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NL-KR Digest Volume 12 No. 23

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NL KR Digest
 · 1 year ago

NL-KR Digest      Sat Oct  2 09:07:40 PDT 1993      Volume 12 No. 23 

Today's Topics:

Announcement: SNePS-2.1 released under GNU GPL
Announcement: Proceedings of IJCAI Workshop on OBRS
CFP: Int'l Conference on New Methods in Language Processing

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will not be promptly satisfied. Starting with V9, there is a subject index
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Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 20:23:27 EDT
From: hans@cs.Buffalo.EDU (Hans Chalupsky)
Subject: Announcement: SNePS-2.1 released under GNU GPL

The new release of SNePS-2.1 (Rev. 1.400) is now publicly available
under the terms of the GNU General Public License (previously it was
only available for a small licensing fee). You can retrieve it via
anonymous FTP from `' ( in file
`/pub/sneps/rel-1-400.tar.Z' (detailed instructions below).

------------- from the README file --------------
SNePS is the Semantic Network Processing System. Its first version was
designed by Stuart C. Shapiro in the early seventies, and it has been
developed since by Shapiro et al. (see the `' file in the
distribution for a list of SNePS related publications). SNePS is the
implementation of a fully intensional theory of propositional knowledge
representation and reasoning.

Here is a short summary of the major features and components of the current
version of SNePS (aka SNePS-2.1):

+ A module for creating and accessing propositional semantic networks
+ Path-based inference
+ Node-based inference based on SWM (a relevance logic with quantification)
that uses natural deduction and can deal with recursive rules
+ forward, backward and bi-directional inference
+ Nonstandard logical connectives and quantifiers
+ An assumption based TMS for belief revision
+ A morphological analyzer and a generalized ATN (GATN) parser for parsing
and generating natural language
+ SNePSLOG, a predicate-logic-style interface to SNePS
+ XGinseng, an X-based graphics interface for displaying, creating and
editing SNePS networks
+ SNACTor, a preliminary version of the SNePS Acting component
+ SNIP 2.2, a new implementation of the SNePS Inference Package that uses
rule shadowing and knowledge migration to speed up inference.

SNIP 2.2 is one of the results of Joongmin Choi's dissertation [1]. As of now
it is not fully merged with the main SNePS release, but it should be merged
soon to become the primary inference engine for SNePS.

Another upcoming development is the implementation of SNeRE (the SNePS
Rational Engine) which is one of the main results of Deepak Kumar's
dissertation about the integration of inference and acting [2]. It will
replace the current implementation of SNACTor.

Since June 1993 SNePS is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

If you use SNePS please send a short message to `' and
`' indicating that. Please also let us know whether you
want to be put on the SNUG (SNePS Users Group) mailing list. Notices about new
releases and other SNePS related information will be communicated on that

COMMON-LISP: SNePS without the optional graphics stuff is written entirely in
Common-Lisp (as defined in Guy Steele's CLtL-I), hence, every proper
implementation of CLtL-I should be sufficient to run SNePS - in theory.
In practice, SNePS runs successfully in the following Common-Lisp
implementations (these Lisps are actually available to me for testing of the
current SNePS release):

+ Allegro CL 4.1 (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3)
+ Sun/Lucid CL 4.0 (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3)
+ TI Common-Lisp (on TI-Explorers I/II, Rel.6.1)
+ CLISP May-93 (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3)
+ CMU Common-Lisp 17b (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3)

Previous versions of SNePS ran successfully (or were reported to run) in the
following Common-Lisp implementations, hence, there is a significant chance
that the current version will run too (or will require only minor
modifications to make it run):

+ Symbolics CL (on a 3620, Genera 7.2 or 8.0)
+ AKCL 1.600 and higher
+ VAX Common-Lisp
+ Allegro CL running on a Macintosh

Look at part 4 of the Lisp FAQ available via anonymous ftp from
`' in directory `/pub/usenet/news.answers/lisp-faq' to find
out from where you can obtain free Common-Lisp implementations such as CLISP,
CMU Common-Lisp or AKCL.

OPERATING SYSTEM: Apart from the Lisp machines, all hardware platforms
available to me run some flavor of Unix, but there is no requirement to that
extent - again, in theory. SNePS uses an implementation of logical pathnames
(see below) that hides the underlying operating system pretty well (so far it
only supports Unix, VMS, Symbolics and Explorers, but extensions for DOS
(attractive with the advent of CLISP) or even Macs shouldn't be too hard to
write). The only requirement is the availability of a hierarchical file
system (lenience with regard to filename length will also help).

DISK SPACE: You will need about 10 Megabytes of disk space to install SNePS.
Once you have completed the installation you might be able to trim this to
about 5 Meg by compressing/deleting Lisp source files and/or documentation.
Here's a rough breakdown on what takes up how much space:

+ Complete distribution: 5.8 Meg
+ Documentation: 2.2 Meg (included in the distribution)
+ Compiled files: 3.5 Meg (for Allegro-CL 4.1)

GRAPHICS: An optional X-based graphics interface called XGinseng is now
available. XGinseng was written by Martin Zaidel and extended by John Lewocz.
It is built on top of the Garnet Toolkit developed at CMU. Garnet is now in
the public domain and can be retrieved via anonymous ftp. For instructions on
how to get Garnet read the file `GARNET' in the `Doc' directory. The current
version of XGinseng is only tested with Garnet 2.1. It should also work with
the new Garnet 2.2 - in theory.

To retrieve SNePS via anonymous FTP connect to `'
(, login as user `anonymous' and supply your e-mail address as a
password. Then cd to the directory `/pub/sneps', change the transmission mode
to binary and retrieve the file `rel-x-yyy.tar.Z' (fill in the correct `x-yyy'
according to the directory listing). The `README' file and the bibliography
and manual files are all part of the distribution, they are just there
separately so you can get a hold of them without unpacking the complete
distribution. See the following script for more details (done on a UNIX host):

> ftp
Connected to
220 talos.cs.Buffalo.EDU FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready.
Name ( anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd /pub/sneps
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,1543) (0 bytes).
total 3726
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 17982 Sep 16 23:19 COPYING
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 8714 Sep 16 23:19 GARNET
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 777 Sep 16 23:47 INFO
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 16791 Sep 16 23:19 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 21771 Sep 16 23:40 bibliography.bib.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 48360 Sep 16 23:40
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 11 512 Jun 18 1991 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 11 512 Jun 18 1991 etc
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 908 Sep 16 23:52 genbib.tex.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 237381 Sep 16 23:39
-rw-r----- 1 612 310 1732906 Jan 19 1993 rel-1-308.tar.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 612 3012 1693670 Sep 17 00:25 rel-1-400.tar.Z
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
801 bytes received in 0.082 seconds (9.5 Kbytes/s)
ftp> get README
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for README (,1544) (16791 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
local: README remote: README
17134 bytes received in 0.081 seconds (2.1e+02 Kbytes/s)
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> get rel-1-400.tar.Z
200 PORT command successful.
150 Binary data connection for rel-1-400.tar.Z (,1545) (1693670 bytes).
226 Binary Transfer complete.
local: rel-1-400.tar.Z remote: rel-1-400.tar.Z
1693670 bytes received in 3.5 seconds (4.7e+02 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

Sorry, you can only retrieve SNePS via FTP, we do not have the manpower to
make tapes.

<stuff deleted>

[1] Joongmin Choi: "Experience-Based Learning in Deductive Reasoning Systems",
Ph.D. Thesis, Technical Report #93-20, Department of Computer Science,
State University of New York at Buffalo, 1993

[2] Deepak Kumar: ""From Beliefs and Goals to Intentions and Actions -- An
Amalgamated Model of Acting and Inference", Ph.D. Thesis, Department of
Computer Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1993

Hans Chalupsky | I would love to be out water skiing,
| but I just can't find any downhill | lakes.


From: (Amedeo Napoli)
Subject: Announcement: Proceedings of IJCAI Workshop on OBRS
Date: 1 Oct 1993 15:53:46 GMT

Bonjour tout le monde,

Last article about the IJCAI Workshop on ``Object-Based
Representation Systems'':
the proceedings of the workshop are available as a
technical report CRIN 93-R-156 (Centre de Recherches en Informatique
de Nancy).
You can get a copy of the proceedings using ftp on the site (or ftp
The file containing the proceedings is named
(compressed postscript file) in the directory Loria/Workshop-8.

If you have any problem, tell me.

Still many thanks to all participants and especially to the members of
the program committee.

merci et a bientot
Amedeo Napoli

Table of contents of the Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop
``Object-Based Representation Systems'':


A Formal Mapping from Database Objects to a Concept Language
Alessandro Artale , Francesca Cesarini and Giovanni Soda (Universita
di Firenze, Italia).

Using Subsumption in Semantic Query Optimization
Domenico Beneventano, Sonia Bergamaschi, Stefano Lodi and
Claudio Sartori (Universita de Bologna, Universita di Modena, Italia).

A Unified Framework for Representing Time, Actions and Plans
Alessandro Artale and Enrico Franconi (IRST, Povo, Italia).

The F-Logic Approach for Description Languages
Mira Balaban (University of the Negev, Israel).

Concept Algebras, Objects and K-REP
Robert Dionne, Eric Mays and Frank J. Oles (IBM Research Center,
Yorktown Heights, USA).

Axiomatization of Description Logics
Ve'ronique Royer (ONERA-CERT, Toulouse, France) and Joachim Quantz
(Technische Universitaet Berlin, Deutchland).

Object-Based Representation Systems and Programming,
(what kind of objects for knowledge representation, and what kind of
programming paradigms?)

On a purely taxonomic and descriptive meaning for classes
Jero^me Euzenat (INRIA Rhone Alpes, Grenoble, France).

SOLVER: Constraints + Objects --> Descriptions
Jean Franc~ois Puget and Patrick Albert (ILOG, Gentilly, France).

Implementing Subsumption in an Object-Oriented Programming Language
Christian Rathke (Universitaet Stuttgart, Deutchland).

Addresses of the participants

Amedeo NAPOLI (
BP 239 -- 54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex -- France
Tel : (33) 83 59 20 68 -- Fax : (33) 83 41 30 79


To: nl-kr@edu.rpi.cs
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 13:07:55 BST
From: Daniel Jones <>
Subject: CFP: Int'l Conference on New Methods in Language Processing

* *
* International Conference on *
* New Methods in Language Processing *
* *


Dates: 6-8th July 1994

Location: Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, Manchester, UK.


In recent years there has been a steadily increasing interest
in alternative theories and methodologies to the mainstream
techniques of symbolic computational linguistics. This
international conference will provide a forum for researchers
in the broad area of new methods in NLP, i.e., symbolic and
non-symbolic techniques of analogy-based, statistical, and
connectionist processing, to present their most recent research
and to discuss its implications. In order to focus the
conference, however, it is intended to concentrate on research
primarily involving written NLP. It is also hoped that the
conference will promote discussion in general terms of what
this branch of NLP hopes to achieve and how far this paradigm
can take NLP in the future.

Topics of Interest: * Example- and Memory-based MT
* Corpus-based NLP
* Bootstrapping techniques
* Analogy-based NLP
* Connectionist NLP
* Statistical MT/NLP
* Theoretical issues of sub-symbolic vs. symbolic NLP
* Hybrid approaches

Preliminary paper submission deadline: 31st January 1994

Acceptance Notification by: 1st April 1994

Camera-ready copy due: 1st June 1994

Submission Requirements:

Authors should submit FOUR *hard* copies of a preliminary version of the
paper (NOT an outline or abstract) which should be no longer than 6
(A4) pages long, printed no smaller than 10-point. Papers should
include a brief abstract, and a list of key words indicating which of
the above topics are addressed. A contact address for the author(s)
(preferably e-mail) should also be included.

Send papers to: NeMLaP,
Centre for Computational Linguistics,
Sackville Street,

Enquiries :

End of NL-KR Digest

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