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Machine Learning List Vol. 3 No. 03
Machine Learning List: Vol. 3 No. 3
Wednesday, Feb 20, 1991
Cognitive Science 1991 Revised Call for Papers
AI*IA Call for Papers
The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant to
the scientific study of machine learning. Mail contributions to
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Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 13:35:27 CST
From: Kris Hammond <kris@gargoyle.uchicago.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cognitive Science, 1991
The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of
The Cognitive Science Society
August 7th - 10th
1991 Chicago, Illinois
In order to avoid overlapping the submission date for the Machine
Learning Conference and give authors as much time as possible to
prepare their papers, we have extended the deadline for Cognitive
Science 1991 such that papers must be RECEIVED BY MARCH 18TH, 1991.
We are also requesting that papers be limited to eight (8) pages to
better approximate their final camera ready form.
Other details of the submission follow:
Authors should submit five (5) copies of their papers in hard copy
form. All paper submissions should be sent to:
Cognitive Science 1991
Department of Computer Science
University of Chicago
1100 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
Papers will be accepted either for presentation as talks or posters.
Authors are encouraged to submit new work to the poster sessions.
They provide a less formal forum for introducing work in its early
Papers should be 8 pages long (excluding title page); have 1 inch
margins on top, bottom, and sides; and use no smaller than 10pt type.
Camera ready versions of papers will be required only after authors
are notified of acceptance.
Title Page:
Each copy of the paper must include a title page, separate from the
body of the paper. This should contain:
1. Title of the paper.
2. Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses (if
available) of all authors.
3. An abstract of 100-200 words.
4. The area/subarea in which the paper should be reviewed.
5. A note stating whether the first author is a student and
should thus be considered for the David Marr award.
Time Table:
In order to avoid overlapping the submission date for the Machine
Learning Conference, we have extended the deadline for Cognitive
Science such that papers must be RECEIVED BY MARCH 18TH, 1991.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made on or before
April 24th, 1991 with camera ready versions of papers due May 20th.
Symposium proposals should include a single page describing the issue
or issues that the panel will address, followed by a page for each
participant describing relevant work. In general, we recommend that
individuals interested in chairing symposia contact the Program Chairs
as soon as possible so that details of personnel and content can be
Videotape/Computer Presentations:
Videotape and computer presentations will be made during the poster
sessions. We are interested in presentations that demonstrate results
in the areas of: Artificial Intelligence, Protocol analysis,
Educational tools, and Cognitive Ethnographic studies. Authors should
submit one copy of a videotape of 15 minutes maximum duration,
accompanied by a submission letter that includes:
Title; names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of all
authors; three copies of an abstract of one to two pages in length.
Researchers wishing to present computer demonstrations should contact
Kristian Hammond as soon as possible to discuss review criteria and
ensure machine availability.
Points of Contact:
Kristian Hammond
Department of Computer Science
University of Chicago
1100 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
Dedre Gentner
Department of Psychology
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (312) 702-1571
Electronic Mail:
Subject: AI*IA Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 91 10:44 GMT
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* C A L L F O R P A P E R S *
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* A I * I A *
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* S E C O N D S C I E N T I F I C C O N G R E S S *
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* A N D I N D U S T R I A L E X H I B I T I O N *
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Scientific subjects
- Architectures, languages and environments
- Knowledge representation and automated reasoning
- Problem solving and planning
- Knowledge acquisition and automatic learning
- Cognitive models
- Natural language
- Perception and robotics
- Industrial applications of artificial intelligence
Call for Papers
AI*IA (Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence) has been
founded in 1988 with the intent of promoting the development of study and
research in artificial intelligence and its applications. To this end,
among a variety of activities, AI*IA organizes a National Congress every
other year.
The first AI*IA Congress took place in Trento in November 1989
and resulted in the presentation of more than 40 scientific papers, the
exhibition of a number of industrial systems and products of AI and the
presence of over 350 partecipants.
The second Congress, open to international partecipation, will
be held in Palermo and will focus on high quality scientific and technical
results as well as on innovative industrial applications.
Special sessions on Industrial Experiences are envisaged.
During these sessions companies operating in the AI field will
have an opportunity to illustrate their activities and to share their
Papers (5000 words max) must be in English. Authors must send 4
copies including summary (about 200 words) and key words, and they should
point out the scientific topic being treated.
Papers must treat original research and results or innovative
industrial applications and must not have been previously published.
Accepted papers shall be published in a special volume of "Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence", Springer Verlag ed.
Italian and English are the Congress official languages.
Papers must arrive by April 10, 1991.
Authors will receive communication of acceptance by May 31, 1991
and must send final camera-ready versions by June 30, 1991.
Papers should be sent to the following address:
Prof. Salvatore Gaglio
Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia
Viale Regione Siciliana, 49
90046 MONREALE (Palermo)
Industrial Experiences
Companies interested in presenting their activities during the
sessions for Industrial Experiences must make their request by May 15,1991
at the following address:
Prof. Filippo Sorbello
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica
Viale delle Scienze - 90128 PALERMO
Telefax +39-91-488452
Request should contain some documentation regarding the experiences
to be presented (4 pages A4 format max) so as to evaluate pertinence with
the scientific subjects of the Congress.
Program Committee
S. Gaglio (Universita' di Palermo)
G. Berini (DIGITAL) L. Carlucci Aiello (Un. Roma La Sapienza)
S. Cerri (DIDAEL) M. Del Canto (ELSAG)
G. Ferrari (Universita' di Pisa) G. Guida (Universita' di Udine)
F. Lauria (Universita' di Napoli) L. Lesmo (Universita' di Torino)
E. Pagello (Universita' di Padova) D. Parisi (CNR)
L. Saitta (Universita' di Torino) G. Semeraro (CSATA)
R. Serra (DIDAEL) L. Spampinato (QUINARY)
L. Stringa (IRST) P. Torasso (Universita' di Torino)
R. Zaccaria (Universita' di Genova)
Local Organization
Lia Giangreco
Ina Paladino
Giusi Romano
Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia
Viale Regione Siciliana, 49
90046 MONREALE (Palermo)
Telefax +39-91-6406200
Logistic Arrangements
GEA Congressi S.r.l.
Via C.Colombo, 24
Tel. +39-91-6373418
Telefax +39-91-6371625
Telex 910070 ADELFI
Scientific Secretariat
E.Ardizzone, F.Sorbello
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica
Universita' di Palermo
Viale delle Scienze
Tel. +39-91-595735/489856/421639
Telefax +39-91-488452
END of ML-LIST 3.3