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VISION-LIST Digest Volume 11 Issue 37

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 · 9 months ago

VISION-LIST Digest    Mon Oct 12 12:00:46 PDT 92     Volume 11 : Issue 37 

- Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM
- Vision List Digest available via COMP.AI.VISION newsgroup
- If you don't have access to COMP.AI.VISION, request list
membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM
- Access Vision List Archives via anonymous ftp to FTP.ADS.COM

Today's Topics:

Availability of isolated hand-print digit images via anonymous ftp
FTP'able imagery
Radial distortion calibration
Contour growing algorithm
Anyone have code for polygon operations?
Survey on OO Techniques in Image Processing
Underwater Imaging References?
NeuralNets and Image Restoration
Proposal from Lithuania
Optical flow
2D CAD image recognition...
Trouble mating camera to electron microscope
Image segmentation
TR available via ftp
TR available via ftp
Applied Imagery and Pattern Recognition Workshop
8SCIA (Second Call for Papers)
Final Announcement: IEEE Vis 92
TENCON'92 International Symposium and Tutorials


Date: Fri, 9 Oct 92 11:53:14 EDT
From: Darrin Dimmick X4147 <>
Organization: National Institute of Standards and Technology
formerly National Bureau of Standards
Subject: Availability of isolated hand-print digit images via anonymous ftp

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Announces the availability of a set of isolated hand-print digit images via
anonymous ftp

| Fl3 |

The distribution of isolated characters named "fl3" contains 3,471 total
characters from 49 different writers and is a subset of "NIST Special Database
. These characters have been spatially normalized to be 32 X 32 pixels and
have not been compressed. Each character file's ASCII header contains
information including the class type found in the "ID" field delimited by
double quotes, the resulting resolution of the image after spatial
normalization, and which form and box the character was extracted from within
"NIST Special Database 1."

This distribution requires approximately 4.5 Megabytes of mass storage.

Included with the image data is source code and documentation for manipulating
IHEAD raster images distributed by NIST. The source code was designed and
tested to run on Sun hardware and is written in the 'C' programming language.
Also contained in this distribution is an updated / corrected log for the
historical data related to "NIST Special Database 1", "./doc/hsf.log".

This distribution, fl3, is being provided in the UNIX tar format and has been
UNIX compressed on a Sun workstation. The information can be extracted
as follows:

# ftp
Name anonymous
Passwd username@machine
ftp> cd pub
ftp> cd data
ftp> binary
ftp> mget fl3.tar.Z fl3.doc
ftp> bye
# cp fl3.tar.Z <install_dir>
# cd <install_dir>
# uncompress fl3.tar.Z
# tar -xvf fl3.tar

Darrin L. Dimmick


Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 10:22:22 +0100
From: H}kan B}rman <>
Subject: FTP'able imagery

A number of images, volumes and sequences can be obtained by anonymous
ftp from ( The data is located on the
directory images/ where also a README-file describing the data can be found.


H}kan B}rman | Email:
Linkoping University |
Dept. of Electrical Engineering |
Computer Vision Laboratory |
S-581 83 Linkoping | Phone: +13 28 18 85
Sweden | Fax: +13 13 85 26


Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 16:32:34 BST
Subject: Radial distortion calibration

Hi everybody,

I would like to estimate accurately/compensate for the radial
distortion of a camera. Compensation should be software (no
corrective lenses).
Therefore I would appreciate information, references and
above all PRACTICAL hints about
1) theoretical models of distortion
2) practical setups for testing
3) code
I shall be happy to summarize the results.
Thanks in advance!

Dr. Emanuele Trucco Research Associate

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence | Email:
University of Edinburgh | Tel.: +44 31 650.3087
5 Forrest Hill, Edinburgh, | (Vision Lab) 650.4504
EH1 2QL, | FAX: +44 31 225.9370


Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1992 15:39:15 GMT
From: (Raj Subbu)
Organization: The Ohio State University
Subject: Contour growing algorithm

I thank everyone who took the time to respond to my post.

I did find a paper which deals with this aspect and I am suggesting it
to anyone who might be interested.
This is "Shape based interpolation of Multidimensional Objects"
by Raya and Udupa (IEEE trans on medical imaging -march 1990)

The algorithm I developed is somewhat related to the technique used in
the above reference the difference being that it uses gray level
information for the interpolation without the "manual hassle" (
actually no user interaction is needed). This quick algorithm is
designed to handle multiple objects in the same scene.

Any communication is welcome:

Raj Subbu <>


From: pkahn (Phil Kahn)
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 92 10:42:41 -0700
Subject: Anyone have code for polygon operations?

For example, given two closed polygons A & B: subtract A from B,
add (union) A and B, intersect A and B, etc.

On a related subject, anyone know of algorithms for computing
the Voronoi from closed polygons?

thanks in advance,


Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1992 14:55:26 GMT
From: (Dietrich Paulus)
Organization: CSD., University of Erlangen, Germany
Subject: Survey on OO Techniques in Image Processing
Summary: Request for information about object oriented image processing systems

I am preparing a survey on:
Object Oriented Techniques for Image Processing, Analysis and Understanding.

I know of a number of references and systems but I am sure that I am
missing some. Any information about such systems will be appreciated, like
- availabilty / price / number of applications
- references in the literature
- oo paradigm
- inheritance (none/single/multiple)
- implementation language/operating system
- size / number of classes
- interfaces to existing software
- experience with such systems
- efficiency / speed
* level of abstraction

The last point is of particular interest: where do the object oriented
techniques start and where do they end? Can we access a pixel with
a message to an image object? What is the highest level description
which is available (e.g., a semantic net linking together regions with
their contour objects, or an RSE graph, or ...)

Please reply by email to
Thanks in advance!

Dr. Dietrich Paulus Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Informatik 5, Mustererkennung (Prof. Dr. H. Niemann)
Martensstr. 3 Tel. 09131-857894 / 857774
D-8520 Erlangen FAX: 09131-303811


Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1992 07:10:12 -0600
From: (Ron Kube)
Organization: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Subject: Underwater Imaging References?
Summary: Request for references of underwater imaging

I am looking for references on the current state of the art in
Underwater Imaging technology typically used in Remote Operated
Vehicles or Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. I came across an article
entitled "Undersea 3-D Imaging and Mapping for Inspection and
by Dr. Frank M. Caimi at the Florida Institute of Technology
(in Advanced Imaging Aug. '92). Unfortunately the article has no
references. Can anyone please steer me in the right direction?

Ronald Kube
Robotics Research Laboratory
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada


Date: 8 Oct 1992 22:10:00 GMT
From: (K. Venkatesh Prasad)
Organization: California Institute of Technology
Subject: NeuralNets and Image Restoration
Keywords: Neural Nets, Image Restoration, Deblurring, Inverse Problems, Superresolution, Stochastic and Deterministic Optimization, Vision-module integration, Hybrid Networks

I am preparing a comprehensive survey and review
presentation a workshop later this month. I would
happy to receive references to this subject - citations
in BibTeX or ascii form, with or without an abstract.

I will summarize and post a SUMMARY in due course.

To make the process more efficient please use the
most appropriate subject line from the following

1. If suggesting a reference:
Subject: NN-Restoration REF

2. If you'd like a hard_copy of/Postscript ftp access to
the paper:
Subject: NN-Restoration MLIST

3. If (1) AND (2) are true:
Subject: NN-Restoration REF_AND_MLIST

K. Venkatesh Prasad

K. Venkatesh Prasad, Beckman Laboratories, 216-76
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Tel: (818)356-3642. Fax: (818)449-0679. Email:


Date: 2 Oct 92 11:27:43 GMT
From: (UAB Neurotechnologija)
Organization: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuania
Subject: Proposal from Lithuania

We are Closed Joint Stock Company "NEUROTECHNOLOGIJA"
Our company consists of group of programmers specializing in
programming of new products based on advanced methods and
approaches (neural networks, image processing etc.).
We have already created some prospective, up to date and
programs :
- recognition of fingerprints JUSTUS 2.0,( introduced into
Lithuanian police ).
- recognition of handwriting texts NTDEMO (DEMO version).
- Cardiology Wall Motions analysis CARD.
Now we are looking for the possibility of cooperation with
companies and/or groups and/or persons in other countries.
We would be very thankful if You expressed Your opinion about
our proposals.
If You are intersted in our programs we will be able to send
You demo versions of our products.

Please contact :
Fabijoniskiu 47-29,
E-mail :

With great respect A.Malickas,


Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1992 05:34:17 GMT
From: (Pete Staples)
Organization: Curtin University of Technology
Subject: optical flow

I am interested in the methods of determining optical flow ivestigated
in articles such as:
Campani and Verri
"Motion analysis from first order properties of optical flow"
CVGIP vol 56 No 1 pp 90-107 1992

Nelson and Polana
"Qualitative recognition of Motion using Temporal texture"
CVGIP vol 56 No 1 pp 78-89 1992

If someone has produced code to evaluate the optical flow of images, perhaps
also the characteristic curves (of singular points), and they are willing to
"share" them with me I would be particularly grateful.

Thanks in advance.



Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1992 18:11:11 GMT
From: (Der-Shung Yang)
Organization: University of Illinois, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Urbana, IL
Subject: 2D CAD image recognition...

Hi, I'm doing some work on recognizing 2D CAD "cells". A cell is a group
of drawing entities, such as lines and arcs, that can be manipulated as
a whole. Typical examples of cells in an architecture design are symbols
for showers, bath tubs, etc. When a user tries to draw some of the cells,
he or she might draw the cell in a distored way, which increases the
difficulty for recognizing the cell. I have been reading some hand-writing
character recognition papers because hand-writing characters are usually
distorted. I'm wondering whether there's some work in the field of computer
vision or image processing that is related to my work. (I've also read
some papers related to transformation-invariant pattern recognition. But
what I need is more than "transformation-invariant". I need to handle a
variety of distortions.) Any information or comments will be greatly
appreciated. Email responses preferred.

Thank you very much in advance.

DerShung Yang
Beckman Institute
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Date: 5 Oct 92 17:58:30 GMT
From: (Gary McCauley)
Organization: Duke University; Durham, N.C.
Subject: Trouble mating camera to electron microscope

I am trying to optically couple a CCD camera to an electron
microscope. The scope camera port is designed for a standard 'C' mount
video camera, while the CCD camera is designed for an F-mount lens.

I have worked with several lens vendors in an attempt to procure a
lens which is designed to mate (optically) my camera to the EM. So far
to my disbelief I have not been given a successful design.

What I need in simple terms is a very fast (f <= 1.0), demagnifying or
reducing lens. Has anyone out there had any experience with mating
cameras in non-standard situations. Could anyone recommend a
consulting resource?

This has been an extremely fustrating problem and any advice or help
would be greatly appreciated.

Gary McCauley


Date: 12 Oct 92 07:08:37 GMT
From: (John Mashford)
Organization: CSIRO, Div. Building Constr. and Eng'ing, Melb., Australia
Subject: image segmentation
Keywords: threshold selection

In their paper "Multisensor data fusion of laser radar and forward looking
infrared (FLIR) for target segmentation and enhancement"
, (SPIE Vol. 782,
1987) Tong et al., in discussing methods of threshold selection for
segmentation, write:
" ... classical estimates such as Neyman-Pearson, maximum posteriori, minimax
and maximum likelihood ... "

If anyone could give me some pointers to references, hints or ideas about any
of these methods of threshold selection I would be very grateful.

| John Mashford Email Internet: |
| Phone: +61 3 252 6115 Fax: +61 3 252 6244 |
| CSIRO, DBCE, Post Office Box 56, Highett, Victoria, Australia 3190 |


Date: Thu, 8 OCT 92 09:23 N
Comments: INFN.IT domain is equivalent to BITNET domain: INFNET;
INFNET has been disestablished Dec 31, 1988
Subject: TR available via ftp

The following Technical Report is available from anonymous ftp.

``Algorithms for Optical Flow Estimation in
Real-time on Connection Machine-2''

P. Nesi, A. Del Bimbo, D. Ben-Tzvi

Department of Systems and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering
University of Florence, Via S. Marta 3, 50139 Florence, Italy


Most of the existing methods for optical flow estimation are based
on a constraint equation which is defined for each image pixel.
This class of algorithm is usually called gradient-based. The
structure of constraint equation make the problem ill-posed so in
the past have been proposed some solutions based on
regularization. On the contrary, under the assumption that in the
immediate neighbourhood of a pixel the optical flow field is
smooth, the constraint equations in that neighbourhood should have
a common solution, in this case the problem is not ill-posed.
Following these reasoning a few algorithms for evaluating the
optical flow, which are also suitable for parallel implementation,
have been proposed in the literature. A parallel implementation
of a selected set of these algorithms is presented in this paper
with the intention of examining their complexity and performance.
The complexity and the performance obtained when implementing
these algorithms on a parallel architecture, the Connection
Machine-2, are reported.

Four main approaches to optical flow estimation can be identified
in literature: regularization-based, and multiconstraint-based.
In this paper new parallel implementations of selected algorithms
of the gradient-based approach for optical flow estimation on a
SIMD architecture are presented. The algorithms chosen for
implementation are representative of the four groups of algorithms
for the gradient-based approach:

A) {\em regularization-based} algorithms consider the problem of
optical flow estimation by using the OFC as ill-posed (i.e.,
$dE/dt=0$). The solutions of this class are obtained minimizing a
functional and result in an iterative process;

B) {\em multiconstraint-based} algorithms which solve a
determined set of constraint equations at each image pixel to
obtain the optical flow estimation at that pixel $d\nabla E/dt=0$;

C-D) The multiconstraint-based algorithms which are based on the
fact that if the OFC equations in a neighborhood of estimation
point represent the same velocity then those equations can be used
to define an over-determined system of OFC equations. This is the
multipoint approach for solving partial differential equation.
The obtained over-determined system of equations can be solved by
using two techniques:

C) a least-squares criterion. This solution will be called
{\em multipoint-based with least-square estimation};

D) the most-likelihood estimation algorithm which uses vote
accumulation of the possible solutions to derive the
most-likelihood estimation. This solution will be called {\em
multipoint-based with most-likelihood estimation} to distinguish
it from the previous multipoint solution.

The reference machine used for the parallel implementations of
these algorithms is the Connection Machine-2, a SIMD machine with
a processing element (PE) for each image pixel, and efficient
communication among processing elements. On such a machine all
the calculations involved in the algorithms described are
performed simultaneously by the PEs assigned to the image pixels.

{\bf Index term}: computer vision, motion estimation,
optical flow, partial differential equation, local voting,
parallel implementation, real-time.


To get the PostScript files you have to connect to
(aguirre) by using ftp with anonymous username and leave your
ident as password. The file are is

and it is located in the directory /motion/papers so:

% ftp
Connected to aguirre
Name: anomymous
ftp> cd motion/papers
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> by
% compress -d
% lpr -P<nome of your printer>


For additional information or comments please contact:

Dr. Paolo Nesi
Department Systems and Informatics
University of Florence
Via. S. Marta 3
50123 Firenze, ITALY



Date: Sun, 11 Oct 92 16:08:05 EDT
From: (Mubarak Shah)
Subject: TR available via ftp

The following tech report is available for anonymous ftp.
Please post this in vision list, thanks.



In this paper, we present an extremely simple algorithm for shape from
shading, which can be implemented in 25 lines of C code (code included),
and which converges in one to two iterations.
The algorithm is very fast, taking .2 seconds on a Sun SparcStation-1 for a
$128 \times 128$ image, and is purely local and highly parallelizable
(parallel implementation included). The algorithm gives a solution which
is proveably convergent and unique, and is general in that it works for
both the Lambertian and Specular reflectance functions. In our approach, we
employ a linear approximation of the reflectance function, as used by others.
However, the major difference is that we first use the discrete approximations for
surface normal, $p$ and $q$, using finite differences, and
then linearize the reflectance function
in depth, $Z(x,y)$, instead of $p$ and $q$. The algorithm has been
tested on several synthetic and real images of both Lambertian and
specular surfaces, and good results have been obtained.
It gives good results even for the spherical surfaces, in contrast to
other linear methods.

Connected to eustis.
220 eustis FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready.
Name ( anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd pub
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> get
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for (,1184) (1138595 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
local: remote:
1142749 bytes received in 11 seconds (99 Kbytes/s)
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
lpr -Plw


Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1992 19:25:47 GMT
From: (Nahum Gershon)
Organization: The MITRE Corporation
Subject: Applied Imagery and Pattern Recognition Workshop
Keywords: Image processing, pattern recognition, virtual reality, computer visio

The 21st Applied Imagery and Pattern Recognition Workshop

The 21st Applied Imagery and Pattern Recognition Workshop will be
held on October 14-16, 1992 at the Cosmos Club in Washington DC.
The 3-day workshop will include sessions on

Virtual Reality
Machine Learning
Robot Navigation
Medical Imaging
Environmental Remote Sensing
Smart Weapons and Military Applications.

The Cosmos Club is located at
2100 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
Metro: Dupont Circle

For more information and registration, please contact:

Dr. Michael Selander
The MITRE Corporation
7525 Colshire Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 883-7294
(703) 883-3315 (fax)


Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1992 09:51:15 GMT
From: bjoernb <(Bjoern Braathen)>
Organization: University of Tromsoe
Subject: 8SCIA (Second Call for Papers)

Second Call for Papers

The 8th
Conference on
Image Analysis

May 25-28, 1993
University of Tromsoe

Invitation to the 8th SCIA

The 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis will be
arranged by the Norwegian Society for Image Processing and
Pattern Recognition (NOBIM) and sponsored by the International
Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The conference
will be held in Tromsoe from 25th-28th May 1993. Tromsoe,
located at latitude 69 deg 40' N, is Northern Norway's centre
for administration and education.

Scientific Programme

The conference covers the following topics:
Image Processing and Analysis
Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
Neural Nets
Matching Methods
Image Compression
Remote Sensing
Medical and Biological Applications
Industrial Applications

Invited speakers include:
Ralph Gonzalez, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Anil K. Jain, University of California, Davis
Judd Jones, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Tor Ramstad, University of Trondheim

There will be parallel sessions with papers for oral and poster
presentation. The conference language will be English. The
contributed papers will cover original unpublished research
results, either theoretical or applied.

In connection with the conference, a workshop on contextual
methods in pattern recognition will be arranged on monday 24th
by IAPR TC1. For further information concerning the workshop
Torfinn Taxt, Chairman TC1,
Univ. of Bergen,
N--5000 Bergen,
Phone: +47-5-206334,
Fax: +47-5-206360

Submission of Papers

Papers must be in English and only full papers will be
accepted. Authors are invited to submit three (3) copies
of each full paper to:

Kjell Arild H{\o}gda
8SCIA Local Chair
FORUT Information Technology Ltd.
N-9005 Tromsoe
Phone: +47 83 58622
Fax : +47 83 82420

The cover page should contain:
Title of the paper
Name(s) and affiliations of the author(s)
Brief abstract (200 words)
Name and address for correspondence

All pages should show the name of the first author and be
consecutively numbered. If the length of the paper exceeds
8 pages an additional fee of 500 NOK for each exceeding page
will be added to the registration fee. Pages containing
colour pictures or illustrations are charged at 1000 NOK. If
colour separation is needed an additional fee of 750 NOK for
each picture will be charged.

The deadline for submission of papers is 15th November 1992.
All papers will be assessed by two reviewers. Authors will be
notified as to acceptance by 5th January 1993. For accepted
papers, a final camera-ready copy will be required by 1st March
1993. Instructions for writing the final paper will be sent to
the authors.

Registration Information

The registration fee will be 3500 NOK before 1st March 1993, and
4000 NOK thereafter. The fee covers proceedings, entrance to all
oral and poster sessions, exhibition, lunches and coffee breaks,
get-together party, reception and banquet.


An exhibition of relevant literature will be arranged.
Publishers will be invited to exhibit their products.
A visit to local companies and institutions involved
in the field (mostly remote sensing) will be arranged.

Social Programme

The social programme planned includes visits to the Lyngen
Peninsula, North Cape and Spitzbergen. Participants and
accompanying persons are invited to bring cross-country or
mountain skiing equipment as the skiing conditions in the
mountains are normally superb in late May. Sea-fishing will
also be arranged and we will have a good chance of enjoying
all these activities in the midnight sun. We emphasize that
in Tromsoe, also called the "Gateway to the arctic", the
midnight sun lasts from approximately the 20th of May until
the 20th of July. The scenery at the time of the conference
will be that of snowy mountains with daylight the whole night
through as the sun never goes to rest. The indoor activities
will consist of a get-together party on the first night of
the conference and the Conference Banquet both of which are
included in the conference fee, while there is an extra fee
for accompanying persons.

Conference Committee

Torbjoern Hallgren, Conference Chair
Richard Blake, Programme Chair
Kjell Arild Hoegda, Local Chair
Fritz Albregtsen
Bjoern Braathen
Karsten Heia

For further information
and registration form
mail to:

Kjell Arild Hoegda
8SCIA Local Chair
FORUT Information Technology Ltd.
N-9005 Tromsoe

By simply mailing the text
send info
you will be included in the
e-mail mailing list and supplied
with up to date information.


Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1992 19:04:40 GMT
From: ()
Organization: University of Minnesota
Subject: Final Announcement: IEEE Vis 92

Final Announcement
IEEE Visualization '92 Conference

Boston Park Plaza Hotel
19-23 October 1992

Scientific Visualization is an important research frontier shared by
a variety of computational science & engineering fields. Visualization
work is both interdisciplinary and a field of its own right. This
conference focuses on interdisciplinary methods and supports
collaboration among the developers and users of visualization
methods across science, engineering, and commerce.

The conference includes the following sessions:

Keynote Address: "High Performance Computing and

Keynote Panel: "Interactions Between Science and Visualization"

Volume Visualization
Virtual Environment
Visual Perception for Visualization and Image Processing
Color Theory and Models
Topology, Vector Fields, and Flows
Automating the Design of Effective Graphics
Visualization of Multidimensional and Multivariate Data


Managing Large Scientific Data Bases
Grand Challenge Problems in Visualization Software
Improving visualization: Perceptual Foundations
Real Virtual Environments Applications - Now
Visualization in the Neurosciences
Object-Oriented Dataflow Visualization Systems

Paper Sessions:
Volume Visualization
Flow Visualization
Surface Visualization
Visualization Systems
Data Structures
Visual Programming
Visualization Software Systems
Visualization Techniques and Methods
Terrain Visualization

Case Studies Sessions on Physics, Life Sciences, the Environment, and
Fluid Dynamics

Special Sessions:
Research Problems in Visualization
How to Lie and Confuse With Visualization

Capstone Address: "Parallel Processing of Form, color, Motion, and
Depth: Anatomy, Physiology, Art, and Illusion"

For more information, call the VIS92 phone, (510) 423-9368
Haim Levkowitz, (508) 934-3654,

For publicity information please contact
Jeff Beddow


Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1992 02:30:43 GMT
From: gates@titan.trl.OZ.AU (David Gates)
Organization: Telecom Research Labs, Melbourne, Australia
Subject: TENCON'92 International Symposium and Tutorials
Keywords: TENCON crypotography automation reliability multimedia



The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
invites you to participate in a Symposium and Tutorials being presented
in conjunction with the IEEE Region 10 Conference : TENCON '92.
Speakers from around the world will provide delegates with authoritative
and up-to-date introductions to rapidly developing engineering
activities which are expected to play an important part in the economic
future of the Region. All sessions will be presented at the World
Congress Centre, Melbourne, Australia, on the 9'th and 10'th of
November, 1992 as listed below.

Tutorial T1

9.00am - 5.00pm, 9 Nov. '92

Presented by :
Prof A. Konheim, University of California, Santa Barbara

Prof Konheim will develop the principal concepts of secrecy systems as a
prelude to discussing encryption techniques in the context of systems at
risk in the storage, processing and transmission of data. He will then
go on to introduce the Data Encryption Standard (DES), public key
systems, their relative advantages and how they may be used in everyday
situations. He will also outline "hot topics" from present activities
directed towards the development and improvement of secure data systems.

Tutorial T2

2.00pm - 5.00pm, 9 Nov. '92

Presented by :
Prof R. Jarvis & Dr A. Russell, Monash University
Prof T. Caelli & Dr L. Kitchen, Melbourne University

The speakers will develop the foundations of the computer vision and
tactile/torque/force sensing fields of machine perception in the context
of supporting industrial and other automation in the inspection,
manipulation and navigation application domains.

Tutorial T3

9.00am - 5.00pm, 10 Nov. '92

Presented by :
Mr J. Musa & Mr H. Burns, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Software reliability engineering (SRE) is an exciting new technology
that is improving customer satisfaction, increasing productivity,
reducing costs, shortening testing times and guiding the improvement of
software-based systems. Mr Musa, who is responsible for SRE at AT&T
Bell Lab's, will introduce SRE concepts and illustrate their application
throughout the software development life cycle. Mr Burns, who directs
AT&T Bell Lab's projects which actively use SRE concepts, will then
relate practical experiences in the application of these techniques.

Symposium T4

9.00am - 5.00pm, 10 Nov. '92

Invited papers from :
Dr M. Milner, et. al, Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, NZ.
Dr J. C. Kohli, Pacific Bell, USA.
Dr N-S. Kim, Korea Telecom, Korea.
Dr T. Miki and Dr. K. Aihara, NTT, Japan.
Mr Y. Wakahara, KDD, Japan.
Mr M. Reeve, British Telecom, UK.
Mr A. Day, Telecom Australia, Aust., Vice chairman CCITT SGXVIII.

The speakers will present 7 papers addressing key issues in the delivery
of multimedia telecommunications services in the Asia-Pacific region.
Extended discussion will be possible.

Please complete the following Registration Form, and forward it with
your cheque, to secure your place at the Symposium and selected

Australian delegates should note that these events are recognised under
the Training Guarantee Act as a structured training progamme. Where
attendance is to develop, maintain or improve employment related skills,
they will qualify under the Training Guarantee Act.


TENCON'92 : Tutorial and Symposium Registration Form

Given Names....................... Position/Title......................
Organisation...................... Department..........................
Organisation Address...................................................
Business Telephone:( )..........................................
Facsimile :( )..........................................
Preferred Name for Badge...............................................
Tick for membership of: IEEE...... IEE...... IREE...... IE AUST......

Fees (including Proceedings and lunch, except as noted)
(before30/9/92) (after30/9/92) Amount due
T1. Cryptographic Techniques for Data Security
$190.00 $220.00 ..........
T2. Machine Perception for Automation (lunch not provided )
$100.00 $130.00 ..........
T3. Software Reliability Engineering
$190.00 $220.00 ..........
(Supporting text book by J. D. Musa, et. al.)
$40.00 $40.00 ..........
T4. Asia Pacific Symposium on
"Mulitmedia Services and Networking"
$190.00 $220.00 ..........

Total amount due (in Australian dollars) $__________

Payment details:
Please send cheque/bank draft (payable to "TENCON'92") to:

TENCON '92, Convention Network +-------------------------------+
224 Rouse Street |OFFICE USE |
Port Melbourne Victoria 3207 |Date Rec'd: |
AUSTRALIA |Amount: |
|Other: |



Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1992 03:43:12 EST
Subject: CNS INDY 92

SYMPOSIUM 1992 (CNS '92)

October 17, 1992
University Place Conference Center
Indiana University-Purdue University
at Indianapolis, Indiana

In cooperation with the IEEE Systems,
Man and Cybernetics Society

The Computational Neuroscience Symposium (CNS '92) will highlight the
interactions among engineering, science, and neuroscience. Computational
neuroscience is the study of the interconnection of neuron-like
elements in computing devices which leads to the discovery of the algorithms
of the brain. Such algorithms may prove useful in finding optimum solutions
to practical engineering problems. The focus of the symposium will be
forty-five minute special lectures by eight leading international experts.

KEYNOTE LECTURE: "Challenges and Promises of Networks with Neural-type

NICHOLAS DeCLARIS, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering,
Pathology, Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine; Director, Division of Medical
Informatics, University of Maryland.


"Teaching the Multiplication Tables to a Neural Network: Flexibility vs.
JAMES ANDERSON, Professor of Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences,
Brown University.

"Supervised Learning for Adaptive Radar Detection" SIMON HAYKIN,
Director of Communication Research Laboratory, McMaster University.

"Neural Network Applications in Waveform Analysis and Pattern Recognition"
EVANGELIA MICHELI-TZANAKOU, Chair and Professor of Biomedical Engineering,
Rutgers University.

"Signal Processing by Neural Networks in the Control of Eye Movements"
DAVID ROBINSON, Professor of Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering &
Neuroscience, The Johns Hopkins University.

"Nonlinear Properties of the Hippocampal Formation"
ROBERT SCLABASSI, Professor of Neurosurgery, Electrical Engineering,
Behavioral Neuroscience & Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh.

"Acoustic Images in Bar Sonar and the Mechanisms Which Form Them"
JAMES SIMMONS, Professor of Biology & Psychology, Brown University.

"Understanding the Brain as a Neurocontroller: New Hypotheses and Experimental

PAUL WERBOS, Program Director, National Science Foundation and President,
International Neural Network Society.

The conference registration fee, which includes symposium proceedings and
lunch, is $50 prior to October 1, 1992 and may be paid by either check or
credit card. After October 1, 1992 and for on-site registration, the
fee is $75. Please contact the Conference Secretary for registration.

Ms. Nancy Brockman ~ CNS '92 Conference Secretary
799 West Michigan Street, Room 1211 y Indianapolis, IN 46202
tel: (317)274-2761 ~ fax: (317)274-0832

For overnight stay before or after the symposium, reservations may be made at
the University Place Conference Center and Hotel at IUPUI. Special room rates
for CNS '92 participants are $76 for one person and $90 for two.
Please call (317)231-5150 or fax (317)231-5168.


H. Oner Yurtseven, General Co-Chair ~ Sidney Ochs, General Co-Chair ~
P.G. Madhavan, Program Chair ~ Michael Penna, Publication Chair


Department of Physiology & Biophysics, Indiana University School of Medicine

National Science Foundation

IUPUI Faculty Development Office

Purdue University School of Engineering & Technology at Indianapolis

Indiana University-Purdue University School of Science at Indianapolis

Eli Lilly and Company

Department of Ophthalmology, Indiana University School of Medicine


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