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NL-KR Digest Volume 08 No. 36

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NL KR Digest
 · 1 year ago

NL-KR Digest      (Wed Jul 17 11:45:00 1991)      Volume 8 No. 36 

Today's Topics:

NLP openings with Boeing Computer Services, Philadelphia, PA
NLG/KR Job Opening
Auto Language Translation (latin)
Help on Machine Translation
Companies doing NLP
request for parts-of-speech word list
CFP - Workshop on Disjunctive Logic Programs
Sixth Annual Workshop on Conceptual Graphs
CAIA '92 -- Call for Workshop Proposals

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Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 12:45:35 -0400
From: (Krishna Nanda)
Subject: NLP openings with Boeing Computer Services, Philadelphia, PA

The Advanced Computing Technologies Center (ACT) of Boeing Computer Services(
(BCS), Philadelphia, PA has immediate openings for developers of natural
language processing (NLP) systems.

Currently, ACT is working on the following NLP projects :
a. A project to process rejection reports from quality assurance.
b. A project to provide natural language interface (NLI) to a variety of
high level interactive systems.

ACT is looking for qualified persons with academic background and/or industrial
experience in NLP. Some desirable areas of NLP expertise include : semantic
representation, disambiguation, statistical techniques.

Please send your resume to :
Human Resources (Attn: ACT/NLP)
Boeing Computer Services, M/S P30-58
P.O.Box : 33126
Philadelphia, PA 19142

Note that Permanent Residence (Green Card) or U.S. Citizenship is required of
all Boeing (prospective) employees.

For details, you can contact me (Krishna Nanda) at

Krishna Nanda


Subject: Job Opening
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 91 18:05:15 EDT

Job Opening in Natural Language Generation and Knowledge Representation
University of Pittsburgh

Research Associate Position Available

Research Associate wanted for project to design and build a large
medical knowledge-based system to assist in patient education. An
important objective of the project is automatically generating natural
language explanations and participating in a dialogue with the
patient/user. The candidate will be expected to participate in the
design of the system as well as in its implementation. The system is
to be developed in the context of a three-year grant funded by the
National Institutes of Health. The system will be evaluated through
field use in clinical settings.

Candidates must have training or experience in Artificial Intelligence
and/or Medical Informatics. We seek proficient LISP programmers that
have experience with UNIX and X windows programming. The ideal
candidate would have a strong background in planning and knowledge
representation and would be familiar with structured inheritance
network languages (e.g., from the KL-ONE family). Experience in
natural language processing is also highly desirable. Preference will
be given to candidates who have had experience working in
interdisciplinary or cross-cultural situations.

If interested, please contact:

Dr. Johanna Moore
520 Learning Research and Development Center
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Phone: (412) 624-7050


From: (25362-roe mcburnett(H053)m000)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 19:18:23 GMT
Newsgroups: sci.archaeology,,,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.prolog
Subject: Auto Language Translation (latin)
Reply-To: ()

Hello people,

These may be the wrong groups to ask. If so please let me know if there
is a better one, thanks.

My wife is doing some research in English history (13th, 14th century
stuff) and to accomplish this she needs to translate many latin
documents. Things like letters, notes on the king's/nobleman's
movements, etc.

The question is: Is there anywhere an automatic translation program
that will take latin and produce english (or at least present several
options as to how to parse the sentences?)

Any information in these directions is welcome.

I will be watching each of the news groups listed on the header, but
would appreciate email if you feel that the subject does not warrent
general discussion.

Thanks very much
-Roe McBurnett (908)699-2273
Roe D McBurnett III Bellcore (908)699-2273
#insert <std.disclamer>


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 14:41:07 pdt
From: Kingsley Morse <>
Subject: Help on Machine Translation

I've developed an algorithm which learns by example, and I'd like
to train it to translate a conversation between two people. So, I'm looking
for a text file that contains a dialog between two people, with everything
each person says in two languages. See Appendix A for an example. If you
don't have such a file, can you direct me to someone who does?

Also, I'm looking for a file that contains a dialog between two people,
but with the entire conversation in English. Again, If you don't have such a
file, can you direct me to someone who does?

Failing the above, does anyone know how to subscribe to the mailing
list called "Linguist"? (I would like to ask for help there also.)

Or, I've seen similar work by Eiichiro Sumita at Kyoto University
in Japan, and Hitoshi Iida at the ATR Interpreting Telephony Research Labs.
Does anyone have their email addresses? (I would like to ask them for a copy
of ATR's linguistic database of spoken Japanese with English translations.)

Finally, does anyone have email addresses for anyone at:

ATR Interpreting Telephony Research Labs


Center for Machine Translation at Carnagie Mellon University

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Appendix A.

This is a translation between English and Filipino-Tagalog. Any pair of
languages will do, but I would prefer it if one were English. Ideally the
file will be from 10,000 to 100,000 bytes long.

Speaker # 1 in English: "Hello".

Speaker # 1 in Filipino : "Kumusta."

Speaker # 2 in Filipino: "Anong oras na?"

Speaker # 2 in English: "What time is it?"

Speaker # 1 in English: "Noon".

Speaker # 1 in Filipino: "Tanghali"


From: Tony McEnery <>
Subject: Companies doing NLP
Date: 11 Jul 91 15:29:45 GMT
Reply-To: Tony McEnery <>

Dear All,
I am interested in compiling a list of companies with
a commercial product/marketing base of n.l.p. software. Any help
that anybody could give me in this task would be greatly appreciated.

Tony McEnery


From: (David W. Thomas)
Subject: request for parts-of-speech word list
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1991 01:33:20 GMT

I am currently working knowledge representation with an eye toward
deciphering natural (english) language.

I need an on-line list of common English words with their parts-of-speech.
I have a small list which I'm willing to share with others, but you must
realize that I typed my small list in by hand, and I don't type well.

An on-line dictionary would do the trick, but I suspect there are copy-right
laws to be considered when I later want to distribute the list.

Does anyone else have this need?
Does anyone else read this news group?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
David W. Thomas Disclaimer: My boss does know I'm doing this. Please don't tell him.


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 91 10:16:50 EDT
Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences,sci.logic,,comp.lang.prolog,comp.theory,,comp.databases
From: (Arcot Rajasekar)
Subject: CFP - Workshop on Disjunctive Logic Programs
Keywords: Logic Programming, Semantics, Procedures, Knowledge Representation
Organization: University Of Kentucky, Dept. of Math Sciences

Call For Participation

Workshop on Disjunctive Logic Programs

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers active in the
area of disjunctive logic programming and related fields, involving reason-
ing with indefinite information. The workshop will be held in conjunction
with the International Logic Programming Symposium (formerly
NACLP) to be held in San Diego, California, U.S.A., from October 28
to October 31, 1991. The workshop will be held after the conference.

The format of the workshop will be in the form of presentations (of
20-30 minutes duration) on completed work and work in progress. We
also expect the workshop to be informal, providing a forum for close
interactions between participants. Presentations and discussions are
invited on any topic relevant to disjunctive programming, including
but not limited to

o Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programming

o Procedural Interpretations of Disjunctive Logic Programming

o Implementations of Disjunctive Logic Programming Systems

o Applications of Disjunctive Logic Programming

o Reasoning with Indefinite Information

o Disjunctive Databases

o Non-monotonic Reasoning and Disjunctive Information.

If you are interested in giving a presentation of your current research
at the workshop, please send an extended abstract (about 6 pages) by
August 15, 1991, to the address given below. Notification of acceptance
will be given by September 15, 1991. We intend to bring out a proceed-
ings of the workshop in the form of an informal publication and would
require a revised abstract or a full paper of accepted presentations by
October 1, 1991. Those who are only interested in attending the work-
shop are also welcome and are kindly requested to send their postal and
electronic addresses.

Organizing Committee:
Don Loveland, Duke University.
Jorge Lobo, University of Maryland.
Arcot Rajasekar, University of Kentucky.

Important dates:
Deadline for paper submission: August 15th;
Notification for acceptance of presentation: September 15th;
Final Copy for inclusion in proceedings: October 1st.

Contact Address:
Arcot Rajasekar
Department of Computer Science
Patterson Office Towers
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506, U.S.A.
Tel: (606) 257 3892
Fax: (606) 258 1971


Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 11:10 GMT
Subject: AICS'91

Call for Attendance

Fourth Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

19 - 20 September, 1991

University College,

For Details and Registration Forms, contact the Conference Chair:

Humphrey Sorensen,
Computer Science Department,
University College,



Date: Wed, 10 Jul 91 17:45:11 EDT
Subject: Sixth Annual Workshop on Conceptual Graphs

The Sixth Annual Workshop on Conceptual Graphs was held at SUNY
Binghamton from July 11 to 13, 1991. It was sponsored by the
Program in Philosophy and Computer & Systems Science (PACSS) at
SUNY Binghamton with partial support by a grant from AAAI.

The December 1991 issue of the journal Knowledge Based Systems will be
devoted to selected papers from the workshop. The full proceedings with
preprints of all papers can be obtained by sending a note to

Bobbi Libous
Hinman College
SUNY at Binghamton
Binghamton, NY 13092-6000

Include a check or money order for $15 (North America) or $20 (overseas)
payable to: Research Foundation SUNY Binghamton.

Following is the schedule of speakers and topics:

Thursday, July 11th 1991

9:00 Can a Large Knowledge Base be Built by Importing and
Unifying Diverse Knowledge? Lessons from Scruffy Work.
- Gary Berg-Cross
9:25 Dynamic Assertion and Retraction of Conceptual Graphs.
- Harry S. Delugach
9:50 Generalization of Conceptual Graphs.
- Mark Willems

10:50 Negation and Projection of Conceptual Graphs.
- J.E. Heaton & Pavel Kocura
11:15 Toward Compatible Primitive Sets.
- Guy Mineau
11:40 Multi-Level Hierarchical Retrieval.
- Robert Levinson & Gerard Ellis

1:40 A Comprehensive Conceptual Analysis using ER and
Conceptual Graphs.
- Linda C. Gray & Ronald D. Bonnell
2:05 Relationship Mappings: Conceptual Graphs to Object-Oriented.
- Mary Lou Hines & Tim Hines
2:30 An Incomplete View of the Knowledge World.
- Yin-min Wei

3:30 Conceptual Graphs as a Framework for Case-Based Reasoning.
- Vilas Wuwongse & Sookapat Niyomthai
3:55 A Flexible Algorithm for Matching Conceptual Graphs.
- Sung H. Myaeng & Aurelio Lopez-Lopez
4:25 Current Research Issues with Conceptual Graphs.
- John F. Sowa

Friday, July 12th

9:00 On The Use of Conceptual Graphs in Representing Knowledge
for Intelligent Retrieval.
- Judith P. Dick
9:25 Extended Conceptual Structures for Intelligent Document
- David A. Gardiner & James R. Slagle
9:50 Compiled Hierarchical Retrieval.
- Gerard Ellis

10:50 Building a Knowledge Base for Scientific Texts.
- Sougata Mukherjea, Michael E. Cleary & Robert P. Futrelle
11:15 The Integration of Conceptual Graphs and Government-Binding
- Mike L. McHale & Sung H. Myaeng
11:40 Visualizing Temporal Intervals Represented as Conceptual Graphs.
- John W. Esch

1:40 A Conceptual Graph Approach For Representing Temporal
Information in Discourse.
- Bernard Moulin
2:05 An AI Model for Indexical Reference: Input from and Output
to Conceptual Graphs.
- John Moulton & Lawrence Roberts
2:30 Speech Acts in a Connected Discourse: A Computational
Representation Based on Conceptual Graph Theory.
- Bernard Moulin, Daniel Rousseau & Daniel Vanderveken

3:30 Incremental Planning Using Conceptual Graphs.
- Daniel Eshner, James Hendler & Dana Nau
3:55 Issues in Using Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Specification.
- John Yen & Jonathan Lee

Saturday, July 13th

9:00 Open Systems: Toward Synergy in Conceptual Graph Processor
- Jan Schmidt & Pavel Kocura
9:25 Aspects of Conceptual Graph Processor Design.
- Pavel Kocura & Kai Kwong Ho
9:50 The Conceptual Programming Environment, CP: Time, Space
and Heuristic Constraints.
- Heather D. Pfeiffer & Roger T. Hartley

10:50 Flexible Case Structure Implemented in a Deterministic Parser.
- Gerard Sabah & Anne Vilnat
11:15 Integrating Knowledge in Digital Systems Specifications
Using Conceptual Graphs.
- Walling Cyre
11:40 Tomorrow's Spreadsheets: Conceptual Graphs as the Knowledge
Based Decision Support Tool for the Management Accountant.
- Simon Polovina

1:40 Approaches to Data Conceptual Modelling using Conceptual Graphs.
- Peter Creasy & Bernard Moulin

2:05 CAMES - Expert System Administration of Money Market Services.
- Bradley Smith

2:30 Application of Conceptual Graphs to Semantic Data Fusion.
- John Hanna.
Model Unification With Conceptual Graphs.
- Sandra Perez


From: mckay@PRC.Unisys.COM (Donald P McKay)
Subject: CAIA '92 -- Call for Workshop Proposals
Keywords: AI, expert systems
Date: 12 Jul 91 00:31:39 GMT

CAIA '92
Call for Workshop Proposals
Eighth IEEE Conference on AI Applications


The CAIA '92 Program Committee invites proposals for the Workshop
Program of the Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Applications, to be held in Monterey, California, 2-3 March 1992. The
conference is scheduled for 2-6 March 1992. The Call for Papers for
CAIA '92 can be obtained by sending mail to

--------------- Important Dates ----------------

30 August 1991: Proposals due
15 October 1991: Selection notification
11 December 1991: Arrangements finalized
2-3 March 1992: Workshops held


Workshop participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss
selected technical topics in an informal setting which promotes the
active exchange of ideas among practitioners and researchers. Members
from all segments of the AI community are invited to submit proposals
for review.

To encourage interaction and a broad exchange of ideas, the workshops
will be kept small. The format of workshop presentations will be
determined by the organizers proposing the workshop, but ample time
must be allotted for general discussion. Workshops can vary in
length, but most will last a half day or a full day.

Proposals for workshops should be between one and two pages in
length, and should contain:

o A brief description of the workshop identifying specific technical
issues that it will address, and, why the workshop is of interest at
this time.

o The names, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of
the organizing committee, consisting of at least two people
knowledgeable in the field and not all at the same organization.

o A proposed schedule for organizing the workshop and a preliminary

Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than
30 August 1991. Proposals will be reviewed as they are received and
resources allocated as workshops are approved. Email submissions are
preferred and will be acknowledged as received. Organizers will be
notified of the committee's decision no later than 15 October 1991.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for:

o Producing a Call for Participation in the workshop, open to all
members of the AI community, which will be distributed by CAIA.

o Reviewing requests to participate in the workshop and selecting the

o Scheduling the workshop activities. All organizational
arrangements must be completed by 11 December 1991.

CAIA will provide logistical support and a meeting place for the
workshop, and, in conjunction with the organizers, will determine the
workshop date and time. CAIA reserves the right to cancel any workshop
if deadlines are missed. Workshop participants must register for the

Email submissions are encouraged and preferred. Please submit
proposals and any enquiries to:

Donald P. McKay
Unisys Defense Systems, Inc.
Center for Advanced Information Technology
70 East Swedesford Road
PO Box 517
Paoli, PA 19301

Tel: (215) 648-2256
Fax: (215) 648-2288

End of NL-KR Digest

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