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NL-KR Digest Volume 09 No. 63

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Published in 
NL KR Digest
 · 1 year ago

NL-KR Digest      (Tue Dec  8 14:41:42 1992)      Volume 9 No. 63 

Today's Topics:

Announcement: Natural Language Generation at University of Edinburgh
Announcement: Discussion of group
Announcement: Medical Informatics Training at Harvard-MIT-Tufts/NEMC
Position: AI and NLP at SRA (Arlington)

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Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1992 10:02:41 GMT
From: Ehud Reiter <>
Subject: Announcement: Natural Language Generation at University of Edinburgh

We have prepared a summary of natural-language generation research at the
University of Edinburgh, including a list of staff and students who are
interested in this area, a summary of their research interests, and a list
of recent generation-related publications. If anyone would like a copy
of the summary, please send an e-mail message to .
I prefer to e-mail Latex versions of the source file, but can in exceptional
situations send out hard-copies through the post. The summary is approximately
seven pages long (the exact page count depends on how your version of Latex
is set up).

This summary was originally distributed at the Trento NLG workshop in April
1992, and people who got a copy there should not expect anything different now.
It does *not* discuss all natural-language research at Edinburgh, just work
related to NL generation.

Ehud Reiter

Department of AI
University of Edinburgh
80 South Bridge
Edinburgh EH1 1HN


Date: Mon, 7 Dec 92 17:39:19 -0500
From: Daniel Jones <>
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.lang,
Subject: Announcement: Discussion of group
Followup-To: news.groups

This is a call for request for discussion about the need for
a new usergroup called

The aim of the usergoup will be to facilitate:

* discussion of networks specifically used for processing
natural language
* discussion/presentation of research ideas/results
* posting of news about software creation/bug reports etc.
of commonly used neural network packages used specifically
for natural language processing
* provision of information about machine-readable corpora
and databases
* those interested in neural networks and NLP to find out
who else is involved in similar research work

There appears to be a lot of interest in the NLP and connectionist
communites about combining elements of both fields so I think it
would be a useful move to create a means to allow people working
in these areas to communicate effectively with each other.

If you're not sure how to participate in the discussion about the
creation of thus group please read:
How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup ~ 150 (David C Lawrence)
in: news.announce.newusers
- -
Daniel Jones Email :
CCL, Telephone : +44 61 200 3104 (direct)
UMIST, Fax: +44 61 200 3099
PO Box 88, Manchester, UK.


Date: Mon, 7 Dec 92 19:03:13 EST
From: Bob Greenes <>
Subject: Announcement: Medical Informatics Training at Harvard-MIT-Tufts/NEMC

[ This seems to be all the rage, I wonder if I'm missing something? - CW ]

*** Fellowships Available for AY 1993 ***


We are seeking qualified applicants for the Harvard Medical School,
MIT, Tufts/New England Medical Center combined training program in
medical informatics, for July, 1993 or later.

A number of different training options are offered, including:

Formal doctoral degree training (for both predoctoral and postdoctoral
trainees) in:

o Medical Computer Science at MIT (under the direction of Prof. Peter
Szolovits), emphasizing medical knowledge representation, model
building, and clinical decision making

o Health Decision Science at Harvard School of Public Health (under
the direction of Prof. Milton Weinstein), emphasizing decision
analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and outcome modeling

Research fellowship training (postdoctoral only):

o Decision Systems Group, Brigham and Women's Hospital (under the
direction of Robert A. Greenes, M.D., Ph.D.), emphasizing clinical
decision making, medical educational strategies, clinical
guidelines, clinical record keeping, medical knowledge
representation and query (UMLS), radiologic image management, and
object-oriented software architectures for network-based application

o Laboratory of Computer Science, Massachusetts General Hospital
(under the direction of G. Octo Barnett, M.D.), emphasizing clinical
decision making, medical student education, student/physician
workstation design, problem-based knowledge access, ambulatory
computer-based medical record systems, and implementation/evaluation
of guidelines

o Division of Clinical Decision Making, NEMC (under the direction of
Stephan G. Pauker, M.D.), emphasizing clinical decision making,
knowledge representation, and guidelines and outcome evaluation

o Other special opportunities are also available to qualified
candidates in radiology informatics.

Predoctoral fellowship applicants must concurrently apply for admission
to the MIT or Harvard degree program. Postdoctoral applicants will
usually have at least one year and preferably three years of residency
training prior to beginning of fellowship.

The combined training program offers a wide range of opportunities for
education, research, and collegial interaction among the training sites.
A large variety of course offerings at Harvard, MIT, and Tufts, many
seminars, journal clubs, and other opportuities for exchange of
information provide all trainees with opportunities to learn about the
variety of work occurring at the various laboratories and in the
affiliated institutions, as well as in the larger field of medical
informatics. A number of associated faculty participate in the
program through the research activities of each of the training sites.
In addition to the research programs of the participating laboratories,
we encourage the fellows to develop projects that may involve unique
collaborative relationships.

NLM-supported fellowships are available to U.S. permanent residents
only. For more information, contact the training program office:

Medical Informatics Training Program
ATTN: Robert A. Greenes, MD, PhD
Decision Systems Group, Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115
(617) 732-6281 FAX: (617) 732-6317

or the individual training program component directors via email at:



Date: Fri, 4 Dec 92 18:00:24 EST
From: (Chinatsu Aone x7838)
Subject: Position: AI and NLP at SRA (Arlington)

Systems Research and Applications Corporation (SRA), in Arlington, VA
(just outside of Washington, DC) has several openings in natural
language processing and artificial intelligence. SRA is an industry
leader in NLP, with a strong in-house capability and a series of
long-term contracts.

SRA's Natural Language Processing Department and Knowledge-Based
Systems Department are part of our Intelligent Information Systems
Division. We build operational and R&D prototype systems for
multilingual text understanding and generation, machine translation,
intelligent information retrieval, knowledge visualization, planning,
and automated analysis. The Division has a tradition of cutting-edge
work and encourages conference presentations and publication.

Current openings include:

* Senior NLP Scientist
M.S. or Ph.D. in Computer Science or Linguistics
5+ yrs experience in R&D of NLP systems
This position would involve design and development of state-of-the-art
NLP systems and technical management of NLP projects.
Relevant technical qualifications include Sun/UNIX, LISP, C,
X Window System.

* 2 mid-level NLP Scientists
B.S. or M.S. in Computer Science
2+ yrs experience in building NLP systems, NLP tools, and/or
other knowledge-based systems
Extensive programming experience in LISP is required.
Experience in developing operational software is highly desirable.
C/UNIX and GUI programming experience are a plus.

* Program Manager, Information Retrieval R&D
M.S. or Ph.D. in Computer Science
4+ yrs experience in building information retrieval systems
This position would involve design, development, and marketing of
state-of-the-art IR systems.
Previous software development experience is required.
Excellent written and oral communication skills are a must.

* Senior AI Scientist
M.S. or Ph.D. in Computer Science
5+ yrs experience in R&D of Artificial Intelligence systems
This position would involve design and development of
state-of-the-art knowledge-based systems and technical
management of such projects.
Relevant technical qualifications include Sun/UNIX, RDBMS, LISP, C,
X Window System.
Excellent written and oral communication skills are a must.

* Graphical User Interface Developer
B.S. or M.S. in Computer Science
2+ yrs experience in building GUI's for state-of-the-art systems.
Relevant technical qualifications include Sun/UNIX, C, X Window
System, Motif, OpenLook.

In addition, we are introducing a post-doc program for scholars whose
research interests dovetail with SRA's NLP projects.

Post-docs can be hired at any time during the year, and are generally
expected to stay 12 months. SRA agrees to assign them to work in
their direct area of specialty, on an actual project, for 11 months,
and give them 1 month to write, either the dissertation or other
papers, with the understanding that SRA will be acknowledged in any
written work produced during the year or as a result of the year's
work. Post-docs are entitled to all SRA benefits, including medical
and dental coverage, 401K, parking, etc. in addition to their stipend.
At the end of the post-doc program, long-term employment at SRA is a

SRA offers a very competitive salary and benefits package. To apply
for either the permanent positions or the post-doc program, please
send a resume (hard copies only, please) to:

Dick Hart
IIS Division
Systems Research and Applications Corporation
2000 15th Street North
Arlington, VA 22201

SRA is an equal opportunity employer.


Date: Tue, 8 Dec 92 16:25:35 -0500
From: (Adam Carlson)
Subject: CFP: AAAI-93

Call for Papers

AAAI-93 is the eleventh national conference. The purpose
of the conference is to promote research in artificial
intelligence (AI) and scientific interchange among AI
researchers and practitioners.
Papers may represent significant contributions to all
aspects of AI:
a) the principles underlying cognition, perception, and
action in humans and machines;
b) the design, application, and evaluation of AI
algorithms and intelligent systems; and
c) the analysis of tasks and domains in which
intelligent systems perform.
In recognition of the wide range of methodologies and
research activities legitimately associated with AI, we
invite authors to submit papers describing both
experimental and theoretical results from all stages of
AI research. In particular, we encourage submission of
papers that present promising research directions by
describing innovative concepts, techniques, perspectives,
or observations that are not yet supported by mature
results. To be accepted, such submissions must include
substantial analysis of the ideas, the technology needed
to realize them, and their potential impact. In addition,
because of the essential interdisciplinary nature of AI
and the need to maintain effective communication across
sub-specialties, we encourage authors to position and
motivate their work in the larger context of the general
AI community. While papers concerned with applications
of AI are invited, those that describe working
commercial systems should be submitted to the IAAI

Requirements for Submission

Authors must submit six (6) complete printed copies of
their papers to the AAAI office by January 13, 1993.
Papers received after that date will be returned
unopened. Notification of receipt will be mailed to the
first author (or designated author) soon after receipt.
All inquiries regarding lost papers must be made by
January 27, 1993. Authors are also requested to send
their paperUs title page in an electronic mail message to by January 13, 1993. Notification of
acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be
mailed to the first author (or designated author) by
March 3, 1993. Camera-ready copy of accepted papers
will be due about one month later.

Paper Format for Review
All six (6) copies of a submitted paper must be clearly
legible. Neither computer files nor fax submissions are
acceptable. Submissions must be printed on 8 1/2" x 11"
or A4 paper using 12 point type (10 characters per inch
for typewriters). Each page must have a maximum of 38
lines and an average of 75 characters per line
(corresponding to the LaTeX article-style, 12 point).
Double-sided printing is strongly encouraged.

The body of submitted papers must be at most 11 pages,
including figures, tables, and diagrams, but excluding the
title page and bibliography. Papers exceeding the
specified length and formatting requirements are subject
to rejection without review.

Title page
Each copy of the paper must have a title page (separate
>from the body of the paper) containing the title of the
paper, the names and addresses of all authors, a short
(less than 200 word) abstract, and a descriptive content
area or areas. The title page sent via electronic mail to
the AAAI office must be in plain ASCII text with each
section of the title page preceded by the name of that
section as follows:
title: <title>
author: <name of first author>
address: <address of first author> author: <name of last
address: <address of last author>
abstract: <abstract>
content areas: <first area>, I,
<last area>
To facilitate the reviewing process, authors are
requested to select appropriate content areas from the
list below. Authors are invited to add additional content
area descriptors to their title page as needed.
Artificial Life, Automated Reasoning, Behavior-Based
Control, Belief Revision, Case-Based Reasoning,
Cognitive Modeling, Common Sense Reasoning,
Communication and Cooperation, Constraint-Based
Reasoning, Computer-Aided Education, Connectionist
Models, Corpus-Based Language Analysis, Deduction,
Diagnosis, Discourse Analysis, Distributed Problem
Solving, Expert Systems, Geometrical Reasoning,
Information Extraction, Knowledge Acquisition,
Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Sharing
Technology, Large Scale Knowledge Engineering,
Learning/Adaptation, Machine Learning, Machine
Translation, Mathematical Foundations, Multi-Agent
Planning, Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks,
Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Perception, Planning,
Probabilistic Reasoning, Qualitative Reasoning,
Reasoning about Action, Reasoning about Physical
Systems, Reactivity, Robot Navigation, Robotics, Rule-
Based Reasoning, Scheduling, Search, Sensor
Interpretation, Sensory Fusion/Fission, Simulation,
Situated Cognition, Spatial Reasoning, Speech
Recognition, System Architectures, Temporal Reasoning,
Terminological Reasoning, Theorem Proving, Truth
Maintenance, User Interfaces, Virtual Reality, Vision, 3-
D Model Acquisition.

Submissions to Multiple Conferences

Papers that are being submitted to other conferences,
whether verbatim or in essence, must state this fact on
the title page. If a paper appears at another conference
(with the exception of specialized workshops), it must
be withdrawn from AAAI-93. Papers that violate these
requirements are subject to rejection without review.

Review Criteria

Each paper will be carefully reviewed by experts
specializing in the content areas on the paperUs title
page. Questions that will appear on the review form have
been reproduced below. Authors are advised to bear
these questions in mind while writing their papers:
How important is the work reported? Does it attack an
important/difficult problem or a peripheral/simple one?
Does the approach offered advance the state of the art?

Has this or similar work been previously reported? Are
the problems and approaches completely new? Is this a
novel combination of familiar techniques? Does the
paper point out differences from related research? Is it
re-inventing the wheel using new terminology?

Is the paper technically sound? Does it carefully
evaluate the strengths and limitations of its
contribution? How are its claims backed up?

Is the paper clearly written? Does it motivate the
research? Does it describe the inputs, outputs and basic
algorithms employed? Does the paper describe previous
work? Are the results described and evaluated? Is the
paper organized in a logical fashion?

Accepted papers will be allocated six (6) pages in the
conference proceedings. Up to two (2) additional pages
may be used at a cost to the authors of $250 per page.
Papers exceeding eight (8) pages and those violating the
instructions to authors will not be included in the

Authors will be required to transfer copyright of their
paper to AAAI.

Please send papers and conference registration inquiries

American Association
for Artificial Intelligence
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3496

Registration and call clarification inquiries (ONLY) may
be sent to the CSNET address: Please
send program suggestions and inquiries to:

Richard Fikes
Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Stanford University
701 Welch Road, Building C
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Wendy Lehnert
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003


End of NL-KR Digest

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