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NL-KR Digest Volume 15 No. 17

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NL-KR Digest      Sun Apr  7 19:01:34 PDT 1996      Volume 15 No. 17 

Today's Topics:

Position: ELRA Language Resources, Technical assistant
Program: SDAIR'96 Document Analysis, Apr 96, Las Vegas
CFP: BU Conf. on Language Dev., Nov 96, Boston
Query: Persian Parser sought
Announcement: ESSLLI'96, 8th SSc. Log/Lang/Info, Aug 96, Prague
Announcement: New Spanish News Release from the LDC
Announcement: Studentship in Lang. Eng. Univ. of Wolverhampton
Announcement: book on language learning

* * *

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Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 22:49:27 +0100 (MET)
From: (Khalid Choukri)
Subject: Position: ELRA Language Resources, Technical assistant

Queries by email for additional information should go to:
* * * * * * ***

European Language Resources Association

Technical assistant position

The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) invites applications for
the position of a Technical assistant.

ELRA was established in February 1995, with the encouragement of the
European Commission, to promote the development and exploitation of Language
Resources (LR). Language Resources include all data necessary for language
engineering, such as monolingual and multilingual lexica, text corpora,
speech databases and terminology. The role of the non-profit Association is
to promote the production of LR and to collect, validate, and make them
available to users. It will gather information on market needs and
encourage the Commission and other funding bodies to support the development
of the LR most urgently needed.

The Association has members drawn from every country in the European Union
and expects to attract subscribers from throughout the world. At present,
ELRA is financed from membership fees and grants; in the future the
Association will derive income from the sale of licences to users world
wide. After an initial start-up period of four years, it is planned that the
Association will be financially independent and self-supporting.

The Association appointed Dr. Khalid CHOUKRI as its Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) to manage the activities of the Association. The CEO is recruiting a
small team to help him run the technical and contractual activities of the

The CEO first task consisted of setting up the Main Central Distribution
Unit (CDU) in its initial configuration. In order to allow the association
to enter, more easily, in =AB commercial =BB agreements, the CEO established a
small company called European Language resources Distribution Agency
(ELDA), in Paris, construed and controlled by the French Laws. It consists
of an SARL (Soci=E9t=E9 =E0 responsabilit=E9 limit=E9e), having its place of business at:

87, Avenue d=92ITALIE
75013, PARIS
Tel. +33 1 45 86 53 00
Fax. +33 1 45 86 44 88

ELDA has immediate opportunities for a Technical assistant position. He will
help manage the activities of the Association contributing to the work of
the small support team, establishing an infrastructure for the collection,
validation, and licensing of LR.
This yields excellent opportunities for young, creative, and motivated
candidates wishing to participate actively in establishing/building the
European Union Language Engineering field.


Under the supervision of the CEO, the technical assistant responsibilities
will cover:

* Contribution to the work of a small support team and creation of an
infrastructure for the collection, validation, and licensing of LR.

* Implemention and negociation of licensing agreements for Language Resources

* Interaction with the relevant players (i.e.: producers, owners and users
of LR who may be in the industrial, commercial or academic world; and
governmental and non-governmental agencies) for technical/contractual issues.


The successful candidate will have:

=B7 Excellent record in Language Engineering and related fields

=B7 Technical , commercial and/or marketing experience in design and
development of Language Engineering solutions (preference for candidats
with experience in the fields of written text and/or Terminology).

=B7 Demonstrated experience in collecting, validating, and marketing language
resources, software or other forms of intellectual property is desired.

=B7 Experience in packaging language resources for distribution using CD-ROM,
ftp facilities, etc.. will be a plus.

=B7 Candidat will need to negotiate contracts in the field of Language
Engineering, at an international level, previous practical experience is
desirable, as well as knowledge of and experience with intellectual property

=B7 Citizenship of, or residency papers for an EU country

=B7 Ability to work in at least two European languages is essential/

Terms and conditions of employment will be subject to negotiation but will
be commensurate with the responsibilities of the post, and will include
performance-based incentives.

The position is based in Paris and offer career opportunities for ambitious

This is a one year appointment in the first instance, with the strong
likelihood of a further 2 years of employment or permanent position.

Further information is available about the Technical Assistant post and the
Association from the CEO.


Applicants should send a cover letter addressing the points listed above,
together with a current Curriculum Vitae, to:

ELRA - Distribution Agency (ELDA)
Dr. Khalid CHOUKRI
Executive Director
87, Avenue d'Italie, F-75013, PARIS,

(Emails and faxes accepted but with follow up by post).

Closing date for applications: April, 08, 1996.


Subject: Program: SDAIR'96 Document Analysis, Apr 96, Las Vegas
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 18:05:43 -0800
From: Debra Wallace <wallace@mighty-joe.ISRI.UNLV.EDU>

Fifth Annual Symposium
on Document Analysis
and Information Retrieval

April 15 - 17, 1996

Alexis Park Resort
Las Vegas, Nevada

Sponsored by the

Information Science Research Institute
The Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Symposium Chair
Henry S. Baird, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies

Invited Speakers
Information Retrieval - From Academic Research to Practical
Hans-Peter Frei; Union Bank of Switzerland
Substituting Images for Books: Library Economics, Technology,
and Politics
Michael Lesk; Bellcore
Text Recognition - From Pixels to Meaning
Juergen Schuermann; Daimler Benz Research Center

Team Debate
"Defect Models are Important to Advance the State-of-the-Art
of Optical Character Recognition"

Affirmative Team:
Henry S. Baird; Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
Robert Haralick; University of Washington
Negative Team:
Daniel Lopresti; Panasonic Technologies, Inc.
George Nagy; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Document Analysis Committee
Andreas Dengel, Chair, German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence (DFKI)
Norbert Bartneck, Daimler Benz Research Center
Hiromichi Fujisawa, Hitachi Central Research Laboratory
Jonathan Hull, Ricoh California Research Center
Junichi Kanai, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Larry Spitz, Daimler Benz Research and Technology Center
Suzanne Liebowitz Taylor, Loral Defense Systems
Karl Tombre, INRIA Lorraine

Information Retrieval Committee
Jan Pedersen, Chair, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Susan Dumais, Bellcore
Stephen Gallant, Belmont Research
Donna Harman, National Institute of Standards & Technology
Marti Hearst, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
David Lewis, AT&T Research
Peter Schauble, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Kazem Taghva, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Yiming Yang, Mayo Clinic/Foundation

Papers Presented
Maximum Spanning Trees for Text Segmentation
Antonio P. Dias; Harvard University
In-house Mail Distribution by Automatic Address and Content
Thomas Bruckner, Peter Suda, Hans Ulrich Block, Gerd
Maderlechner; Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Development
USeg: A Retargetable Word Segmentation Procedure for Information
Jay M. Ponte, W. Bruce Croft; University of Massachusetts
Text Categorization: A Symbolic Approach
Isabelle Moulinier, *Gailius Raskinis, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia;
University of Paris, *Vtautas Magnus University
Support Tools for Visual Information Management
Gokhan Kutlu, Bruce A. Draper, Eliot B. Moss, Edward M.
Riseman; University of Massachusetts
Edit Distance of Regular Languages
Horst Bunke; University of Bern
Language Identification: Examining the Issues
Penelope Sibun, *Jeffrey C. Reynar;
Northwestern University, *University of Pennsylvania
Fast Decision Tree Ensembles for Optical Character Recognition
Harris Drucker; AT&T Bell Laboratories
Length Normalization in Degraded Text Collections
Amit Singhal, Gerard Salton, Chris Buckley; Cornell University
Extraction of Thematically Relevant Text from Images
Francine R. Chen, Dan S. Bloomberg; Xerox PARC
Measuring the Effects of Data Corruption on Information Retrieval
Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schauble;
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Keyword-Based Browsing and Analysis of Large Document Sets
Ido Dagan, Ronen Feldman, *Haym Hirsh;
Bar-Ilan University, *Rutgers University
Tailoring a Retrieval System for Naive Users
Adrienne J. Kleiboemer, Manette B. Lazear, *Jan O. Pedersen;
MITRE Corporation, *Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Improving Full-Text Precision on Short Queries using Simple Constraints
Marti A. Hearst; Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Degraded Character Image Restoration
John D. Hobby, Henry S. Baird; Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
Automatically-Generated High-Reliability Features for Dichotomies
of Printed Characters
George Nagy, Xiaoyin Wang; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Retrieval Strategies for Noisy Text
Daniel Lopresti, Jiangying Zhou; Panasonic Technologies, Inc.
A General-Purpose Japanese Optical Character Recognition System
Sargur N. Srihari, Geetha Srikantan, Tao Hong, Brian Grom;
State University of New York at Buffalo, Center of Excellence
for Document Analysis and Recognition
OCR and Voting Shell Fulfilling Specific Text Analysis Requirements
Thorsten Jager;
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Logotype Detection in Compressed Images using Alignment Signatures
A. Lawrence Spitz; Daimler Benz Research and Technology Center
Reliable Recognition of Handwritten Marks in Checkboxes
B. Latanzio, A. Garzotto;
Swiss Life Information Systems Research
Generalized Form Registration Using Structure-Based Techniques
Michael D. Garris, Patrick J. Grother;
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Pre-Registration: before March 15, 1996

On-site Registration: Sunday, April 14, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Monday, April 15, 7:00am to 11:00am
Tuesday, April 16, 7:30am to 11:00am

Location: Alexis Park Resort

Cost: $425.00 before March 15, 1996
$500.00 after March 15, 1996
Hotel Accommodations

Alexis Park Resort, located near the center of the Las Vegas strip,
is the host hotel for the 1996 Symposium. If you choose to stay at the
Alexis Park Resort, please make hotel reservations no later than March 14
to ensure room availability. A reservation form is included in this
advance program for your convenience.
Due to convention season in Las Vegas, ROOMS WILL FILL UP QUICKLY
AT ALL HOTELS. Please make hotel reservations as soon as possible. Should
you choose to stay at a hotel other than the host hotel, the Las Vegas
Convention and Visitors Authority can give hotel information and make all
hotel room reservations throughout the city of Las Vegas. For more
information please call the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Alexis Park Resort
Hotel Registration Form
P.O. Box 95698
Las Vegas, NV 89193-5698

Rooms reserved under the name: SDAIR '96
Mail your reservation directly to Alexis Park Resort or call

Room Reservations: (800)582-2228
Fax: (702)796-4334
Reservations received after March 14, 1996 will be accepted on a space
available basis only.

Please reserve accommodations for:

Home Address:
City: State/Country: Zip :
Company Name:
Business Address:
City: State/Country: Zip:
Business Phone:

SINGLE OCCUPANCY - $100.00 (+8% tax) TRIPLE OCCUPANCY - $115.00 (+8% tax)
DOUBLE OCCUPANCY - $100.00 (+8% tax) QUAD OCCUPANCY - $130.00 (+8% tax)

Will Arrive: Time:
Will Depart: Time:

Enclosed is my deposit payable by (check one):
Check _____ Mastercard _____ JCB _____ Visa _____
Am Express _____ Carte Blanche _____ Discover _____ Diners Club _____

Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Print name as it appears on card:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---

Fifth Annual Symposium on
Document Analysis and Information Retrieval
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
April 15-17, 1996

Conference Registration Form

State/Country: Zip:
Telephone: Fax:
E-mail Address:

Registration Fees Pre-Reg Regular Amount
before 3/15/96 after 3/15/96

Conference Registration $425.00 $500.00 $____________
(Includes lunch 4/15/96 and 4/16/96)
Monday Dinner (per person) $ 20.00 $____________

Conference Proceedings (Extra Proceedings) $ 50.00 $____________
(One Proceedings is included as part of the
registration fee)
1995 CD-ROM $100.00 $____________
(1995 Conference Proceedings and Annual Report)
1992, 1993 and 1994 CD-ROM $100.00 $____________
(1992, 1993 and 1994 Conference Proceedings
and 1993 and 1994 Annual Report)
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $____________

Enclosed is my payment payable by (check one): Check/Money Order _____
Mastercard _____ VISA _____ Discover _____ American Express _____

Make checks/money orders payable to: UNLV Board of Regents.
All checks must be in U.S. Dollars and drawn on a U.S. Bank.

For payment by credit card please fill out the following information:

Credit Card Number: Expiration Date:
Please Print Name (as it appears on card):
I authorize ISRI/UNLV to debit my account for the TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:

signature: ___________________________________

Mail, fax, or email completed conference registration form and payment to:

Symposium Manager
Information Science Research Institute Telephone (702)895-4571
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Fax (702)895-1183
4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 454021 Email
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4021

For a complete advance program:
ftp site:, directory:/pub/SDAIR96/AdvanceProgram.txt
or send email to


Date: Mon, 18 Mar 96 01:24:32 -0500
From: (BU Conference on Language Development)
Subject: CFP: BU Conf. on Language Dev., Nov 96, Boston

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***

The 21st Annual

Boston University Conference on Language Development

November 1, 2, and 3, 1996

Keynote Speaker: Eve Clark, Stanford University
Plenary Speaker: Luigi Rizzi, University of Geneva

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***


All topics in the field of language acquisition will be fully considered,

Bilingualism Literacy
Cognition & Language Narrative
Creoles & Pidgins Neurolinguistics
Discourse Pragmatics
Exceptional Language Pre-linguistic Development
Input & Interaction Signed Languages
Language Disorders Sociolinguistics
Lexicon Speech Perception & Production
Linguistic Theory (Syntax, Semantics, Phonology, Morphology)

Abstracts submitted must represent original, unpublished research.
Presentations will be 20 minutes long, plus 10 minutes for questions.


1) six copies of an anonymous, clearly titled 450-word
summary for review

2) one copy of a 150-word abstract for use in conference
program book if abstract is accepted; (if your paper is
accepted, you will be asked to resubmit your 150-word
abstract in electronic form, either on diskette or by
e-mail. Requests for these program abstracts will be
sent with acceptance letters.)

3) one 3 x 5 card stating:

i) title, ii) topic area, iii) audiovisual requests, and
iv) for EACH author:

a) Full name & affiliation d) Summer address & phone
b) Current address & phone e) Summer e-mail address
c) E-mail address f) Fax number
g) please tell us how you received this call (paper
copy or e-mail) and whether you would be willing to
receive future calls for papers by e-mail only.

4) To accomodate as many papers as possible, we have
begun the practice of selecting alternates to fill in
slots created by cancellations. The status of
alternate is inconvenient for some contributors, but
welcomed by others. Please indicate whether, if your
paper is not one of the 90 initially selectd for
presentation, you would be willing to be considered
as an alternate. (If you indicate that you are
willing to be considered, this does not commit you to
accepting alternate status if it should be offered to you.)

Please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard for acknowledgment
of receipt. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by
late July. Pre-registration materials and preliminary schedule will
be available in late August 1996.

All authors who present papers at the conference will be invited to
contribute their papers to the Proceedings Volumes. Those papers will
be due in January, 1997.

Note: All conference papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts
submitted. Although each abstract will be evaluated individually, we will
attempt to honor requests to schedule accepted papers together in group

Submissions must be received by May 10, 1995. Send submissions to:

Boston University
Conference on Language Development
2 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215 U.S.A.

Telephone: 617-353-3085
E-mail: (automated reply)



From: (Siamak Rezaei)
Subject: Query: Persian Parser sought
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 16:34:58 GMT

I am looking for the documentation of PERSIS system for parsing
Persian. Does anybody out there have access to the documenation of
PERSIS or the email of the people who have implemented it.
Here is the reference.

PERSIS: A Natural-Language Analyzer for Persian
Mohammad Ali Sanamrad and Haruya Matsumoto (Kobe univ., Japan)
Journal of Information Processing
Vol. 8, No 4, p. 271-279 March 1985



Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 10:41:04 +0100 (MET)
From: (Marco W. de Vries)
Subject: Announcement: ESSLLI'96, 8th SSc. Log/Lang/Info, Aug 96, Prague


The Eighth European Summer School
in Logic, Language and Information

to be held August 12-23, 1996
in Prague, Czech Republic



After summerschools in Groningen (1989), Saarbruecken (1990), Leuven (1991),
Colchester (1992), Lisbon (1993), Copenhagen (1994), and Barcelona (1995),
the next summerschool will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from August 12
until August 23, 1996. Alike the other summerschools, the main focus will be
the interface between logic, linguistics, and computation, particularly where
it concerns the modelling of human linguistic and cognitive abilities. As
such, the programme includes courses, workshops and symposia covering a
variety of topics within six areas of interest: Logic, Language, Computation,
Logic and Computation, Computation and Language, and Language and Logic.

ESSLLI'96 is organized under auspices of FoLLI, the European Association for
Logic, Language and Information.

Alike previous years, there will be organized a symposium on formal
grammar right before ESSLLI'96. A new event at ESSLLI'96 is the Student
Session, a great opportunity for students at MSc/MA or PhD level to
present work in progress. Students are encouraged to submit papers that
show creativity, innovative ideas and promise.

A limited number of grants for students from Central and Eastern Europe
is available.

Early registration fees are ensuing (in Czech Crowns). The deadline for early
registration fees is MARCH 31st, 1996 (your registration form should be
mailed before, or on, that date). For late registration fees, add 15%.

Student Kc 5500 (approx. USD 203)
Visiting Scholar Kc 9200 (approx. USD 339)
Industrial partner Kc 18000 (approx. USD 663)

Accommodation for the period of the summer school is available in the
range of Kc 2470 to Kc 5330 (for 13 nights).

For more information, please visit the ESSLLI'96 WebSite, where the
latest (and completest) information on the Summer School is available:


or send a message to the ESSLLI'96 secretariat:

Malostranske' na'm. 25,
118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Telephone: ++42-2-2191-4-255
Fax: ++42-2-2191-4-309

----> EMail:

Registration forms are available at the WebSite, in various formats
(postscript, RTF, text). Plain-text versions of the program,
accommodation information, and the registration-form can be send to you
by email upon request.

Marco W. de Vries

For more information:

Bureau of:
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)

* GRANTS available at ILLC, go to our WWW page for more information:

European Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI)
Dutch Graduate School in Logic (OzsL)

University of Amsterdam
Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31 (20) 5256051, fax: +31 (20) 5255206, e-mail:


To: (NL-KR)
Subject: Announcement: New Spanish News Release from the LDC
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 09:35:50 EST
From: LDC Office <>

Announcing a NEW RELEASE from the


The Spanish News Corpus consists of journalistic text data from one
newspaper (El Norte, Mexico) and from the Spanish-language services
of three newswire sources: Agence France Presse, Associated Press
Worldstream, and Reuters. (The Reuters collection comprises two
distinct services: Reuters Spanish Language News Service and Reuters
Latin American Business Report.)

All text data are stored on one CD-ROM, in a standard compressed
form. The fours sets of newswire data (AFP, APWS, and two Reuters
services) are each organized as one data file per day of collection.
The period covered by these collections runs from December 1993 (for
APWS and Reuters) or May 1994 (APWS) through December 1995. (The El
Norte data, provided to us by INFOSEL Mexico, are arbitrarily grouped
into files of about 1 megabyte in size when uncompressed; date
information is not available for individual articles, but the general
period of the collection is 1993.)

The approximate amounts of data per source (when uncompressed) is
indicated below (in total megabytes and millions of words of text):

Source MB MW
AFP 345 44
APWS 253 33
REUSL 333 41
REULA 233 23
INFOSEL 209 31

The presentation of text data in these collections is modeled on the
TIPSTER corpus. Within each data file, SGML tagging is used (1) to
mark article boundaries, (2) to delimit the text portion within each
article, and (3) to label various pieces of information about the
article that are external to the text content (e.g. headlines,
bylines, and so on).

The copyright holders of this text have requested that it be made
available to LDC members only. Due to the release date this corpus is
available to 1995 and 1996 members. In order to obtain this corpus,
current LDC members must submit a signed User Agreement Form.

Inquiries about the corpus or requests for it, or information about
becoming members should be directed to

Further information about the LDC and its available corpora can be
accessed on the Linguistic Data Consortium WWW Home Page at URL Information is also available via ftp
at under pub/ldc; for ftp access, please use
"anonymous" as your login name, and give your email address when asked
for password.


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 96 18:58:45 0000 (GMT)
From: Ruslan Mitkov <>
Subject: Announcement: Studentship in Lang. Eng. Univ. of Wolverhampton

University of Wolverhampton
School of Languages and European Studies

Research studentship in Language Engineering

Proposed project

Language Engineering approaches to anaphora resolution

The project

Against the background of prevaling knowledge-dependent linguistic
approaches, this PhD research is expected to produce a new, highly practical
and typical language engineering approach to anaphora resolution which will
be reliable in terms of accuracy and will be implemented as a computer
program. It will serve as a module in future robust NLP programs which
require identification of referential links.


Applicants should possess a good honours degree (or an equivalent degree if
not obtained in a UK university) and will be expected to register for a
higher degree (MPhil/PhD). Overseas candidates must have a good command of

The successful candidate will ideally have a mixed background of linguistics
and computer science and s/he will be expected to be sufficiently computer
literate to be able to implement the model and approaches developed into an
operational anaphora resolution system. Therefore knowledge of
(computational) linguistics and programming skills are essential.

If short-listed, the applicants should be able to provide evidence of
extended independent research of good quality.

The appointment of a research student is part of the expansion of the
Division of Linguistics and is in line with the research policy of the
school which has designated Language Engineering as an area of research

Application and deadline

Application forms are available (please cite reference RS138) from The
Research Support Unit, University of Wolverhampton, Dudley Campus, Castle
View, Dudley, DY1 3HR. Tel (01902) 323317, Email
Completed application forms should be received by 19 April 1996.


The current value of the bursary is # 5, 500. In addition, teaching hours up
to six a week (in consultation with the supervisor and depending on the
appropriateness of the various modules on offer) would be possible.

Further information

Informal inquires may be directed to

Dr. Ruslan Mitkov


From: (Stefan Wermter)
Subject: Announcement: book on language learning
Date: 26 Mar 1996 12:47:06 GMT

> The correct URL seems to be

Yes, this is the correct URL address. An additional
letter from the surrounding box may have caused the
confusion. Thank you for the hint, Peter.

End of NL-KR Digest

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