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NL-KR Digest Volume 13 No. 43

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NL-KR Digest      Fri Sep 30 21:40:10 PDT 1994      Volume 13 No. 43 

Today's Topics:

CFP: 5th European Workshop on NL Generation, May 95, Leiden
CFP: ICCS'95: Intl. Confl. on Conceptual Structures, Aug 95, Santa Cruz
CFP: BISFAI '95 4th Fnd of AI - NL focus, June 95, Jerusalem
Program: Workshop on Compound Nouns, Dec 94, Geneva

* * *

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Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 10:35:33 +0200
From: (Koenraad De Smedt)
Subject: CFP: 5th European Workshop on NL Generation, May 95, Leiden


5th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation

20-23 May 1995
Leiden, The Netherlands

This workshop aims to bring together researchers interested in Natural
Language Generation from such different perspectives as linguistics,
artificial intelligence, psychology, and engineering. The meeting
continues the tradition of a series of workshops held biannually in
Europe (Royaumont, 1987; Edinburgh, 1989; Judenstein, 1991 and Pisa,
1993) but open to researchers from all over the world.


The Programme Committee consists of: Koenraad de Smedt (Leiden
University; chair), Chris Mellish (University of Edinburgh) and Hajo
Novak (IBM Deutschland).

Papers, posters and demonstrations are invited on original and
substantial work related to the automatic generation of natural
language, including computer linguistics research, artificial
intelligence methods, computer models of human language processing,
empirical research, and the development and evaluation of applied
systems. Contributions on all aspects of natural language generation
are welcome, but a special theme of this workshop will be 'human text
generation'. Researchers studying human professional writing in
relation to automatic generation are especially encouraged to submit.

To encourage a workshop atmosphere while allowing a relatively large
number of people to participate, selected papers will be given large
time slots including ample discussion time; other papers will be
grouped for shorter presentations and mutual interaction, and there
will be sessions for posters and computer demonstrations.


Researchers wishing to present a paper are requested to submit three
copies of an original unpublished article between 4000 and 8000 words
long (inclusive of references). The first page should include the
title, the name(s) and complete address(es) of the author(s), a
short summary, and an exact word count.

Researchers wishing to present a poster are invited to submit three
copies of a reduced version of their poster on 4 normal pages that
together form an A2 size sheet. Use a normal character size. The
poster should include a title, the name(s) and complete address(es) of
the author(s).

Researchers wishing to demonstrate a computer program are invited to
send a three copies of a short description of their program together
with some examples of input and output and hardware requirements.
Please include the name(s) and complete address(es) of the author(s)
in the description.

All contributions should be sent BEFORE 1 JANUARY 1995 to the
Programme Chairman at the following address:

Dr. Koenraad De Smedt
Leiden University
Unit of Experimental and Theoretical Psychology
P.O.Box 9555
NL - 2300 RB Leiden
The Netherlands

E-mail: Tel: +31 71-273407

Local arrangements

Local arrangements are handled by: Koenraad de Smedt and Gerard Kempen
(Leiden University).

The meeting will be held from the afternoon of Saturday May 20, 1995
through noon on Tuesday 23, in Castle Oud-Poelgeest in Leiden. The
estate consists of a hotel, meeting rooms, restaurant, sauna, and a
seventeenth century castle with a bar, situated in a 25 acre park, 5
min. by taxi from the centre of Leiden. The city of Leiden, where
Rembrandt was born, has the oldest university in The Netherlands.
Leiden is 15 min. by train from Amsterdam (Schiphol) airport.

The cost of the workshop to each participant is currently estimated at
about DFL 700 (Dutch guilders) including accommodation and meals, but
the participants' fee may turn out to be lower depending on funding.
The workshop will also be open to a limited number of participants not
contributing a paper, poster or demo. A call for participation
including more information and a registration form will be sent out
later as soon as the programme has been put together.

N.B. The workshop is scheduled immediately before CMC/95 in Eindhoven.


From: (Gerard Ellis)
Subject: CFP: ICCS'95: Intl. Confl. on Conceptual Structures, Aug 95, Santa Cruz
Date: 25 Sep 1994 13:25:33 +1000

Please find below the CFP for ICCS'95. A postscript version can be
Also the ICCS'95 home page on the World Wide Web is

Regards, Gerard

___________________________<cut here>___________________________________

3rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures

August 14-18, 1995
University of California, Santa Cruz


submission postmark deadline December 12, 1994
notification of acceptance February 15, 1995
camera-ready copy April 15, 1995

Conceptual structures are a modern treatment of Charles Sanders
Peirce's Existential Graphs which are a graphic notation for classical
logic with higher order extensions developed in 1896. Peirce viewed
existential graphs as ``his luckiest discovery'' and ``a logic of the
future''. His view was that people should be able to build models in
logic much like modern designers build models of airplanes for
reasoning about real airplanes. Peirce's view was that you could
``see'' contradictions and processes in reasoning within existential

John Sowa showed that conceptual graphs can be mapped to classical
predicate calculus or order sorted logic, and are thus seen as just
another (graphic) notation for logic. However, it is the topological
nature of formulas (topology was a field Peirce helped develop) which
conceptual graphs make clear, and which can be exploited in reasoning
and processing. Conceptual graphs are intuitive because they allow
humans to exploit their powerful pattern matching abilities to a larger
extent than does the classical notation.

Conceptual graphs can be viewed as an attempt to build a unified
modelling language and reasoning tool. Conceptual graphs can model
data, functional and dynamic aspects of systems. They form a unified
diagrammatic tool which can integrate Entity-Relationship diagrams,
Finite State Machines, Petri Nets, and Dataflow diagrams. Conceptual
graphs have a natural mapping to natural language.


Substantive papers are invited on the following topics: application
and experience; case studies; conceptual analysis; natural language
processing; ontologies; implementation; and theory. Argument for or
against the use of conceptual graphs is of particular interest. This
may be done by comparisons with other representations on the basis of
expressiveness, intuitive aspect, ease of use, computational
performance, or reasoning simplicity. Comparisons can also be made by
translating existing case studies, which use well-known
representations, into conceptual graphs.


Papers may not exceed 15 pages, 11 point minimum font size, text width
(4.88 in) 12.2 cm, text height 7.72 in (19.3 cm). Latex users: please
use llncs.sty. Shorter, substantive papers are welcome. Authors are
requested to submit five (5) copies of their paper. Alternatively,
electronic submissions of papers (postscript output) are encouraged.

Authors are further requested to attach title pages to their
submissions bearing their names, addresses, telephone numbers, FAX
numbers and e-mail addresses. In addition, authors are asked to
include abstracts of approximately twenty (20) lines with each paper,
and a list of short phrases descriptive of the content. PAPERS MUST BE

Address: ICCS'95
c/o Gerard Ellis
Computer Science Dept.
RMIT GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, VIC 3001
email: ph:61-3-660-5090 fax:61-3-662-1617


Accepted papers will appear in the conference "Proceedings"
to be published, provisionally, by Springer-Verlag of Berlin.


There will be prizes in the categories: best paper, best student
research proposal, best demonstration. Details of each award will be
announced at a later date.


Program Chair Local Arrangements Chair
Gerard Ellis Robert Levinson
Royal Melbourne Univ of Technology Univ of California, Santa Cruz
Australia USA

Finance Chair Honorary Chair
Bill Rich John Sowa
IBM San Jose, California State University of New York

Program Committee

Hassan Ait-Kaci (Canada) Dickson Lukose (Australia)
Harmen van den Berg (Netherlands) Craig McDonald (Australia)
Gary Berg Cross (USA) Guy Mineau (Canada)
Duane Boning (USA) Jens-Uwe Moeller (Germany)
Boris Carbonneill (France) Bernard Moulin (Canada)
Michel Chein (France) Marie Laure Mugnier (France)
Key Sun Choi (Korea) Jonathan Oh (USA)
Peter Creasy (Australia) Heike Petermann (Germany)
Walling Cyre (USA) James Slagle (USA)
Harry Delugach (USA) Bill Tepfenhart (USA)
Judy Dick (USA) Eileen Way (USA)
Peter Eklund (Australia) Michel Wermelinger (Portugal)
Bruno Emond (Canada) Mark Willems (Netherlands)
Brian Gaines (Canada) Walter Wilson (USA)
Brian Garner (Australia) Vilas Wuwongse (Thailand)
Fritz Lehmann (USA)


The conference will be held at the University of California, Santa Cruz
in a redwood forest in the Santa Cruz mountains. The university and
conference facilities are retreat style with housing available in
family-style apartments residing on the campus. The university is well
serviced by buses to downtown Santa Cruz. The campus, just 10 minutes
from the oceanside, overlooks Monterey Bay, the popular surfing
beaches, and you can watch the eagles soar from the Birds of Prey
sanctuary which forms part of the campus. Santa Cruz is approximately
a 90 minute bus ride from San Francisco airport and about 45 minutes
from San Jose.

This CFP and the latest information regarding ICCS'95 can be found
in the World Wide Web under
Gerard Ellis ph:61-3-660-5090 FAX:61-3-662-1617 Rm:10.9.11 Computer Science Dept, Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, AUSTRALIA


Date: Sun, 25 Sep 1994 10:42:49 +0200
From: Daniel Radzinski <>
Subject: CFP: BISFAI '95 4th Fnd of AI - NL focus, June 95, Jerusalem

* * Call for Papers * *


The Fourth Bar-Ilan Symposium on
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

The Scientific Works of Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (1915-1975)

June 20-22, 1995
Ramat-Gan and Jerusalem, Israel

Organized by
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan
Hebrew University, Jerusalem

in cooperation with

Israel Association for Artificial Intelligence
The Association for Mathematics of Language
Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics

The focus of BISFAI '95 will be on

Natural Languages and Artificial Intelligence
Philosophical and Computational Aspects

The Symposium will, however, retain its broad scope, and welcomes high
quality research papers in various areas of Artificial Intelligence,
including machine learning, automated reasoning, knowledge
representation, neural nets, etc.

Distinguished Invited Speakers (include):

-- Robert Berwick (MIT)
-- Hans Kamp (Stuttgart University)
-- Sergei Nirenburg (NMSU)
-- Naftaly Tishby (Hebrew University)
-- Hans Uszkoreit (Saarlandes University)

Paper Submission: Submit three copies of extended abstract (4-10 pages),
or full paper, by 1st February 1995, to:
Dr. Moshe Koppel, Dept of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 52900, Israel.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by 20th March 1995. A final
version of the accepted papers will be published in a proceedings volume.

Information on registration, accommodations, etc., will appear in future
announcements, or contact:

Symposium Chair

M. Golumbic (Bar-Ilan U.)

Program Co-Chairs

E. Shamir (Hebrew U.)
M. Koppel (Bar-Ilan U.)

Program Committee

E. Shamir (Hebrew U.)
M. Koppel (Bar-Ilan U.)
Y. Choueka (Bar-Ilan U.)
I. Dagan (Bar-Ilan U.)
E. Doron (Hebrew U.)
M. Elhadad (Ben Gurion U.)
N. Francez (Technion)
D. Gabbay (Imperial College)
B. Grosz (Harvard U.)
A. Kasher (Tel-Aviv U.)
S. Kraus (Bar-Ilan U.)
D. Lehmann (Hebrew U.)
L. Manevitz (Haifa U.)
J. Pearl (U.C.L.A.)
D. Radzinski (Tovna Ltd.)
M. Richter (U. Kaiserslautern)
W. Savitch (U.C.S.D.)
O. Stock (IRST, Italy)
S. Ullman (Weizmann Inst.)

Organizing Chair

A. Frank (Bar-Ilan U.)

Organizing Committee

I. Dagan (Bar-Ilan U.)
R. Cohen (Hebrew U.)
M. Fisch (Tel-Aviv U.)

Ariel J. Frank
Deputy Chairperson, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel 52900
Tel: (972-3-) 5318407/8, Fax: (972-3-) 5353325
AMIX (Israeli UNIX user group) former Chairperson
Tel: (972-3-) 715770/2, Fax: (972-3-) 5744374
BITNET: ariel@bimacs (also F68388@barilan)


From: (Dominique Estival)
Subject: Program: Workshop on Compound Nouns, Dec 94, Geneva
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 08:42:40 GMT

Final program for the Workshop on "Compound Nouns: Multilingual Aspects of
Nominal Composition"
, to be held in Geneva on December 2nd and 3rd, 1994.

(please note: a mistake in the dates has been corrected in this announcement)

Workshop on Compound Nouns
Multilingual Aspects of Nominal Composition

Friday, 2nd December 1994

10:00 - 10:30 Pius ten Hacken (Institut fur Informatik, Basel, Switzerland)
"The Role of Pronominal Reference in Compound Detection"

10:30 - 11:00 Elizabeth Liddy, Edmund Yu, Mary McKenna, Ming Li
(Syracuse University, USA)
"Detection, Generation and Expansion of Complex Nominals"

11:00 - 11:30 BREAK

11:30 - 12:00 Patrick Drouin & Jacques Ladouceur (Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada)
"Lidentification automatique des descripteurs complexes
dans des textes de specialite"

12:00 - 12:30 Didier Bourigault & Isabelle Gonzalez (EDF, Paris, France)
"Acquisition automatique de termes complexes en
francais et en anglais: Approche comparative"

12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH

14:00 - 14:30 Silvina Montrul (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
"Headedness and Argumment-Structure in
Spanish Synthetic Compounds"

14:30 - 15:00 Ann-Marie Di Sciullo (Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada)
& Angela Ralli (Universite dAthenes, Greece)
"Argument Structure and Inflection in Compound.
Some differences between English, Italian and Greek"

15:00 - 15:30 Antonietta Bisetto (Universita di Venezia, Italy)
"Italian Compounds of the "Accendigas" Type:
A Case of Endocentric Formations?"

15:30 - 16:00 BREAK

16:00 - 16:30 Marie-Anne Moreaux (Pole Recherche de lInalco, Paris, France)
"Detection, segmentation et interpretation des noms
multi-lexicaux allemands"

16:30 - 17:00 Marta Carulla (Universita Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)
"Relational adjectives in the translation from Germanic
nominal compounds into Romance languages"

17:00 - 18:00 Cecile Fabre & Pascale Sebillot (IRISA, Rennes, France)
"Interpretation semantique des composes nominaux anglais
et francais sans constituant deverbal"


Saturday, 3rd December 1994

10:00 - 10:30 Chris Chambers (UMIST, Manchester, Great-Britain)
"Analysing and Generating English Compound Structures
for Machine Translation"

10:30 - 11:00 Zouhair Maalej (Faculte des Lettres, Manouba, Tunisia)
"English-Arabic Machine Translation of Nominal Compounds"

11:00 - 11:30 BREAK

11:30 - 12:00 Marie-Claude LHomme (Universite de Montreal, Canada)
"Traitement des unites lexicales complexes en
traduction automatique"

12:00 - 12:30 Heinz-Dieter Maas (IAI, Saarbrucken, Germany)
"Analysis and Translation of Compound Nouns in Mpro"

12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH

14:00 - 14:30 Pierre Lerat (Universite Paris 13, France)
"Une echelle de terminologisation des composes nominaux dapres
un corpus juridique trilingue (francais, allemand, italien)"

14:30 - 15:00 Andrew Way (Dublin City University, Ireland)
"Redundant Acronyms"

15:00 - 15:30 Carlo Semenza, Margarete Hittmair-Delazer, & Claudio Luzzatti
(Universita Degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
"Compound Nouns in the Production of German and Italian
Speaking Aphasics"

15:30 - 16:00 BREAK

16:00 - 18:00 ROUND-TABLE

Aspects multilingues de la composition nominale

Workshop on Compound Nouns

2-3 December 1994


Pierrette Bouillon, Dominique Estival (ISSCO, Geneva)

Following the previous meetings concerned with the question of Compound
Nouns (Fontenay 1992, Paris 1993) and in order to continue this series, we
are organizing another two-day workshop on this topic. This year, a special
emphasis will be given to the multilingual aspects of nominal composition.

We hope that such a meeting, gathering both linguists and computational
linguists, will enable us to bridge the gap between theory and practice and
will foster discussions about the respective contributions from linguistics
and computational linguistics to the multilingual treatment of nominal

We propose several sub-themes:

theoretical contrastive approaches to nominal composition

description and analysis tools for compound nouns in multilingual

detection and extraction of compound nouns

statistical studies of compound nouns and their application in NLP

compound nouns in electronic multilingual dictionaries

compound nouns in machine translation

links with studies in terminology

compound nouns and the processing of bilingual corpora (e.g. through
text alignment, or for terminology acquisition)

and any other theme for which the representation and computational
treatment of nominal composition, in particular in its multilingual
aspects, are crucial.

Philippe Barbaud, Universite du Quebec {a} Montreal, Canada
Paul Bennett, UMIST, Great-Britain
Paul Boucher, Universite de Nantes, France
Pierrette Bouillon, ISSCO, Switzerland
Pierre Cadiot, Universite Paris 8, France
Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Anne Condamines, Universite Toulouse, France
Beatrice Daille, TALANA, France
Dominique Estival, ISSCO, Switzerland
Beno{\i}t Habert, ENS Fontenay Saint Cloud, France
Christian Jacquemin, Universite de Nantes, France
Pierre Lerat, Universite Paris 13, France
Fred Popowich, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Angela Ralli, University of Athens, Greece
Sergio Scalise, Universita degli studi di Ferrara, Italy
Pascale Sebillot, IRISA Rennes, France
Alina Villalva, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Stefan Wermter, Universit\"{a}t Hamburg, Germany
Wiecher Zwanenburg, Rijkuniversiteit te Utrecht, Netherlands


The two-day workshop (Friday: 10am-6pm; Saturday 10am-6pm)
will be constituted by 30 minutes presentations, followed by a round
table at the end of the second day.
The final program will be sent out in September.

Registration fee: 300 FF (or 75 FS).
This amount covers a copy of the proceedings, coffee and other drinks during
breaks, and a reception on the first evening.


The workshop will take place at the ``Hotel Le Grenil, in the center of
Geneva, which offers rooms at the following rates:

single FS 75/85 (with or w/out shower)

double FS 90/110 (with or w/out shower)

triple FS 99/120 (with or w/out shower)

quadruple FS 110/130 (with or w/out shower)

dormitory (6 or 8 pers.) FS 20/person.

We can also provide a list of hotels for which participants
should make their own reservations. To make a reservation at the
Grenil, please fill in the registration form and send it back to the
Organization Committee by October 31st.

Compound Nouns: Mulilingual Aspects of Nominal Composition
Geneva, 2-3 December 1994

Registration Form
to be returned by October 31st, 1994.

Name: ......................................................

Affiliation: ......................................................

Address: ......................................................




Euro-Check (made to ``ISSCO, Universite de Gen{e}ve)

Bank transfer (UBS, no. 472.319.00D ``ISSCO, Noms Composes: 144.541)

on site, if pre-registered.

reservation for the Hotel Le Grenil (payment to the hotel):

single FS 75/85 (with or w/out shower)
double FS 90/110 (with or w/out shower)
triple FS 99/120 (with or w/out shower)
quadruple FS 110/130 (with or w/out shower)
dormitory (6 or 8 pers.) FS 20/person.
request for a list of other hotels.

For additional information, contact:

Pierrette Bouillon or Dominique Estival
ISSCO, Universite de Gen{e}ve
54 rte des Acacias, CH-1227 Geneva
tel: +41-22-705-7116, fax: +41-22-300-1086
<>, <>

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