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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 81

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NL-KR Digest      Sun Dec 31 18:55:50 PST 1995      Volume 14 No. 81 

Today's Topics:

Position: Computational Linguists, European Commission
Announcement: AAAI 1996 Calendar of Events
Announcement: SDAIR'96 Document Analysis, Apr 96, Las Vegas
CFP: ECAI-96 Workshop: Corpus-Oriented Semantics, Aug 96, Budapest
CFP: ECAI Workshop on Argumentation for Agent Comm., Aug 96, Budapest
CFP: 4th Int'l Conf on Spoken Language Proc., Oct 96, Philadelphia
CFP: ICTAI'96 Tools with AI, Nov 96, Toulouse
CFP: HPSG '96 Head-Driven Phrase Structure, May 96, Marseille
Position: UMD Ling. and UMIACS - Tenure Track

* * *

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Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 18:37:17 +0100
From: "Santiago.DEL PINO" (Tel 63124)
To: scholar@cunyvm (Non Receipt Notification Requested),
Subject: Position: Computational Linguists, European Commission

2 temporary posts are available at the European Commission's Translation
Service. Enclosed is a description (in French). Responses to the E-Mail
address indicated, NOT TO THE LIST. Cross postings are welcome. Thank you.

* * * * * * * * * * ****

La Commission europeenne envisage de constituer, par voie de selection, une
reserve de recrutement d'


de categorie LA (ayant une formation universitaire complete)

2 Linguistes computationnels / Traducteurs (grade LA7/LA6)

Participation au developpement des couples de langues du systeme de
traduction automatique de la Commission ainsi qu'au developpement d'outils
d'aide a la traduction ou a la redaction de documents.

Des connaissances approfondies, avec references, dans le domaine de la
linguistique computationnelle, ainsi qu'une experience d'au mois deux ans
sont requises en rapport avec les fonctions mentionnees ci-dessus.

Lieu d'affectation: Luxembourg. Pour plus de renseignements concernant la
description des taches priere de s'adresser par courier electronique a
l'adresse suivante:

Les candidats juges les mieux qualifies par rapport aux conditions requises
seront convoques a un entretien de selection a l'issue duquel un contrat
d'une duree maximale de trois ans pourra etre propose aux laureats.

Si vous desirez le profil detaille des emplois, un acte de candidature et
tous les renseignements necessaires pour postuler, envoyez sous pli une
enveloppe (23x32cm) non timbree, libellee a votre adresse (mentionnant votre
langue maternelle), a l'adresse suivante (pas de lettre ou curriculum vitae a
ce stade):

COMMISSION EUROPEENNE, Unite Recrutement SC41 (AT/3/95), rue de la Loi 200,
B-1049 Bruxelles.

Seules seront prises en consideration les enveloppes envoyees au plus tard le
8 janvier 1996 (le cachet de la poste faisant foi).

Les personnes ne repondant pas aux conditions et qualifications
professionnelles indiquees ci-dessus sont priees de s'abstenir.


Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 13:05:41 -0800
Subject: Announcement: AAAI 1996 Calendar of Events
From: Richard Skalsky <>
To: "NL-KR" <>, "SIGART" <>,

AAAI-96, Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, sponsored by
the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, August 4-8, 1996,
Portland, Oregon. Includes workshops, tutorials, exhibits, and technical
sessions. Contact: AAAI-96, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025;
415-328-3123; FAX: 415-321-4457; electronic mail:;;

IAAI-96, Eighth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial
Intelligence sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
August 5-7, 1996, collocated with AAAI-96, Portland, Oregon. Contact: IAAI-96,
445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025; 415-328-3123; FAX: 415-321-4457;
electronic mail:;

KDD-96, Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, August 2-4,
1996, collocated with AAAI-96, Portland, Oregon. Contact: KDD-96, 445 Burgess
Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025; 415-328-3123; FAX: 415-321-4457; electronic mail:;; URL:

AAAI Spring Symposium Series 1996 sponsored by the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence, March 25-27,1996, to be held at Stanford University,
California. Contact: Spring Symposium Series 1996, AAAI, 445 Burgess
Drive, Menlo
Park, CA 94025; 415-328-3123; FAX: 415-321-4457; electronic mail:;

Genetic Programming 1996 Conference In cooperation with the Association for
Computing Machinery, SIGART, and the American Association for Artificial
Intelligence, July 28-31, 1996, to be held at Stanford University, California.
Contact: GP-96, AAAI, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025; 415-328-3123;
FAX: 415-321-4457; electronic mail:;;;;

AAAI Fall Symposium Series 1996 sponsored by the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence, November 9-11, 1996, tentatively to be held at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Contact: Fall
Symposium Series 1996, AAAI, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025;
415-328-3123; FAX: 415-321-4457; electronic mail:;


Subject: Announcement: SDAIR'96 Document Analysis, Apr 96, Las Vegas
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 17:28:47 -0800
From: Debra Wallace <wallace@mighty-joe.ISRI.UNLV.EDU>


Call for Participation

Fifth Annual Symposium on
Document Analysis and Information Retrieval

April 15-17, 1996
Alexis Park Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada


Information Science Research Institute
University of Nevada, Las Vegas


Henry S. Baird
AT&T Bell Laboratories


Document Analysis:

Andreas Dengel
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Information Retrieval:

Jan Pedersen
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center


Debbie Wallace
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Information Science Research Institute
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 454021
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4021
(702)895-1183 (fax)
ftp site: directory: /pub/SDAIR96


The symposium will present results of state-of-the-art research and provide
ample opportunity for the informal exchange of ideas in the field of
automatic extraction of information from images of printed documents.
High-quality refereed papers will be presented describing research on many
key aspects of document image analysis and information retrieval, both
theoretical and applied, with particular emphasis on:

Document Analysis:

High-Accuracy Transcription
Postprocessing of OCR Results
Keyword Search in Textual Images
Multilingual OCR, Language ID, etc.
Geometric and Logical Layout Analysis
Recognition of Forms, Tables and Equations
Models of Document Image Degradation
Methods for Performance Evaluation

Information Retrieval:

Full-Text Retrieval
Retrieval from OCR'ed Text
Image and Multimedia Retrieval
Text Categorization
Retrieval from Structured Documents
Language-Specific Influences on Retrieval
Evaluation of IR Systems
Text Representation


Sunday, April 14, 1996 (evening)
Welcome Reception

Monday, April 15, 1996

Invited Speakers:
Dr. H. P. Frei, Union Bank of Switzerland
Dr. Juergen Schuermann, Daimler Benz Research Center

Technical Presentations

Tuesday, April 16, 1996

Invited Speakers:
Dr. Michael Lesk, Bellcore
(to be announced)

Technical Presentations

Wednesday, April 17, 1996 (morning)

ISRI Annual Assessment Reports
Dr. Thomas A. Nartker, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Staff of Information Science Research Institute


From: (Joachim Quantz)
Subject: CFP: ECAI-96 Workshop: Corpus-Oriented Semantics, Aug 96, Budapest
Date: 15 Dec 1995 17:12:48 GMT



(Budapest, 12 or 13 August 1996)

In Computational Linguistics, the semantics of natural languages is
usually investigated from a rather formal perspective. Though these
studies have yielded a number of interesting results for several
semantic phenomena, it is not clear whether such formal semantic
theories can yet be used to automatically process real corpora. For
one thing, it is often not clear whether solutions proposed for
particular phenomena can be straightforwardly integrated to cope
with sentences/utterances containing several phenomena. Moreover,
semantic theories are often based on higher-order formal logics and
do not explicitly address the problem of efficient implementations.

Existing systems for processing large corpora, on the other hand,
tend to more or less neglect semantic issues. At best, such systems
use a thesaurus to overcome the most drastic shortcomings in simple
keyword-based approaches (e.g. for automatic text retrieval).

The workshop aims at gathering the various strands of works which
claim to obtain reasonable semantic depth while remaining, at least
in theory, tractable when dealing with realistic corpora. This is
only possible when the corpora concern restricted semantic domains,
and when the domain knowledge has been efficiently represented. The
success criterion should be the ability to entertain "intelligent
dialogues" about the content of the texts. We thus use the term
'semantics' in a rather broad sense, comprising aspects which are
also addressed in message or content extraction.

It is not necessary to have an implemented system, nor to be in the
process of building one, to participate to the workshop. But parti-
cipation will be limited to those who propose algorithmically effec-
tive solutions that can be integrated in a dialogue architecture.
We are also interested in the application of standard techniques in
large-corpora processing to semantic phenomena.

Deadline for submission: April 1, 1996
Notification of authors: May 7, 1996
Final versions due for: May 30, 1996
FTP versions available: June 10, 1996
Workshop: August 12 or 13, 1996

Submissions (about 8 pages long) should be sent to Joachim Quantz.
Electronic submission (preferably postscript or self-contained
LaTeX files) is strongly encouraged.


Anybody wishing to attend the workshop without presenting a paper
should contact the organizers as early as possible, since attendance
will, of necessity, be limited,


Daniel Kayser
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord
Universit'e de Paris-Nord
Avenue Jean-Baptiste Cl'ement
F-93430 Villetaneuse, France
+ 33 1 - 49 40 35 81

Francois L'evy
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord
Universit'e de Paris-Nord
Avenue Jean-Baptiste Cl'ement
F-93430 Villetaneuse, France
+ 33 1 - 49 40 36 17

G"unter Neumann
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbr"ucken, Germany
+49 681 302 52 83

J. Joachim Quantz (primary contact)
Technische Universit"at Berlin
Projekt KIT-VM11, FR 5-12
Franklinstr. 28/29
D-10587 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 314 254 94


From: Ingrid Zukerman <>
Subject: CFP: ECAI Workshop on Argumentation for Agent Comm., Aug 96, Budapest
Date: 15 Dec 1995 17:40:54 GMT


ECAI-96, Budapest (Hungary), August 12th, 1996

``Argumentation for Agent Communication''

With the increased sophistication of the tasks performed by computers and
the increased use of computers in collaborative settings, argumentation
has become an important component of the interaction between computers and
users. For example, Knowledge-based Systems must present arguments to
justify their recommendations, Intelligent Tutoring Systems need to
explain why a particular proposition is or isn't true, and negotiation
systems need to justify why a particular course of action is better than
some alternative.

Different disciplines, such as AI, Linguistics, Cognitive Science and
Philosophy, have provided models of argumentation that differ in their
approach and objectives. In this workshop we propose to examine how we can
make use of different viewpoints and insights from diverse disciplines.
In particular, we propose to address the following issues:

Computational models of argumentation --
Several computational models of argumentation have been presented in the
literature. Is there a generic computational argumentation model? If not,
what are the parameters that differentiate one model from another? Are
certain parameters more significant in one application than another?

Ways of presenting an argument --
An argument may be deductive or inductive. It may be presented by means of
text, graphics or a combination of modalities. Textual arguments may be
presented in different styles, e.g., counterfactual or illustrative. What
is the relationship between the style of the argument and the line of
reasoning used to reach a conclusion? Why should a particular line of
reasoning or a particular style be chosen in preference to another? How
does the type of argument affect the appropriateness of a modality and
vice versa?

Parameters that affect argumentation --
An argument may be presented to a software agent or a person, a novice or
an experienced user, an adult or a child. Arguments may be used in a
variety of contexts, where the context is characterized by parameters such
as the setting of the interaction, e.g., negotiation, instruction and
information providing, its urgency, and the relative standing of the
interacting agents. Arguments are also generated to achieve different
goals, e.g., convince an agent to perform an action, justify the
correctness of a proposition, and support a claim. How is the
argumentation model influenced by these (and possibly other) parameters?

Submissions are invited on original and substantial research that
addresses one or more of the above questions. In addition to AI
researchers, we would like to encourage researchers from allied
disciplines such as Linguistics, Psychology and Philosophy to present
their points of view. Accepted submissions will be published in workshop
notes that will be distributed to workshop attendees. After the workshop,
we intend to solicit revised versions of selected high-quality papers for
publication in a book.

Attendance at the workshop will be limited to 30 participants.
Participants will be selected on the basis of submitted papers (10 pages
maximum in postscript, point size no less than 12). Electronic submissions
will be accepted for papers generated from latex source. Papers generated
from other sources, e.g., Word, must be submitted by mail. Papers must
include in the first page: the title, author's name(s), affiliation,
complete mailing address, phone number, fax number, e-mail, an abstract of
300 words maximum, and up to five keywords.

Submissions should be sent to:

Ingrid Zukerman
Department of Computer Science Phone: +61 3 9905-5202
Monash University Fax: +61 3 9905-5146
Clayton, VICTORIA 3168


Patrick Brezillon, University Paris 6 (France)
Sandra Carberry, University of Delaware (USA)
Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto (Canada)
Cecile Paris, University of Brighton (UK)
Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University (Australia)


Papers received: March 1, 1996
Author notification: April 1, 1996
Final papers received: May 1, 1996
Preprints distributed: May 20, 1996


From: (Jim Polikoff)
Subject: CFP: 4th Int'l Conf on Spoken Language Proc., Oct 96, Philadelphia
Date: 15 Dec 1995 13:59:42 -0500

Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing

October 3-6, 1996
Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel
Philadelphia, PA, USA

ICSLP unites researchers, developers, and clinicians for an exchange
on a wide variety of topics related to spoken language processing by
humans and machines. Conference presentations range from basic
acoustic phonetic research to clinically oriented speech training
devices to speech-based natural language interfaces for man-machine
interaction. ICSLP 96 will feature technical sessions in both oral
and poster format, plenary talks, commercial exhibits, and daily
special sessions. In addition, satellite workshops will be held in
conjunction with the conference in the areas of interactive voice
technology, spoken dialogue, speech databases and speech I/O, and
the integration of gestures and speech. A new emphasis for ICSLP 96
will be on the clinical applications of speech technology, including
the use of speech technology based applications for persons with

Dates to Note:
January 15, 1996 - Paper abstracts due for review
March 15, 1996 - Acceptance notification
May 1, 1996 - Deadline for papers (camera-ready, 4 pages)

more information about ICSLP 96, contact

Applied Science & Engineering Laboratories
A.I. duPont Institute
P.O. Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899
Phone: +1 302 651 6830
TDD: +1 302 651 6834
Fax: +1 302 651 6895

A two-page PostScript format copy of the most recent Conference
Announcement and Call for Papers can also be obtained by anonyomus
ftp. Connect to host, cd to directory pub/ICSLP96,
and get in binary mode. The file must be uncompressed with a
unix compatable uncompress program before being printed. A plain
text version of the announcement is located in the same directory as
file call.txt


From: John Vassilopoulos <>
Subject: CFP: ICTAI'96 Tools with AI, Nov 96, Toulouse
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 14:07:04 -0800


8th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence

November 16-19, 1996
Toulouse, France

The annual ICTAI conference is an international forum for the exchange
of ideas relating to artificial intelligence (AI) among academe,
industry, and government agencies. It fosters the creation and transfer
of such ideas, and promotes their cross-fertilization over all AI
application domains and AI paradigms through a unifying theme: AI
Tools. ICTAI focuses on both theory and development methodologies and
encompasses all aspects of specifying, developing, implementing, and
evaluating theoretical and applied frameworks that may serve as tools
for developing intelligent systems and pursuing AI applications. The
following is a non-exhaustive list of paradigms and topics of interest:

Knowledge-Based Systems
Artificial Neural Networks
Genetic Algorithms
Empirical Models
Hybrid Systems

Adaptive Systems and Process Control
AI Algorithms
AI in Software Engineering
Automated Reasoning
Case Based Reasoning
Cognitive Modeling
Constraint Satisfaction
Distributed AI and Intelligent Agents
Environmental Applications
Instructional Environments
Intelligent Internet Services
Intelligent User Interfaces and Multimodal HC Interaction
Knowledge Base Technology, Intelligent Databases
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning
Music, Audition and The Arts
Natural Language Processing and Speech Understanding
Non-Standard Logic(s) for AI
Planning and Temporal Reasoning
Qualitative Reasoning and Diagnosis
Reasoning under Uncertainty
Vision and Image Processing


Authors are requested to submit five copies of a double-spaced
manuscript (in English, maximum of 20 pages), including an abstract and
a list of subject areas, to one of the program chairs by May 10, 1996.
Each submission must report on original work and be accompanied by a
cover letter that indicates the contact author's postal address, e-mail
address, telephone number, and fax number (if available), and the
paper's subject areas. The subject areas should consist of the most
relevant paradigm(s) and focal topics. Authors will be notified of
acceptance by July 15, 1996 and will be given instructions for
camera-ready versions of their papers at that time. Outstanding papers
will be eligible for publication in the International Journal on
Artificial Intelligence Tools and for receiving the C.V. Ramamoorthy
Best Paper award.

Panel organizers are requested to submit a panel proposal consisting of
a position statement and a list of panelists to one of the program
chairs by May 10, 1996. Panel organizers will be notified of acceptance
by July 15, 1996.

Submit papers and panel proposals by May 10, 1996, as follows:

Europe, Asia, and Africa:
Dr. Pierre Marquis
CRIN-CNRS and INRIA-Lorraine
Ba^timent LORIA - Campus Scientifique
B.P. 239
F-54506 Vandoeuvre-le`s-Nancy Cedex
Phone: (33) 83 59 20 54 Fax: (33) 83 41 30 79

North America, South America, and Australia:
Dr. Bill Manaris
Computer Science Department
University of Southwestern Lousiana
2 Rex Street, P.O. Box 41771,
Lafayette, LA 70504-1771, USA
Phone: (318)482-6638 Fax: (318)482-5791

Further information on the conference is available on WWW at This includes information on Toulouse,
France, and electronic versions of the CFP, advance program,
registration form, and hotel reservation form.

General Chair:
Rudiger W. Brause, J.W. Goethe-University, Germany

Program Chairs:
Bill Manaris, University of Southwestern Lousiana, USA
Pierre Marquis, CRIN-CNRS and INRIA-Lorraine, France

Registration Chair:
Mark G. Radle, University of Southwestern Lousiana, USA

Local Arrangements Chair:
Michel Cayrol, IRIT-CNRS and Universite' Paul Sabatier, France

Publicity Chair:
John F. Vassilopoulos, Tulane University, USA

Steering Committee:
Nikolaos G. Bourbakis, Binghampton University, USA, Chair
Cris Koutsougeras, Tulane University, USA
John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto, Canada
C. V. Ramamoorthy, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Benjamin W. Wah, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA


From: John Nerbonne <>
Subject: CFP: HPSG '96 Head-Driven Phrase Structure, May 96, Marseille
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 08:03:42 +0100 (MET)

Please post.



Marseille, France

The 3rd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure
Grammar (HPSG) will be held in Marseille, France, May 20-21, 1996.
Abstract submissions on any topic related to HPSG and related
approaches are welcome, including original proposals addressing
matters of empirical analysis (in any area of linguistics), the
architecture of linguistic theory, formal foundations, or computer

The conference will consist of 25 minute papers, with 10 additional
minutes reserved for discussion of each. The conference will consist


In addition, a session jointly organized by HPSG-96 and TALN-96 (Traitement
Automatique du Langage Naturel), will be held on the morning of May 22, on


(TALN-96 will take place at the same location immediately after HPSG-3;
For more information, contact Philippe Blache (see below)).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Abstracts can be sent by surface mail or by e-mail:
- Surface mail:
12 copies of a two-page ANONYMOUS abstract should be accompanied
by an index card with the title of the paper and the name, address and
e-mail address of the author(s).

Please specify if the abstract is intended for the general session or
one of the special sessions.

Surface mail abstracts should be sent to:

Daniele Godard (Conference HPSG)
Universite Paris 7, UFRL
Tour Centrale, 9 etage, Case 7003
2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris-Cedex 05
email address:

- e-mail:
Send abstract, and personal information to:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

February 3rd, 1996: Abstracts to be received by Program Committee

March 16th, 1996: Authors to be notified of action taken by Program Committee
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Program Committee:

Philipe Blache, Marseille Ann Copestake, Stanford
Dale Gerdeman, Tuebingen Daniele Godard, Paris (Chair)
Georgia Green, Illinois Takao Gunji, Osaka
Tsuneko Nakazawa, NTT, Tokyo Louisa Sadler, Essex
Antonio Sanfilippo, Sharp, Oxford Ivan Sag, Stanford
Stephen Wechsler, Austin

Local Arrangements: Philippe Blache
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A copy of this announcement will be available by anonymous FTP
from as /linguistics/hpsg-3-cfp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 15:40:58 -0500
From: bonnie@umiacs.UMD.EDU (Bonnie J. Dorr)
Subject: Position: UMD Ling. and UMIACS - Tenure Track

College Park, MD
CL Position Announcement: Tenure Track (open rank)

The Department of Linguistics and UMIACS (University of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies) invite applications for a
position (open rank) in Computational Linguistics to begin in the Fall
semester of 1996. We seek candidates with established records of
research excellence who are interested in working on topics at the
interface of linguistic theory and computational modeling. The
candidate's work should complement research interests of current
faculty. Possible areas of interest include formal models of language
learning or models of the lexicon, syntactic or semantic components
that can be applied to computational problems such as automatic
acquisition of lexicons, parsing grammars, or semantic interpreters or
the implementation of these components for single language or cross
linguistic applications. Teaching experience is also desirable. Ph.D.
is required by August, 1996. For best consideration, applications
should arrive by February 1, 1996. Applicants should send a complete
dossier (letter of application, CV, samples of published work) and
arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to:

Professor Stephen Crain
Computational Linguistics Search Committee
University of Maryland at College Park
1401 Marie Mount Hall
College Park, MA 20742

The University of Maryland is a AA/EO Title IX employer. Women and
minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

End of NL-KR Digest

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