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VISION-LIST Digest Volume 11 Issue 13

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 · 11 months ago

VISION-LIST Digest    Fri Apr 10 16:03:43 PDT 92     Volume 11 : Issue 13 

- Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM
- Vision List Digest available via COMP.AI.VISION newsgroup
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membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM
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Today's Topics:

Re: Want info about camera calibration
Want some standard stereo images
Hough Probabilities
Frame Grabbers
WANTED- Program to compute fractal dimension
Serial port communications.
Summary: Non-deterministic optimisation and high level vision
Summary: Object Tracking References
Wanted: Computer Vision by Ballard and Brown
Computer Science position at SUNY Buffalo
11th IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition
CAMP91 Conference Summary & Proceedings Buying Information
Announcement New Journal: Scientific Programming, Call for Papers


Date: 3 Apr 92 10:20:24 GMT
From: (David Kastrup)
Organization: RBI - RWTH Aachen
Subject: Re: Want info about camera calibration writes:
> I am looking for some info about camera calibration.
>All I have is a pair of stereo images and I need to obtain the camera
>parameters from them.Ofcourse, I am using a cross-correlation
>technique to locate corresponding points in the images and am so far ...

I have had astonishing results with the following technique: Assume
that camera distortions are symmetric. Then the imaging function is
real. If you have a fairly random picture, the camera's transform is
more or less the imaging function, if you disregard phase. However,
picures are not that random. If you examine a lot of pictures, you
have a high probability of getting random data. Another possibility is
to regard only small picture elements as statistical samples. If you
weigh smoothly, it is going to work from even single pictures.
Averaging more than one picture helps, though.

Try the following: Multiply your data with a suitable window function.
Transform. Calculate absolute value squared. Transform back. You get
approximately an autocorrelation function. Multiply with a gaussian
curve with a variance of small size (6 pixels or so) to leave only
local correlations. Transform again. You get a local autocorrelation
function. Calculate its entire energy. Divide by it to normalize.
Calculate square root. You get an approximation to the imaging
function. Invert. You get a deconvolution function. Replace values
greater than a threshold (maybe 4-8) bu this threshold to avois over-
amplification of noise. Transform your original data without windowing.
Multiply with the deconvolant. Transform back.

Works great with defocused pictures.


Date: Fri, 10 APR 92 19:55:33 BST
Subject: Want some standard stereo images

I wud be most grateful if anyone cud give me pointers on
how to acquire 'standard' stereo images like the 'Pentagon'
or 'airstrip' images. I desperately need to use them to test
on my stereo algorithms.
Wud appreciate if u cud kindly email to my address:

Many thanks!

[ It would be very useful to get these commonly used stereo images added
to the Vision List archive. If you have them, please email me at
Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM to make arrangements. phil... ]


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 92 17:58:47 GMT
From: ibarroda@sol.UVic.CA ()
Organization: University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
Subject: Hough Probabilities

Question: We are looking for references to work on probabilistic
interpretations of Hough spaces. Specifically, given a picture
(e.g. a set of poorly defined lines) its image after a Hough
transform would contain one or more clusters of spikes. In each
cluster each individual spike defines a different line or
interpretation of the picture. Can we assign probabilities to
each of the different interpretations in some meaningful way?

Ian Barrodale


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 14:12:47 GMT
From: (Dave Hollinger)
Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Computer Science, Troy NY
Subject: Frame Grabbers

I'm considering purchasing a Data Translation 1451 Frame Grabber for
use in a VME based Sun4. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone familiar
with this product ( I'm wondering about reliability and software
support ).

Thanks in advance

Dave Hollinger
Dept of Computer Science (518) 276-4879
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 16:36:27 EST
From: szietz@KING.MCS.DREXEL.EDU (Stanley Zietz)
Subject: WANTED- Program to compute fractal dimension

I am looking for computer code that would compute (in a reliable
manner) the fractal dimension of a digitized (square array) 2- or 3-
dimensional binary image.

|Dr. Stanley Zietz email |
|Assoc. Director - Biomed. Eng. and Sci. Inst. tel (215) - 895-2681 |
|Assoc. Prof. - Mathematics and Computer Sciences Fax (215) - 895-4983 |
|Drexel University - 32nd and Chestnut Sts. Phila., PA 19104 USA |


Date: Tue, 31 Mar 92 09:50:13 +0200
From: (Chokri BENAMAR)
Subject: Serial port communications.

I'm using serial port on sparc station 2 to communicate with a control
program sent from a vaxstation . This control program read position
messages from a mailbox during simulation and send them through a
serial port to the sparc station for computer vision requirements.
I'm looking for any programs ( witch turn on sun station ) of serial
port configuaration and communication protocols between two serial

Any help ? Thanks in advance !

20 Avenue A.Einstein 69100 Villeurbanne


Date: Thu, 2 Apr 92 14:06:27 BST
Subject: Summary: Non-deterministic optimisation and high level vision

Hi there,
On the 12th of Feb I posted a query about stochastic
approaches to high level vision and in particular,
non-deterministic relaxation (NDR) methods for doing
perceptual grouping. Here's a sumary of the replies. What
most of the following papers have in common is that they have
managed to hammer the qualitative side of their prior
knowledge of an image descriptor into the form of a cost
function, and the quantitative side into the choice of its

*** Perceptual Grouping ***

Philip Kahn, Adam Winkler and Chee Yee Chong of Advanced Decision
Systems, 1500 Plymouth Street, Mountain View, CA 94043

"Perceptual Grouping as Energy Minimization" 1990 IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 4-7/11/1990

"Perciever", a technical report dated 28/3/1990 gives an
overview of the subject and describes their working algorithm
for perceptual grouping by annealing an energy function.


Amnon Sha'ashua and Shimon Ullman "Structural Saliency: the
Detection of Globally Salient Structures Using a Locally
Connected Network" Second Int. Conf. on Computer Vision,
5-8/12/1988 Innisbrook Resort, Tampa, Florida

***** Perceptual Grouping and Model Invocation *****

G. Gindi sent me the following note:

"Roughly speaking, a model base organized not as a resolution
hierarchy, but as a compositional heierchy and a specialization
hierarchy, is matched to perceived data via a combinatorial
optimization network. A subset of the dynamic variables is used to
group clumps of low-level data into higher level constructs. We have
used deterministic annealing algorithms for the optimization."

[1] E. Mjolsness, G. Gindi and P. Anandan " Optimization in
Model Matching and Perceptual Organization: A first Look"
(Tech Report) Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-634, Yale U. Dept
Computer Science,June 1988.

[2] E. Mjolsness, G. Gindi and P. Anandan " Optimization in
Model Matching and Perceptual Organization", Neural
Computation, vol 1, pp. 218-229,1989.

[3] G. Gindi, E. Mjolsness and P. Anandan, "Neural Networks
for Model Based Recognition", (book chapter) in Neural
Networks: Concepts, Applications and Implementations vol. III
, pp 144-173 Prentice Hall, 1991.


P. Fua and A.J. Hanson "An Optimisation Framework for Feature
Extraction" Machine Vision and Applications (1991) 4:59-87
Several optimisations proceed in distinct configuration spaces
as a candidate model is generated.


There are a number of recent papers on cost based treatments of
vision at an image descriptor level above grey levels: edge
detection and grouping, and segmentation based on texture. Eg

"A cost Minimisation Approach to Edge Detection Using
Simulated Annealing" H.L. Tan, S.B. Gelfand and E.J. Delp IEEE
PAMI, Jan 1992, vol 14, #1, page 3

"Multiple Resolution Segmentation of Textured Images" C.
Bouman and B Liu, IEEE PAMI, Feb 1991, vol 13, #2, page 99

"Boundary Detection By Constrained Optimisation" D. Geman, S.
Geman, C. Graffigne, P. Dong IEEE PAMI, Jul 1990, vol 12, #7,
page 609

Thanks to those who replied,

Geoff Nicholls.


Date: Fri, 10 Apr 92 10:35:34 SST
From: (Atreyi Kankanhalli)
Subject: Object Tracking References

I had asked for references on "Object Tracking in Image Sequences" a while
ago on this list. I am now posting a compiled set of references which I
gathered from the responses.

***** References on object tracking *****

1. S.M. Haynes, Ramesh Jain, "A Qualitative Approach for Recovering Relative
Depths in Dynamic Scenes", Proc. of Workshop on Computer Vision, Miami Beach,
FL, Nov.30-Dec.2, 1987.

2. I.K. Sethi, Ramesh Jain, "Finding Trajectories of Feature Points in a
Monocular Image Sequence", IEEE Trans. on PAMI, Vol.9, No.1, 1987, pp.56-73.

3. Michal Irani, Benny Rousso, Shmuel Peleg, "Detecting and Tracking Multiple
Moving Objects Using Temporal Integration", to appear in European Conference
on Computer Vision, 1992.

4. I.K. Sethi, H. Cheung, N. Ramesh, Y.K. Chung, "Automatic Detection of Motion
of Interest for Surveillance", Proc. International Conference on Automation,
Robotics and Computer Vision, Sept. 1990, pp.227-231.

I found some additional references in the two volumes

"Computer Vision: Principles" and "Computer Vision: Advances and Applications"
ed. Rangachar Kasturi, Ramesh Jain, IEEE Computer Society Press Tutorial, 1991.

I would appreciate any updates to this list.

Atreyi Kankanhalli
Institute of Systems Science
National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511



Date: Tue, 07 Apr 92 12:59:18 GMT
From: (Kenneth H. Fielding)
Subject: wanted:Computer Vision by Ballard and Brown

I am looking for a used copy of Computer Vision by Ballard and Brown.
If you have a used copy you would like to sell please contact me at


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1992 16:54:57 GMT
From: (William J. Rapaport)
Organization: State University of New York at Buffalo/Comp Sci
Subject: Computer Science position at SUNY Buffalo


Department of Computer Science
Temporary Faculty Position

We anticipate an opening for a one-year visiting faculty position
for the coming year at a competitive salary for a new Ph.D. or
for a more senior person who wants to supplement a sabbatical
salary. The successful candidate will teach one course or gradu-
ate seminar each semester. I would welcome you bringing this to
the attention of your finishing doctoral students or colleagues
who might be interested. Please ask anyone interested to submit
a curriculum vitae, and to arrange to have four letters of refer-
ence sent directly from their referees, to me by e-mail
( or by mail to

Alan L. Selman
Department of Computer Science
226 Bell Hall
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260

The Department currently has 15 tenure-track faculty, 12 ad-
ditional faculty, and 125 graduate students. Primary
research areas include: artificial intelligence, complexity
theory, computer vision, numerical linear algebra, parallel al-
gorithms, programming languages, systems and VLSI. Department
members are actively engaged in interdisciplinary research
programs in the Advanced Scientific Computing Graduate Group,
the Cognitive Science Center, the Vision Graduate Group, and the
NSF National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis.
Departmental computing facilities include a network of worksta-
tions, hypercubes, Symbolics, an Encore Multimax and several
image processing/graphics systems.


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 92 16:04:59 +0200
From: (Bob Duin)

Congress Centre -- The Hague, The Netherlands, August 30 - September 3, 1992

The 11th ICPR is organized as a set of four specialty conferences on
"Computer Vision and Applications",
"Pattern Recognition Methodology and Systems",
"Image, Speech, and Signal Analysis" and
"Architectures for Vision and Pattern Recognition".

Chairmen: E.S. Gelsema, E. Backer, I.T. Young, A.K. Jain,
M. Nagao, H. Niemann, J. Kittler, V. Cantoni.

About 600 papers have been accepted for platform or poster presentation.
Proceedings containing all papers of all four specialty conferences will
be available at the conference.

The preliminary program of the 11th ICPR will be distributed in the second
half of April 1992. It will contain information concerning registration to
the conference, hotel reservation, and travel to The Hague. You may like to
have some of the facts now:

Saturday, August 29: Workshops and Tutorials
Sunday, August 30: Tutorials, Registration and Welcome Party
Mondat, August 31: Plenary Session, Sessions, Official Reception
Tuesday, September 1: Sessions
Wednesday, September 2: Sessions and Conference Banquet
Thursday, September 3: Sessions and Closing

Fees range from NLG 800 (for a member of a society affiliated with IAPR
and registration before July 1, 1992) to NLG 1050 (non-member, late
Fee includes participation in all specialty conferences, complete set of
proceedings, refreshments, socials, banquet, and all LUNCHES.

Special student fee NLG 380 covers the complete package EXCEPT the banquet.

Accompanying persons NLG 30 (party, reception)

Extra banquet tickets NLG 120 (accompanying persons, students)

any single tutorial early: 250 late: 300
any pair of tutorials 400 500
any triplet 550 700
any quadruplet 700 900

The Hague can be reached by train from all major cities on the European
continent. By air, the International Airport of Amsterdam is only some
50 km outside The Hague, trains every 30 minutes, about 45 minutes ride,
fee only some NLG 15. Very convenient. In The Hague, the Congress Centre
can be reached by a variety of public transportation buses and trams.

Hotels range from NLG 100 to NLG 380 per room per night.

Exchange rate: 1 NLG is roughly 0.60 US$

All information concerning the conference:
ICPR Conference Secretariat
Delft University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering 11:03
P.O. Box 5031
NL - 2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31-15-78.60.52
Telefax: +31-15-62.20.00


Date: Fri, 10 Apr 92 12:30:02 +0200
From: B Zavidovique <>
Sunject: CAMP91 Conference Summary & Proceedings Buying Information


The Conference on Architectures for Machine Perception, CAMP91, was
held at the Forest Hill Hotel, La villette in Paris from the 16th to
the 18th of December 1991. This was the fifth in a series, with two
changes in name, significant of the vitality in this domain. Since the
first CAPAIDM, Hot Spring Virginia, in 1981, the meeting shifted from
Pattern Analysis and Data Bases, to Machine Intelligence and then to
Machine Perception, with more and more concern for Integrated
Circuits. This is one reason why the present edition was organized in
cooperation with the IEEE Circuit and System Society, and the french
AFCET. It was sponsored by both the French Education Ministry, and the
Defense Research Agency, together with the EEC-DGXIII of Esprit.

The meeting was once again fairly international, gathering almost 130
attendees (70 from France, 35 from the rest of the Europe (Italy,
Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Greece, Germany, England, Holland
and Poland), 15 from the U.S. and Canada, and 10 from the Far East
(Japan, Corea, Hong Kong)). The standard was very high with the oral
presentation of 41 papers, and 14 posters on display, selected from 90
submitted extended abstracts (France: 20 / 30, Europe: 13 / 20,
Northern America: 17 / 27 and Far East: 5 / 13).

Based on paper submissions, the main trends in
the field appear to be:
* Integrated architectures: both vision and memorizing.
* VLSI based architectures: promptings are functional programming,
algorithmics or topology.
* Parallel programming: with an emphasis on interfacing or prototyping by
means of adapted languages or environments.
* Symbolic processing: architectures that deal with tree handling and data
* Communication networks: from graph representation up to diffusion on
reconfigurable devices.
* Heterogeneous machines: inspired by vision operators and by model
implementation as well (such as CAD).
* SIMD machines: still simulation, algorithmics with a fair stress on
multiresolution, performance study on fine grain machines like pyramids or
* Mathematical morphology: and more generally boolean operations which keep
raising interest by the simplicity of the atomic operations on both
classical architectures (bitmap) and ad-hoc (integrated) ones.
* Optical computing: whether it is for matrix computation or neural network,
architectures are not restricted to interconnections any more.
* Architectures for robotics: obstacle avoidance, visual servoing,
multisensoring ... a flavor of control is looming out.
* Dedicated systems: mainly industrial applications to give practical
* Comparisons: evaluating algorithm performance on various machines.

The conference commitee's attempt to extend the scope towards
specialized architectures for decision control, sensor fusion or
simulation, seems to have been somewhat premature.

Each day, an invited conference was providing a good start to the
workshop. Selected topics were:
* Analog VLSI for vision (by X. AREGUIT -
Lauzanne & Caltech) advocating for a true
analog thinking that provides the
functional approach with some physical
* Image analysis on cellular machines (by
A. MERIGOT - Paris XI) which tackles the
a priori heterogeneity of data types and
movements to be reduced at last.
* Optical computing (by P. CHAVEL - CNRS
and Optical Society) what for: computing
or connecting? with which performances
and to what term, considering technology?

On monday evening (Monday was a very serious and long day) a
buffet-bar panel discussion was moderated by S. TANIMOTO: "AI vs
Massive parallelism". Steve first conducted the team of panelists, all
serious professors, to emulate a SIMD pseudo-clever distributed
machine of his own, in a screamingly funny manner. After such a
brilliant introduction, questions could not be else than:
* Is parallelization truly necessary for
perception, and if yes, what kind?
language (LISP, PROLOG, ...), system
(production, networking) or algorithmics
(state space, relaxation, ...)? what level:
evaluation of premises, rule choice or
grouping, action? what do conflicts serve
to: synchronization, bottleneck...?
* What would be exactly massively parallel
AI ? do we know a most parallel algorithm
for one AI problem ?
* Can parallel machines afford to be
specialized and would the CM5 show that
AI or vision are big application areas ?

On Wednesday evening a general discussion about "designing yet other
specialised machines" was moderated by T.Van der Pyl from EEC-ESPRIT,
to conclude the workshop. The debate was hot between supporters of
assembling off-the shelf components and those who prefer to do it all
themselves. Nevertheless some agreement was reached on the following
* A vision machine is part of a larger
system to be kept under control.
* Parallelism does not help solely to speed
processes; it allows comparisons causing
algorithmics to progress. Yet universal
parallel computers are too slow and
* One needs to specialize; but on which
areas: operators, tasks ...? anything except
communications. Then concepts such as
hierarchy, self organization may hold.
* One reason why we need to keep building
machines is ... to learn which machines
need to be built, which performances one
can expect...
* Computer-science is now in an
experimental phase which makes it closer
to physics and biology than to
mathematics. Such domains include
experimental set up designs which in turn
support the theoretical research. Another type of disagreement was
between agency representatives and university: the first ones were
generally in favor of granting projects most likely to give a quick
industrial payoff.

CAMP 91 was a true success and the audience agreed to the steering
comitee's proposal to hold a CAMP 93, which M. Bayoumi and L. Davis
have accepted to organize in Louisiana, ... and we have already
started. For those unable to attend CAMP 91, a hundred hard bound
proceeding copies (620 pages) are available.

A copy of the proceedings can be bought for the price of 400 F (or
70$) from:
S.E.E., Societe des Electriciens et des Electroniciens
48, Rue de la Procession
Tel : 331 - 44496000
Fax : 331 - 44496049
Telex : SEE 200565 F

Send purchase orders to Mrs Simeon at the above
adress. Payments can be made with checks
(payable to SEE) or through a bank transfer to:
41, Rue du Dr ROUX 75015 PARIS
Account no: 1594000 815 70-27



Date: Fri, 3 Apr 92 03:56:56 GMT
From: (Eugene N. Miya)
Organization: NAS Program, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
Subject: Announcement New Journal: Scientific Programming, Call for Papers



(first issue will appear in Summer, 1992)


The emergence of vector/parallel supercomputers has created a wealth of
new challenges and opportunities for scientific programmers. Currently,
however, reports on new developments in scientific programming are
scattered across a wide variety of journals devoted primarily to broader
subjects, and (often obscure) conference and workshop proceedings.

In the coming decade, as the world comes to rely more and more on
programming to solve real-world engineering, scientific and social
problems, the importance of new languages, tools, environments, and
compiler technology to support scientific programmers will increase
rapidly. By focussing attention on practical aspects of this emerging
technology , SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING will become mandatory reading
not only for all researchers in this area, but for practicing scientific
programmers as well.

International in scope, this new journal brings together for the first
time areas that until now have been thought of as distinct, and more
closely related to their parent discipline (parallel processing, software
engineering, compiler technology, specific application areas, etc.) than to
scientific programming. Papers within these related disciplines will be
chosen for publication only if they deal primarily with practical issues of
programming of general interest to scientific programmers and scientific
programming researchers.

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING provides a meeting ground for research in and
practical experience with software engineering environments, tools,
languages and paradigms aimed specifically at supporting scientific and
engineering computing. Coverage also includes vectorizing/parallelizing/
optimizing compiler techniques to support emerging supercomputer
architectures, as well as implementation techniques applicable across
several areas of scientific programming.

For more information, contact any of the following:


Robert Babb II
Dept. of Computer Science
and Engineering
Oregon Graduate Institute
19600 NW Von Neumann Dr.
Beaverton, OR 97006
PHONE: +1-503-690-1155
FAX: +1-503-690-1029

Ron H. Perrott
Dept. of Computer Science
Queens University
Belfast, N. Ireland
PHONE: +44-232-245-133 x 3246
FAX: +44-232-331-232



Hans Zima
Institute for Statistics and Computer Science
University of Vienna
Bruenner Strasse 72
A-1210 Vienna
PHONE: +43-1-39-26-47-222
FAX: +43-1-39-26-47-224


David Callahan
Tera Computer Co.
400 North 34th Street
Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98103
PHONE: +1-206-548-9405
FAX: +1-206-545-4564


Jim McGraw
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Box 808 L-306
Livermore, CA 94550
PHONE: +1-510-422-0541
FAX: +1-510-423-2993


Bo Kagstrom
Institute of Information Processing
Dept. of Computing Science
Umea University
S-901 87 Umea
PHONE: +46-90-165-419
FAX: +46-90-166-126


Eugene Miya
Computational Research Branch
Nasa Ames Research Center
M.S. 258-5
Moffett Field, CA 94035
PHONE: +1-415-604-4407
FAX: +1-415-604-4377


1. Prospective authors should submit four copies of the manuscript
to Robert G. Babb II or Ronald H. Perrott (or one e-mail copy
of compressed, then uuencoded PostScript). Camera-ready
illustrations (original plus one copy) must accompany the
manuscript, but separate from it. All other correspondence
(concerning reprints, subscriptions, etc.) should be sent to
Diane Cerra, Professional and Trade Division, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158, USA;

Diane's e-mail address is

2. Types of manuscripts: Three types of contributions are considered
for publication: full-length articles, brief communications of 1000
words or less, and letters to the Editor. Letters and brief
communications can generally be published sooner than full-length
articles. All material submitted will be acknowledged on receipt and
(except for letters) subject to paper review. Copies of the referees'
comments will be forwarded to the author along with the Editor's

3. Copyright: With the advent of the new U.S. Copyright Law effective
January 1978, the transfer of copyright from author to publisher,
heretofore implicit in the submission of a manuscript, must now be
clearly stated in writing to enable the publisher to assure maximum
dissemination of the author's work. Therefore, a special transfer
of copyright agreement, signed and executed by the author, must be
enclosed with each manuscript submission. (If the article is a "work
made for hire" the agreement must be signed by the employer). A copy
of this form appears in the first and last issue of each volume.
Additional copies may be obtained from the Editor.

4. Format of Submitted Material:
All copy, including references and captions, must be typed double
spaced. The first page of the manuscript must bear the title
of the paper and the full names of the authors, their
affiliations and full addresses. In the case of multiple authors,
please indicate which author is to receive correspondence and proofs.
Financial support may be acknowledged in a footnote to the title.
All succeeding pages must bear the surname of the lead author and a
page number in the upper right-hand corner. An informative abstract
of 200 words or less is required for articles and brief

5. Style: In general, the style should follow the forms in the
various Transactions of the IEEE.

6. Organization: In general, the background and purpose of the study
should be stated first, followed by details of the methods, materials,
procedures, and equipment used. Findings, discussion, and conclusions
should follow in that order. Appendices may be employed where

7. Illustrations: All figures must be submitted in camera-ready form.
Photocopies, dot matrix, and computer printouts are not acceptable.
Line drawings should be of solid black and of an even weight
throughout. Computer programs should be camera-ready. All artwork
must be clearly labeled on the back.

8. Bibliography: The accuracy and completeness of the references is
the responsibility of the author. References to personal letters,
papers presented at meeting, and other unpublished material may be
included. If such material may be of help in the evaluation of the
paper, copies should be made available to the Editor. Papers which
are part of a series should include a citation of the previous paper.
Explanatory material may be appended to the end of a citation to avoid
footnotes in text.

9. Reprints: Reprints of articles may be ordered from the publisher
when corrected proofs are returned.

People interested in submitting manuscripts via electronic mail can
contact the Editors for details on how to do this.


End of VISION-LIST digest 11.13

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