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VISION-LIST Digest Volume 12 Issue 11

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 · 11 months ago

VISION-LIST Digest    Wed Mar 10 12:04:42 PDT 93     Volume 12 : Issue 11 

- ***** The Vision List has changed hosts to TELEOS.COM *****
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Today's Topics:

Fish-eye transformation
OCR on NIST Database fl3
Requirement of Image Processing Package
ISPRS Working Group on Object Reconstruction
SPIE Conference: Photogrammetry and Scene Analysis
Conference on Understanding Images
AISB'93 Final Call
CFP: Neural Information Processing Systems
Paper: Modeling a Dynamic Environment Using a Bayesian Multiple Hypothesis Approach
List of References Re: Integration of Multiple 3d Views (long)


Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 14:38:30 GMT
From: (Giorgo Pappas(student Francis))
Subject: fish-eye transformation

I need some info, and I don't know where to get it.
Maybe you can help me?

I'm a grad student at the AI-Lab of the Free University of Brussels,
and I use a camera mounted on the ceiling (perpendicular to the floor) to track the path of an autonomous robot moving around in a room. To have a view as
large as possible, I use a fish-eye lens on the camera.
I heard somewhere that it is possible (ie. there are formulas) to transform
the distorted image back into a cartesian coordinate-system. So, what I need
are the formulas to undo the spherical aberations. These are formulas that
take (u,v) coordinates, and transform them into (x,y) coordinates in the
cartesian plane.

Do you know what I need to know? Or where I might get what I need to know?

Thanks for replying, if you can.



Date: 10 Mar 1993 13:45:30 GMT
From: (Dragos Luca)
Organization: Uni-GH Paderborn, Germany
Subject: OCR on NIST Database fl3
Keywords: OCR, Zernike transform

I am working on an OCR-problem for handprinted digits, using a RCE-similar
neural network developed at our University and features derived from the
Zernike moments. The algorithms have been tested on several sets of digits,
including the "fl3" NIST-dataset (a subset of NIST Special Database 1),
available via anonymous ftp from

Since I would like to compare my own and some other people's results on the
same data, I am looking for reports/papers about OCR experiments with this
database/dataset. Please send me a message if you have been using the
"fl3"-set in your work or if you know of anybody who has.

Please send all messages per e-mail, since we sometimes have problems with
our news-server.

Dragos Luca, University of Paderborn, Germany

| Dipl.-Ing. Dragos Luca | Universitaet-GH-Paderborn |
| Tel.: +49/5251/60-2239 | Fachbereich 14 |
| Fax.: +49/5251/60-3237 | Elektrische Messtechnik |
| Telex: 936 776 unipb d | Pohlweg 47-49 |
| e-mail: | D-4790 Paderborn |


Date: Tue Mar 9 17:03:35 1993
Subject: Requirement of Image Processing Package

Wanted a very good and latest Image Processing Package for R & D
work in Computer Vision and Image Processing . The package should run in
IBM-PC/AT or compatible under MS-DOS environment with VGA Monitor having
a minimum of 640 by 480 resolution and TVGA 8900C type of display controller.
Special features wanted in the package are the following :
(1) Quantisation and Coding (Freeman Chain Code, Generalised Chain Code,
Polycurve Code etc.)
(2) Different types of Orthogonal Transforms
(3) Image Registration
(4) Edge and Line detection
(5) Image Enhancement and Smoothing
(6) Image Geometric Correction
(7) Texture Analysis
(8) Region Segmentation
(9) Image Classification
(10) Restoration and
other desirable features.
Please contact immediately with details of the software
and the hardware requirements.

Telex : 021 4526 VEC IN D. Sarkar
Fax: +(91) 33 346871 Computer Facility
V.E.C. Centre
1/AF, Bidhan Nagar
Calcutta- 700 064, INDIA


Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1993 07:57:23 +0100
From: (Eberhard Guelch)
Subject: ISPRS Working Group on Object Reconstruction

International Society For Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

WORKING GROUP III/2: Geometric - Radiometric Models
and Object Reconstruction

Circular Letter No. 1 Stockholm, 93-03-04

Dear Colleague,
referring to discussions during the XVII. Congress of ISPRS in
Washington, 1992, Prof. H. Ebner, President of Commission III has
invited us to act as chairmen of the new Working Group III/2 entitled:

Geometric - Radiometric Models and Object Reconstruction

Please find enclosed the terms of reference and further information on
the new WG. The first meeting is planned to be held during the
Photogrammetric Week in Stuttgart from September 20 to 25, 1993
in cooperation with ISPRS WG III/3 (Semantic models and object recognition).
You are kindly invited to participate in the WG III/2.
Please indicate your interest to the WG secretary on the enclosed form.
The next circular will only be sent to those who give us an answer.
If you know colleagues also from related disciplines, who might be
interested in the WG III/2 and did not receive this circular letter,
please spread this information and invite them to reply as well.
Comments and suggestions concerning the activities of the WG are
very much appreciated.

With kind regards

Prof. K. Torlegard Prof. W. Foerstner

***** Terms of Reference *****

The following topics are treated by the Working Group:

A Geometric and radiometric image formation
B Reconstruction of image orientation and object points, lines and surfaces.
C Perceptual Grouping
D Geometric Reasoning
E Image transformations
F Image and surface segmentation

***** Planned Meetings *****

Sept. 20-25, 1993: WG "Planning Meeting" in cooperation with WG III/3
during Photogrammetric Week, Stuttgart
Sept. 5-9, 1994: WG Sessions during Symposium of Commission III, Munich
October 1995: Workshop on "Object Reconstruction", Bonn
Jul. 9-19 1996: WG Sessions during Congress of ISPRS, Vienna

***** Tests etc. *****

Collaboration with planned ISPRS WG III/3 test on "Automatic Extraction of
Buildings from Aerial Images".

Possible coordination of the establishment of a central WG meta database
about digital image data on buildings, available from active participants.

For members of this working group it could be of great interest to
participate in an experimental research project on topic
"Aerotriangulation Using Digitized Images" organized by OEEPE
(European Organization for Experimental Photogrammetric Research).
A set of 28 photographs will be scanned and distributed to the
participants. The distribution of the material is planned for May 1993.
Contact :
Prof. Tapani Sarjakoski (President of Commission A in OEEPE)
or Mr. Juha Jaakola (Head of the pilot center)
Finnish Geodetic Institute
Ilmalankatu 1A, SF-00240 Helsinki, Finland

Please send the following questionnaire no later than

MAY 15, 1993 to the secretary of WG III/2:

Eberhard Guelch
The Royal Institute of Technology
Department of Photogrammetry
S- 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
FAX: +46 8 790 6610

Q u e s t i o n n a i r e

I intend to actively participate in the WG III/2 yes ....
possible ....

If YES: Do you agree your address to be distributed yes ....
to the other members no ....

I am interested in the following topics
(cf. terms of reference)
A.... B.... C.... D.... E.... F ....

I would like to receive the circular letters of WG III/2 yes ....

I intend to submit a paper to the ISPRS Commission III yes ....
Symposium, Munich, September, 1994 possible ....

I would be interested to actively participate in a yes ....
test on object reconstruction possible ....

I can make digitized image material publicly available, yes ....
and I am prepared to submit info about them to a central possible ....
WG database

I would be interested to get access to yes ....
digitized image material possible ....

My Adress

Name .............................
Title ............................
Position .........................
Postal Address .........................................................
Telephone Number .................
Fax Number .......................
Email Address ....................
Particular project I am working on .....................................


Date: Wednesday, 10 March 1993 14:19:16 EST
From: Dave.McKeown@MAPS.CS.CMU.EDU
Subject: SPIE Conference: Photogrammetry and Scene Analysis

FINAL PROGRAM and Registration Information

SPIE Conference on Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene
Analysis and Machine Vision

April 14-15, 1993
Orlando, Fla.

First Day: Wednesday APRIL 14, 1993

SESSION 1............Wed. 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Photogrammetry and Computer Vision

Chair: Chris McGlone
Carnegie Mellon University

8:30 Integration of Photogrammetric Cues into Cartographic Feature
David McKeown and Chris McGlone,
Carnegie Mellon Univ.

9:00 Linear Features for Photogrammetric Restitution and Object Completion
Edward M. Mikhail, Purdue Univ.

9:30 Comparison of Two Terrain Extraction Algorithms: Hierarchical
Relaxation Correlation and Global Least Squares Matching
Greg Hermanson, John Hinchman, Urho Rauhala and Walt Mueller,
GDE Systems, Inc.

10:00 break

10:30 Global Image Matching and Surface Reconstruction in Object Space
using Aerial Images,
Heinrich Ebner, Christian Heipke, Technical Univ./Munich (FRG);
Mikael Holm, Technical Research Ctr. of Finland (Finland)

11:00 Use of Object Space Matching for Feature Extraction in Multiple
Aerial Images,
Toni Schenk and Charles Toth, The Ohio State Univ.

11:30 Applications of multisensor data fusion. The case of SPOT and ERS-1
Laurent Renouard, ISTAR (France)

12:00 Fast Autonomous Registration of Landsat, SPOT, and ADRG Map Data
Andrew Lee, Neil Carender, Douglas Knowlton,
Harris Information Systems Div.

12:30 - 2:00pm Lunch/Exhibit Break

SESSION 2.............Wed. 2:00 to 6:00 pm

Projective Invariants and Camera Modeling

Chair: Michael H. Brill,
Science Applications International Corp.

2:00 Photogrammetry and Projective Geometry -- An Historical Survey
Thomas Buchanan, Eberstadt (FGR)

2:30 The Relationship between Invarient Methods and Photogrammetry
Richard Hartley and Joe Mundy, GE Corporate Research and
Development Ctr.

3:00 Quasi-invariants in Computer Vision
Thomas O. Binford, Stanford Univ.

3:30 Break

4:00 Invariant Coordinates for Multiple Images of Three Dimensional
Objects, Eamon Barrett and Paul Payton, Lockheed Missiles & Space
Co., Inc.

4:30 Absolute Orientation of Photo Pairs Using GPS and Laser Profiles
J. Kilian, Univ. of Stuttgart (FRG)

5:00 Photogrammetric Techniques for Panoramic Cameras
Richard Hartley, GE Corporate Research and Development Ctr.

5:30 Quality and Performance Analysis of Automatic Relative Orientation
Beate Haala and Michael Hahn, Univ. of Stuttgart (FRG)

Topical Workshop

Wed. 14 April - 8:00 to 10:00 pm
International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Intercommission Working Group II/III

Meeting on Digital
Photogrammetric Workstations

Second Day: Thursday April 15, 1993

SESSION 3............Thurs. 8:30 am to Noon

Stereo and Multispectral Analysis

Chair: Eamon Barrett
Lockheed Missiles and Space Corp.

8:30 High Resolution Model Based Stereo
Philippe Saint-Marc, MATRA-MS2i (France); Nicholas Ayache, INRIA
(France); and Ngoc Le, MATRA-MS2i (France)

9:00 SPOT Stereo Matching for DTM Generation
Emmanual Baltsavias and Dirk Stallmann,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology/Zurich (Switzerland)

9:30 Some DEM applications in SAR imagery Frederic Perlant, ISTAR (France)

10:00 Break

10:30 Identification of Man-made Structures from Automatically Derived
Terrain Elevation Data
F. Raye Norvelle, U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Ctr.

11:00 Automatic Recognition of USGS Land Use/Cover Categories Using
Statistical and Neural Network Classifiers
Elaine Pettit, Robert Bailey, and Ronald Bowden, E-Systems, Inc.

11:30 Effect of On-board Compression on Stereo and Classification
Rajiv Gupta, J. J. Bloomer, A. A. Abdel-Malek, R. Zinser,
GE Corporate Reseach and Development Ctr.

12:00 - 1:30 pm Lunch/Exhibit Break

SESSION 4.............Thurs. 1:30 to 3:30 pm

Digital Photogrammetric Workstations

Chair: Ian Dowman
Univ. College London (UK)

1:30 State-of-the-art of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations for
Topographic Applications
Christian Heipke, Technical Univ./Munich (FRG)

2:00 Low Cost Soft Copy Mapping
Eugene Denenyi, Univ. of New Brunswick (Canada)

2:30 Real-Time Extraction of Planimetric and Altimetric Features From
Digital Stereo Data Using a Digital Video Plotter
Thierry Toutin, Canada Ctr. for Remote Sensing (Canada);
Marc Beaudoin, ESRI Canada (Canada)

3:00 break

SESSION 5..............Thurs. 3:30 to 6:00 pm

Automated Construction of Cartographic Databases

Chair: George Lukes
U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center

3:30 Conceptual Design for a Model Supported Exploitation Workstation
for Imagery Analysts
Shirley Gee, Art Newman, Randy Onishi, and Ronald Tajii,
Hughes Aircraft Co.

4:00 Software Tools for Rapid Generation and Use of 3D Site Models to
Aid Imagery Analysts/Systems Performing Exploitation
Michael E. Murphy, Computing Devices International

4:30 Model-Based Feature Extraction
Walt Mueller, James Olson, John Hinchman, and Urho Rauhala,
GDE Systems, Inc.

5:00 Incorporating Vanishing-Point Geometry in Building Extraction
Chris McGlone and Jefferey A. Shufelt, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

5:30 Wrapup discussion and Closing


OE/Aerospace and Remote Sensing '93
12-16 April 1993
Marriott's Orlando World Center Resort and Convention Center
Orlando, Florida USA

Registration forms can be found in the SPIE Aerospace and Remote Sensing
Symposium Brochure: 12-16 April, 1993

Forms can be requested from:

SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 USA
Telephone: 206/676-3290
Telex: 46-7053
Telefax: 206/647-1445
OPTO-LINK 206/733-2998

In Europe:
Telephone: 49/30/883/9507
Telefax: 49/30/882/2028


Marriott's Orlando World Center

One World Center Drive
Orlando, Florida 32821 USA

Phone: 407/239-4200
Fax: 407/239-5777

Rates: Single: $127 Double: $138
(Up to 5 people per room)

Marriott Residence Inn: Lake Buena Vista
8800 Meadow Creek Drive
Orlando, FL 32821

Phone: 407/239-7700
Fax: 407/239-4116

Rates: $119 One bedroom suite (1 King bed/Double Sleeper sofa),
$129 Two bedroom suite (3 Queen beds/Double Sleeper sofa/
2 baths) (Plus 10% tax)

Radisson Inn Maingate

7501 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Highway (US 192 West)
Kissimmee, FL 34747

Phone: 407/396-1400
Fax: 407/396-0660

Rates: $79 single or double, (Plus 11% tax)


Date: Tue, 09 Mar 93 20:36:21 EST
From: "Dr. Francis T. Marchese" <MARCHESF@PACEVM.bitnet>
Subject: Conference on Understanding Images

School of Computer Science and Information Systems

Presents a Conference on UNDERSTANDING IMAGES
on Friday & Saturday
May 21-22,1993
9 a.m.- 6 p.m.


The Pace Downtown Theater
One Pace Plaza
(on Spruce Street between Park Row & Gold Street)
New York, NY 10038


Artists, designers, scientists, engineers and educators share the
problem of moving information from one mind to another. Traditionally,
they have used pictures, words, demonstrations, music and dance to
communicate imagery. However, expressing complex notions such as God
and infinity or a seemingly well defined concept such as a flower can
present challenges which far exceed their technical skills. The
explosive use of computers as visualization and expression tools has
compounded this problem. In hypermedia, multimedia and virtual
reality systems vast amounts of information confront the observer or
participant. Wading through a multitude of simultaneous images and
sounds in possibly unfamiliar representations, a confounded user asks:
What does it all mean?

Since image construction, transmission, reception, decipherment and
ultimate understanding are complex tasks strongly influenced by
physiology, education and culture; and since electronic media
radically amplify each processing step, then we, as electronic
communicators, must determine the fundamental paradigms for composing
imagery for understanding.

Therefore, the purpose of this conference is to bring together a
breadth of disciplines, including, but not limited to, the physical,
biological and computational sciences, technology, art, psychology,
philosophy, and education, in order to define and discuss the issues
essential to image understanding within the computer graphics context.

[... Conference information may be obtained from: ]

Dr. Francis T. Marchese
Computer Science Department
Pace University
1 Pace Plaza Room T-1704
New York, New York 10038
voice:(212)346-1803 fax:(212)346-1933


Date: Mon, 8 Mar 93 17:47:55 GMT
Subject: AISB'93 Final Call


A I S B' 9 3

The University of Birmingham
March 29th -- April 2nd 1993

The Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science conference AISB'93
will take place this year at the University of Birmingham from March
29th till April 2nd, with the general theme 'Prospects for Artificial

We are pleased to announce that in addition to the previously
announced prize offered by Integral Solutions Ltd. for the best
presented paper, there is also a prize donated by Wiley for the
technically best paper, consisting of the new edition of the
Encyclopaedia of AI.

The Conference Dinner will be in Birmingham's Repertory Theatre
overlooking Centenary Square.

* For a programme and registration form please email the auto-reply

* Other enquiries: AISB'93, School of Computer Science, The University of
Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, U.K.
Phone: +44-(0)21-414-3711 Fax: +44-(0)21-414-4281


Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 11:43:34 -0600
From: (Jack Cowan)
Subject: CFP: Neural Information Processing Systems


Neural Information Processing Systems
-Natural and Synthetic-
Monday, November 29 - Thursday, December 2, 1993
Denver, Colorado

This is the seventh meeting of an inter-disciplinary conference which
brings together neuroscientists, engineers, computer scientists,
cognitive scientists, physicists, and mathematicians interested in all
aspects of neural processing and computation.

There will be an afternoon of tutorial presentations (Nov 29)
preceding the regular session and two days of focused workshops will
follow at a nearby ski area (Dec 3-4).

Major categories and examples of subcategories for paper submissions
are the following:

NEUROSCIENCE: Studies and Analyses of Neurobiological Systems,
Inhibition in cortical circuits, Signals and noise in neural
computation, Theoretical Biology and Biophysics. THEORY:
Computational Learning Theory, Complexity Theory, Dynamical Systems,
Statistical Mechanics, Probability and Statistics, Approximation
Simulators, Implementation Languages, Parallel Processor Design and
Benchmarks. ALGORITHMS & ARCHITECTURES: Learning Algorithms,
Constructive and Pruning Algorithms, Localized Basis Functions, Tree
Structured Networks, Performance Comparisons, Recurrent Networks,
Combinatorial Optimization, Genetic Algorithms. COGNITIVE SCIENCE &
AI: Natural Language, Human Learning and Memory, Perception and
Psychophysics, Symbolic Reasoning. VISUAL PROCESSING: Stereopsis,
Visual Motion, Recognition, Image Coding and Classification. SPEECH &
SIGNAL PROCESSING: Speech Recognition, Coding, and Synthesis,
Text-to-Speech, Adaptive Equalization, Nonlinear Noise Removal.
CONTROL, NAVIGATION, & PLANNING: Navigation and Planning, Learning
Internal Models of the World, Trajectory Planning, Robotic Motor
Control, Process Control. APPLICATIONS: Medical Diagnosis or Data
Analysis, Financial and Economic Analysis, Timeseries Prediction,
Protein Structure Prediction, Music Processing, Expert Systems.

Technical Program: Plenary, contributed and poster sessions will be
held. There will be no parallel sessions. The full text of presented
papers will be published. Submission Procedures: Original research
contributions are solicited, and will be carefully refereed. Authors
must submit six copies of both a 1000-word (or less) summary and six
copies of a separate single-page 50-100 word abstract clearly stating
their results postmarked by May 22, 1993 (express mail is not
necessary). Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference
program. Summaries are for program committee use only. At the bottom
of each abstract page and on the first summary page indicate
preference for oral or poster presentation and specify one of the
above nine broad categories and, if appropriate, sub-categories (For
example: Poster, Applications, Expert Systems; Oral,
Implementation-Analog VLSI). Include addresses of all authors at the
front of the summary and ! the abstract and indicate to which author
correspondence should be addressed. Submissions will not be
considered that lack category information, separate abstract sheets,
the required six copies, author addresses, or are late.

Mail Submissions To:

Gerry Tesauro
The Salk Institute, CNL
10010 North Torrey Pines Rd.
La Jolla, CA 92037

Mail For Registration Material To:

NIPS*93 Registration
NIPS Foundation
PO Box 60035
Pasadena, CA 91116-6035

All submitting authors will be sent registration material
automatically. Program committee decisions will be sent to the
correspondence author only.

NIPS*93 Organizing Committee: General Chair, Jack Cowan, University of
Chicago; Publications Chair, Joshua Alspector, Bellcore; Publicity
Chair, Bartlett Mel, CalTech; Program Chair, Gerry Tesauro, Salk
Institute; Treasurer, Rodney Goodman, CalTech; Local Arrangements,
Chuck Anderson, Colorado State University; Tutorials Chair, Dave
Touretzky, Carnegie-Mellon, Workshop Chair, Mike Mozer, University of
Colorado, Government & Corporate Liaison, Lee Giles, NEC Research
Institute Inc.



Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1993 11:19:11 GMT
From: (Kam-Fai Wong)
Organization: European Computer-Industry Research Centre, Munich
Subject: CFP ACM SAC'94


1994 Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'94)

Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Arizona
March 6-8, 1994


Hal Berghel, University of Arkansas


Terry Hengl, Knowledge Technology Inc. and PC AI Magazine

Joseph Urban, Arizona State University


Ed Deaton, San Diego State University


Elis Awad (SIGBIT)
Hal Berghel University of Arkansas (SIGAPP)
George Hedrick Oklahoma State University
Richard Hetherington University of Missouri-KC
Abe Kandel University of South Florida
S. Lakshmivarahan University of Oklahoma
Irving Montanez Brookhaven Labs (SIGFORTH)
William Poucher Baylor University
Roy Rada University of Liverpool (SIGBIO)
Lynne Shaw Consultant (SIGAPL)
John Talburt University of Arkansas-LR
Glenn Thompson AMOCO
Elizabeth Unger Kansas State University (SIGSMALL/PC)
Joe Urban Arizona State University
Roger Wainwright University of Tulsa
Kam-Fai Wong ECRC

SAC '94

SAC is the annual conference of the ACM Special Interest
Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP). For the past eight
years, SACs have been a primary forum for applied computing
practitioners and researchers. Once again, SAC'94 will be
held in conjunction with the 1994 ACM Computer Science
Conference in Phoenix. This year, SAC'94 will bring together
SIGBIT, SIGFORTH and SIGSMALL/PC, each one of which will
have their own track within SAC'94.

Although papers and proposals, tutorials and workshops which
deal with the conference themes, namely, STRATEGIC TECHNOL-
especially encouraged, papers which deal with all areas of
applied computing are solicited. Of particular interests in
AI, Biomolecular Computing, Cognitive Science, Computational
Biology-Chemistry-Physics and Geosciences, Reliability,
Electronic Libraries, Multi-Media, Geographical Information
Systems, Image Processing, Logic and Symbolic Programming,
Office Automation, Software Reliability and Intelligent Sys-
tems. Proposals for special sessions and panels are also


Original papers from any aspects of applied computing will
be considered for presentation and publication in the SAC'94
Proceedings. This specifically includes these categories of
submissions: (1) original and unpublished research articles,
(2) reports of innovative applications in the arts, sci-
ences, engineering, business, government and industry, and
(3) reports of successful technology transfer to new problem
domains. Each category of submission will be reviewed by
peer groups appropriate to that category. Accepted papers
in all categories will be published in the Conference
Proceedings. Expanded versions of selected papers from all
categories will be considered for publication in the
ACM/SIGAPP quarterly Applied Computing Review.

In order to facilitate the blind external review process,
submission guidelines must be strictly adhered to:

+ Submit 5 copies of original manuscript to Joseph Urban,
Program Co-chair, at the address below.

+ Author name(s) and address(es) MUST NOT appear in the
body of the paper, and self-reference should be in the
third person.

+ The body of paper should not exceed 5,000 words (20
pages, double-spaced) without prior approval.

+ Separate cover sheet should be attached to each copy,
containing the (1) title, (2) author(s) and
affiliation(s), (3) address (including email and fax
number) to which correspondence should be addressed.

+ Papers relating to SIGAPL, SIGBIO, SIGBIT, SIGFORTH and
SIGSMALL/PC participation should be clearly identified
as such so that they may be directed to appropriate
track chairs. Look for further information in these
SIG newsletters.

OCTOBER 1, 1993.


Papers Due: Oct. 1, 1993
Panel Proposals Due: Oct 1, 1993
Conference Begins: March. 6, 1994


Ed Deaton
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182
Tel: +1 619 594 5962
Fax: +1 619 594 6746


Joseph Urban
Dept. of Computer Science and Eng.
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287
Tel: +1 602 965 2774
Fax: +1 602 965 2751

Terry Hengl
PC AI Magazine
3310 West Bell Road
Suite 119
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Tel: +1 602 971 1869
Fax: +1 602 971 2321


Date: Tue, 9 Mar 93 14:57:43 EST
From: (Sunita Hingorani)
Subject: Paper: Modeling a Dynamic Environment Using a Bayesian Multiple Hypothesis Approach

The following paper has been accepted for publication
in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Science
Publishers. A postscript preprint is obtainable via anonymous
ftp to

The files are pub/sunita/AI/

Modeling a Dynamic Environment Using
a Bayesian Multiple Hypothesis Approach

Ingemar J. Cox John J. Leonard
NEC Research Institute MIT Sea Grant College Program
4 Independence Way E38-308A, 292 Main Street
Princeton, NJ 08540 Cambridge, MA 02139


Dynamic world modeling requires the integration of multiple sensor
observations obtained from multiple vehicle locations at different
times. A crucial problem in this interpretation task is the presence
of uncertainty in the origins of measurements (data association or
correspondence uncertainty) as well as in the values of measurements
(noise uncertainty). Almost all previous work in robotics has not
distinguished between these two very different forms of uncertainty.
In this paper we propose to model the uncertainty due to noise, e.g.
the error in an object's position, by conventional covariance
matrices. To represent the data association uncertainty, an
hypothesis tree is constructed, the branches at any node representing
different possible assignments of measurements to features. A
rigorous Bayesian data association framework is then introduced that
allows the probability of each hypothesis to be calculated. These
probabilities can be used to guide an intelligent pruning strategy.

The multiple hypothesis tree allows decisions concerning the
assignment of measurements to be postponed. Instead, many different
hypotheses are considered. Expected observations are predicted for
each hypothesis and these are compared with actual measurements.
Hypotheses that have their predictions supported by measurements
increase in probability compared with hypotheses whose predictions are
unsupported. By ``looking ahead'' two or three time steps and
examining the probabilities at the leaves of the tree, very accurate
assignment decisions can be made.

For dynamic world modeling, the approach results in multiple world
models at a given time step, each one representing a possible
interpretation of all past and current measurements and each having an
associated probability. In addition, each geometric feature has an
associated covariance that models the uncertaity due to noise.

This framework is independent of the sensing modality,
being applicable to most temporal data association problems. It is
therefore appropriate for the broad class of vision, acoustic and
range sensors currently used on existing mobile robots.
Preliminary results using ultrasonic range data demonstrate the
feasibility of the approach.

Sunita L. Hingorani
NEC Research Institute
4 Independence Way
NJ 08540

phone: 609 951 2729
fax: 609 951 2482
email: (Inet)


Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1993 10:29:19 GMT
From: (Asim Javed)
Organization: Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK
Subject: List of References Re: Integration of Multiple 3d Views (long)

Some time ago I requested info on the above subject.
I was literally overwhelmed by the response! Here's a list of the
references that were given to me by kind souls on the net.

I've taken some liberty in editing the formats for the sake of
consistency, and haven't sorted them in any way (sorry).

Thanks to all those who responded.

Have fun!



N. Ahuja and J. Veenstra:
"Generating Octrees from Object Silhouettes in Orthographic Views",
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M. Soucy and D. Laurendeau:
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Proceedings of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 1992
pp 348-353

M. Soucy, D. Laurendeau:
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Proc. of 11th Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition,The Hague,Netherlands,
pp. 449-452, August 30-Sept. 3, 1992.

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range views", 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic
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Z. Zhang and O.D. Faugeras:
"A 3D World Model Builder with a Mobile Robot",
Int'l J. Robotics Research, vol. 11, no. 4, pp 269-285, August 1992

M. Soucy and D. Laurendeau:
"Generating Non-redundant Surface Representations of 3-D Objects Using
Multiple Range Views,"
Proc. 10th Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, N.J.,
June 16-21 1990, pp. 198-200.

M. Soucy and D. Laurendeau:
"A Robust Multi-Operator 3-D Edge Detection Approach for Range Image
Proc. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Ottawa, Canada, September 4-6 1990, pp. 37.4.1-37.4.4

M. Soucy and D. Laurendeau:
"Hierarchical Surface Triangulation of Range Data",
Proc, Canadian Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Quebec, Canada,
september 25-27 1991, pp. 4.4.1-4.4.1.

M. Soucy and D. Laurendeau:
"Building a Surface Model of an Object Using Multiple Range Views",
Proc. SPIE's Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X: Neural,
Biological, and 3D Methods, Boston, Mass., November 10-15 1991, pp. 85-96.

M. Soucy, A. Croteau and D. Laurendeau:
"A Multi-Resolution Surface Model for Compact Representation of Range Images",
Proc. of IEEE Tntl Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Nice, France,
May 10-15 1992, pp. 1701-1706.

M. Soucy and D. Laurendeau:
"Multi-Resolution Surface Modeling from Multiple Range Views",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Urbana-Champaign, USA, June 15-18 1992, pp. 348-353.

M. Soucy and D. Laurendeau:
"Surface Modelling from Dynamic Integration of Multiple Range Views",
Proc. of 11th Intl Conf. on Pattern Recognition,
The Hague, The Netherlands, Aug. 3- Sept. 3 1992, pp. 449-452.

R. Bergevin, D. Laurendeau, and D. Poussart:
"Estimating the 3D Rigid Transformation Between Two Range Views of a Complex
Proc. of 11th Intl Conf. on Pattern Recognition, The Hague, The Netherlands,
Aug. 3- Sept. 3 1992.

Soucy, G. and Ferrie, F.P.:
"Multi-View Surface Reconstruction Using Curvature and Motion Cons istency",
Proc. Second Intl Workshop on Sensor Fusion and Environmental Modelling,
Oxford, U.K., September 2-6, 1991.

Yoshiaki Shirai
"Three-Dimensional Computer Vision"
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1987
ISBN: 3-540-15119-2

Sutherland, Ivan:
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, 2nd ed
Rogers and Adams
McGraw-Hill 1990
Chapter 3, Section 3-21 pp 200--206

Here are some sites with 3d reconstruction source/stereo images/etc.


Host (
Location: /pub/image
FILE rw-r--r-- 19947 Oct 6 03:46 stereo.c

Host (
Location: /
DIRECTORY r-xr-xr-x 512 Nov 5 1990 uil_stereo_motion
Location: /cmu_files/desc
FILE rw-r--r-- 3028 Dec 11 1990 desc.stereo
Location: /george
DIRECTORY r-xr-xr-x 512 Nov 2 1990 stereo

Host (
Location: /mounts/epix/iwiftp/public/portal/pictures
DIRECTORY rwxrwxr-x 512 Oct 11 18:41 stereo

Host (
Location: /pub
DIRECTORY rwxr-xr-x 512 Jul 9 20:57 stereo

Host (
Location: /pub
FILES: combine.tar.Z, shading.tar.Z,,

Host (
Location: /pub/academic/computer-science/virtual-reality/3d/sterograms
FILE r--r--r-- 51549 May 10 1992 stereo1.gif
Location: /pub/academic/computer-science/virtual-reality/3d/sterograms
FILE r--r--r-- 5414 Mar 18 1992 more.stereograms

Host (
Location: /pub/lendl/programs
FILE rw-r--r-- 14682 Jun 18 23:19 3d_stereo.pas

Host (
Location: /graphics/graphics/mirrors/
DIRECTORY rwxr-xr-x 512 Dec 5 15:14 stereo_pairs

Date: Mon, 08 Mar 93 13:55:30 -0600
From: Bikash Sabata <>
Subject: Non-rigid motion form Image sequences.
Status: RO


I am planning to do a review of all the techniques used in estimating
non-rigid motion from image sequences for a class project. I would appreciate
it if you can send me any information and references dealing with the topic. I
plan to cover both 2-D and 3-D image sequences. You can send me e-mail at

I will compile all the information I recieve and post it here so that anyone
can use it.



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