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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 52

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 · 11 months ago

NL-KR Digest      Tue Aug 29 19:37:46 PDT 1995      Volume 14 No. 52 

Today's Topics:

CFP: PSI'96 Ershov 2nd Intl. Conf Sys. Info., Jun 96, Novosibirsk
CFP: COLT '96 9th Comp. Learn. Theory, Jun 96, Desenzano del Garda
CFP: ICSLP96 4th Int'l. Conf. on Spoken Lang., Oct 96, Philadelphia
Announcement: New TR, Logic Program Analysis, Vasconcelos, U. Zurich

* * *

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From: (Zilberfaine Vyatcheslav)
Subject: CFP: PSI'96 Ershov 2nd Intl. Conf Sys. Info., Jun 96, Novosibirsk
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 95 02:24:30 GMT


Andrei Ershov Second International Memorial Conference

25-28 June 1996, Novosibirsk, Academgorodok, Russia


The conference is held to honour the 65th anniversary of Academician
Andrei Ershov (1931-1988) and his outstanding contributions towards
advancing informatics. The first conference was held in May 1991 and
proved to be a big international event.

Andrei Ershov was one of the early Russian pioneers in the field of
theoretical and systems programming, a founder of the Siberian School
of Computer Science. In 1974 he was nominated as a Distinguished
Fellow of the British Computer Society. In 1981 he received the
Silver Core Award for services rendered to IFIP. Andrei Ershov's
brilliant speeches were always in the focus of public attention.
Especially notable was his lecture on "Aesthetic and human factor in
programming" presented at AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference in
1972. Andrei Ershov was not only an extremely gifted scientist,
teacher and fighter for his ideas, but also a bright and many-sided
personality. He wrote poetry, translated the works of R.Kipling and
other English poets, and enjoyed playing guitar and singing.
Everyone who had the pleasure of knowing Andrei Ershov and working
with him will always remember his great vision, eminent achievements,
and generous friendship.

The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for the
presentation and in-depth discussion of advanced research
directions in Computer Science. For a developing science, it is
important to work out consolidating ideas, concepts and models.
Movement in this direction is one of the goals the Conference is
to meet. Improvement of the contacts and exchange of ideas between
researchers from the East and West is another goal.


Conference topics include:

1. Theoretical Computer Science:
a) program specification, synthesis, transformation, and
b) semantics and logic of programs,
c) partial evaluation, mixed computation, and abstract
2. Programming Methodology:
a) functional programming,
b) object-oriented programming,
c) logic and constraint programming,
d) parallel and distributed computing.
3. Artificial Intelligence:
a) knowledge acquisition and presentation,
b) natural language processing,
c) AI tools and applications.
4. New Information Technologies:
a) user interfaces,
b) new trends and applications of database systems,
c) new approaches to information system design.

In addition to papers in the above list of topics, papers both
bridging the gap between different directions and promoting mutual
understanding of researchers in different directions are welcome.
Papers defining the prospects of Computer Science in the whole are
also encouraged.


The conference will be held in Academgorodok (Academy town),
30 km South from Novosibirsk, the largest city of Siberia.
Academgorodok is located in a picturesque place near the Ob lake. It
is surrounded with birch and pine forests and pleasant not only for
work but for recreation as well. Silence, beautiful landscape, and
pure air are the factors promoting scientific activity and


Alexandre Zamulin
Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
tel.: +7-3832-396258
fax: +7-3832-323494


Manfred Broy
Institut fur Informatik
Technische Universitat Munchen
D-80290 Munchen, GERMANY
Phone: +49-89-21058161
Fax: +49-89-21058183

Igor Pottosin
Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
phone: +7-3832-355256
fax: +7-3832-323494


Janis Barzdins (Riga, Latvia)
Frederic Benhamou (Orleans, France)
Mikhail Bulyonkov (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Piotr Dembinski (Warsaw, Poland)
Victor Ivannikov (Moscow, Russia)
Phillippe Jorrand (Grenoble, France)
Leonid Kalinichenko (Moscow, Russia)
Vadim Kotov (Palo Alto, USA)
Reino Kurki-Suonio (Tampere, Finland)
Alexander Letichevski (Kiev, Ukraine)
Peter Lucas (Graz, Austria)
Alexander Marchuk (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Bernhard Moeller (Augsburg, Germany)
Ron Morrison (St. Andrews, Scotland)
Alexander Narinyani (Moscow, Russia)
Valery Nepomniaschy (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Bernd Neumann (Hamburg, Germany)
Peter Pepper (Berlin, Germany)
William O'Riordan (London, UK)
David Schmidt (Kansas, USA)
Nicolas Spyratos (Paris, France)
Wladyslaw Turski (Warsaw, Poland)
Enn Tyugu (Stockholm, Sweden)
Zaharin Yusoff (Penang, Malaysia)

The Program Committee is likely to be extended.


Tatyana Yakhno
Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
tel.: +7-3832-358359
fax: +7-3832-323494


Victor Sabelfeld

Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
tel.: +7-3832-350360
fax: +7-3832-323494


To maintain an intensive conference atmosphere and enable in-depth
discussions, the number of participants is limited to 100. Three kinds
of presentations -- invited talks, contributed talks, and posters --


A book of abstracts of invited and accepted talks and posters will be
available at the Conference. The full versions of invited and
contributed talks presented at the Conference are expected to be
published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science


All submissions must be in English, clearly written and in
sufficient detail to allow the Programme Committee to assess the
merits of the work. For a contributed talk or poster, the following
should be received in Novosibirsk by January 15, 1996 to be reviewed
by the Programme Committee:

1) LaTex file (or plain ASCII file in the exceptional case) of an
extended abstract (maximum 8 pages for a contributed talk and maximum
4 pages for a poster),

2) Three camera-ready hard copies.

LaTex file (style llncs.sty) should be e-mailed to the following
address: PSI'

Hard copies should be sent to the Programme Committee secretary at
the address indicated above.

The abstract should indicate complete authors' addresses (including e-
mail addresses and fax numbers if any) and a clear statement of the
kind of the submission (contributed talk or poster). Papers arriving
late or exceeding size limits may be rejected immediately without
refereeing. The receipt of all submitted papers will be acknowledged.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 25, 1996.

Material submitted to the Conference should be unpublished
and not submitted for publication elsewhere, including journals
or other conferences.


A direct Lufthansa flight will bring you from Frankfurt to
Novosibirsk and back. Participants travelling via Moscow will be
met in Moscow and helped to take a domestic flight by Aeroflot or
TransAero airlines. All participants will be met at the Novosibirsk
airport and brought to Academgorodok by a special transport.


The weather in Novosibirsk at the end of June is normally quite warm
and sunny with the temperatures in the range of 25-30 C. Night
swimming in the Ob lake is guaranteed.


January 15, 1996: submission deadline of extended abstracts
(8 pages, by e-mail: PSI'
and airmail)

March 25, 1996: notification of acceptance (by e-mail)

June 24, 1996: arrival date

June 25 - 28, 1996: the Conference dates

September 1, 1996: final papers due


Date: Thu, 17 Aug 95 17:20 EDT
From: (Michael J. Kearns)
Subject: CFP: COLT '96 9th Comp. Learn. Theory, Jun 96, Desenzano del Garda


Ninth Conference on Computational Learning Theory
Desenzano del Garda, Italy
June 28 -- July 1, 1996

The Ninth Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT '96) will
be held in the town of Desenzano del Garda, Italy, from Friday, June
28, through Monday, July 1, 1996. COLT '96 is sponsored by the
Universita` degli Studi di Milano. We invite papers in all areas
that relate directly to the analysis of learning algorithms and the
theory of machine learning, including neural networks, statistics,
statistical physics, Bayesian/MDL estimation, reinforcement learning,
inductive inference, knowledge discovery in databases, robotics, and
pattern recognition. We also encourage the submission of papers
describing experimental results that are supported by theoretical

Authors should submit fifteen copies (preferably two-sided) of an
extended abstract to:

Michael Kearns --- COLT '96
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 2A-423
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974-0636
Telephone(for overnight mail): (908) 582-4017

Abstracts must be RECEIVED by FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1996. This deadline
is firm. We also anticipate allowing electronic submissions. Details
of the electronic submission procedure will be provided in an updated
Call for Papers, and will be available from the web site

which will also be used to provide other program-related information.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on or before
Friday, March 15, 1996. Final camera-ready papers will be due by
Friday, April 5. Papers that have appeared in journals or other
conferences, or that are being submitted to other conferences, are not
appropriate for submission to COLT. An exception to this policy is
that COLT and STOC have agreed that a paper can be submitted to both
conferences, with the understanding that a paper will be automatically
withdrawn from COLT if accepted to STOC.

The extended abstract should include a clear definition of the
theoretical model used and a clear description of the results, as well
as a discussion of their significance, including comparison to other
work. Proofs or proof sketches should be included. If the abstract
exceeds 10 pages, only the first 10 pages may be examined. A cover
letter specifying the contact author and his or her email address
should accompany the abstract.

At the discretion of the program committee, the program may consist of
both long and short talks, corresponding to longer and shorter papers
in the proceedings. The short talks will also be coupled with a
poster presentation.

Avrim Blum (Carnegie Mellon University) and Michael Kearns (AT&T Bell

Nicolo` Cesa-Bianchi (Universita` di Milano) and Giancarlo Mauri
(Universita` di Milano).

Martin Anthony (London School of Economics),
Avrim Blum (Carnegie Mellon University),
Bill Gasarch (University of Maryland),
Lisa Hellerstein (Northwestern University),
Robert Holte (University of Ottawa),
Sanjay Jain (National University of Singapore),
Michael Kearns (AT&T Bell Laboratories),
Nick Littlestone (NEC Research Institute),
Yishay Mansour (Tel Aviv University),
Steve Omohundro (NEC Research Institute),
Manfred Opper (University of Wuerzburg),
Lenny Pitt (University of Illinois),
Dana Ron (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Rich Sutton (University of Massachusetts)

The Thirteenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ML '96)
will be held right after COLT '96, on July 3--7 in Bari, Italy. In
cooperation with COLT, the EuroCOLT conference will not be held in

We anticipate some funds will be available to partially support travel
by student authors. Details will be distributed as they become


From: (Jim Polikoff)
Subject: CFP: ICSLP96 4th Int'l. Conf. on Spoken Lang., Oct 96, Philadelphia
Date: 21 Aug 1995 11:35:37 -0400

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Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing

* *

October 3-6, 1996

Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel

Philadelphia, PA, USA

* *

__________ICSLP 96 Organizers___________

H. Timothy Bunnell, Chair
Richard A. Foulds, Vice-Chair
Applied Science & Engineering Laboratories
Wilmington, DE, USA

* *


ICSLP unites researchers, developers, and clinicians for an exchange
on a wide variety of topics related to the spoken language processing
of humans and machines. Conference presentations range from basic
acoustic phonetic research to clinically oriented speech training
devices to speech-based natural language interfaces for man-machine
interaction. ICSLP 96 will feature technical sessions of both oral
and poster format, plenary talks, commercial exhibits, and daily
special sessions. In addition, satellite workshops will be held in
conjunction with the conference in the areas of interactive voice
technology, spoken dialogue, speech databases and speech I/O, and
gestures and speech. A new emphasis for ICSLP 96 will be on the
clinical applications of speech technology, including the use of
speech technology based applications for persons with disabilities.

_________________________Conference Update_________________________8/10/95

Dates to Note:

January 15, 1996 - Paper abstracts due for review
March 15, 1996 - Acceptance notification
May 1, 1996 - Deadline for papers (camera-ready, 4 pages)

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers relevant to spoken
language processing in any of the conference Technical Areas.
Abstracts of proposed papers must be received by the ICSLP 96
Organizing Committee no later than January 15, 1996. Papers will be
selected by the ICSLP 96 Technical Program Committee and assigned for
presentation in poster or oral format. English is the working language
for the conference. Submission of an abstract implies a commitment to
submit a four page, camera-ready version of the paper and to present
the paper in either an oral or poster session if the abstract is
accepted. Participants will be expected to pay their own registration
fees, travel, and accommodations for ICSLP 96.

_____________________Submission of Abstracts____________________________

Abstracts must be received by the ICSLP 96 Organizing Committee no
later than January 15, 1996. Abstracts may be submitted either by post
or by e-mail following these guidelines:

+ One page, 400 word maximum
+ Technical Area(s) indicated in order of preference
using the codes (A - X) below.
+ Title of the proposed paper clearly indicated
+ Preference for paper or poster clearly indicated
+ If sent by post, submit four (4) copies of the abstract
+ If sent by e-mail, use plain text (ASCII) format only

Each abstract must also include the following contact information:

+ Author name(s)*
+ Postal mailing address
+ Phone number
+ Fax number
+ E-mail address

E-mailed abstracts will be acknowledged by e-mail within 48
hours of submission. If you do not receive e-mail
confirmation, we have not received your abstract! Please
check the e-mail address and resubmit. Please do not e-mail
multiple copies for any other reason.

*Please be sure that the primary contact person is noted if it is
someone other than the First Author.

Mail or send abstracts to:

Applied Science & Engineering Laboratories
A.I. duPont Institute
P.O. Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899

________________________Technical Areas___________________________________

A. Production of spoken language
B. Perception of spoken language
C. Robust speech modeling and speech enhancement
D. Speech coding and transmission
E. Automatic speech recognition
F. Spoken language processing for special populations
G. Phonetics and phonology
H. Spoken discourse analysis/synthesis
I. Synthesis of spoken language
J. Applications for people with speech/language/hearing disorders
K. Databases and standards for speech technology
L. Prosody of spoken language
M. Speech analysis and parameterization
N. Spoken language acquisition/learning
O. Integrating spoken language and natural language processing
P. Hardware for speech processing
Q. Neural networks and stochastic modeling of spoken language
R. Dialects and speaking styles
S. Instructional technology for spoken language
T. Speaker/language identification and verification
U. Human factors and assessment in spoken language applications
V. Spoken language dialogue and conversation
W. Gesture and Multimodal Spoken Language Processing
X. Other

________________________Satellite Workshops________________________________

The following Satellite Workshops will be held immediately before or
after the ICSLP 96 conference.

1. IVTTA -

The 3rd IEEE workshop on Interactive Voice Technology for
Telecommunications Applications (IVTTA) will be held at the AT&T
Learning Center, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, from September 30 -
October 1, 1996. The IVTTA workshop brings together applications
researchers planning to conduct or who have recently conducted field
trials of new applications of speech technologies. Due to workshop
facility constraints, attendance will be limited primarily to
contributors. For further information about the workshop, contact:

Dr. Murray Spiegel
445 South Street
Morristown, NJ, USA
Phone: 1-201-829-4519; Fax: 1-201-829-5963

Submit abstracts (400 words, maximum 1 page) before April 1, 1996 to:

Dr. David Roe
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 2D-533
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Phone: 908 582-2548; Fax: 908 582-3306

2. ISSD-96

The 1996 International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue (ISSD-96) will be
held on October 2 and 3 at the venue of ICSLP 96. It is intended to be
a forum of interdisciplinary exchange between researchers working on
spoken dialogues from various points of view. The first day is devoted
to invited lectures followed by sessions of both invited and
contributed papers, which will be continued on the second day as
special sessions of ICSLP 96. Papers submitted to ICSLP 96 (Technical
Areas H,L,O,U,&V) may be selected for presentation at the
symposium. For further information about the symposium, contact:

Prof. Hiroya Fujisaki, Chairman, ISSD-96
Dept. of Applied Electronics
Science University of Tokyo
2641 Yamazaki, Noda, 278 Japan
Phone: +81-471-23-4327; Fax: +81-471-22-9195

3. COCOSDA Workshop 96

COCOSDA Workshop 96 will be held on Monday, October 7 at the Wyndham
Franklin Plaza Hotel. The International Coordinating Committee on
Speech Databases and Speech I/O Systems Assessment (COCOSDA) has been
established to promote international cooperation in the fundamental
areas of Spoken Language Engineering. Previous meetings have taken
place in Banff 1992, Berlin 1993, Yokohama 1994 and Madrid
1995. Program and registration information for COCOSDA 96 will be
forthcoming in later announcements. For more information about
COCOSDA, consult the Web Page at

4. Workshop on Gesture and Speech

The Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories of the University of
Delaware will host a Workshop on Multimodal use of Gesture and Speech
October 7 - 8, 1996. This Workshop will consider the integration of
gesture and spoken language in intelligent human/computer interfaces,
in advanced assisitve technology for individuals with disabilities, in
telemanipulation and robotics systems, and in human
conversation. Gestures including hand postures, dynamic arm movements,
facial expression, and eye gaze will be considered along with more
traditional lip shapes and handwriting movements. For further
information, contact:

Dr. Lynn Messing
A. I. duPont Institute
P.O. Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899
Phone: +1 302 651 6830; Fax: +1-302-651-6895

______________Sponsoring and Cooperating Organizations________________________

The Acoustical Society of America
American Speech and Hearing Association (Pending)
The Acoustical Society of Japan
Canadian Acoustical Association
European Speech Communication Association
IEEE Signal Processing Society
International Phonetic Association
Others - contact ICSLP 96.

______________For more information, contact___________________________________

Applied Science & Engineering Laboratories
A.I. duPont Institute
P.O. Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899
Phone: +1 302 651 6830
TDD: +1 302 651 6834
Fax: +1 302 651 6895

A two-page PostScript format copy of the most recent Conference
Announcement and Call for Papers can also be obtained by anonyomus
ftp. Connect to host, cd to directory pub/ICSLP96,
and get in binary mode. The file must be uncompressed with a
unix compatable uncompress program before being printed. This plain
text version of the announcement is located in the same directory as
file call.txt

_______________________International Advisory Board__________________________

Hiroya Fujisaki
Science University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

Jens Blauert John Ohala
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum University of California
Bochum, Germany Berkeley, CA, USA

Anne Cutler Lawrence Rabiner
Max Planck Institute for AT&T Bell Labs
Psycholinguistics Murray Hill, NJ, USA
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Gunnar Fant Katsuhiko Shirai
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Waseda University
Stockholm, Sweden Tokyo, Japan

John Laver Kenneth Stevens
Humanities Research Board of Massachusetts Institute
the British Academy of Technology
Edinburgh, Scotland Cambridge, MA, USA

Joseph Mariani Yoh'ichi Tohkura
LIMSI-CNRS ATR Human Information
Orsay, France Processing Research Lab
Kyoto, Japan

J. Bruce Millar Victor Zue
Australian National University Massachusetts Institute
Canberra, Australia of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA



From: (Norbert E. Fuchs)
Subject: Announcement: New TR, Logic Program Analysis, Vasconcelos, U. Zurich
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 17:15:46 +0100

Opportunistic Logic Program Analysis and Optimisation:
Enhanced Schema-Based Transformations for Logic Programs and their
Usage in an Opportunistic Framework for Program Analysis and

Wamberto W. Vasconcelos, Norbert E. Fuchs

Department of Computer Science, University of Zurich

A program schema is a generic description of a logic program
highlighting importantfeatures and suppressing unimportant ones. A
schema-based transformation is an abstract description of syntactic
changes that transform programs into more efficient ones while
preserving their meaning. We define an enhanced schema language that
can be used to describe concisely a very large class of logic programs
and their transformations. We present a realistic framework to
automatically transform a complete program in an opportunistic way: all
available schema-based transformations are systematically matched
against the program, and if the matching is successful, the suggested
alterations are carried out. Heuristic selection criteria guarantee
that the optimal sequence of transformations is performed. We have
implemented OpTiS, a prototypical transformation system, based on these


ACCESS: [] in pub/techreports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---
Norbert E. Fuchs Telephone +41-1-257 43 13
Department of Computer Science Fax +41-1-363 00 35
University of Zurich Email
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---

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