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VISION-LIST Digest Volume 11 Issue 14

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 · 11 months ago

VISION-LIST Digest    Thu Apr 16 12:06:03 PDT 92     Volume 11 : Issue 14 

- Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM
- Vision List Digest available via COMP.AI.VISION newsgroup
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Today's Topics:

Anybody wants a range-image camera?
Preattentive vision esp. pop-outs
Summary of replies on template searching
Hough Probabilities
Re: references for off-line programming.
Re: book on image processing algorithms
Image Processing Software
Summary: C++ Image Class Libraries (long)
Geometric Modeling (long)
Conference : AISB'93


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 11:02:13 IST
From: Shelly Glaser 972 3 6408060 <GLAS@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL>
Organization: TAU
Subject: Anybody wants a range-image camera?

Is anybody out there interested in a range-image camera, that is a camera
that gives distance, rather than brightness, values to the pixels?

A company here is considering developing such camera that would have the
following basic specs:
* Single shot (no scanning, moving objects can be "frozen", imaged and
* No obscuration.
* Relatively small (perhaps 4X4X4" or 10X10X10 cm) and lightweight.
* Relatively inexpensive (perhaps 5K$ if produced in quantities).
* Fused range image with brightness image possible.
* About 20X20 to 40X40 range pixels per image (fused with standard
video resolution brightness image, if needed).
* About to 2% range precision demonstrated, much better possible in

It is believed that the main use for such camera would be in 3-D vision
applications, perhaps bin picking and/or autonomous ground navigation.

Those of you who think they are interested, please send me a message with
your SNAIL-MAIL (so called paper/air mail) address.

Sincerely Yours,
Shelly Glaser

Faculty of Engineering FAX: + 972 3 6429540
Tel-Aviv University BitNet: GLAS at TAUNIVM
Tel-Aviv, Israel InterNet:
Acknowledge-To: <GLAS@TAUNIVM>


Subject: Preattentive vision esp. pop-outs
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 92 18:28:45 -0700
From: Ramaswamy P. Aditya <adram@ocf.Berkeley.EDU>

Has anyone done any computational work involving pop-outs? I would be
equally appreciative for pointers to any papers that discuss the
computational aspects of pop-outs, I have gone through all the
psychologists papers (esp. Treisman) but have yet to find anyting
involving mathematical/computational analysis of pop-outs.

At the request of the moderator and with the risk of being imprecise
or plain wrong let me try to explain what pop-outs are...

A pop-out is the characteristic of a figure that is recognizable (able
to be picked out) by a subject within a field of distractors inside
200-500ms. Hence it is a preattentive phenomenon. For example, give a
field of 5 circles (outlines), the target being one incomplete circle
and the distractors four complete circles, the subject is unable to
realize that one of the circles is incomplete. Whereas, upon switching
the target and the distractors, i.e. four incomplete and one complete
circle, the subject is immediately able to tell that one of the
circles is incomplete. Furthermore, given larger fields, the search time
for such pop-outs proceeds in a parellel manner if told to look for a
target that is a pop-out, but in serial manner if told to look for a
target that is not a pop-out. The pop-out feature of a closed circle
is its closure. Hopefully this helps to define what I am looking for,
and perhaps prompt some ideas and intrests.

Thank you,

R.P. Aditya 203 Bowles Hall University of California
Berkeley, CA
(510) 643- 2485 94720


Date: Sat, 11 Apr 92 13:04:31 EDT
From: (Christian RONSE)
Subject: summary of replies on template searching

Thanks to all readers who answered my query on totated/translated
template search in images. As requested by some, here is the summary
of all answers:


D.H. Ballard
"Generalizing the Hough transform to detect arbitrary shapes"
Pattern Recognition
Vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 111-122, 1981.

J. Illingworth & J. Kittler
"A survey of the Hough transform"
Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing
Vol. 44, pp. 87-116, 1988

D.H. Ballard & C.M. Brown
"Computer Vision"
Prentice-Hall, 1988, pp. 123-131.


Reddi, S.S., "Radial and Angular Moment Invariants for Image
Identification,", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, Vol. PAMI-3, No. 2, March 1981, pp. 240-242."

Goshtasby, A., "Template matching in Rotated Imatges," IEEE Trans.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. PAMI-7, No. 3,
May 1985, pp. 338-344.

Teh, C.H. and R.T. Chin, "On Image Analysis by the Methods of
Moments," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. PAMI-10, No. 4, July 1988, pp. 496-513.

S.Marshall, "Review of Shape Coding Techniques"
Image and Vision Computing, Vol 7, No 4, pp 281-294, Nov 1989.


Proceedings of the 1992 San Diego SPIE Geometric Vision conference.

W. Grimson
Object Recognition by Computer
(MIT Press)

F. Stein & G. Medioni (USC) have published some interesting work on
structural hashing, I believe this will appear in pami special issue.
USC has also done some work on symmetry detection.

There is also work done Lamdan and Wolfson (Courant Institute) on
geometric hashing.


Date: Sat, 11 Apr 92 21:23:07 GMT
From: ibarroda@sol.UVic.CA ()
Organization: University of Victoria, Victoria B.C. CANADA
Subject: Hough Probabilities

Question: We are looking for references to work on probabilistic
interpretations of Hough spaces. Specifically, given a picture
(e.g. a set of poorly defined lines) its image after a Hough
transform would contain one or more clusters of spikes. In each
cluster each individual spike defines a different line or
interpretation of the picture. Can we assign probabilities to
each of the different interpretations in some meaningful way?

Ian Barrodale


Date: Mon, 13 Apr 92 14:55:14 +0200
From: (Chokri BENAMAR)
Subject: Re: references for off-line programming.

[ This poster asked for references on off-line programming. I asked
for clarification of what is "vision off-line programming" as compared
to vision on-line programming? This is his repost. phil...]

to answer to your question I will give the following explanations :

An essential characteristic for the modern vision systems is the
possibility of recognizing new objects and measuring their
parameters.Up til now, contrary til CIM (Computer Integrated
Manufacturing) requirements , the vision systems use a form of on line
programming that enables the user to take a scene picture and to
memorize it in order to compare it afterwards whith unknown
objects.The disadvantages of this on line programming method are of

- The first is relative to hardware.Its use necessitates large material and
financial investments since the part learning site must be identical to that
of production.Any modification to the site requires repeating the part
learning which would necessitate tedious corrections of the program.
This method imposes an immobilization of the production line resulting
in an increase in production time.
- The second disadvantage is that the opportunities of intervention by the
human operator are limited,intervensions such as data integration from
outside souces (database,etc ...).

A possibility for solving these problems is to use off line programming.
In fact this type of programming leads to the elaboration of an analytical
method and frequently, a verification by simulation of the application.
This method uses CAD object description for vision system learning thus
preserving productivity,efficiency and interactive graphic facilities.
Here, the geometric model of parts stored in the CAD system database is
directly retreived.So,objects files are created after interactive
learning using the workstation.

20 Avenue A.Einstein 69100 Villeurbanne


Date: Mon, 13 Apr 92 10:26:40 +0100
Subject: Re: book on image processing algorithms

What I need is a specific book on algorithms, some book like
"Numerical Recepies" by Press in wich I could find a piece of code,
like a code in C or any other language, ready for implementation.

Or even a guide book of how to write a "optimal" data structure for
images, filters, transforms, color maps, and so on.

Does such a book exist?

Thank you very much indeed,


Date: Wed, 15 Apr 92 12:47:45 EDT
From: (Javier R. Movellan)
Subject: Scopes

I'm setting up a visual perception lab and I need info regarding alternatives
to drive fast decay oscilloscopes with Macs or PCs.

I'd be glad to compile the replies and send a document back to
your mailing list.



Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1992 16:33:39 GMT
From: (Timothy Allen)
Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Subject: Image Processing Software

I am interested in learning about what Image Processing software
packages people are using for the analysis of multi-band data sets,
such as Landsat Imagery. What are the major software packages in use?
What are the capabilities of each package -- e.g. rectification,
classification, PC and IHS transformations, filtering, contrast
enhancement, overlays? Is the software specifically designed for
remote-sensing images, medical images, or more generally for any kind
of multi-band images? What are the hardware requirements? Any special
requirements for display systems?

I am particularly interested in any software for Macintosh platforms,
but would like to hear about packages that people are using on PCs and
UNIX workstations as well. I am familiar with Terra-Mar's "MicroImage"
software, and have heard of "ERDAS" but know nothing about it. I am
also familiar with some single-band image processing software such as
the excellent public-domain "NIH Image" program for the Macintosh.

I'll be glad to post a summary of the responses I receive.


Date: Mon, 13 Apr 92 10:06:03 -0700
Subject: Summary: C++ Image Class Libraries (long)

Some time ago I posted the following query:

> I'd like to know about any public domain or commercial implementations
> of an image class in C++. I'd also be interested in references to
> papers on images as objects, or as an abstract data type. I will
> summarize and post the results if there is sufficient interest.

I got a number of replies, most of which were of the form, "Let me know
what you find out." To those of you who replied, I apologize for this
delayed summary. But anyway, here it is, perhaps better late than never.


From: plx!plxsun!sailu@Sun.COM (Sailu Reddy)

> I heard about one commercial package called ImageObjects Ver 1.1. They are
> QUINN Communications Inc.,
> 509 VOSBURG Road,
> Webster NY 14580
> PH # 800-253-7804
> They define a core image class called "vimage" and proceed to define various
> properties and manipulation functions. This package runs on DOS with BC++ comp.
> I have not tested it, but it was evaluated by some one in our group. His opinion
> is that it is OK.
> A widget impl. in Xt is on export in /contrib directory. This package is called
> vimage (again). This is written in C but gives a good idea about generic impl.
> Thats all I have to add, and would love to get the full compilation (a post of
> results).

Here is some additional info on Imaging Objects:

Imaging Objects w/source

List $349, Ask $329 (The Programmer's Shop)
Quinn Communications (Borland or Zortech)

Object-Oriented imaging library for C, C++. Transparent
virtual memory management in class definition. Sharpen,
smooth, convolve, enlarge, reduce, rotate, invert, equalize,
cut, copy, paste, edge extract, etc. Scroll and stand
alone display abilities for images up to SVGA, PCX, TIFF
read/write. Print to lasers.

--- The Programmer's Shop, Winter 1991, p. 53

From: (Nancy Cam)

> Silicon Graphics has an image processing library, ImageVision,
> that has been developed in C++. All of the object classes are
> derived from an abstract image class. There's support for for
> multiple image file formats, about 70 img. processing functions
> (which can be extended by the programmer) and its architecture
> provides an automatic caching system. Besides fully supporting
> the C++ programmers, ImageVision includes a C and Fortran interface.
> You can order ImageVision (C++ version) for $150 from Silicon Graphics; it
> includes the development software and documentation.
> Hope this helps,

In a second message, Nancy wrote:

> The source code is not included. But, we are looking into
> porting it to different platforms.
> As it is now, ImageVision is also part of the
> Explorer product (SGI's visual simulation software) which
> runs on multiple platforms. ImageVision has been ported
> to a Cray...


FROM: (Russell Creek)

> I have written a library of image processing routines around an image object.
> The image object is based on a GenImage class from which both GreyImage and
> BinImage (binary image) classes are derived. The operators +=,-=,|=,&=,^=
> and dilate and erode are defined for both images. Equating a binary image
> with a grey image will also threshold the grey image using the
> threshold level associated with the binary image.
> The include file defining the classes is generic but the library that I use
> assumes a Matrox MVP board (on a PC-AT) to perform the various operations.
> If you are interested I can send you source copies of the code. However it
> is some of the first C++ code I have written and so is far from perfect.
> Hope this is of some help.

From: Natalie Sipes <>

> TR-Number: TR92-002
> Title: Comprehensive C++ I/O Libraries Supporting Image
> Processing in a University Research Environment
> Author: Alfred Graham Gash, Fred J.R. Appelman,
> Karel J. Zuiderveld
> Key technical terms:
> Categories:
> Date: 02/92
> Mailing address:
> Department of Computer Science
> The University of North Carolina
> Campus Box 3175, Sitterson Hall
> Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
> Citation: Technical Report TR92-002, University of North
> Carolina, February 1992. To appear in Proc.
> SPIE Medical Imaging VI.
> Abstract:
> An on-going effort to develop a set of class-based
> libraries in C++ for image I/O and image processing is described.
> These new libraries will provide the following features to
> application programs based on them:
> Derivable image classes
> Machine-architecture independence of data storage
> Fast, user-customizable image I/O
> Unlimited number of descriptive data items
> Arbitrary number of image dimensions
> User-definable data types
> Optional automatic type conversion and compression
> Support for accessing images using reference files
> and pipes
> This highly-flexible and powerful capability is designed to
> meet the needs of workstation-based image processing and
> computer vision research in a multi-departmental university
> environment.


From: (Myron Flickner)

> You might look into our OLIVE papers that create the locus and image
> abstract data type. Most of it deals with locuses not images I should
> have given you a copy when you inteviewed in 88-89.
> You might also look into Ritter's image algebra.


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 13:21:08 +0200
Subject: Geometric Modeling (long)

I had a request in around 24 of March:

>I am looking for public domain software for geometric modeling, to be
>used in a model-based recognition system. This system is supposed to
>deal with a few known man-made objects. C language,UNIX and X window
>versions are preferred. Any info will be appreciated.
>My address is:
>Peter Nordlund
>KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology), NADA, CVAP
>100 44 Stockholm
>tel: +46-8-790 69 06
>fax: +46-8-723 03 02

Here is a list of what I found out:

************** 1 **************

a modeling system based on superquadrics
by Alex Pentland can be obtained by writing to:

Alex Pentland, Room E15-387, The Media Lab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
20 Ames St., Cambridge MA 02139

*************** 2 *************
IRIT solid modeler,

IRIT solid modeler 3.0 is now available at an ftp site near you.
IRIT is a CSG based solid modeler. In 3.0 freeform surfaces are supported
for the first time. The solid modeler can run on quite a few platforms
thanks to the beta tester:

1. MSDOS using Borland TC/BC++.
2. MSDOS using DJGPP - the gcc port to MSDOS (386 systems only).
3. SGI 4D, Irix 3.x/4.0, using gl/x11.
4. i386 SVR4 using x11.
5. HP300/400, HPBSD, gcc using x11.
6. DEC 5000/200, gcc using x11.
7. IBM RS6000 using gl/x11.
8. HP snake, hpux using x11.
9. IBM PC, SYSV3.2, ISC 2.2.1, gcc 1.40 using x11.
10. Evans & Sutherland ESV.
11. SPARC, SUN O.S. 4.1.1, gcc 1.39 using x11.

MSDOS users should ftp the zip archives below. UNIX users should ftp only
iritsm3s.tar.Z (similar to which contains the C sources
required to build the package. Since simtel is down, it may take several
days for it to show up there. The UNIX version is in place already.

/graphics/irit/iritsm3s.tar.Z []

simtel mirrors can be used as well ( []).
Although iritsm3s.tar.Z and IRITSM3S.ZIP are similar and contain all the
necessary sources to build the package, iritsm3s.tar.Z also contain some
extra (/extra dir) files: gif images of models created using IRIT and rendered
using RAYSHADE, and a postscript file of the docs.

Here is what is new in version 3.0:

1. Normals are fully supported now. Although this increases memory requirements
(mainly a problem on IBM PC) all files dumped from IRIT now support normals
as well.
2. A new cut Boolean operation (overloading '/', i.e. C = A / B assigns to C
the regions in A out B).
A new merge Boolean operation (overloading '^', i.e. C = A ^ B assigns to
C all polygons of A and B merged (with no intersection tests.).
3. Support for freeform curves and surfaces (Bezier/NURBS).
All Boolean are still done using polygonal data the surfaces are converted
into (No intention to change that in the near future - direct Booleans on
surfaces requires support of trimmed surfaces and believe me - it is HARD).
However, quite a few tools to manipulate and maintain the curves and surfaces
are provided and include:
a. direct creation of curves and surfaces by specifying control mesh/poly.
b. evaluation of surface/curve, tangents, normals.
c. subdivision/refinement.
d. degree raising (only Bezier).
e. high level surface creation: ruled srf/extrude/srf of revolution/sweep.
f. curve constructor out of curve/point pieces.
g. conversion to polygons of surfaces including normals.
4. Support for SGI 4D systems using gl has been added.
5. lists are much more enhanced now and more functions can now get a list
of objects where before they could get a single object only (for example
ability to dump to file/read from file list of objects instead of one).
This enable merging the *.ply and *.mat into single data files *.dat which
also include the freeform data (curves and surfaces).
6. Ability to handle closed and open loops within the same polygon (see
7. Much improved documentation.

Elber Gershon
918 University village Tel: (801) 582-1807 (Home)
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108-1180 Tel: (801) 581-5642 (Work)

***************** 3 ****************

For Immediate Release, Distribution Unlimited.

The U. S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory (BRL) is proud to announce
the availibility of Release 4.0 of the BRL-CAD Package.

The BRL-CAD Package is a powerful Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
based solid modeling system. BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry
editor, a ray tracing library, two ray-tracing based lighting models,
a generic framebuffer library, a network-distributed image-processing
and signal-processing capability, and a large collection of related
tools and utilities. Release 4.0 is the latest version of software which
has been undergoing continuous development since 1979.

The most significant new feature for Release 4.0 is the addition of
n-Manifold Geometry (NMG) support based on the work of Kevin Weiler.
The NMG software converts CSG solid models into approximate
polygonalized boundary representations, suitable for processing by
subsequent applications and high-speed hardware display.

BRL-CAD is used at over 800 sites located throughout the world.
It is provided in source code form only, and totals more than 280,000
lines of "C" code.

BRL-CAD supports a great variety of geometric representations, including
an extensive set of traditional CSG primitive solids such as blocks,
cones and torii, solids made from closed collections of Uniform B-Spline
Surfaces as well as Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) Surfaces,
purely faceted geometry, and n-Manifold Geometry (NMG). All geometric
objects may be combined using boolean set-theoretic operations such as
union, intersection, and subtraction.

Material properties and other attribute properties can be associated
with geometry objects. This combining of material properties with
geometry is a critical part of the link to applications codes. BRL-CAD
supports a rich object-oriented set of extensible interfaces by means of
which geometry and attribute data are passed to applications.

A few of the applications linked to BRL-CAD include:

*) Optical Image Generation (including specular/diffuse reflection,
refraction, multiple light sources, and articulated animation)
*) An array of military vehicle design and evaluation V/L Codes
*) Bistatic laser analysis
*) Predictive Synthetic Aperture Radar Codes (including codes due to ERIM)
*) High-Energy Laser Damage
*) High-Power Microwave Damage
*) Weights and Moments-of-Inertia
*) Neutron Transport Code
*) PATRAN [TM] and hence to ADINA, EPIC-2, NASTRAN, etc.
for structural/stress analysis
*) X-Ray image calculation

BRL-CAD requires the UNIX operating system and is supported on more
than a dozen product lines from workstations to supercomputers,
including: Alliant FX/8 and FX/80, Alliant FX/2800, Apple Macintosh II,
Convex C1, Cray-1, Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, Cray-2, Digital Equipment VAX,
Gould/Encore PN 6000/9000, IBM RS/6000, Pyramid 9820, Silicon Graphics
3030, Silicon Graphics 4D ``Iris'', Sun Microsystems Sun-3, and the Sun
Microsystems Sun-4 ``SparcStation''. Porting to other UNIX systems is
very easy, and generally only takes a day or two.

You may obtain a copy of the BRL-CAD Package distribution materials in
one of two ways:

1. FREE distribution with no support privileges: Those users with
online access to the DARPA InterNet may obtain the BRL-CAD Package via
FTP file transfer, at no cost, after completing and returning a signed
copy of the printed distribution agreement. A blank agreement form is
available only via anonymous FTP from host (address from file "brl-cad/agreement". There are encrypted
FTP-able files in several countries around the world. Directions on how
to obtain and decrypt the files will be sent to you upon receipt of your
signed agreement. One printed set of BRL-CAD documentation will be
mailed to you at no cost. Note that installation assistance or telephone
support are available only with full service distributions.

2. FULL SERVICE distribution: The Survivability/Vulnerability
Information Analysis Center (SURVIAC) administers the supported BRL-CAD
distributions and information exchange programs for BRL through the
SURVIAC Aberdeen Satellite Office. The full service distribution cost is
US$500. There is no cost to US Government Agencies. A copy of the
BRL-CAD pacage will be provided to you on your choice of magnetic tape
media. You may also elect to obtain your copy via network FTP. One
printed set of BRL-CAD documentation will be mailed to you. BRL-CAD
maintenance releases and errata sheets will be provided at no additional
charge, and you will have access to full technical assistance by phone,
FAX, letter, or E-mail. Complete and return a signed copy of the
distribution agreement and survey form with a check or purchase order
payable to "BA&H/SURVIAC" and mail to:

BRL-CAD Distribution
SURVIAC Aberdeen Satellite Office
1003 Old Philadelphia Road
Suite 103
Aberdeen MD 21001 USA

For further details, call Ms. Carla Moyer at USA (410)-273-7794, send
E-mail to <>, FAX your letter to USA (410)-272-6763,
or write to the above address.

Those sites selecting the free distribution may upgrade to full service
status at any time. All users have access to the BRL-CAD Symposia,
workshops, user's group, and BRL-CAD mailing list via E-mail.


Michael J. Muuss Glenn M. Gillis
Advanced Computer Systems SURVIAC
Ballistic Research Lab Aberdeen Satellite Office


Date: Sat, 11 Apr 92 14:25:38 BST
Subject: Conference : AISB'93
From: Donald Peterson <>

Theme: "Prospects for AI as the General Science of Intelligence"
29 March -- 2 April 1993
University of Birmingham

1. Introduction
2. Invited talks
3. Topic areas for submitted papers
4. Timetable for submitted papers
5. Paper lengths and submission details
6. Call for referees
7. Workshops and Tutorials
8. LAGB Conference
9. Email, paper mail, phone and fax.


The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the
Simulation of Behaviour (one of the oldest AI societies) will hold its
ninth bi-annual conference on the dates above at the University of
Birmingham. The site is Manor House, a charming and convivial
residential hall close to the University.

Tutorials and Workshops are planned for Monday 29th March and the
morning of Tuesday 30th March, and the main conference will start with
lunch on Tuesday 30th March and end on Friday 2nd April.

The Programme Chair is Aaron Sloman, and the Local Arrangements
Organiser is Donald Peterson, both assisted by Petra Hickey.

The conference will be "single track" as usual, with invited speakers
and submitted papers, plus a "poster session" to allow larger numbers to
report on their work, and the proceedings will be published.

The conference will cover the usual topic areas for conferences on AI
and Cognitive Science. However, with the turn of the century
approaching, and with computer power no longer a major bottleneck in
most AI research (apart from connectionism) it seemed appropriate to
ask our invited speakers to look forwards rather than backwards, and
so the theme of the conference will be "Prospects for AI as the
general science of intelligence". Submitted papers exploring this are
also welcome, in addition to the normal technical papers.


So far the following have agreed to give invited talks:

Prof David Hogg (Leeds)
"Prospects for computer vision"

Prof Allan Ramsay (Dublin)
"Prospects for natural language processing by machine"

Prof Glyn Humphreys (Birmingham)
"Prospects for connectionism - science and engineering".

Prof Ian Sommerville (Lancaster)
"Prospects for AI in systems design"

Titles are provisional.


Papers are invited in any of the normal areas represented at AI and
Cognitive Science conferences, including:

AI in Design,
AI in software engineering
Teaching AI and Cognitive Science,
Analogical and other forms of Reasoning
Applications of AI,
Automated discovery,
Control of actions,
Distributed intelligence,
Expert Systems,
Intelligent interfaces
Intelligent tutoring systems,
Knowledge representation,
Modelling affective processes,
Natural language,
Naive physics,
Philosophical foundations,
Problem Solving,
Tools for AI,

Papers on neural nets or genetic algorithms are welcomed, but should be
capable of being judged as contributing to one of the other topic areas.

Papers may either be full papers or descriptions of work to be presented
in a poster session.


Submission deadline: 1st September 1992

Date for notification of acceptances: mid October 1992

Date for submission of camera ready final copy: mid December 1992

The conference proceedings will be published. Long papers and invited
papers will definitely be included. Selected poster summaries may be
included if there is space.


Full papers:
10 pages maximum, A4 or 8.5"x11", no smaller than 12 point print
size Times Roman or similar preferred, in letter quality print.

Poster submissions
5 pages summary

Excessively long papers will be rejected without being reviewed.

All submissions should include

1. Full names and addresses of all authors
2. Electronic mail address if available
3. Topic area
4. Label: "Long paper" or "Poster summary"
5. Abstract no longer than 10 lines.
6. Statement certifying that the paper is not being
submitted elsewhere for publication.
7. An undertaking that if the paper is accepted at least
one of the authors will attend the conference.

THREE copies are required.


Anyone willing to act as a reviewer during September should write to the
Programme Chair, with a summary CV or indication of status and
experience, and preferred topic areas.


The first day and a half of the Conference are allocated to workshops
and tutorials. These will be organised by Dr Hyacinth S. Nwana, and
anyone interested in giving a workshop or tutorial should contact her

Department of Computer Science,
University of Keele,
ST5 5BG.

phone: +44 782 583413, or +44 782 621111(x 3413)

UUCP : ...!ukc!kl-cs!nwanahs
other :


Shortly before AISB'93, the Linguistics Association of Great Britain
(LAGB) will hold its Spring Meeting at the University of Birmingham
from 22-24th March, 1993. For more information, please contact Dr.
William Edmondson: postal address as below; phone +44-(0)21-414-4763;


(for communications relating to submission of papers to the programme)
(for information on accommodation, meals, programme etc. as it
becomes available --- enquirers will be placed on a mailing list)

AISB'93 (prog) or AISB'93 (delegates),
School of Computer Science,
The University of Birmingham,
B15 2TT,



Donald Peterson and Aaron Sloman, April 1992.


End of VISION-LIST digest 11.14

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