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dictyNews Volume 42 Number 25
Electronic Edition
Volume 42, number 25
October 28, 2016
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Inference of the drivers of collective movement in two cell types:
Dictyostelium and melanoma
Elaine A. Ferguson, Jason Matthiopoulos, Robert H. Insall and
Dirk Husmeier
Royal Society Interface, in press
Collective cell movement is a key component of many important
biological processes, including wound healing, the immune
response and the spread of cancers. To understand and influence
these movements, we need to be able to identify and quantify the
contribution of their different underlying mechanisms. Here, we
define a set of six candidate model-formulated as advection-
diffusion-reaction partial differential equationsóthat incorporate
a range of cell movement drivers. We fitted these models to
movement assay data from two different cell types: Dictyostelium
discoideum and human melanoma. Model comparison using widely
applicable information criterion suggested that movement in both
of our study systems was driven primarily by a self-generated
gradient in the concentration of a depletable chemical in the
cellsí environment. For melanoma, there was also evidence that
overcrowding influenced movement. These applications of model
inference to determine the most likely drivers of cell movement
indicate that such statistical techniques have potential to support
targeted experimental work in increasing our understanding of
collective cell movement in a range of systems.
submitted by: Robert Insall []
[End dictyNews, volume 42, number 25]