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dictyNews Volume 32 Number 15

Electronic Edition
Volume 32, number 15
June 12, 2009
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The Elmo family forms an ancient group of actin-regulating proteins
Joseph A. Brzostowski1* Petra Fey3 Jianshe Yan2 Nilgun Isik2
and Tian Jin2
1Laboratory of Immunogenetics Imaging Facility,
2Laboratory of Immunogenetics/Chemotaxis Signal Section, National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National
Institutes of Health, Rockville, Maryland USA;
3dictyBase; Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois USA
Communicative & Integrative Biology 2:4, July/August 2009
The Elmo protein family members are important mediators
of small G protein activity, regulating actin-mediated processes
such as chemotaxis and engulfment. Until recently,1 Elmo function
has not been explored in professional phagocytes such as
Dictyostelium discoideum. We discuss the significance of this
family with respect to pathways that regulate Rac signaling,
we present a comparison of Elmo proteins between representative
taxa, and discuss our findings on ElmoA, one of six Elmo
proteins found in D. discoideum.
Submitted by: Petra Fey []
[End dictyNews, volume 32, number 15]