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NL-KR Digest Volume 12 No. 14

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NL KR Digest
 · 11 months ago

NL-KR Digest      Wed Aug  4 02:16:51 PDT 1993      Volume 12 No. 14 

Today's Topics:

Query: Text -> Conceptual Model in Requirements Analysis
Announcement: Information and Knowledge Management Conf. (CIKM-93)
Query: Centre for Lexical Information
Query: Multi Lingual Text Generation
CFP: Proof Theory, Provability Logic, and Computation (latex)
Announcement: Computational Linguistics Grad Study at Georgetown
CFP: 10th IEEE Conf. on AI for Applications (8/31 deadline)
CFP: Uncertainty in AI
Announcement: 1994 Description Logic Workshop

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Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1993 10:58:40 +0200
From: (Hubert F. Hofmann)
Subject: Query: Text -> Conceptual Model in Requirements Analysis

Requirements analysis involves the examination of - usually informal -
texts. I am interested in how the project team uses these texts to build a
conceptual model. Can someone give me pointers to the literature? Can
someone report his or her experience with that aspect of requirements

You can directly reply to me. I will post a summary to the net.

Best regards,

Hubert Hofmann


Hubert F. Hofmann
Institute for Informatics E-Mail :
University of Zurich Telephone : +41-1-257-4580 (4311)
CH-8057 Zurich FAX : +41-1-363-0035


Date: 29 Jul 1993 23:42:39 -0400
From: (Timothy Finin)
Subject: Announcement: Information and Knowledge Management Conf. (CIKM-93)


Second International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management

November 1 - 5, 1993
Double Tree Hotel, Washington, DC, USA

Sponsored by ACM (SIGART and SIGIR) and ISCA
in cooperation with AAAI

CIKM-93 will provide an international forum for the presentation and
discussion of research on the management of information and knowledge. The
scope of the conference will cover the integration of database technology,
knowledge representation and reasoning, information retrieval, and techniques
for locating and accessing relevant data and knowledge in very large,
distributed information systems.

CIKM-93 will include tutorials, invited talks, panel sessions, submitted
papers and poster presentations. A partial list of invited speakers includes
Mike Stonebraker (UC-Berkeley), Stefan Spaccapietra (EPFL, Switzerland),
Gunter Schelagetev (Fern U., Germany), Don Tiedemann (AT&T), Arie Segev
(UC-Berkeley), Mike Papazouglou (Queens U., Australia), Rafael Alonso (MITL),
Nico Haberman (NSF), Nick Derchak (UNISYS), Neil Coulbourn (Waterloo), Robert
F. Cramp and William J. Campbell (NASA/GSFC), Hans R. Hansen (Vienna U.), Jack
Minker (Maryland), John Mitchell (DISA), Christine Parent (U. of For).

For an automatic reply with more information (including advance program and
registration & hotel info), send email to CIKM-INFO@CS.UMBC.EDU or gopher to
GOPHER.CS.UMBC.EDU. For general inquiries, contact: CIKM-93, Computer Science
Department, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland
21228-5398, Email:, Phone: 410-455-3000, Fax: 410-455-3969


Date: 20 Jul 93 10:25:56 -0400
Subject: Query: Centre for Lexical Information


I am looking for the address (e-mail or snail) or phone
number for the Centre for Lexical Information in the Netherlands.
They have developed an electronic dictionary known as (I think)
CELEX. I would very much appreciate any information on how to
contact them.

Thank you.

Bob Cunningham


Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 13:21:26 GMT
From: (Ted Pedersen)
Subject: Query: Multi Lingual Text Generation

I am interested in finding out about research going on in
multi-lingual text generation. Multi-lingual seems to be the catch. I
am able to find quite a few references dealing with text generation
but very few that address the issues of multi-lingual text generation
in particular.

The work that I have discovered comes up mainly in the context of
Machine Translation. This is good stuff, however, I'm especially
interested if there are folks working on multi-lingual text generation
outside the realm of Machine Translation.

Any hints appreciated.


* Ted Pedersen *
* Department of Computer Science and Engineering, *
* Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275 (214) 768-2126 *


Date: Sat, 24 Jul 93 12:39:37 +0200
From: (PPC '94)
Subject: CFP: Proof Theory, Provability Logic, and Computation (latex)

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{\Huge {\boldmath $P^2 C$}{\it\bf '94}}\\[3ex]
{\LARGE\bf International Conference on Proof Theory,}\\[0.7ex]
{\LARGE\bf Provability Logic, and Computation}\\[3.0ex]
{\large March 20--24, 1994}\\
{\large University of Berne, Switzerland}\\[3ex]

The central aim of this meeting is to provide a platform for the
presentation of recent results in the areas of Proof Theory,
Provability Logic, and Computation where these are interrelated.
More specifically, the main emphasis will be on the following:
\item Applications of Proof Theory to Theoretical Computer Science.
\item New developments in Provability Logic related to Computer Science.
\item New challenges from Computer Science for Proof Theory and
Provability Logic.

The conference is intended for logicians and computer scientists
interested in the interaction of proof theory
and theoretical computer science.
The scientific program will consist of invited lectures and
short contributions, which will be selected
from the submitted papers.
All contributions will be refereed for a special issue of the journal
{\em Annals of Pure and Applied Logic} devoted to the conference,
where selected papers will be published.

An extended abstract (2 pages) of papers to be submitted
should be sent to the address below
not later than January 5, 1994.
The authors will be notified of acceptance for presentation
to the workshop by February 5.
The complete paper to be submitted for publication
should not exceed 15 pages and must be available before April 30, 1994.
The conference fee is SFr 200.-- .

\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hskip 1em}l@{\hskip 3em}l@{\hskip 1em}l}
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bf Invited Speakers:} \\[0.7ex]
L.\ Beklemishev & (Steklov Institute, Moscow) &
D.\ de Jongh & (University of Amsterdam) \\
W.\ Buchholz & (University of Munich) &
F.\ Montagna & (University of Siena) \\
S.\ Buss & (U.C.S.D., San Diego CA) &
R.F.\ St\"ark & (CIS Munich) \\
R.\ Constable & (Cornell University) &
A.S.\ Troelstra & (University of Amsterdam) \\
P.\ H\'ajek & (University of Prague)

\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hskip 1em}l@{\hskip 3em}l@{\hskip 1em}l}
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bf Program Committee:} \\[0.7ex]
S.\ Art\"
emov & (Steklov Institute, Moscow) \hspace*{5.8mm} &
S.\ Feferman & (Stanford University) \\
G.\ Boolos & (M.I.T., Cambridge MA) &
G.\ J\"ager & (University of Berne) \\
E.\ Engeler & (ETH Z\"
urich) &
A.\ Visser & (University of Utrecht)

Correspondence should be sent to:\\[0.7ex]
PPC '94 &\\
Institut f\"ur Informatik und \hspace*{22.8mm}\\
angewandte Mathematik\\
at Bern\\
L\"anggassstrasse 51 & Fax: & +41 31 65 39 65\\
CH--3012 Bern & E-mail: &


Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 17:33:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Cathy Ball <>
Subject: Announcement: Computational Linguistics Grad Study at Georgetown

Graduate studies in computational linguistics at Georgetown University

The Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University offers four
concentrations leading to a MS and PhD in Linguistics, including the
concentration in computational linguistics. Although the deadline for
fellowships has passed (Feb. 1), applications for the Fall semester are being
accepted until the second week in August, and applications for Spring 1994 are
due by October 15. Applicants should have some background in linguistics or
computer science. In addition to the Applied, Socio-, and Theoretical offerings
in Linguistics, we offer a variety of courses in machine translation, neural
networks, computer-assisted language learning, and natural language processing.
If you would like more information on the program, please write to:

Catherine N. Ball
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington DC 20057

Computational Faculty:
Catherine Ball (natural language interfaces, electronic text, discourse
Catherine Doughty (language acquisition, CALL)
Donald Loritz (instructional parsing, adaptive resonance theory)
Bruce Lund (Adjunct, NIST; Prolog, machine translation)
Susann Luperfoy (Adjunct, MITRE Corp.; machine translation, discourse
Solomon Sara, SJ (phonology, Prolog)
Paul Portner (formal semantics, knowledge representation)


Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 16:11:59 -0400
From: Timothy Finin <>
Subject: CFP: 10th IEEE Conf. on AI for Applications (8/31 deadline)

The 10th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications
(CAIA-94) will be held at Marriott Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas on March
1-4, 1994. CAIA is devoted to advancing the application of AI techniques to
real world problems. This year's conference will emphasize both the
development of enabling AI technology and the issues involved in its
integration into products and processes. We are also seeking innovative ideas
for new application areas and new research and technology transfer paradigms.

August 31, is the deadline for submission of papers and proposals for panels,
tutorials and workshops. For general information on CAIA-94, including the
full Call for Papers, send email to CAIA@CS.UMBC.EDU or try the Gopher server
on GOPHER.CS.UMBC.EDU. For registration and additional conference
information, contact: CAIA-94, IEEE Computer Society, 1730 Mass. Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC, 20036-1903. Phone: 202-371-1013, Fax: 202-728-0884.


To: (confirm)
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1993 17:03:30 UTC
From: Ramon Lopez de Mantaras <>
Subject: CFP: Uncertainty in AI




{\LARGE{\bf Tenth Annual Conference on}}\\*[\medskipamount]
{\Huge{\bf Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence}}\\*[\medskipamount]
{\Large July 29-31, 1994, Seattle, Washington}\\*[\smallskipamount]

Reasoning under uncertainty is pervasive in all areas of Artificial
Intelligence. The Uncertainty in AI conference is the major forum for
advances in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty.
We are seeking contributions both from researchers interested in
advancing the technology and from practitioners who are using
uncertainty techniques in applications.

The tenth annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
will be devoted to methods for reasoning under uncertainty as applied
to problems in artificial intelligence. The conference's scope covers
the full range of approaches to automated and interactive reasoning
and decision making under uncertainty, including both qualitative and
numeric methods.

We seek papers on fundamental theoretical issues, on representational
issues, on computational techniques and on applications of uncertain
reasoning, using traditional and alternative paradigms of uncertain
reasoning. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):


{\bf Methods and Techniques}

foundations of uncertainty concepts,
representation languages for uncertain knowledge,
knowledge acquisition,
construction of uncertainty models from data,
uncertainty in machine learning,
automated planning and acting,
uncertainty in ill-defined environments,
decision making under uncertainty,
algorithms for uncertain inference,
empirical studies of reasoning strategies,
pooling of uncertain evidence,
belief updating and inconsistency handling,
summarization of uncertain information, and
control of reasoning and real-time architectures.

{\bf %real-world

Questions of particular interest include:\\
Why was it necessary to represent uncertainty in your domain?
What kind of uncertainties does your application address?
Why did you decide to use your particular uncertainty formalism?
What theoretical problems, if any, did you encounter?
What practical problems did you encounter?
Did users of your system find the results or recommendations useful?
Did your system lead to improvements in reasoning
or decision making?
What methods were used to validate the effectiveness of the systems?
What did you learn about what was or was not effective in your domain?

Papers will be refereed for originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. Application papers will be
judged according to criteria appropriate for application papers, such
as those related to the questions above. Papers may be accepted for
presentation in plenary or poster sessions. Some key applications
oriented work may be presented both in a plenary session and in a
poster session where more technical details can be discussed. All
accepted papers will be included in the published proceedings.
Outstanding student papers may be selected for special distinction.

{\bf Submission of Papers}

Five copies of complete papers (hardcopy only) should be sent to one
of the Program Co-Chairs by {\bf February 1, 1994}. The first page
should include a descriptive title, the names, addresses (regular mail
and email), and student status of all authors, a brief abstract, and
salient keywords or other topic indicators. To aid in finding
appropriate reviewers, the title, abstract and keywords should be
e-mailed to {\sf}. Acceptance notices will be sent by
March 31, 1994. Final camera-ready papers, incorporating reviewers'
suggestions, will be due approximately four weeks later. There will
be an eight-page limit on proceedings papers, with one extra page
available for a fee.

{\bf Program Co-Chairs (paper submissions):}

Ramon L\'opez de M\'antaras\\
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, CSIC\\
%Cami de Santa Barbara\\
17300 Blanes, Spain\\
Tel: +34-72-336101,
Fax: +34-72-337806\\

David Poole,\\
Department of Computer Science,\\
2366 Main Mall, Room 201,\\
University of British Columbia,\\
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4\\
Tel: +1 (604) 822-6254,
Fax: +1 (604) 822-5485\\

{\bf General Chair (conference inquiries):}

David Heckerman\\
One Microsoft Way\\
Building 9S/1024\\
Redmond, WA 98052-6399\\
Tel: (206) 936-2662, Fax: (206) 644-1899\\


----------------------------- End of body part 2


Date: Wed, 28 Jul 93 10:37 EDT
From: (Peter F. Patel-Schneider)
Subject: Announcement: 1994 Description Logic Workshop

Announcement of the
1994 International Workshop on Description Logics

At the 1993 AAAI Fall Symposium on Description Logics it was decided to
have a workshop on description logics adjacent to KR-94. The workshop will
be held at the Gustav Stresemann Institut in Bonn, Germany on 28 and 29 May
1994. This is immediately after KR-94, and at the same site. Costs for
attending the workshop including room and board at the institute will be
approximately 320DM. The workshop will be limited to approximately 40

If you are interested in attending the workshop please send a message to
the organizers stating your name, postal address, electronic mail address,
phone number, and fax number, in the format demonstrated below. Please do
this as soon as possible (by 15 September at the latest) so we can make any
necessary modifications to the local arrangements.

Interested parties should prepare a short position paper on the subjects
they would like to discuss at the workshop. (No more than 5 LaTeX
article-style pages.) Subjects to be addressed could include the

Applications of Description Logics, concentrating on what aspects of
description logics make them useful in the application;

Foundations of Description Logics, including complexity and decidability
results, semantics, and integration with other formalisms (such as
constraint logic programming);

Knowledge Representation Systems based on Description Logics, concentrating
on empirical results, novel algorithms, and implementation techniques;

Extensions to Description Logics, including, but not limited to, defaults,
queries, temporal reasoning, and constraints;

Uses of Description Logics in other areas, such as using them as query or
data definition languages in databases.

We are also planning on having some discussion of the ARPA Knowledge
Representation System Specification effort.

Please prepare a version of your position paper (preferably as a
self-contained LaTeX 12-point article style file) and send it to us
(preferably by electronic mail) to arrive by 11 February 1994. The
position paper should include references to your past work in the field.
We will determine participation in the workshop on or before 4 March 1994,
based on these preliminary position papers and past work. Revised versions
of position paper should be sent to the organizers by 1 April 1994, and
will be distributed to participants (probably electronically). A technical
report consisting of these revised versions will be produced after the
workshop, and made available to others in the field.

Franz Baader
Maurizio Lenzerini
Werner Nutt
Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Contact Information:

Name: Franz Baader
Address: Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Theoretische Informatik
RWTH Aachen
Ahornstrasse 55
D-52047 Aachen

Name: Maurizio Lenzerini
Address: Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistermistica
Universita di Roma, "
La Sapienza"
via Salaria 113,
I-00198 Rome

Name: Werner Nutt
Address: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken 11
Fax: +49 681 302-5341

Name: Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Address: AT&T Bell Labs
PO Box 636
600 Mountain Avenue, 2C-405
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
Phone: +1 908 582-3399
Fax: +1 908 582-7550

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