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NL-KR Digest Volume 14 No. 05

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NL KR Digest
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NL-KR Digest      Sun Jan 15 14:09:34 PST 1995      Volume 14 No. 5 

Today's Topics:

CFP: Nume'ro spe'cial du Journal TSI sur syste`mes a` objets
Position: Knowledge Base development at SRI
Announcement: SIGIR-95 System Demonstration Proposals, Jul 95, Seattle
CFP: ACL-95 Comp. Linguistics Student Session, Jun 95, Cambridge
CFP: ICML'95 Mathematical Linguistics, Nov 95, Tarragona
Announcement: Graduate Studies in Comp. Ling. at Georgetown

* * *

Subcriptions: listserv-style administrative requests to
Submissions, policy, questions:
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From: (Amedeo Napoli)
Subject: CFP: Nume'ro spe'cial du Journal TSI sur syste`mes a` objets
Date: 4 Jan 1995 17:05:58 +0100

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Appel a` propositions d'articles

Nume'ro spe'cial de TSI

Syste`mes a` objets : tendances actuelles et e'volution

Responsables : Amedeo Napoli (CRIN CNRS -- INRIA Lorraine, Nancy)
Jean-Franc~ois Perrot (LAFORIA, Paris)

Depuis leur e'mergence dans les anne'es 80, les objets n'ont cesse' de
prendre de l'importance dans le monde informatique, aussi bien en
ge'nie logiciel qu'en repre'sentation de connaissances.
Cette dualite', qui existait de'ja` a` l'origine, se retrouve encore
---les re'cents colloques RPO'92, RPO'93 et LMO'94 l'ont bien
les exigences n'e'tant pas les me^mes selon que sont mises en avant
les perspectives du ge'nie logiciel ou bien celles de l'intelligence
Cependant, les recherches et les de'veloppements lie's aux syste`mes
a` objets (expression prise au sens large :
langages de programmation, syste`mes de repre'sentation, bases de
donne'es) et leurs applications (interfaces) ont e'te' effectue's le
plus souvent en paralle`le et se sont nourris re'ciproquement.
Ainsi, ont e'te' applique'es des techniques de repre'sentation et de
raisonnement dans le cadre du de'veloppement d'ateliers de ge'nie
logiciel et des techniques de programmation dans le cadre de la
conception de syste`mes de repre'sentation de connaissances.

Le nume'ro spe'cial de TSI a pour vocation de montrer les
diverses facettes actuelles des syste`mes a` objets, et de faire le
point sur la position des chercheurs, plus de 20 ans apre`s
l'apparition du premier syste`me Smalltalk et de la publication du
fameux article de Marvin Minsky.
Les the`mes aborde's dans les recherches sur les syste`mes a` objets
sont nombreux et le nume'ro spe'cial TSI se veut e^tre le miroir
de ces diffe'rentes approches.

Les chercheurs sont invite's a` soumettre des articles comptant entre
15 et 20 pages, dont le format est conforme au standard TSI
(voir les consignes aux auteurs donne'es dans le premier nume'ro de
chaque volume de TSI).
Chaque article sera examine' par deux membres du comite' de re'daction
de la revue TSI, et par deux membres du comite' de re'daction de
ce nume'ro spe'cial :
Patrick Albert (ILOG, Gentilly),
Jean Be'zivin (Universite' de Nantes),
Yves Caseau (Bouygues, Paris),
Pierre Cointe (E'cole des Mines, Nantes)
Christophe Dony (LIRM, Montpellier),
Roland Ducournau (LIRM, Montpellier),
Michel Habib (LIRM, Montpellier),
Amedeo Napoli (CRIN -- INRIA, Nancy),
Jean-Franc~ois Perrot (LAFORIA, Paris),
Joe"l Quinqueton (LIRMM -- INRIA, Montpellier),
Franc~ois Rechenmann (INRIA Rho^ne Alpes -- LIFIA/IMAG, Grenoble),
Roger Rousseau (I3S, Universite' de Nice).

Les articles devront e^tre envoye's avant le 31 mars 1995
en 6 exemplaires a` la re'daction de TSI a` l'adresse suivante :

TSI, 156 Boulevard Pe'reire, 75017 Paris
(Te'le'phone (1) 42 27 07 44 --- Te'le'copie (1) 42 67 93 12).

Calendrier ulte'rieur (e'ventuellement sujet a` re'vision)

Notification du comite' de re'daction : a` partir du 15 juin

Re'ception des articles re'vise's : 25 juillet 1995.

Re'ception des articles de'finitifs : 15 octobre 1995.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Amedeo NAPOLI (
BP 239 -- 54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex -- France
Tel : (33) 83 59 20 68 -- Fax : (33) 83 41 30 79


Date: Fri, 6 Jan 95 13:58:34 PST
From: Peter Karp <>
Subject: Position: Knowledge Base development at SRI

The Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International announces a
position in the areas of knowledge base and database integration.
Initial work will involve designing and implementing concurrency-
control mechanisms for frame knowledge representation systems to
provide them with multiuser access capabilities. Future projects are
likely to include work on the interoperation of heterogeneous
knowledge bases and databases. Our group is researching and
developing novel information management tools for the field of
bioinformatics by combining ideas from artificial intelligence and
from database systems.

Prospective candidates should have a background in several of the
following areas: database concurrency control (particularly for long
transactions in object-oriented databases), knowledge representation
systems, interoperation and federation of heterogeneous databases,
artificial intelligence in general, Common Lisp programming, the
Oracle DBMS, scientific databases (particularly molecular-biology

Applicants should send a CV and relevant publications AS SOON AS

Peter D. Karp, PhD
Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International, EJ229
333 Ravenswood Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025 (email preferred)


Date: Sun, 8 Jan 95 23:52:42 PST
From: (Efthimis N. Efthimiadis)
Subject: Announcement: SIGIR-95 System Demonstration Proposals, Jul 95, Seattle

SIGIR '95:
(18th International Conference on R&D in Information Retrieval)


The Sheraton, Seattle, WA, USA,
July 9-13, 1995
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Deadline for proposal submissions: Friday, February 10, 1995
- - - - - - - - - - - -

SIGIR invites proposals for demonstrations of information
retrieval (IR) systems and applications. Demonstrations should
focus on aspects of the system that are novel and important.

Demonstrations provide an opportunity for first-hand, interactive
experience with information retrieval systems. Researchers have
the opportunity to present their new developments and conference
participants have the opportunity to interact directly with
developers of the systems demonstrated.

Demonstrations are_NOT_limited to experimental systems only.
IR researchers participating in the NIST/DARPA sponsored TREC,
MUC, TIPSTER projects and the European Union research initiatives
are encouraged to participate.

Presenters of the systems must be individuals who have been
directly involved with the development of the system, and who are
aware of the differentiating and interesting ideas embodied in
their system. All presenters are expected to register for the

Presenters shall submit a proposal to the Demonstration Chair of
at most three pages describing the planned demonstration.
The proposal shall include:

(a) A description of noteworthy and distinguishing ideas or
approaches the demonstration will illustrate.

(b) A brief explanation of how the demonstration will illustrate
the above, (a), ideas or approaches.

(c) Complete contact information (mailing address, telephone,
fax, and e-mail) and affiliation of the person(s) who will
present the demonstration, including their relationship to
the project (e.g., principal investigator, developer,
project manager, architect).

(d) A 100-word summary for inclusion in a program description.

[(d1) A description of the technical specifications of the
system. (NOTE: For the systems selected for
demonstrations a brief system description will be
requested. This is modeled after the TREC system
specification descriptions. An electronic form will be
available via e-mail, ftp, http.)]

(e) A bibliography, if it exists, of published and unpublished
material that relate to the system, its algorithms and
underlying theories as well as any evaluations that have
been undertaken.

(f) The hardware and software requirements for the demonstration,
including the electrical requirements of the equipment.

(g) The network (Internet) requirements and the system's
dependence to an Internet connection. Will you be able to
provide a demonstration without an Internet connection
available to you?

* * * * * * * * * * * * ***
** NOTE: The summary (d), system description (d1) and
** bibliography (e) will be published in the Proceedings
** The goal of the publication is to disseminate
** information on IR systems research to a wider audience
** and to provide a resource for IR education.
* * * * * * * * * * * * ***

No fax submissions; E-mail submissions preferred and shall be in
LaTeX or plain ascii text.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Deadline for proposal submissions: Friday, February 10, 1995
Acceptance notification: March 10, 1995
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Demonstrations Chair:

Efthimis N. Efthimiadis
Assistant Professor
Department of Library and Information Science
Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
University of California at Los Angeles
241 GSE&IS Building, 152004
405 Hilgard Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520

tel: 310-825-8975; fax: 310-206-4460;


Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 15:58:43 -0500
Subject: CFP: ACL-95 Comp. Linguistics Student Session, Jun 95, Cambridge


Student Sessions
at the
33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


Please note on your calendar the correction in ACL conference dates. The
ACL call for papers that went out earlier incorrectly listed the dates as
June 23rd to June 27th. The correct dates for both the main and student
sessions are June 26th to June 30th.

Massachusets Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusets, USA

PURPOSE: The goal of these sessions is to provide a forum for student
members to present WORK IN PROGRESS and receive feedback from other members
of the computational linguistics community. This year, the sessions will
consist of poster presentations by student authors; students who are not
presenting and senior researchers are invited to attend and participate in
the discussion. Extended abstracts of the accepted papers will be
published in a special section of the conference proceedings. Note that
the student sessions in NO way influence the treatment of student-written
papers submitted to the main conference. Rather, the student sessions will
provide an entirely separate track emphasizing students' work in progress
rather than completed work.

REQUIREMENTS: Papers should describe original, unpublished work in progress
that demonstrates insight, creativity, and promise. Topics of interest are
the same as for the main conference. All authors must have ACL Student
Membership (or be students even though paying the regular member rate
because they earn a regular income) at the time of the conference. For
membership information, see the section on the ACL LISTSERV below. Papers
submitted to the main conference cannot be considered for the student
sessions. Students may, of course, submit DIFFERENT papers to BOTH the
main conference and the student sessions, or papers on different aspects of
a particular problem or project. The most up to date information about the
student session can be found in the file 95student-call.ascii in the ACL
LISTSERV described below.

FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION: Student authors should submit preliminary versions
of their papers, not to exceed 1800 words (exclusive of references). This
supersedes the 3 page limit mentioned in the ACL-95 call for papers, which
no longer applies. Papers outside the specified length and formatting
requirements are subject to rejection without review. Papers should be
headed by a title page containing the paper title, a short (5 line) summary
and a specification of the subject area(s). Since reviewing will be
``blind'', the title page and the paper should omit author names and
addresses. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the authors' identity
(e.g., ``We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...'') should be avoided.
Instead, use references like ``Smith (1991) previously showed ...'' To
identify each paper, a separate identification page should be supplied,
containing the paper's title, the name(s) of the author(s), complete
addresses, the short (5 line) summary, a word count, and the specification
of the subject area(s).

MEDIA OF SUBMISSION: Authors may submit their papers electronically or in
hard copy. Electronic submission is strongly preferred.

Electronic submissions should be either self-contained LaTeX source,
PostScript, or ASCII text (we encourage LaTeX submissions). PostScript
submissions must use a standard font and 8.5"x11" (``letter'') size pages;
please submit the identification page in a separate message and avoid the
default A4 page size if submitting from Europe. LaTeX submissions should
use the the ACL LaTeX submissions style file, aclsub.sty; they should not
refer to any other external files or styles except for the standard styles
for TeX 3.14 and LaTeX 2.09. The bibliography for a LaTeX submission
cannot be submitted as separate .bib file; the actual bibliography entries
must be inserted in the submitted LaTeX source file. The style file
aclsub.sty is retrievable from the ACL LISTSERV server or the ftp site
(access to which is described below) or from Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou at
the address below.

Hard copy submissions should consist of six (6) copies of the paper and one
(1) copy of the identification page. For both kinds of submissions, if at
all possible, a plain text version of the identification page should be
sent separately by email, using the following format:

title: <title>
author: <name of first author>
address: <address of first author>
author: <name of last author>
address: <address of last author>
abstract: <abstract>
word count: <word count>
subject areas: <first area>, ..., <last area>

Papers should be submitted to:

Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou,
Department of Computer Science,
450 CS Building,
Columbia University,
New York, NY 10027, USA;
phone: +1-212-939-7122; fax: +1-212-666-0140

STUDENT SESSIONS INFORMATION: If you have questions about the student
sessions, contact Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou by post, e-mail or phone (cf.

SCHEDULE: Submissions in either format must be received *** by 2 February
1995 ***. Late papers will not be considered. Receipt of submissions will
be acknowledged *** by 5 February 1995 ***. Authors will be notified of
acceptance *** by 20 March 1995 ***. Authors will then have time to revise
their papers, taking the reviews into account. Camera-ready copies of final
papers for inclusion in the proceedings, prepared in a double-column
format, preferably using a laser printer, must be received *** by 1 May
1995 ***, along with a signed copyright release statement.

ACL AND CONFERENCE INFORMATION: For other information on the conference and
on the ACL more generally, contact Kathleen McKeown (ACL), Columbia
University, Department of Computer Science, New York, NY 10027, USA;
+1-212-939-7118 phone; +1-212-666-0140 fax; General
information about the ACL AND electronic membership and order forms are
available from the ACL LISTSERV.

ACL LISTSERV: LISTSERV is a facility to allow access to an electronic
document archive by electronic mail. The ACL LISTSERV has been set up at
Columbia University's Department of Computer Science. Requests from the
archive should be sent as e-mail messages to

with an empty subject field and the message body containing the request
command. The most useful requests are ``help'' for general help on using
LISTSERV, ``index acl-l'' for the current contents of the ACL archive and
``get acl-l <file>'' to get a particular file named <file> from the
archive. For example, to get an ACL membership form, a message with the
following body should be sent:

get acl-l membership-form.txt

To get to required style file for LaTeX submissions:

get acl-l aclsub.sty

Answers to requests are returned by e-mail. Since the server may have many
requests for different archives to process, requests are queued up and may
take a while (say, overnight) to be fulfilled.

The ACL archive can also be accessed by anonymous FTP. Here is an example
of how to get the style file by FTP:

$ ftp
Name ( anonymous
Password: << not echoed
ftp> cd acl-l
ftp> cd Styfiles
ftp> binary
ftp> get aclsub.sty.Z
ftp> quit
$ uncompress aclsub.sty.Z

The membership form is found in the file:

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: The committee is co-chaired by Vasileios
Hatzivassiloglou (Columbia University), Peter Heeman (University of
Rochester), and Johanna Moore (University of Pittsburgh).

An up to date list of the remaining, student and non-student members of the
committee will be made available in the online version of this call for

DON AND BETTY WALKER STUDENT FUND: Students submitting papers to the main
or student sessions of ACL-95 may apply for funds from the Don and Betty
Walker International Student Fund to help defray costs for attending the
meeting. Further information and application materials can be obtained
through the ACL listserv (, anonymous ftp
(, WWW/Mosaic
(, or by writing to

Walker Fund Request
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
P.O. Box 6090
Somerset, NJ 08875

[Revised 14-Dec-94]


Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 10:43:09 +0100
From: (Carlos Martin Vide) (by way of (Carlos Martin Vide))
Subject: CFP: ICML'95 Mathematical Linguistics, Nov 95, Tarragona



Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain)

November 2-4, 1995

Organized by
Rovira i Virgili University at Tarragona
Research Group in Mathematical Linguistics and Language Engineering (GRLMC)

With the financial support of

Direccio General de Recerca (Generalitat de Catalunya)

1st. announcement and call for papers

ICML'95 intends to become an open and broad scope forum for the presentation
and discussion of current high quality research on mathematical models of
natural language.

The first conference (ICML'93) took place in Tarragona on March 30-31, 1993.
A derived volume has been published: C. Martin-Vide (ed.), Current Issues in
Mathematical Linguistics. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994.

Topics will be grouped into five sections:

1. Foundations and methodological considerations.
2. Mathematical models for syntax.
3. Mathematical models for semantics.
4. Applications in natural language processing.
5. Varia (phonology, computational complexity, learning, quantitative
methods, etc.).

The language of the conference is English.

Organizing Committee

Carlos Martin-Vide (Chairman, Tarragona)
Joan Busquets (Austin)
Rosa Maria Hidalgo (Tarragona)
Joan Miquel (Barcelona)
Rudolf Ortega (Tarragona)
Jesus Vidal (Austin)


They can be invited plenary 1-hour lectures and free possibly parallel 30
minutes lectures. The travel and accommodation of invited speakers will be
paid by the Organizing Committee. The distribution into both categories will
take into account the relative value of each paper and the budgetary
resources. Interested people are invited to submit papers:

By surface mail, or
Electronically, as either an unformatted (plain text) ASCII file or as a
LaTeX file.

They should send one copy of a camera-ready 2-columns abstract of not more
than 2 not-numbered pages. Also, they must indicate the section into which
their paper fits. Submissions will be anonymously refereed, and the list of
accepted lectures (invited as well as free) will be included into future
announcements. Authors will be notified of acceptance as soon as possible.


Deadline for the submission of a paper (2-pages abstract): September 30, 1995.

The programme will be sent to all pre-registered participants on October 1995.


The book of abstracts will be available at the beginning of the conference.

The Organizing Committee expects that a volume containing a refereed
selection of submitted papers will be published after the conference.

Registration fees (except for invited speakers)

Until June 30, 1995

General: USA $ 150 (pesetas 19.500)
Students: USA $ 75 (pesetas 9.750)

After July 1, 1995

General: USA $ 200 (pesetas 26.000)
Students: USA $ 100 (pesetas 13.000)

Fees include the free access to all sessions and one copy of the book of
abstracts, and may be paid through a bank transfer to:

Account number: 2100-3233-2200104870 (Congress)
Bank: Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona
Address: Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 521, 08015 Barcelona, Spain

Please, send us a copy of your transfer.

People from Eastern Europe can become free from registration fees and
accommodation (not travel) if justified, in the opinion of the Organizing


Information will be sent to all pre-registered participants in due time.

Information and registration

Carlos Martin-Vide
Apartado de Correos 32.077
08080 Barcelona
Fax: 34-77-55.95.97

Registration form


Postal code:


Please, send this registration form, together with the copy of the transfer,
to the above-mentioned address.


Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 16:19:56 -0500 (EST)
From: Cathy Ball <>
Subject: Announcement: Graduate Studies in Comp. Ling. at Georgetown

Graduate studies in Computational Linguistics at Georgetown University

The Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University offers four
concentrations leading to a MS and PhD in Linguistics: Theoretical
Linguistics,Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics and *Computational
Linguistics*. Applications are invited for Fall 1995 (application deadline:
February 1).

We offer a variety of courses in machine translation, neural networks,
computer-assisted language learning, and natural language processing.
Beginning in 1995-1996, we will also offer a focus on INTELLIGENT INFORMATION
RETRIEVAL, and applicants with an interest in this area are especially
encouraged to apply,as are women, minorities, and students with disabilities.
We anticipate having two or more fellowships open in the Fall for qualified
PhD students (stipend + tuition).

If you would like more information on the program, please write to the
address below, and visit our World Wide Web pages at:

Catherine N. Ball
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington DC 20057

Computational Faculty:
* Catherine Ball (Program Head; natural language processing, corpus
* Catherine Doughty (language acquisition, CALL)
* Donald Loritz (instructional parsing, adaptive resonance theory)
* Bruce Lund (Adjunct, NIST; Prolog, machine translation)
* Susann Luperfoy (Adjunct, MITRE Corp.; machine translation,
discourse processing)
* Solomon Sara, SJ (phonology, Prolog)
* Paul Portner (formal semantics, knowledge representation)
* Mahe Vellauthapillai (Computer Science; AI, C/C++)
* Lisa Zsiga (phonetics, phonology, acoustic phonetics, speech

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