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Machine Learning List Vol. 6 No. 14

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Machine Learning List
 · 1 year ago

Machine Learning List: Vol. 6 No. 14
Tuesday, May 24, 1994

Knowledge Discovery Mine and KDD Nuggets on-line
CFP: Special Issue on Games: Planning and Learning
ML'94/COLT'94: Reminder
New Genetic Programming Books Available

The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant to
the scientific study of machine learning. Mail contributions to
Mail requests to be added or deleted to Back issues
may be FTP'd from in pub/ml-list/V<X>/<N> or N.Z where X and N are
the volume and number of the issue; ID: anonymous PASSWORD: <your mail address>


Date: Wed, 11 May 94 09:01:29 EDT
From: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro <>
Subject: Knowledge Discovery Mine and KDD Nuggets on-line

The KDD Nuggets is a moderated list for the exchange of information
relevant to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), e.g.
application descriptions, conference announcements, tool reviews,
information requests, interesting ideas, clever opinions, etc.
It has been coming out 1-2 times a month, depending on the frequency
and urgency of the submissions.

To subscribe, e-mail to ; Contributions to

Back issues of KDD Nuggets, FAQ, and other KDD-related information are
now available via Mosaic, URL or by
anonymous ftp to, cd /pub/kdd, get README


This server has a variety of information on Knowledge
Discovery in Database, also known as data mining, knowledge extraction,
information harvesting, etc. Some of this is very preliminary, so
please send constructive suggestions (no flames) to

* KDD Frequently Asked Questions, with pointers to relevant publications.

* S*I*FTWARE: a catalog of commercial and public-domain tools for knowledge
discovery in data, with some additional hyperlinks.

* A list of AI resources relevant to KDD, collected by Chris Matheus.

* The KDD Nuggets archive

* KDD-93: Progress and Challenges in Knowledge Discovery in Databases,
a report on AAAI-93 KDD Workshop, in LaTeX format, submitted for publication

also there are pointers to other relevant information sources on the Internet.


Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 10:28:52 -0700
From: Bob Levinson <>
Subject: CFP: Special Issue on Games: Planning and Learning

Call for Papers

Special Issue of Computational Intelligence on Games: Planning and
Editors: Susan Epstein (Hunter College-CUNY), Robert Levinson(UC-Santa
Cruz), Barney Pell (Nasa Ames Research Center).

This issue is inspired by the successful AAAI FALL 1993 Symposium of the
same title but is open to all authors and relevant original papers Papers must not have been published in journals or as book chapters before or being
currently reviewed for another journal. Authors agree to serve as peer reviewers for up to three articles for the issue and to meet the timetable below.

If you intend to submit, please send e-mail to
by May 31, 1994.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
Assessing and increasing the generality of game-learning systems, computational implementations of mathematical game analysis, counterplanning, evaluation function learning, feature discovery, learning and using abstraction in game-playing, metareasoning, methodologies for evaluating learning and planning, methods amenable to broader AI problems, psychological theories and models of learning and planning in games, reasoning and planning under uncertainty, reasoning under real-time constraints, selective search, training paradigms for game-learning systems, tradeoffs between learning and planning in games, utility issues in speedup learning, interplay between AI and economic game theory in exploiting
compact representations of games for learning and planning.

Research must be mature enough to warrant journal publication.

Papers should be at least 5000 words long and conform to the
formatting standards available anonymous FTP from /pub/ci
in author_instructions.txt.


Deadline for submission of first draft: : Aug 15, 1994
Review period : Aug15 - Nov 1, 1994.
Reviews and decisions returned to you : Nov 15, 1994
Revised Manuscripts submitted : Dec. 30, 1994
Publication: Volume 11, Number 4 : Nov. 1995

Submissions: One original and 5 copies to:

Prof. Robert Levinson
Department of Computer and Information Sciences.
225 Applied Sciences Building.
University of California at Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
FAX: 408-459-4829


From: Ming Li <>
Subject: ML'94/COLT'94: Reminder
Date: Thu, 19 May 1994 16:58:51 -0400

+ +
+ ML '94 COLT '94 +
+ +
+ Eleventh International Conference Seventh ACM Conference on +
+ on Machine Learning Computational Learning Theory +
+ July 10-13, 1994 July 12-15, 1994 +
+ +
+ Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick +
+ +

The early registration deadline for the COLT94 and ML94 conferences is


Registration materials can be obtained via ftp from in
the directory /pub/learning94/registration-information, and also from
our www site at
If you do not have access to ftp/www, send email to


Date: Tue, 17 May 94 15:38:39 EDT
Subject: New Genetic Programming Books Available

There are a couple of new books on Genetic Programming that you might
be interested in knowing more about. Both are potentially interesting
to people interested in machine learning.

The first is called "Advances in Genetic Programming", edited by
Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr. (me), and the second is "Genetic Programming
II", by John Koza. Both are from MIT Press.

I've included the Table of Contents from Advances in Genetic
Programming below. Many of the chapters involve some aspect of machine
learning as well as genetic programming.

At the end of this message, there is a pointer to additional
information available via ftp as well as ordering information about
both books.


Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr. Editor
MIT Press/A Bradford Book
Available April 1994


1 A Perspective on the Work in this Book
Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr.

2 Introduction to Genetic Programming
John R. Koza


3 The Evolution of Evolvability in Genetic Programming
Lee Altenberg

4 Genetic Programming and Emergent Intelligence
Peter J. Angeline

5 Scalable Learning in Genetic Programming
using Automatic Function Definition
John R. Koza

6 Alternatives in Automatic Function Definition:
A Comparison of Performance
Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr.

7 The Donut Problem: Scalability, Generalization
and Breeding Policies in Genetic Programming
Walter Alden Tackett, Aviram Carmi

8 Effects of Locality in Individual and Population Evolution
Patrik D'haeseleer, Jason Bluming

9 The Evolution of Mental Models
Astro Teller

10 Evolution of Obstacle Avoidance Behavior:
Using Noise to Promote Robust Solutions
Craig W. Reynolds

11 Pygmies and Civil Servants
Conor Ryan

12 Genetic Programming Using a Minimum Description Length Principle
Hitoshi Iba, Hugo de Garis, Taisuke Sato

13 Genetic Programming in C++: Implementation Issues
Mike J. Keith, Martin C. Martin

14 A Compiling Genetic Programming System
that Directly Manipulates the Machine Code
Peter Nordin


15 Automatic Generation of Programs for Crawling and Walking
Graham Spencer

16 Genetic Programming for the Acquisition of
Double Auction Market Strategies
Martin Andrews, Richard Prager

17 Two Scientific Applications of Genetic Programming:
Stack Filters and Non-Linear Equation Fitting to Chaotic Data
Howard Oakley

18 The Automatic Generation of Plans for a Mobile Robot
via Genetic Programming with Automatically Defined Functions
Simon G. Handley

19 Competitively Evolving Decision Trees Against Fixed Training
Cases for Natural Language Processing
Eric V. Siegel

20 Cracking and Co-Evolving Randomizers
Jan Jannink

21 Optimizing Confidence of Text Classification
by Evolution of Symbolic Expressions
Brij Masand

22 Evolvable 3D Modeling for Model-Based Object Recognition Systems
Thang Nguyen, Thomas Huang

23 Automatically Defined Features: The Simultaneous Evolution of
2-Dimensional Feature Detectors and an Algorithm for Using Them
David Andre

24 Genetic Micro Programming of Neural Networks
Frdric Gruau


An annotated version of this table of contents (with a paragraph
briefly describing each chapter) is available at the GP ftp site:

ftp site:
file: /pub/genetic-programming/papers/AiGP.atoc.txt

The MIT Press catalog copy and ordering information for all of the GP
books from MIT press (including Advances in Genetic Programming and
Genetic Programming II, the forthcoming new GP book by John Koza) is
also availabe at the same FTP site:

file: /pub/genetic-programming/papers/GPfromMITPress.txt


Advances in Genetic Programming
Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr., editor
April 1994 - 536 pp. - $45.00
ISBN 0-262-11188-8 KINDH

MIT Press books are available at bookstores or
directly from the publisher:

US orders:


Phone: 1-800-356-0343 or (617) 625-8569

Mail: The MIT Press
55 Hayward Street
Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA


UK, Eire, Continental Europe orders:

please contact the London office of the MIT Press at:

The MIT Press
14 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2LP

Tel (071) 404 0712
Fax (071) 404 0610

Austrialia orders:

Astam Books
57-61 John Street
Leichhardt, NSW 2040 Australia

Tel (02) 566 4400
Fax (02) 566 4411

Please note that prices may be higher outside the US

In all other areas or in case of difficulty, please contact:

The MIT Press International Department
55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA

Tel 617 253 2887
Fax 617 253 1709


You might also find the following FORTHCOMING items of interest:

Genetic Programming II
Automatic Discovery of Reusable Programs
John R. Koza
July - 350 pp. - 220 illus. - $45.00
ISBN 0-262-11189-6 KOZGH2

Genetic Programming II Video
The Next Generation
John R. Koza

0-262-61099-X VHS/NTSC $34.95 KOZGV2
0-262-61100-7 PAL $44.95 KOZGP2
0-262-61101-5 SECAM $44.95 KOZGS2

You can read more about all of these books in the file:

ftp site:
file: /pub/genetic-programming/papers/GPfromMITPress.txt


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