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VISION-LIST Digest Volume 13 Issue 18

VISION-LIST Digest Fri Apr 22 15:56:37 PDT 94 Volume 13 : Issue 18
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Today's Topics:
Fast CCD cameras
Request for code in C to compute region adjancency graph
Computational Vision Based on Neurobiology
New book on Mathematical Morphology
Announcement of PAMI TC Meeting at CVPR '94.
ICARCV'94 final call-4-papers
Los Alamos Computational Science Workshop
1994 Perlis Symposium at Yale University
CFP: IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis
NIPS for vision researchers
IJCAI-95 Call for Participation
CFP: 1995 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing
Summer School on Mathematical Morphology
Date: 21 Apr 1994 22:15:53 GMT
From: (Arun Krishnan)
Subject: Fast CCD cameras
Organization: Center for Reliable and High-Performance Computing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Summary: Need info on fast ccd cameras
Keywords: CCD cameras
Does anyone know the maximum possible frame rate available from
a CCD camera? I have heard about 1000 and 500 frames per second
CCD cameras. Does anyone have any more information?
Also, what is a good reference to find out the exact workings of
a CCD camera?
Thanks in advance
Arun Krishnan
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 14:37:29 -0400
From: Adam Hoover <hoover@ug.CSEE.USF.EDU>
Subject: Request for code in C to compute region adjancency graph
Does anyone have a reliable implementation (in C) of an algorithm that
computes a region adjancency graph? Preferably, the code needs to work
on 8-bit pixel values.
Thanks very much,
Adam Hoover
University of South Florida
[ It would be nice to put such connected components/region adjacency code
into the Vision List Archive. phil... ]
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 18:08:11 PDT
From: (Teri Lawton)
Subject: Computational Vision Based on Neurobiology
The Proceedings of a symposium "Computational Vision Based On
Neurobiology" whose objective was to communicate the importance of using
neurobiology to develop robust computational vision systems is now available.
Neurobiology is providing new insights into the mechanisms used for pattern
discrimination and recognition. Biological systems use multiple object
attributes to construct a 3-D perception from an initial 2-D representation.
Papers at this symposium discussed several important attributes of
neurobiology that must be taken into account by any robust computational
visual system. These attributes include: modular construction, competitive and
cooperative neural nnetworks, and dynamic object-based representations of 3-
D object space. The symposium contained 23 papers organized into six
sections covering many of the fundamental levels of analysis needed for high
level pattern recognition. The six sections include: Nature of Representation of
Images in the Brain, Mechanisms Used for Stereopsis, Cortical Color
Mecahnisms, and Dynamic Gain Control of Movement: Low Level and High
Level Mechanisms, and Dynamic Object-Based Scene Analysis Using
Multiple Attributes.
This symposium was designed to bring together scientists who use a
multiattribute approach for analyzing an observer's perception to provide
new insights into the different processing modules, and those who are
developing computational models that must analyze complex scenes at real-
time frame rates. A two hour evening workshop that discussed Dynamic
Object-Based Scene Analysis Using Multiple Attributes is also included in
the Proceedings. It is hoped that the broad range of relevant topics being
presented at this symposium will serve to encourage interactions among
scientists in psychophysics, neurobiology, comptutational vision, image
processing, and biomedical engineering.
Computational Vison Based on Neurobiology
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2024, ISBN 0-8194-1314-1
Hardbound: $69/$82/$91 Softbound: $57/$68/$76
Price Key: Member/Working Group Member/Nonmember
To order, contact SPIE: P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 USA
Phone: 206/676-3290 Fax: 206/647-1445
OPTOLINK -- Telnet: E-mail:
5% shipping added in N. America; 10% outside N. America
Sales tax added for CA, WA, and FL; GST for Canada
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 14:48:58 +0200
Subject: New book on Mathematical Morphology
Morphological Image Operators
(supplement 25 to "Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics")
Henk J.A.M. Heijmans
Academic Press, Boston, January 1994, 520pp., $95.00/ISBN 0-12-014599-5
Researchers in image processing, pattern recognition, and computer vision;
applied mathematicians; graduate students in image processing
This supplement to the prestigious "Advances in Electronics and Electron
Physics" Series (Supplement 25) presents a systematic and self-contained
treatment of mathematical morphology. Morphological Image Operators
begins with a comprehensive introduction for the inexperienced, and
continues with a detailed exposition of the algebraic approach to
morphology, topological and geometrical aspects, applications to binary
and grey-scale images, and a thorough treatment of morphological
filters. The theories are presented with many concrete examples wherever
possible, and depicted by numerous graphical illustrations and pictures.
1. First Principles
2. Complete Lattices
(Boolean lattices; Regular closed sets; Boolean functions)
3. Operators on Complete Lattices
(Adjunctions, dilations, erosions; Openings and closings;
Conditional operators; Activity ordering; Centre operator)
4. Operators which are Translation Invariant
(Set model for binary images; Hit-or-miss operator; Dilation and erosion;
Opening and closing; Boolean functions; Grey-scale morphology)
5. Adjunctions, Dilations, and Erosions
(Properties of adjunctions, T-invariance (Abelian and non-abelian case);
Representation theorems; Matrix morphology; Polar morphology;
Translation--rotation morphology)
6. Openings and Closings
(Algebraic theory; Annular openings; Openings from inf-overfilters;
Granulometries; Dominance and incidence structures
7. Hit-or-Miss Topology and Semi-Continuity
(Topological and metrical spaces; Hausdorff metric; Hit-or-miss topology;
Myope topology; Semi-continuity; Basis representations)
8. Discretization
(Morphological sampling; Covering discretization)
9. Convexity, Distance, and Connectivity
(Geodesic distance; M-convexity; Metric dilations; Distance transform;
Geodesic and conditional operators; Granulometries; Skeleton;
Discrete metric spaces)
10. Lattice Representations of Functions
(Semi-continuous functions; Thresholding; Colour images)
11. Morphology for Grey-Scale Images
(Flat function operators; Boolean functions; Umbra transform;
Finite grey-value sets and truncation; Granulometries)
12. Morphological Filters
Filters, overfilters, inf-overfilters, strong filters; Invariance domain;
The middle filter; Alternating sequential filters)
13. Filtering and Iteration
(Order convergence and continuity; Iteration and idempotence;
Iteration of the centre operator; From centre operator to middle filter;
Self-dual operators and filters)
Notation Index
Subject Index
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 13:02:09 -0400
From: Dr Kevin Bowyer <>
Subject: Announcement of PAMI TC Meeting at CVPR '94.
There will be a meeting of the IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (ie. the
PAMI TC) at CVPR '94 on Tuesday, June 21, at 7:00 pm in the
conference hotel, the Seattle Westin Hotel. The tentative room
assignment (not very likely to change) is the "Cascade Ballroom II".
Please note the date and send agenda items for the meeting to
Linda Shapiro, TC chair. Items of interest include reports on
past conferences/workshops, announcements and votes for approval
of new conferences/workshops, proposals for future CVPRs, and any
other business of concern to the TC.
Linda Shapiro
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, FR-35
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 10:51:37 +0800
From: Wang Han <>
Subject: ICARCV'94 final call-4-papers
8-11 NOVEMBER 1994
The Third International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer
Vision, ICARCV'94, will be held in Singapore on 8-11 November 1994. The theme
of ICARCV'94 is "Intelligent Automation". The conference will provide a forum
for automation professionals, manufacturing engineers and academic researchers
to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experience. The conference
will focus on both theory and applications. In addition to the technical
sessions, there will be plenary, invited and tutorial sessions. Also an
exhibition will be held in conjunction with the technical and poster sessions.
Papers describing original work in, but not limited to, the following
research areas are invited:
Robot Control Image Processing and Interpretation
Mobile Robots and Navigation 3-D/Colour/Stereo Image Analysis
Task Planning Dynamic Scene Analysis
Intelligent Sensors and Actuators Vision Systems
Micro-Robots Pattern Recognition & Applications
Robot Design and Simulation Machine Intelligence
Multiple Robots
Flexible Manufacturing Systems *AI & EXPERT SYSTEMS*
Process Automation & Networking *NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY SYSTEMS*
Man-machine Interaction *REAL TIME SYSTEMS*
On-line Process Monitoring&Control *PETRI NETS AND APPLICATIONS*
Factory Modelling and Automation
Submission Procedures :
Papers must be written in English and should describe the work in detail.
Three copies of the full paper must be submitted for review. Please include in
the forwarding letter the author's name to whom the correspondence should be
addressed, address for communication, contact telephone and fax numbers, e-
mail addresses and also the broad classification under which the paper can be
included. Please indicate your preference for regular or poster session.
Participants will be required to register upon notification of acceptance
of their papers. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings only
if at least one of the authors is officially registered. The length of the
final paper in the proceedings will be limited to a max of 5 pages (5 mats B4
size), including figures, tables and references. There will be a charge of
S$100 per page for papers exceeding 5 pages.
| Selected papers will be published in International Engineering Journals. |
Invited Sessions : The Programme Committee is also soliciting proposals for
invited sessions focusing on new or emerging technologies relevant to the
ICARCV'94 theme. Please submit proposals to the Technical Programme Chairman,
Professor N. Sundararajan, before 31 March 1994.
Exhibitions : Exhibition of products related to the ICARCV'94 theme is
invited. Information is available upon request.
Please submit three copies of the full paper for review to :
Professor N. Sundararajan
c/o ICARCV '94 Conference Secretariat
Institution of Engineers, Singapore
70 Bukit Tinggi Road, Singapore 1128
Republic of Singapore
Tel : (65) 469 5000, Fax : (65) 467 1108
Telex : RS 22992 IESIN
E-mail: (Internet)
ensundara@ntuvax.bitnet (Bitnet)
Author's Schedule :
30 April 1994 Receipt of full paper
31 May 1994 Notification of Acceptance
31 July 1994 Receipt of Camera Ready Manuscript
31 August 1994 Advance Registration Deadline
School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University
Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)
Defence Science Organisation(DSO)
GINTIC Institute of Manufacturing Technology(GIMT)
Instr. & Control Society, Singapore
National Computer Board(NCB)
National Science and Technology Board(NSTB)
Singapore Computer Society(SCS)
Singapore Industrial Automation Assoc.
In cooperation with:
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
IEEE Neural Network Council
Date: 15 Apr 1994 19:37:10 GMT
From: (Computer Science Workshop)
Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Subject: Los Alamos Computational Science Workshop
Advanced Computing Laboratory / EECE Department
Los Alamos National Laboratory / University of New Mexico
Computational Science Workshop
Call For Participants
Summer 1994 Session --- August 1-5, 1994
The Advanced Computing Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory and
the University of New Mexico Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
invite scientists and engineers to participate in the summer session of the
1994 Los Alamos Computational Science Workshop. The workshop,
which will be held on the campus of the University of New
Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, provides an opportunity for professionals
to explore the application of high performance computing to current
scientific problems.
The research environment at Los Alamos National Laboratory fosters
high performance computing methodologies and innovative multi-
disciplinary collaborations. Los Alamos has always been a leader in high
performance computing; many of the nation's scientific "grand challenge"
problems -- fundamental problems with broad economic and scientific
impact -- are being addressed by researchers at the Laboratory.
The Workshop is a seminar on high performance computational methods,
environments and tools. It will consist of a one-week intensive overview
presenting the technologies, the methodologies and the applications of high
performance computing.
Specific topics that will be addressed will include:
* Advanced Computer Architectures * Distributed Computing
* High Speed Networking * Models of Parallel Programming
* Performance Measurement * Scientific Visualization
* Parallel Numerical Methods * High Performance Computing
Those registering for the workshop should have:
* Fortran or C programming experience or coursework
* familiarity with UNIX
* a strong foundation in physical or engineering sciences
There are no registration fees associated with the workshop.
As a part of completing the registration form below, each
applicant is requested to include a short statement of his/her
research interests.
WORKSHOP: August 1-5, 1994
-------------------------Registration cut here------------------------------
Advanced Computing Laboratory / EECE Department
Los Alamos National Laboratory / Univ of New Mexico
1994 Computational Science Workshop
Registration Form
last First middle
HOME ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________
city state zip
HOME PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________________
DEPARTMENT OR GROUP:_____________________________________MAIL STOP:________
EMPLOYER ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________
city state zip
WORK ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________
(if different than employer) street
city state zip
WORK PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________________
FAX NUMBER:________________________________________________________________
ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS:___________________________________________________
MY RESEARCH INTERESTS: _____________________________________________________
EECE, Robert Luke
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1356
or email to:
Voice: (505) 277-2883
FAX: (505) 277-1413, Attn: Robert Luke
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 09:46:38 -0400
From: hager-greg@CS.YALE.EDU (Greg Hager)
Subject: 1994 Perlis Symposium at Yale University
On April 28, 1994,the Computer Science Department will sponsor an annual
Alan J. Perlis Symposium entitled "Robotics: The Next Millenium".
The day's activities are:
9:45 - Opening remarks by Chairman Drew McDermott
10:00 - Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon - "Autonomous Robots"
11:00 - Ruzena Bajcsy, University of Pennsylvania - "Cooperative Agents:
Machines and Human"
1:30 - Dana Ballard, University of Rochester - "Deictic Behaviors"
2:30 - Rodney Brooks, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - "The Turing
Challenge: Humanoid Robots"
4:00 - Panel discussion
A public reception will be held at the Department of Computer Science,
Arthur K. Watson Hall, immediately after the symposium.
All talks are free and open to the public.
William Harkness Hall
Sudler Hall, Room 201
100 Wall Street
For information please call Judy Smith at (203) 432-1997 or Linda
Bourne at (203) 432-1283.
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 10:33:58 -0400
From: Dmitry Goldgof <>
Subject: CFP: IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis
IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis
The Westin Hotel --- Seattle, Washington
June 24-25, 1994
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and PAMI Technical Committee
The purpose of this workshop is to foster dialogue and debate which will more
sharply focus attention on important unsolved problems associated with biomedical
image analysis. The workshop will be held in conjunction with CVPR'94.
Thomas Huang, University of Illinois (
Dmitry Goldgof, University of South Florida (
Raj Acharya, State University of New York at Buffalo (
Nicholas Ayache, INRIA, France Eric Grimson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alan Bovik, Univ. of Texas, Austin Ramesh Jain, University of California, San Diego
Kim Boyer, Ohio State University Sandy Pentland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kevin Bowyer, Univ. of South Florida Stephen Pizer, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Horst Bunke, Univ. of Bern, Switzerland Ajit Singh, Siemens, Inc.
David Chelberg, Purdue University George Stockman, Michigan State University
Chun-Tu Chen, University of Chicago Yung-Nien Sun, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
Chang Wen Chen, Univ. of Rochester Torfinn Taxt, University of Bergen, Norway
Edward Delp, Purdue University Demetri Terzopoulos, University of Toronto, Canada
James Duncan, Yale University Massimo Tistarelli, University of Genova, Italy
Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Nagoya University, Japan
LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIR James Lee, NeoPath Inc., 1750 112th Ave NE, Suite B-101,
Bellevue, WA 98004, (
EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Chandra Kambhamettu, University of South Florida
Friday, June 24
7:30 AM - registration
8:00 AM - welcome
8:10 - 9:50 AM - Plenary Session
9:50 - 10:10 AM - coffee break
Session 1 - Image Segmentation and Reconstruction (10:10 - 11:50 AM)
The External Mesh and the Understanding of 3D Surfaces
Jean-Philippe Thirion, INRIA, France
An Integrated Approach to Boundary Finding in Medical Images
Amit Chakraborty, L. H. Staib and James S. Duncan
Yale University, USA
Learning-Based Ventricle Detection from Cardiac MR and CT Images
John J. Weng, Ajit Singh and M. Y. Chiu
Michigan State University, Siemens corporate research, USA
Multispectral Analysis of the Brain in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Torfinn Taxt and Arvid Lundervold, University of Bergen, Norway
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Kidney from Ultrasonic Images
Yung-Nien Sun, Jiann-Shu Lee, Jai-Chie Chang and Wei-Jen Yao
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
11:50 - 1:00 PM - lunch
Session 2 - Motion Analysis and Deformable Models I (1:00 - 3:00 PM)
Deformable Models for Tagged MR Images: Reconstruction of Two-
and Three-Dimensional Heart Wall Motion
Alistair A. Young, Dara L. Kraitchman, Leon Axel
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, USA
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, USA
3D Displacement Field Reconstruction from Planar Tagged Cardiac MR Images
Thomas S. Denney Jr. and Jerry L. Prince
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Classification of Nonrigid Motion in 3D Images using Physics-Based
Modal Analysis, Chahab Nastar and Nicholas Ayache, INRIA, France
Issues in Fitting Modal Models to Medical Data
Stan Sclaroff and Alex P. Pentland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Non-Rigid Motion Analysis and Feature Labelling of the Growth Cone
Stacy H. Gwydir, Helen M. Buettner, Stanley M. Dunn
RUTGERS, The State University of New York, USA
Shape-Based 4D Left Ventricular Myocardial Funtion Analysis
P. Shi, A. Amini, G. Robinson, A. Sinusas, C. T. Constable and J. Duncan
Yale University, USA
3:00 - 3:20 PM - coffee break
Session 3 - Motion Analysis and Deformable Models II (3:20 - 5:20 PM)
Using Optical Flow to Analyse the Motion of Human Body Organs from Bioimages
Massimo Tistarelli and Giampiero Marcenaro, Universita`degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Spatio-Temporal Tracking of Material Shape Change
Keith A. Bartels and Alan C. Bovik
Southwest Research Institute, University of Texas at Austin, USA
A Novel Optical Flow Method for Measurement of Non-rigid motion
Amir Amini, Yale University, USA
A Sequential Filter for Temporal Analysis of Cardiac Motion
John C. McEachen II, Arye Nehorai, James S. Duncan, Yale University, USA
Automatic Extraction and Measurement of Leukocyte Motions in a
Microvessel Using Spatiotemporal Image Analysis
Yoshinobu Sato, Reza A. Zoroofi, Jian Chen, Noboru Harada,
Shinichi Tamura, Takeshi Shiga, Osaka university, Japan
Matching 3-D Anatomical Surfaces with Non-Rigid Deformations using Octree-Splines
Richard Szeliski and Stephane Lavallee
Digital Equipment Corporation, USA, Faculte de Medecine de Grenoble, France
Saturday, June 25
8:10 - 9:50 AM - Plenary Session
9:50 - 10:10 AM - coffee break
Session 4 - Data Visualization and Image Databases (10:10 - 12:10 PM)
Computer Vision and Graphics in Fluorescence Microscopy
Lawrence M. Lifshitz, Jeffrey A. Collins, Edwin D. Moore, John Gauch
University of Massachusetts Medical School, University of Kansas, USA
A Geometric Modeling Tool for Visualization of Human Anatomical Structures
Jean Hsu, David M. Chelberg, Charles F. Babbs, Purdue University, USA
Fitting of Iso-Surfaces Using Superquadrics and Free-Form Deformations
Eric Bardinet, Laurent D. Cohen and Nicholas Ayache, INRIA, France
A Distributed, Object-Oriented Framework for Medical Image Management
and Analysis: Application to Evaluation of Medical Segmentation Techniques
James F. Brinkley, University of Washington, USA
The Wrapper Algorithm for Surface Extraction in Volumetric Data
Andre Gueziec and Robert Hummel, New York University, USA
Image Processing in the Neurologic Sciences
F. Kruggel, A. Horsch, G. Mittelhauber and M. Schnabel
Technical University Munich, University Kaiserslautern, Germany
12:10 - 1:20 PM - lunch
Session 5 - Multimodality Image Analysis (1:20 - 3:00 PM)
Intermodality 3D Medical Image Registration with Global Search
Lawrence H. Staib and Xianzhang Lei, Yale University, USA
Multimodality Medical Imaging for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
Richard Wasserman, Jagath C. Rajapakse, and Raj Acharya
State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Brain Image Registration Based on Curve Mapping
Chris A. Davatzikos and Jerry L. Prince, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
Neuromagnetic Source Analysis with a 64-Channel SQUID System and MR Imaging
Kazuhiro Mino, Fumiaki Masakiyo, Noboru Niki, Itsuro Tamura
University of Tokushima, Japan
Computer Assisted Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using Helical X-ray CT
K. Kanazawa, N. Niki, H. Nishitani, H. Satoh, H. Omatsu, N. Moriyama
University of Tokushima, Japan
3:00 - 3:20 PM - coffee break
Session 6 - Image Analysis (3:20 - 5:00 PM)
A Markov random fields model for describing unhomogeneous textures:
generalized random stereograms
Milan Jovovic, University of Miami, USA
Application of stereo techniques to angiography:
Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Jean Hsu, Ke Shen, Frank B. Venezia Jr., David M. Chelberg,
Leslie A. Geddes, Charles A. Babbs, Edward J. Delp, Purdue University, USA
Feature Detection on 3-D Images of Dental Imprints
Morielle Mokhtari, Denis Laurendeau, Laval University, Canada
Automatic Registration for Multiple Sclerosis Change Detection
G. J. Ettinger, W. E. L. Grimson, T. Lozano-Perez, W. M. Wells III,
S. J. White and R. Kikinis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
TASC, Brigham and Womens Hospital, USA
A New Version of Computer Aided Screening System in Chest Photofluorograms
Akinobu SHIMIZU, Jun-ichi HASEGAWA and Jun-ichiro TORIWAKI
Nagoya University, Chukyo University, Japan
To register, just mail or fax this form to:
CVPR 94 Registration, IEEE Computer Society, 1730 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036-1992; FAX (202)728-0884.
For information, call (202)371-1013 (sorry, no phone registrations).
Please type or print:
Registration for IEEE Workshop for Biomedical Image Analysis
Name: Last/Family ___________________________________
First ___________________________________
Middle ___________________________________
Badge Name _____________________________
Company _________________________________
Address/Mailstop: ___________________________
City/State/Zip/Country _______________________
Daytime Phone Number _____________________
FAX Number _________________________
IEEE/CS Membership Number (required for member discount) ____________________
Advance (until 5/20/94) Late (after 5/20/94)
Member $ 125 $ 150
Non-member $ 150 $ 180
Student $ 60 $ 80
Total Enclosed (in U.S. dollars) $
Payment must be enclosed. Please make checks payable to IEEE Computer
Society. All payments must be in U.S. dollars, drawn on U.S. banks.
Method of Payment Accepted: Personal Check, Company Check, Traveler's Check
VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club,
Purchase Order (U.S. organizations only--must accompany registration form)
Card Number __________________________
Expiration Date ________________
Cardholder Name _____________________________________
Signature ____________________________
Registration fees include workshop attendance, refreshments at breaks, and
one copy of the workshop proceedings.
Written requests for refunds must be received in the IEEE Computer Society
office no later than 5/20/94. Refunds are subject to a $50 processing fee.
All no-show registrations will be billed in full. Students are required to
show current picture ID cards at the time of registration. Registrations
after 5/27/94 will be accepted on-site only.
If you are unable to attend this year's conference, you can order the
proceedings by calling 1-800-CS-BOOKS.
The Seattle Westin is located in downtown Seattle within easy walking
distance of many restaurants and tourist attractions.
Transportation to the Seattle Westin from the Seattle-Tacoma Airport can be
booked through Gray Line Coach at the airport. The current price is $12 for
roundtrip transportation. A taxi from the airport to the hotel will cost
approximately $28 one way. The CVPR conference rate for rooms at the
Seattle Westin hotel will be $96 for a single and $111 for a double, plus taxes.
The current tax rate is 15.2%. To obtain the conference rates at the Seattle Westin,
you must make your reservation by Monday May 30 at 5:00 pm Pacific time
and mention that you are attending CVPR at the time of booking.
All major credit cards are accepted by the hotel.
To make your reservation contact the hotel directly:
The Westin Hotel, 1900 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: (206) 728-1000 Fax: (206) 728-2007
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 94 09:50:59 -0700
Subject: NIPS for vision researchers
I'd like to encourage readers of Vision-List to submit to the NIPS
(Neural Information Processing Systems) conference this year. NIPS is
a very high quality meeting - about 5% of the submissions are accepted
for talks and about 20% for posters. (This is a stricter acceptance
standard than many journals!) NIPS is also very multi-displinary with
papers from neuroscience, computer science, and cognitive science as
well as many other fields.
There has always been a flow of ideas between computer vision and
neural visual processing. I'd like to see this continue and hope you
will submit your work to NIPS.
Please see the call for papers below for more details.
Subutai Ahmad
Area Chair for Visual Processing, NIPS 94
Neural Information Processing Systems
-Natural and Synthetic-
Monday, November 28 - Saturday, December 3, 1994
Denver, Colorado
This is the eighth meeting of an interdisciplinary conference
which brings together neuroscientists, engineers, computer
scientists, cognitive scientists, physicists, and mathematicians
interested in all aspects of neural processing and
computation. The conference will include invited talks, and oral
and poster presentations of refereed papers. There will be no
parallel sessions. There will also be one day of tutorial
presentations (Nov 28) preceding the regular session, and two
days of focused workshops will follow at a nearby ski area (Dec
Major categories for paper submission, and examples of keywords
within categories, are the following:
Neuroscience: systems physiology, cellular physiology, signal
and noise analysis, oscillations, synchronization, inhibition,
neuromodulation, synaptic plasticity, computational models.
Theory: computational learning theory, complexity theory,
dynamical systems, statistical mechanics, probability and
statistics, approximation theory.
Implementations: VLSI, optical, parallel processors, software
simulators, implementation languages.
Algorithms and Architectures: learning algorithms,
constructive/pruning algorithms, localized basis functions,
decision trees, recurrent networks, genetic algorithms,
combinatorial optimization, performance comparisons.
Visual Processing: image recognition, coding and
classification, stereopsis, motion detection, visual
Speech, Handwriting and Signal Processing: speech recognition,
coding and synthesis, handwriting recognition, adaptive
equalization, nonlinear noise removal.
Applications: time-series prediction, medical diagnosis,
financial analysis, DNA/protein sequence analysis, music
processing, expert systems.
Cognitive Science & AI: natural language, human learning and
memory, perception and psychophysics, symbolic reasoning.
Control, Navigation, and Planning: robotic motor control,
process control, navigation, path planning, exploration,
dynamic programming.
Review Criteria: All submitted papers will be thoroughly
refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, significance
and clarity. Submissions should contain new results that have
not been published previously. Authors are encouraged to submit
their most recent work, as there will be an opportunity after the
meeting to revise accepted manuscripts before submitting final
camera-ready copy.
Paper Format: Submitted papers may be up to eight pages in
length. The page limit will be strictly enforced, and any
submission exceeding eight pages will not be considered. Authors
are encouraged (but not required) to use the NIPS style files
obtainable by anonymous FTP at the sites given below. Papers must
include physical and e-mail addresses of all authors, and must
indicate one of the nine major categories listed above, keyword
information if appropriate, and preference for oral or poster
presentation. Unless otherwise indicated, correspondence will be
sent to the first author.
Submission Instructions: Send six copies of submitted papers to
the address given below; electronic or FAX submission is not
acceptable. Include one additional copy of the abstract only, to
be used for preparation of the abstracts booklet distributed at
the meeting. Submissions mailed first-class within the US or
Canada must be postmarked by May 21, 1994. Submissions from
other places must be received by this date. Mail submissions to:
David Touretzky
NIPS*94 Program Chair
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 USA
Mail general inquiries/requests for registration material to:
NIPS*94 Conference
NIPS Foundation
PO Box 60035
Pasadena, CA 91116-6035 USA
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NIPS*94 Organizing Committee: General Chair, Gerry Tesauro, IBM;
Program Chair, David Touretzky, CMU; Publications Chair, Joshua
Alspector, Bellcore; Publicity Chair, Bartlett Mel, Caltech;
Workshops Chair, Todd Leen, OGI; Treasurer, Rodney Goodman,
Caltech; Local Arrangements, Lori Pratt, Colorado School of
Mines; Tutorials Chairs, Steve Hanson, Siemens and Gerry Tesauro,
IBM; Contracts, Steve Hanson, Siemens and Scott Kirkpatrick, IBM;
Government & Corporate Liaison, John Moody, OGI; Overseas
Liaisons: Marwan Jabri, Sydney Univ., Mitsuo Kawato, ATR, Alan
Murray, Univ. of Edinburgh, Joachim Buhmann, Univ. of Bonn,
Andreas Meier, Simon Bolivar Univ.
-please post-
Date: 11 Apr 1994 21:12:17 GMT
From: (Rick Skalsky UUCPR ed
Organization: OpenLink, Inc
Subject: IJCAI-95 Call for Participation
IJCAI-95 will take place at the Palais de Congres, Montreal, August 20-25
The biennial IJCAI conferences are the major forums for the international
scientific exchange and presentation of AI research. The Conference Technical
Program will include workshops, tutorials, panels and invited talks, as well
as tracks for paper and videotape presentations.
Topics of Interest
Submissions are invited on substantial, original, and previously unpublished
research in all aspects of AI, including, but not limited to:
* Architectures and languages for AI (e.g. parallel hardware and software for
building AI systems)
* Artistic, entertainment and multimedia applications.
* Automated reasoning (e.g. theorem proving, abduction, automatic
programming, search, context management and truth maintenance systems,
constraint satisfaction, satisfiability checking)
* Cognitive modeling (e.g. user models, memory models)
* Connectionist and PDP models
* Distributed AI, autonomous agents, multi-agent systems and real-time
* Intelligent teaching systems
* Knowledge Engineering and Principles of AI applications (e.g. for design,
manufacturing control, grand challenge applications)
* Knowledge representation (e.g. logics for knowledge, action, belief and
intention, nonmonotonic formalisms, complexity analysis, languages
and systems for representing knowledge)
* Learning, knowledge acquisition and case-based reasoning
* Logic programming (e.g. semantics, deductive databases, relationships to
AI knowledge representation)
* Natural language (e.g. syntax, semantics, discourse, speech recognition
and understanding, natural language front ends, generation systems,
information extraction and retrieval)
* Philosophical foundations
* Planning and reasoning about action (including the relation between
planning and control)
* Qualitative reasoning and naive physics (e.g. temporal and spatial
reasoning, model-based reasoning, diagnosis)
* Reasoning under uncertainty (including fuzzy logic and fuzzy control)
* Robotic and artificial life systems (e.g. unmanned vehicles,
vision/manipulation systems)
* Social, economic and legal implications
* Vision (e.g. color, shape, stereo, motion, object recognition, active
vision, model-based vision, vision architectures and hardware, biological
Submissions must be received by 6th January 1995. Submissions received after
that date will be returned unopened. Authors should note that ordinary mail
can sometimes be considerably delayed, especially over the new year period,
and should take this into account when timing their submissions. Notification
of receipt will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon
after receipt.
Notification of acceptance or rejection: successful authors will be notified
on or before 20th March 1995. Unsuccessful authors will be notified by 27th
March 1995. Notification will be sent to the first author (or designated
Camera ready copies of the final versions of accepted papers must be received
by the publisher in the USA by 24th April 1995.
Note that at least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend
the conference to present the work.
Authors should submit six (6) copies of their papers in hard copy form. All
paper submissions should be to the following address. Electronic or fax
submissions cannot be accepted.
IJCAI-95 Paper Submissions,
American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
445, Burgess Drive,
Menlo Park, CA. 94025, USA.
(telephone (415) 328-3123, email
Appearance and Length
Papers should be printed on 8.5'' x 11'' or A4 sized paper. They must be a
maximum of 15 pages long, each page having no more than 43 lines, lines being
at most 140mm long and with 12 point type. Title, abstract, figures and
references must be included within this length limit. Papers breaking these
rules will not be considered for presentation at the conference.
Letter quality print is required. (Normally, dot-matrix printout will be
unacceptable unless truly of letter quality. Exceptions will be made for
submissions from countries where high quality printers are not widely
Title Page
Each copy of the paper must include a title page, separate from the body of
the paper. This should contain:
* Title of the paper
* Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and email
addresses (where these exist) of all authors. The first postal address
should be one that is suitable for delivery of items by courier service
* An abstract of 100-200 words
* A set of keywords giving the area/subarea of the paper and describing the
topic of the paper. This information, together with the title of the paper,
will be the main information used in allocating reviewers.
* The following declaration:
``This paper has not already been accepted by and is not currently under
review for a journal or another conference. Nor will it be submitted
for such during IJCAI's review period.''
Policy on Multiple Submissions
IJCAI will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under
review for a journal or another conference. Authors are also expected not to
submit their papers elsewhere during IJCAI's review period. These
restrictions apply only to journals and conferences, not to workshops and
similar specialized presentations with a limited audience.
Review Criteria
Papers will be subject to peer review, but this review will not be ``blind''
(that is, the reviewers will be aware of the names of the authors). Selection
criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance
of results and the quality of the presentation. The decision of the Program
Committee, taking into consideration the individual reviews, will be final
and cannot be appealed. Papers selected will be scheduled for presentation
and will be printed in the proceedings. Authors of accepted papers, or their
representatives, are expected to present their papers at the conference.
Distinguished Paper Awards
The Program Committee will distinguish one or more papers of exceptional
quality for special awards. This decision will in no way depend on whether
the authors choose to enhance their paper with a video presentation.
Other Calls
Calls for tutorial and workshop proposals and video presentations for
IJCAI-95 will be issued shortly.
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 94 14:47:07 +0300
From: (Nikos Nikolaidis)
Subject: CFP: 1995 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing
June 20-22, 1995. Hotel Meliton, Neos Marmaras, Halkidiki, Greece.
Ioannis Pitas,
Department of ECE, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Hans Burkhardt, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.
Moncef Gabbouj, Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Stephen Marshall, Strathclyde University, U.K.
Giovanni Sicuranza, University of Trieste, Italy.
S. Amari (Japan) G. Arce (U.S.A.)
J. Astola (Finland) Y. Attikiouzel (Australia)
J. Bezdek (U.S.A.) A. C. Bovik (U.S.A.)
A. G. Constantinides (U.K.) E. J. Coyle (U.S.A.)
N. C. Gallagher (U.S.A.) R. M. Haralick (U.S.A.)
S. Kassam (U.S.A.) B. Kosko (U.S.A.)
Y. H. Lee (South Korea) P. Maragos (U.S.A.)
V. J. Mathews (U.S.A.) S. K. Mitra (U.S.A.)
Y. Neuvo (Finland) C. L. Nikias (U.S.A.)
J. Serra (France) A. N. Venetsanopoulos (Canada)
L. Yaroslavsky (Russia) P. T. Yu (Taiwan)
Nikos Nikolaidis
FAX: +30-31-274868
The IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing is the second
in a series of international workshops presenting leading edge work in
nonlinear digital signal and image processing and computer vision. Held
in Tampere, Finland, in 1993, it moves to Greece in 1995.
The workshop will be held in a luxury holiday resort set in one of
the most unspoilt and picturesque regions in Greece at Neos Marmaras,
Halkidiki. The resort set embraces 4500 acres of countryside and
stretches along more than 10 kms of secluded coves and sandy beaches of
the Aegean Sea.
The workshop will consist of sessions with both invited and contributed
papers. The workshop proceedings will be published and distributed to
the participants of the workshop. Due to workshop facility constraints,
attendance will be limited with priority given to those who submit and
present a paper. Suitable topics include:
* Median and order statistics related methods.
Nonlinear processing of multivariate signals.
* Morphological signal/image processing and analysis.
* Volterra and general polynomial filters. Homomorphic processing.
* Neural network techniques. Fuzzy techniques. Chaotic systems.
* Higher order statistics applied to detection and estimation.
Nonlinear methods in signal estimation.
* Nonlinear methods in pattern recognition and computer vision.
* Nonlinear methods in coding and detection.
* Application specific nonlinearities. Implementation of nonlinear systems.
* Applications e.g. biomedical, speech, image and image sequence
processing etc.
* Parallel algorithms.
Prospective authors are invited to submit 3 copies of an extended
summary of no more than 3 pages to:
Prof. Ioannis Pitas
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
P.O. Box 463, 54006 Thessaloniki,
Tel.: +30-31-996304
FAX : +30-31-274868
The top of the first page of the summary should include authors' names,
addresses, affiliations, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses.
November 1, 1994 : Submission of extended summaries
January 10, 1995 : Notification of acceptance
March 1, 1995 : Receipt of camera-ready paper
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 94 10:34:08 +0100
From: Pierre Soille <>
Subject: Summer School on Mathematical Morphology
12 -- 14 September 1994
(Fontainebleau - France)
The purpose of this course is to present the tools of
Mathematical Morphology and to illustrate their use in image
analysis. The transformations are introduced in the set context
(binary image processing) and in the numerical context (greytone image
processing), in order to acquaint the audience with the similarities
and specific difficulties of these two different application areas.
Hands-on sessions will help the attendants to get familiar
with the notions introduced in the lectures by using the teaching
software MICROMORPH. Its tree structure enables an easy handling of
morphological tools of increasing difficulty. This training will be
sustained by demonstrations on image processors and audiovisual
Numerous operations will be presented:
* Erosions, dilations, openings, closings and size distributions.
* Morphological gradients, "top-hat" transforms, contrast operators.
* Morphological filters.
* Geodesic transformations.
* Segmentation tools: ultimate erosion, watershed, hierarchical operations.
* Measures, stereology, digitization.
These notions will be illustrated by numerous examples of
applications taken from biology, metallography, materials sciences,
geology, industrial vision, numerical radiology, etc.
This course does not require specific mathematical knowledge
nor prior background in morphological image processing. However, some
familiarity with microcomputers is an advantage for the hands-on
Centre de Morphologie Mathematique (ENSMP)
35, Rue Saint Honore
Phone (33) 1 64 69 47 06
Fax (33) 1 64 69 47 07
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 12 to 14 September 1994.
Language: English
(Check or money order, payable to ARMINES in French currency)
- 6000 FRF. for applications and payment received before 1st July 1994. (EEC
residents, add VAT, 18,6%)
- 8000 FRF. for applications received after this deadline.
- 50% rebate for students (registration and payment sent with a copy of your
student card).
The fees include:
* Registration.
* Course material.
* MICROMORPH software, DOS version (training package).
* Lunches, coffee breaks and refreshments.
Please ask for a registration form or register directly by mail, fax or
email to the following address:
Centre de Morphologie Mathematique
35, Rue Saint Honore
By email, send your message to:
Indicate your name, your job title/function, your institution and your
address. Registration shall be effective on receipt of payment.
IMPORTANT! The number of participants is limited, Register as soon as
possible. Deadline for registrations: 1st September 1994.
In case of cancellation after 31 August 1994, the fee will be refunded less
20% for photocopying and renting of course material.
They can be made on request by the CMM (contact the secretary:
Liliane PIPAULT by mail or email: before 1st July 1994.)
End of VISION-LIST digest 13.18