
type of mindset, it, in turn would make valid sense --- The very things that
create great conflict are still with us today, and we are indeed very slow
I had once imagined the idea of perfect warfare -- take all of the warring and
disidants and dump them on another planet and let them go at it --- Then,
whoever survives, comes back as victors ---I then looked at a map of the stars
and saw the relationship of the earth and it's position in the Milky Way Galaxy. In my imaginings, I saw that we were somewhat isolated from the "mainstream"
of the Galaxy. And I said to myself -- perhaps we are isolated for a purpose --
we must be very volitile creatures.... (Nobody told me these things -- I reasoned this out when I was 10 years old). It is like the story I had told more then
one person about the orange crate in California --- and for some reason I
imagined the mold on the oranges as being people on planets. And when I threw
out the green moldy orange, it made me think of the earth... I was so enthused
about this "revelation", I wrote a story about the orange crate at school. It
didn't go over to well, and I was asked not to write stories about Oranges
-- When we went to the moon, I thought about the orange crate again, and the
orange that was next to the moldy orange -- I have found that more then one
person has had such thoughts... where they come from, is beyond me... but they
were there when I was just a kid... Anyways.... I think it is about time I
talk about my feelings about Gulf Breeze and Fyffe....

Your observation of the differences a simple thing such as a photograph, when
comparing both Gulf Breeze, and Fyffe, is quite valid... In Fyffe there is a
greater opportunity to "study" the human element... In Gulf Breeze, it is so
cluttered with a "din", that it cannot be looked into. Have you ever considered
, Bryon, why this is so? To see what can and cannot occur, between two groups
that are given the same experience? If we really think about it, what is the
real difference? (Could it possibly be, the people involved direct the end

Could it possibly be, that it in turn depends upon whom the person is first
contacted by? And how they interact with them? You and I *both* know who the
control factor is in Fyffe --. (And I say to anybody who is reading this, that
in turn they should also consider the vast difference between the two incidents
-- and perhaps consider why this is so -- ). However, that specific "control"
factor in turn, has not induced like observations as you are having in regards
to it within myself.... It is viewed more or less as a "demonstration" and
nothing more -- (And I can assure you Bryon, that there has been some "force"
at work here to persuade how I feel about the Fyffe "incident" and even my own
very being ---). It has all come to me, quite clearly now, this entire thing.
In spite of all of these "Qustioning Factors" -- in turn, I am still the same
Linda -- and have become humbled in the experience. I will, however, not
endorse the "Gray" belief that is being spread around, and I still will not
evaluate the term "Elders". They are expressions, which in turn are not being
handled too well, and as an end result, they are influencing thinking patterns
based upon preconceived ideas. These preconceptions are a little rampant -- and
it is interesting, to say the least, that although William Moore said the whole
thing was "made up" -- in spite of this statement -- it is still prevelant --
It is "ingrained" in us, and is, in itself, like you said, responsible for many
thought impulses which in turn create "religions"... I think Marc Dantiano
(sp?) has a pretty good idea as to what it is I am talking about -- as he is
ready to embark upon an "experiment" himself -- I believe he has the "proper"
mindset to carry it out....

In regards to Gulf Breeze itself, I highly recommend that people who are
looking into it, set aside the photograph controversy, and in turn remove the
focus from Mr. Ed himself (you are feeding into it while you wage war over his
validity) --- and silence things long enough so that you in turn can listen
carefully to what is being said -- Listen to who is saying it, and how it is
being said -- and I am sure, a new and fresh perspective will in turn emerge.
Bryon has true concerns over the fear some people are experiencing in the area.
Their cry for understanding is not being heard due to the "din" by those who in
turn would be best suited to offer assistance.

I know I probably surprise both you and Mike in speaking about it -- but I
feel enough is enough.... There are people involved who are getting trampled on
in the process -- that are *not* in a position to "defend" themselves, because
they don't really understand what is going on. They are getting "caught" in the
middle of the controversy against their wishes. (And I am sure that they are
being fed all kinds of stuff along the way which is creating greater confusion
for them)....

Our individual, of common interest, does understand the mechanisms of what is
happening down there.. The actual proof of it, however, may never be manifested
(as it is plainly evident it is something that cannot be given -- only
demonstrated). Irregardless of how I feel in what could be causing it (as I
suspect human agencies delving into things they ought not to, which is creating
a greater conflict -- I would not know how to expand on this) -- the mechanism
*is* understood. And there are some "saving properties" with that knowledge.
The person is aware of this factor also, and full well knows how this in turn
can be interpreted by others. For this, I in turn give great respect to the
individual. HOwever, I caution anybody who inquires about it, to make sure they
approach the matter with all honesty --- as you will in turn find yourself undergoing an amazing process.
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!304!1!Linda.Murphy
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 06:22:00 GMT
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: New Nodes
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343


Well, that was a very thorough introduction. Welcome to the group. I hope
that we will provide the open-minded and well balanced atmosphere that you
are looking for.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 06:53:00 GMT
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Cydonia.Txt
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

I recently made an announcement about the uploading of the Cydonia.Txt. I
failed to credit one of the persons responsible for this file. Thanks are
in order to Chris Lightner for the upload.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 14:14:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Info-paranet Newsletter
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

thanks for the comments, they are quite interesting. I wanted to
further what you said there by adding that I have had a chance to
examine the gulf breeze photos too but only through a reporoduction. I
did note that some of the photos seem to me to be "obvious and poor
forgeries" expecially the ones where the table or stand is blatantly
obvious. Other facts though do creep in that say that although one guy
or several may be hoaxing, something is going on that is truly
mysterious. As usual , answers are never very forthcoming!
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 14:15:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Corrections
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

I would be interested in hearing more about your have
not seemed to mention it before.
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 14:21:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Cydonia Breakthrough
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

I am in the process of obtaining his full-fledged document. From what I
understand about Mr. Hoagland, any debate with him is useless since
I have been told that he has a "holier than thou" attitude. I am not
interested in facing off with someone of that nature as inevitably this
would lead to name-calling and I am a scientist not a name-caller
HOWEVER, (note that capital letters) if I can be persuaded that such is
not the case in his attitude, and I welcome opinions, then I may be
swayed to indeed proceed with such a debate and would welcome the
opportunity. I do have to peruse the documents on Cydonia though and
make sure that I understand enough of what he is trying to say to be
able to proceed first and foremost. If it is gibberish to me, I cannot
counter him adequately so I hope it is well-written.
thanks for the request!
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 14:24:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Cydonia Breakthrough
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

From reading his reply it appears that he has extra "knowledge" that he
is going to be calling on that I will not have access to stack
the deck so to speak. I am afraid I cannot set myself up for a kill
like that. I will look at the docs anyway and think about it.
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Aug 89 15:43:12 GMT
From: DALNEWS <>
Subject: What's all this about Fyffe

People on Paranet keep alluding to sightings at Fyffe (Alabama??).
Can someone provide the details???

Stuart Watson
Halifax, Nova Scotia

ARTICLE SUBMISSION info-paranet@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM

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