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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 75

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NL KR Digest
 · 20 Dec 2023

NL-KR Digest      Sat Dec  2 20:20:12 PST 1995      Volume 14 No. 75 

Today's Topics:

Query: Need info on Summarization in NLP
CFP: LID'96 Workshop on Logic in Databases, Jul 96, San Miniato
Announcement: IS/SI'96 Practical use of Intelligent Sys., May 96, Montpellier
CFP: COOP'96 Cooperative Systems, Jun 96, Juan-les-Pins
CFP: COLING 96 C. L. / WVLC-4 4th Wkshp Large Corp,, Aug 96, Copenhagen
CFP: TALC96 Teaching and Language Corpora 96, Aug 96, Lancaster

* * *

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From: (Gael Dias)
Subject: Query: Need info on Summarization in NLP
Date: 19 Nov 1995 17:06:28 GMT

I' m starting some studies about summarization at the University of Sheffield (UK).If anyone knows key references in this area, I would enjoy to hear his or her voice...




From: Dino Pedreschi <pedre@DI.Unipi.IT>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 12:15:49 +0100
To:, pedre@DI.Unipi.IT,,
Subject: CFP: LID'96 Workshop on Logic in Databases, Jul 96, San Miniato

* * * * * * * * * * * * ***
International Workshop on


San Miniato, Pisa

1-2 July 1996
* * * * * * * * * * * * ***


The aim of the workshop is to identify and promote logic-based
methods and techniques most relevant to the design and
development of the next-generation of information systems.
Toward this goal, the workshop will bring together experts in
the areas of databases, computational logic, and intelligent
information systems. The scope of the workshop includes,
but is not restricted to, technical advances in the following

* Actions, agents and active rules in logic and databases
* Temporal and spatial reasoning in logic and databases
* Uncertainty and approximate reasoning
* Non-deterministic queries, expressiveness of query
languages, non-monotonic reasoning in deductive databases
* Applications: knowledge discovery and
semantic integration in heterogeneous databases.

Contributions are solicited that stress the usability, simplicity
and efficiency of logic-based solutions to relevant problems in the
mentioned areas. The program will also comprise invited talks and
panel discussions, featuring leading experts in the area.


San Miniato---a medieval town on the rolling hills between
Florence and Pisa---is reachable by train from either city (and
from Pisa airport) in 30 minutes. The beautiful surroundings,
saturated with art and history, and the workshop location,
with its recently restored Benedictine cloister, offer
a congenial milieu for scientific discussion and the
exchange of ideas.


Papers should be sent to either program co-chair by 1 April, 1996.
Electronic submissions in PostScript version are encouraged.
It is intended to have the proceedings published in the Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.


Paper submission: 31 March, 1996
Notification of acceptance: 13 May, 1996
Camera-ready paper: 9 June, 1996


Dino Pedreschi Carlo Zaniolo
Universita' di Pisa Univ. of California at Los Angeles
Dipartimento di Informatica Computer Science Department
Corso Italia 40 405 Hilgard Avenue
56125 Pisa, Italy Los Angeles, California, 90024, USA
E-mail: E-mail:
Phone: +39 (50) 887252 Phone: +1 (310) 825 8137
Fax: +39 (50) 887226 Fax: +1 (310) 825 2273


P. Asirelli (IEI-CNR, Italy)
M. Boehlen (Univ. Aalborg, Denmark)
A. Bonner (Univ. Toronto, Canada)
J. Chomicki (Kansas State Univ., USA)
H. Decker (Siemens, Germany)
U. Geske (GMD, Germany)
M. Gelfond (UTEP, USA)
F. Giannotti (CNUCE-CNR, Italy)
G. Gottlob (TU Wien, Austria)
S. Grumbach (INRIA, France)
R. Kowalski (Imperial College, UK)
L.V.S. Lakshmanan (Concordia Univ., Canada)
I.S. Mumick (AT&T Bell Labs, USA)
K. Ross (Columbia Univ., USA)
D. Sacca' (Univ. Calabria, Italy)
F. Sadri (Univ. North Carolina, USA)
S. Sripada (ECRC, Germany)
D. Srivastava (AT&T Bell Labs, USA)
V.S. Subrahmanian (Univ. Maryland, USA)
O. Shmueli (Technion, Israel)
L. Tanca (Univ. Verona, Italy)
S. Tsur (Argonne Nat. Labs, USA)
F. Turini (Univ. Pisa, Italy)
J. Ullman (Stanford Univ., USA)
V. Vianu (UCSD, USA)
J. Widom (Stanford Univ., USA)


M. Carboni (CNUCE-CNR, Italy)
S. Contiero (Univ. Pisa, Italy)
G. Manco (CNUCE-CNR, Italy)
C. Renso (Univ. Pisa, Italy)
E. Ricciardi (IEI-CNR, Italy)
S. Ruggieri (Univ. Pisa, Italy)


LID'96 is being organized under the aegis of the Commission
of the European Communities---EC-US Cooperative Activity ECUS033,
and the NSF IRI program,
and with the patronage of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR),
Universit\`a di Pisa, CNUCE-Institute of CNR, Area di Ricerca di Pisa
del CNR, Area "Logic-Based Databases" of Compulog-Net.



Date: Mon, 20 Nov 95 17:21:49 +0100
To:,, Connectionists@CS.CMU.EDU,
Subject: Announcement: IS/SI'96 Practical use of Intelligent Sys., May 96, Montpellier

First Announcement
Intelligent Systems / Systemes Intelligents '96
IS/SI '96

Montpellier - France 20 - 24 may 1996

AFIA - The French Association for AI - will organise in May 1996 at
Montpellier under the label "Intelligent Systems / Systemes Intelligents
'96" four conferences dedicated to

- Artificial Intelligence / Intelligence Artificielle (AI/IA'96)

- Natural Language Engineering /
Traitement Informatique des Langues (NLE/TIL'96)

- Neural Networks / Reseaux Neuro-mimetiques / Neuro-Nimes (NN/RN '96)

- Applied AI (AAI'96)

These international conferences are the continuation of the conferences
that were organised in Avignon since 1981. Besides the move to the city of
Montpellier, the fact that AFIA coorganises these conferences with EC2 &
Co. and has now the complete responsibility of the scientific aspects, is a
major change. In parallel to IS/SI '96, the 5th conference "Interface to
Real & Virtual Worlds" will also take place in Montpellier.

The objective of AI/IA '96, NLE/TIL '96 and NN/RN '96 is to bring together
researchers and practitionners in AI to present theoretical results and to
assess state-of-the-art techniques and methods and evaluate their
applicability and their use on real-world problems.

The AAI'96 conference will mainly consist in presentations of operational
applications of AI within companies (industry, finance, service, etc).
These presentations will highlight the benefits that the european companies
are gaining by using AI techniques. They will deal with the managerial,
economical, strategic and technological aspects of the introduction of AI
systems at the workplace. They will also mention the exemplary
characteristics of the applications, so that the audience will directly
gain inspiration for new developments from the presentations.This
conference is coorganized with the AI associations from Italy and Spain.

The presentation of each conference and their Call for papers should be
sent in a few days. If you want to be sure to receive this information,
please contact:

EC2 & Cie, 31 Place Ronde, F-92986 Paris la Defense
tel: +33 1 41 02 82 40 fax: +33 1 41 02 82 33


Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 11:39:53 +0100
From: Manuel Zacklad <>
Subject: CFP: COOP'96 Cooperative Systems, Jun 96, Juan-les-Pins




June 12 - 14, 1996, Juan-les-Pins, France


Information systems or knowledge-based systems of the new
generation no longer aim at performing
by themselves the whole task for which they are designed.
They are rather intended to cooperate with their users for
performing the task, as it is a real-world, complex task,
often performed in the framework of a collective work:
therefore, they are called cooperative systems.

The design, validation and maintenance of such cooperative
systems, their integration in workplaces and the analysis of their effects
in workplaces will take benefit
from relying on an interdisciplinary approach, so as to exploit
the characteristics of the cooperation between human agents and
software agents.

The purpose of the conference is to help to solve the problems arisen
from the construction of cooperative systems, by :
- a better understanding of human-human or human-computer
- the proposition of models of cooperation,
- and the proposition of new functions for cooperative systems
and of suitable design methodologies.

Therefore, we hope to bring together researchers
from various communities (cognitive psychology and ergonomics,
computer-supported collaborative work,
distributed artificial intelligence, group decision
support systems, knowledge engineering,
management, organization sciences...)
that all contribute to the understanding of the
specificities of cooperative systems and to the modelling
of cooperation. Both theoretical
contributions or empirical studies may be valuable for the

The conference will include both presentation of communications
and panels upon specific topics.

Suggested topics for submissions include, but are not
limited to:

1. What models of cooperation can be achieved for human-computer
interaction (in particular for collective problem
solving in workplaces)?
2. What are the characterizations of cooperative, heterogeneous
agents (i.e.human agents and software agents)?
3. What frameworks/methodologies can be offered for building
cooperative systems (for example, for knowledge acquisition
and validation of cooperative systems)?
4. How to identify appropriate agents to involve in
a task, and the cooperative interactions required to perform
a task (e.g. synchronous or asynchronous interactions) ?
5. Which techniques are helpful for collective problem solving?
6. What are the possible architectures for cooperative
7. What communication skills are required for the use of
cooperative systems (e.g. face to face or distant)?
What kinds of dialogues, negotiation or
explanation techniques, or user models are relevant for
cooperative systems?
8. How to provide a cooperative system for supporting a
workgroup? In particular, how to build intelligent computer
environments for facilitating cooperation among users of
diverse abilities during a problem-solving process?
9. What lessons have been learned from the implementation
and integration of actual cooperative systems?

December 20, 1995: Papers submission deadline
March 11, 1996: Notification of acceptance or rejection
April 15, 1996: Camera ready copies received

Papers should be written in English and should not exceed 20 pages.
The contribution should be in Times 12 points or equivalent,
1/2 spaced text.
Postcript (possibly compressed) files are the only formats accepted

if you want to send your contribution by electronic mail.

In addition to the abstract, the authors are invited to indicate
the topics and the field of their paper
(preferably, but not exclusively chosen in the two following lists):

Context, User Modelling and Intention Recognition
Cooperation Models
Design Rationale Tools
Interaction, Communication and Information Sharing
Knowledge Acquisition and Methodology,
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Task Allocation and Coordination

Cognitive Ergonomics
Cognitive Psychology
Computer Supported Collaborative Work
Decision making support
Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Human-computer Interaction
Knowledge Engineering
Information systems
Organisation Science

Four copies of the papers should be sent by the 20th December 1995 to:

Madame Monique Simonetti
Bureau des Relations Exterieures
2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93
06 902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex
Tel.: 33 - 93 65 78 64
Fax: 33 - 93 65 79 55

For further information, please contact Madame Monique Simonetti.

The conference proceedings will be available for the participants
in the conference. After the conference, a selection of the best
papers will be published later in a book.


Manuel Zacklad (CNET - COOP Group, FR)

Liam Bannon (Univ. of Limerick, Ireland)
Regine Bourgine (CNRS - ENS Cachan - COOP Group, France)
Guy Boy (EURISCO, France)
Francoise Darses (CNAM - COOP Group, France)
Giorgio De Michelis (CTL, Italy)
Sylvie Despres (Paris 5 - COOP Group, France)
Rose Dieng (INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis - COOP Group, France)
Pierre Falzon (CNAM, France)
Gerhard Fischer (Univ of Colorado, Colorado, USA)
Les Gasser (Univ. of Southern California, LA, USA)
Alain Giboin (INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis - COOP Group, France)
Paul de Greef (Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Laurent Karsenty (EURISCO - COOP Group, France)
Gregory Kersten (Carleton Univ., Canada)
Alfred Kobsa (GMD, Germany)Liam Bannon (Univ. of Limerick, Ireland)
Patrick Millot (Univ. de Valenciennes, France)
Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux (Univ. Paris 9 - COOP Group, France)
Bernard Pavard (ARHAMIS-CNRS, France)
Kjeld Schmidt (Riso National Laboratory, Denmark)
Jean-Luc Soubie (Univ. Paul Sabatier, France)
Gilbert de Terssac (LAAS-CNRS, France)
Wolfgang Walhster (DFKI, Germany)
David Woods (Ohio State Univ., USA)
Pascale Zarate (Univ. Paris 6 - COOP Group, France)


The conference itself will take place in Juan-les-Pins (near Nice, in
South of France),
June 12 - 14, 1996. The organizing body
for the conference will be the "Institut National de Recherche en
Informatique et en Automatique" (INRIA). The official language for the
conference will be English.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Manuel Zacklad tel: (33) 1 45 29 66 75
CNET PAA/TSA/UST/GESCOM secre: (33) 1 45 29 40 68
38-40, rue du General Leclerc fax: (33) 1 45 29 65 57
92131 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex e-mail:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 17:36:10 +0000
From: (COLING96-administrator)
Subject: CFP: COLING 96 C. L. / WVLC-4 4th Wkshp Large Corp,, Aug 96, Copenhagen

International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Dates: 5 (Mon) August - 9 (Fri) August, 1996

Place: University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Chairman of the Program Chairman of the Organizing
Committee Committee
Prof. Jun-ichi Tsujii Prof. Bente Maegaard
CCL, UMIST & University of Tokyo CST, Copenhagen

The International Committee on Computational Linguistics invites
the submission of papers for Coling 96, the 16th International
Conference on Computational Linguistics, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Topics of Interest:
Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished
research on all aspects of computational linguistics, including,
but not limited to, the following.

quantitative linguistics
corpus linguistics
mathematical linguistics
cognitive linguistics
language understanding
discourse processing
speech analysis/synthesis
computational lexicon
large text corpora
computational terminology
text data base
information retrieval
knowledge representation for NLP
automatic abstraction
knowledge acquisition from corpora
machine translation
machine aids for translation
multi-media systems involving language
man-machine interface
hardware/software for NLP

Requirement for Submission:
Papers should describe unique work: They should emphasize
completed work rather than intended work: A paper accepted for
presentation at the Coling cannot be presented or have been
presented at any other meeting with publicly available published
proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other
conferences must reflect this fact on the title page.

Format for Submission:
Authors should submit preliminary versions of their papers, not
to exceed 4000 words (exclusive of references). Papers outside
the specified length and formatting requirements are subject to
rejection without review. Since reviewing will be "blind", the
title page of the paper should omit author names and addresses.
Furthermore, self-references that reveal the authors' identity should be
avoided. To identify each paper, a separate identification page should be
supplied, containing the paper's title, the name(s) of the
author(s), complete addresses, a short summary (10 lines), a word
count, and a specification of the topic area.

Submission Media:
Papers should be submitted electronically or in hard copy to the
Program Chair:
Jun-ichi TSUJII
Department of Information Science
Faculty of Science
University of Tokyo
113 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo

+ 81-3-3818-1073 (fax.) (e-mail-address)

Electronic submission should be either self-contained Latex
source or plain text. LaTex submissions must use the COLING style
file and should not refer to any external files or styles. The
COLING style file is retrievable by anonymous ftp from,
/pub/COLING96/colsub.sty. A model submission is provided in
/pub/COLING96/modelsub.tex. Alternatively, the information can be
obtained by sending an e-mail request to, with
the subject line containing the word "style" and "model",

Hard copy submissions should consist of five (5) copies of the
paper and one (1) copy of the identification page. For both kinds
of submissions, if at all possible, a plain text version of the
identification page should be sent separately by electronic mail,
using the following format:

title: <title>

author: <name of first author>
address: <address of first author>

author: <name of second author>
address: <address of second author>


Important Dates

Preliminary paper submission due: 15 December 1995
Acceptance Notification: 15 March 1996
Camera Ready Copy due: 1 May 1996

Review Schedule: Papers received after 15 December will be
returned unopened. Notification of acceptance will be mailed to
the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt. All
inquiries regarding lost papers must be made by 21 January.
Camera-ready copies of final papers prepared in a double-column
format, preferably using a laser printer, must be received by
1 May at

Prof. B. Maegaard
Center for Sprogteknologi
Njalsgade 80
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

along with a signed copyright release statement. The format for
the camera ready copies will be available through ftp at, /pub/COLING96/proc.

Other activities

[1] Invited talks and panels will be included in the program.
Proposals and suggestions for invited talks and panels are
welcomed. They should be sent to Prof.J.Tsujii (E-MAIL:

[2] A tutorial program is scheduled for August 2-3. Workshops
will be organised August 4.

Proposals for tutorials should be sent to Bjarne Oersnes
(, proposals for workshops to Bente Maegaard

Any other requests should be addressed to

- - - - - - - - - - - -


The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) and its special
interest group for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to
NLP (SIGDAT) are organizing the


WHEN: August 4, 1996 - in conjunction with COLING 96
(Tutorials: Aug 2-3, Main conference: Aug 5-9, 1996).

WHERE: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.


This workshop, like preceding ones in the series, will offer an
international and general forum for the presentation of new advances
and applications in the area of large scale, corpus-based natural
language processing.

The fourth workshop will focus on the theme of:

Innovative uses and applications of large corpora

Large corpora, i.e. corpora ranging anywhere from 10^4 to 10^9 words, are
coming into existence for several different languages, and techniques for
analyzing them are improving. How are these resources actually being used?
The workshop encourages contributions that show innovative applications of
corpus-based NLP to problems of practical industrial importance.

The theme will provide an organizing structure to the workshop, and offer
a focus for discussion and debate between researchers and industrialists.
We also expect and will welcome a diverse set of submissions in all areas
of statistical and corpus-based NLP, including (but not limited to)

Text Analysis Techniques:
- robust parsing
- part of speech tagging
- term and name identification
- morphological analysis
- alignment of parallel texts and bilingual terminology
- sense disambiguation
- anaphora resolution
- event categorization
- discourse structure

- Information Retrieval
- Lexicography
- Machine Translation
- Spelling and Grammar Correction
- Recognition: Speech, OCR, handwriting, etc.


Eva Ejerhed - University of Umea, Umea, Sweden
Ido Dagan - Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION: Authors should submit a full length paper
(3500 - 8000 words), either electronically or in hard copy. Electronic
submissions should be mailed to "" and must be
either (a) a plain ascii text, (b) a single postscript file, or
(c) a single LaTex file (no separate figures or .bib files), following
the COLING 96 stylesheet, which is retrievable by anonymous ftp from, /pub/SIGDAT/colsub.sty. A model submission is provided
in /pub/SIGDAT/modelsub.tex. Hard copy submissions should be mailed
to Ido Dagan (address below), and should include four (4) copies of
the paper.

REQUIREMENTS: Papers should describe original work. A paper accepted
for presentation cannot be presented or have been presented at any other
meeting. Papers submitted to other conferences will be considered, as
long as this fact is clearly indicated in the submission.


Submission Deadline: February 23, 1996
Notification Date: March 26, 1996
Camera ready copy due: April 26, 1996

The camera ready hard copies of final papers, prepared in a double
column format and laser printed, should be air-mailed to Eva Ejerhed
(address below) and must be received by April 26, 1996.


Eva Ejerhed Ido Dagan
Dept of Linguistics, DGL Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science
University of Umea Bar Ilan University
S 90187 Umea, Sweden Ramat Gan 52900, Israel
e-mail: e-mail:


From: "Dr Tony McEnery" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 95 16:35:26 GMT
Subject: CFP: TALC96 Teaching and Language Corpora 96, Aug 96, Lancaster



Lancaster University 9 - 12th August 1996


While the use of computer text corpora in research is now well
established, they are now being used increasingly for teaching
purposes. This includes the use of corpus data to inform and create
teaching materials; it also includes the direct exploration of corpora
by students, both in the study of linguistics and of foreign
languages. Talc96 will build upon the success of Talc94, which brought
together researchers and teachers who are involved in such work, to
take part in an international exchange of current experience and


KEY THEME: Talc96 will have a special focus on evaluating the claims
made for corpora in linguistics and language teaching. Papers with this
theme are especially welcome.

OTHER THEMES: which the conference is expected to cover include -

1.) The use of corpora in student led learning and investigation.
2.) Software for corpus based language and linguistics learning.
3.) Developing corpora for teaching purposes.
4.) The exploitation of corpus based teaching and learning materials. and learning materials II
5.) The theory and practice of corpus based teaching and learning.

Papers not falling within those themes, but relevant to the broad
thrust of the conference, are still welcome.

Papers presented at the conference will be of the typical 20 minutes
talk plus ten minutes of questions format.


Talc96 will also host several workshops related to teaching and language
corpora. To give an example of what those workshops may be, Talc94
had a variety of workshops such as "Multilingual Corpus Building" and
"Concordancing and Corpus Retrieval". Should you wish to hold a practical
workshop at Talc96, please follow the submission guidelines below, but
clearly indicate on the submission that you wish it to be considered
as a workshop.

Workshops will be of one to two hour duration.


Those wishing to present a paper at Talc96 should submit an abstract
of 500 - 1000 words by 31/1/96 to

TALC 96,
Department of Linguistics and Modern English
Lancaster University,
GB - Lancaster LA1 4YT,

Submissions by email are welcome. Plain Ascii text should be sent to: or

Authors will be notified by 14/2/96 as to whether their submission has
been succesful. Those authors that are succesful must submit a full
paper by 1/6/96.

Local Organizing Committee

Gerry Knowles - Lancaster University, UK
Tony McEnery - Lancaster University, UK
Anne Wichmann - Central Lancashire University, UK

General Organizing Committee

Bernhard Kettermann - Graz, AU
Lou Bernard - OUCS, UK
Tom Johns - Birmingham University, UK

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