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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 63

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NL-KR Digest      Wed Oct 11 08:16:39 PDT 1995      Volume 14 No. 63 

Today's Topics:

CFP: ICSLP 96 4th Intl Spoken Lang. Proc., Oct 96, Philadelphia
CFP: FLAIRS '96 Track on Information Interchange, May 96, Key West
CFP: DL'96 Digital Libraries ACM Conf., Mar 96, Bethesda

* * *

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From: (Jim Polikoff)
Subject: CFP: ICSLP 96 4th Intl Spoken Lang. Proc., Oct 96, Philadelphia
Date: 29 Sep 1995 15:38:46 -0400

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Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing

* *

October 3-6, 1996

Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel

Philadelphia, PA, USA

* *

________________________ ICSLP 96 Organizers____________________________

H. Timothy Bunnell, Chair
Richard A. Foulds, Vice-Chair
Applied Science & Engineering Laboratories
Wilmington, DE, USA


ICSLP unites researchers, developers, and clinicians for an exchange
on a wide variety of topics related to the spoken language processing
of humans and machines. Conference presentations range from basic
acoustic phonetic research to clinically oriented speech training
devices to speech-based natural language interfaces for man-machine
interaction. ICSLP 96 will feature technical sessions of both oral
and poster format, plenary talks, commercial exhibits, and daily
special sessions. In addition, satellite workshops will be held in
conjunction with the conference in the areas of interactive voice
technology, spoken dialogue, speech databases and speech I/O, and
gestures and speech. A new emphasis for ICSLP 96 will be on the
clinical applications of speech technology, including the use of
speech technology based applications for persons with disabilities.

_________________________Conference Update_________________________9/27/95

Dates to Note:

January 15, 1996 - Paper abstracts due for review
March 15, 1996 - Acceptance notification
May 1, 1996 - Deadline for papers (camera-ready, 4 pages)

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers relevant to spoken
language processing in any of the conference Technical Areas.
Abstracts of proposed papers must be received by the ICSLP 96
Organizing Committee no later than January 15, 1996. Papers will be
selected by the ICSLP 96 Technical Program Committee and assigned for
presentation in poster or oral format. English is the working language
for the conference. Submission of an abstract implies a commitment to
submit a four page, camera-ready version of the paper and to present
the paper in either an oral or poster session if the abstract is
accepted. Participants will be expected to pay their own registration
fees, travel, and accommodations for ICSLP 96.

_____________________Submission of Abstracts____________________________

Abstracts must be received by the ICSLP 96 Organizing Committee no
later than January 15, 1996. Abstracts may be submitted either by post
or by e-mail following these guidelines:

+ One page, 400 word maximum
+ Technical Area(s) indicated in order of preference
using the codes (A - X) below.
+ Title of the proposed paper clearly indicated
+ Preference for paper or poster clearly indicated
+ If sent by post, submit four (4) copies of the abstract
+ If sent by e-mail, use plain text (ASCII) format only

Each abstract must also include the following contact information:

+ Author name(s)*
+ Postal mailing address
+ Phone number
+ Fax number
+ E-mail address

E-mailed abstracts will be acknowledged by e-mail within 48
hours of submission. If you do not receive e-mail
confirmation, we have not received your abstract! Please
check the e-mail address and resubmit. Please do not e-mail
multiple copies for any other reason.

*Please be sure that the primary contact person is noted if it is
someone other than the First Author.

Mail or send abstracts to:

Applied Science & Engineering Laboratories
A.I. duPont Institute
P.O. Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899

________________________Technical Areas___________________________________

A. Production of spoken language
B. Perception of spoken language
C. Robust speech modeling and speech enhancement
D. Speech coding and transmission
E. Automatic speech recognition
F. Spoken language processing for special populations
G. Phonetics and phonology
H. Spoken discourse analysis/synthesis
I. Synthesis of spoken language
J. Applications for people with speech/language/hearing disorders
K. Databases and standards for speech technology
L. Prosody of spoken language
M. Speech analysis and parameterization
N. Spoken language acquisition/learning
O. Integrating spoken language and natural language processing
P. Hardware for speech processing
Q. Neural networks and stochastic modeling of spoken language
R. Dialects and speaking styles
S. Instructional technology for spoken language
T. Speaker/language identification and verification
U. Human factors and assessment in spoken language applications
V. Spoken language dialogue and conversation
W. Gesture and Multimodal Spoken Language Processing
X. Other

_____________________Registration Information______________________________

Full registration includes:
Admission to technical sessions, Reception, Banquet,
Proceedings (printed & CD-ROM)

Limited registration includes:
Admission to technical sessions, Reception, Proceedings on CD-ROM

Early Registration fees:
Member* Non-Member Student
Full $425 $525 $250
Limited $300 $400 $150

Late registration:
After June 21, add $60
After August 9, add $100

Additional Tickets:
Banquet $50
Reception $50

Additional Proceedings:
Printed $125
CD-ROM $15

* See Sponsoring and Cooperating Organizations.

________________________Satellite Workshops________________________________

The following Satellite Workshops will be held immediately before or
after the ICSLP 96 conference.


The 3rd IEEE workshop on Interactive Voice Technology for
Telecommunications Applications (IVTTA) will be held at the AT&T
Learning Center, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, from September 30 -
October 1, 1996. The IVTTA workshop brings together applications
researchers planning to conduct or who have recently conducted field
trials of new applications of speech technologies. Due to workshop
facility constraints, attendance will be limited primarily to
contributors. For further information about the workshop, contact:

Dr. Murray Spiegel
445 South Street
Morristown, NJ, USA
Phone: 1-201-829-4519; Fax: 1-201-829-5963

Submit abstracts (400 words, maximum 1 page) before April 1, 1996 to:

Dr. David Roe
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 2D-533
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Phone: 908 582-2548; Fax: 908 582-3306

2. ISSD-96

The 1996 International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue (ISSD-96) will be
held on October 2 and 3 at the venue of ICSLP 96. It is intended to be
a forum of interdisciplinary exchange between researchers working on
spoken dialogues from various points of view. The first day is devoted
to invited lectures followed by sessions of both invited and
contributed papers, which will be continued on the second day as
special sessions of ICSLP 96. Papers submitted to ICSLP 96 (Technical
Areas H,L,O,U,&V) may be selected for presentation at the
symposium. For further information about the symposium, contact:

Prof. Hiroya Fujisaki, Chairman, ISSD-96
Dept. of Applied Electronics
Science University of Tokyo
2641 Yamazaki, Noda, 278 Japan
Phone: +81-471-23-4327; Fax: +81-471-22-9195

3. COCOSDA Workshop 96

COCOSDA Workshop 96 will be held on Monday, October 7 at the Wyndham
Franklin Plaza Hotel. The International Coordinating Committee on
Speech Databases and Speech I/O Systems Assessment (COCOSDA) has been
established to promote international cooperation in the fundamental
areas of Spoken Language Engineering. Previous meetings have taken
place in Banff 1992, Berlin 1993, Yokohama 1994 and Madrid 1995.
Program and registration information for COCOSDA 96 will be forthcoming
in later announcements. For more information about COCOSDA, consult
the Web Page at


Workshop on the Integration of Gesture in Language and Speech (WIGLS)
will be held October 7 and 8. This Workshop will consider the
integration of gesture and spoken language in intelligent
human/computer interfaces, advanced assistive technology for
individuals with disabilities, telemanipulation and robotics systems,
and human conversation. Gestures including hand postures, dynamic arm
movements, facial expression, and eye gaze will be considered along
with more traditional lip shapes and handwriting movements. For further
information, contact:

Dr. Lynn Messing
A. I. duPont Institute
P.O. Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899
Phone: +1 302 651 6830; Fax: +1-302-651-6895

______________Sponsoring and Cooperating Organizations________________________

The Acoustical Society of America
The Acoustical Society of Japan
American Speech and Hearing Association (Pending)
Australian Speech Science and Technology Association (Pending)
European Speech Communication Association
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Incorporated Canadian Acoustical Association
International Phonetic Association
For additional sponsoring organizations, contact ICSLP 96.

______________For more information about ICSLP 96, contact_____________________

Applied Science & Engineering Laboratories
A.I. duPont Institute
P.O. Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899
Phone: +1 302 651 6830
TDD: +1 302 651 6834
Fax: +1 302 651 6895

A two-page PostScript format copy of the most recent Conference
Announcement and Call for Papers can also be obtained by anonyomus
ftp. Connect to host, cd to directory pub/ICSLP96,
and get in binary mode. The file must be uncompressed with a
unix compatable uncompress program before being printed. This plain
text version of the announcement is located in the same directory as
file call.txt

_______________________International Advisory Board__________________________

Hiroya Fujisaki - Founding Chair
Science University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

Jens Blauert Louis C. W. Pols
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum University of Amsterdam,
Bochum, Germany Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Anne Cutler Lawrence Rabiner
Max Planck Institute for AT&T Bell Labs
Psycholinguistics Murray Hill, NJ, USA
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Gunnar Fant Katsuhiko Shirai
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Waseda University
Stockholm, Sweden Tokyo, Japan

John Laver Kenneth Stevens
Humanities Research Board of Massachusetts Institute
the British Academy of Technology
Edinburgh, Scotland Cambridge, MA, USA

Joseph Mariani Yoh'ichi Tohkura
LIMSI-CNRS ATR Human Information
Orsay, France Processing Research Lab
Kyoto, Japan

J. Bruce Millar Victor Zue
Australian National University Massachusetts Institute
Canberra, Australia of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA

John Ohala
University of California
Berkeley, CA, USA


Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 16:29:15 -0500
From: Sy Ali <>
Subject: CFP: FLAIRS '96 Track on Information Interchange, May 96, Key West


Key West, FL, May 20-22, 1996

NOTE: Submission deadline is October 16, 1995.

An issue that arises in using Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR)
systems with other real-world applications is how to have a KRR system
communicate and share information with one or more other information
sources, including other KRR systems.

The historical approach to the problem of information interchange has
been to connect two information sources, e.g., databases, agents, expert
systems, KRR systems, Bayesian Networks, etc.) in an ad hoc manner,
designing a custom interface for each of specialized information sources.
A better approach is to find common methodologies by which information and
knowledge can be shared across several heterogeneous sources.

This problem area is often called the problem of knowledge sharing, or
information interchange. It falls under several research areas including
but not limited to those listed below.

o Languages (Interlingua, content knowledge representation languages,
protocol languages, database query languages)

o Integrated User Interfaces

o Reasoning (hybrid reasoning, ontological reasoning, analogical reasoning)

o Agent Mediators, Data Mining, WWW Searching Agents

o Architectures for knowledge sharing (multi-level knowledge systems,
wrappers, data flow hierarchies)

o Knowledge Translation and Integration (Heterogeneous source
integration, reasoning with conflicting knowledge)

o Ontologies (taxonomy and constraint systems, large ``common-knowledge''
ontologies, e.g., Penman, CYC, Wordnet, etc., Representation and Reasoning
with Ontologies)

Without restricting focus to any specific language or protocol, this
session will be concerned with the common underlying theories, formalisms,
etc. which explore and define the area, and ultimately enable the sharing
of information between implemented systems.

We solicit papers which explore these issues as well as those which discuss
implementations of solutions to the problems of information interchange and
knowledge sharing.
Additional topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

o Experience(s) integrating disparate knowledge sources,
for example, a case history.

o Languages (e.g., KIF, KQML) and theories of knowledge interchange
(e.g., First Order Predicate Calculus, semantic networks).

o Descriptions of practical experience(s) with KRR systems(s),
for example, a critique of the utility of a particular
KRR system for knowledge interchange.

o Issues that arise in exchanging different kinds of knowledge,
for example visual knowledge and propositional knowledge.

We are interested in information interchange in its broadest sense, so the
range of appropriate topics is deliberately wide. The distinguishing
characteristic of this session is the theme of knowledge interchange. Papers
submitted to this session should address this topic explicitly, preferably
in the context of a concrete application.


Syed S. Ali
Southwest Missouri State University

Susan Haller
University of Wisconsin - Parkside

Alistair E. Campbell
State University of New York at Buffalo

Tim Finin
University of Maryland-Baltimore County

Yigal Arens
USC/Information Sciences Institute

Hans Chalupsky
State University of New York at Buffalo

Submissions should not exceed 15 pages, 12 point, double spaced text,
with one-inch margins.

We strongly encourage electronic submissions, either plain text or postscript.
Emailed submissions should be emailed to

In the event that electronic submission is not possible, send 6 copies to:


Syed S. Ali
ATTN: FLAIRS-96 Information Interchange
Computer Science Department
Southwest Missouri State University
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804

Tel.: (417) 836-5773
FAX.: (417) 836-6659

All accepted papers will be published in the FLAIRS-96 proceedings.


This call for papers is available on the web at the URL:

Up-to-date information (including final schedule) will appear here
as it becomes available.


Submission Deadline: October 16, 1995
Author Notification: December, 1995
Camera Ready Copy Due: March 18, 1996
Conference Dates: May 20 - 22, 1996


Florida AI Research Symposium, Key West, FL, May 20-22, 1996

The Ninth Annual Florida AI Research Symposium seeks high quality
international submissions in all areas of AI. We are especially interested
in papers describing knowledge-based approaches to the construction of
intelligent systems. We construe a system to be "knowledge-based" when
its behavior depends largely on accessing or encoding information. The
symposium will strive for a balance between theory and applications. All
accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings.

For more information, visit the FLAIRS-96 home page at:


Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 16:51:55 -0700
From: (Alan Inouye)
Subject: CFP: DL'96 Digital Libraries ACM Conf., Mar 96, Bethesda

1. Changed submission due dates
2. New address for workshop submissions

Call for Participation

ACM DL'96 --- Digital
Libraries '96

First ACM International Conference on
Digital Libraries

Bethesda, MD
March 20-23, 1996

ACM Digital Libraries '96 is an international conference
devoted to advancing the state-of-the-art in digital
libraries. The ACM DL series continues the sequence of
Texas conferences: DL'94 in College Station and DL'95 in
Austin. The leaders of those events are helping with DL'96
organization and program efforts. The meeting will be co-
located with Hypertext '96 in 1996 and with ACM SIGIR
'97 the following year. DL '96 will immediately follow
Hypertext '96 at the Hyatt Regency
in Bethesda, Maryland. The site is located near the
Washington D.C. Metro and provides easy access to the
many attractions in the Baltimore-Washington area.

The DL series is sponsored by ACM, through SIGIR and
SIGLINK. Other ACM SIGs have joined in cooperation,

In-cooperation sponsors include:

ASIS (American Society for Information Science),
CNI (Coalition for Networked Information),
IEEE CS (IEEE Computer Society)
KSI (Knowledge Systems Inc.),
LITA (Library and Information Technology Association),
LoC (Library of Congress),
NAL (National Agricultural Library),
NLM (National Library of Medicine),
SLA (Special Libraries Association).

Three sessions at the conference have been reserved for the
working groups of the Digital Library Forum. These
groups are studying aspects of interoperability in digital
libraries. During the sessions, members of the groups will
describe the objectives of the groups, describe progress to
date, and lead discussions of the issues. The exact list of
topics has not been finally chosen, but will likely include
open architectures for digital libraries, archiving and
digital preservation, and the National Computer Science
Technical Reports Library.

Technical Program

We seek papers, posters and videos on the one hand--and
proposals for tutorials and workshops on the other hand--
on topics related to Digital Libraries, including but not
limited to the following list:

* architectures, reference models, standards
* authoring and electronic publishing
* cataloging, indexing, preserving
* collaborative environments
* collecting, capturing, filtering
* distributed data, knowledge and information
representation and systems
* economic and social implications and issues
* education, learning and related applications
* evaluation methods and user testing
* handling of graphics, GIS, multimedia information
* hypertext and hypermedia systems (especially including
WWW) and support
* information storage and retrieval
* intellectual property rights
* modeling and simulation
* networked information discovery
* networking systems, protocols, security
* publisher plans and concerns
* user interfaces
* visualization, browsing, searching


Technical papers present original reports of innovative and
substantive new work that has not been published or
submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers are refereed by
a pool of reviewers for the conference proceedings,
published by ACM. Because of the tight time schedule,
designed to ensure that the latest results will be discussed,
there will be little time for revision, so submissions should
be in near-final form.

Important Dates:
Oct. 17, 1995 --- Papers due to Program Chair
Dec. 1, 1995 --- Authors notified about PC decisions
Jan. 1, 1996 --- Papers due to Program Chair

Submissions: Papers must be written in English and
contain a maximum of 6000 words (excluding figures). If
possible, use 10 point Times Roman, single-spaced, with
no more than a total of 12 pages. The proceedings will be
printed in typical ACM 2-column format, and articles will
have a limit of 10 pages. If submissions are made with
paper, 6 copies must be provided. If submissions are made
electronically, the Subject line must say DL96 PDF
Submission and Adobe's Portable Document Format must
be used.

Send submissions to arrive by October 17, 1995 to:

Edward A. Fox
Dept. of Computer Science
660 McBryde Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg VA 24061-0106
Phone +1-540-231-5113
FAX +1-540-231-6075


Tutorials will precede the conference and serve to introduce
attendees to principles in the field, develop bridges
between the computer science and library/information
science communities, or examine advanced topics in depth.
Tutorials will be scheduled for 2.5 hour slots on Wednesday
afternoon and evening, March 20, 1995. Tutorials are
invited on topics such as the following:

Principles and practices of library science (Abstracting,
Indexing and Classification)
User behavior and information needs analysis (User Needs
and Services)
Information Retrieval and Hypertext (Searching,
Open System Design for the Internet

Submissions should include a 200-word abstract, a 1-page
topical outline of the course content, and describe course
objectives, intended audience, and the qualifications of
instructor(s). Proposers are encouraged to contact the
tutorials chairperson to discuss planned proposals.
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of background of
the instructor(s) and the contribution of the tutorial to the
overall conference program.

Submit four copies of the proposal by October 17, 1995 to:

Edie Rasmussen
University of Pittsburgh
135 N. Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone (412) 624-9459
Fax (412) 648-7001


Poster presentations allow researchers to present late-
breaking results or significant work in progress. Posters
will be refereed. Poster sessions allow authors and
conference participants to discuss the research in detail in
one-on-one or small group settings.

Submissions should consist of an extended abstract of at
most two pages emphasizing the problem, what was done
or is being done, and why the work is important. Include:
title, name and affiliation of the author(s) and complete
contact information. Note that the extended abstracts of
the posters will be published in the conference

Submit four copies of the proposal by November 1, 1995

Beth Davis-Brown
National Digital Library Program
LIBN/O/NDL (1000)
The Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540
Phone (202)-707-3301
Fax (202)-707-0815


Videos allow researchers and developers to illustrate the
dynamics of operational and prototype systems. Videos
will be refereed and selected videos will be shown at a
session during the conference so authors can verbally
annotate their work.

Submit videos that are a maximum of 5 minutes in length.
VHS format (NTSC) is required for review, and Hi-8, SVHS,
or Betacam SP are the formats required for final
submissions. It is likely that an author-supplied or
conference-prepared digital video version will be prepared
also and made available, so be sure that suitable releases
can be provided for all submissions. Also, please prepare a
one-page summary of the video which will be published in
the conference proceedings.

Submit two copies of the videotape and written summary by
October 17, 1995 to:

Charles Goldstein
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Phone (301) 496-1936
Fax (301) 480-6183


Workshops provide an opportunity for up to 25
participants to discuss issues in both research and applied
areas for one day. Workshop attendance is normally by
invitation based on attendees' response to a call for
workshop participation. Organizers should draft a call
describing the workshop and submit a three-page proposal
containing: an outline of the theme and goals of the
workshop, a description of the intended audience, an
overview of activities planned for the workshop, estimates
of number of participants, and a brief description of the
organizer backgrounds and experience.

Submit four copies of the proposal by October 17, 1995 to:

Maria Zemankova
c/o Ed Fox
Dept. of Computer Science
660 McBryde Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg VA 24061-0106
Phone: (703) 306-1926
Fax: (703) 306-0599

Conference Committee

General Chair
Gary Marchionini (University of Maryland at College
Technical Program Chair
Ed Fox (Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State
Edie Rasmussen (University of Pittsburgh)
Maria Zemankova (National Science Foundation)
Beth Davis-Brown (Library of Congress)
Charles Goldstein (National Library of Medicine)
Lawrence Fitzpatrick (Personal Library Software Inc.)
Nancy Van House (University of California Berkeley)
Linda Hill (University of Maryland at College
Local Arrangements
Lida Larsen (University of Maryland at College Park)
Industry Liason
Roberta Rand (National Agriculture Library)

Technical Program Committee
William Arms, CNRI, USA
Robert Akscyn, Knowledge Systems, USA
Robert Allen, Bellcore, USA
Daniel Atkins, U. Michigan, USA
Ann Bishop, U. Ill. Urbana-Champaign, USA
Christine Borgman, UCLA, USA
Su-Shing Chen, NSF, USA
W. Bruce Croft, U. Mass. Amherst, USA
Steve DeRose, Electronic Book Tech., USA
Timothy Finin, U. Md. Balt. County, USA
James French, U. Virginia, USA
Mark Frisse, Washington U., USA
Richard Furuta, Texas A&M U., USA
Hector Garcia-Molina, Stanford U., USA
Henry Gladney, IBM Almaden Res., USA
Ephraim Glinert, Rennselear Poly., USA
John Guidi, U. Md. College Park, USA
Thomas Hickey, OCLC, USA
Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA
Rob Kling, U. Ca. Irvine, USA
Ron Larsen, U. Md. College Park, USA
John Leggett, Texas A&M U., USA
Enrica Lemut, Istituto Matematica Applicata C.N.R., Italy
Michael Lesk, Bellcore, USA
David Levy, Xerox PARC, USA
Clifford Lynch, U. California, USA
Cathy Marshall, Texas A&M U., USA
Cliff McKnight, Loughbourough, UK
Fran Miksa, U. Texas Austin, USA
Eugene Miya, NASA Ames, USA
Sung Myaeng, Chungnam National U., S. Korea
A. Desai Narasimhalu, National U. of Singapore
Gultekin Ozsoyoglu, Case W. Reserve U., USA
Roy Rada, Washington State U., USA
P. Venkat Rangan, U. Ca. San Diego, USA
Pamela Samuelson, U. Pittsburgh, USA
Bruce Schatz, U. Ill. Urbana-Champaign, USA
John Schnase, Washington U., USA
Terence Smith, U. Ca. Santa Barbara, USA
Scott Stevens, Carnegie-Mellon U., USA
Chris Welty, Vassar College, USA
Terry Winograd, Stanford U., USA

For further information, see

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