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NL-KR Digest Volume 11 No. 08
NL-KR Digest 14/5/93 Volume 11 No. 8
Today's Topics:
Announcement: COLING94
Announcement: AAAI Spring Symposium Series 1994
Announcement: Abstract Deadline for PACFoCoL I 1993
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From: Makoto NAGAO <>
Subject: CFP: COLING94
Date: Tue, 04 May 93 16:29:42 +0900
Conference dates: August 5(Fri) -- 9(Tue), 1994
Conference place: Miyako Hotel, Kyoto, Japan
General Chairman: Prof. Makoto Nagao
Department of Electrical Engineering
Kyoto University
Tel. +81-75-753-5344
Fax. +81-75-751-1576
Program Chairman: Prof. Yorick Wilks
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, S10 2UH, England
Program Committee: Yorick Wilks (Sheffield)
Louise Guthrie (Las Cruces) Graeme Hirst (Toronto)
Margaret King (Geneva) Judith Klavans (New York)
Wendy Lehnert (Amherst) Candy Sidner (Cambridge, MA)
Hozumi Tanaka (Tokyo) Henry Thompson (Edinburgh)
Jun-ichi Tsujii (Manchester) Michael Zock (Paris)
The International Committee on Computational Linguistics invites the
submission of papers for COLING 94, the 15th International Conference
on Computational Linguistics, in Kyoto, Japan.
Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research
on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but not
limited to, the followings.
- syntax - parsing
- semantics - generation
- phonetics - language understanding
- phonology - speech analysis/synthesis
- morphology - computational lexicons
- discourse - electronic dictionaries
- pragmatics - terminology
- quantitative/qualitative linguistics - text database and retrieval
- mathematical linguistics - documentation
- contrastive linguistics - machine translation
- cognitive linguistics - machine aids for translation
- large text corpora - natural language interface
- text processing - dialogue systems
- hardware/software for NLP - multimedia systems
Papers should be either topical papers (maximum six pages in final
format) or project notes with demonstration (maximum four pages),
preferably in English. Both should describe original work. The
project note should specify the computer platform that will be used.
They should emphasize completed work rather than intended work, and
they should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported
results. A paper accepted for presentation at the COLING Conference
cannot be presented at another conference.
Authors should submit four copies of preliminary versions of their
papers with the page limits above, on A4 paper with the title,
author(s), addresses (including email if possible), affiliation across
the page top, a short (five line) summary, the words: topical paper or
project note, and a specification of the topic area preferably drawn
from the list above. As well, authors are strongly urged to email the
title page information by the deadline date. Send the papers and
emails to:
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2UH, England
Preliminary paper submission due: 6 January, 1994
Acceptance notification: 15 March, 1994
Camera-ready copies due: 1 May, 1994
Preliminary papers are due by 6 January 1994. Papers received after
that date will be returned unopened. Notification of receipt will be
mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt.
All inquiries regarding lost papers must be made by 27 January 1994.
Designated authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 March, 1994.
Camera-ready copies of final papers prepared in a double-column
format, preferably using a laser printer, must be received by 1 May
1994 at
Prof. Makoto Nagao
Department of Electrical Engineering
Kyoto University
Sakyo, Kyoto, Japan
along with a signed copyright release statement. Papers received
after that date may not be included in the proceedings.
(1) Tutorial program will be presented on 3(Wed) -- 4(Thu), August,
(2) Invited talks and panels will be included in the program.
Proposals and suggestions for invited talks and panels should be sent
to Prof. Yorick Wilks as soon as possible.
(3) Anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration
should send a brief description, together with a specification of
physical requirements (space, power, telephone connections, tables,
etc.) to Prof. M. Nagao.
(4) Many attractive social programs will take place for the occasion
of the 1200th anniversary of Kyoto.
From: Rick Skalsky <skalsky@org.aaai>
Subject: AAAI Spring Symposium Series 1994 Call for Proposals
Reply-To: skalsky@org.aaai
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 11:31:56 PDT
1994 Spring Symposium Series
Call for Proposals
AAAI invites proposals for the 1994 Spring Symposium Series, to be held
at Stanford University, March 21-23, 1994.
The Spring Symposium Series is a yearly set of symposia, designed to
bring colleagues together in small, intimate forums. There will be about
eight symposia on various topics in the 1994 Spring Symposium Series.
All symposia will be limited in size. The symposia will run in parallel for
two and one-half days.
The symposia will allow for presentation of speculative work and work in
progress, as well as completed work. Ample discussion time will be
scheduled in each symposium. Working notes will be prepared, and
distributed to the participants. Chairs can determine whether the working
notes of their symposia will be available as AAAI Technical Reports
following the meeting.
Most participants of the symposia will be selected on the basis of
statements of interest or abstracts submitted to the symposia chairs; some
open registration will be allowed. Participants will be expected to attend a
single symposium.
Proposals for symposia should be between two and five pages in length,
and should contain:
- A title for the symposium
- A description of the symposium, identifying specific areas of interest
- Evidence that the symposium is of interest at this time--such as a
completed, successful one-day workshop on a related topic
- The names and addresses of the organizing committee, preferably three
or four people at different sites, all of whom have agreed to serve on the
- A list of several potential participants.
Ideally, the entire organizing committee should collaborate in producing
the proposal. If possible, a draft proposal should be sent out to a few of the
potential participants and their comments solicited.
All proposals will be reviewed by the AAAI Symposium Committee
(cochairs: Lynn Andrea Stein, MIT; and Jim Hendler, University of
Maryland). The criteria for acceptance of proposals include:
- An appropriate level of perceived interest in the topic of the symposium
among AAAI members. (Symposia proposals that appear to be too popular
to fit in the size constraints should be turned into regular AAAI
- No long-term ongoing series of activities in the particular topic. (The
Spring Symposium Series serves more to nurture interest in particular
topics than to maintain it over a number of years.) The existence of
activities in related and more-general topics will help to indicate the level
of interest in the particular topic.
- An appropriate organizing committee.
- Accepted proposals will be distributed as widely as possible over the
subfields of AI, and balanced between theoretical and applied topics.
Symposia bridging theory and practice are particularly solicited.
Symposium proposals should be submitted as soon as possible, but no
later than June 7, 1993. Proposals that are submitted significantly before
this deadline can be in draft form. Comments on how to improve and
complete the proposal will be returned to the submitter in time for
revisions to be made before the deadline. Notifications of acceptance or
rejection will be sent to submitters around June 21, 1993. The submitters
of accepted proposals will become the chair of the symposium, unless
alternative arrangements are made.
The symposium organizing committees will be responsible for:
- Producing, in conjunction with the general chair, a Call for Participation
for the symposium, which will be published in the AI Magazine
- Reviewing requests to participate in the symposium and
determining symposium participants
- Preparing working notes for the symposium
- Scheduling the activities of the symposium
- Preparing a short review of the symposium, to be printed in the AI
AAAI will provide logistical support, will take care of all local
arrangements, and will arrange for reproducing and distributing the
working notes.
Please submit (preferably by electronic mail) your symposium proposals,
and inquiries concerning symposia, to both of the chairs:
Jim Hendler
Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland
AV Williams Building
College Park, MD 20742 USA
Lynn Andrea Stein
AI Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
545 Technology Square #811
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Subject: Abstract Deadline for PACFoCoL
Date: Sat, 8 May 1993 22:19 PDT
Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics
(PACFoCoL I, 1993)
Academic Activity Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
August 30-31, 1993
Abstract Deadline (by email): MAY 10 (MONDAY)
This is a reminder that the deadline for sumbitting an abstract for
PACFoCoL is upcoming. PACFoCoL will provide an opportunity to
further the scholarly exchange among linguists in Pacific Asia
region in the areas of formal and computational linguistics and in
fostering a cooperative environment for better understanding of
the development or new trend in theoretical and computational
linguistics in Pacific Asia region.
Topics of the conference include theoretical and computational
studies in syntax, semantic, corpus linguistics and contrastive
analysis of Pacific Asian languages.
The organizing committee welcomes submittance of one-page abstracts
(with an additional optional page for references and/or data) that
address the above topics. The abstract may be submitted via e-mail
or via airmail. The notice of abstract acceptance will be mailed
out by June 11, 1993.
All the accepted Papers will be collected in a volume of conference
proceedings. The full paper should be camera-ready and not exceed
twelve (12) pages of A-4 or letter size paper (single-sided,
single-spaced, and at least 12 points in size, with at least 1"
margin on the right, at top, and 1.5" margin on the bottom). The
deadline for the submission of the full paper and pre-registration
is June 28, 1993.
Please address all the correspondences to the organizing committee
at the following address:
Professor Chu-Ren Huang
c/o Institute of Information Science
Academia Sinica
Nankang, Taipei 115
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-788-1638
Fax: 886-2-788-1638
e-mail: OR
nccut086@twnmoe10.bitnet (Professor Claire H. Chang)
nccut146@twnmoe10.bitnet (Professor O.-S. Her)
Sponsored By: The Computational Linguistics Society of R.O.C.
Co-Sponsored By:
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Department of English and Graduate Institute of Linguistics,
National Chengchi University
The Logico-Linguistics Society of Japan
The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong
End of NL-KR Digest