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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 60

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NL-KR Digest      Tue Sep 26 12:50:47 PDT 1995      Volume 14 No. 60 

Today's Topics:

Program: JURIX '95 8th Legal Know. Based Sys., Nov 95, Maastricht
CFP: TARK VI Rationality and Knowledge, Mar 96, De Zeeuwse Stromen
CFP: NLDB'96 2nd Wkshp App. NL / IS, Jun 96, Amsterdam
CFP: COLING 96 Computational Linguistics, Aug 96, Copenhagen

* * *

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Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 08:29:02 +0000 (GMT)
From: arno lodder <jurix.95@METAJUR.RULIMBURG.NL>
Subject: Program: JURIX '95 8th Legal Know. Based Sys., Nov 95, Maastricht



Eighth International Conference
Legal Knowledge-Based Systems

Thursday, November 30 and Friday, December 1, 1995

University of Limburg, Maastricht, the Netherlands

Hosted by the Department of Metajuridica and MATRIKS


The Dutch Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems (JURIX) is a forum
for research in Law and Artificial Intelligence. Since 1988, JURIX has
organised annual international conferences on current research in the


The theme for JURIX '95 is the relation between legal knowledge-based

systems and telecommunication.


The eighth JURIX conference is held in Maastricht at Bouillonstraat 3.
It is hosted by the Department of Metajuridica and the MAastricht
Technological Research Institute for Knowledge and Systems
MATRIKS), both of the University of Limburg.

The conference language is English. During the conference papers will
be presented by authors and invited speakers. The proceedings will be
published by Koninklijke Vermande BV, and will be available at the

Programme Committee:
Dr. J.C. Hage (chair)
Dr. T.J. M. Bench-Capon
Prof. mr. M.J. Cohen
Prof. dr. H.J. van den Herik

Organising Committee:
G.P.J. Span (chair)
A.E.M. van den Bosch
A.R. Lodder
H.B. Verheij


According to the latest survey results by Network Wizards of July 1995,

there are now approximately 6,642,000 computers connected to Internet,
the global computer network. This means that the number of hosts
increased with 1,790,000 since the previous survey in January 1995. The

rapid growth of Internet as a new means of telecommunication has far
reaching consequences on many important legal issues. The JURIX
Conference organises a tutorial about this subject, comprising: a
general introduction to Internet, and a presentation and discussion of
the legal aspects of this rapidly evolving means of telecommunication.

Although the general introduction aims at informing those who are not
yet familiar with Internet, it will undoubtedly contain new information

for those who regularly "surf The Net". On-line demonstrations of the
Internet's possibilities accompany the introduction and there will be
ample opportunity to ask questions.

The tutorial also focuses on legal aspects of telecommunication using
real life examples readily available on the Internet. Examples are
given and legal implications are discussed. For example: (nearly)
unbreakable encryption; liability for the information provided; data
exchange between governmental agencies across borders; the discrepancy
between what is legally desirable and technically possible; on-line
registration and licence checking; monopolies on information sources;
electronic banking; electronic payments; smart paymentcards, etc. The
actual examples are based on current issues of discussion on Internet
and can be subject to change.

Professor J.M. Smits, University of Technology, Eindhoven
Professor J.M.A. Berkvens, Rabobank Nederland, University of Nijmegen,
Dr. L.A. Plugge, University of Limburg, Maastricht

Extended information on the tutorial can be found on the WWW pages
of JURIX '95. Registrations for the tutorial should be received before
November 1, 1995. There is a minimum of 10 participants.


Thursday, November 30

10:30 Registration
11:00 Welcome by Professor H.J. van den Herik
11:10 Tutorial and (parallel) paper session
Groendijk and Tragter, Statistical and neural approaches
to smart-money determination
Peek, Structure-preserving representations of complex references

12:30 Lunch
13:30 Tutorial (continued) and (parallel) paper session
Royakkers and Dignum, The Idea of Obligation
Tragter and Oskamp, Regulative effects of legal decision
support systems
15:00 Tea break
15:15 Invited speaker:
Dr. T.J.M. Bench-Capon
(University of Liverpool),
Argument in Artificial Intelligence and Law
16:00 Tea break
16:15 Tutorial (continued) and (parallel) paper session
Centinia, Routen, Hartmann and Hegarty, Statutor: Too
Intelligent By Half?
Muntjewerff and Winkels, ROSA; A Model Based
Computer System for Teaching Legal Case Solving
18:30 Dinner

Friday, December 1

9:30 Welcome by Professor M.J. Cohen
9:40 Invited speaker:
J.L. Janssen van Raay LLM
(Member of the European Parliament),
Telematics, Law and the European Union
10:25 Heesen, Homburg and Offereins, LACA: An Architecture
for Legal Agents
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Invited speaker:
Dr. C.A. de Feyter
(FT&S Consultancy, Heemstede),
The PALMA-project on European co-operation - how IT-
applications lead to communication
12:15 Mitrakas, Towards the development of selection criteria for the
regulation of EDI
12:50 Lunch
14:15 Guidotti and Turchi, Knowledge-based Systems and Distributed
Processing Models
Grutters, A Simulation Model for the Dutch Asylum Procedure
15:25 Tea break
15:50 Akroyd and Edwards, Computer Supported Contract
Leenes and Svensson, Large scale computer networks and
the future of legal knowledge-based systems
17:00 Closing of the conference


The conference fee is Dfl 310 (regular fee), Dfl 210 (university fee)
or Dfl 110 (student/AIO fee). The fee includes lunches, dinner and a
copy of the conference proceedings. The tutorial has an additional fee
of Dfl 50.


Non-residents of the Netherlands will find a list of hotels enclosed.
Hotel accommodation can be booked upon request (only for non-residents
of the Netherlands) before November 1, 1995. Residents of the
Netherlands can obtain a list of hotels from the conference secretariat
upon request. The list is also available on the WWW pages of the


Please complete the registration form and send it by mail at your
earliest convenience to:

attn. G.P.J. Span
University of Limburg
Dept. of Metajuridica
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands

The organisation committee cannot guarantee all entitlements (dinner,
lunches, etc.) for registrations received after November 1, 1995.


( ) Ms. ( ) Mr.
Surname and initials:

hereby registers for the JURIX '95 Conference in Maastricht.

Please tick off the amount due:
( ) Dfl 310 (regular fee excl. tutorial)
( ) Dfl 210 (university fee excl. tutorial)
( ) Dfl 110 (student/AIO fee* excl. tutorial)
( ) Dfl 360 (regular fee incl. tutorial)
( ) Dfl 260 (university fee incl. tutorial)
( ) Dfl 160 (student/AIO fee* incl. tutorial)

Please tick off the method of payment:
( ) The amount due has been transferred to account number 6131857
(Postbank) under the name of JURIX Congress '95, Maastricht.
Please state the name(s) of the participant(s)!
( ) (Only for non-residents of the Netherlands:)
Since it is impossible for me to transfer money, a (Euro)cheque

for the amount due (made payable to JURIX Congress '95,
Maastricht, the Netherlands) is enclosed.

Date: Signature:

* Students/AIOs are only entitled to the reduced fee if a copy of

student card/letter of appointment is enclosed.


attn. G.P.J. Span
University of Limburg
Dept. of Metajuridica
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 43 3883020 / 3042 / 3053
Fax: +31 43 3256538
Anonymous FTP:


From: Margje Punt <>
Subject: CFP: TARK VI Rationality and Knowledge, Mar 96, De Zeeuwse Stromen
To:, ln@frmop11.BITNET,,
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 11:35:34 +0100 (MET)

Sixth conference on



(previously: Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge)
March 17 - 20, 1996
De Zeeuwse Stromen (a seaside resort), The Netherlands

About the conference

The mission of the bi-annual TARK conferences is to bring together
researchers from a wide variety of fields -- including Artificial
Intelligence, Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Economics and Game
Theory, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology -- in order to further
our understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving formal reasoning
about rationality and knowledge. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to, semantic models for knowledge, for belief, and for
uncertainty, bounded rationality and resource-bounded reasoning,
commonsense epistemic reasoning, knowledge and action, applications of
reasoning about knowledge and other mental states, and belief revision.
Previously a by-invitation-only conference, TARK is now open to all
interested attendees. TARK-VI is the first to be held outside the United

Information for Authors

Submissions are now invited to TARK-VI. Please submit 12 copies of a
detailed abstract (not a full paper) to the program chair (address
below). Two types of submission are invited -- papers reporting on
novel research, and expository papers. Each submission should be clearly
identified as belonging to one category or the other. In both
categories, strong preference will be given to papers whose topic is of
interest to an interdisciplinary audience, and all papers should be
written so that they are accessible to such an audience. Novel research
abstracts will be held to the usual high standards of novel research
publications. In particular, they should 1) contain enough information
to enable the program committee to identify the main contribution of the
work; 2) explain the significance of the work---its novelty and its
practical or theoretical implications; and 3) include comparisons with
and references to relevant literature. Expository abstracts, which will
be held to similarly high standards, may survey an area or report on a
more specific previously published work; the abstract should make clear
the relevance to the TARK audience.
Abstracts should be no longer than ten double-spaced pages (4,000 words).
If possible, an email address for the contact author should be included.
Papers arriving late or departing significantly from these guidelines
risk immediate rejection.
Economists should be aware that special arrangements are being made with
certain economics journals (in particular, with the Journal of Economic
Theory and with Games and Economic Behavior) so that publication of an
extended abstract in TARK will not prejudice publication of a full
journal version.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is October 10, 1995.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by December 15, 1995.
Camera-ready copies of the accepted papers will be due by January 15,
1996. One author of each accepted paper will be expected to present the
paper at the conference. The conference proceedings will be published.

Program Committee
* * * **

Barbara Grosz (Harvard University, AI / computational linguistics)
Peter G"ardenfors (Lund University, Philosophy)
Sergiu Hart (Hebrew University, Economics / Mathematics)
Hans Kamp (Stuttgart University, Linguistics)
Daphne Koller (U.C. Berkeley, Computer Science)
Stephen Morris (University of Pennsylvania, Economics)
Gil Neiger (Georgia Institute of Technology, Computer Science)
Christos Papadimitriou (U.C. San Diego, Computer Science)
Krister Segerberg (Uppsala University, Philosophy)
Yoav Shoham, Chair (Stanford University, AI)
Moshe Tenneholtz (Technion, Management)
Michael Wellman (University of Michigan, AI).

Conference Chair
* * * *

Johan van Benthem
ILLC, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of
Plantage Muidergracht 24, NL-1018 TV Amsterdam, The
fax: +31 20 525 5206,

Program Chair
* * ***

Yoav Shoham
Computer Science Department, Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305,
phone: +415-723-3432, fax: +415-725-1449,

Local Arrangements
* * * ***

Peter van Emde Boas (University of Amsterdam)
John-Jules Charles Meyer (University of Utrecht)
Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, De Uithof, 3508 TB
Utrecht, The Netherlands
tel: +31-(0)30-534117, fax: +31-(0)30-513791,


Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 16:05:42 MET
From: Hans Burg <>
To: al@Sunnyside.COM
Subject: CFP: NLDB'96 2nd Wkshp App. NL / IS, Jun 96, Amsterdam


Second International Workshop on
Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 26-28, 1996


This workshop aims at bringing together research results, practical
experiences and new possible ideas and directions within the field
of applications of natural language in database and information systems.
The integration of databases and natural language has been an utopia
for a long time. Since two decades, consulting databases or getting
answers in natural language remain a dream for many users. Nowadays,
this is an accessible convergent point on which a lot of researchers
are focusing, mainly due to the large progress of research in natural
language and to the development of new technologies which allow the
storage of real semantic electronic dictionaries. Each aspect of the
life cycle of the information system may be improved by using natural
language techniques : database design (specification, validation,
conflicts resolution), database query languages and consulting programs
that use new software engineering research results allowing natural
language program specifications. As information systems are now evolving
into the communication area, the term databases should be considered the
in broader sense of information and communication systems, abbreviated
to ICS.

The Workshop Organizers invite submissions of original papers, as well
as posters descriptions, product demonstration outlines and panel
proposals to NLDB'96, which will be held in Amsterdam on June 26-28, 1996.

More and up-to-date information is available at:


Major topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the

- Natural languages interfaces for database querying,
- Natural language as a specification interface for design of ICSs.
- Paraphrasing the design of ICSs as conceptual schemas in natural language,
- Natural language for the validation of specifications of ICSs,
- Linguistic aspects of view integration,
- Conceptual modelling and linguistic knowledge,
- Use of linguistic tools and electronic dictionaries,
- Textual databases, indexing and retrieval,
- Generating texts from structured data,
- Generation of natural language texts from formal specifications,
- Semi-formal interfaces for interacting with databases,
- Hypertext facilities for database querying.

Program Committee:

Chairman: Reind van de Riet,
Vrije Universiteit,
The Netherlands

Ana Paula Ambrosio U. of Brasilia, Brazil
Elisa Bertino U. di Milano, Italy
Mokrane Bouzeghoub PRiSM, U. of Versailles, France
Janis Bubenko U. of Stockholm, Sweden
Hans Burg Vrije U., The Netherlands
Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau Essec, France
Roland Dachelet Inria, France
Jan Dietz U. of Delft, The Netherlands
Frank Dignum U. of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Paul McFetridge Simon Fraser U., Canada
Christian Fluhr CEA, France
Sabine Geldof Vrije U. Brussels, Belgium
Jon Atle Gulla GMD Darmstadt, Germany
Henri Habrias U. of Nantes, France
Jean-Noel Meunier PRiSM, France
Elisabeth Metais U. of Paris VI, France
Anton Nijholt U. of Twente, The Netherlands
Erich Ortner U. of Konstanz, Germany
James Pustejovsky Brandeis U., USA
Anne de Roeck U. of Essex, UK
Bram van der Vos Vrije U., The Netherlands
Hans Weigand U. of Brabant, The Netherlands
Chien-ho Wu UMIST, UK

Organizing Committee:

Chairman: Hans Burg (
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-444 7769, fax: +31-20-444 7653

Mokrane Bouzeghoub PRiSM, U. of Versailles, France
Jon Atle Gulla GMD Darmstadt, Germany
Anton Nijholt U. of Twente, The Netherlands
Reind van de Riet Vrije U., The Netherlands
Bram van der Vos Vrije U., The Netherlands

The proceedings of the conference will be available at the conference.
A special issue of Data and Knowledge Engineering (North-Holland) is planned
containing the best papers of the workshop.

Workshop Format:

The workshop will be three days long from Wednesday to Friday, and will
include invited talks, paper presentations, panel discussions, product
demonstrations and poster sessions to encourage the participation of newcomers.

Instructions to authors:

The Workshop Organizers invite submissions of original papers (4
copies with a maximum of 5000 words, including a short abstract),
as well as poster descriptions (including title and presenter(s)),
product demonstration outlines (including product and
organization name) and panel proposals to NLDB'96. To contribute,
please submit to the program committee chairman:

prof. dr. R.P. van de Riet
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1081a,
1081 HV Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-444 7757,
fax: +31-20-444 7653,
secretary: +31-20-444 7730

Important dates:

Paper, poster, demo and panel submission deadline: February 1st, 1996
Notification of paper, poster, demo and panel acceptance: April 1st, 1996
Camera-ready papers due: May 15th, 1996

Related Workshop:

Succeeding the NLDB'96 workshop the related LAP'96 (Language Action
Perspective) workshop will be held in Tilburg, The Netherlands. More
information about this communication oriented workshop can be found


Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 17:31:54 +0100
From: Bente Maegaard Center for Sprogteknologi <>
Subject: CFP: COLING 96 Computational Linguistics, Aug 96, Copenhagen
To: Bente Maegaard Center for Sprogteknologi <>,
Reply-To: Bente Maegaard Center for Sprogteknologi <>,

International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Dates: 5 (Mon) August - 9 (Fri) August, 1996

Place: University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Chairman of the Program Chairman of the Organizing
Committee Committee
Prof. Jun-ichi Tsujii Prof. Bente Maegaard
CCL, UMIST & University of Tokyo CST, Copenhagen

The International Committee on Computational Linguistics invites
the submission of papers for Coling 96, the 16th International
Conference on Computational Linguistics, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Topics of Interest:
Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished
research on all aspects of computational linguistics, including,
but not limited to, the following.

quantitative linguistics
corpus linguistics
mathematical linguistics
cognitive linguistics
language understanding
discourse processing
speech analysis/synthesis
computational lexicon
large text corpora
computational terminology
text data base
information retrieval
knowledge representation for NLP
automatic abstraction
knowledge acquisition from corpora
machine translation
machine aids for translation
multi-media systems involving language
man-machine interface
hardware/software for NLP

Requirement for Submission:
Papers should describe unique work: They should emphasize
completed work rather than intended work: A paper accepted for
presentation at the Coling cannot be presented or have been
presented at any other meeting with publicly available published
proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other
conferences must reflect this fact on the title page.

Format for Submission:
Authors should submit preliminary versions of their papers, not
to exceed 4000 words (exclusive of references). Papers outside
the specified length and formatting requirements are subject to
rejection without review. Since reviewing will be "blind", the
title page of the paper should omit author names and addresses.
Furthermore, self-references that reveal the authors' identity.
To identify each paper, a separate identification page should be
supplied, containing the paper's title, the name(s) of the
author(s), complete addresses, a short summary (10 lines), a word
count, and a specification of the topic area.

Submission Media:
Papers should be submitted electronically or in hard copy to the
Program Chair:
Jun-ichi TSUJII
Department of Information Science
Faculty of Science
University of Tokyo
113 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo

+ 81-3-3818-1073 (fax.) (e-mail-address)

Electronic submission should be either self-contained Latex
source or plain text. LaTex submissions must use the COLING style
file and should not refer to any external files or styles. The
COLING style file is retrievable by anonymous ftp from,
/pub/COLING96/colsub.sty. A model submission is provided in
/pub/COLING96/modelsub.tex. Alternatively, the information can be
obtained by sending an e-mail request to, with
the subject line containing the word "style" and "model",

Hard copy submissions should consist of five (5) copies of the
paper and one (1) copy of the identification page. For both kinds
of submissions, if at all possible, a plain text version of the
identification page should be sent separately by electronic mail,
using the following format:

title: <title>

author: <name of first author>
address: <address of first author>

author: <name of second author>
address: <address of second author>


Important Dates

Preliminary paper submission due: 15 December 1995
Acceptance Notification: 15 March 1996
Camera Ready Copy due: 1 May 1996

Review Schedule: Papers received after 15 December will be
returned unopened. Notification of acceptance will be mailed to
the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt. All
inquiries regarding lost papers must be made by 21 January.
Camera-ready copies of final papers prepared in a double-column
format, preferably using a laser printer, must be received by
1 May at

Prof. B. Maegaard
Center for Sprogteknologi
Njalsgade 80
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

along with a signed copyright release statement. The format for
the camera ready copies will be available through ftp at, /pub/COLING96/proc.

Other activities

[1] Invited talks and panels will be included in the program.
Proposals and suggestions for invited talks and panels are
welcomed. They should be sent to Prof.J.Tsujii (E-MAIL:

[2] A tutorial program is scheduled for August 2-3. Workshops
will be organised August 4.

Proposals for tutorials should be sent to Bjarne Oersnes
(, proposals for workshops to Bente Maegaard

Any other requests should be addressed to

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Preliminary Announcement

ACL's Special Interest Group SIGDAT announces the


WHEN: August 4, 1996 - in conjunction with COLING 96
(Turorials: Aug 2-3, Main conference: Aug 5-9, 1996).

WHERE: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

THEME: The workshop will be organized around the theme of
Innovative Uses and Applications of Large Corpora

Eva Ejerhed, University of Umea, Umea, Sweden
Ido Dagan, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

SIGDAT, ACL's special interest group for linguistic data
and corpus-based approaches to NLP

FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS: Will be issued in September 1995.

End of NL-KR Digest

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