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NL-KR Digest Volume 06 No. 33

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NL KR Digest
 · 20 Dec 2023

NL-KR Digest      (Wed Aug  9 13:17:18 1989)      Volume 6 No. 33 

Today's Topics:

CRL documentation
intelligent control
time and space representation
References on Temporal Reasoning

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Date: 28 Jul 89 14:20:17 GMT
From: (frames )
Subject: CRL documentation
Reply-To: (Amedeo Napoli)
Organization: CRIN - INRIA, Nancy, France

I would be interested by the CRL (Carnegie Representation Language)
documentation, but I don't know the electronic address of people who
works on (and with) the language.
Can anybody give me some information ?

Many thanks in advance,

- -- Amedeo Napoli @ CRIN / Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy
EMAIL : - POST : BP 239, 54506 VANDOEUVRE CEDEX, France

[[ the email address for The Carnegie Group, Inc (CGI) KnowledgeCraft
Support group is: You may need to be
a customer of CGI to actually get anything out of them. ]]


Date: 9 Aug 89 14:24 +0200
From: Llums Vila <mcvax!!vila@uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: intelligent control
Return-Receipt-To: Llums Vila <mcvax!!vila@uunet.UU.NET>


Hello everyone,

the research group I am working in is involved in a project related to the
application of artificial intelligence techniques to process control and
supervision, and also the real-time problems it presents.

At this moment we are specially devoted to the study of the use of qualitative
reasoning to build deep knowledge models and on the other hand to the study of
the problems related with temporal reasoning.

We are interested in establish communication with people working in the same
area. If you are in this situation, please, contact with me.

We would like particularly to know a litle bit about...
- which are yours special interest points,
- the actual state of your work (and whether you are involved in a
concrete project),
- and the future collaboration possibilities you see.




% Lluis Vila i Grabulosa E-mail: %
% Centre d'Estudis Avangats de Blanes %
% Cami de Santa Barbara tel. +34 72 33 61 01 %
% 17300 Blanes telex. 56372 CEABL-E %
% Catalunya, Spain fax. +34 72 33 78 06 %


From: (frames )
Subject: time and space representation
Date: 9 Aug 89 13:24:24 GMT
Reply-To: (Amedeo Napoli)
Organization: CRIN - INRIA, Nancy, France
Keywords: time, space, knowledge representation


I am searching for papers on representation of time and space in
knowledge-based systems.
I would appreciate any informations (bibliography, softwares, etc.) on
these topics.
Could you send me the replies directly.
If the informations are of general interest, I will do a synthesis in
the news.

Many thanks in advance,

Amedeo Napoli
- -
- -- Amedeo Napoli @ CRIN / Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy
EMAIL : - POST : BP 239, 54506 VANDOEUVRE CEDEX, France


Date: Wed, 9 Aug 89 11:38:15 EDT
From: (Christopher A. Welty)
Subject: References on Temporal Reasoning

A number of people have asked for this, so here is waht I have, in
bibtex form:

author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals, TR 86",
institution "University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science",
year "1981"}

author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "A general model of action and time, TR 97",
institution "University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science",
year "1981"}

key "allen81c",
author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "An Interval-Based Representation of Temporal Knowledge",
booktitle "Proceedings of 7th IJCAI",
organization "IJCAI",
month "August",
year "1981"}

key "allen83a",
author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals",
journal "Communications of the ACM",
volume "26(11)",
pages "832-843",
year "1983"}

key "allen83b",
author "ALLEN, J.F. & KOOMEN, J.A.",
title "Planning using a temporal world model",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
organization "IJCAI",
year "1983"}

key "allen84",
author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "Towards a general theory of action and time",
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "23(2)",
pages "123-154",
year "1984"}

author "ALLEN, J.F. and HAYES, P.J.",
title "A Commonsense Theory of Time: The Longer Paper",
institution "University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science",
year "1985"}

key "allen85b",
author "ALLEN, J.F. and HAYES, P.J.",
title "A Commonsense Theory of Time",
booktitle "Proceedings of IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
year "1985"}

key "bruce72",
author "BRUCE, B.",
title "A Model for Temporal References and
its Application in a Question Answering Program"
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "4",
pages "1-25",
year "1972"}

author "Cheeseman, P.",
title "A Representation of Time for Planning, Technical Note 278",
institution "SRI Artificial Intelligence Center",
year "1983"}

key "cheeseman84",
author "Cheeseman, P.",
title "A Representation of Time for Automatic Planning",
booktitle "Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics",
organization "IEEE",
year "1984"}

key "chun86",
author "Chun Hon Wai",
title "A Representation for Temporal Sequence and Duration
in Massively Parallel Networks: Exploiting Link Interactions"
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Time Map Maintenance",
institution "Yale University Computer Science Department",
year "1983"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Planning and Temporal Reasoning Under Uncertainty",
booktitle "Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Principles of
Knowledge-Based Systems"
organization "IEEE",
month "December",
year "1984"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Managing Time Maps",
booktitle "Proceedings of CSCSI 84.
Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence"
organization "CSCSI",
year "1984"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "A TNMS User's Manual",
institution "Yale University Computer Science Department",
year "1984"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title"Temporal imagery: an approach to reasoning about time for planning
and problem solving"
institution "Yale University Computer Science Department",
year "1985"}

key "dean85",
author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Temporal Reasoning Involving Counterfactuals and Disjunctions",
booktitle "Proceedings of 9th IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "1060-1062",
month "August",
year "1985"}

key "dean86",
author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Intractability and time dependent planning",
booktitle "Proceedings of the Workshop on Planning and Reasoning About Action",
organization "AAAI",
month "July",
year "1986"}

key "fagan80",
author "FAGAN, J.J.",
title "Representing Time-Dependent Relations in a Medical Setting",
type "Ph.D. thesis",
institution "Stanford University",
year "1980"}

author "HANKS, S. and MCDERMOTT, D.",
title "Temporal Reasoning and Default Logics",
institution "Yale University Department of Computer Science",
year "1985"}

key "hendrix73",
author "HENDRIX, G.G",
title "Modeling Simultaneous Actions and Continuous Processes",
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "4",
pages "145-180",
year "1973"}

key "hirschman81",
author "HIRSCHMAN, L.",
title "Representing implicit and explicit time relations in narrative",
booktitle "Proceedings of 7th IJCAI",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "289-295",
month "August",
year "1981"}

key "kahn77",
author "KAHN, K. and GORRY, G.A.",
title "Mechanizing Temporal Knowledge",
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "9",
pages "87-108",
year "1977"}

key "kandrashina83",
author "Kandrashina, E.Y.",
title "Representation of Temporal Knowledge",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "343-345",
year "1983"}

key "ladkin85",
author "LADKIN, P.B.",
title "Comments on the Representation of Time",
booktitle "Proceedings of the 1985
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Workshop"
year "1985"}

key "ladkin86a",
author "LADKIN, P.",
title "Primitives and Units for Time Specification",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "July",
year "1986"}

key "ladkin86b",
author "LADKIN, P.",
title "Time Representation: A Taxonomy of Interval Relations",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}

key "leban86",
author "LEBAN, B., MCDONALD, D and FORSTER, D.",
title "A Representation for Collections of Temporal Intervals",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}

key "long83b",
author "LONG, W. and RUSS, T.",
title "A Control Structure for Time Dependent Reasoning",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
pages "230-232",
organization "IJCAI",
month "August",
year "1983"}

key "malik83",
author "MALIK, J. and Binford T.O.",
title "Reasoning in Time and Space",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "343-345",
year "1983"}

key "masui83b",
author "MASUI, S., MCDERMOTT, J. and SOBEL, A.",
title "Decision-Making in Time-Critical Situations",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
pages "233-235",
organization "IJCAI",
month "August",
year "1983"}

key "miller85",
author "Miller, D., Firby, J. and Dean, T.",
title "Deadlines, Travel Time and Robot Problem Solving",
booktitle "Proceedings of 9th IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "1052-1054",
year "1985"}

key "mourelatos78",
author "MOURELATOS, A.P.D.",
title "Events, processes and states",
journal "Linguistics and Philosophy",
volume "2",
pages "415-434",
year "1978"}

author "MCDERMOTT, D.",
title "A Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Processes and Plans",
institution "Yale University Department of Computer Science",
year "1981"}

key "mcdermott82",
author "MCDERMOTT, D.",
title "A Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Processes and Plans",
journal "Cognitive Science",
volume "6",
pages "101-155",
year "1982"}

key "Moore80",
author "Moore, R.",
title "Reasoning about knowledge and action (Technical Report 191)",
institution "SRI AI Center",
year "1980"}

key "rescher",
author "RESCHER, N.",
title "Temporal Logic",
publisher "Springer-Verlag",
address "New York",
year "1971" )

key "rit86",
author "Rit, J.",
title "Propagating temporal constraints for scheduling",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
pages "383-388",
year "1986"}

key "shoham86",
author "SHOHAM, Y.",
title "Reasoning About Change:
Time and Causation from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligens"
type "Ph.D. thesis",
year "1986"}

key "shoham86",
author "Shoham, Y.",
title "Reified Temporal Logics: Semantical and Ontological Considerations",
booktitle "Proceedings of 7th ECAI, Brighton, U.K.",
organization "ECAI",
month "July",
year "1986"}

key "shoham86",
author "Shoham, Y.",
title "Chronological Ignorance:
Time, Nonmonotonicity, Necessity and Causal Theories"
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
pages "389-393",
year "1986"}

key "Smith83",
author "Smith, S.F.",
title "Exploiting Temporal Knowledge to Organize Constraints,
Technical Report CMJU-RI-TR-83-12"
institution "CMU Robotics Institute",
year "1983"}

key "Vere81",
author "Vere, S.A.",
title "Planning in Time: Windows and Durations for Activities and Goals",
institution "California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory",
year "1981"}

key "Vere84",
author "Vere, S.A.",
title "Temporal Scope of Assertions and Window Cutoff",
institution "California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory",
year "1984"}

key "vere85",
author "Vere, S.",
title "Temporal Scope of Assertions and Window Cutoff",
booktitle "Proceedings of 9th IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "1055-1059",
year "1985"}

key "vilain82",
author "VILAIN, M.",
title "A System for Reasoning About Time",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-82, Pittsburgh, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1982"}

key "vilain86",
author "VILAIN, M. and KAUTZ, H.",
title "Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}


Christopher Welty --- Asst. Director, RPI CS Labs | "Porsche: Fahren in ...!njin!nyser!weltyc | seiner schoensten Form"

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