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VISION-LIST Digest 1989 10 30c

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Vision-List Digest	Mon Oct 30 12:13:16 PDT 89 

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Today's Topics:

PART2: More online references, some recent conference proceedings


Date: Thu, 26 Oct 89 14:33:17 EDT
From: Terrance Boult <>
Subject: PART2: More online references, some recent conference proceedings

A collection of papers from various conference/workshop proceedings
T. Boult (

In order of appearance in this file (i.e. the order they were typed), the key
to paper locations are:
CVPR = IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition
IRCV = SPIE conference on Intelligent Robotics and Computer Vision
SF:SRSI = SPIE conference on Sensor Fusion
MRII = SPIE conference on Mobile Robots
IUW = Proceedings of Darpa Image Understanding Workshop
R&A = IEEE conference on Robotics and Automation
ICCV = IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
SR&MSF = AAAI workshop on spatial reasoning and Multi-sensor fusion
SIGGRAPH = ACM conference on Graphics
Stereographics = ACM SIGGRAPH tutorial notes on stereo graphics
TPBM = ACM SIGGRAPH notes on physically based modeling

Note each group of papers separated by a line of ****.

F. Pfeiffer and B. Gebler, "A Multistage-Approach to the Dynamics and
Control" (R&A, 1988)

H. Krishnan and M. Vidyasagar, "Control of a Single-Link Flexible Beam
Using a Hankel-Norm-Based Reduced Order Model" (R&A, 1988)

S. K. Biswas and R. D. Klafter, "Dynamic Modeling and Optimal Control of
Flexible Robotic Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

D. Wang, M. Vidyasagar, "Modelling of a 5-Bar-Linkage Manipulator with One
Flexible Link" (R&A, 1988)

R. V. Dubey, J. A. Euler, S. M. Babcock, "An Efficient Gradient
ProjectionOptimizationScheme for a Seven-Degree-of-Freedom Redundant Robot
with Spherical Wrist" (R&A, 1988)

C. Chevallereau and W. Khalil, "A New Method for the Solutionof the Inverse
Kinematics of Redundant Robots" (R&A, 1988)

H. Das, J.J.E. Slotine and T. B. Sheridan, "Inverse Kinematic Algorithms
for Redundant Systems" (R&A, 1988)

R. V. Mayorga and A.K.C. Wong, "A Singularities Avoidance Appraoch for the
Optimal Local Path Generation of Redundant Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

B. Paden and K. Sullivan, "Bounded Deviation Trajectory Interpolation for
Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

Y.H. Chang, T.T. Lee and C. H. Liu, "On-Line Cartesian Path Trajectory
Planning for Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

J. Angeles and R. Akhras, "Cartesian Trajectory Planning for 3-DOF
Spherical Wrists" (R&A, 1988)

Y. Kanayama, "Least Cost Paths with Algebraic Cost Functions - Part 1" (R&A, 1988)

T. Iberall, J. Jackson, L. Labbe and R. Zampano, "Knowledge-Based
Prehension: Capturing Human Dexterity" (R&A, 1988)

J.C. Trinkle, "Grasp Acquisition Using Liftability Regions" (R&A, 1988)

G. Wang, H. E. Stephanou, "Chopstick Manipulation with an Articulated Hand
- A Qualitative Analysis" (R&A, 1988)

C. M. Bastuscheck, "On the Stability of Grasping: Three Fingers and A
Planar Polygon" (R&A, 1988)

R.D. Howe, I. Kao and M. R. Cutkosky, "The Sliding of Robot Fingers Under
Combined Torsion and Shear Loading" (R&A, 1988)

J.S. Schoenwald, P.M. Beckham, R.A. Rattner, B. Vanerlip and B. E. Shi,
"End Effector Actuationwith a Solid State Motor" (R&A, 1988)

V. Kumar, K. J. Waldron, "Force Distribution in Closed Kinematic
Chains" (R&A, 1988)

H. Asada, Y. Kakumoto, "The Dynamic RCC Hand for High-Speed Assembly" (R&A, 1988)

A. Sharon, N. Hogan, D.E. Hardt, "High Bandwidth Force Regulation and
Inertia Reduction Using a Macro/Micro Manipulator System" (R&A, 1988)

Y. C. Pati, D. Friedman, P. S. Krishnaprasad, C. T. Yao, M.C. Peckerar, R.
Yang and C.R. K. Marrian, "Neural Networks for Tactile Perception" (R&A, 1988)

M. Kuperstein, "Generalized Neural Model for Adaptive Sensory-Motor Control
of Single Postures" (R&A, 1988)

A. Guez, J. Eilbert and M. Kam, "Neuromorphic Architectures for Fast
Adaptive Robot Control" (R&A, 1988)

A. De Luca, "Dynamic Control of Robots with Hoint Elasticity" (R&A, 1988)

S. D. Eppinger and W. P. Seering, "Modeling Robot Flexibility for Endpoint
Force Control" (R&A, 1988)

S. Pal, H. E. Staphanou and G. Cook, "Optimal Control of a Single Link
Flexible Manipulator" (R&A, 1988)

R. S. Gompertz and D. C. H. Yang, "Feasiblity Evaluation of Dynamically
Linearized Kinematically Redundant Planar Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

P. Hsu, J. Hauser and S. Sastry, "Dynamic Control of Redundant
Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

R. L. Anderson, "Aggressive Trajectory Generator for A Robot Ping Pong
Player" (R&A, 1988)

Y. L. Gu, "Dynamics and Control for Redundant Robots" (R&A, 1988)

Y. C. Chen and M. Vidyasagar, "Optimal Trajectory Planning for Planar
n-Link Revolute Manipulators in the Presence of Obstacles" (R&A, 1988)

Y. P. Chien, A. J. Koivo, and B. H. Lee, "On-line Generation of Collision
Free Trajectories for Multiple Robots" (R&A, 1988)

W. Meyer and Pl Benedict, "Path Planning and the Geometry of Joint Space
Obstacles" (R&A, 1988)

S. Jun and K.G. Shin, "A Probablistic Approach to Collision-Free Robot Path
Planning" (R&A, 1988)

A. Cole, J. Hauser and S. Sastry, "Kinematics and Control of Multifingered
Hands with Rolling Contact" (R&A, 1988)

T. Keohler and M. Donath, "Inverse Kinematics for a Multifingered Hand" (R&A, 1988)

R. C. Hui and A. A. Goldenberg, "Modelling the Manipulation of Rigid
Objects as a Singular System" (R&A, 1988)

T. Yoshikawa and K. Nagai, "Evaluation and Determination of Grasping Forces
for Multifingered Hands" (R&A, 1988)

D. L. Brock, "Enhancing the Dexterity of a Robot Hand Using controlled
Slip" (R&A, 1988)

K. Salisbury, W. Townsend, B. Eberman, D. DiPietro, "Preliminary Design of
a Whole-Arm Manipulation System (WAMS)" (R&A, 1988)

S. Salcudean and R. L. Hollis, "A Magnetically Levited Fine Motion Wrist:
Kinematics, Dynamics and Control" (R&A, 1988)

K. M. Lee, G. Vachtsevanos and C. K. Kwan, "Development of a Spherical
Stepper Wrist Motor" (R&A, 1988)

A. H. Shirkhodaie and A. H. Soni, "Algorithms for Design and Motion
Synthesis of a Planar Closed-Loop Robot" (R&A, 1988)

G. B. Andeen and R. Kornbluh, "Design of Compliance in Robotics" (R&A, 1988)

J. Ish-Shalom and P. Kazanzides, "SPARTA: Muliple Signal Processors for
High-Performance Robotic Control" (R&A, 1988)

P. K. Khoslan and S. Ramos, "A Comparative Analysis of the Hardware
Requirements for the Lagrange-Euler and Newton-Euler Dynamics
Formulations" (R&A, 1988)

P. R. Chang and C. S. G. Lee, "Residue Arithmetic VLSI Array Architecture
for Manipulator Pseudo-Inverse Jacobian Computation" (R&A, 1988)

Y. L. C. ling, P. Sadayappan, K. W. Olson and D. E. Orin, "A VLSI Robotics
Vector Processor For Real-Time Control" (R&A, 1988)

F. Khorrami and U. Ozguner, "Perturbation Methods in Control of Flexible
Link Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

E. Bayo, "Computed Torque for the Position Control of Open-Chain Flexible
Robots" (R&A, 1988)

P.T. Kotnik, S. Yurkovich and U. Ozguner, "Accelaration Feedback Control
for a Flexible Manipulator Arm" (R&A, 1988)

C. C. DeWit and O. Lys, "Robust Control and Parameter Estimation of Robots
withFlexible Joints" (R&A, 1988)

S. Ahmad and H. Guo, "Dynamic Coordination of Dual-Arm Robotic Systems with
Joint Flexibility" (R&A, 1988)

T. Yabuta, A. J. Chona and G. Beni, "On the Asymptotic Stabiltiy of the
Hybrid Position/Force Control Scheme for Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

Y. F. Zheng and J. Y. S. Luh, "Optimal Load Distribution for Two Industrial
Robots Handling a Single Object" (R&A, 1988)

M. Uchiyama and P. Dauchez, "A Symmetric Hybrid Position/Force Control
Scheme" (R&A, 1988)

A H. Eltimsahy and W. S. Yang, "Near Minimum-Time Control of Robotic
Manipulator with Obstacles in the Workspace" (R&A, 1988)

K. J. Kyriakopoulos, and G. N. Saridis, "Minimum Jerk Path Generation" (R&A, 1988)

Z. Shiller and S. Dubowsky, "Global Time Optimal Motions of Robotic
Manipulators in the Presence of Obstacles" (R&A, 1988)

O. Egeland and E. Lunde, "Trajectory Generation For Manipulators Using
Linear Quadric Optimal Tracking" (R&A, 1988)

P. Hsu, Z. Li, and S. Sastry, "On Grasping and Coordinated Manipulation by
a Multifingered Robot Hand" (R&A, 1988)

J. Demmel, G. Lafferiere, J. Schwrtz and M. Sharir, "Theoretical and
Experimental Studies Using a Multifinger planar Manipulator" (R&A, 1988)

G. B. Dunn and J. Segen, "Automatic Discovery of Robotic Grasp
Configurations" (R&A, 1988)

M. Shahinpoor and A. Tootoonchi, "Analysis of a Two-Fingered Manufacturing
Robotic Hand for Fine Automation Processes" (R&A, 1988)

K. Rao, G. Medioni, H. Liu, G. A. Bekey, "Robot Hand-Eye Coordination:
Shape Description and Grasping" (R&A, 1988)

S. M. Song, and J. K. Lee, "The Mechanical Efficiency and Kinematics of
Pantograph Type Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

M. A. Peshkin and A. C. Sanderson, "Minimization of Energy in Quasistatic
Manipulation" (R&A, 1988)

K. Ikuta, M. Tsukamoto and S. Hirose, "Shape Memory Alloy Servo Actuator
System with Electric Resistance Feedback and Application for Active
Endoscope" (R&A, 1988)

P. M.Taylor, G. J. Monkman, and G. E. Taylor, "Electrostatic Gripppers for
Fabric Handling" (R&A, 1988)

N. Ulrich, R. Paul and R. Bajcsy, "A Medium-Complexity Complaint End
Effector" (R&A, 1988)

G. S. Thornton, "The GEC Tetrabot - A New Serial Parallel Asembly Robot" (R&A, 1988)

H. Kazerooni and S. Kim, "A New Architecture for Direct Drive Robots" (R&A, 1988)

S. Narasimhan, D. M. Siegal, J. M. Hollerbach, "Condor: A Revised
Architecture for Controlling the Utah-MIT Hand" (R&A, 1988)

A. Ray and A. Ayyagari, "Networking for Real-Time Control of Integrated
Manufacturing Processes" (R&A, 1988)

S.S. Leung and M. A. Shanblatt, "Computer Architecture Design for
Robotics" (R&A, 1988)

M. I. Vuskovic, "R-SHELL: A Unix-Based Developemnt Environment for
Robitics" (R&A, 1988)

S. S. Leung and M. A. Shanblatt, "A Conceptual Framework for Designing
Robotic Computational Hardware with ASIC Technology" (R&A, 1988)

J. Lloyd, M. Parker, R. McClain, "Extending the RCCL Programming
Environment to Multiple Robots and Processors" (R&A, 1988)

S. Butner, Y. Wang,A. Mangaser and S. Jordan, "Design and Simulation of
RIPS: An Advanced Robot Control System" (R&A, 1988)

G. B. Yang and M. Donath, "Dynamic Model of a One-Link Robot Manipulator
with Both Structural and Joint Flexibility" (R&A, 1988)

D. A. Fresonke, E. Hernandez and D. Tesar, "Deflection Prediction for
Serial Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

C. H. Menq and J. S. Chen, "Dynamic Modeling and Payload-Adaptive Control
of a Flexible Manipulator" (R&A, 1988)

K. Oosting and S.L. Dickerson, "Simulation of a High-Speed Lightweight
Arm" (R&A, 1988)

M.E. Pittelkau, "Adaptive Load-Sharing Force Control for Two-Arm
Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

I. H. Suh and K.G. Shin, "Coordination of Dual Robot Arms Using Kinematic
Redundancy" (R&A, 1988)

H. Kazerooni and T. I. Tsay, "Compliance Control and Unstructured Modeling
of Cooperating Robots" (R&A, 1988)

F. L. Swern and S. J. Tricamo, "An Approach to Controlling Multi-Arm
Robotic Manipulation of a Single Body" (R&A, 1988)

M. T. Mason and Y. Wang, "On the Inconsistency of Rigid-Body Frictional
Planar Mechanics" (R&A, 1988)

G. T. Wilfong, "Motion Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle" (R&A, 1988)

R. W. Brockett, "On the Computer Sontrol of Movement" (R&A, 1988)

E. Tabarah, B. Benhabib and G. Zak, "Point-to-Point Motion Control of
Two-Arm Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

E. Krokov and R. Kories, "Adaptive Control of Cooperating Sensors: Focus
and Stereo Ranging with an Agile Camera System" (R&A, 1988)

R.Y. Tsai and R. K. Lenz, "Real Time Versatile Robotics Hand/Eye Calibration
Using 3D Machine Vision" (R&A, 1988)

K. D. Gramban, C. E. Thorpe and T. Kanade, "Geometric Camera
CalibrationUsing Systems of Linear Equations" (R&A, 1988)

R. C. Luo, R. E. Mullen Jr., and D. E. Wessell, "An Adaptive Robotic
Tracking System Using Optical Flow" (R&A, 1988)

P. T. Boissiere and R. W. Harrigan, "Telerobotic Operation of Conventional
Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

B. Hannaford and R. Anderson, "Experimental and Simulation Studies of Hard
Contact inForce Reflecting Teleoperation" (R&A, 1988)

C. Clement, R. Fournier, P. Gravez and J. Morillon, "Computer-Aided
Teleoperation: From Arm to Vehicle Control" (R&A, 1988)

L. W. Stark, W. S. Kim and F. Tendick, "Cooperative Control in
Telerobotics" (R&A, 1988)

I. U. Rembold, "The Karlsruhe Autonomous Mobile Assemble Robot" (R&A, 1988)

S. Y. Harmon, "A Report on the Nato Workshop on Mobile Robot
Implementation" (R&A, 1988)

A. M. Flynn and R. A. Brooks, "MIT Mobile Robots - What's Next" (R&A, 1988)

M. Herman, J. S. Albus, "Overview of the Multiple AUtonomous Underwater
Vehicles (MAUV) Project" (R&A, 1988)

R. C. Mann, W. R. Hamel and C. R. Weisbin, "The Development of an
Intelligent Nuclear Maintenance Robot" (R&A, 1988)

S. Honnenahalli and S. T. Bow, "Piecewise Representation of Curves with
Concatenated Arcs via Detection of Appropriate Break Points" (R&A, 1988)

L. Sciavicco and B. Siciliano., "An Algorithm to Compute the Reachable
Workspace for 2R And 2R Planar Pair Mechnaical Arms" (R&A, 1988)

M. Kabuka, P. Glaskowski and J. Miranda, "A Flexible High Performance Robot
Arm Controller" (R&A, 1988)

K. L. Muck, "Motion Planning in constraint Space" (R&A, 1988)

G. P. Starr, "Cartesian Stiffness Control of the JPL/Stanford/Salisbury
Hand" (R&A, 1988)

R. A. Basta, R. Mehrotra and M. R. Varanasi, "CollisionDetection for
Planning Collision-Free Motion of Two Robot Arms" (R&A, 1988)

I. J. Cox, "C++ Language Support for Guaranteed Initialization, Safe
Termintion and Error Recovery in Robotics" (R&A, 1988)

G. Taubin, "Nonplanar Curve and Surface Estimation in 3-Space" (R&A, 1988)

K. Xia, S. Jiang and L. Lu, "Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning of a
Manipulator" (R&A, 1988)

Y. K. Hwang and N. Ahuja, "Path Planning Using a Potential Field
Representation" (R&A, 1988)

S. C. Zaharakis and A. Guez, "Time Optimal Navigation via Slack Time Sets" (R&A, 1988)

M. C. Moed and R. B. Kelly, "The Design of an Assembly Cell Task
Supervisor" (R&A, 1988)

J.C. K. Chou, and M. Kamel, "Quaternions Approach to Solve the Kinematic
Equation of Rotation AaAx = Ax Ab of a Sensor-Mounted Robotic
Manipulator" (R&A, 1988)

L. Kelmar and P. K. Khosla, "Automatic Generation of Kinematics for a
Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System" (R&A, 1988)

J. K. Poon and P. D. Lawrence, "Manipulator Inverse Kinemateics Based on
Joint Functions" (R&A, 1988)

S. D. Hill and R. J. Vaccaro, "A Discrete-time Robotic Command Generator" (R&A, 1988)

M. W. Walker, "An Efficient Algorithm for the Adaptive Control of a
Manipulator" (R&A, 1988)

Y. Chen, "Automatic Parameter Tuning and Its Implementation for Robot
Arms" (R&A, 1988)

R. Kelly and R. Ortega, "Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators: An
Input-Output Approach" (R&A, 1988)

W. Li and J.H. E. Slotine, "Indirect Adaptive Robot Control" (R&A, 1988)

R. A. Grupen and T. C. Henderson, "A Control Paradigm for General Purpose
Manipulations Systems" (R&A, 1988)

M. Daily, J. Harris, D. Keirsey, K. Olin, D. Payton, K. Reiser, J.
Rosenblatt, D. Tseng and V. Wong, "Autonomous Cross-Country Navigation with
the Alv" (R&A, 1988)

L. Matthies and A. Elfes, "Integration of Sonar and Stereo Range Data Using
a Grid-Based Representation" (R&A, 1988)

V. Lumelsky and T. Skewis, "A Paradigm for Incorporating Vision" (R&A, 1988)

E. Cheung and V. Lumelsky, "Motion Planning for Robot Arm Manipulators with
Proximity Sensing" (R&A, 1988)

D. J. DKriegman and T. O. Binford, "Generic Models for Robot Navigation" (R&A, 1988)

J. G. Winger and K. M. Lee, "Experimental Investigation of a Tactile Sensor
Based on Bending Losses in Fiber Optics" (R&A, 1988)

B. Tise, "A Compact High Resolution Piezoresistive Digital Tactile Sensor" (R&A, 1988)

R. S. Fearing and T. O. Binford, "Using a Cylindrical Tactile Sensor for
Determining Curvature" (R&A, 1988)

J. J. Clark, "A Magnetic Field Based Compliance Matching Sensor for High
Resolution, High Compliance Tactile Sensing" (R&A, 1988)

C. H. Wu, J. Ho, K. Y. Young, "Design of Robot Accuracy Compensator After
Calibration" (R&A, 1988)

B. W. Mooring and T. J. Pack "Calibration Procedure for an Industrial
Robot" (R&A, 1988)

L. J. Everett and C. Y. Lin, "Kinematic Calibration of Manipulators with
Closed Loop Actuated Joints" (R&A, 1988)

L.J. Everett and A. H. Suryohadiprojo, "A Study of Kinematic Models for
Forward Calibration of Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

B. S. Choi and S. M. Song, "Fully Automated Obstacle-Crossing Gaits for
Walking Machines" (R&A, 1988)

H. C. Wong and D. E. Orin, "Reflex Control of the Prototype Leg During
Contact and Slippage" (R&A, 1988)

Y. F. Zheng, J. Shen and F. R. Sias Jr., "A Motion Control Scheme for a
Bipe Robot to Climb Sloping Surfaces" (R&A, 1988)

M. Buhler and D. E. Koditschek, "Analysis of a Simplified Hopping Robot" (R&A, 1988)

T.T. Lee and J. H. Liao, "Trajectory Planning and Control of a 3-Link Biped
Robot" (R&A, 1988)

J. Hodgins, "Legged Robots on Rough Terrain: Experiments in Adjusting Step
Length" (R&A, 1988)

S. L. Chiu, "Kinematic Characterization of Manipulators: An Approach to
Defining Optimality" (R&A, 1988)

S. K. Chan and P. D. Lawrence, "General Inverse Kinematics with the Error
Damped Pseudoinverse" (R&A, 1988)

S. Ahmad and S. Luo, "Analysis of Kinematic Singularities for Robot
Manipulators in Cartesian Coordinate Parameters" (R&A, 1988)

M. Hiller and C. Woernle, "The Characteristic Pair of Joints - An Effective
Approach for the Inverse Kinematic Problem of Robots" (R&A, 1988)

H. Seraji, "Adaptive Independent Joint Control of Manipulators: Theory and
Experiment" (R&A, 1988)

F. Pourboghrat, "Adaptive Learning Control for Robots" (R&A, 1988)

F. Zuren and H. Baosheng, "A New Adaptive Control Algorithm of Robot
Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

Y. L. Gu, "Analysis of Orientation Representations by Lie Algebra" (R&A, 1988)

S. Cameron and J. Aylett, "ROBMOD: A Geometry Engine for Robotics" (R&A, 1988)

J. Funda and R. P. Paul, "A Comparison of Transforms and Quaternions in
Robotics" (R&A, 1988)

B. R. Donald, "Planning Multistep Error Detectionand Recovery Strategies" (R&A, 1988)

C. K. Cowan, "Model-Based Synthesis of Sensor Location" (R&A, 1988)

Y. P. Hung, D. B. Cooper and B. Cernuschi-Frias, "Bayesian Estimation of
3-D Surfaces from a Sequence of Images" (R&A, 1988)

R. T. Dunlay, "Obstacle Avoidance Perception Processing for the Autonomous
Land Vehicle" (R&A, 1988)

M. Asada, "Building a 3-D World Model for a Mobile Robot from Sensory
Data" (R&A, 1988)

C. H. Menq and J.H. Borm, "Statistical Measure and Characterization of
Robot Errors" (R&A, 1988)

J. Ziegert and P. Datseris, "Basic Considerations for Robot Calibration" (R&A, 1988)

H. W. Stone and A. C. Sanderson, "Statistical Performance Evaluation of
the S-Model Arm Signature Identification Technique" (R&A, 1988)

S. Hayati, K. Tso, G. Roston, "Robot Geometry Calibration" (R&A, 1988)

J.F. Jarvis, "Calibration of Theodolites" (R&A, 1988)

J. F. Jones and B. J. Petterson, "Oscillation Damped Movement of Suspended
Objects" (R&A, 1988)

S. Ahmad and S. Luo, "Coordinated Motion Control of Multiple Robotic
Devices for Welding and Redundancy Coordination through Constrained
Optimization in Cartesian Space" (R&A, 1988)

C. R. Carignan and D. L. Akin, "Tracking and Stationkeeping for Free-Flying
Robots Using Sliding Surfaces" (R&A, 1988)

F. Naghdy, C.K. Wai and G. Naghdy, "Multiprocessing Control of Robotic
Systems" (R&A, 1988)

I. J. Cox, "Blanche: An Autonomous Robot Vehicle for Structured
Environments" (R&A, 1988)

E. F.Fichter and B. L. Fichter, "A Survey of Legs of Insects and Spiders
from a Kinematic Perspective" (R&A, 1988)

Z. S. Tumrh and C. O. Alford, "Solving for Manipulator Joint Rates in
Singular Positions" (R&A, 1988)

L. G. Herrera-Bendezu, E. Mu, J. T. Cain, "Symbolic Computation of Robot
Manipulator Kinematics" (R&A, 1988)

A. Fijany and A. K. Bejczy, "Efficient Jacobian Inversion for the Control
of SImple Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

L. Cai and A. A. Goldenberg, "Robust Control of Unconstrained Maneuver and
Collision for a Robot Manipulator with Bounded Parameter Uncertainty" (R&A, 1988)

B. J. Oh, M. Jamshidi and H. Seraji, "A Decentralized Adaptive Control" (R&A, 1988)

D. T. Gavel and T. C. Hsia, "Decentralized Adaptive Control Experiments
with the PUMA Robot Arm" (R&A, 1988)

I. D. Landau and R. Horowitz, "Synthesis of Adaptive Controllers for Robot
Manipulators Using a Passive Feedback Systems Approach" (R&A, 1988)

C. Cai and B. Roth, "On the Spatial Motion of a Rigid Body with Line
Contact" (R&A, 1988)

W. M. Grimm, N. Becker and P. M. Frank, "Robust Stability Design Framework
for Robot Manipulator Control" (R&A, 1988)

M. B. Lahy Jr., "Dynamics Based Control of Vertically Articulated
Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

W. D. Fisher and M. S. Mujtaba, "Minimum Ratio-Locked Profile Times for
Robot Trajectories" (R&A, 1988)

A. Cameron, R. Dniel and H. Durrant-Whyte, "Touch and Motion" (R&A, 1988)

S. A. Hutchinson, R. L. Cromwell and A. C. Kak, "Planning Sensing
Strategies in a Robot Work Cell with Multi-Sensor Capabilities" (R&A, 1988)

R.C. Luo, M. H. Lin, "Robot Multisensor Fusion and Integration: Optimum
Estimation of Fused Sensor Data" (R&A, 1988)

P. Linag, J.F. Lee and S. Hackwood, "A General Framework for Robot Hand-Eye
Coordination" (R&A, 1988)

S. A. Stansfield, "Representing Generic Objects for Exploration and
Recognition" (R&A, 1988)

G. E. Taylor and P. M. Taylor, "Dynamic Error Probability Vectors: A
Framework for Sensory Decision Making" (R&A, 1988)

L. De Floriani and G. Nagy, "An Alternative Goal-Oriented Hierarchical
Representation of Solid Objects for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing" (R&A, 1988)

R. Popplestone, R. Weiss, Y. Liu, "Using Characteristic Invariants to Infer
New Spatial Relationships from Old" (R&A, 1988)

E. Kasturia, F. DiCesare and A. Desrochers, "Real Time Control of
Multilevel Manufacturing Systems-Using Colored Petric Nets" (R&A, 1988)

A. Villa, "A Hierarchical Knowledge Based/Analytical Approach to
Fault-Tolerant Control in Flexible Manufacturing" (R&A, 1988)

V. R. Milacic, V. D. Majstorovic and I.Z. Race, "Building Expert System for
Diagnosis and Maintenance in FMS" (R&A, 1988)

S.X.C. Lou, "Optimal Control Rules for Scheduling Job Shops" (R&A, 1988)

R. J. Norcross, "A Control Structure for Multitasking Workstations" (R&A, 1988)

H. Zhang and R. P. Paul, "Nonkinematic Errors in Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

C. L. Chen, C.S.G. Lee and E.S.H. Hou, "Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for
Robot Inverse Dynamics Computation on a Multiprocessor System" (R&A, 1988)

R. G. Harber, X. Hu, J. Li, S.C. Bass, "The Application of Bit-Serial
Cordic Computational Units to the Design of Inverse Kinematics
Processors" (R&A, 1988)

T.B. Yeung and C.S.G. Lee, "Efficient Parallel Algorithms and VLSI
Architectures for Manipulator Jacobian Computation" (R&A, 1988)

H. Kazerooni and T.I. Tsay, "Stability Criteria for Robot Compliant
Maneuvers" (R&A, 1988)

Y. Xu and R.P. Paul, "On Position Compenstation and Force Control Stability
of a Robot with a Compliant Wrist" (R&A, 1988)

W.E. Hamilton, Jr., "Globally Stable Compliant Motion Control for Robotic
Assembly" (R&A, 1988)

D.A. Lawrence, "Impedance Control Stability Properties in Common
Implementations" (R&A, 1988)

M. Tarokh and H. Seraji, "A Control Scheme for Trajectory Tracking of Robot
Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

F. Khorrami and U. Ozguner, "Decentralized Control of Robot Manipulators
via State and Proportional-Integral Feedback" (R&A, 1988)

S.P.T. Wang and C.Y. Kuo, "Nonlinear Robust Hybrid Control of Robot
Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

Y. Chen and A.A. Desrochers, "Time-Optimal Control of Two-Degree of Freedom
Robot Arms" (R&A, 1988)

H. Nasr and B. Bhanu, "Landmark Recognition for Autonomous Mobile Robots" (R&A, 1988)

N.S.V. Rao, N.Stoltzfus, S.S. Iyengar, "A "Retraction" Method for Terrain
Model Acquisition" (R&A, 1988)

C.M. Wang, "Location Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis for Mobine
Robots" (R&A, 1988)

C.D. McGillem and T.S. Rappaport, "Infra-Red Location System for Navigation
of Autonomous Vehicles" (R&A, 1988)

R. McDendall and M. Mintz, "Robust Fusion of Location Information" (R&A, 1988)

S. N. Gottschlich and A.C. Kak, "A Dynamic Approach to High-Precision Parts
Mating" (R&A, 1988)

B. J. Gilmore and D.A. Streit, "A Rule-Based Algorithm to Predict the
Dynamic Behavior of Mechanical Part Orienting Operations" (R&A, 1988)

J. Xiao and R. A. Volz, "Design and MotionConstraints of Part-Mating
Planning in the Presence of uncertainties" (R&A, 1988)

H. Asada and Y. Asari, "The Direct Teaching of Tool Manipulation Skills via
the Impedance Identification of Human Motions" (R&A, 1988)

P. Freeman, A. Malowany, "The Analysis and Optimizaiton of Repetition
within Robot Workcell Sequencing Problems" (R&A, 1988)

X. Xia and G.A. Beckey, "SROMA: An Adaptive Scheduler for Robotic Assembly
Systems" (R&A, 1988)

I.D. Walker, R. A. Freeman and S. I. Malowany, "The Analysis and
Optimization of Repetition within Robot Workcell Sequencing Problems" (R&A, 1988)

P. Rogers and D. J. Williams, "A Knowledge-Based System Linking Simulation
to Real-Time Control for Manufacturing Cells" (R&A, 1988)

M. Liou, P. Sheu, "Automatic Process Preplanning in Manufacturing
Environments" (R&A, 1988)

R. L. Kashyap, H. J. SMith, C. Tsatsoulis and L. K. Wiggins, "An
Intellignet System for Integrating Process Planning and Design" (R&A, 1988)

J.S. Kim and P.J. Reucroft, "Solid Stae Water VApor Sensor for Robotics
Applications" (R&A, 1988)

F. Thomas and C. Torras, "Constraint-Based Inference of Assembly
Configurations" (R&A, 1988)

N. Nandhakumar and J. K. Aggarwal, "Thermal and Visual Information Fusion
for Outdoor Scene Perception" (R&A, 1988)

E.W. Aboaf, C.G. Atkeson and D. J. Reinkensmeyer, "Task-Level Robot
Learning" (R&A, 1988)

C.S. Vaidyanathan and H.C. Wood, "A New Tactile Sensing System" (R&A, 1988)

L. E. Banta, "A Self-Tuning Navigation Algorithm" (R&A, 1988)

Y. Kanayama, A. Nilipour and C.A. Lelm, "A Locomotion Control Method for
Autonomous Vehicles" (R&A, 1988)

L. Basanez, R.B. Kelly, M.C. Moed and C. Torras, "A Least-Commitment
Approach to Intelligent Robotic Assembly" (R&A, 1988)

G.T. Uber and M.F. Doherty, "Real-Time Object Determination for Space
Robotics" (R&A, 1988)

S. R. Pandian, M. Hanmandlu and M. Gopal, "A Decentralized Variable
Structure Model Following Controller for Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

T.C. Hsia, T.A. Lasky and Z. Y. Guo, "Robost Independent Robot Joint
Control: Design and Experimentation"

S. Kawamura, F. Miyazaki and S. Arimoto, "Is a Local Linear PD Feedback
Control Law Effective for Trajectory Tracking Of Robot Motion?" (R&A, 1988)

M.C. Tsai, G. Anwar, M. Tomizuka, "Discrete Time Repetitive Control for
Robot Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

C.A. Balafoutis, P. Misra, and R.V. Patel, "A Cartesian Tensor Approach for
Fast Computation of Manipulator Dynamics" (R&A, 1988)

Y. Nakamura and M. Ghodoussi, "A Computational Scheme of Closed Link Robot
Dynamics Derived by D'Alembert Principle" (R&A, 1988)

S.M. Song and Y. J. Lin, "An Alternative Method for Manipulator Kinetic
Analysis- the D'Alembert Method" (R&A, 1988)

H. Mayeda, K. Yoshida and K. Osuka, "Base Parameters of Manipulator Dynamic
Models" (R&A, 1988)

C.H. An, C.G. Atkeson and J. M. Hollerbach, "Model-Based Control of a
Direct Drive Arm, Part I: Building Models" (R&A, 1988)

P. K. Khosla, "Some Experimental Results on Model-Based Control Schemes" (R&A, 1988)

C.H. An, C.G. Atkenson and J. M. Hollerbach, "Model-Based Control of a
Direct Drive Arm, Part II: Control" (R&A, 1988)

F.S. Cohen and Z. Fan, "Rotation Invariant Texture Classification" (R&A, 1988)

T. J. Fan, G. Medioni and R. Nevatia, "Matching 3-D Objects Using Surface
Descriptions" (R&A, 1988)

Y. Lamdan, J.T. Schwartz and H. J. Wolfson, "On Recognition of 3-D Objects
from 2-D Images" (R&A, 1988)

W.E.L. Grimson, "On the Recognition of Curved Objects" (R&A, 1988)

B. Armstrong, "Friction: Experimentational Determination, Modeling and
Compensation" (R&A, 1988)

P. H. Meckl and W. P. Seering, "Controlling Velocity-Limited Systems to
Reduce Residual Vibration" (R&A, 1988)

N.C. Singer and W.P. Seering, "Using Acausal Shaping Techniques to Reduce
Robot Vibration" (R&A, 1988)

A. Gogoussis and M. Donath, "Coulomb Friction Effects on the Dynamics of
Bearings and Transmissions in Precision Robot Mechanisms" (R&A, 1988)

B. Frederick, R.M. Carrell, E. Alexander, G. VanSant, "Singulation of
Irregular Mailpieces by Adaptive Robotics" (R&A, 1988)

R.V. Dantu, N. J. Dimopoulos, R. V. Patel, A. J. Al-Khalili, "A
Micro-Manipulator Vision in IC Manufacturing" (R&A, 1988)

P.S. Yeh, S. Barash and E. Wysocki, "A Vision System for Safe Robot
Operation" (R&A, 1988)

V.V. Badami, N.R. Corby, N.H. Irwin and K.J. Overton, "Using Range Data for
Inspecting Printed Wiring Boards" (R&A, 1988)

K. Yoshihara and T. Hoh, "Development of Clean Rectangular Robot System for
Computer Disk Assembly" (R&A, 1988)

B. Bennekers and H. Teal, "Robot Runaway Protection System" (R&A, 1988)

M. H. Liu, W.S. Chang and L.Q. Zhang, "Dynamic and Adaptive Force
Controllers for Robotic Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

J. P. Merlet, "Force-Feedback Control of Parallel Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

T.E. Alberts and D. I. Soloway, "Force Control of a Multiarm Robot System" (R&A, 1988)

J. De Schutter, "Improved Force Control Laws for Advanced Tracking
Applications" (R&A, 1988)

W. L. Nelson and I. J. Cox, "Local Path Control for an Autonomous Vehicle" (R&A, 1988)

Y. F. Li and C.C. Lau, "Application of Fuzzy Control for Servo Systems" (R&A, 1988)

N. Wagner, M.C. Mulder and M.S. Hsu, "A Knowledge Based Control Strategy
for a Biped" (R&A, 1988)

A. P. Tzes, S. Yurkovich, F.D. Langer, "A Symbolic Manipulation Package for
Modeling of Rigid or Flexible Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

G. Magnani, P. Bologna, G. Rizzi, and G. Lovati, "Modelling and Simulaiton
of an Industrial Robot" (R&A, 1988)

I. Sharf and G.M.T. D'Eleuterio, "Computer Simulaiton of Elastic Chains
Using A Recursive Formulation" (R&A, 1988)

P.F. Muir and C. P. Neuman, "Dynamic Modeling of Multibody Robotic
Mechnaisms: Incorporating Closed-Chains, Friction, Higher-Pair Joints, and
Unactuated and Unsensed Joints" (R&A, 1988)

I. Masaki, "Real-Time Multi-Spectral Visual Processor" (R&A, 1988)

Z. Gigus and J. Malik, "Computing the Aspect Graph for Line Drawings of
Polyhedral Objects" (R&A, 1988)

Y.T. Liow and T. Pavlidis, "Enhancements of the Split and Merge Algorithm
for Image Segmentations" (R&A, 1988)

H. B. Kuntze, A. Jacubasch, U. Hirsch, J. Richalet and C. Arber, "On the
Application of a New Method for Fast and Robust Position" (R&A, 1988)

T. Fukuda and S. Nakagawa, "Dynamically Reconfigurable Robotic System" (R&A, 1988)

I. Lee and R. King, "Timix: A Distributed Real-Time Kernel for Multisensor
Robots" (R&A, 1988)

H. P., Huang, "The Unified Formulation of Constrained Robot Systems" (R&A, 1988)

S. Liebes, W. Gong, A. Gray, H. Martins, B. Modesitt, R. Tella, "FLAIR:
Robotic Printed Circuit Board Assembly Workcell" (R&A, 1988)

W.J. McClay and P.J. MacVicar-Whelan, "A Knowledge Base Network for
Connector Assembly Specifications" (R&A, 1988)

A. E. Brennemann, R. L. Hollis, M.A. Lavin and B. L. Musits, "Sensors for
Robotic Assembly" (R&A, 1988)

F. G. King, G. V. Puskorius, F. Yuan, R.C. Meier, V. Jeyabalan and L.A.
Feldkammp, "Vision Guided Robots For Automated Assembly" (R&A, 1988)

T.J. Tarn, A. K. Bejczy and X. Yun, "Robot Arm Force Control Through System
Linearization by Nonlinear Feedback" (R&A, 1988)

A. A. Goldenberg, "Implementation of Force and Impedance Control in Robot
Manipulators" (R&A, 1988)

C. D. Kopf and T. Yabuta, "Experimental Comparison of Master/Slave and
Hybrid Two Arm Position/Force Control" (R&A, 1988)

D. L. Wedel and G. N. Saridis, "An Experiment in Hybrid Position/Force
Control of a Six DOF Revolute Manipulator" (R&A, 1988)

K. Kant and S. Zucker, "Planning Collision-Free Trajectories in
Time-Varying Environments: A Two-Level Hierarchy" (R&A, 1988)

N.S.V. Rao, S.S. Iyengar and G. deSaussure, "The Visit Problem: Visibility
Graph-Based Solution" (R&A, 1988)

F. Avnaim, J. D. Boissonnat and B. Faverjon, "A Practical Exact Motion
Planning Algorithm for Polygonal Objects Amidst Polygonal Obstacles" (R&A, 1988)

K. Fujimura and H. Samet, "Path Planning Among Moving Obstacles Using
Spatial Indexing" (R&A, 1988)

A. El Itaoui and A. Eltimsahy, "Modeling and Control of the Merlin 6200
Industrial Robot" (R&A, 1988)

S. K. Lin, "Euler Parameters in Robot Cartesian Control" (R&A, 1988)

M. Gauthier and W. Khalil, "A Direct Determination of Minimum Inertial
Parameters of Robots" (R&A, 1988)

P. K. Goel, "The Inverse Kinematics Solution, Closed-Form Dynamics and
Simulation of AdeptOne Industrial Robot" (R&A, 1988)

F.S. Cohen and R. D. Rimey, "A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Segmenting
Range Data" (R&A, 1988)

K. Yoshida and S. Hirose, "Laser Triangulation Range Finder Available Under
Direct Sunlight" (R&A, 1988)

P. K. Acharya and T. C. Henderson, "Parameter Estimation and Error Analysis
of Range Data" (R&A, 1988)

R. M. Soneira, "Three Dimensional Imaging and Scanning Range Finders Using
the Parallax Principle" (R&A, 1988)

N. Abe, T. Ishikawa, S. Sako and S. Tsuji, "Toward Understanding of an
Instruction Manual in Mechanical Assemblies" (R&A, 1988)

M.S. Kamel and P. M. Kaufmann, "Representing Uncertainty in Robot Task
Planning" (R&A, 1988)

A. J. Sturm and M. Y. Lee, "A Contribution to Robot Tooltip Spatial
Accuracy Identification" (R&A, 1988)

A. Troncy, M.T. Martinez, S. El Baba and C. Hugues, "Modular Robots -
Graphical Interactive Programming" (R&A, 1988)

D. R. Strip, "Insertions Using Geometric Analysis and Hybrid Force-Position
Control: Method and Analysis" (R&A, 1988)

S. Begej, "Fingertip-Shaped Optical Tactile Sensor for Robotic
Applications" (R&A, 1988)

P. Dario, M. Bergamasco and A. Sabatini, "Sensing Body Structures by an
Advanced Robot System" (R&A, 1988)

F. Y. Shih, and O.R. Mitchell, "Industrial Parts Recognition and Inspection
by Image Morphology" (R&A, 1988)

N. G. Nguyen, P. J. Heckman Jr., A.L. Pai, "Real-Time Pattern Recognition
for Guidance of an Autonomous Undersea Submersible" (R&A, 1988)

P. Khosla and R. Volpe, "Superquadric Artificial Potentials for Obstacle
Avoidance and Approach" (R&A, 1988)

P. Tournassoud and O. Jehl, "Motion Planning for a Mobile Robot with a
Kinematic Constraint" (R&A, 1988)

E. Rimon and D.E. Koditschek, "Exact Robot Navigation Using Cost Functions:
The Case of Distinct Spherical Boundaries in E" (R&A, 1988)

J. D. Boissonnat, O.D. Faugeras and E. L. Bras-Mehlman, "Representing
Stereo Data with the Delaunay Triangulation" (R&A, 1988)

N.M. Nasrabadi, Y. Liu and J.L. Chiang, "Stereo Vision Correspondence Using
a Multichannel Graph Matching Technique" (R&A, 1988)

J. C. Cheng and H. S. Don, "A Structural Approach to Finding the Point
Correspondences Between Two Frames" (R&A, 1988)

J. D. Boissonnat and O. Monga, "Scene Reconstruction from Rays Application
to Stereo Data" (R&A, 1988)

M. Ouh-young, M. Pique, J. Hughs, N. Srinivasan, F.P. Brooks Jr., "Using a
Manipulator for Force Display in Molecular Docking" (R&A, 1988)

D. Gershon and I. Porat, "Vision Servo Control of a Robotic Sewing System" (R&A, 1988)

P. M. Taylor and S. G. Koudis, "The Robotic Assembly of Garments with
Concealed Seams" (R&A, 1988)

F. Yasutomi, D. Takaoka, M. Yamada and K. Tsukamoto, "Cleaning Robot
Control" (R&A, 1988)

S. W. Shaw, R. J. P. deFigueiredo and K. Krishen, "Fusion of Radar and
Optical Sensors for Space Robotic Vision" (R&A, 1988)

A.C.C. Meng, "Dynamic Motion Replanning for Unexpected Obstacles" (R&A, 1988)

K.N. Ngan and S. B. Kang, "IC Wire Bond Inspection Using Elliptical Model
Approximation" (R&A, 1988)

R. W. Richardson, W.A. Penix, R.D. Richardson, "A Fast and Flexible
One-Dimensional Image Processing Implementation for Visual Feedback
Control" (R&A, 1988)

J. H. Graham, "Research Issues in Robot Safety" (R&A, 1988)

D. R. Bahler, "A Net-Based Approach to the Synthesis of Nondeterministic
Robot Plans" (R&A, 1988)

G. V. Puskorius and L.A. Feldkamp, "Camera Calibration Methodology Based on
a Linear Perspective Transformation Error Model" (R&A, 1988)

L. S. Homem de Mello and A.C. Sanderson, "Planning Repair Sequences Using
the and/or Graph Representation of Assembly Plans" (R&A, 1988)

H. Q. Lu and T.W. Sze, "Matching of Developable Surfaces" (R&A, 1988)

T. Koezuka, J. B. Thomine, K. Akiyama and Y. Kobayashi, "A Consideration on
Automatic Acquisition of the Shape of a Three Dimansional Object Using
Moire Topography" (R&A, 1988)

K. Tanie, K. Yokoi, M. Kaneko and T. Fukuda, "A Position Sensor Based
Torque control Method for a DC Motor with Reduction Gears" (R&A, 1988)

R. N. Lea, "Automated Orbital Rendezvous Considerations" (R&A, 1988)

A. H. Al-Anbuky, S. A. Al-Bermani and J.F. Zaitoon, "The Development of Low
Cost PC Based Robot for Store Applications" (R&A, 1988)

B. Funt, J. Ho, "Color from Black and White" (ICCV '88)

D.A. Forsyth, "A Novel Approach to Colour Constancy" (ICCV '88)

E. E. Milios, "Recovering Shape Deformation by an Extended Circular Image
Representation" (ICCV '88)

Z. Gigus, J. Canny and R. Seidel, "Efficiently Computing And Represneting
Aspect Graphs of Polyhedral Objects" (ICCV '88)

V. S. Nalwa, "Representing Oriented Piecewise C2 Surfaces" (ICCV '88)

E. Le Bras-Mehlman, M. Schmitt, O.D. Faugeras, J. D. Boissonnat, "How the
Delaunay Triangulation Can Be Used for Representing Stereo Data" (ICCV '88)

J. Weng, N. Ahuja, T.S. Huang, "Two View Matching" (ICCV '88)

D. B. Cooper, Y.P. Hung, G. Taubin, "A New Model-Based Stereo Approach for
3D Surface Reconstruction Using Contours on the Surface Pattern" (ICCV '88)

M.A. Gennert and A. L. Yuille, "Determining the OptimalWeights in Multiple
Objective Function Optimization" (ICCV '88)

K. Rangarajan, M. Shah, D. Van Brackle, "Optimal Corner Detector" (ICCV '88)

A.A. Amini,S. Tehrani, T.E. Weymouth, "Using Dynamic Programming for
Minimizing the Entergy of Active Contours in the Presence of Hard
Constraints" (ICCV '88)

F. Mokhtarian, "Evolution Properties of Space Curves" (ICCV '88)

M.M. Skolnick, S. Kim and R. O'Bara, "Morphological Algorithms for
Computing Non-Planar Point Neighborhoods on Cellular Automata" (ICCV '88)

J. A. Noble, "Morphological Feature Detection" (ICCV '88)

T.E. Bould and L. H. Chen, "Synergistic Smooth Surface Stereo" (ICCV '88)

H. Takahashi and F. Tomita, "Self-Calibration of Stereo Cameras" (ICCV '88)

C. Hansen, N. Ayache, F. Lustman, "Towards Real-Time Trinocular Stereo" (ICCV '88)

C.V. Stewart and C.R. Dyer, "The Trinocular General Support Algorithm: A
Three-Camera Stereo Algorithm for Overcoming Binocular Matching Errors" (ICCV '88)

M. A. Gennert, "Brightness Based Stereo Matching" (ICCV '88)

D. Weinshall, "Application of Qualitative Depth and Shape From Stereo" (ICCV '88)

M. Subbarao, "Parallel Depth Recovery by Changing Camera Parameters" (ICCV '88)

C.H. Lee, "Structure and Motion from Two Perspective Views via Planar
Patch" (ICCV '88)

F.Bergholm, "A Theory on Optical Velocity Fields and Ambiguous Motion of
Curves" (ICCV '88)

Z. Zhang, O.D. Faugeras, N. Ayache, "Analysis of a Sequence of Stereo
Scenes Containing Multiple Moving Objects Using Rigidity Constraints" (ICCV '88)

R. C. Nelson, J. Aloimonos, "Using Flow Field Divergence for Obstacle
Avoidance: Towards Qualitative Vision" (ICCV '88)

C. Jerian and R. Jain, "Polynominal Methods for Structure from Motion" (ICCV '88)

R. Szeliski, "Estimating Motion from Sparse Range Data without
Correspondence" (ICCV '88)

W.E.L. Grimson, "The Combinatorics of Object Recognition in Cluttered
Environments Using constrained Search" (ICCV '88)

K. Ikeuchi and T. Kanade, "Applying Sensor Models to Automatic Generation
of Object Recognition Programs" (ICCV '88)

Y. Lamdan and H.J. Wolfson, "Geometric Hashing: A General and Efficient
Model-Based Recognition Scheme" (ICCV '88)

I.J. Cox and J.B. Kruskal, "On the Congruence of Noisy Images to Line
Segment Models" (ICCV '88)

D.Shoham and S. Ullman, "Aligning a Model to an Image Using Minimal
Information" (ICCV '88)

H. Shvaytser, "Learnable and Non-Learnable Visual Concepts" (ICCV '88)

J. M. Gauch and S. M. Pizer, "Image Description via the Multiresolution
Strategies" (ICCV '88)

C. Hansen and T. Henderson, "Towards the Automatic Generation of
Recognition Strategies" (ICCV '88)

G. Pasquariello, M. Iannotta, S. Losito and G. Sylos-Labini, "A System for
3-D Workpieces Recognition" (ICCV '88)

W.B. Thompson and R.P. Willock, "Occlusion-Sensitive Matching" (ICCV '88)

G. J. Klinker, S.A. Shafer, T. Kanade, "Color Image Analysis with an
Intrinsic Reflection Model" (ICCV '88)

G. Berlstaff and A. Blake, "Detecting Specular Reflections Using Lambertian
Constraints" (ICCV '88)

P. Cohen, H.H. Nguyen, "Unsupervised Bayesian Estimation for Segmenting
Textured Images" (ICCV '88)

T.N. Pappas and N.S. Jayant, "An Adaptive Clustering Algorithm for Image
Segmentation" (ICCV '88)

M. L. Moerdler, "Multiple Shape-from-Texture into Texture Analysis
andSurface Segmentation" (ICCV '88)

A. Sha'ashua and S. Ullman, "Structural Saliency: The Detection of
Globally Salient Structures Using a Locally Connected Network" (ICCV '88)

H. I. Bozma and J. S. Duncan, "Admissibility of Constraint Functions in
Relaxation Labeling" (ICCV '88)

H.H. Baker, "Surface Reconstruction from Image Sequences"

A. L. Yuille and N. M. Grzywacz, "The Motion Coherence Theory" (ICCV '88)

J. Konrad and E. Dubois, "Multigrid Bayesian Estimation of Image Motion
Fields Using Stochastic Relaxation" (ICCV '88)

J. Arnspang, "Optic Acceleration" (ICCV '88)

J. H. Duncan and T. C. Chou, "Temporal Edges: The Detection of Motion and
the Computation of Optical Flow" (ICCV '88)

J. M. Loomis and D. W. Eby, "Perceiving Structure from Motion: Failure of
Shape Constancy" (ICCV '88)

A. Blake and G. Brelstaff, "Geometry from Specularities" (ICCV '88)

A. Pentland, "Shape Information from Shading: A Theory about Human
Perception" (ICCV '88)

F. Ulupinar and R. Nevatia, "Using Symmetries for Analysis of Shape from
Contour" (ICCV '88)

R. S. Jasinschi, "Space-Time Sampling with Motion Uncertainty: Constraints
on Space-Time Filtering" (ICCV '88)

D. J. Heeger andG. Hager, "Egomotion and the Stabilized World" (ICCV '88)

L. R. Williams and A.R. Hanson, "Translating Optical Flow into Token
Matches and Depth from Looming" (ICCV '88)

M. E. Spetsakis and J. Aloimonos, "Optimal Computing of Structure from
Motion Using Point Correspondences in Two Frames" (ICCV '88)

J. J. Little, H. H. Bulthoff, T. Poggio, "Parallel Optical Flow Using local
Voting" (ICCV '88)

G. Healey, "A Color Reflectance Model and Its Use for Segmentation" (ICCV '88)

H. Morita, K. Yajima and S. Sakata, "Reconstruction of Surfaces of 3-D
Objects by M-Array Pattern Projection Method" (ICCV '88)

T. J. Fan, G. Medioni, R. Nevatia, "Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface
Descriptions" (ICCV '88)

R. Basri and S. Ullman, "The Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces" (ICCV '88)

J. Hong and X. Tan, "Recognize the Similarity between Shapes under Affine
Transformation" (ICCV '88)

J. Stewman and K. Bowyer, "Creating the Perspective Projection Aspect Graph
of Polyhedral Objects" (ICCV '88)

L. Stark, D. Eggert and K. Bowyer, "Aspect Graphs and Nonlinear
Optimization in 3-D Object Recognition" (ICCV '88)

K.C. Kanatani, "Reconstruction of Consistent Shape from Inconsistent Data:
Optimization of 2-1/2 D Sketches" (ICCV '88)

J. J. Clark and N. J. Ferrier, "Modal Control of an Attentive Vision
System" (ICCV '88)

D. H. Ballard and A. Ozcandarli, "Eye Fixation and Early Vision: Kinetic
Depth" (ICCV '88)

A. L. Abbott and N. Ahuja, "Surface Reconstruction by Dynamic Integration
of Focus, Camera Vergence and Stereo" (ICCV '88)

D. Lee, "Coping with Discontinuities in Computer Vision: Their Detection,
Classification and Measurement" (ICCV '88)

D. G. Lowe, "Organization of Smooth Image Curves at Multiple Scales" (ICCV '88)

S. W. Zucker, C. David, A. Dobbins, L. Iverson, "The Organization of Curve
Detection: Coarse Tangent Fields and Fine Spline Coverings" (ICCV '88)

T. Simchony, R. Chellappa, Z. Lichtenstein, "Pyramid Implementation of
Optimal Step Conjugate Search Algorithms for Some Computer Vision
Problems" (ICCV '88)

P. J. Besl, J. B. Birch, L. T. Watson, "Robust Window Operators" (ICCV '88)

D. Kuan, H. Shariat, K. Dutta, P. Ransil, "A Constraint-Based System for
Interpretation of Aerial Imagery" (ICCV '88)

D. Lee, A. Papageorgiou, G. W. Wasilkowski, "Computational Aspects of
Determining Optical Flow" (ICCV '88)

S. V. Fogel, "A Nonlinear Approach to the Motion Correspondence Problem" (ICCV '88)

S. Carlsson, "Information in the Geometric Structure of Retinal Flow
Fields" (ICCV '88)

H. H. Chen, "Motion and Depth from Binocular Orthographic Views" (ICCV '88)

B. Shahraray and M.K. Brown, "Robust Depth Estimation from Optical Flow" (ICCV '88)

J. L. Barron, A.D. Jepson and J. K. Tsotsos, "The Feasibility of Motion and
Structure Computations" (ICCV '88)

J. L. Crowley, P. Stelmaszyk and C. Discours, "Measuring Image Flow By
Tracking Edge-Lines" (ICCV '88)

P. T. Sander and S. W. Zucker, "Singularities of Principal Direction Fields
from 3-D Images" (ICCV '88)

T. Shakunaga and H. Kaneko, "Shape from Angles Under Perspective
Projection" (ICCV '88)

L. Quan and R. Mohr, "Matching Perspective Images Using Geometric
Constraints and Perceptual Grouping" (ICCV '88)

A. L. Yuille, "The Creation of Structure in Dyanamic Shape" (ICCV '88)

A.D. Gross and T.E. Boult, "Error of Fit Measures for Recovering Parametric
Solids" (ICCV '88)

P. Maragos, "Optimal Morphological Approaches to Image Matching and Object
Detection" (ICCV '88)

W.E.L. Grimson and D. P. Huttenlocher, "On the Sensitivity of the Hough
Transform for Object Recognition" (ICCV '88)

Azriel Rosenfeld, Larry S. Davis, John Aloimonos, "Vision in Dynamic
Environments" (IUW '87)

R. Nevatia, "USC Image Understanding Research - 1986" (IUW '87)

Robert C. Bolles, "Image Understanding Research at SRI International" (IUW '87)

Thomas O. Binford, "Emage Understanding: Intelligent Systems" (IUW '87)

Takeo Kanade, "Image Understanding Research at CMU" (IUW '87)

T. Poggio, "MIT Progress in Understanding Images" (IUW '87)

Allen R. Hanson and Edward M. Rismann, "Summary of Progress in Image
Understanding at the University of Massachusetts" (IUW '87)

Jerome A. Feldman, Christopher M. Brown, "Recent Progress of the Rochester
Image Understanding Project" (IUW '87)

John Kender, Peter Allen, Terrance Boult, "Image Understanding and Robotics
Research at Columbia University" (IUW '87)

K. E. Olin, F.M. Vilnrotter, M.J. Daily and K. Reiser, "Developments in
Knowledge-Based Vision for Obstacle Detection and Avoidance" (IUW '87)

Michael J. Daily, John G. Harris, Kurt Reiser, "Detecting Obstacles in
Range Imagery" (IUW '87)

D.W. Thomspon and J. L. Mundy, "Model-Directed Object Recognition on the
Connection Machine" (IUW '87)

Daryl T. Lawton, Tod S. Levitt, Christopher C. McConnell, Philip C. Nelson,
Jay Glicksman, "Environmental Modeling and Recognition for an Autonomous
Land Vehicle" (IUW '87)

Bir Bhanu, Durga Panda, Raj Aggarwal, "Honeywell Progress on
Knowledge-Based Robust Target Recognition and Tracking" (IUW '87)

David G. Morgenthaler, Keith D. Gremban, Mitch Nathan, John D. Bradstreet,
"The ITA Range Image Processing System" (IUW '87)

Charles Thorpe, Stegven Shafer, Takeo Kanade, "Vision and Navigation for
the Carnegie Mellon Navlab" (IUW '87)

Larry S. Davis, Daniel Dementhon, Ramesh Gajulapalli, Todd R. Kushner,
Jacqueline Le Moigne, Phillip Veatch, "Vision-Based Navigation: A Status
Report" (IUW '87)

Grahame B. Smith and Thomas M. Strat, "Information Management in a
Sensor-based Autonomous System" (IUW '87)

Bruce A Draper, Robert T. Collins, John Brolio, Joey Griffith, Allen R.
Hanson, Edward M. Risman, "Tools and Experiments in the Knowledge-Directed
Interpretation of Road Scenes" (IUW '87)

Ruzena Bajcsy, Eric Krotkov, Max Mintz, "Models of Errors and Mistakes in
Machine Perception - Part 1. First Results for Computer Vision Range
Measurements" (IUW '87)

David M. McKeown, Jr., Wilson A. Harvey, "Automating Knowledge Acquisition
for Aerial Image Interpretation" (IUW '87)

Pascal Fua, Andrew J. Hanson, "Using Generic Geometric Models for
Intelligent Shape Extraction" (IUW '87)

Hong Seh Lim and Thomas O. Binford, "Stereo Correspondence: A Hierarchical
Approach" (IUW '87)

John Canning, J. John Kim, Azriel Rosenfeld, "Symbolic Pixel Labeling for
Curvilinear Feature Detection" (IUW '87)

George Reynolds, R. Ross Beveridge, "Searching for Geometric Structure in
Images of Natural Scenes" (IUW '87)

A. Huertas, W. Cole and R. Nevatia, "Detecting Runways in Aerial Images" (IUW '87)

Azriel Rosenfeld, "A Report on the DARPA Image Understanding Architectures
Wrokshop" (IUW '87)

M. S. Horwedel, "Image Processing to Geometric Reasoning: Military Image
Analysis at GE FESD" (IUW '87)

David Y. Tseng, Julius F. Bogdanowicz, "Image Understanding Technology and
its Transition to Military Applications" (IUW '87)

Teresa M. Silberberg, "Context Dependent Target Recognition" (IUW '87)

Katsushi Ikeuchi, "Precompiling a Geometrical Model into an Interpretation
Tree for Object recognition in Bin-picking Tasks" (IUW '87)

Jean Ponce, David Chelberg, Wallace Mann, "Analytical Properties of
Generalized Cylinders and Their Projections" (IUW '87)

T. J. Fan, G. Medioni, R. Nevatia, "Surface Segmentation and Description
form Curvature Features" (IUW '87)

Kashipati Rao and R. Nevatia, "From Sparse 3-D Data Directly to Volumetric
Shape Descriptions" (IUW '87)

Daniel P. Huttenlocher, Shimon Ullman, "Object Recognition Using
Alignment" (IUW '87)

Paul R. Cooper, Susan C. Hollbach, "Parallel Recognition of Objects
Comprised of Pure Structure" (IUW '87)

Peter Allen, "A Framework for Implementing Multi-Sensor Robotic Tasks" (IUW '87)

John Kender, Earl Smith, "Shape from Darkness: Deriving Surface Information
from Dynamic Shadows" (IUW '87)

Ernst Triendl, David J. Kriegman, "Vision and Visual Exploration for the
Stanford Mobile Robot" (IUW '87)

Ronald C. Arkin, Edward M. Riseman, Allan R. Hanson, "Aura: An Architecture
for Vision-Based Robot Navigation" (IUW '87)

Hatem Nasr, Bir Bhanu and Stephanie Schaffer, "Guiding an Autonomous Land
Vehicle Using Knowledge-Based Landmark Recognition" (IUW '87)

Anthony Stentz, Yoshimasa Goto, "The CMU Navigational Architecture" (IUW '87)

Tod S. Levitt, Daryl T. Lawton, David M. Chelberg, Philip C. Nelson,
"Qualitative Navigation" (IUW '87)

Bir Bhanu, Peter Symosek, "Interpretation of Terrain Using Hierarchical
Symbolic Grouping for Multi-Spectral Images" (IUW '87)

Andrew J. Hanson, Alex P. Pentland, Lynn H. Quam, "Design of a Prototype
Interactive Cartographic Display and Analysis Environment" (IUW '87)

Charles C. Weems, Steven P. Levitan, "The Image Understanding
Architecture" (IUW '87)

Christopher C. McConnell, Philip C. Nelson, Daryl T. Lawton, "Constructs
for Cooperative Image Understanding Environments" (IUW '87)

David Harwood, Susan Chang, Larry S. Davis, "Interpreting Aerial
Photographs by Segmentation and Search" (IUW '87)

Nancy Bonar Lehrer, George Reynolds, Joey Griffith, "Initial Hypotheses
Formation inImage Understanding Using an Automatically Generated Knowledge
Base" (IUW '87)

Charles A. Kohl, Allen R. Hanson, Edward M. Riseman, "Goal-Directed Control
of Low-Level Processes for Image Interpretation" (IUW '87)

John Aloimonos, Isaac Weiss, "Active Vision" (IUW '87)

Mark L. Moerdler, John Kender, "An Integrated System that Unifies Multiple
Shape from Texture Algorithms" (IUW '87)

Bir Bhanu and Wilhelm Burger, "DRIVE - Dynamic Reasoning from Integrated
Visual Evidence" (IUW '87)

John Kender, David Freudenstein, "What is a Degenerate View?" (IUW '87)

Glenn Healey, Thomas Binford, "The Role and Use of Color in a General
Vision System" (IUW '87)

Gundrun J. Klinker, Steven A. Shafer, Takeo Kanade, "Using a Color
Reflection Model to Separate Highlights from Object Color" (IUW '87)

Azriel Rosenfeld, "Recognizing Unexpected Objects: A Proposed Approach" (IUW '87)

James J. Little, Guy Blelloch, Todd Cass, "Parallel Algorithms for Computer
Vision on the Connection Machine" (IUW '87)

Dong J. Choi, "Solving the Depth Interpolation Problem on a Fine Grained
Mesh and Tree Connected SIMD Machine" (IUW '87)

Hong Seh Lim and Thomas Binford, "Survey of Parallel Computers" (IUW '87)

David Sher, "Evidence Combination Using Likelihood Generators" (IUW '87)

Paul B. Chou, Christopher M. Brown, "Multi-Modal Segmentation using Markov
Random Fields" (IUW '87)

Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi, "Minimization of the Quantization Error in Camera
Calibration" (IUW '87)

M.A. Snyder, "Uncertainty Analysis of Image Measurements" (IUW '87)

Hormoz Shariat and Keith E. Price, "Results of Motion Estimation with More
than Two Frames" (IUW '87)

Ken-ichi Kanatani and Tsai-Chia Chou, "Tracing Finite Motions without
Correspondence" (IUW '87)

P. Anandan, "A Unified Perspective on Computational Techniques for the
Measurement of Visual Motion" (IUW '87)

Frank Glazer, "Hierarchical Gradient-Based Motion Detection" (IUW '87)

Isaac Weiss, "Shape Reconstruction on a Varying Mesh" (IUW '87)

G. V. S. Raju, Thomas O. Binford, S. Shekhar, "Stereo Matching Using
Veterbi Algorithm" (IUW '87)

Steven Cochran, "Steps Toward Accurate Stereo Correspondence" (IUW '87)

Stephen T. Barnard, "Stereo Matching by Hierarchical, Microcanonical
Annealing" (IUW '87)

D. Cyrluk, D. Kapur, J. L. Mundy and V. Nguyen, "The Formation of Partial
3D Models form 2D Projections - An Application of Algebraic Reasoning" (IUW '87)

Lawrence Brill Wolff, "Spectral and Polarization Stereo Methods Using a
Single Light Source" (IUW '87)

Lawrence Brill Wolff, "Surface Curvature and Contour from Photometric
Stereo" (IUW '87)

Alessandro Verri, Tomaso Poggio, "Qualitative Information in the Optical
Flow" (IUW '87)

Michael R. Lowry, "Algorithm Synthesis for IU Applications" (IUW '87)

H. Harlyn Baker, Robert C. Bolles, David H. Marimont, "Generalizing
Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis for Non-Orthogonal andVarying View
Directions" (IUW '87)

Richard Vistnes, "Detecting Dotted Lines and Curves in Random-Dot
Patterns" (IUW '87)

John Aloimonos, David Shulman, "Learning Shape Computations" (IUW '87)

Glenn Healey, Thomas Binford, "Local Shape from Specularity" (IUW '87)

Yvan Leclerc and Pascal Fua, "Finding Object Boundaries Using Guided
Gradient Ascent" (IUW '87)

Harry Voorhees and Tomaso Poggio, "Detecting Blobs as Textons in Natural
Images" (IUW '87)

Peter Giblin, Richard Weiss, "Reconstruction of Surfaces from Profiles" (IUW '87)

Willie Lim, "Using Occluding Contours for Object Recognition" (IUW '87)

James Little, Heinrich Bulthoff, Tomaso Poggio, "Parallel Optical Flow
Computation" (IUW '87)

Terrance Boult, "Using Optimal Algorithms to Test Model Assumptions
in Computer Vision" (IUW '87)

Lisa Gottesfeld Brown, Hussein Ibrahim, "A Parallel Implementation and
Exploration of Witkin's Shape from Texture Method" (IUW '87)

Jean Ponce, David Chelberg, "Localized Intersections Computation for Solid
Modelling with Straight Homogenous Generalized Cylinders" (IUW '87)

Vic Nalwa, "Line-Drawing Interpretation: Straight Lines and Conic
Sections" (IUW '87)

Vic Nalwa, "Line-Drawing Interpreation: Bilateral Symetry" (IUW '87)

Fatih Ulupinar, Gerard Medioni, "Estimation and Accurate Localization of
Edges" (IUW '87)

Vishvjit S. Nalwa, "Edge-Detector Resolution Imporvement by
Image-Interpolation" (IUW '87)

J. S. Chen, G. Medioni, "Detection, Localization and Estimation of Edges"
(IUW '87)

K.M. Andress and A. C. Kak, "A Production System Environment for
Integrating Knowledge with Vision Data" (SR&MSF '87)

J. C. Rodger, R.A. Browse, "An Object-Based Representation for Multisensory
Robotic Perception" (SR&MSF '87)

Ellen Lowenfeld Walker, Martin Herman, Takeo Kanade, "A Framework for
Representing and Reasoning about Three-Dimensional Objects for Vision" (SR&MSF '87)

Terry E. Weymouth, "Incremental Inference: Spatial Reasoning within a
Blackboard Architecture" (SR&MSF '87)

Richard Anthony, "Spatial Reasoning Using an Object-Oriented Spatial DBMS" (SR&MSF '87)

Christer Backstrom, "Static and Dynamic Logical Modelling of Mechanical
Assembly Processes in a Simplified Geometrical Environment" (SR&MSF '87)

Prasanta K. Bose, A.C.C. Meng, M. Rajinikanth, "Planning Flight Paths in
Dynamic Situations with Incomplete Knowledge" (SR&MSF '87)

Ramesh Jain and William I. Grosky, "Hyper-Pyramids for Integration of
Spatial Information" (SR&MSF '87)

Sukhamay Kundu, Rajiv Singh, "Spatial Reasoning in Rectangular Dissection" (SR&MSF '87)

Tod S. Levitt, Daryl T. Lawton, David M. Chelberg, Philip C. Nelson, John
W. Dye, "Visual Memory Structure for a Mobile Robot" (SR&MSF '87)

Bijan Arbab, "Mask: An Object Identification Algorithm" (SR&MSF '87)

Stephane Aubry, Vincent Hayward, "Recursive Decomposition of Free-Space
from Boundary Points" (SR&MSF '87)

Terrance Boult and Ari Gross, "Recovery of Superquadrics from Depth
Information" (SR&MSF '87)

Gongzhu Hu and George Stockman, "3D Scene Analysis via Fusion of Light
Striped Image and Intensity Image" (SR&MSF '87)

Michael Leyton, "A Process-Grammar for Representing Shape" (SR&MSF '87)

Toyoaki Nishida, Atsushi Yamada, Shuji Doshita, "Figuring Out Most
Plausible Interpreation from Spatial Constraints" (SR&MSF '87)

Kashipati Rao, R. Nevatia, G. Medioni, "Issues in Shape Description and an
Approach for Working with Sparse Data" (SR&MSF '87)

B.C. Vemuri, J. K. Aggarwal, "Resolving the Orientation and Identity of an
Object from Range Data" (SR&MSF '87)

Dana Ballard, "Eye Movements and Visual Cognition" (SR&MSF '87)

Su-shing Chen, "A Geometric Approach to Multisensor Fusion and Spatial
Reasoning" (SR&MSF '87)

J. Patrick Bixler and David P. Miller, "A Sensory Input System for
Autonomous Mobile Robots" (SR&MSF '87)

Douglas Walter J. Chubb, "An Introduction and Analysis of a Straight Line
Path Algorithm for Use in Binary Domains" (SR&MSF '87)

David P. Miller, Marc Slack, "Efficient Navigation through Dynamic
Domains" (SR&MSF '87)

Thomas Strat, Grahame Smith, "The Management of Spatial Information in a
Mobile Robot" (SR&MSF '87)

Eyal Kishon and Haim Wolfson, "3-D Curve Matching" (SR&MSF '87)

Michael Magee and Mitchell Nathan, "Spatial Reasoining, Sensor
Repositioning, and Disambiguation in 3D Model Based Recognition" (SR&MSF '87)

Mark Moerdler and John Kender, "An Approach to the Fusion of Multiple
Shape from Texture Algorithms" (SR&MSF '87)

Roger Tsai, Gary Silverman, Mark Lavin, "Locating Polyhedral Objects from
Edge Point Data" (SR&MSF '87)

James L. Crowley, Fano Ramparany, "Mathematical Tools for Representing
Uncertainty in Perception" (SR&MSF '87)

Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, "Sensor Models and Multi-Sensor Integration" (SR&MSF '87)

Greg Hager and Max Mintz, "Searching for Information" (SR&MSF '87)

James S. Duncan, Gene R. Gindi, Kumpati S. Narendra, "Low Level Information
Fusion: Multisensor Scene Segmentation Using Learnign Automata" (SR&MSF '87)

T. L. Huntsberger and S. N. Jayaramamurthy, "A Framework for multi-Sensor
Fusion in the Presence of Uncertaintly" (SR&MSF '87)

Ren Luo,

Min-Hsiung Lin, "Multi-Sensor Integrated Intelligent Robot for 
Automated Assembly" (SR&MSF '87)

Sergei Nirenburg, Victor Raskin, "Dealing with Space in Natural Language
Processing" (SR&MSF '87)

Gudula Retz-Schmidt, "Deitic and Intrinsic Use of Spatial Prepositions: A
Multidisciplinary Comparison" (SR&MSF '87)

Tapio Heikkila, Paavo Karkkainen, Sakari Peiska, "Monitoring an Assembly
Task by Perception Requests" (SR&MSF '87)

Benjamin J. Kuipers and Y. T. Byun, "A Qualitative Approach to Robot
Exploration and Map-Learning" (SR&MSF '87)

Daryl T. Lawton and Christopher C. McConnell, "Perceptual Organization
Using Interestingness" (SR&MSF '87)

Drew McDermott, Andrew Gelsey, "Terrain Analysis for Tactical Situation
Assessment" (SR&MSF '87)

Alex C-C. Meng, "Free Space Modeling and Geometric Motion Planning under
Location Uncertainty" (SR&MSF '87)

Nicholas Negroponte, "The Human-Computer Interface 25 Years Hence and
Beyond the Desktop Metaphor" (SIGRAPH '89)

Jean-Pal Gourret, Nadia Magrenat Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann, "Simulation of
Object and Human Skin Deformations in a Grasping Task" (SIGRAPH '89)

Xavier Gerard Viennot, Geroges Eyrolles, Nicolas Janey, Didier Arques,
"Combinatorial Analysis of Ramified Patterns and Computer Imagery of
Trees" (SIGRAPH '89)

F. Kenton Musgrave, Craig E. Kolb, Robert S. Mace, "The Synthesis and
Rendering of Eroded Fractal Terrains" (SIGRAPH '89)

Richard Szeliski, Demetri Terzopoulos, "From Splines to Fractals" (SIGRAPH '89)

Desi Rhoden, Chris Wilcox, "Hardware Acceleration for Window Systems" (SIGRAPH '89)

Michael Potmesil, Eric M. Hoffert, "The Pixel Machine: A Parallel Image
Computer" (SIGRAPH '89)

Henry Fuchs, John Poulton, John Eyles, Trey Greer, Jack Goldfeather, David
Ellsworth, Steve Molnar, Greg Turk, Brice Tebbs, Laura Israel,
"Pixel-Planes 5: A Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Graphics System Using
Processor-Enhanced Memories" (SIGRAPH '89)

Chris Buckalew, Donald Fussell, "Illumination Networks: Fast Realistic
Rendering with General Reflectance Functions" (SIGRAPH '89)

Norman Chin, Steven Feiner, "Near Real-Time Shadow Generation Using BSP
Trees" (SIGRAPH '89)

Alyn Rockwood, Kurt Heaton, Tom Davis, "Real-Time Rendering of Trimmed
Surfaces" (SIGRAPH '89)

Bruce J. Lindbloom, "Accurate Color Reproduction for Computer Graphics
Applications" (SIGRAPH '89)

David L. Maulsby, Ian H. Witten, Kenneth A. Kittlitz, "Metamouse:
Specifying Graphical Procedures by Example" (SIGRAPH '89)

Gideon Avrahami, Kenneth P. Brooks, Marc H. Brown, "A Two-View Approach to
Constructing User Interfaces" (SIGRAPH '89)

Thomas W. Sederberg, Alan K. Zundel, "Scan Line Display of Algebraic
Surfaces" (SIGRAPH '89)

Sheue-Ling Chang, Michael Shantz, Robert Rocchetti, "Rendering Cubic Curves
and Surfaces with Integer Adaptive Forward Differencing" (SIGRAPH '89)

Richard H. Bartels, Ronald T. Hardock, "Curve-to-Curve Associations in
Spline Based Inbetweening and Sweeping" (SIGRAPH '89)

Ned Greene, "Voxel Space Automata: Modeling with Stochastic Growth
Processes in Voxel Space" (SIGRAPH '89)

Richard S. Gallagher, Joop C. Nagtegaal, "An Efficient 3-D Visualization
Technique for Finite Element Models and Other Coarse Volumes" (SIGRAPH '89)

Adam Stettner, Donald P. Greenberg, "Computer Graphics Visualization for
Acoustic Simulation" (SIGRAPH '89)

Kazufumi Kaneda, Fujiwa Kato, Eihachiro Nakamae, Tomoyuki Nishita, Hideo
Tanaka, Takao Noguchi, "Three Dimensional Terrain Modeling and Display for
Environmental Assessment" (SIGRAPH '89)

Alex Pentland, John Williams, "Good Vibrations: Modal Dynamics for Graphics
and Animation" (SIGRAPH '89)

David Baraff, "Analytical Methods for Dynamic Simulation of Non-penetrating
Rigid Bodies" (SIGRAPH '89)

Armin Bruderlin, Thomas W. Calvert, "Goal-Directed, Dynamic Animation of
Human Walking" (SIGRAPH '89)

John E. Chadwick, David R. Haumann, Richard E. Parent, "Layered
Construction for Deformable Animated Characters" (SIGRAPH '89)

Ken Perlin, Eric M. Hoffert, "Hypertexture" (SIGRAPH '89)

J. P. Lewis, "Algorithms for Solid Noise Synthesis" (SIGRAPH '89)

James T. Kajiya, Tomothy L. Kay, "Rendering Fur with Three Dimensional
Textures" (SIGRAPH '89)

James Painter, Kenneth Sloan, "Antialiased Ray Tracing By Adaptive
Progressive Refinement" (SIGRAPH '89)

John C. Hart, Daniel J. Sandin, Louis H. Kauffamn, "Ray Tracing
Deterministic 3-D Fractals" (SIGRAPH '89)

Devendra Kalra, Alan H. Barr, "Guaranteed Ray Intersections with Implicit
Surfaces" (SIGRAPH '89)

Carlo H. Sequin, Eliot K. Smyrl, "Parameterized Ray-Tracing" (SIGRAPH '89)

John R. Wallace, Kells A. Elmquist, Eric A. Haines, "A Ray Tracing
Algorithm for Progressive Radiosity" (SIGRAPH '89)

Daniel R. Baum, Holly E. Rushmeier, James M. Winget, "Improving Radiosity
Solutions Through the Use of Analytically Determined From-Factors" (SIGRAPH '89)

Francois Sillion, Claude Puech, "A General Two-Pass Method Integrating
Specular and Diffuse Reflection" (SIGRAPH '89)

Michael Gangnet, Jean-Claude Herve, Thierry Pudet, Jean Manuel Van Thong,
"Incremental Computation of Planar Maps" (SIGRAPH '89)

Nader Gharachorloo, Satish Gupta, Robert F. Sproull, Ivan E. Sutherland, "A
Characterization of Ten Rasterization Techniques" (SIGRAPH '89)

George Wolberg, Terrance E. Boult, "Separable Image Warping with Spatial
Lookup Tables" (SIGRAPH '89)

Ketan Mulmuley, "An Efficient Algorithm for Hidden Surface Removal" (SIGRAPH '89)

Jaron Lanier, Margaret Minsky, Scott Fisher, Allison Druin, "Virtual
Environments and Interactivity: Windows to the Future" (SIGRAPH '89)

Claire Barry, Peter Conn, John Derry, Vibeke Sorensen, "Digital Canvas:
Artists and Designers in the 2D/3D Marketplace" (SIGRAPH '89)

Michael Mahoney, Norman Taylor, Douglas Ross, Robert Fano, "The Early Years
in Computer Graphics at MIT, Lincoln Lab and Harvard" (SIGRAPH '89)

Jack Gilmore, Lawrence Roberts, Robin Forrest, Mike Mahoney, "The Early
Years in Computer Graphics at MIT, Lincoln Lab and Harvard" (SIGRAPH '89)

Marin Levy, Keith Lantz, Paul Vais, Steve Perlman, "The Multi-Media
Workstation" (SIGRAPH '89)

Robert Haber, James Foley, William Campbell, Robert Gurwitz, "Effective
Software Systems for Scientific Data Visualization" (SIGRAPH '89)

Alan Barr, Andrew Witkin, David Zeltzer, James Blinn, "Physically-Based
Modeling: Past, Present and Future" (SIGRAPH '89)

Gordon Bancroft, Kevin Hussey, John Dragon, William Johnston,
"Hardware/Software Solutions for Scientific Visualization at Large
Scientific Research Laboratories" (SIGRAPH '89)

Mark Resch, Bob Riley, Harry Rand, Phillip Pearlstein, Diane Brown, Kathy
Huffman, "Computer Art-An Oxymoron? Views from the Mainstream" (SIGRAPH '89)

Michael Hawley, Lester Ludwig, Polle Zellweger, "Speech and Audio in Window
Systems: When Will They Happen?" (SIGRAPH '89)

Philippe Bergeron, Eben Ostby, Chris Wedge, Bill Kroyer, Jim Blinn, Chraig
Reynolds, Loren Carpenter, Ralph Winter, "Bloopers, Outtakes, and Horror
Stories of SIGGRAPH Films" (SIGRAPH '89)

Ryou Mochizuki, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Koichi Omura, Don Miscowich, "HDTV
(Hi-Vision) Computer Graphics" (SIGRAPH '89)

Michael MacKay, Gregory MacNichol, Floyd Wray, "Future Directions in
Desktop Video" (SIGRAPH '89)

Jay Torborg, Cleve Moler, Michael Pique, Donald Greenberg, "Distributed
Graphics" Where to Draw the Lines?" (SIGRAPH '89)

T. D. Steele, Adrian King, Dan'l Lewis, Larry Tesler, "Operating Systems
and Graphic User Interfaces" (SIGRAPH '89)

Wayne Carlson, Richard Lucas, Marla Schweppe, Mehmet Yanilmaz, "Preparing
for the Future" (SIGRAPH '89)

Larry Hodges, "Introduction to 3-D Display" (Stereographics 24, '89)

David R. W. Butts, David F. McAllister, "Implementation of True 3D Cursors
in Computer Graphics" (Stereographics 24, '89)

Phil Johnson & Richard DeHoff, "Field Sequential Stereoscopic Graphics
Systems and Applications" (Stereographics 24, '89)

Larry Hodges, David McAllister, "Computing Stereographic Views" (Stereographics 24, '89)

Shaun Love, "Three Dimensional Hardcopy" (Stereographics 24, '89)

Homer Tilton, "The Parallactiscope" (Stereographics 24, '89)

Richard Steenblik, "Chromostereoscopy" (Stereographics 24, '89)

Edward Jones, Porter McLaurin, "VISIDE: Three Dimensional Imaging Through
Alternating Pairs" (Stereographics 24, '89)

Lawrence D. Sher, "The Oscillating-Mirror Technique for Realizing True 3-D"
(Stereographics 24, '89)
Barr, "Introduction to Physically-Based Modeling" (TPBM 30, '89)

Barr, "Teleological Modeling" (TPBM 30, '89)

Platt, "Constraint Methods for Physical Systems" (TPBM 30, '89)

Barzel, Barr, "Controlling Rigid Bodies with Dynamic Constraints" (TPBM 30, '89)

Witkin, Kass, "Spacetime Constraints" (TPBM 30, '89)

Witkin, Fleischer, Barr, "Energy Constraints on Parameterized Models" (TPBM 30, '89)

Kass, Witkin, Terzopoulos, "Snakes: Active Contour Models" (TPBM 30, '89)

Terzopoulos, Witkin, Kass, "Symmetry-Seeking Models and 3D Object
Reconstruction" (TPBM 30, '89)

Miller, Kass, "Goal-Directed Animation of Tubular Articulated Figures" (TPBM 30, '89)

Barr, "The Einstein Summation Notation: Introduction and Extensions" (TPBM 30, '89)

Raibert, "Legged Robots" (TPBM 30, '89)

Raibert, "Notes on Legges Robots" (TPBM 30, '89)

Raibert, Brown, Chepponis, "Experiments in Balance with a 3D One Legged
Hopping Machine" (TPBM 30, '89)

Miller, "The Motion Dynamics of Snakes and Worms" (TPBM 30, '89)

Platt, Terzopoulos, Fleischer, Barr, "Elastically Deformable Models" (TPBM 30, '89)

Witkin, Terzopoulos, "Physically Based Models with Rigid and Deformable
Components" (TPBM 30, '89)

Barr, "Global and Local Deformations of Solid Primitives" (TPBM 30, '89)

Miller, Pearce, "Globular Dynamics: A Connected Particle System for
Animating Viscous Fluids" (TPBM 30, '89)

Sims, "Notes on Combining Dynamic and Kinematic Techniques for Animating
Particle Systems" (TPBM 30, '89)

Sims, "Particle Animation and Rendering Using Data Parallel Computation"
(TPBM 30, '89)



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