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VISION-LIST Digest 1989 11 22

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Vision-List Digest	Wed Nov 22 14:01:52 PDT 89 

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Today's Topics:

Parallel Computers for Computer Vision
Bibliography: IEEE 1989 SMC Conference
6th Israeli AI & Vision Conference


Date: Tue, 21 Nov 89 12:33:14 MEZ
From: Stefan Posch <>
Subject: Parallel Computers for Computer Vision
Return-Receipt-To: "Stefan Posch" <>


I am looking for further material for a tutorial on
"Parallel Computers for Computer Vision" I plan to give next summer.

By computer vision I subsume here image processing, image
analysis as well as certain AI tasks.

To be more precise, I am interested in information/references

- hardware architecture of parallel computers used/usefull for
computer vision
- software environment including programming languages,
communication primitives, mechanisms for data sharing
- applications, including speedup measurements and complexity estimation

My e-mail address is
UUCP: {pyramid,unido}!fauern!posch
X.400: <S=posch;OU=informatik;P=uni-erlangen;A=dbp;C=de>

Of cause I'll be happy to summarize to the net.
(How can I decide whether a summary is wanted or not?)

Thank you in advance, Stefan

Stefan Posch
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Lehrstuhl 5 (Mustererkennung)
8520 Erlangen


Date: Mon, 20 Nov 89 14:54:39 EST
From: (Patrick J. Flynn)
Subject: Bibliography: IEEE 1989 SMC Conference

Here's a list of computer vision-related papers presented at the 1989
IEEE SMC conference in Cambridge on November 15-17. Apologies in
advance for any omissions; I tried to be liberal in my criteria for
deciding whether a paper is `computer vision-related' or not.

S. Grossberg, Recent Results on Neural Network Architectures
for Vision and Pattern Recognition, p. 1.

F. Arman, B. Sabata, and J.K. Aggarwal, Hierarchical Segmentation
of 3-D Range Images, pp. 156-161.

P. Flynn and A. Jain, CAD-Based Computer Vision: From CAD Models
to Relational Graphs, pp. 162-167.

C. Hansen, T. Henderson, and R. Grupen, CAD-Based 3-D Object
Recognition, pp. 168-172.

R. Hoffman and H. Keshavan, Evidence-Based Object Recognition
and Pose Estimation, pp. 173-178.

G. Medioni and P. Saint-Marc, Issues in Geometric Reasoning from
Range Imagery, pp. 179-185.

M. Trivedi, M. Abidi, R. Eason and R. Gonzalez, Object Recognition
and Pose Determination in Multi-Sensor Robotic Systems, pp. 186-193.

E. Feria, Predictive Transform for Optimum Digital Signal Processing,
pp. 1228-1237.

W. Wu and A. Kundu, A Modified Reduced Update Kalman Filter for
Images Degraded by Non-Gaussian Additive Noise, pp. 352-355.

C. Wright, E. Delp, and N. Gallagher, Morphological Based Target
Enhancement Algorithms to Counter the Hostile Nuclear Environment,
pp. 358-363.

R. Jha and M. Jernigan, Edge Adaptive Filtering: How Much and
Which Direction?, pp. 364-366.

B. Javidi, M. Massa, C. Ruiz, and J. Ruiz, Experiments on
Nonlinear Optical Correlation, pp. 367-369.

H. Arsenault, Similarity and Pathology in Neural Nets,
pp. 401-404.

E. Paek, J. Wullert, A. VonLehman, J. Patel, A. Sherer,
J. Harbison, H. Yu, and R. Martin, Vander Lugt Correlator
and Neural Networks, pp. 408-414.

B. Javidi, Optical Attentive Associative Memory with
Channel Dependent Nonlinearity in the Weight Plane,
pp. 415-420.

Z. Bahri and B. Vijaya Kumar, Design of Partial Information Filters
for Optical Correlators, pp. 421-426.

F. Palmieri and S. Shah, A New Algorithm for Training Multilayer
Perceptrons, pp. 427-428.

N. Nasarbadi, W. Li, B. Epranian and C. Butkus, Use of Hopfield
Network for Stereo Correspondence, pp. 429-432.

W. Owen, W. Hare, and A. Wang, The Role of the Bipolar Cell in
Retinal Signal Processing, pp. 435-442.

J. Troy and C. Enroth-Cugell, Signals and Noise in Mammalian
Retina, pp. 443-447.

R. Emerson, Linear and Nonlinear Mechanisms of Motion Selectivity
in Single Neurons of the Cat's Visual Cortex, pp. 448-453.

A. Dobbins and S. Zucker, Mean Field Theory and MT Neurons,
pp. 454-458.

M. Tuceryan and A. Jain, Segmentation and Grouping of Object
Boundaries, pp. 570-575.

Y. Shui and S. Ahmad, 3-D Location of Circular and Spherical
Features by Monocular Model-Based Vision, pp. 576-581.

M. Chantler and C. Reid, Integration of Ultrasonic and Vision
Sensors for 3-D Underwater Scene Analysis, pp. 582-583.

H. Fujii and T. Inui, Modelling the Spatial Recognition
Process in a Computer-Generated 3-D World, pp. 584-585.

C. Chang and S. Chatterjee, Depth from Stereo Image Flow,
pp. 586-591.

R. Safae-Rad, B. Benhabib, K. Smith, and Z. Zhou, Pre-Marking Methods
for 3D Object Recognition, pp. 592-595.

C. Bandera and P. Scott, Foveal Machine Vision Systems, pp. 596-599.

J. Kottas and C. Warde, Trends in Knowledge Base Processing Using
Optical Techniques, pp. 1250-1257.

J. Horner, Variations of the Phase-only Filter, p. 644 (abstract)

D. Gregory, J. Kirsch, and W. Crowe, Optical Correlator Guidance
and Tracking Field Tests, pp. 645-650.

Y. Fainman, L. Feng, and Y. Koren, Estimation of Absolute Spatial
Position of Mobile Systems by Hybrid Opto-Electronic Processor,
pp. 651-657.

T. Lu, X. Xu, and F. Yu, Hetero Associative Neural Network
Pattern Recognition, pp. 658-663.

M. Oguztoreli, Neural Computations in Visual Processes, pp. 664-670.

M. Jernigan, R. Belshaw, and G. McLean, Image Enhancement with
Nonlinear Local Interactions, pp. 676-681.

R. Pinter, R. Olberg, and E. Warrant, Luminance Adaptation of
Preferred Object Size in Identified Dragonfly Movement
Detectors, pp. 682-686.

A. Meyer, Z. Li, E. Haupt, K. Lu, and H. Louis, Clinical
Electrophysiology of the Eye: Physiological Modeling
and Parameter Estimation, pp. 687-692.
S. Levine and J. Kreifeldt, Minimal Information for the Unique
Representation of a Pattern of Points, pp. 828-830.

N. Ansari and E. Delp, Partial Shape Recognition: A Landmark-Based
Approach, pp. 831-836.

T. Fukuda and O. Hasegawa, Creature Recognition and Identification by
Image Processing Based on Expert System, pp. 837-842.

Y. Shiu and S. Ahmad, Grouping Image Features into Loops for
Monocular Recognition, pp. 843-844.

T. Matsunaga, A. Tokumasu, and O. Iwaki, A Study of Document
Format Identification Based on Table Structure, pp. 845-846.

T. Topper and M. Jernigan, On the Informativeness of Edges,
pp. 909-914.

C. Choo and H. Freeman, Computation of Features of 2-D Polycurve-Encoded
Boundaries, pp. 1041-1047.

A. Gross and T. Boult, Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders,
Analysis of Reflectance Properties and a Necessary Condition for
Class Membership, pp. 1260-1267.

W. Yim and D. Joo, Surface Contour Mapping Using Cross-Shaped
Structured Light Beam, pp. 1048-1050.

A. Perry and D. Lowe, Segmentation of Non-random Texture Regions
in Real Images, pp. 1051-1054.

S. Lee and J. Pan, Tracing and Representation of Human Line
Drawings, pp. 1055-1061.

T. Taxt, P. Flynn, and A. Jain, Segmentation of Document Images,
pp. 1062-1067.

K. Yokosawa, Human-Based Character String Image Retrieval from Textual
Images, pp. 1068-1069.

S. Lee, Classification of Similar Line-Drawing Patterns with Attributed
Graph Matching, pp. 1070-1071.

That's all for now. Next week, I'll try to send citations from the 3-D
scene interpretation workshop in Austin, Texas.



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Subject: 6th Israeli AI & Vision Conference

Preliminary Program for the Sixth Israel Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision

Monday, 25 December 1989
18:00 Reception, Kfar Hamaccabiyah


Tuesday, 26 December 1989

Keynote Speaker --- Nils Nilsson, Stanford University, USA

Session 1.1
"On Learning and Testing Evaluation Functions"
B. Abramson, University of Southern California, USA
"Analogical Learning: A Cognitive Theory"
B. Adelson, Tufts University, USA
"An Expert System for Computer Aided Design of Man-Machine Interface"
D. Tamir, A. Kandel, Florida State University, USA

Session 1.3
"Why Can't I Smear Paint at the Wall"
M. Brent, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
"Resolution of Lexical Synonymy at the Word Level"
S. Nirenburg, E. Nyberg, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Session 1.3B
"From Local to Global Consistency in Constraint Networks:
Some New Results"

R. Dechter, The Technion, Israel
"Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the
FRAPPE System"

Y. Feldman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
C. Rich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Session 1.5
"Multi-Agent Autoepistemic Predicate Logic"
Y. Jiang, Cambridge University, England
"A Framework for Interactions Among Agents of Disparate Capabilities"
O. Kliger, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
J. Rosenschein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
"Function Characteristics System: An ITS for Integrating Algebraic and
Graphical Activities in Secondary School Mathematics"

N. Zehavi, B. Schwarz, A. Evers, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Session 1.5B
"Intelligent Decision Support in Quasi-Legal Domains"
U. Schild, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
"Model Analysis in Model Based Diagnosis"
A. Abu-Hanna, R. Benjamins, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"Planning in TRAUMAID"
R. Rymon, J. Clarke, B. Webber, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Wednesday, 27 December 1989

Keynote Speaker --- Bonnie Webber, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Session 2.1
"Corpus-Based Lexical Acquisition for Translation Systems"
J. Klavans, E. Tzoukermann, IBM Research, USA
"CARAMEL: A Flexible Model for Interaction between the Cognitive
Processes Underlying Natural Language Understanding"

G. Sabah, L. Nicaud, C. Sauvage, LIMSI, France
"Zihui Mishkalo Shel Shir b'Machshev"
U. Ornan, The Technion, Israel
"A Polymorphic Type Checking System for Prolog in HiLog"
T. Fruhwirth, SUNY, USA

Session 2.2
Invited Speaker --- Saul Amarel, Rutgers University, USA
"AI in Design"

Session 2.3
"A Model and a Prototype for a Knowledge-Base System for Graphic

E. Naphtalovitch, E. Gudes, J. Addess, A. Noyman,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
"Rule Based Expert Systems Which Learn to Solve Problems Quicker"
D. Berlin, M. Schneider, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
"A System for Incremental Learning Based on Algorithmic Probability"
R. Solomonoff, Oxbridge Research, USA

Tue, December 26
Session 1.2
11:00 - 13:00 Keynote speaker:
P. Burt, David Sarnoff Research Center, USA
Dynamic Analysis of Image Motion
M. Costa, R.M. Haralick, L.G. Shapiro, University of Washington, USA
Optimal affine- invariant point matching

Session 1.4
S. negahdaripour & A. Shokrollahi, University of Hawaii, USA
Relaxing the brightness constancy assumption in computing optical flow
D. Keren, S. Peleg, A. Shmuel, Hebrew University, Israel
Accurate hierarchical estimation of optical flow

Session 1.6
D. Hung & O.R. Mitchell, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Scaling invariant recognition of medium resolution, partially occluded objects
D. Keren, R. Marcus, M. Werman, Hebrew University
Segmenting and compressing waveforms by minimum length encoding
K. B. Thornton & L.G. Shapiro, University of Washington, USA
Image matching for view class construction

Wed, December 27
Session 2.5
9:15- 10:15 Keynote speaker
R. Bajcsy, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Perception via Active Exploration Examples of Disassembly

Hall 1

Session 2.6
H. Rom & S. Peleg, Hebrew University
Motion based segmentation of 2D scenes
S. Levy Gazit & G. Medioni, University of Southern California, USA
Multi scale contour matching in a motion sequence
Y. Pnueli, N.Kiryati, A. Bruckstein, Technion, Israel
On Navigation in moving influence fields
A. Meizles & R. Versano, Ben Gurion University, Israel
A multiresolution view of token textures

Session 2.7
S. Shimomura, Fujifacom Corporation, Japan
An application of high speed projecion module to document understatnding
N. Kiryati & A. Bruckstein, Technion, Israel
Efficient shape recognition by a probabilistic generalized hough transform

Session 2.8
A. Shmuel & M. Werman, Hebrew University, Israel
Active vision: 3D depth from an image sequence
F.Y. Shih and O.R.Mitchell, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Euclidean distance based on grey scale morphology
D. Sherman & S. Peleg, Hebrew University, Israel
Stereo by incremental matching of contours

Hall 2

Session 3.1
M. Lindenbaum & A.Bruckstein, Technion, Israel
Geometric probing using composite probes
F.Y. Shih & C.S. Prathuri, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Shape extraction from size histogram
M. Irani & S. Peleg, Hebrew University, Israel
Super resolution from image sequences
G. Ron & S. Peleg, Hebrew University, Israel
Linear shape from shading

Session 3.2
N. gershon, J. Cappelleti, S. Hinds, MITRE Corporation, USA
3D image processing, segmentation and visualization of PET brain images
V.F. Leavers, Kings College, England
Use of the Radon transform as a method of extracting information about
shape in 2D

Session 3.3
E. Shavit & J. Tsotsos, University of Toronto, Canada
A Prototype for intermediate level visual processing: A motion hierarchy as
a case study
D. Chetverikov, Computer Institute, Hungary
A data structure for fast neighborhood search in points set
D. Sher, E. Chuang, R. Venkatesan, SUNY Buffalo, USA
Generating object location systems from complex object descriptions

The Sixth Israeli Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
Vision and Pattern Recognition
December 26-27, 1989

Registration information from:

IPA --- Information Processing Association of Israel,
Kfar Hamaccabiah
Ramat Gan 52109
Phone: (972)-3-715772



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