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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 46

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NL KR Digest
 · 11 months ago

NL-KR Digest      Tue Aug  1 15:22:13 PDT 1995      Volume 14 No. 46 

Today's Topics:

CFP: FLAIRS'96 Reasoning About Function (& Rep), May 96, Key West
CFP: Special issue of Comp. Intel.: Context in NLP
Query: structured ontologies / semantic networks
Program: SEPLN-95, 11th Congress Spanish Soc. NL Proc., Sep 95, Bilbao
Announcement: 10 scholarships in CogSci, New Bulgarian University
Position: Job Openings at BBN, Speech, NLP
Position: Research, Labelling Explorer (NLP), Edinburgh

* * *

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Al Whaley ( and
Chris Welty (


Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 13:12:42 -0400
From: (Amruth Kumar)
Subject: CFP: FLAIRS'96 Reasoning About Function (& Rep), May 96, Key West

Apologies if you got multiple copies of the following.
Please circulate among your colleagues and friends:

Reasoning About Function
Special Track to be held during
The Ninth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium
(FLAIRS '96)
May 20-22, 1996, Key West, Florida

Call for Papers

The explicit representation and use of function knowledge is
gaining considerable attention in various research communities because of:
* its potential to organize and provide access to causal knowledge of
an object (eg., focuses on missing causality during redesign),
* the improved resolution it brings to the reasoning process
(eg., discriminates among suspects during diagnosis) and
* its utility in addressing the scaling problem.

Function is an abstraction of behavior, and relates behavior to human
notions of utility, i.e., purpose/goal. It forms a useful
bridge between objective and quantifiable knowledge about a component
(of a device/organization/organism/environment/argument), and
subjective notions of its use/purpose. Hence, the interest in
reasoning about function.

Function has been used to motivate decisions (such as in design),
discriminate among choices at hand (such as in diagnosis, vision),
or explain an observation (such as in explanation generation).
It is being used, in addition to structure and behavior knowledge in
domains as varied as Electrical, Aerospace, Industrial and Chemical
Engineering, mechatronics, Architecture, Law, Medicine, Human Physiology,
and Software Engineering.

Papers are invited for the special track from researchers in all
fields/domains on topics including:
* Reasoning techniques that use function
* Representation formalisms for function
* Applications of reasoning about function: reports, results
It is expected that extended and revised versions of selected papers from
this special track will be published as special issue of a journal.

November 15th, 1995: Submission of paper
January 19th, 1996: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
March 18, 1996: Camera Ready Copy due to
FLAIRS '96 Program Chair: John Stewman

Maximum Length: 2000 words

Preferred Submission Method:
* Fold your paper into one postscript or text file: This must be anonymous,
i.e., author's name and affiliation should not be included in this file;
* Put it in the users/amruth directory at site by
anonymous ftp; The file name should be the first author's last name;
* Send a mail message to, listing: the name of the
paper, names, affiliations, phone/fax and email addresses of all the authors,
and the name of the submitted file. This step is mandatory!

Alternatively, you may send 4 hard copies of the paper to:
Amruth Kumar,
Computer Science, TAS,
Ramapo College of New Jersey
505, Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, NJ 07430-1680
Ph: (201) 529-7712

If you are unsure whether your work fits into the above topic,
please refer to the following reports for clarification.
* AI Magazine, 15(1): Spring 94 issue, pp 64-65
* SIGART Bulletin 5(3): July 94 issue, pp 49-51
* The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 9(3), 9/94, pp 301-304.
* Special Issues of
`International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence',
Vol 8(2), 8/94 and Vol9(1), 1/95.

Please direct any enquiries to:
Amruth Kumar (
Luca Chittaro (

A. Abu-Hanna, Utrecht University, Netherlands
D. Allemang, PTT Telecom, Switzerland
B. Chandrasekaran, Ohio State University
L. Chittaro, University of Udine, Italy
J. Hodges, San Francisco State University
Y. Iwasaki, Stanford University
A. Kumar, Ramapo State College
M. Lind, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
J. McDowell, Michigan State University
C. Price, University of Wales, U.K.
Y. Umeda, University of Tokyo, Japan


From: (Lucja Iwanska)
Subject: CFP: Special issue of Comp. Intel.: Context in NLP
Date: 26 Jul 1995 18:45:55 GMT


Call for papers for a special issue of Computational Intelligence
to appear in 1997

Lucja Iwanska, Wayne State University
Wlodek Zadrozny, IBM TJ Watson Research Center

We invite papers from researchers active in the fields of natural
language processing, knowledge representation, and other related areas
designing practical NLP systems. We are interested in reports on
implemented NLP systems utilizing contextual information. We are also
interested in knowledge representation systems, inference methods, and
algorithms that would allow one to computationally handle specific
aspects of context.


Correct interpretation of natural language utterances and texts
requires linguistic and non-linguistic context. Text and dialogue
processing are two application domains where the lack of good theories
of context impedes significant progress in applying and developing new

With today's text processing technology, it is feasible to
automatically create knowledge bases from fairly unconstrained texts
such as newspaper archives. Ignoring context in such texts, however,
results in knowledge bases that are not only very incomplete, but also
dramatically different from knowledge bases created by humans, based
on the same texts. Similarly, as speech technology matures, it
becomes technically feasible to build dialogue systems. However,
understanding dialogues, and especially multimodal dialogues, is not
possible without some account of the role of context.


We are particularly interested in papers that address problems affecting
both text and dialog processing and that provide answers the following

How to represent and automatically compute context-dependent interpretation
of natural language ?

What is the relationship between context and the semantics and pragmatics
of natural language ?

Is context different from possible worlds and situations, domain (ontology,
special knowledge) ?

In which way does context affect interpretation of natural language ?

Which aspects of context or which contexts result in
refined, more general, and different interpretations of natural language ?

What is the status of context in a formal representation
aiming at truthfully capturing all the characteristics
of natural language ?

Should you have questions, please, contact one of the guest editors.


Strongly preferred
12 pt article latex style
30 pages maximum, including title, abstract, figures,
but excluding references
The first page must include:
author's name(s)
complete mailing address
e-mail address
phone/fax number(s)
abstract of 200 or so words

Six hard copies of the paper should be snail mailed to

Lucja Iwanska
Department of Computer Science
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202, USA
(313) 577-1667 (phone)
(313) 577-2478 (secretary)
(313) 577-6868 (fax)

Additionally, a postsript file should be sent to
to both editors:


intent to submit due
submission deadline
reviews completed
papers chosen
notification/comments/requests for changes sent out
final versions received
final verification completed
papers sent to the journal


Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 11:27:29 -0500 (EST)
From: Jon Selvaraj <>
Subject: Query: structured ontologies / semantic networks
To: al@Sunnyside.COM

I need information on structured ontologies or languages for use
in development of semantics networks. We practive a version of
semantics nets called concept mapping where a expert is interviewed
by a interviewer and a "map" of the knowledge required is developed
interactively. Unfortunately, past techniques at our location have
been rather vague and nondescriptive with respect to the relations
used to connect node concepts (e.g., involves, includes, etc). I
need something a little more structure and useful. Would you know
of any resources or references that might describe such languages.
I have looked in the AI literature but KR seems to focus more on
KA tools for eventually structuring for Knowledge databases. Thus,
the languages and structured are more computer language. I need
something that will facilitate interaction between expert and the
interviewer. Can you help me or point me in the right direction.
Please let me know.


Jon Selvaraj
Dayton, OH


From: "Joseba Abaitua" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 11:28:53 +0100
Subject: Program: SEPLN-95, 11th Congress Spanish Soc. NL Proc., Sep 95, Bilbao

20 - 23 septiembre 1995
Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao


Miercoles 20 de septiembre

8.30 Inscripcion y entrega de documentacion

9.30 - 13.00 Tutoriales

A Adquisicion de Conocimiento Lexico de Corpus Linguisticos
Francesc Ribas Framis (Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya)

B Language Engineering on the Highway: New Perspectives for the
Multilingual Society
Ruslan Mitkov (University of Hamburg)

13.00 Apertura del Congreso

16.00-18.00 Comunicaciones (Semantica, Lexico)

Analisis automatico del diccionario "Hauta Lanerako Euskal Hiztegia". J.M.
Arriola, X. Artola, A. Soroa (Dto. Lenguajes y Sist. Informaticos, EHU-UPV).

Tools for Sublanguage-based Semantic Knowledge Acquisition from Corpora. M.
Victoria Arranz, Ian Radford, Sofia Ananiadou, Jun-ichi Tsujii (Centre for
Computational Linguistics, UMIST).

Lexico e inferencia: una semantica de acceso a la informacion. Pablo Gamallo
Otero (Lab. Recherche sur le Langage, U. Blaise Pascal, Francia).

Propuesta para la presentacion semantica de la estructura de predicado y
argumentos. Toni Badia, Carme Colominas (IULA-UPF).

18.30-19.30 Conferencia. JAMES PUSTEJOVSKY (Brandeis University): The
Role of Underspecification in Semantic Theory.

Jueves 21 de septiembre

8.30 - 11.15 Tutoriales

C Introduccion a SGML
Fernando Magan (Centro de Investigacions Ramon Pinneiro, Santiago de

D Morfologia Computacional
Innaki Alegria (Universidad del Pais Vasco)

9.00-11.00 Comunicaciones (Semantica, Lexico, Parsing).

Obtencion automatica de marcos de subcategorizacion verbal a partir de texto
etiquetado: el sistema "SOAMAS". Juan Monedero, Jose C. Gonzalez, Jose M.
Gonni, Carlos A. Iglesias, Amalio F. Nieto (ETSI Telecomunicacion, UPM).

El tratamiento de la subcategorizacion argumental en los nominales deverbales
arabes. Elisabeth Nebot (Dto. Arabe, UB), J.A. Alonso (INCYTA S.L.).

Aportaciones a la resolucion de la elipsis en la coordinacion. Manolo Palomar
(Dto. Tecnologia Informatica y Computacion, U. de Alicante).

Difference Lists and Difference Bags for Logic Programming of Categorial
Deduction. F. Xavier Llore (MICRO FOCUS), Glyn Morrill (U. Politecnica de

11.30-13.30 Comunicaciones (Parsing, Morfologia)

Gramatica FTAG del castellano: arboles elementales asociados a los adjetivos.
V. Carrillo Montero, V. Diaz Madrigal, A. Gomez Ojeda (Dep. Lenguajes y Sist.
Informaticos, F. Informatica y Estadistica, U. Sevilla).

Sobre la naturaleza de la informacion linguistica y la relacion entre las
gramaticas categoriales y las gramaticas independientes de contexto. J.A.
Jimenez Millan (Escuela Politecnica de Cadiz) y J.M. Guirao Miras (Universidad
de Granada).

Exploring Interactive Chart Parsing. Manuel Vilares Ferro, Miguel Angel Alonso
Pardo (U. La Corunna).

Una contribucion al procesamiento del plural en espannol: un algoritmo de
singularizacion. Alvaro Sanchez Ladron de Guevara, Francisco Garcia Jumela
(Lab. Inteligencia Atificial, F. Informatica, UPM).

15.30-17.00 Comunicaciones (Morfologia, Etiquetadores)

Segmentacion y analisis morfologico de textos en espannol utilizando el
sistema "SMORPH". Salah A<t-Mokhtar, Jose Lazaro Rodrigo Mateos (GRIL, U.
Blaise Pascal, Francia).

Desarrollo de un etiquetador morfosintactico para el espannol. Fernando
Sanchez Leon (Lab. Linguistica Informatica, F. Filosofia y Letras, UAM).

SPOST: a Spanish Part-of-Speech Tagger. David Farwell, Stephen Helmreich, Mark
Casper (Computing Research Lab., New Mexico State University, EEUU).

17.30-19.00 Comunicaciones (sesiones paralelas)

Habla, Evaluacion

Propuesta de un modelo de intensidad vocalica del espannol y el catalan
aplicable a un sistema de conversion de texto a habla. Beatriz Blecua (U.
Girona/UAB), Vanessa Acin (EUETT La Salle, U. Ramon LLull).

Curvas de F10 en euskara: Primera aproximacion a la obtencion de modelos para
conversion de texto a habla. I. Gaminde (Didactica de la Lengua, UPV); I.
Hernaez y B. Etxeberria (Electronica y Telecomunicaciones, UPV); P. Etxeberria
y R. Gandarias (Euskal Filologia, UPV).

Issues and Approaches in NPL Evaluation. Marta Saiz (Centre for Computational
Linguistics, UMIST).

Documentacion, hipertexto, terminologia

Sistema neuronal difuso para la gestion de documentos estructurados. G.I.
Sainz Palmero, J.M. Cano Izquierdo, J. Lopez Coronado (Dto. Ingenieria de
Sistemas y Automatica, E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales, Valladolid), Yannis A.
Dimitriadis (Dto. Teoria de la Sennal, Comunicaciones e Ingenieria Telematica,
E.T.S. Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion, Burgos).

KBLYS. Clasificacion y recuperacion inteligentes en bases de datos
documentales. Anselmo del Moral, Lourdes Arenas, Veronica Canivell, Javier
Oliver, Beatriz Galan, Fernando Diaz, Iciar Rodriguez (Lenguajes y Sistemas
Informaticos, F. Informatica, UD).

Hipertexto y terminologia plurilingue: Implementacion de un vocabulario de
informatica para Windows y WORLD WIDE WEB. Javier Gomez Guinovart (F.
Humanidades, U. Vigo), Harry Howard (Tulane University, New Orleans, EEUU),
Anxo M. Lorenzo Suarez (F. Humanidades, U. Vigo).

19.30 Reunion anual de la SEPLN

21.30 Cena

Viernes 22 de septiembre

9.00-13.00 Seminario/Workshop.

Las ventajas de normalizar el procesamiento del lenguaje
The Benefits of Standardising Natural Language Processing


- Nancy Ide (Vassar College, VC). Hablara de las ventajas de
la normalizacion en general, y de TEI, EAGLES y MULTEX en

- Jorge Vivaldi (Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, UPF). Expondra
los proyectos de la UPF en los que se estan adoptando las
propuestas de TEI.

- David Farwell (New Mexico State University, NMSU). Hablara
de los problemas y limitaciones de los estandares, desde
una perspectiva esceptica.

- Harold Somers (University of Manchester, UMIST). Expondra
los proyectos de UMIST (sin estandares) y comentara
anteriores experiencias (p.ej. EUROTRA).

11.30-18.00 Demostraciones

LEKTA. Sistema de traduccion automatica basado en LFG.
Gabriel Amores (Universidad de Sevilla)

Parsing bidireccional dirigido por eventos.
Jose F. Quesada (Centro de Informatica Cientifica de Andalucia)

GFU. Un sistema experimental de desarrollo de gramaticas de unificacion con
tratamiento simultaneo de la sintaxis y de la semantica.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Anton (Univeritat Jaume I)

INTERNAT. Interface en lenguaje natural de acceso a bases de datos.
F. Xavier Llore, Ricard Perez, David Trotzig (Micro Focus SA, Barcelona)

Generacion de lenguaje natural a partir de esquemas entidad-asociacion.
E. Dominguez, J. Gutierrez, J. Rubio (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Herramientas para la verificacion ortografica y la edicion de textos en
A. Sanchez, F. Garcia, S. Bernardez, I. Diaz, D. Marin (Universidad
Politecnica de Madrid)

11.30-18.00 Muestra de Productos

Diversas empresas y distribuidoras de software comercial (edicion, traduccion,
reconocimiento de habla) han anunciado la intencion de mostrar sus productos.

16.00-18.00 Mesa Redonda.

La estandarizacion: la informacion sin barreras.

Moderador: Victor Furundarena (AT&T)

Instituciones invitadas: Real Academia de la Lengua,
Asociacion Espa-ola de Normalizacion, Instituto Cervantes,
Facultad de Biblioteconomia de la Universidad de Granada,
Secretaria de Politica Linguistica del Gobierno Vasco.

18.30 Clausura.

Sabado 23 de septiembre

Excursion: La Ria de Gernika

Comite de Programa

Joseba Abaitua (Universidad de Deusto)
Xabier Artola (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Pedro Hipola (Universidad de Granada)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, Nueva York)
Joaquim Llisterri (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Luis de Sopenna (Centro de Investigacion IBM-UAM)
Felisa Verdejo (UNED)

Comite de Organizacion

Joseba Abaitua (Universidad de Deusto)
Jakeline Barker (Universidad de Deusto)
Arantza Casillas (Universidad de Deusto)
Anselmo del Moral (Universidad de Deusto)
Hernan Urrutia (Universidad de Deusto)
M Antonia Marti (Universitat de Barcelona)
Irene Castellon (Universitat de Barcelona)
Victor Furundarena (AT&T, Madrid)


Jakeline Barker
tel. 94-4453100, ext. 2292 (de 15,30 a 18,00)
fax. 94-4458916

Arantza Casillas



Antes del 30 junio 1995 socio o estudiante 9.000 ptas.
otros 18.000 ptas.

Despues del 30 junio 1995 socio o estudiante 12.000 ptas.
otros 20.000 ptas.


socio o estudiante 3.000 ptas.
6.000 ptas.

La Organizacion ofrece alojamiento en la residencia universitaria cercana al
lugra donde se realizara el Congreso. El precio por noche en habitacion
individual con desayuno y comida es de 4.500 ptas. La residencia no dispone
de habitaciones dobles. Se ruega a los congresistas que hagan constar en el
boletin de inscripcion si desean reservar habitacion en dicha residencia o no.

Tel 94-4453116, ext. 2292
Fax 94-4458916

Alternativamente, la oficina de Viajes Ecuador instalada en el Campus de la
Universidad atendera cualquier otra cuestion relacionada con el viaje o la
estancia en hoteles cercanos a Deusto.

Viajes Ecuador
Tel 94-4453100, ext. 2596
94-4467057 (directo)

Comidas y cenas

Dada la comodidad por su cercania y buena relacion calidad/precio, durante los
tres dias del Congreso la Organizacion recomienda a los congresistas que
utilicen el comedor de la residencia universitaria para las comidas. En el
momento de la inscripcion se entregara una guia con sugerencias de otros
establecimientos y zonas de txikiteo para las cenas.


El precio aproximado de la excursion, incluye autobus y comida, es de 2.000
ptas. Itinerario: Visita a la Villa de Gernika (Arbol, Casa de Juntas, jardin
con obras de Txillida, Henry Moore). Alubiada en Caserio. Ruta por la Ria de
Urdaibai (designada reserva de la biosfera por la Unesco). Visita a las
poblaciones pesqueras de Mundaka y Bermeo.


Los autores que vayan presentar la comunicacion deberan formalizar la
inscripcion en el Congreso antes del 30 de junio. De no hacerlo, la
comunicacion no sera publicada en las Actas.
Joseba Abaitua
Universidad de Deusto Tel: +34-4-4453100 Ext. 2292
Avda de las Universidades, 22 Fax: +34-4-4458916
E-48014 Bilbao


Date: Fri, 28 Jul 95 16:29:39 BG
From: Boicho Kokinov <>
Subject: Announcement: 10 scholarships in CogSci, New Bulgarian University
To: CogSci Dept <>

The deadline is extended till August 31.

10 scholarships are available to successful candidates for the
Graduate Program in Cognitive Science at NBU for candidates from
Eastern and Central Europe. The scholarschips have been provided by the
Soros Foundation.

Department of Cognitive Science

Admission to the Graduate Program in Cognitive Science is open
till August 31. (Applications will also be accepted after this date
if any vacan positions remain).
It offers the following degrees: Post-Graduate Diploma, M.Sc.,

See NL-KR Volume 14 No. 31 for full details.

Cognitive Science Department,
New Bulgarian University,
21 Montevideo Str.
Sofia 1635, Bulgaria,
tel.: (+3592) 55-80-65
fax: (+3592) 54-08-02
e-mail: or


Date: Fri, 28 Jul 95 11:26:31 -0400
To:, Langage Naturel <>,
Subject: Position: Job Openings at BBN, Speech, NLP
From: Sean Boisen <>

Job Openings in Speech and Language Processing
BBN Systems and Technologies,
Cambridge, MA

The Speech and Language Processing Department at Bolt Beranek and
Newman Inc. has several exciting positions in speech recognition,
language understanding and character recognition. To apply send your
resume and indication of which position you are interested in to
Karen Nicholson (


Applied Computational Linguist

Work with a research team to develop fieldable technology including
advance prototypes and products in information extraction systems,
including name recognition and template fill from newswire.
Experience in applying computational linguistics to real applications,
excellent skills as a programmer in C/C++/Lisp, and degree in computer
science or related field required. U.S. Citizenship and willingness
to get a DoD clearance required.

Statistical Computational Linguist

Reserach and development of new techniques and software for
processing large corpora, including languages other than English, and
language modeling for speech and NL systems. Masters or PhD in
computer science or related area, strong math/stat background, strong
C programming skills required. Experience in Lisp, Splus, Perl
a plus. U.S. Citizenship and fluency in a second language desirable.

Entry Level Researcher

Participate in a research group developing algorithms and building
systems for advanced speech and language technologies, provide support
by implementing algorithms, running experiments, collecting and
analyzing data. Bachelor's level in computer science, engineering, or
related field, excellent undergraduate GPA, experience in university
research lab or summer internship, and programming skills in C/C++ and
UNIX required. Some experience in speech or language technology a
plus. U.S. Citizenship and willingness to get a DoD clearance

Applications Engineer

Design and implement applications at the cutting edge of speech and
language technology, such as medical dictation, reading and language
learning assistants, transcription of telephone speech for deaf
listeners, topic identification from video, voice mail transcription,
information extraction systems. Requirements: Extensive experience in
advance technology software systems, including product-level code and
documentation; master level programmer in C/C++, with at least one
year's experience each in Unix and MS Windows; experience in graphical
user interfaces; Bachelor's or Masters degree in computer science.
Lisp experience helpful. Experience in fields related to speech and
natural language a plus. U.S. Citizenship and willingness
to get a DoD clearance desirable.

Algorithm Developer

Work with a research team designing and implementing algorithms for
large vocabulary continuous speech recognition, systems incorporating
voice input and output such as spoken language systems, and optical
character recognition. Requirements include Master's in computer
science, mathematics, engineering, or related field or equivalent
expereince and excellent programming skills in C/C++ and UNIX.
Background in one or more of the following areas desirable:
statistical modeling, pattern recognition, speech processing,
character recognition. Knowledge of LISP, SPlus, and Perl a plus.

The Speech and Language Processing Department of BBN Systems and
Technologies, a subsidiary of Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. (NYSE:BBN),
has been a world leader in computer-based speech and language research
and development for 25 years. The department continues to make
cutting-edge advances in the areas of speech recognition, speaker and
language identification, natural language understanding, interactive
spoken language systems, and data extraction from text.


From: Chris Mellish <>
Subject: Position: Research, Labelling Explorer (NLP), Edinburgh
Reply-To: Chris Mellish <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 10:53:04 GMT


Department of Artificial Intelligence
University of Edinburgh

Three Year Research Associateship

Applications are invited for a three year research post, working with Dr C.
Mellish and Dr. J. Oberlander on a project to develop an Intelligent Labelling
Explorer which generates persuasive natural language descriptions for
electronic catalogues. The project is in collaboration with the National
Museums of Scotland, Interactive Information Ltd and VIS Interactive Media.

The post will primarily involve the implementation of a practical natural
language generation system which embodies ideas from more theoretical
research. The research associate will be located within the Department of
Artificial Intelligence at 80 South Bridge.

Applicants should possess a PhD or equivalent qualification in natural
language processing, preferably with experience with the implementation of
natural language generation systems and with the programming languages LISP or
Prolog. Applicants should be prepared to start as soon as possible on or after
1st October 1995.

The salary will be on the research RA1A scale, starting around 18486 pounds
per annum, depending on the age and experience of the applicant.

Further particulars, including details of the application procedure should be
obtained from the Personnel Office, 1 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh EH8 9TB or
Tel 0131 650 2511 (24 hour answering service). Please quote reference 590352.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 25th August 1995.

[If at all possible, please send your application electronically to Chris
Mellish,, AS WELL AS through the official channels
specified above. Also the 25th August is the absolute closing date -- please
respond earlier than this if you can because a decision has to be made rather
quickly. Chris Mellish will be at IJCAI-95 in Montreal, Canada from 19-25th
August, which may be useful for meeting some applicants]

End of NL-KR Digest

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