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Machine Learning List Vol. 5 No. 07

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Machine Learning List
 · 1 year ago

Machine Learning List: Vol. 5 No. 7
Thursday, April 8, 1993

IJCAI-93 Workshop CFP: Models of teaching and models of learning
Call for Papers (NIPS*93)
ASIS SIG/Classification Research Workshop - Call for papers
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning 2nd CFP/Call for Participation

The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant to
the scientific study of machine learning. Mail contributions to
Mail requests to be added or deleted to Back issues
may be FTP'd from in pub/ml-list/V<X>/<N> or N.Z where X and N are
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Date: Tue, 23 Mar 93 15:26:35 CST
From: Lawrence Birnbaum <birnbaum@aristotle.ils.nwu.EDU>
Subject: IJCAI-93 Workshop CFP: Models of teaching and models of learning

[NOTE: This message is coming out after the deadline for submissions
because I was away from my computer for a while. The deadline has been
extended slightly. Contact birnbaum@aristotle.ils.nwu.EDU if you wish to
submit late. Mike Pazzani]

Call for Participation:

IJCAI-93 Workshop on "Models of Teaching and Models of Learning"

To be held in conjunction with IJCAI-93

Chambery, Savoie, France, August 29 -- September 3, 1993


The organizing committee listed below is pleased to announce a one-day
workshop on the topic of "Models of Teaching and Models of Learning," to be
held in conjunction with IJCAI-93, Chambery, Savoie, France, August 29 --
September 3, 1993. The workshop is aimed at exploring the relationships among
current cognitive models of human learning, machine learning, and AI-based
teaching models and systems. In particular, it will address such questions

What do models of human and machine learning tell us about effectively
structuring teaching environments in a variety of tasks and domains?

Conversely, what does our knowledge of conditions and methods for effective
teaching tell us about human, and potentially machine, learning?

What is the best role for individual examples or cases in teaching and
learning? When and how should general rules be given to students?

What is the relationship between student models in teaching systems and models
of human and machine learning? What is the proper role of student modelling
in teaching?

How can issues of motivation be addressed in teaching systems?

What should the relative roles of content issues and architectural issues be
in our models of teaching and learning?

How does technology (e.g., the use of simulation or multimedia) affect our
ability to construct effective teaching systems?


The workshop program will include both invited and submitted papers.
Presentations will be organized into a number of thematically coherent panels
to encourage discussion. In order to encourage the broadest possible
participation, the workshop program will also include a poster session. For
the same reason, researchers and students who wish to attend the workshop
without presenting a paper or poster are encouraged to do so.

To participate:

To present a paper or a poster, please submit an extended abstract (2-3 pages)
by April 1, 1993. Submission may be either by electronic mail to, or by hard copy to

IJCAI-93 Workshop
Northwestern University
The Institute for the Learning Sciences
1890 Maple Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201 USA

Authors will receive notification of acceptance by May 1, 1993. Final papers
(in hard copy only) are due back to us by June 15, 1993.

If you wish to attend the workshop without presenting, please send us a copy
of your vita.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at the above addresses.


All workshop attendees must register for the main IJCAI-93 conference and pay
full registration fees. An additional fee of 300 FF will be charged for the

Organizing committee

Roger Schank, chair
Northwestern University
The Institute for the Learning Sciences
Evanston, IL USA

John Anderson
Carnegie-Mellon University
Dept. of Psychology
Pittsburgh, PA USA

Francesco Antonucci
Istituto di Psicologia, CNR
Rome, Italy

Lawrence Birnbaum
Northwestern University
The Institute for the Learning Sciences
Evanston, IL USA

Pierre Dillenbourg
Universite de Geneve
Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education
Geneva, Switzerland

Elliot Soloway
University of Michigan
Dept. of Computer Science
Ann Arbor, MI USA


Date: Wed, 31 Mar 93 13:59:36 PST
From: Bartlett Mel <mel@cns.caltech.EDU>
Subject: Call for Papers (NIPS*93)

Neural Information Processing Systems
-Natural and Synthetic-
Monday, November 29 - Thursday, December 2, 1993
Denver, Colorado

This is the seventh meeting of an inter-disciplinary conference
which brings together neuroscientists, engineers, computer scien-
tists, cognitive scientists, physicists, and mathematicians in-
terested in all aspects of neural processing and computation.
There will be an afternoon of tutorial presentations (Nov 29)
preceding the regular session and two days of focused workshops
will follow at a nearby ski area (Dec 3-4).

Major categories and examples of subcategories for paper submis-
sions are the following:

Neuroscience: Studies and Analyses of Neurobiological Systems,
Inhibition in cortical circuits, Signals and noise in neural
computation, Computational and Theoretical Neurobiology, Neu-

Theory: Computational Learning Theory, Complexity Theory,
Dynamical Systems, Statistical Mechanics, Probability and
Statistics, Approximation Theory.

Implementation and Simulation: VLSI, Optical, Software Simula-
tors, Implementation Languages, Parallel Processor Design and

Algorithms and Architectures: Learning Algorithms, Construc-
tive and Pruning Algorithms, Localized Basis Functions, Tree
Structured Networks, Performance Comparisons, Recurrent Net-
works, Combinatorial Optimization, Genetic Algorithms.

Cognitive Science & AI: Natural Language, Human Learning and
Memory, Perception and Psychophysics, Symbolic Reasoning.

Visual Processing: Stereopsis, Visual Motion, Recognition, Im-
age Coding and Classification.

Speech and Signal Processing: Speech Recognition, Coding, and
Synthesis, Text-to-Speech, Adaptive Equalization, Nonlinear
Noise Removal.

Control, Navigation, and Planning: Navigation and Planning,
Learning Internal Models of the World, Trajectory Planning,
Robotic Motor Control, Process Control.

Applications: Medical Diagnosis or Data Analysis, Financial
and Economic Analysis, Timeseries Prediction, Protein Struc-
ture Prediction, Music Processing, Expert Systems.

Technical Program: Plenary, contributed and poster sessions will
be held. There will be no parallel sessions. The full text of
presented papers will be published.

Submission Procedures: Original research contributions are soli-
cited, and will be carefully refereed. Authors must submit six
copies of both a 1000-word (or less) summary and six copies of a
separate single-page 50-100 word abstract clearly stating their
results postmarked by May 22, 1993 (express mail is not neces-
sary). Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference
program. Summaries are for program committee use only. At the
bottom of each abstract page and on the first summary page indi-
cate preference for oral or poster presentation and specify one
of the above nine broad categories and, if appropriate, sub-
categories (For example: Poster, Applications-Expert Systems;
Oral, Implementation-Analog VLSI). Include addresses of all au-
thors at the front of the summary and the abstract and indicate
to which author correspondence should be addressed. Submissions
will not be considered that lack category information, separate
abstract sheets, the required six copies, author addresses, or
are late.

Mail Submissions To:

Gerry Tesauro
NIPS*93 Program Chair
The Salk Institute, CNL
10010 North Torrey Pines Rd.
La Jolla, CA 92037

Mail For Registration Material To:

NIPS*93 Registration
NIPS Foundation
PO Box 60035
Pasadena, CA 91116-6035

All submitting authors will be sent registration material au-
tomatically. Program committee decisions will be sent to the
correspondence author only.

NIPS*93 Organizing Committee: General Chair, Jack Cowan, Univer-
sity of Chicago; Publications Chair, Joshua Alspector, Bellcore;
Publicity Chair, Bartlett Mel, CalTech; Program Chair, Gerry
Tesauro, IBM/Salk Institute; Treasurer, Rodney Goodman, CalTech;
Local Arrangements, Chuck Anderson, Colorado State Universi-
ty; Tutorials Chair, Dave Touretzky, Carnegie-Mellon, Workshop
Chair, Mike Mozer, University of Colorado; Program Co-Chairs:
Larry Abbott, Brandeis Univ, Chris Atkeson, MIT; A. B. Bonds,
Vanderbilt Univ; Gary Cottrell, UCSD; Scott Fahlman, CMU; Rod
Goodman, Caltech; John Hertz, NORDITA/NIH; John Lazzaro, UC
Berkeley; Todd Leen, OGI; Jay McClelland, CMU; Nelson
Morgan,ICSI; Steve Nowlan, Salk Inst./Synaptics; Misha Pavel,
NASA/OGI; Sandy Pentland, MIT; Tom Petsche, Siemens. Domestic
Liasons: IEEE Liaison, Terrence Fine, Cornell; Government & Cor-
porate Liaison, Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute Inc.; Overseas
Liasons: Mitsuo Kawato, ATR; Marwan Jabri, University of Sydney;
Gerard Dreyfus, Ecole Superieure, Paris; Alan Murray, University
of Edinburgh; Andreas Meier, Simon Bolivar U.


please post


Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1993 00:45:59 -0500
From: Ray Schwartz <schwartz@NLM.NIH.GOV>
Subject: ASIS SIG/Classification Research Workshop - Call for papers

The American Society for Information Science Special Interest Group on
Classification Research (ASIS SIG/CR) invites submissions for the 4th ASIS
Classification Research Workshop, to be held at the 56th Annual Meeting of
ASIS in Columbus, Ohio. The workshop will take place Sunday, October 24th,
1993, 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. ASIS '93 continues through Thursday, October

The CR Workshop is designed to be an exchange of ideas among active
researchers with interests in the creation, development, management,
representation, display, comparison, compatibility, theory, and application
of classification schemes. Emphasis will be on semantic classification, in
contrast to statistically based schemes. Topics include, but are not
limited to:

* Warrant for concepts in classification schemes * Concept acquisition *
Basis for semantic classes * Automated techniques to assist in creating
classification schemes * Statistical techniques used for developing
explicit semantic classes * Relations and their properties * Inheritance
and subsumption * Knowledge representation schemes * Classification
algorithms * Procedural knowledge in classification schemes * Reasoning
with classification schemes * Software for management of classification
schemes * Interfaces for displaying classification schemes * Data
structures and programming languages for classification schemes * Image
classification * Comparison and compatibility between classification
schemes * Applications such as subject analysis, natural language
understanding, information retrieval, expert systems *

The CR Workshop welcomes submissions from various disciplines. Those
interested in participating are invited to submit a short (1-2 page single-
spaced) position paper summarizing substantive work that has been conducted
in the above areas or other areas related to semantic classification
schemes, and a statement briefly outlining the reason for wanting to
participate in the workshop. Submissions may include background papers as
attachments. Participation will be of two kinds: presenter and regular
participant. Those selected as presenters will be invited to submit
expanded versions of their position papers and to speak to those papers in
brief presentations during the workshop. All position papers (both expanded
and short papers) will be published in proceedings to be distributed prior
to the workshop. The workshop registration fee is $35.00.

Submissions should be made by email, or diskette accompanied by paper copy,
or paper copy only (fax or postal), to arrive by May 15, 1993, to:

Phil Smith, 210 Baker Systems, 1971 Neil Avenue, Cognitive Systems
Engineering Laboratory, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210;
Phone: 614-292-4120; Fax: 614-292-7852, Internet:


Date: Wed, 7 Apr 93 15:17:43 PDT
From: Steve Minton <minton@ptolemy.arc.nasa.GOV>
Subject: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research


Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

The AI Access Foundation, a nonprofit corporation devoted to the
electronic dissemination of scientific results in AI, is pleased to
announce a new journal, the Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Research (JAIR). JAIR is a refereed publication, covering all areas
of AI, that will be distributed over the internet. In addition, each
complete volume of JAIR will be published by Morgan Kaufmann.

JAIR will offer AI researchers several advantages over existing journals:

** To promote rapid publication of research results, articles sent to
JAIR will be reviewed and returned to the authors in approximately
5 weeks. Electronic publication will occur immediately after the
editor receives the final version of an accepted article.

** Articles will be distributed free of charge over the internet via ftp,
automated email, and a newsgroup. Articles will be available
in postscript. (We are considering additional formats as well.)

** Subscribers will be able to take full advantage of the electronic medium.
JAIR will support a variety of electronic services, including:
A) an electronic newsgroup associated with the journal where
published articles can be discussed,
B) online appendices containing data/code, facilitating replication
and reuse of results, and
C) software for performing online text searches.

JAIR will only publish articles of the highest quality. Submissions
will be evaluated on their originality and significance. All claims
should be clearly articulated and justified either empirically or
theoretically. Papers should describe work that has both practical
and theoretical significance.

We encourage authors to be concise. Short, high-quality articles
will be welcomed, in addition to the longer articles that traditionally
appear in AI journals. JAIR will also publish technical notes -- very
brief papers that extend or evaluate previous work.

Submissions in all areas of AI are invited, including automated
reasoning, cognitive modeling, knowledge representation, learning,
natural language, perception, and robotics. JAIR will begin accepting
submissions on June 15, 1993. Further information regarding submissions
can be obtained by sending a request to A
more detailed announcement containing subscription information will be
issued later this spring.


Steven Minton


Jan Aikins David Haussler Martha Pollack
Yuichiro Anzai Julia Hirschberg Ross Quinlan
Rodney Brooks Lawrence Hunter Edwina Rissland
Murray Campbell Takeo Kanade Paul Rosenbloom
Thomas Dean Hiroaki Kitano Stuart Russell
Rina Dechter Richard Korf Erik Sandewall
Gerald DeJong Pat Langley Bart Selman
Johan de Kleer Wendy Lehnert Stuart Shieber
Jon Doyle Ramon Lopez de Mantaras Douglas Smith
Didier Dubois David McAllester Luc Steels
Edmund Durfee Kathleen McKeown Anthony Stentz
David Etherington Stephen Muggleton Peter Struss
Oren Etzioni Hideyuki Nakashima Richard Sutton
Kenneth Forbus Nils Nilsson Hozumi Tanaka
Michael Georgeff Toyoaki Nishida Austin Tate
Matthew Ginsberg Christos Papadimitriou David Touretzky
Fausto Giunchiglia Judea Pearl Daniel Weld
Walter Hamscher Tomaso Poggio Michael Wellman


Jaime Carbonell Peter Friedland Paul Rosenbloom
Thomas Dietterich Matthew Ginsberg Bart Selman
Oren Etzioni Richard Korf Daniel Weld
Kenneth Forbus


Subject: European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning 2nd CFP/Call for Participation
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 93 15:58:05 GMT


E W C B R - 93

First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning

1-5 November 1993

Kaiserslautern (Germany)

Second Call for Papers/First Call for Participation


General Information:

Case-Based Reasoning is a topic which becomes more and more important and has
raised considerable interest recently. Its various aspects have been elaborated
from the theoretical as well as from the practical side. It supports knowledge
acquisition and problem solving, and it is related to key words like machine
learning, analogy, cognitive modeling, similarity, information retrieval,
statistics among others.
Although case-based reasoning has a well defined place within AI-related
conferences, we feel that the topic deserves a workshop on its own also in
Europe, as there have been such events in US.

The scientific programme will include the presentation of selected papers,
several invited talks, system demonstrations, as well as poster and panel
sessions. An introductory course is planned for the first day.

Submission of Papers:

Submissions are invited on research covering all aspects of case-based reasoning
including (but not restricted to)

_ theoretical analysis of similarity assessment
_ adaptation strategies
_ combination of case-based and other approaches
_ cognitive modeling
_ case-based learning
_ relations between inductive and case-based learning/reasoning
_ case-based knowledge engineering
_ analogical reasoning
_ relations between case-based reasoning and other approaches
_ evaluation of case-based approaches
_ demonstration of implemented systems
_ applications of case-based reasoning

Please, contribute an extended abstract to one of the following categories:

_ theoretical results
_ practical/empirical results
_ work in progress (posters)
_ system descriptions (includes a demonstration at the workshop)

Submissions should be made in five copies to the program chairman:

Prof. Dr. Michael M. Richter
University of Kaiserslautern
Department of Computer Science
P.O.Box 3049
D-W-6750 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tel.: +49 631 205 3360
Fax: +49 631 205 3357

Program Committee:

Agnar Aamodt (Trondheim, Norway)
Jaime G. Carbonell (Pittsburgh, U.S.A.)
Thomas Christaller (St. Augustin, Germany)
Boi V. Faltings (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Klaus P. Jantke (Leipzig, Germany)
Mark T. Keane (Dublin, Ireland)
Janet L. Kolodner (Atlanta, U.S.A.)
Michel Manago (Paris, France)
Ramon Lopez de Mantaras (Blanes, Spain)
Bernd Neumann (Hamburg, Germany)
Bruce W. Porter (Austin, U.S.A.)
Frank Puppe (W"urzburg, Germany)
Lorenza Saitta (Torino, Italy)
Derek Sleeman (Aberdeen, UK)
Gerhard Strube (Freiburg, Germany)
Walter Van de Velde (Brussels, Belgium)

Invited Talks:

Mark Keane (Ireland): "Analogical Asides on Case-Based Reasoning"
Janet Kolodner (U.S.A.): "Making Computers Creative: A Case-Based Approach"
Katharina Morik (Germany) "A Case for Inductive Learning"
Manuela Veloso (U.S.A.): "Analogical/Case-Based Reasoning in General Problem

An Introduction to Case-Based Reasoning:

The course will be held by Agnar Aamodt (University of Trondheim, Norway) and
Enric Plaza (CEAB-CSIC, Spain).


The EWCBR will take place in the European Academy Otzenhausen.
Known at the time as the "Europe House Otzenhausen", the European Academy was
founded by the European Union in May 1954 as a meeting place for promoting
Franco-German reconciliation, especially among young people. With the signing
of the Treaty of Rome and the birth of the European Community it was decided to
develop the Europe House Otzenhausen for European Youth and adult education
and as an information center. In 1969, with the subsequent increase in the
volume of work, staff, and premises the Europe House Otzenhausen became the
first education center to be called a European Academy. It is not aligned with
any political party or religious denomination. The Academy is situated in woods
on the edge of the village of Otzenhausen between Trier and Kaiserslautern
(south-west of Germany).

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: 30 April 1993
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 30 June 1993
Camera-ready-copy: 31 July 1993
Early Registration: 15 July 1993
Workshop: 1-5 November 1993

Preprints and Proceedings:

Accepted extended abstracts will be distributed as preprints at the workshop.
Authors of accepted extended abstracts are invited to submit a long paper
(about 15 pages) based on this. Accepted long papers are published within
a book which will be made available after the workshop.

Software demonstrations:

Reviewed systems descriptions will be demonstrated as part of the workshop
presentations. Addionally, there will be possibilitys to demonstrate commercial
software or research prototyps related to case-based reasoning. For further
information please, contact the organizing committee.

Preliminary Program:

Sunday, 31 October 1993
* Arrival and come-together party
Monday, 1 November 1993
* Introductory course
Tuesday - Thursday
* Invited talk
* Presentations
* Demonstrations
Friday, 5 November 1993
* Invited talk
* Panel discussion
After Lunch: Departure

Organized in Cooperation with:

The EWCBR is organized by
the expert system section of the German society for Computer Science (GI),
the special interest group on case-based reasoning (AK-CBR),
in cooperation with
the European Coordinating Committee for AI (ECCAI),
the German Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM),
the Computer Science Department of the University of Kaiserslautern,
the German Special Research Investigation on Artificial Intelligence and
Knowledge-Based Systems (SFB 314), and
the German Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Organizing Committee:

Klaus-Dieter Alhoff, Frank Maurer, Stefan Wess
University of Kaiserslautern
Department of Computer Science
P.O.Box 3049
D-W-6750 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tel.: +49 631 205 3360 (3363,3356,3362)
Fax: +49 631 205 3357


Please, distribute this first call to persons who are potentially interested in
the field. We would also like to collect email addresses for easy distribution
of information concerning CBR and EWCBR.
Thus, please respond to


The regristration form with respect to payment, traveling, and accommodation
aspects ist available from:

Christine Harms
c/o GMD
Postfach 1316
D-W-5205 Sankt Augustin 1
Tel: +49 2241 14-2473
Fax: +49 2241 14-2472 /-2618

Please, cut here

___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___ 8< ___

R e g i s t r a t i o n E W C B R - 9 3

Frau Christine Harms
c/o GMD - EWCBR-93
Postfach 1316

D-W-5205 Sankt Augustin 1


Last name: _______________________________________________________________

First name: ______________________________________________________________

Institution: ______________________________________________________________


ZIP-Code, City: ___________________________________________________________

Country: __________________________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________

Tel: ______________________________________________________________________

Fax: ______________________________________________________________________

Signment: _________________________________________________________________

I intend to submit an extended abstract for the following category:

[ ] theoretical/practical/empirical results
[ ] work in progress (posters)
[ ] system descriptions (demonstration)

Hardware: _________________________________________________

Software: _________________________________________________

[ ] I intend to participate at EWCBR-93.

[ ] I intend to participate in the introductory course on case-based


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