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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 40

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 · 11 months ago

NL-KR Digest      Mon Jul  3 15:40:39 PDT 1995      Volume 14 No. 40 

Today's Topics:

Announcement: DGfS Cognitive Summerschool, Aug 95, Saarbruecken
Program: KDD-95 Program now on WWW., Aug 95, Montreal
Program: Comp Ling Summer School, Sep 95, Tzigov Chark
CFP: DAARC96 Discourse Anaphora, Jul 96, Lancaster
CFP: CNIASE-95 VIII Natl. Conf. on AI, Jul 95, Ciudad Guayana
Position: Linguistics Research Fellow at CityU, Hong Kong
CFP: DAIR Symp. on Doc. Analysis and Info. Retr., Apr 96, Las Vegas
Announcement: ACH/ALLC '95 Confirmations, Jul 95, UCSB

* * *

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Al Whaley ( and
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Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 14:05:28 +0200
From: Anne-Marie Mineur <mineur@CoLi.Uni-SB.DE>
Subject: Announcement: DGfS Cognitive Summerschool, Aug 95, Saarbruecken

DGfS Summerschool
"Language: Cognitive Structures and Processes"
August 28th -- September 8th 1995
Saarbruecken, Germany

*** NOTE: Early registration closes June 30th ****

The Fifth Summer School of the German Linguistic Society (Deutsche
Gesellschaft fuer Sprachwissenschaft) will be held between August 28th and
September 8th, 1995 at the University of Saarland (Saarbruecken, Germany).
The topic is "Language: Cognitive Structures and Processes". The programme
will cover cognitive aspects of natural language in the areas of
theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics, and psycholinguistics.

* 18 courses in German and English language each course consisting of
five 90 minute lectures as well as workshops, exercises, and

* Plenary lectures on "Language and Cognition"

* Evening lectures on the topic "Language: Cognitive Structures and

* There will be a social programme, including official reception in
Saarbruecken castle, a Summer School party ...


Ring- Christopher Habel (Koordination): Sprache und
vorlesung Kognition

A Theoretical linguistics

Phonetics William Barry: Cognitive Aspects of Phonetics

Phonology Richard Wiese: Einf"uhrung in die Optimalit"atstheorie

Syntax Hubert Haider: Invarianten der syntaktischen

Michael Herweg & Tibor Kiss: Theoretische und
kognitive Aspekte einer deklarativen Grammatikanalyse
des Deutschen. Prinzipien und Schemata der HPSG

Semantics Leonard Talmy: How Language Structures Concepts

Gilles Fauconnier: Cognitive Semantics

Hans Kamp: Einstellungen, Einstellungsberichte und
sprachliche Kommunikation

Jeff Pelletier: Formal Semantic Issues Surrounding Generic

Lexicon Dieter Wunderlich: Lexical Decomposition Grammar

B Psycholinguistics

Language Barbara Hemforth & Gerhard Strube: Kognitives Parsing
Simon Garrod: Language Comprehension and How We Track
the Thread of Discourse

Speech Thomas Pechmann: Sprachproduktion

Language Werner Deutsch: Das Allgemeine und das Spezielle im
acquisition Erstspracherwerb am Beispiel der Personreferenz

Lexicon Etta Drews & Pienie Zwitserlood: Das Mentale Lexikon

Neuro- Barbara H"ohle & Stephanie Kelter: Neurolinguistik:
linguistics Kognitive Aphasieforschung

C Computational linguistics

Lexicon James Pustejovsky: Processes of Lexically-based
Inference: Co-composition and Abduction

Processing Hans Uszkoreit: Performanzmodellierung in der
models Computerlinguistik

Man-Maschine Wolfgang Wahlster: Prozessmodelle multimodaler
communication Kommunikation

Registration :


Early registration (before June 30th) :

Students: DM 280
Visiting scholars: DM 560
Industrial participants: DM 1100

Registration after June 30th

Students: DM 350
Visiting scholars: DM 650
Industrial participants: DM 1200

You may register from now on. We shall try to find low-priced accommodation
(applications will be dealt with on a first done, first served basis).

Information and registration:

DGfS-Sommerschule 1995
Universitaet des Saarlandes
Computerlinguistik, Bau 17.2
D-66041 Saarbruecken
Tel.: +49 (681) 302-4444;
Fax.: +49 (681) 302-4351

Local organization: Manfred Pinkal and Claudia Villiger

This and further information is also available on WorldWideWeb:


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 11:27:15 PDT
From: (KDD-95 Account)
Subject: Program: KDD-95 Program now on WWW., Aug 95, Montreal



Sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
Cosponsored by AT&T Global Information Solutions, GTE, JPL/NASA
and in cooperation with IJCAI, Inc; collocated with IJCAI-95.

August 20-21, 1995: Montreal, Canada.

The final program for the first International Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining is now available online at the KDD-95 WWW page:

The technical program includes 2 days of plenary talks, 3 invited
speakers, a demo session, 2 poster sessions, and a panel discussion.
In total about 60 papers will be presented at the conference.

The invited speakers are Professor Jerome Friedman (Stanford University),
Professor David Haussler (UC Santa Cruz) and Professor Tomasz Imielinski
(Rutgers University).

Registration information is available through IJCAI: contact

or visit the KDD-95 WWW page mentioned above.


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 22:10:41 +0000
From: Nicolas Nicolov <>
Subject: Program: Comp Ling Summer School, Sep 95, Tzigov Chark

* Please post:

International Summer School
Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria

DATES: 9 - 13 Sept 1995 (arrival 8 Sept)


Tzigov Chark is a beautiful resort in the Rhodope Mountains on the
shore of Batak Lake. Tzigov Chark is 150km from Sofia, the capital of


A. Joshi (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Lexicalized tree-adjoining grammars

J. Tsujii (UMIST, Manchester, UK)
Knowledge acquisition from corpora

J. Haller (IAI, Saarbrucken, Germany)
Unification-based Machine Translation

J. Schutz (IAI, Saarbrucken, Germany)
Language Engineering

J. Hutchins (University of East Anglia, UK)
Machine translation: history, current status and
possible future developments

W. von Hahn (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Knowledge-based Machine Aided Translation

Y. Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Lexical knowledge acquisition

A. Ramsey (University College Dublin)
Interpretation in context

Key-sun Choi (KAIST, Taejon, Korea)
English-to-Korean Machine Translation

R. Delmonte (University of Venice, Italy)
Referring expressions in sublanguages

C. Martin-Vide (Universidad Rovira i Virgilli, Tarragona, Spain)
Grammar systems

R. Mitkov (IAI Saarbruecken/University of Hamburg/
Institute of Mathematics-Sofia)
Anaphora resolution in Natural Language Processing and
Machine Translation

Zaharin Yusoff (University Sains Malaysia)
Preliminary title: Language Engineering in South-East Asia


Ruslan Mitkov IAI Saarbruecken/Univ. of Hamburg/Inst. of Mathematics-Sofia
Manfred Kudlek University of Hamburg, Germany
Michael Zock LIMSI, France
Nikolai Nikolov Incoma, Bulgaria
Victoria Arranz CCL, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Nicolas Nicolov Dept. of AI, University of Edinburgh, UK


For further information please contact:
Nicolas Nicolov <> or
Prof. Ruslan Mitkov <>


The summer school will take place in Hotel "Orpheus", Tzigov Chark,
which accomodates up to 50 participants. We have chosen a small and cosy
conference hotel to create a better and friendlier working and social
environment: however this implies restrictions on the availability of
single rooms and participants will be normally offered to share 2-bed
rooms. Those interested in attending the summer school are encouraged
to register as early as possible.


Tzigov Chark is situated on the shore of the beautiful Batak Lake in the
Western Rhodope mountains and is 150km from Sofia, the capital
of Bulgaria. The local organisers will provide a daily shuttle bus/
conference taxi from Sofia airport to the summer school location
at an inexpensive rate. Sofia is easily accessible by plane from most
major European cities (e.g. daily flights or several flights per week
from London, Frankfurt, Paris, Zurich, Vienna and other European
cities). There are also direct flights to Sofia from North America
(New York, Toronto) and Asia (Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur).
In order to enable the local organisers to plan the shuttle service
efficiently, please contact Victoria Arranz <>
with details about your journey (arrival/departure time and date) at
least 2 weeks before you leave for the summer school.


The summer school participants are also invited to take part in the
which will take place immediately after the summer school in the
same hotel. Further information about the conference can be
obtained from: Prof. R. Mitkov <> or
Nicolas Nicolov <> or you can have a
look at the conference WWW page at URL:


Registration fee bank transfers (kindly note that the
bank processing charges are at the expense of the participants)
can be made to the following bank accounts used by the Bulgarian
Association for Mathematical and Computational Linguistics
(please state as written below):

1. Account No 00710 756 of First Private Bank PLS, Bulgaria
account held with AMEX
for onward credit to First Private Bank, Shoumen branch - Nikolai Nikolov
Account USD 95079620 4 1 002560 1 4

2. Account N0 36015992 of First Private Bank PLS, Bulgaria
account held with CITIBANK New York
for onward credit to First Private Bank, Shoumen branch - Nikolai Nikolov
Account USD 95079620 4 1 00 2560 1 4

Kindly note that registration after 1st August will incur a surcharge
of 30 USD.

International Summer School


Name: ________________________________________________

Affiliation: ________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________



Telephone: ______________________________

Fax: ______________________________

e-mail: ______________________________

Date of bank transfer. . . : 1995
Bank transfer reference No : ___________
To bank account. . . . . . : ___________ see above for details

Registration Fee . . . . . : ___________ 150 USD for industrial participants
110 USD for academic staff
80 USD for students
Accommodation + half-board : ___________
(30 USD per day per person)
Specify days - Sept 1995 . : [ ] 8, [ ] 9, [ ] 10, [ ] 11, [ ] 12

Additional charge for
late registration . . . . : 30 USD (after 1 August)

=========================== ===========
TOTAL Amount in USD sent . : ___________


Email your registration forms to:

Nicolas Nicolov <>


From: "Dr Tony McEnery" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 12:06:08 +0100
Subject: CFP: DAARC96 Discourse Anaphora, Jul 96, Lancaster


DAARC96 - Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium
Lancaster University, 17-18th July, 1996

Anaphora and anaphor resolution has received a great deal of attention
from workers in linguistics, computational linguistics, artificial
intelligence and information retrieval for a number of decades. This
aspect of natural language has proved a major challenge for all of
these fields, and a great many differing theories and solutions have
been proposed and implemented with varying degrees of success. A need
clearly exists for workers in the field of anaphora and anaphor
resolution to meet. Our hope is that this meeting will allow all of the
different strands of work on anaphora to be identified, with a view to
producing an up-to-date review of the field that incorporates the many
changes that have taken place in this field in recent years.

For this reason, a Coloquium will take place on 17th and 18th July,
1996 at Lancaster University, UK. Papers are requested for
presentation on all aspects of anaphora and anaphor resolution. The
following research areas are of particular interest, but do not
constitute an exhaustive list:

corpus-based studies of anaphora in natural language, statistical
approaches to anaphor resolution, cognitive and psychological perspectives,
discourse and text-processing perspectives, information retrieval and other
computer applications, pragmatics and anaphor resolution, and
linguistic-theoretical approaches.

Papers reporting work on anaphora in any language are welcome.
Research may be work in progress, or work that has already been
completed. Please send abstracts to a member of the CAAR96 Organizing
Committee at one of the addresses given below. Abstracts may be sent
either electronically, by email or fax, or by traditional surface mail.

Abstracts should arrive at Lancaster by 1st December, 1995, and
notification will be sent by 12th January, 1996. Draft versions of
full papers should arrive by 30th April, 1996. The proceedings of the
colloquium will be published.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ==

The CAAR96 Organizing Committee:

Simon Botley, Dr Tony McEnery,
Department of Linguistics and MEL, Department of Linguistics and MEL
Lancaster University, Lancaster University
Bailrigg, Bailrigg,
Lancaster LA14YT Lancaster LA1 4YT
email: email:
phone: 01524-65201 ext. 3111/3212 phone: 01524-65201 ext. 3024

FAX: 01524 843 085


From: (Jose Ramirez)
Subject: CFP: CNIASE-95 VIII Natl. Conf. on AI, Jul 95, Ciudad Guayana
Date: 28 Jun 1995 18:21:19 -0500


**** Due to problems with some of our International ****
links, the period of reception of papers for the
VIII National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
CNIASE-95 has been extended...

NEW DEADLINE : July 16th 1995

=3D=3D> NEW email address for inquiries and electronic submissions :


invite to participate in

VIII National Conference on Artificial Intelligence

23 - 27 October 1995
Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela.

** Call for Papers **

CNIASE 95 is the VIII edition of the National Artificial Intelligence
Conference organized in Venezuela. CNIASE will take place in Ciudad
Guayana, industrial and tourist region between the rivers Orinoco and

** Topics of the Conference **

Authors with original contributions regarding research or applications are
invited to send papers covering the following topics, among others:

Knowledge Acquisition
AI and Education
Genetic Algorithms
Intelligent Interfaces
Automated Reasoning
Distributed AI
Virtual Reality
Natural Language
Knowledge Representation
Case-based reasoning
Expert Systems
Neural Networks
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Artificial Life

Authors must send 3 copies of their papers in Spanish, Portuguese or
English, according to the following format:

* length: 8 pages maximum, including graphics, tables and references.
* A4 or letter size page with the following margins: left 2cms,
right: 2cms,
top: 2 cms, bottom 2.5 cms.
* Font: Times 12 for the body and subtitles, 14 for the titles with
single spacing.
Titles and subtitles in bold. 1 line before and after each
* Title of the paper: centered, times 14.
* Authors:
names: bold, Times 12, centered.
institution, normal, Times 12, centered.
address, email, phone, fax: normal, Times 10, centered.
* One line between each author.
* Format of the text: 2 columns, justified, 0.5 cms between columns.
* Abstract: 200 words maximum.
* Equations and formulas: numbered using parenthesis.

** Information**

Papers must be sent to:

Universidad Metropolitana
Decanato de Ciencias y Artes
Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial
Terrazas del Avila
Caracas, Venezuela
+58 (02) 242-3089, fax +58 (02) 242-5668


Calle Aro con Carrera Guri
Torre El Alferez, planta de oficinas A,
oficina A3, Altavista Sur
Ciudad Guayana 8015, Venezuela.
Telfs.: +58 (86) 62-0178, 62-4856

** Important dates **

30-June-1995: Reception of papers.
30-July-1995: Notification of acceptance/rejection.
31-August-1995: Final version of papers.
23-October-1995: CNIASE 95.

** Organization **

Asociacion Venezolana de Inteligencia Artificial (AVINTA),
Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana (UNEG),
Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica "Antonio Jose
de Sucre" (UNEXPO) Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana (CVG).

** Program Committee **

Jose Ramirez (chair) - Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela
Jorge Baralt - Universidad Simon Bolivar , Venezuela
Alberto Castillo - UCLA , Venezuela
Eric Fimbel - UNEXPO, Venezuela
=46elix Garcia Padilla - Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
Hector Geffner - Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
Juan C. Guzman - Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
Christian Lemaitre - LANIA, Mexico
Alonso Marquez - Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
Jose Negrete - Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
Willmer Pereira - Universidad Simon Bolivar - Venezuela
Juan C. Santamaria - Georgia Tech., USA
Irene Torres - Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
Juan E. Vargas - U. of South Carolina, USA
Marley Vellasco - PUC Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Jose Ramirez
Universidad Metropolitana
Centro de Investigaciones Metropolis
+58-2-2423089, fax: +58-2-2425668


From: rocling <>
Subject: Position: Linguistics Research Fellow at CityU, Hong Kong
To: CMP-LG@XXX.LANL.GOV, zzlsa@gallua.BITNET, (LSA),, (ACL),
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 95 9:29:02 EAT

* * * * * * * * * * * **

Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics (CTL)
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

* * * * * * * * * * * **

Research Fellows associated with the Department
of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of
Hong Kong are anticipated to be available in the coming
academic year.

Possible research areas include but are not limited to the following:

computational linguistics
experimental phonetics
linguistic theory
discourse analysis

Required background:

Applicants should have completed their Ph.D. in Linguistics
or related discipline. Research experience resulting in international
publications is essential.

Lecturer grades. Determination of grade will depend on qualifications and
relevant experience.

Period of appointment:
1-3 years.

Interested applicants should send a CV (including the names of
3 referees) along with a letter describing your background and
research interests to:

Professor Xu Liejiong, Head
Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics
City University of Hong Kong
83 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon, Hong Kong

fax: 852-2788-9520

Note: initial submission by email is encouraged.

More information about the City University of Hong Kong is
available from the CityU home page on the world-wide web:


From: rocling <>
Subject: CFP: DAIR Symp. on Doc. Analysis and Info. Retr., Apr 96, Las Vegas
To: CMP-LG@XXX.LANL.GOV, zzlsa@gallua.BITNET, (LSA),, (ACL),
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 95 9:29:17 EAT

Call for Papers SDAIR '96

Fifth Annual Symposium on
Document Analysis and Information Retrieval

April 15-17, 1996
Alexis Park Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada


Information Science Research Institute
University of Nevada, Las Vegas


Henry S. Baird
AT&T Bell Laboratories


Document Analysis:
Andreas Dengel
German Research Center for
Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Information Retrieval:
Jan Pedersen
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center


Mary C. Guirsch
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Information Science Research Institute
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 454021
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4021
(702)895-1183 (fax)


The purpose of this symposium is to present results of state-of-the-art
research and to encourage the exchange of ideas in the general field of
automatic extraction of information from images of printed documents.
Papers are solicited on all aspects of document image analysis and
information retrieval, both theoretical and applied, with particular
emphasis on:

Document Analysis:

High-Accuracy Transcription
Postprocessing of OCR Results
Keyword Search in Textual Images
Multilingual OCR, Language ID, etc.
Geometric and Logical Layout Analysis
Recognition of Forms, Tables and Equations
Models of Document Image Degradation
Methods for Performance Evaluation

Information Retrieval:

Full-Text Retrieval
Retrieval from OCR'ed Text
Image and Multimedia Retrieval
Text Categorization
Retrieval from Structured Documents
Language-Specific Influences on Retrieval
Evaluation of IR Systems
Text Representation

Papers on subjects in the intersection of these two areas will be given


Please send five copies of complete papers, with the corresponding author's
name, postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address, to the
appropriate Chair:

Andreas Dengel, Chair (Document Analysis)
c/o Information Science Research Institute
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 454021
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4021

Jan O. Pedersen, Chair (Info. Retrieval)
c/o Information Science Research Institute
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 454021
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4021

Manuscripts should be no longer than 20 double-spaced pages or 5,000 words
and should not already have been accepted for publication by another
conference or journal, nor should they be submitted elsewhere during the
SDAIR'96 review period. Both camera-ready paper and machine-readable
source copies of accepted papers will be required. The proceedings will
be available at the conference.


Papers Due September 30, 1995
Notification To Authors December 1, 1995
Camera Ready and Machine Readable Copy January 15, 1996


Andreas DENGEL, Chair, German Research Center for
Artificial Intelligence
Norbert BARTNECK, Daimler Benz Research Center
Hiromichi FUJISAWA, Hitachi Central Research Lab
Jonathan HULL, Ricoh California Research Center
Junichi KANAI, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Larry SPITZ, Consultant, Palo Alto, CA
Suzanne TAYLOR, Loral Corporation
Karl TOMBRE, INRIA Lorraine


Jan PEDERSEN, Chair, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Susan DUMAIS, Bellcore
Stephen GALLANT, Belmont, Inc.
Donna HARMAN, National Institute of Standards & Technology
Marti HEARST, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
David LEWIS, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Peter SCHAUBLE, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Kazem TAGHVA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Yiming YANG, Mayo Clinic/Foundation


Date: Sun, 2 Jul 95 09:12:20 PDT
From: (Eric Dahlin)
Subject: Announcement: ACH/ALLC '95 Confirmations, Jul 95, UCSB

July 11-15, 1995
Association for Computers and the Humanities
Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing
University of California, Santa Barbara

If you've sent in your registration for this year's
conference but haven't yet received a confirmation,
please call or send a note to:

Sally Vito
Campus Conference Services
University of California
Santa Barbara, California 93106-6120
Phone: (805) 893-3072
Fax: (805) 893-7287

She'll be able to make sure that your registration
has been received and that everything is in order.

Eric Dahlin
Local Organizer


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