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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 77

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NL KR Digest
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NL-KR Digest      Sat Dec  2 20:20:34 PST 1995      Volume 14 No. 77 

Today's Topics:

CFP: Intl. Conf. on Knowledge Management, Oct 96, Basel
CFP: ECAI-96, European AI Conf., Aug 96, Budapest

* * *

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Al Whaley ( and
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Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 08:48:34 +0100
From: (Ulrich Reimer)
Subject: CFP: Intl. Conf. on Knowledge Management, Oct 96, Basel


* International Conference on *

* Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management *

* October 30 - 31, 1996, in Basel, Switzerland *

In the following, we first give a general description of the concept
and the underlying ideas of the conference. Subsequently, the call for
workshop proposals can be found.

The conference is supported by SGAICO (Swiss Group for Artificial
Intelligence and Cognitive Science, being part of SI and member of ECCAI).

General Description

It is more and more acknowledged that knowledge is one of the most
important assets of organisations. Especially in industrialised
countries with expensive but well-educated employees, products and
services must be outstanding in terms of innovation, flexibility, and
creativity. A prerequisite for being able to face current and future
challenges is the systematic management of the knowledge assets.
Studies indicate that no more than 20 percent of the knowledge
available in organisations is really being used (Bilanz 1/95). What
tremendous effects would it have if we could make use of 30 percent or
more! Although the technology for an improved management of the key
success factor "knowledge" is ready to use, we can notice that
organisations are widely ignorant of its availability.

Against this background, the conference has two major goals, each one
being associated with a special track.

Track 1: Provide Strategic Information on Knowledge Management (KM)

The conference acts as a communications medium to top executives for
making clear
- what KM is, and
- how KM can improve organisational structures and processes.

To this end, we have a one-day special program for decision makers
that gives high-level, strategic information about both of above points.
The program includes:

Invited Talks
by well-known experts of their field. They will give overviews of
current KM technology available and will clearly work out how it can
affect organisational change.

VIP Round-Table Discussions
where the top executives have the opportunity to discuss innovative
ideas in an informal setting with the invited speakers and the other
experts. They can also ask whatever they always wanted to ask about
KM, can formulate their doubts and reservations and will get answers
from the experts.

Track 2: Technology Transfer
This two-day conference track aims at bridging the gap between
application experts who will actually set up KM tools in an
organisation and the technology experts who are familiar with the
technology underlying the KM tools. Thus, the conference will make sure
that those people who will actually establish the KM technology in an
organisation become fully aware of its potential and get a clear idea
what is currently possible (and what is not).

Participants of Track 2 will bring back into their organisations
detailed and well-founded information about KM and its feasibility.
Thus, the information that can be obtained by the participants of
Track 1 and Track 2 is complementary to each other

The main focus of Track 2 will be on workshops.

Each workshop is dedicated to a specific subarea considered relevant
for KM. Contributions are sought that show how a certain approach
solves a clearly outlined, practical problem. The reviewing process
will take care that only those contributions will be accepted which
give clear statements about the main issues and are comprehensible by
those participants who are no experts in the field. To avoid toy
problems and purely academic approaches being discussed in a workshop,
every paper must clearly describe the (real-world) problem being
tackled and what the added value of solving that problem is.

The call for papers for a workshop should contain a description of two
or more representative, practical problems which ought to be used by
the authors of a workshop paper whenever the approach discussed permits

Through the workshops we obtain a valuable compilation of what is
currently possible and what not, what is easy and what is still
difficult, and what is out of reach. Technology experts (and via them,
decision makers) will thus obtain more information about how to design
and install efficient KM at her or his company.

A considerable part of the workshop time will be assigned to compare
the presented approaches. This will be of great value from an
application point of view as well as a scientific viewpoint.

Exhibition and Demonstrations:
There will be demonstrations of products as well as of running but not
yet commercial systems which can be useful as tools for various aspects
of KM.

We are looking for people with strong theoretical and practical
background willing to organise a workshop on a topic relevant to the
overall conference theme of knowledge management technologies.

In order to share the work and to cover a wider range of practical and
theoretical aspects it might be useful to have two organisers per
workshop. Thus, feel free to submit a proposal together with a
colleague of yours.

Workshop format:

To help workshop contributors find practically relevant problems and to
achieve a high degree of consistency of the contributions, each
workshop will send out a call for papers with a description of two or
more representative, concrete tasks. Each task covers a real-world
problem being related to knowledge management, and is formulated in a
way that allows a great variety of solutions. Papers are sought which
describe how one (or more) of these tasks can be solved by a certain
approach. The description should be detailed enough for participants
who are no experts in the field to understand the central points.

It may be the case that a certain approach cannot be applied to one of
the exemplary tasks formulated in the call for papers because the
approach is designed to take advantage of the properties of a certain
subclass of tasks and these properties are not given with the exemplary
tasks. In such a case a paper may introduce its own problem as long as
it is a practically relevant one.

Workshop contributions may either present an innovative approach, or an
innovative application of existing technology, or describe an impressive
success story.

Evaluation criteria will be:
- practical relevance (of the problem dealt with and the added value achieved)
- originality of the approach and/or solution
- clarity of argumentation (why and how does the presented approach solve
the selected task?)
- how comprehensible is the contribution by participants who are no experts
in the field?

For the conference proceedings a full paper with a maximum of 12 pages
(A4 .....) must be provided. The best papers will be selected for a book
on the state of the art in Knowledge Management. An award will be given
to the most significant workshop contribution.

Submission details for workshop proposals:

Please send

at once:
- a short confirmation that you plan to submit a workshop proposal

until February 1, 1996:
- a short description (1-2 pages) which shows the theoretical and
practical aspects of your work and illustrates how it contributes to
practical aspects of knowledge management and organisational change
- a publication list, indicating your most relevant papers
- a workshop outline (3-5 pages) which
* points out the area of KM technologies the workshop will deal with
* indicates the expected benefits of applying the technology in an
* comprises a description of at least two representative, practically
relevant tasks

to the following address:

Ulrich Reimer email:
Rentenanstalt / Swiss Life
Informatik-Forschungsgruppe Tel.: +41-1-7114061
Postfach Fax: +41-1-7115007
CH-8022 Zuerich, Switzerland

You are invited to contact the above address for any kinds of questions
and for further clarifications. A web page is currently being set up.

Possible workshop themes are (feel free to create others):
- Knowledge Retrieval
(automatic content analysis, information filters,
supporting the user's query formulation, search aids,
automatic information condensation, ...)
- Knowledge Integration: integrating different, heterogeneous sources of
knowledge into one information system
- Data-Mining: automated extraction of knowledge from data
- Supporting business process reengineering by knowledge-based tools
- Using knowledge-based systems to enhance business processes
- Cooperation of intelligent agents
(supporting distributed human/machine problem solving,
workflow management, ...)


From: Wolfgang Wahlster <>
Subject: CFP: ECAI-96, European AI Conf., Aug 96, Budapest
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 18:25:26 +0100

| ECAI-96, The 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
| August 12-16, 1996 |
| Budapest Hungary |


Paper Submission Deadline: 10 January 1996


The 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96) will
be held in Budapest, Hungary from August 12 - 16, 1996. The biennial
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is the European
forum for international scientific exchange and presentation of AI
research. The aim of the conference is to cover all aspects of AI and to
bring together basic and applied research. The Conference Technical
Programme will include paper presentations, invited talks, panels,
workshops, and tutorials.

ECAI-96 is organized by the European Coordinating Committee for
Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) and will be hosted by the John von
Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT, Hungary). The conference venue will be
the Budapest University of Economics.

Submissions are invited on substantial, original and previously
unpublished research in all aspects of AI, including, but not limited

Automated Reasoning; Application and Enabling Technologies; Cognitive
Modelling and Philosophical Foundations; Connectionist and PDP Models of
AI; Distributed AI and Multiagent Systems; Knowledge Representation;
Machine Learning; Natural Language and Intelligent User Interfaces;
Planning, Scheduling, and Reasoning about Actions; Reasoning about
Physical Systems and under Uncertainty; Robotics, Vision, and Signal
Understanding; Standardisation, Verification, Validation and Testing of
Knowledge-based Systems.

Submissions must be received by the Programme Chair, Prof. W. Wahlster
(address see below), in hardcopy form by 10th January 1996. Successful
authors will be notified on or before 18th March 1996. Camera-ready copies of
the final versions of accepted papers must be received by 30th April 1996.

Submission Format

All six (6) copies of a submitted paper must be clearly legible. Neither
electronic nor fax submissions are acceptable. Double-sided printing is
strongly encouraged. Submissions must be at most five (5) double-column
pages, formatted according to the "Guidelines for Preparing a Paper for
the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence" , excluding the
title page with the address information and the keywords (see below).
Overlength submissions will be rejected without review. The submission format
is identical with the format for the final camera-ready copy of accepted
papers. Each submission should include the name and complete addresses
(including postal address, email, phone and fax, when possible) of all
authors on the title page. Correspondence will be send to the first
author, unless otherwise indicated.

The "Guidelines for Preparing a Paper for the European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence" are avaialable via FTP as a Postscript file and
Latex style files. Please use ftp or ftp
Use "anonymous" as login and your e-mail address as password and download
the files from directory /pub/ECAI-96.Please read the index file for file

Content Areas

Each copy of a submitted paper must include a title page with a set of
keywords (at most 3) giving the area/subarea and describing the topic of
the paper from the following list of terms (Please use the exact terms
below; do not make up new keywords):

AI and Creativity
Artificial Life
Automated Reasoning
Automatic Programming
Belief Revision
Case Studies of AI
Case-Based Reasoning
Cognitive Modelling
Common Sense Reasoning
Communication and Cooperation
Complexity of Reasoning
Computational Theories in Psychology
Computer-Aided Education
Concept Formation
Connectionist and PDP Models for AI
Constraint-Based Reasoning
Corpus-Based Language Analysis
Description Logics
Design and Configuration
Discourse Analysis and Dialog Models
Distributed Problem Solving
Document Analysis
Enabling Technology and Systems
Epistemological Foundations
Expert System Design
Generic Applications
Genetic Algorithms
Graphics Generation
Information Retrieval and Presentation
Integrating Several AI Components
Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge Representation
Language Production
Large Scale Knowledge Engineering
Logic and Constraint Programming
Machine Learning
Machine Translation
Mathematical Foundations
Model-based Reasoning
Multi-Agent Systems
Multimodal Systems
Natural Language Processing
Neural Networks
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Philosophical Foundations and Implications
Plan Recognition
Planning and Scheduling
Principles of AI Applications
Qualitative Reasoning
Reasoning About Action
Reasoning About Physical Systems
Reasoning With Uncertainty
Resource Allocation and Anytime Algorithms
Semantic Construction and Interpretation
Sensor Interpretation
Sensory Fusion/Fission
Situated Cognition
Social Economic, Ethical and Legal Implications
Spatial Reasoning
Speech Understanding
Standardisation and Reuse of Ontologies or Knowledge
System Architectures
Telecooperation and Negotiation
Temporal and Causal Reasoning
Terminological Reasoning
Text Understanding and Message Extraction
Theorem Proving
Truth Maintenance
Tutoring Systems
User Interfaces
User Modeling
Verification, Validation & Testing of Knowledge-Based Systems
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Vision and Signal Understanding

Multiple Submission Policy for Papers

Papers that are being submitted to other AI conferences, whether
verbatim or in essence, must reflect this fact on the title page. If a
paper is accepted at more than one conference (with the exception of
specialized workshops), it must be withdrawn from all but one
conference. Papers that do not meet these requirements are subject to
rejection without review. The other major international AI conferences
in August of 1996 are the American Association for Artificial
Intelligence Conference (AAAI-96) to be held August 4-8 in Portland,
Oregon, and the Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (PRICAI'96) to be held August 26-30 in Cairns, Australia.


Accepted papers will be allocated five (5) double-column pages in the
conference proceedings. Camera-ready papers exceeding the page limit and
those violating the instructions to authors will not be included in the

Authors will be required to transfer copyright of their paper to John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd. as the publisher of the ECAI-96 Proceedings.

Programme Committee

Christer Baeckstrom, Sweden Rene R. Bakker, Netherlands
Wolfgang Bibel, Germany Mario Borillo, France
Ivan Bratko, Slovenia Alan Bundy, Great Britain
Tony Cohn, Great Britain Jose Cuena, Spain
Robert Dale, Australia Danail Dochev, Bulgaria
Floriana Esposito, Italy Boi Faltings, Switzerland
Martin Charles Golumbic, Israel Georg Gottlob, Austria
Werner Horn, Austria Kimmo Koskenniemi, Finland
Sarit Kraus, Israel Ioan Alfred Letia, Romania
Joseph Mariani, France Pedro Meseguer, Spain
Robert Milne, Great Britain Katharina Morik, Germany
Bernd Neumann, Germany Cecile L. Paris, Great Britain
Jacques Pitrat, France Francesco Ricci, Italy
Tamas Roska, Hungary Stuart Russell, USA
Erik Sandewall, Sweden Camilla Schwind, France
Vadim Stefanuk, Russia Olga Stepankova, Czech Republic
Peter Szeredi, Hungary Jan Treur, Netherlands
Franco Turini, Italy Wolfgang Wahlster, Germany (Chair)

Conference Officials

Programme Chair:
Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster
German Research Center for AI, DFKI GmbH
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
fax: +49 681 302 5341
phone: +49 681 302 5252

Local Arrangements Chair:
Ms. Maria Toth
John von Neumann Computer Society, NJSZT
Bathori u. 16
H-1054 Budapest, Hungary
fax: +36 1 131 8140
phone: +36 1 132 9349

End of NL-KR Digest

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