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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 74

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NL KR Digest
 · 20 Dec 2023

NL-KR Digest      Sat Nov 18 21:30:26 PST 1995      Volume 14 No. 74 

Today's Topics:

CFP: WICS Machine Translation Workshop, Jun 96, Dhahran
Program: ILPS'95 7th Wkshp Logic Prog. Envir., Dec 95, Portland
Announcement: Wkshp on Discourse Funcs / Rep., Dec 95, Darmstadt
CFP: Comp. Ling. special issue on Word Sense Disambiguation
Announcement: Electronic Oriental Lang. Journal Comm.COLIPS
CFP: 5th Intel. Sys. Conf.., Jun 96, Reno
Position: Fellows/Asst. Profs in Chinese Ling. / Translation
Position: Far East NLP Program Manager, Microsoft
Position: Research Associates in Connectionist NL
CFP: ICCC'96 Intl Conf on Chinese Computing '96, Jun 96, Singapore

* * *

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Al Whaley ( and
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Date: Wed, 08 Nov 95 15:37:25 SAT
From: husni al-muhtaseb <FACP005%SAUPM00.BITNET@VTBIT.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: CFP: WICS Machine Translation Workshop, Jun 96, Dhahran

The First KFUPM Workshop on Information & Computer Science (WICS)
June 9, 1996
College of Computer Science & Engineering,
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

The Department of Information and Computer Science (ICS) at King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia is
announcing the first KFUPM workshop on Information & Computer Science.
The theme of the workshop is

Machine Translation

Authors are invited to submit papers describing recent work in the field.
Submission must include:
Title of paper.
Name, affiliation, address, telephone and FAX number of each author.
Designate the presenter, WICS will communicate with the presenter.
Suggested topic(s) from the topic list, or describe your topic.
Four copies of a complete paper or an extended summary of 3-5 pages.

March 2, 1996:Technical paper submissions deadline.
April 1, 1996:Notification to designated presenters of acceptance status.
May 4, 1996:Camera-ready manuscripts.

Languages: Arabic and English

Mail all submissions to::
WICS, Department of Information & Computer Science,
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

Contact: M. Al-Mulhem, Chairman, Tel: +966-3-860-2175,
Fax: +966-3-860-2174


Topics of Interest Include, but are not limited to:

Machine Translation
Natural Language Understanding
Sentence Generation
Morphological and Lexical Analysis
Syntactic and Semantics Analysis
AI tools for Machine Translation

husni al-muhtaseb =
information & computer science depart. =
king fahd univ. of petroleum & minerals =
box# 952, dhahran 31261, saudi arabia =
bitnet: facp005@saupm00.bitnet =
internet: =


From: (Markus Fromherz)
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 11:06:11 PST
To:; (see end of body)
Subject: Program: ILPS'95 7th Wkshp Logic Prog. Envir., Dec 95, Portland


Seventh Workshop on Logic Programming Environments

December 8, 1995
Portland, Oregon, USA

Full-day post-conference workshop (W6)
held in conjunction with ILPS'95

This workshop allows researchers and logic programming system
developers to exchange ideas and results on all aspects of
environments for logic programming. Relevant topics include user
interfaces, human engineering, execution visualization, development
tools, providing for new paradigms, and interfacing to language system
tools and external systems.

There will also be a special presentation on the European Task Force
on Logic Program Development.


Markus Fromherz (Xerox PARC, USA)
Anthony Kusalik (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Marc Kirschenbaum (John Carroll University, USA)


Markus Fromherz
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
tel: (415) 812 4273 fax: (415) 812-4334

For up-to-date information (including proceedings when available):

or send mail to:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----


The detailed schedule has not been determined yet. The following papers
will be presented:

An Environment for Exploring and Validating Declarative Knowledge
Andreas Abecker, Harold Boley, Knut Hinkelmann, Holger Wache,
Franz Schmalhofer

Generating Types Is Better than Programming Them
Rayk Fenske, Ulrich Geske, Mario Lenz

A Techniques-Based Programming Environment for Go"del
Corin A. Gurr

Entending the FOLON Environment for Automatically Deriving
Totally Correct Prolog Procedures from Logic Descriptions
Baudouin Le Charlier, Sabina Rossi

A Hybrid Backward Slicing Algorithm Producing Executable Slices for
Stephane Schoenig, Mireille Ducasse

Prolog Program Development via Enhanced Schema-based Transformations
Wamberto W. Vasconcelos, Norbert E. Fuchs

Attempto: Controlled Natural Language for Requirements Specifications
Norbert E. Fuchs, Rolf Schwitter

Time and Money: A Case Study in Systematic Development of Constraint
Logic Programs
Spiro Michaylov, Ivan Ordonez

Data Oriented LP with Magritte
Jose' Paulo Leal

Man Machine Service Embedded in Logic Programming
Aurelie Bechina, Marios Siormanolakis

A Proposal for a Foreign Language Interface for Prolog
Michael Levy

There will also be special presentation of the European Compulog project:

Task Force on Logic Program Development
Pierre Deransart


For people attending ILPS'95: US$20
For people *not* attending ILPS'95: US$60

The registration fee covers conference costs (refreshments during
coffee breaks, room rental, etc.). Paper copies of the Workshop
proceedings will be available during ILPS'95. The papers will also be
made available in electronic form at .
To register, please check out the WWW and e-mail addresses below.


The workshop will be held in conjunction with ILPS'95.

The 1995 International Logic Programming Symposium, ILPS'95, will take
place in Portland Oregon on December 4-7, 1995. The symposium, one of
two major conferences sponsored annually by Association for Logic
Programming, will be accompanied by a series of workshops, in effect
mini-conferences, to be held on December 7-8.

The conference venue, Portland, is noted for the "Silicon Rainforest"
in neighboring Beaverton, micro-breweries, Powell's Books (the world's
largest used-book store), a plethora of Starbucks and Coffee People
cafes, Nike Town, the so-called Northwest Sound (grunge rock), and
superb skiing on nearby Mt. Hood. The conference hotel is the Portland
Marriott, overlooking the Willamette River in the heart of downtown,
20 minutes from Portland International Airport. In addition to the
superb technical program, the conference will include a banquet dinner
at Atwater's Restaurant atop the Bancorp Tower.

For more information, see or contact


Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 14:07:13 +0100
From: "Dr. John Bateman" <>
Subject: Announcement: Wkshp on Discourse Funcs / Rep., Dec 95, Darmstadt

15th-16th December 1995

IPSI - Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute
GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology


The ESPRIT Basic Research Action DANDELION (Discourse Functions and
Discourse Representations: An Empirically and Linguistically Motivated
Interdisciplinarily-Oriented Approach to Natural Language Texts) will
be holding its final project workshop and review to mark the end of
the project.

DANDELION has developed theories of a number of phenomena in discourse
including coherence relations, information structuring, thematic
development, causal and contrastive connectives, aspect and text
structure, and discourse functions of NP types. In parallel, it has
produced and enhanced computational resources for the investigation
and development of discourse theories.

Presentations at the workshop will reflect the project's diversity and
its attempts to find syntheses of current theoretical positions.
Computational resources will be demonstrated.

For further information and for registering interest in attending the
workshop, please contact: either Ute Kischel (e-mail:, tel.: +49/6151-869-811; fax.:
+49/6151-869-818) or Klaas Jan Rondhuis (
Accomodation will be in local hotels near to the institute in
Darmstadt and should be organized by participants directly. A list of
available hotels, their locations, and prices will be faxed on

The detailed programme for the workshop will be circulated in the next
couple of weeks.


Date: Sat, 11 Nov 1995 12:09:50 +0000
From: (Nancy Ide)
Subject: CFP: Comp. Ling. special issue on Word Sense Disambiguation


Special issue

Guest Editors

Nancy Ide <>
Jean Veronis <>

The discrimination of word senses, word sense disambiguation (WSD), is
of prime importance for all areas involving computerized language
analysis, including corpus-based research, lexical studies, information
retrieval, machine translation, natural language processing, studies of
style and theme, authorship attribution, and applications such as hypertext

As early as the late 1950's, WSD was recognized as a critical but
extremely difficult task for automated language analysis. The
intractability of the problem contributed to the abandoning of machine
translation research programs in the early 1960's, when one of the
pioneers in the field, Bar-Hillel, proclaimed that he could see no way
computer programs could ever determine, for example, the proper sense of
the word "pen" in the sentence "The box is in the pen". Nevertheless, in
the past 30 years researchers have continued to work on the WSD problem,
and although the problem is far from solved, considerable progress has
been made.

This special issue is intended to summarize the state of the art in WSD,
identify the main areas of difficulty, and suggest solutions for
improvement. Papers are invited on all areas of WSD, and especially on :

o large-scale knowledge sources for WSD. Given the difficulty of
building large-scale knowledge sources by hand, researchers have
turned to "ready-made" resources such as machine-readable
dictionaries and corpora. However, each of these kinds of resources
poses problems, and none covers definitively the areas required to
accomplish WSD.

o the problem of sense division. The disambiguation of word senses
involves, a priori, determining what the appropriate sense
distinctions for a given word are. Many studies have shown that the
kinds of sense distinctions made by most everyday dictionaries (and
even some computer dictionary resources such as WordNet) are too
finely-grained, and in some cases not even appropriate, to serve the
purposes of language analysis.

o combination of methods (statistical, rule-based) and knowledge
sources (associative, collocational, phrasal, morphosyntactic,
statistical, domain-related, etc.). It is now widely held that no
single approach is complete enough for WSD, and that a combination
of sources and methods is required. However, it remains to be
determined how to most effectively combine methods and knowledge for

o assessment of the knowledge "needs" for WSD. There is no precise
quantitative study on what the knowledge "needs" are in order to
disambiguate a given word in a given context. For example, in the
sentences, "I write on the page", "I spoke to the page", "The front
page says..." it is obvious that different kinds of knowledge
contribute more or less to the proper (and/or easy) disambiguation
of "page" in the various contexts--i.e., the strong association
between "write" and "page", selectional restrictions on the verb
"speak", and collocational information for "front" and "page",

All papers will be peer reviewed. Priority will be given to papers that
have a strong empirical background and report precise, quantitative


Hard copy submissions should be on letter-size paper (8.5 x 11 inches, or
A4), double-spaced throughout, including footnotes and references. The
paper should begin with an informative abstract of 150-250 words.
Manuscripts must be written in English. Six copies should be sent to

Julia Hirschberg, CL Editor
AT&T Bell Laboratories
600 Mountain Avenue, 2D-450
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA
(+1 908) 582-7496;

Submissions in electronic form (LaTeX) must conform to the Computational
Linguistics specifications, which can retrieved from

Electronic submissions should be sent to <>.

All submissions must be received before April 1, 1996.

Computational Linguistics is published quarterly by the MIT Press for the
Association for Computational Linguistics.


From: Lua Kim Teng <>
Subject: Announcement: Electronic Oriental Lang. Journal Comm.COLIPS
To: (Dr Zhu Haifeng), (Lua Kim Teng),
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 14:52:45 +0800 (GMT-8)



Paper titles for 1995

P95001 A Study on Corpus-based Classification of Chinese Words, Chao-Huang
Chang and Cheng-Der Chen

P95002 Planar Pattern Matching Algorithm and its Application to Handwritten
Chinese Character Recognition, Fang-Hsuan Cheng

P95003 On-line Chinese Character Recognition System, S Kwong, K F Man and L

P95004 THE HANZIX OPEN SYSTEM, Siu Chi Hsu, Kin Hong Lee, Chin Lu, Man Fai

P95005 Using Multiple Huffman Trees for Compressing Chinese Character Fonts,
S. Kwong, K.F. Man and S.H. Tong

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Complete paper can be obtained from or
Web site at

Problems: please inform editor-in-chief at

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
About the journal

This journal publishes in both electronic form and hard copies. Its scope
includes all aspects related to Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental
Languages, including, but not limited to:

- computer input and output of characters,
- typesetting and design of characters
- coding and compression of data
- voice input and output, analysis, recognition and
synthesis of speech
- man-computer communications
- language processing and text understanding,
- representation of knowledge and inferencing
- computational linguistics
- machine translation
- software and design of Chinese language computers,
database management and systems
- information retrieval, text handling
- question answering
- applications of theories, methods and techniques.
- www, Internet and other forms of electronic communications

Categories of paper published:

- research papers
- letters to editors, commentaries
- project reports, R&D news
- product news, software and hardware
- short notes

Languages: English, Chinese and other major oriental languages. At the
present moment, most papers are in English and Chinese.

Web Site :

Managing Editors

Editor-in-Chief : Kim-Teng Lua: FAX 65-7794580, e-mail
Associate Editors: Kok-Wee Gan, FAX 852-23581477, e-mail

International Editorial Board

You Qi Cao (Academia Sinica, Beijing)
Chao-Huang Chang (Industrial Technology Research Inst., Hsinchu)
Hsin-Hsi Chen(National Taiwan University, Taipei)
Keh-Jiann Chen(Academia Sinica, Taipei)
Fang-Hsuan Cheng (Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute, Hsinchu)
Zhendong Dong(Institute of Systems Science, Singapore)
Zhiwei Feng (Institute of Applied Linguistics, Beijing)
Aiping Fu (Chinese Academic of Social Sciences, Beijing)
Changning Huang(Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Chu-Ren Huang(Academia Sinica, Taipei)
Taiyi Huang (Institute of Automation, Beijing)
Xiaofeng Gu (Peking University, Beijing)
Hsi-Jian Lee(National Chiao Tung University, Taipei)
Chuan Lu(Henan Institute of Finance & Economics, Zhengzhou)
Shaoping Ma (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Gee-Swee Poo(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Keh-Yih Su (National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu)
Yong Cheng Wang (Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai)
Shiwen Yu (Peking University, Beijing)
Pu Zhang (Beijing University of Language and Culture, Beijing)
Xinzhong Zhang(Beijing Information Technology Institute, Beijing)
Yong-Kui Zhang (Shanxi University, Taiyuan)


Subscription is now open to all researchers, R&D personals, vendors and any
interested party free of charge. Abstract of papers and reports will be
posted to subscribers immediately when they are re available. The subscribers,
after reading the abstracts, may then decide if they want to extract the
full report.

To subscribe, send a mail to with a Subject field
'subscribe'(without quotation marks). You may leave all the rest blank. You
will receive a confirmation mail.

To stop subscription, email to and set the
subject field to 'unsubscribe' (without quotation marks). Again, you will
receive a confirmation message.

Comments and report of problems:
Please e-mail the editor-in-chief at or associate editor


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 11:43:24 -0500
From: (Mary Ann Sullivan)
Subject: CFP: 5th Intel. Sys. Conf.., Jun 96, Reno


Fifth International Conference on
Intelligent Systems

(formerly GWICS)

June 19 - 21, 1996
Flamingo Hilton, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.

Sponsored by the International Society for Computers
and Their Applications (ISCA)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ==
Carl Looney Frederick C. Harris, Jr.
(Univ. of Nevada, Reno) (Univ. of Nevada, Reno)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ==
The International Conference on Intelligent Systems seeks
quality international submissions in all areas of intelligent
systems including but not limited to:

Logic and Inference Cognitive Science
Artificial Neural Networks Reasoning
Distributed Intelligent Systems Artificial Life
Case-Based Reasoning Knowledge-Based Systems
Vision, Image Processing Interpretation Machine Learning and Adaptive Sys.
Cellular Automata Fuzzy Systems
Robotics, Control and Planning Multimedia and Human Computer
Evolutionary Computation Interaction
(GA,GP,ES,EP) Autonomous Agents
Recognition and Classification Search

Instructions to Authors:

Authors must submit 5 copies of an extended abstract (at least 4 pages) or
complete paper (no more than 10 double spaced pages). Please include one
separate cover page containing title, author's name(s), address,
affiliation, e-mail address, telephone number, and topic area. To help us
assign reviewers to papers, use the topics in the list above as a guide.
In cases of multiple authors, all correspondence will be sent to the first
author unless otherwise requested. Abstracts may be submitted via E-mail.
Submit your paper by February 15, 1996 to the program chair:

Dr. Frederick C. Harris, Jr. Telephone: (702) 784-6571
University of Nevada Fax: (702) 784-1766
Dept. of Computer Science E-mail:
Reno, Nevada 89557


Deadline for extended summary/paper submission: February 15, 1996
Notification of acceptance: April 10, 1996
Camera ready papers due: May 10, 1996

G. Antoniou (U. of Newcastle)
A. Barducci (CNR-IROE,Italy)
M. Boden (U. of Skovde)
A. Canas (U. of West Florida)
M. Cohen (Cal State, Fresno)
D. Egbert (U. of Nevada, Reno)
S. Fadali (U. of Nevada, Reno)
J. Fisher (Cal State Pomona)
K. Ford (U. of West Florida)
P. Geril (U. of Ghent)
J. Gero (U. of Sydney)
D. Hudson (U. of Cal, San Fran.)
P. Jog (DePaul U.)
S. Kawata (Tokyo Metropolitan U.)
V. R. Kumar (Fujitsu, Australia)
D. Leake (Indiana U.)
F. Lin (Santa Clara U.)
S. Louis (U. of Nevada, Reno)
J. McDonnell (NRaD, San Diego)
A. McRae (Appalachian State U.)
S. Narayan (UNC-Wilmington)
T. Oren (U. of Ottawa)
V. Patel (McGill U.)
D. Pheanis (Arizona State U.)
V. Piuri (Politecnico Di Milano)
R. Reynolds (Wayne State U.)
M. Rosenman (U. of Sydney)
A. Sangster (Aberdeen U.)
R. Smith (U. of Alabama)
R. Sun (U. of Alabama)
A. Yfantis (UNLV)
S. Yoon (Widener U.)

ISCA Headquarters
8820 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27615 (USA)

Ph: (919) 847-3747 Fax: (919) 676-0666 E-mail:



Date: Tue, 14 Nov 95 14:42:53 +0800
From: (Pan Hai-Hua)
Subject: Position: Fellows/Asst. Profs in Chinese Ling. / Translation


Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics (CTL)
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Research Fellows/Research Assistant Professors associated with
the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City
University of Hong Kong are anticipated to be available in the
1996/97 academic year.

Possible research areas include but are not limited to the
following :

computational linguistics
experimental phonetics
linguistic theory
discourse analysis

Required background :

applicants should have completed their PhD in Linguistics or
related discipline. Research experience resulting in
publications in international refereed journals

Salary :

Research Fellowship : HK$21,270-24,590 per month
Research Assistant Professor : HK$40,380 per month
Determination of grade will depend on qualifications and relevant

Period of appointment :

1-3 years for Research Assistant Professors, 1-year renewable for
Research Fellows

Interested applicants are encouraged to make initial submission
by sending a CV (including the names of 3 referees) along with
a letter describing your background and research interests to :

Professor Xu Liejiong
Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics
City University of Hong Kong
83 Tat Chee Avenue

E-mail :
Fax : 852-2788-9520

More information about the City University of Hong Kong is
available from the CityU home page on the world-wide web :


From: Deborah Coughlin <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 95 09:03:58 TZ
Subject: Position: Far East NLP Program Manager, Microsoft


Natural Language Group's mission is to acquire, design, and develop components
that enable Microsoft products to understand information expressed in natural
human languages. We are currently looking for a Far East Program Manager.
The positions will be located on the Microsoft central campus in Redmond,
Washington, USA.


The FE PM's primary responsibility is to manage the joint efforts being done
between the Natural Language Group in Redmond and the Microsoft
subsidiaries in
Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea. These efforts include (a) design and
development of word breakers and morphology engines, (b) acquisition of
linguistic data including word lists, dictionaries, pronunciations, and
example text, and (c) design and development of grammars that can parse
the far
eastern languages.


Applicant must have 3-5 years prior work experience doing computational
linguistics or computer science, excellent project management skills and
attention to details, love of far eastern language and culture. Fluency in
multiple languages, a degree in computer science, and the desire to travel are
also highly desirable features.

CONTACT: Please send resumes, cover letters, and any additional materials

Angela Hollett
Human Resources
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052


From: scheler@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU (Gabriele Scheler)
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 09:48:44 -0800
Subject: Position: Research Associates in Connectionist NL

1 - 2 full-time positions for research associates are available
in the area of connectionist natural language modeling in the Department
of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Germany.
One project concerns text-based learning, the other (pending final
approval) combines modeling of language acquisition with situated
learning. Several short-term or half-time paid positions for
graduate students are also available. Knowledge of German is helpful,
but not essential.

Positions may start as early as February 1, 1996.

A full job description with reference to relevant www-sites will be
mailed to interested persons in Mid-December.
Anyone interested in these positions should direct an informal request
for further details to
Dr Gabriele Scheler
1947 Center Street, Berkeley 94704-1198


From: Guo Jin <>
Subject: CFP: ICCC'96 Intl Conf on Chinese Computing '96, Jun 96, Singapore
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 95 17:54:59 +0800

International Conference on
Chinese Computing '96

The Latest Technological Advancement and Application

Invited Speakers:

Prof Makato Nagao (Kyoto University, Japan)
Prof Yorick Wilks (University of Sheffield, UK)
Prof Mark Liberman (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Keynote Speaker:

Dr Low Hwee Boon (Institute of Systems Science, Singapore)

Venue: Institute of Systems Science
National University of Singapore
Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Kent Ridge
Singapore 119597

June 4 - 7 (Tues. - Fri.)

Jointly Organized by:
Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society
Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore
Chinese Information Processing Society (China)

Papers: (Suggested topics include but not limited to the following)
1) Large scale lexical database construction
2) Syntactic analysis
3) New input methods and their applications
4) Machine (-aided) translation
5) Text classification and abstraction
6) Knowledge acquisition
7) Speech I/O
8) Chinese Internet (WWW) and E-mail
9) Typesetting
10) Application of corpus and statistics
11) Semantic Analysis
12) Natural Language interface
13) Intelligent information retrieval
14) Discourse understanding
15) Knowledge representation
16) OCR (printed/handwriting)
17) Font generations
18) Localization

Correspondence: It is encouraged to communicate electronically with
the conference's organizing committee.

Program Chairmen
Prof Dong Zhendong Prof Huang Chang Ning
Institute of Systems Science Dept of Computer Science
National University of Singapore Tsing Hua University
Heng Mui Kent Terrace Beijing, China 100084
Kent Ridge Fax: 86-10-256 2768
Singapore 119597
Fax: 65-774 4998

Secretariat: Vicky Toh: 65-772 2003
Olga: 65-772 2093, 772 2096
Fax: 65-778 2571

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: Dec 15, 1995
Notification: Feb 5, 1995
Final Version: March 20, 1995

COLIPS will provide partial financial support to selected students
from abroad if their papers are excellent.

End of NL-KR Digest

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