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NL-KR Digest Volume 09 No. 44

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NL KR Digest
 · 1 year ago

NL-KR Digest      (Thu Aug 27 09:40:00 1992)      Volume 9 No. 44 

Today's Topics:

Query: Irregular Plurals
Query: Automated Air Traffic Controlling and Blackboard System
Query: Looking for natural language grammar
Position: postdoc in Machine Learning and NLP at Ottowa
Announcement: KBSE-92
Announcement: Society for Machines and Mentality (2cnd Meeting)
Announcement: Kwon and Yoon - new visitors at CSLI
Announcement: Hidetosi Sirai returns to CSLI
Announcement: Ralf Mueller visiting CSLI
CFP: 10th Intnatl Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'93)

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From: (Paul Singleton)
Subject: Query: Irregular Plurals
Date: 18 Aug 92 15:45:14 GMT

I have a table of ~8k irregular plurals (taken from an old version of the
Collins English Dictionary) in this form:

Curia Regis Curiae Regis
Genoese vese
Monseigneur Messeigneurs
advocacy cies
anacrusis ses
baptistry eries
baptistry ries

as well as many simpler cases, e.g.

bubo boes
bucko oes
buckram rams
bucktooth teeth

To an English speaker it is always clear exactly how the second string
modifies the first, but can anyone suggest an algorithm to compute
the complete plural form?

Heuristics which convert most of them will be useful, as long as they
don't misconvert _any_. My preferred implementation language is Prolog.
- ---
__ __ Paul Singleton (Mr) JANET:
|__) (__ Computer Science Dept. other:
| . __). Keele University, Newcastle, tel: +44 (0)782 621111 x7355
Staffs ST5 5BG, ENGLAND fax: +44 (0)782 713082


From: (Yilmaz Cengeloglu)
Subject: Query: Automated Air Traffic Controlling and Blackboard System
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1992 01:03:05 GMT

Hi :

I have asked [for] help about Blackboard Architecture couple of months ago.
I have received some responses. Thanks to everyone who helped me. I have
the list of several references related with BBA. If any anyone needs please
let me know.

Currently I am still working on my project for my thesis and I neen some more
help. I will explain what I need first. If you are interested in what
I am doing you can continue to read after line.

I will write simple knowledge bases to solve the conflict and other
problems that occurs at airspace. I do need some help to complete this
project and graduate.

If you know any publication related with
- Automated Air Traffic Controlling,
- books that I can get expertise to write knowledge bases
to solve the problems at airspace.
- Blackbard Systems AND Air Traffic Controlling.

please let me know. I will keep all information that I will receive
and I will send anyone request later.

If you know any existing system, project, company related with
Automated Air traffic controlling, please let me know. It will
be very helpful for my project.

Yilmaz Cengeloglu
Univ. of Central Florida
Dept. of Computer Eng.
Orlando, FL


From: (Mark-Jan Nederhof)
Subject: Query: Looking for natural language grammar
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1992 11:38:34 GMT

For our research, we are looking for a large grammar for natural language;
this grammar should be a context-free grammar possibly extended with
parameters/features of any form. The parameters\features are not important
to us, nor is the language generated by the grammar or the declarative

Our purpose is to measure the size of different (variants of) LR parsers for
natural language grammars. In particular, the influence of epsilon rules (which
sometimes make normal LR parsers or Tomita parsers loop) on the size of LR
tables is of great interest to us. The ``nastier'' the grammar is for
computational reasons the better it is for us. (We would prefer a grammar
which has been written without any regard for its computational

We are looking for an appropriate grammar for a long time now.
If you have one, then we would be extremely grateful if you would make
it available to us. If you would like to ``encode'' the grammar first such
that it can no longer be used for language recognition (e.g. by deleting
the parameters/features or giving the nonterminals dummy names) then it
would be fine with us.

Please mail to

Mark-Jan Nederhof and Janos J. Sarbo
University of Nijmegen
The Netherlands


From: (Stan Szpakowicz)
Subject: Position: postdoc in Machine Learning and NLP at Ottowa
Nntp-Posting-Host: kaml2
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 92 15:25:14 GMT

The Department of Computer Science, University of Ottawa, invites
applications for a postdoctoral position on the project "Machine Learning and
Text Analysis for Semi-automatic Knowledge Acquisition". Candidates must
have a completed Ph.D., a strong background in Machine Learning and Natural
Language Processing, and a record of research in at least one of these areas.
The position is available for a year, with a possibility of renewal for
another year. The salary is CDN $ 27,500/year, plus an excellent benefit

The postdoctoral fellow will be an essential member of the project's team,
now consisting of two faculty, a postdoc and a few graduate students, and
will play an active role in all aspects of the project, including the major
research decisions. Duties include participation in the design and
development of a prototype system, in supervision of graduate students who
will work on the project, and in the publications that will arise from the

Inquiries and requests for more details:
Dr. Stan Matwin (, tel. 613-564-5069)
Dr. Stan Szpakowicz (, tel. 613-564-2450).
fax: 613-564-9486

The mailing address:

Department of Computer Science
University of Ottawa
150 Louis Pasteur
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5


From: (Chris Welty)
Subject: Announcement: KBSE-92
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1992 20:27:19 GMT


September 20-23rd, Tysons Corner, VA

Sponsored by Rome Laboratory
In cooperation with A A A I (American Association for Artificial Intelligence)
A C M (Association for Computing Machinery), IEEE Computer Society and SIGART

The focus of this conference is the application of artificial intelligence
and knowledge-based techniques to software engineering problems.
This includes techniques for constructing, representing, reasoning
about, understanding and adapting software artifacts and processes.
The conference is concerned with all activities related to software,
including project planning, domain modeling, requirements acquisition,
specification, design, coding, documentation, understanding, reuse, evolution,
testing and maintenance; provided that intelligent tools can perform these
activities, support humans in performing them or cooperate with humans in
performing them. The core of the conference is a three-day block of technical
presentations, including panels and paper sessions. This core is preceded by
a day of tutorials. Demonstrations and videotapes will be scheduled at
various times throughout the conference to allow for maximum viewing.

W. Lewis Johnson
University of Southern California
Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695 USA
Tel: (310) 822-1511
Fax: (310) 823-6714

Program Committee:
Penny Chase (MITRE), Martin Feather (USC/ISI), Steve Fickas (Univ.
Oregon), Mehdi Harandi (Univ.Ill.), David Harris(Lockheed Sanders),
Matthias Jarke(RWTH Aachen), Lewis Johnson (USC/ISI),
Gail Kaiser (Columbia Univ.) , Elaine Kant (Schlumberger), Lisa Neal (EDS),
Derek Partridge (Univ. Exeter), Howard Reubenstein (MITRE),
Charles Rich (Mitsubishi Electric), Peter Selfridge (AT&T),
Dorothy Setliff (Univ. Pittsburgh), Doug Smith (Kestrel),
Elliot Soloway (Univ. Michigan), Alistair Sutcliffe (City Univ.London),
Richard C. Waters (Mitsubishi Electric)


- -

Christopher Welty Asst. Director, RPI CS Labs, Troy, NY 12180 "Porsche: Fahren in seiner schoensten Form"


From: (William J. Rapaport)
Subject: Announcement: Society for Machines and Mentality (2cnd Meeting)
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1992 20:46:17 GMT

2nd Annual Meeting

The 2nd annual meeting of the Society for Machines and Mentality will
take place in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association
Eastern Division meeting at the Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC,
December 27-30, 1992.

Our session will be:

Monday, December 28, 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm, in the Hemisphere room.

The speakers will be:

(a) Beth Preston, Department of Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence Program,
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (

``What Is a Machine?''

(b) Donald Perlis, Department of Computer Science and Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

``Putnam's Theorem and the Intentionality Machine''

The session will be chaired by the Society's President, William J. Rapaport,
Department of Computer Science and Center for Cognitive Science,
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260

The session is open to the public; membership in the Society is not required.

There are, however, benefits to membership. The membership fee
continues to be only $5 per year. By special arrangement with Kluwer
Publishers the society is able to offer its members subscriptions to
MINDS AND MACHINES, an International Journal for Artificial
Intelligence, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science, at a reduced rate of
$45 per year.

For information on joining the Society, please contact the Treasurer:

James H. Moor, Treasurer
Society for Machines and Mentality
Department of Philosophy
Dartmouth College
6035 Thornton Hall
Hanover, NH 03755-3592


Date: Tue, 11 Aug 92 16:04:09 PDT
From: ingrid@Russell.Stanford.EDU (Ingrid Deiwiks)
Subject: Announcement: Kwon and Yoon - new visitors at CSLI

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Pusan National University, South Korea
Dates of Visit: July 1992-July 1993

Hyuk-Chul Kwon has been working on parsing the Korean language within
the framework of dependency grammar, developing data structures and
retrieval methodologies for large-size dictionaries and corpus,
post-processing of OCR, and speech recognition. He participated in
the machine-translation project between English and Korean that was
sponsored by IBM. Currently, he is working on knowledge
representation for natural-language understanding and parsing
nonprojective sentences. He is also interested in the morphological
analysis of Korean by DKIMMO, and agent-oriented programming.


Assistant Professor
Department of French
Pusan National University, Korea
Dates of Visit: July 1992-July 1993

Aesun Yoon has been working on a semantico-pragmatic description of
speaker/hearer interaction in France, and machine translation
(French/Korean) in Korea. She has developped a French morphological
analyzer and a French parser within a phrase structure grammar
framework using GULP (Graph-Unification Language Programming). She
has also been part of a group that is working on a Spelling Checker
and Corrector for the Korean language. Currently, her interest is
centered on a context-dependent approach and the representation of
knowledge for natural-language processing. During her stay at CSLI,
she would like to deepen her understanding of related issues, and to
develop a more efficient French parser supported by discourse


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 92 14:26:05 PDT
From: ingrid@Russell.Stanford.EDU (Ingrid Deiwiks)
Subject: Announcement: Hidetosi Sirai returns to CSLI

Associate Professor
Chukyo University, Japan
Dates of Visit: August-September 1992

Hidetosi Sirai's main interest is to develop a natural-language
understanding system. For several years, he has worked on developing
a descriptive grammar formalism and synthesizing syntax, semantics,
and pragmatics.

During the past years, he has developed/extended a Constraint Logic
Programming system, which is called CUProlog (pronounced
see-you-prolog). Its Macintosh version is available from CSLI

* Although his name is formally spelled Hidetoshi Shirai, he prefers the
above spelling.


Date: Mon, 24 Aug 92 13:54:27 PDT
From: ingrid@Russell.Stanford.EDU (Ingrid Deiwiks)
Subject: Announcement: Ralf Mueller visiting CSLI

University of Mainz, Germany
Dates of Visit: August 1992-August 1993

Mueller has worked on indeterministic tense logic and Peircean
semiotics. He is presently working on his PhD thesis, where he plans
to stress the temporal and dynamic aspects of Peirce's theory of
cognition. Mueller is trying to allude to several Peircean insights
that show Peirce as both a precursor and a potential critic of several
attempts recently put forward as correcting or adding to the Fregean
tradition of understanding logic like, for example, situation
semantics or dynamic logic.


From: Jim Crammond <>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 92 17:21:05 PDT
Phone: (415) 813 3848
Subject: CFP: 10th Intnatl Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'93)



Budapest, Hungary
June 21 - 24, 1993

Sponsored by the Association of Logic Programming

The 1993 International Conference on Logic Programming will be held on June
21-24, 1993, in historic Budapest. Logic Programming is one of the most
promising approaches to declarative programming. It forms the theoretical
basis of the programming language PROLOG and its extensions. Also, work in
logic programming has contributed to several other areas: Artificial
Intelligence where it has been used for nonmonotonic and commonsense
reasoning, Expert Systems implementation, Deductive Databases and a variety
of applications such as computer aided manufacturing. The technical program
for the conference will include workshops, tutorials, invited lectures and
presentations of refereed papers.

Papers are invited on any aspect of logic programming, including (but
not limited to):

o Theory and foundations o Applications
o Programming methodologies and tools o Artificial intelligence
o Meta and higher-order programming o Constraints
o Parallelism, concurrency o Partial deduction
o Deductive databases o Bottom-up evaluation
o Implementations and architectures o Compilation techniques

Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 5000 words,
excluding references. Papers should include a 200 word abstract and keywords
to define a topic. Submitted papers (or any portion thereof) should not have
been previously published or submitted to any journals, refereed conferences
or workshops. Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference.
Submit six (6) copies by December 1, 1992 to:

David S. Warren
Department of Computer Science
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400
Fax: +1 516 632-8334

Notification will be made in early March 1993. The proceedings will be
published by MIT Press.

Conference Chair: Peter Szeredi, IQSOFT, Hungary
Program Chair: David S. Warren, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
Publicity Chair: Jim Crammond, Quintus, USA
Workshop Coordinator: Mats Carlsson, SICS, Sweden
Local Organization: John von Neumann Society for Computing Sciences

End of NL-KR Digest

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