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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 65

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NL-KR Digest      Wed Oct 11 08:17:03 PDT 1995      Volume 14 No. 65 

Today's Topics:

CFP: KDD-96 Knowledge Discovery / Mining, Aug 96, Portland
Program: EXPERT-SYSTEMS-'95, Dec 95, Cambridge
Announcement: Email List for Hybrid Models, U. Alabama

* * *

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Date: Wed, 4 Oct 95 18:42:45 PDT
From: (KDD-96 Account)
Subject: CFP: KDD-96 Knowledge Discovery / Mining, Aug 96, Portland

C a l l F o r P a p e r s

The Second International Conference on

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-96)

Portland, Oregon, USA, August 3-5, 1996

Sponsored by AAAI and Collocated with AAAI-96 and UAI-96.

visit the KDD-96 WWW page at

Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), also referred to as Data Mining,
is an area of common interest to researchers in machine discovery,
statistics, databases, knowledge acquisition, machine learning, data
visualization, high performance computing, and knowledge-based systems. The
rapid growth of data and information has created a need and an opportunity for
extracting knowledge from databases, and both researchers and application
developers have been responding to that need. KDD applications have been
developed for astronomy, biology, finance, insurance, marketing, medicine,
and many other fields.

The first international conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (KDD-95), held in Montreal in August 1995, was an outstanding success,
attracting over 340 participants. The second international conference
will follow up the success of KDD-95 by bringing together researchers and
application developers from different areas focusing on unifying themes.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Theory and Foundational Issues in KDD:
Data and knowledge representation for KDD
Probabilistic modeling and uncertainty management in KDD
Modeling of structured, unstructured and multimedia data
Metrics for evaluation of KDD results
Fundamental advances in search, retrieval, and discovery methods
Definitions, formalisms, and theoretical issues in KDD

Data Mining Methods and Algorithms:
Algorithmic complexity, efficiency and scalability issues in data mining
Probabilistic and statistical models and methods
Using prior domain knowledge and re-use of discovered knowledge
Parallel and distributed data mining techniques
High dimensional datasets and data preprocessing
Unsupervised discovery and predictive modeling

KDD Process and Human Interaction:
Models of the KDD process
Methods for evaluating subjective relevance and utility
Data and knowledge visualization
Interactive data exploration and discovery
Privacy and security

Data mining systems and data mining tools
Application of KDD in business, science, medicine and engineering
Application of KDD methods for mining knowledge in text, image,
audio, sensor, numeric, categorical or mixed format data
Resource and knowledge discovery using the Internet

This list of topics is not intended to be exhaustive but an indication of
typical topics of interest. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit
papers on any topics of relevance to knowledge discovery and data mining.

KDD-96 also invites working demonstrations of discovery systems. Exact
details on how to arrange a demo at KDD-96 will be forthcoming.

Both research and applications papers are solicited. All submitted papers
will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance to KDD,
novelty, significance, and clarity. Authors are encouraged to make their
work accessible to readers from other disciplines by including a carefully
written introduction. Papers should clearly state their relevance
to KDD.

Please submit 5 *hardcopies* of a short paper (a maximum of 9 single-spaced
pages not including cover page but including bibliography, 1 inch margins, and
12pt font) to be received by March 18, 1996. A cover page must include author(s)
full address, E-MAIL, paper title and a 200 word abstract, and up to 5 keywords.
This cover page must accompany the paper. In addition, an ASCII version of
the cover page should be sent electronically via email to by March 18th 1995 (preferably earlier for e-mail).
For the electronic title page, authors are required to use the template
made available by ftp. Please visit to
retrieve the electronic template.

Please mail the 5 hardcopies of the full papers to :
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3496
Phone: (+1 415) 328-3123; Fax: (+1 415) 321-4457 Email:

* * * I m p o r t a n t D a t e s * * * *
* 5 copies of full papers received by: March 18, 1996 *
* (in addition to an electronic ASCII title page) *
* acceptance notices: April 19, 1996 *
* final camera-readies due to AAAI by: May 20, 1996 *
* * * * * * * * * * * ***

KDD-96 Organization:

General Conference Chair: Usama M. Fayyad, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
KDD-96 Publicity Chair: Padhraic Smyth, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
KDD Sponsorship Chair: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, GTE Laboratories

Program Co-chairs:
Evangelos Simoudis (IBM Almaden Research Center)
Jia Wei Han (Simon Fraser University)

Program Committee
Rakesh Agrawal (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)
Tej Anand (AT&T Global Information Solutions, USA)
Ron Brachman (AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA)
Wray Buntine (Heuristicrats Research, USA)
Nick Cercone (University of Regina, Canada)
Peter Cheeseman (NASA AMES Research Center, USA)
Bruce Croft (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)
Steve Eick (AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA)
Usama Fayyad (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA)
Clark Glymour (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)
George Grinstein (University of Lowell, USA)
David Hand (Open University, UK)
David Heckerman (Microsoft Corporation, USA)
Se June Hong (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Tomasz Imielinski (Rutgers University, USA)
Larry Jackel (AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA)
Larry Kerschberg (George Mason University, USA)
Willi Kloesgen (GMD, Germany)
David Madigan (University of Washington, USA)
Chris Matheus (GTE Laboratories, USA)
Heikki Mannila (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Sham Navathe (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Raymond Ng (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro (GTE Laboratories, USA)
Daryl Pregibon (AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA)
Ted Senator (US Department of the Treasury, USA)
Wei-Min Shen (University of Southern California, USA)
Arno Siebes (CWI, Netherlands)
Andrzej Skowron (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Steve Smith (Dun and Bradstreet, USA)
Padhraic Smyth (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA)
Ramakrishnan Srikant (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)
Alex Tuzhilin (NYU Stern School, USA)
Ramasamy Uthurusamy (GM Research Laboratories, USA)
Xindong Wu (Monash University, Australia)
Wojciech Ziarko (University of Regina, Canada)
Jan Zytkow (Wichita State University, USA)

For further information, send inquiries regarding
* submission logistics to AAAI at
Phone: (+1 415) 328-3123; Fax: (+1 415) 321-4457
* KDD-96 sponsorship and industry participation to:
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro at
Phone: 617-466-4236, Fax: 617-466-2960
* technical program and content to
* general and publicity issues to


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 95 17:04 BST-1
From: (Robert Milne)
Subject: Program: EXPERT-SYSTEMS-'95, Dec 95, Cambridge


15th Annual Conference of the
British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems
11-13 December 1995 Queens' College, Cambridge, UK

Co-sponsored by:The Institution of Electrical Engineers
Endorsed by:the Department of Trade and Industry
and The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Conference Chairman: Dr. Robert Milne, IA Ltd.
For more information:


Expert Systems '95 is the fifteenth Annual Conference of the British
Computer Society's Specialist Group on Expert Systems (SGES). The two
principal aims of the Conference are to review the recent technical
advances in Knowledge-based systems technology and, importantly, show
how this leading edge technology has been applied to solve business
problems. To meet
these objectives, ES95 has a number of parallel sessions on both the
technology and applications. The programme also includes tutorials to
provide greater depth in four selected topics. We are confident that ES95
has the widest possible appeal to the industrial,commercial and academic
communities throughout Europe.

The Conference is aimed at those who wish to update themselves with news
and views of recent developments, understand how other groups are
applying the technology and exchange ideas with leading international
experts in the field. Our goal, as always, is for ES95 to be a meeting
place for the international knowledge based systems community. The
two-track Conference, the Tutorials and the Exhibition are designed to
provide a wide range of options for delegates, whether they are newcomers
to the technology or seasoned practitioners. The social programme
provides an opportunity to relax, meet old friends and make new contacts.


Professor Mark Fox:University of Toronto, Canada

Mark Fox is Professor of Industrial Engineering and holder of the NSERC
Industrial Research Chair in Enterprise Integration. Prior to his return
to Toronto, he was director of the Centre for Integrated Manufacturing
Systems of The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and
supervised one of the largest efforts in the United States focused on
extending and Applying
Intelligent Systems, including Artificial Intelligence and Operations
Research, to engineering and manufacturing problems. He is also
co-founder and past president of Carnegie Group, Inc., a knowledge-based
software company that focuses on engineering, manufacturing and
telecommunications applications.

Towards Soft Computing - E H Mamdani:Imperial College, England

This talk will re-examine the epistemology of AI and suggest that to make
further progress requires an eclectic approach to various available
techniques. This fusion of methods of AI and also fusion of AI and HCI
has been termed Soft Computing. Any attempt at fusion brings with it new
problems that have to be solved. That is the main challenge for Soft
Professor Mamdani is one of the originators of fuzzy logic and is heavily
involved in the integration of fuzzy logic with other computing paradigms.


"Does the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck Still Exist?"
CHAIRMAN:Professor Derek Sleeman:University of Aberdeen
INCLUDING: Nigel Shadbolt:Nottingham University;
Ian Nabney:Aston University;
John Hunt:University of Aberystwyth;
Stephen Muggleton:Oxford University;
Colin Shearer:Integral Solutions Ltd

a.m.Integration of Finite Constraint Satisfaction Programming
Techniques in Object Oriented Languages
P Roy, F Pachet:LAFORIA-IBP, Universite Paris 6, France

This tutorial aims at introducing the area of finite domain
constraint satisfaction programming (CSP) and its integration
with full-fledged object-oriented languages. In the first part
the main principles of CSP are presented, through the use of
simple examples (algorithms for arc-consistency and enumeration).
In the second part we show how object structures may be used in
conjunction with CSP and what kind of problems this combination
of techniques allows us to solve naturally. The BackTalk system
(a canonical integration of CSP techniques in Smalltalk) will be
used as an exemplar system throughout the tutorial and demos of
working systems will illustrate the course. A basic knowledge
of object-oriented programming is required.

Merging Symbolic Reasoning with Subsymbolic Tasks
J Zeleznikow:La Trobe University; D Hunter:University of
Melbourne, Australia

Traditional expert systems used deductive reasoning to model
expert's knowledge. Such systems have failed to directly use
data, do not provide alternative and possibly completing
strategies and perform inadequate argumentation and explanation.
We propose the use of induction, case-based reasoning and neural
networks and an integration of these strategies, to build second
generation expert systems. The aim of this tutorial is to
demonstrate how traditional symbolic artificial intelligence
paradigms can be supplemented with numerical and statistical
techniques to build second generation expert systems. Attendees
should have a minimal knowledge of rule based expert systems.

p.m.Effective Diagnosis Systems
C Price and John Hunt:University of Aberystwyth, Wales

This tutorial will be of relevance to anyone planning to build
practical systems for the following diagnostic tasks:diagnosis
of complex machinery - remediation of real-time process problems
- intelligent user-oriented help. It will look at the main types
of successful diagnostic applications and explain the choices for
building each type, with examples and some demonstrations, and
considering techniques used, information required, how the
systems have been built and how maintainable they are.
Technologies covered will include case-based reasoning, rule-
based systems, real-time diagnostic tools, causal nets,
functional models and reasoning from first principles.

Case Based Reasoning Development Tools
I Watson:University of Salford, England

A follow up to the successful tutorial on Case-Based Reasoning
(CBR) held at ES94, this will be of value to companies or
researchers planning to investigate the potential of CBR and
require advice on software selection and to people who would like
to see how the theory of CBR is implemented. The tutorial will
introduce delegates to features of the CBR tools currently on the
market and the functionality of CBR Express, ESTEEM and ReMind
will be demonstrated in detail, thus providing a comprehensive
review and comparison of available CBR software. Delegates will
be provided with a report summarising the content of thetutorial.


DEKLARE:Knowledge Acquisition and Support System for Re-Design
P Fothergill, I Arana:Aberdeen University, Scotland; J Forster, J A
Lakunza:Ikerlan, Spain

Knowledge Acquisition for Engineering Systems using Bond Graphs
W J Crowther, D R Bull, C A Burrows, K A Edge:University of Bath; R M
Atkinson, P G Hawkins, D J Woollons:University of Exeter, England

Knowledge Elicitation Techniques for Grounded Theory
A C Chisnall,R I John, S C Bennett:De Montfort University,England

Proof Scheme:A Model to Explicit Strategic Knowledge
S Zerhouni-Bendali:Universite P et M Curie; C Jimenez-Dominguez: EDF/DER,

ELEM:A Method for Inducing Rules from Examples
A An, N Shan, C Chan, N Cercone:University of Regina, Canada; X
Huang:City University, England

Using Induction in Legal Expert Systems
J Zeleznikow, A Stranieri, B Lewis:La Trobe University,Australia

Refiner+:An Efficient System for Detecting and Removing Inconsistencies
in Example Sets
M Winter, D Sleeman:University of Aberdeen, Scotland

A Theoretical Framework for Evaluating the Performance of Case-Based
Reasoning Systems
I Dattani, M Bramer, G Leonard:University of Portsmouth,England

Integrating Machine Learning, Problem Solving and Explanation
D McSherry:University of Ulster, N Ireland

Decision Making and Planning by Autonomous Agents; a Generic Architecture
for Safety-Critical Applications
J Fox:Imperial Cancer Research Fund; S Das:Imperial College;D
Elsdon:Integral Solutions Ltd;P Hammond:Brunel University,England

Intelligent Agents for Dynamic Information Management - An Application
Development Framework
M Andersen, R Smith:Cambridge Consultants Limited; D Catton : Strand
Software Technologies Limited, England

A Distributed Economic Architectural Shell for Controlling Agent
Interactions within Blackboard Systems
CJ Satchell,GP Fletcher,CJ Hinde:Loughborough University, England

A Methodological Approach for Object Knowledge Bases
S Garlatti:Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne;
E Montabord,B Gibaud,Ch Barillot:Laboratoire SIM, France

Integrating Constraint Satisfaction Techniques with Complex Object
F Pachet, P Roy:LAFORIA-IBP, Universite Paris 6, France

VIM:3D Co-operative Diagrams as KBS Surfaces
D Dodson, J Secker, R Scott, H Reeves:City University, England

Diagrams for Design:A Schema Interpreter for Knowledge Systems
T R Addis, J J Townsend Addis:University of Portsmouth, England

An Integrated Methodology for the Development of Hybrid Information
X Chen,S Kendal,I Potts,P Smith:University of Sunderland,England

A Deferred Communication in a Parallel Distributed Expert System Shell
W Lejouad:INRIA/CERMICS, France

Experiments in the use of Neighbourhood Search Techniques for Vehicle
T Duncan:AIAI, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Ticker:A Qualitative Model of the Electrical System of the Heart
J Hunter, I Kirby:University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Knowledge Level Planning in the Search and Rescue Domain
H Cottam,N Shadbolt:University of Nottingham,England;J Kingston,H Beck,A
Tate:AIAI,University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Qualitative Probabilities for Ordering Diagnostic Reasoning in Causal
P Fuster Parra:University of Balearic Islands, Spain; A Ligeza :
Institute of Automatics AGH, Poland

A Hybrid Rule-Based System with Rule-Refinement Mechanisms
R Poli, M Brayshaw, A Sloman:University of Birmingham, England


TIGER:Knowledge Based Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring
R Milne, C Nicol:Intelligent Applications Ltd; R Fisher:Exxon Chemicals,
Scotland; L Trave-Massuyes:CNRS/LAAS, France; J Quevedo:Polytechnic
University of Catalonia, Spain
A condition monitoring system in continuous use at Exxon for over two

A Knowledge-Based System for Contract Staff Time-Recording
M Moulton:University of Portsmouth, England
An operational system for a major UK manufacturing site.

A Knowledge Based Support System for Competitive Bidding
S Gallagher, J Trainor:Short Brothers plc; M Murphy, E Curran: University
of Ulster, N Ireland
System has captured the company's key business rationale forbid/no-bid

KBST:A Support Tool for Business Modelling in BSMD
Y-H Chen-Burger, D Robertson:University of Edinburgh; J Fraser: AIAI,
University of Edinburgh; C Lissoni:International Business Machines
Corporations UK Ltd, Scotland
Uses case-based reasoning techniques to build business models.

DRS Assistant:Intelligent Advice for Operating and Maintaining a
World-Wide Information System
S Greenwood:Oxford Brookes University;M Davis:Reuters Ltd,England
A multi-media expert system.

An Agent Based Helicopter Decision Support System
R Zanconato:Cambridge Consultants Ltd; H Howells:DRA Farnborough, England
A real-time KBS involving 24 separate agents running concurrently on 10

Prediction without Modelling:A Demonstration of the Use of Case-Based
Reasoning for the Prediction of Process Behaviour
S Rougegrez:LAFORIA-IBP, Universite Paris 6, France
Applying case-based reasoning to forest fires

An Expert System for Strategic Oil Storage
J Hartman:Israel Institute for Biological Research, Israel
Integrates knowledge of a number of experts in different fields of fuel

Detection of Oceanographic Fronts:A Knowledge Based Approach
N Rees, J Aiken:Plymouth Marine Laboratory, England
Overcomes limitations of signal detection algorithms by incorporating
knowledge from oceanographers.

An Integrated Approach to the Route Autofinder Problem
K P Lam, K K Yiu, H C Leung:Chinese University of Hong Kong
Multimedia approach to finding optimal routes in a city street map.

Improving Cake Product Quality
R Petryszak, L Young, S Cauvain:CCFRA, England
A KBS to solve faults in production of cakes and sponges

Adding Multimedia Interfaces to Simplify the World of Circuit Board
Assembly Line Production
F McCaffery, M McTear:University of Ulster, N Ireland
The user can respond by either using the keyboard or speaking into a

A Feasibility Study into the Use of a Real-Time Emergency Advisory System
for Batch Reactors
K Y Mau, P F Nolan, C H Steele:South Bank University, England
Uses an expert system shell, a knowledge base derived from case histories
and hazop and fault-tree analysis.

A Hypermedia/Knowledge Based System to Promote Energy Efficiency in UK
J L Gordon, M Edge, T Fort, M Holden:Blackburn College, England
A KBS to give companies advice on energy management.

Tackling Cognitive Biases in the Detection of Top Management Fraud with
the Use of Case-Based Reasoning
O Curet:Touche Ross & City University Business School; M Jackson:London
Business School, England
An expert system to assist accountants.

Using a Genetic Algorithm to Data Mine in the Financial Services Sector
V J Rayward-Smith, J C W Debuse, B de la Iglesia:University of East
Anglia, England
A technical approach is described using commercial company data.

A Comparative Study of Three Machine Learning Approaches to the Treatment
of Patients at Anticoagulant Out-Patient Clinics
P B Musgrove, J Davies:University of Wolverhampton, England
Results show case-based reasoning as the most appropriate technique for
applications of this type.

An Expert System for Selection of Artificial Pacemakers and Lessons
Learned from Development
V P Lane:AFBIS, South Bank Business School; N Moghaddam : Kingston
College, England
An operational system used in the clinical environment for on-line

Practical Applications of Multiple Models - The Need for Simplicity and
D Pugh, C Price, N Snooke:University of Wales
Experience gained from transferring a system to Ford and Jaguar

Incorporation of a Process Model into a Generative Design Product Model
C B Chapman:University of Warwick, England
Using this method, 3 man months of design time can be reduced to 2 days.

CSELECT:Seal Selection Without the Aid of Acronyms!
J P Carr, D A Hughes:John Crane UK Ltd, England
To be used as a key selection tool by 1000 sales persons and sales

A New Graphical Representation for Rule Definition and Explanation in an
Expert System
J M Evans:Data Sciences UK Ltd, England; M J Fear:BP Exploration; N C
Meany:Hughes Christensen Company, Scotland
Expert system to give advice on drill bit selection for the oil industry.

NIRMANI:A Case-Based Expert System for Integrated Design and Estimating
I Watson:University of Salford, England; S Perera:University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka
Produces a conceptual design and first cost plan for warehouse buildings.

IMIS - Intelligent Marketing Integrated System
Project Partners: Henley Centre for Forecasting, Manchester
Metropolitan University, United Distillers, TSB

Project Partners: ICL, Lloyds Register, IC-PARC (Imperial
College), UMIST

IA - Intelligent Architecture
Project Partners: Richard Rogers Partnership, Bovis Construction,
Smallworld Systems, PowerGen, DEGW London, Broadgate Properties,
Criterion Software, Qualum, Avanti Architects, Department of
Computer Science UCL, Bartlett School of Architecture and
Planning UCL.

STAR - Standardised Argument Report
Project Partners: Imperial Cancer Research Fund, City University,
LHASA UK, Logic Programming Associates

Summarised by DTI/ISIP Representative

The SGES is one of Europe's longest established groups working to support
the local community of expert and knowledge-based systems developers and
users. In addition to the Annual Conference, membership of the SGES
provides access to a wealth of technical information, including a regular
newsletter, monthly
information packs, workshops, local events, special interest groups and
more. For further information about the SGES, including details of
Corporate Membership, call the SGES Administration on + 44(0)1256 55899.
You do not need to be a member of the British Computer Society to join
the SGES.

Dr Rob Milne, Intelligent Applications Ltd
(Conference Chairman)
Dr Ian Watson,University of Salford
(Deputy Conference Chairman/Tutorial Co-ordinator)
Professor Max Bramer, University of Portsmouth
(Technical Programme Chairman)
Dr John Nealon,Oxford Brookes University
(Deputy Technical Programme Chairman)
Ann Macintosh,AIAI, University of Edinburgh
(Application Programme Chairman)
Mr Chris Cooper,Coopers & Lybrand
(Deputy Application Programme Chairman)
Dr Alan Montgomery,Integral Solutions Ltd

ES95 is organised by The Conference Team on behalf of the BCS Specialist
Group on Expert Systems. Enquiries should be addressed to Mrs Kit
Stones, The Conference Team 17 Spring Road, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8LS
Telephone/Fax:(01234) 343384 International Dialling:+ 44 (1234) 343384


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 09:11:57 -0500
From: (Ron Sun)
Subject: Announcement: Email List for Hybrid Models, U. Alabama


The <Hybrid Models: Learning and Architectures> mailing lists.

As we discussed at the CSI workshop at IJCAI in this August,
we now establish this new mailing list for the specific purpose of
exchanging information and ideas regarding hybrid models, especially models
integrating symbolic and connectionist processes. Other hybrid models,
such as fuzzy logic+neural networks and GA+NN, are also covered.

This is an unmoderated list. Conference and workshop announcements,
papers and technical reports, informed discussions of specific
topics in hybrid model areas, and other pertinent messages
are appropriate items for submission.
Email your submission to, which will be automatically
forwarded to all the recipients of the list.

Information regarding subscription is attached below.
For questions and suggestions regarding this list, send email to (only if you have to).

This mailing list has incorporated the old HYBRID list at Brown U. maintained
by Michael Perrone (thanks to Michael), and included names of those who
attended the 1995 CSI workshop or expressed interest in it.
(To remove your name from the list, see the instruction at the end of this

--Ron Sun

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===
The University of Alabama Department of Computer Science has set up a list
service for this:

To subscribe to this list service, send an e-mail message to the userid
"" with NO SUBJECT, but a one-line text message,
as shown below:

SUBSCRIBE hybrid-list YourFirstName YourLastName

You should receive a response back indicating your addition to the list.

After this, you can submit items to the list by
simply e-mail'ing a message to the userid: "".
The message will automatically be sent to all individuals on the list.

To unsubscribe to this list service, send an e-mail message to the userid
"" with NO SUBJECT, but a one-line text message,
as shown below:

UNSUBSCRIBE hybrid-list
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===

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