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NL-KR Digest Volume 12 No. 16

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 · 11 months ago

NL-KR Digest      Fri Aug  6 05:44:15 PDT 1993      Volume 12 No. 16 

Today's Topics:

CFP: EWCBR-93 First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning
CFP: Workshop on Intelligent Hypertext (Nov. 5, '93 in DC)

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Subject: CFP: EWCBR-93 First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 93 12:06:51 GMT


E W C B R - 93

First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning

1-5 November 1993

Kaiserslautern (Germany)

Call for Participation


General Information:

Case-Based Reasoning is a topic which becomes more and more important and has
raised considerable interest recently. It supports knowledge acquisition and
problem solving, and it is related to key words like machine learning, analogy,
cognitive modeling, similarity, information retrieval among others.

Although case-based reasoning has a well defined place within AI-related
conferences, we feel that the topic deserves a workshop on its own also in
Europe, as there have been such events in US.

The scientific programme will include 21 presentations of selected papers,
four invited talks, system demonstrations, two poster sessions (with 56 posters)
as well as one panel discussion. An overview on case-based reasoning as well as
the presentation of commercial CBR systems is planned for the first day.

EWCBR-93 is thought of as a kick-off event for CBR in Europe, and with 92
submissions already had a good start. EWCBR-93 will be open for everyone
who wants to attend. But, since the number of participants is restricted,
please, register at our conference office as quick as possible
(via fax or ordinary mail).

Please, find additional information below, especially a form sheet for
registration for EWCBR-93. Send the completed sheet to the conference
office (mail or fax).

Program Committee:

Agnar Aamodt (Trondheim, Norway)
Jaime G. Carbonell (Pittsburgh, U.S.A.)
Thomas Christaller (St. Augustin, Germany)
Boi V. Faltings (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Klaus P. Jantke (Leipzig, Germany)
Mark T. Keane (Dublin, Ireland)
Janet L. Kolodner (Atlanta, U.S.A.)
Michel Manago (Paris, France)
Ramon Lopez de Mantaras (Blanes, Spain)
Bernd Neumann (Hamburg, Germany)
Bruce W. Porter (Austin, U.S.A.)
Frank Puppe (W"urzburg, Germany)
Lorenza Saitta (Torino, Italy)
Derek Sleeman (Aberdeen, UK)
Gerhard Strube (Freiburg, Germany)
Walter Van de Velde (Brussels, Belgium)

Program Chair:

Prof. Dr. Michael M. Richter
University of Kaiserslautern
Department of Computer Science
P.O.Box 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tel.: +49 631 205 3360
Fax: +49 631 205 3357

Invited Talks:

Mark Keane (Ireland): "Analogical Asides on Case-Based Reasoning"
Janet Kolodner (U.S.A.): "Making Computers Creative: A Case-Based Approach"
Katharina Morik (Germany) "A Case for Inductive Learning"
Manuela Veloso (U.S.A.): "Analogical/Case-Based Reasoning in General Problem

Case-Based Reasoning: An Overview

The course will be held by Agnar Aamodt (University of Trondheim, Norway) and
Enric Plaza (CEAB-CSIC, Spain).

Preprints and Proceedings:

Accepted extended abstracts will be distributed as preprints at the workshop.
Authors of accepted extended abstracts are invited to submit a long paper
based on this. Accepted long papers are published within a book which will be
made available after the workshop.

Software demonstrations:

CBR-Systems will be demonstrated as part of the workshop presentations. Addionally,
there will be possibilitys to demonstrate commercial software or research prototyps
related to case-based reasoning. For further information, please, contact the
organizing committee.

Preliminary Program for EWCBR-93

Sunday, Oct. 31st
... Arrival

18.00h Dinner

19.30h Registration
Software Installation

20.00h Welcome Party

Monday, Nov. 1st
9.00h Agnar Aamodt (University of Trondheim, Norway)
Introduction and Overview on CBR (part 1)

10.30h Coffee Break

11.00h Agnar Aamodt (University of Trondheim, Norway)
Introduction and Overview on CBR (part 2)

12.30h Lunch

14.00h Enric Plaza (CEAB-CSIC, Spain)
Introduction and Overview on CBR (part 3)

15.30h Coffee Break

16.00h Presentation of Commercial CBR Tools

17.30h Break

18.00h Dinner

19.30 Demonstration of Commercial CBR Systems

21.00h Come Together Party

Tuesday, Nov. 2nd
9.00h Janet L. Kolodner (Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A.)
Making Computers Creative: A Case-Based Approach (Invited talk)

10.30h Coffee Break

11.00h Session 1 (3 presentations)

12.30h Lunch

14.00h Session 2 (3 presentations)

15.30h Coffee Break

16.00h Poster Presentation (part 1)

17.30h Break

18.00h Dinner

19.30 Demonstration of Participant CBR Systems

Wednesday, Nov. 3rd

9.00h Katharina Morik (University of Dortmund, Germany)
A Case for Inductive Learning (Invited Talk)

10.30h Coffee Break

11.00h Session 3 (3 presentations)

12.30h Lunch

14.00h Session 4 (3 presentations)

15.30h Coffee Break

16.00h Poster Presentation (part 2)

17.30h Break

18.00h Dinner

19.30 Working Groups / Program Committee Meeting

Thursday, Nov. 4th

9.00h Mark T. Keane (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Analogical Asides on Case-Based Reasoning (Invited Talk)

10.30h Coffee Break

11.00h Session 5 (3 presentations)

12.30h Lunch

14.00h Session 6 (3 presentations)

15.30h Coffee Break

16.00h Session 6 (3 presentations)

17.30h Coffee Break

18.00h Panel Discussion

20.00h Workshop Buffet & Social Event

Friday, Nov. 5th

9.00h Manuela Veloso (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.)
Analogical/Case-Based Reasoning in General Problem Solving (Invited Talk)

10.30h Coffee Break

11.00h Discussion: Case-based Reasoning in Europe

12.00h Lunch

... Departure

List of Presentations at EWCBR-93

Agnar Aamodt, Norway, Explanation-Driven Retrieval, Reuse and Learning of Cases

Dean Allemang, Switzerland, Case-Based Reasoning and Task-Specific Architectures

Kevin D. Ashley, Vincent Aleven, USA, Using Logic to Reason with Cases

Ralph Bergmann, Gerd Pews, Germany, Explanation-based Similarity for Case
Retrieval and Adaptation and it's Application to Diagnosis and
Planning Tasks

Carol Bradburn, John Zeleznikow, Australia, The Application of Case Based
Reasoning to the Tasks of Health Care Planning

Mike Brown, UK, An Under-Lying Memory Model to Support Case Retrieval

Kefeng Hua, Ian Smith, Boi Faltings, Switzerland, Integrated Case-Based Building

Bipin Indurkhya, Scott O`Hara, USA, Incorporating (Re)-Interpretation in
Case-Based Reasoning

Gerd Kamp, Germany, Integrating Cased Based Reasoning and Technical Documentation
for Service Support Systems

David Macchion, Dinh Phuoc Vo, France, A hybrid KBS for technical diagnosis
learning and assistance

Michel Manago, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Noel Conruyt, Frank Maurer, Ralph Traphoener,
Stefan Wess, France, Induction and Reasoning from Cases

Petri Myllymaeki, Henry Tirri, Finland, Massively Parallel Case-Based Reasoning
with Probabilistic Similartiy Metrics

Kumiyo Nakakoji, USA, Case-Deliverer: Making Cases Relevant to the Task at Hand

Yoshio Nakatani, David Israel, Japan, Tuning Rules by Cases

Amedeo Napoli, Jean Lieber, France, Strategies in Organic Synthesis Planning
with Case-based Reasoning

Enric Plaza, Josep-Lluis Arcos, Spain, A Reflective Architecture for Integrated
Learning and Reasoning

Luigi Portinale, Pietro Torasso, Carlo Ortalda, Antonio Giardino, Italy, Using
Case-Based Reasoning to Focus Model-Based Diagnostic Problem Solving

Uri J. Schild, Yaakov Kerner, Israel, Multiple Explanation Patterns

Barry Smyth, Mark T. Keane, Ireland, Retrieving Adaptable Cases: The Role of
Adaptation Knowledge in Case Retrieval

Kuniaki Uehara, Masayuki Tanizawa, Sadao Maekawa, Japan, PBL: Prototype-Based
Learning Algorithm

Organized in Cooperation with:

The EWCBR-93 is organized by
the expert system section of the German society for Computer Science (GI),
the special interest group on case-based reasoning (AK-CBR),

in cooperation with
the European Coordinating Committee for AI (ECCAI),
the German Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM),
the Computer Science Department of the University of Kaiserslautern,
the German Special Research Investigation on Artificial Intelligence and
Knowledge-Based Systems (SFB 314), and
the German Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Organizing Committee:

Klaus-Dieter Alhoff, Frank Maurer, Stefan Wess
University of Kaiserslautern
Department of Computer Science
P.O.Box 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tel.: +49 631 205 3360 (3363,3356,3362)
Fax: +49 631 205 3357

Conference Fees:

before Sep. 15th | after Sep. 15th

Members of GI /AFCET/ 300 DM 400 DM

University staff 300 DM 400 DM

Non-Members 400 DM 500 DM

Students 100 DM 150 DM


EWCBR-93 will take place in the European Academy Otzenhausen.
Known at the time as the "Europe House Otzenhausen", the European Academy was
founded by the European Union in May 1954 as a meeting place for promoting
Franco-German reconciliation, especially among young people. With the signing
of the Treaty of Rome and the birth of the European Community it was decided to
develop the Europe House Otzenhausen for European Youth and adult education
and as an information center. In 1969, with the subsequent increase in the
volume of work, staff, and premises the Europe House Otzenhausen became the
first education center to be called a European Academy. It is not aligned with
any political party or religious denomination. The Academy is situated in woods
on the edge of the village of Otzenhausen between Trier and Kaiserslautern
(south-west of Germany).

Accommodation per person (including all meals from Sunday evening until Friday
Lunch) costs 500 DM in double rooms. For single rooms the costs increase to
650 DM.


The regristration form with respect to payment, traveling, and further accommodation
aspects ist available from our conference office:

Christine Harms
c/o GMD
Postfach 1316
D-53757 Sankt Augustin

Tel: +49 2241 14-2473
Fax: +49 2241 14-2472 /-2618

Please, cut here

--- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< ---

R e g i s t r a t i o n E W C B R - 9 3

Frau Christine Harms
c/o GMD - EWCBR-93
Postfach 1316

D-53757 Sankt Augustin


Last name: _______________________________________________________________

First name: ______________________________________________________________

Institution: ______________________________________________________________


ZIP-Code, City: ___________________________________________________________

Country: __________________________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________

Tel: ______________________________________________________________________

Fax: ______________________________________________________________________

Signment: _________________________________________________________________

before Sep. 15th | after Sep. 15th

Members of GI /AFCET/ 300 DM 400 DM [ ]

University staff 300 DM 400 DM [ ]

Non-Members 400 DM 500 DM [ ]

Students 100 DM 150 DM [ ]

Member of _______________________ # __________________

Double room (500 DM) ____ Share with: _______________________________

Single room (650 DM) ____


Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1993 23:04:53 -0400
From: (Louiqa Raschid)
Subject: CFP: Workshop on Intelligent Hypertext (Nov. 5, '93 in DC)



November 5, 1993---Washington, D.C.

Sponsored by ACM and ISCA

In Conjunction with CIKM-93 - the ACM Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management (November 1--5, 1993)

The CIKM '93 Workshop on Intelligent Hypertext
will explore the application of natural lan-
guage processing, knowledge bases, intelligent
agents, and other AI techniques to hypertext
systems. We are particularly interested in
reports of work in progress, and practical
experience with large hypertext documents.

Organizing Committee Participants are encouraged to submit position
papers not to exceed four pages in length.
Richard Furuta The papers will be reviewed by the
Texas A&M University organizing committee, and some will be
Robert Futrelle selected for informal presentation at the
Northeastern University workshop. Selected papers will appear in a
James Mayfield workshop proceedings. Mail papers in either
University of Maryland PostScript or ASCII to SMART-HT@CS.UMBC.EDU by
Baltimore County September 20, 1993. We prefer e-mail submis-
Charles Nicholas sions, but authors who lack e-mail access may
University of Maryland send papers to Dr. James Mayfield, Computer
Baltimore County Science Department, University of Maryland
Roy Rada Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228-5398
University of Liverpool USA.

Submissions should include the title, au-
thor(s), author's affiliation, e-mail address,
fax number and postal address. In case of
multiple authors, please indicate which author
is responsible for correspondence.


Position paper submission deadline: September 20, 1993
Notification of acceptance: October 7, 1993
Workshop date: November 5, 1993

* FOR MORE INFORMATION: For an automatic reply with all CIKM-93 *
* information (including advance program and registration material), *
* send email to CIKM-INFO@CS.UMBC.EDU. It is also available via gopher *
* at or via ftp from For *
* general inquiries, contact: CIKM-93, Computer Science Department, *
* University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228, Email: *
* CIKM@CS.UMBC.EDU, phone: 410-455-3000, fax: 410-455-3969. *

End of NL-KR Digest

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