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NL-KR Digest Volume 10 No. 02

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NL KR Digest
 · 1 year ago

NL-KR Digest      (Wed Feb 24 16:19:30 1993)      Volume 10 No. 2 

Today's Topics:

CFP: IJCAI Workshop on Object-Based Representation Systems
CFP: Pacific Asia Conf on Formal and Computational Linguistics
CFP: 9th Annual Conference on Uncertainty in AI
CFP: CIKM-93 -- 2nd Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Mgmt.
CFP: Workshop on Abductive Reasoning ICLP'93
CFP: 5th UNB AI Symposium
CFP: 3rd MCSEAI (Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence)

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From: (Amedeo Napoli)
Subject: CFP: IJCAI Workshop on Object-Based Representation Systems
Date: 24 Feb 93 09:59:01 GMT

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IJCAI Workshop ``Object-Based Representation Systems''

Chambery (August 28th 1993)
- -----------------------------------------------------

The goal of the workshop is to study the notion of ``object'' as a
knowledge grain in knowledge-based systems.
A first category of object-based representation systems mainly
includes terminological (or description) logics.
People working in this area are more interested in studying and using
declarative representations.
A second category includes hybrid systems that rely on frame-based
languages and object-oriented programming.
People working in this area are more interested by the representation
and the use of procedural components.
Thus, the topics of interest of the workshop are the following:
- objects in knowledge representation: concepts, frames, classes.
- links between description logics and hybrid systems (frame-based or
class-based systems).
- fundamental relationships: specialization/generalization,
subsumption, part-whole, other partial orderings and equivalence
- objects, constraints and other relations: temporal and spatial
relations, general constraints (equalities, inequalities).
- representation of procedural knowledge: reflexes (demons), methods.
- reasoning with objects: inheritance, classification-based reasoning,
truth maintenance.

The workshop is intended to be a challenge to understand the
contributions of the more logical and more procedural approaches.
Participants will try to develop guidelines for interpreting the
usefulness of each approach.
They will also be encouraged to exchange different points of
view, and possibly, to define a more complete and universal
object-based representation formalism integrating the two approaches.

- -----------------------------
Participation and Organization
- -----------------------------

Participation will be of two kinds: speaker and regular participant.
People interested in attending the workshop must send a position
paper, 1 or 2 pages for regular participant, up to 10 pages for
Selected papers will be published in the proceedings of the workshop.

Submissions should be made preferably by email.
For those who do not have access to email (or any other reason), send
4 copies of your position paper to the chairman of the workshop.

The workshop registration fee is 300 FF, and includes coffee breaks
(note that every workshop participant must have registered for the
main conference).

- -------
- -------

- Position papers must be sent to the chairman before March 1993, 1st.
- The decisions of the program committee will be notified to the
selected speakers and regular participants before April, 15th.
- Final papers are due before June, 1st, to be published in the
proceedings of the workshop.
It is intended that preprints of the workshop will be mailed to
participants before the workshop.

- ---------------------------------
Organization and Program Committee
- ---------------------------------

Ronald J. Brachman (ATT and Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, USA)
Roland Ducournau (Sema Group, Montrouge, France)
Bob MacGregor (USC/ISI, Marina Del Rey, USA)
Amedeo Napoli (CRIN, Nancy, France)
Bernhard Nebel (DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany)
Francois Rechenmann (INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France)
Albrecht Schmiedel (Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany)
Fabrizio Sebastiani (CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Philippe Volle (NSL, Paris, France).

- -------
- -------

BP 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex

Phone: (33) 83 59 20 68


Date: Thu, 07 Jan 93 01:56:19 EST
Subject: CFP: Pacific Asia Conf on Formal and Computational Linguistics

Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics

Call for Papers
First Notice

The Computational Linguistics Society of R.O.C. (ROCLING) is
pleased to announce that the Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and
Computational Linguistics will be held at the Activity Center in
Academia Sinica on August 30-31, 1993. This will be the first
effort in collaborating with the local linguists as well as
scholars from Japan, Singapore, Korea, and Hong Kong in providing
an opportunity to further the scholarly exchange among linguists in
Pacific Asia region in the areas of formal and computational
linguistics and in fostering a cooperative environment for better
understanding of the development or new trend in theoretical and
computational linguistics in Pacific Asia region.

Topics of the conference include theoretical and computational
studies in syntax, semantic, corpus linguistics and contrastive
analysis of Pacific Asian languages. In addition to eight plenary
sessions on the special topics, five invited speakers will address
issues in syntax, semantics, contrastive analysis and corpus
linguistics in formal and computational approach. Research
representative of regional endeavor will be presented at plenary

The organizing committee welcomes submittance of one-page abstracts
(with an additional optional page for references and/or data) that
address the above topics. Abstract will be due by May 10, 1993.
The abstract submitted via e-mail or in disk form with WordPerfect
or Microsoft Word format is welcome and strongly recommended.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee and additional
reviewers. The notice of abstract acceptance will be mailed out by
June 11, 1993.

Please address all the correspondences to the organizing committee
at the following address:

Professor Chu-Ren Huang
c/o Institute of Information Science
Academia Sinica
Nankang, Taipei 115
Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel: 886-2-788-1638
Fax: 886-2-788-1638

e-mail: HSCHUREN@twnas886.bitnet OR
nccut086@twnmoe10.bitnet (Professor Claire H. Chang)
nccut146@twnmoe10.bitnet (Professor O.-S. Her)

Sponsored By: The Computational Linguistics Society of R.O.C.
Co-Sponsored By: The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
for International Scholarly Exchanges [pending approval]
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
The Logico-Linguistics Society of Japan
The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong

Invited Speakers and Tentative Titles

Kenneth Church, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Current Practice in Part of Speech Tagging and Suggestions for the
Mary Dalrymple, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Reciprocals and the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Mark Liberman, University of Pennsylvania
How Hard Is Syntax?
Ivan Sag, Stanford University
What is 'Computational Semantics'?
Charles Ting-chi Tang, National Tsing Hua University
A 'Theta-Grid' Approach to a Contrastive Analysis of English,
Chinese and Japanese

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Program Committee

Claire Hsun-hui Chang, Department of English, National Cheng-chi
Keh-jiann Chen, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
One-Soon Her, Graduate Institute in English, National Cheng-chi
Chu-Ren Huang, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Akira Ikeya, Department of English, Tokyo Gagukei University, Japan
Akira Ishikawa, Department of English Language and Studies, Sophia
University, Japan
K.P. Mohanan, Department of Linguistics, National University of
Keh-Yih Su, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing
Hua University
Chih-Chen Jane Tang, Institute of History and Philology, Academia
Benjamin K. T'sou, Associate Director, Hong Kong City Polytechnic

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Organization committee:

Claire Hsun-hui Chang, Department of English, National Cheng-chi
One-Soon Her, Graduate Institute in English, National Cheng-chi
Chu-Ren Huang, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Cheng-hui Liu, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Related Conference:
The Sixth R. O. C. Computational Linguistics Conference

Time: September 2-4, 1993
Location: Chitou Park, Nantou, Taiwan
Scope: Chinese Computational Linguistics and Natural Language
Theme: Computational Semantics & Corpus Linguistics

Contact: The Computational Linguistics Society of R.O.C. (see
address and phone number above)


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 93 22:54:30 PST
From: David Heckerman <heckerma@CS.UCLA.EDU>


July 9-11, 1993, Washington D.C.


The ninth annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence will be
devoted to methods for reasoning under uncertainty as applied to problems in
artificial intelligence. The conference's scope covers the full range of
approaches to automated and interactive reasoning and decision making under
uncertainty, including both qualitative and numeric methods.

We seek papers on fundamental theoretical issues, on computational techniques
for uncertain reasoning, and on the foundations of alternative paradigms of
uncertain reasoning. Topics of interest include:

- Foundations of uncertainty concepts
- Representations of uncertain knowledge and their semantics
- Knowledge acquisition
- Construction of uncertainty models from data
- Uncertainty in machine learning
- Automated planning and decision making under uncertainty
- Algorithms for uncertain inference
- Pooling of uncertain evidence
- Belief updating and inconsistency handling in uncertain knowledge bases
- Explanation and summarization of uncertain information
- Control of reasoning and real-time architectures

This year, we hope to attract more contributions that emphasize real-world
applications of uncertain reasoning. Questions of particular interest

- Why was it necessary to represent uncertainty in your domain?
- What kind of uncertainties does your application address?
- Why did you decide to use your particular uncertainty formalism?
- What theoretical problems, if any, did you encounter?
- What practical problems did you encounter?
- Did users of your system find the results or recommendations useful?
- Did the introduction of your system lead to improvements in reasoning
or decision making?
- What methods were used to validate the effectiveness of the systems?

Papers will be carefully refereed for originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. Papers may be accepted for presentation
in plenary or poster sessions. Some key applications oriented work may be
presented both in a plenary session and in a poster session where more
technical details can be discussed. All accepted papers will be included in
the published proceedings. Outstanding student papers may be selected for
special distinction.

Five copies of each paper should be sent to one of the Program Co-Chairs by
February 5, 1993. The first page should include a descriptive title, the
names, addresses, and student status of all authors, a brief abstract, and
salient keywords or other topic indicators. Acceptance notices will be sent
by March 29, 1993. Final camera-ready papers, incorporating reviewers'
suggestions, will be due approximately five weeks later. There will be an
eight-page limit on proceedings papers, with a few extra pages available for
a fee.

Program Co-Chairs (paper submissions):

David Heckerman
Department of Computer Science, UCLA
Boelter Hall, Room 3531
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1596
tel: (310) 825-2695, fax: (310) 825-2273

Abe Mamdani
Deptartment of Electronic Engineering
Queen Mary & Westfield College
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
tel: +44-71-975-5341, fax: +44-81-981-0259

General Co-Chair (conference inquiries):

Michael P. Wellman
Department of EECS, University of Michigan
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
tel: (313) 764-6894, fax: (313) 763-1260

Conference Committee: Piero Bonissone, Peter Cheeseman, Mike Clarke, Bruce
D'Ambrosio, Didier Dubois, Max Henrion, John Fox, Rudolf Kruse, Henry Kyburg,
John Lemmer, Tod Levitt, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Serafin Moral, Ramesh Patil,
Judea Pearl, Enrique Ruspini, Ross Shachter, Glenn Shafer, Philippe Smets,
Kurt Sundermeyer, Lotfi Zadeh.


Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1993 14:29:23 -0500
From: Timothy Finin <>
Subject: CFP: CIKM-93 -- 2nd Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Mgmt.

The CIKM-93, second International Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management will be held November 1-5, 1993 at the Double Tree Hotel in
Washington D.C., USA. Like the successful CIKM-92, it will provide an
international forum for presentation and discussion of research on
information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances on data
and knowledge bases. Authors are invited to submit papers, proposals for
tutorials and exhibits concerned with theory or practice or both. Papers
should be sent to the Program Chair, Dr. Bharat Bhargava, by April 1, 1993.

Send email to CIKM-INFO@CS.UMBC.EDU to receive an automatic reply with a
full copy of the Call for Papers.


From: (Francois Rouaix)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog,sci.logic,,
Subject: CFP: Workshop on Abductive Reasoning ICLP'93
Date: 28 Jan 93 14:36:09 GMT
Followup-To: comp.lang.prolog

On behalf of Philippe Codognet:

Call For Papers

10th International Conference on Logic Programming
Post-conference Workshop on


Budapest, Hungary
June 24 - 25, 1993

Abduction was introduced by the logician and philosopher C. S. Pierce at
the beginning of the century as a new inference mechanism for logical
systems along with deduction and induction.
It has been investigated in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming
since the early 80's, and it has shown itself to be a basic concept for
formalizing various aspects of hypothetical reasoning.
Recently, it has been used as a fundamental tool for a better understanding
of the relations between hypothetical, nonmonotonic and default reasoning.
Abduction is also directly relevant to various aspects of LP. These include
the semantics of LP (particularly of negation as failure), extensions of
LP, e.g. Constraint Logic Programming, and several applications of LP. A wide
range of A.I. applications such as diagnosis, planning and knowledge
assimilation have been investigated, often within the LP framework, using
The workshop is intended to bring together researchers interested in all
aspects of abductive reasoning and abductive logic programming, with the
aim to be a forum for exchange and integration of ideas on this subject.
Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to :

- theory and semantics
- computational aspects of abduction
- relations to default and nonmonotonic reasoning
- relations to Constraint Logic Programming
- applications to planning and diagnostic reasoning
- applications to natural language
- relations with other areas of AI, LP, databases and knowledge bases
- philosophical foundations

Authors interested in presenting their work are invited to send a 3-5 pages
extended abstract before April 15th at the address below. Electronic
submissions in latex or postscript format are strongly encouraged. Surface
mail submissions must include four copies of the paper. Authors will be
notified of acceptance/rejection of their submissions by May 15th. The
final version is due by the end of May.

Organizers :
- -----------

Philippe Codognet (INRIA - Rocquencourt, France)
Phan Minh Dung, (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
Antonis C. Kakas, (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Paolo Mancarella, (University of Pisa, Italy)

- -------
Paolo Mancarella tel: +39 - 50 - 510252
Dipartimento di Informatica fax: +39 - 50 - 510226
Universita' di Pisa e-mail:
Corso Italia, 40
56125 Pisa, Italy

- -
Francois Rouaix Projet Chloe - INRIA Rocquencourt


Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 22:31:29 AST
From: Lev Goldfarb <>
Subject: CFP: 5th UNB AI Symposium

Call for Participation
The 5th UNB AI Symposium

* *
* Theme: *
* *

August 11-14, 1993
Sheraton Inn, Fredericton
New Brunswick

Advisory Committee

N. Ahuja, Univ.of Illinois, Urbana
W. Bibel, ITH, Darmstadt
D. Bobrow, Xerox PARC
M. Fischler, SRI
P. Gardenfors, Lund Univ.
S. Grossberg, Boston Univ.
J. Haton, CRIN
T. Kanade, CMU
R. Michalski, George Mason Univ.
T. Poggio, MIT
Z. Pylyshyn, Univ. of Western Ontario
O. Selfridge, GTE Labs
Y. Shirai, Osaka Univ.

Program Committee

The international program committee will consist of
approximately 40 members from all main fields of AI and
from Cognitive Science.

We invite researchers from the various areas of Artificial
Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Pattern Recognition,
including Vision, Learning, Knowledge Representation and
Foundations, to submit articles which assess or review the
progress made so far in their respective areas, as well as
the relevance of that progress to the whole enterprise of
AI. Other papers which do not address the theme are also


Four 70 minute invited talks and five panel discussions are
devoted to the chosen topic: "Are we moving ahead: Lessons
from Computer Vision." The speakers include (in
alphabetical order)

* Lev Goldfarb
* Stephen Grossberg
* Robert Haralick
* Tomaso Poggio

Such a concentrated analysis of the area will be undertaken
for the first time. We feel that the "Lessons from Computer
Vision" are of relevance to the entire AI community.

Information for Authors

Now: Fill out the form below and email it.

March 30, 1993:
Four copies of an extended abstract (maximum of 4 pages
including references) should be sent to the conference

May 15, 1993:
Notification of acceptance will be mailed.

July 1, 1993:
Camera-ready copy of paper is due.

Conference Chair: Lev Goldfarb

Mailing address:
Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
P. O. Box 4400
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Canada E3B 5A3

Phone: (506) 453-4566
FAX: (506) 453-3566

Symposium location

The symposium will be held in the Sheraton Inn, Fredericton
which overlooks the beautiful Saint John River.


(please email to

I would like to submit a paper.





I would like to organize a session.




























Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1993 01:18:01 -0500
From: "B.e.Ayeb" <>
Subject: CFP: 3rd MCSEAI (Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence)


Third Maghrebian Conference
on Software Engineering and
Artificial Intelligence

Rabat, 11-14 April 1994

(Maghrebian Information Processing Society)

IEEE Computer Society-- Washington
International Federation for Information Processing-- Geneva
Associations Francaise pour la Cybern Economique
et Technique-- France

The Third Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and
Artificial Intelligence is planned for April 11th to 14th 1994,
in Rabat, Morocco. Its intent is to build on the background of
previous conferences (Constantine'89 & Tunis'92) by identifying
areas of research and development within software engineering
and artificial intelligence, that are of interest for the world
at large, and for the maghrebian region in particular.


Researchers, practionners and developpers in software engineering
and artificial intelligence are encouraged to submit original
contributions to this conference. All areas of software engineering
and artificial intelligence will be considered, although a special
emphasis is placed on the following topics:

- Software Specification and Validation
- Software Development: Methods and Tools
- Distributed Systems
- Foundation of Expert System and Artificial Intelligence
- Knowledge Representation and Automation
- Programming Paradigms: Functional, Logic and Object Oriented.

Each submission will be read by at least three reviewers and will
be judged on the basis of originality, relevance, clarity, and
significance. Finally, it is essential that submitted papers are
not published, nor submitted for publication, elsewhere. The
official languages of the conference are Arabic, English & French.


Abdelfdil Bennani, E.N.S.I.A.S., B.P. 713, Rabat, Morocco.


Abdelhamid El Iraki, E.N.I.M., Dept. Informatique, B.P. 753, Rabat, Morocco.
Montasser Ouaily, E.N.S.I., 16, rue 8010 Montplaisir, Tunis, Tunisia.


H. Adeli Ohio State Univ. B. el AYEB Univ. of Sherbrooke
E. Astesiano Univ. of Genova A. El IRAKI ENIM, Rabat
K. Barkaoui CNAM, Paris L. Feraud Univ. Toulouse III
B. Belkhouche Tulane Univ. J.P. Finance Univ. of Nancy
C. Ben Yelles Univ. of Algiers M. Ghallab LAAS, Toulouse
A. Benkiran EMI, Rabat Y. Hlal EMI, Rabat
A. Bennani ENSIAS, Rabat A. Hocine Univ. of Pau
R. Berghammer Univ. of Munich C. Kaiser CNAM, Paris
V. Berzins Monterey, CA M. Luqi Monterey, CA
M. Bettaz Univ. of Constantine A. Mili Univ. of Ottawa
M. Bidoit LIENS, Paris R. Mittermeir Univ. of Klagenfurt
N. Boudriga Univ. of Tunis A. Mouradi Univ. Mohamed V. Rabat
E. Bouyakhf Univ. Mohamed V, Rabat F. Orejas Univ. of Barcelone
C. Choppy Univ. Paris-Sud M. Ouaily ENSI, Tunis
P. Cointe Ecole des Mines, Nantes G. Pujolle Univ. of Paris VI
F. D'Hautcourt ULB, Brussels O. Rafiq Univ. of Pau
J. Desharnais Univ. Laval G. Scollo Univ. of Twente
M. Diaz LAAS, Toulouse M. Sellami Univ. of Annaba
H. Ehrig Univ. of Berlin Y. Slimani Univ. of Tunis


Authors are invited to submit original contribution in arabic, french
or english, in triplicate to the program chair. Submissions must be
printed on one side of the page only and should not exceed 20 double
spaced pages.

. Submission of papers : June 15, 1993
. Notification of acceptance : October 30, 1993
. Accepted papers due : December 30, 1993
. Advance Registration : January 30, 1994


M. Bettaz, Chair
M. Boudriga, A. Mili, Z. Sahnoun, members


Promotion: M. Bennani (ENSIAS, Rabat); Tutorials: B. Idrissi (EMI, Rabat);
Local arrangements: A. Janati (ENSIAS, Rabat); Registration: K. Ouazzani
(ENIM, Rabat); Proceedings: A. Mounir Alaoui (EMI, Rabat)

Hanan Alami
Ecole Nationale de l'Industrie Minerale,
Departement d'Informatique
Rue Abderrahman El Ghafiki
B.P. 753, Rabat-Agdal,
Tel: [212] (7) 77 13 60 / 77 16 67 / 77 45 17
Fax: [212] (7) 77 10 55

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