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Machine Learning List Vol. 3 No. 04
Machine Learning List: Vol. 3 No. 4
Saturday, March 16, 1991
ICLS Conference Registration
New Additions to the UCI Machine Learning Repository
HICSS-25 Biotechnology Computing Minitrack
IJCAI Workshop on Learning and Representation
European Summer School on Machine Learning
The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant to
the scientific study of machine learning. Mail contributions to
Mail requests to be added or deleted to Back issues
may be FTP'd from in /usr2/spool/ftp/pub/ml-list/V<X>/<N> or N.Z
where X and N are the volume and number of the issue; ID & password: anonymous
From: ICLS Conference Account <icls@anaxagoras.ils.nwu.EDU>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: ICLS Conference Update
Registration materials for the International Conference on the Learning
Sciences have been sent out. In case you didn't receive materials and wish
to do so, please request information from:
Celia Duroe
The Institute for the Learning Sciences
Northwestern University
1890 Maple Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201-3142 USA
Subject: New Additions to the UCI Machine Learning Repository
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 91 16:30:15 -0800
From: "Patrick M. Murphy" <pmurphy@ICS.UCI.EDU>
1. Database: Letter-Recognition
The objective is to identify each of a large number of black-and-white
rectangular pixel displays as one of the 26 capital letters in the English
alphabet. The character images were based on 20 different fonts and each
letter within these 20 fonts was randomly distorted to produce a file of
20,000 unique stimuli. Each stimulus was converted into 16 primitive
numerical attributes (statistical moments and edge counts) which were then
scaled to fit into a range of integer values from 0 through 15. We
typically train on the first 16000 items and then use the resulting model
to predict the letter category for the remaining 4000.
Number of Instances: 20000
Number of Attributes: 17 (Letter category and 16 numeric features)
Missing Attribute Values: None
2. Domain Theory: Domain theory for Othello in Prolog.
Used in research on generating features for inductive learning systems.
- Patrick (
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 91 09:53:16 EST
From: Larry Hunter <hunter@nlm.nih.GOV>
Subject: HICSS-25 Biotechnology Computing Minitrack
Call for Papers and Referees
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 25
Kauai, Hawaii - January 7-10, 1992
Biotechnology Computing Minitrack
Building on the success of the Biotechnology Computing Minitrack in
the 24th HICSS, the Software Technology Track of HICSS-25 will contain
a special session focusing on design of computer systems for use in
biological science and engineering. The presentations will provide a
forum for the discussion of new approaches to the challenges posed by
this rapidly growing application domain.
Both the rate of innovation in biotechnology and the effective
transfer of basic scientific insights into significant application
depend crucially on a diverse and complex collection of computer
systems. In a dramatic shift over the last five years or so, nearly
every biologist working in genetics, protein structure, or other
molecular fields now routinely uses very large databases and
sophisticated analytical tools. For example, the discovery that
certain oncogenes (cancer causing genes) are point mutations of normal
growth factors depended crucially on the use of macromolecular
databases and rapid sequence searching algorithms.
The challenges of biocomputing touch on nearly all aspects of computer
science. The field is open to dramatic improvements driven by
innovations at any level of computation, from hardware input devices
and laboratory robotics to user interfaces and data-browsing tools, to
AI inference engines and supercomputer modelling techniques. All of
these diverse technologies are being applied to the very particular,
well defined goals of understanding the structure, interactions and
functioning of biomolecules. Papers are invited that describe
improvements in the power, quality, effectiveness or ease of use of
software and systems in any bioscience or biotechnology related area.
Areas of special interest include advances in:
* Modelling of molecular dynamics, reactions, or metabolic pathways
* Prediction of macromolecular structure and function from data
* Design of data structures, databases and search engines for managing
biological information, and for integrating diverse data sources.
* Representation, use and discovery of significant patterns in
macromolecular sequence data.
* Design and efficient implementation of molecular visualization tools
and advanced user interfaces for bringing advanced computational
abilities to the bench biologist
* Automation of experimental techniques, data acquisition, data
analysis, quality monitoring and other laboratory activities,
especially those related to genome sequencing.
* Design of biotechnology workstations and wide area integrated or
loosely coupled systems, including issues in networking, standards,
access and international cooperation.
Instructions for authors :
Manuscripts should be 22-26 typewritten, double-spaced pages in 10 or
12 point type; do not send submissions significantly longer or
shorter. Papers must not have been previously presented or published,
nor currently submitted for journal publication. Each manuscript will
be refereed by at least five reviewers. Manuscripts should include a
title page that identifies the title of the paper, the full name(s) of
the author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing and electronic
address(es), telephone number(s) and a 300 word abstract of the paper.
Members of the community willing to serve as referees should send
their name, electronic and physical address, phone number, and areas
of interest to the program chair. Authors of submissions to this
minitrack may not serve as referees.
* A 300 word abstract is due by April 22, 1991
* Feedback to the author concerning the abstract by May 6, 1991
* Six copies of the manuscript are due by June 5, 1991
* Notification of accepted papers by August 30, 1991
* Accepted manuscripts, camera ready, are due by October 1, 1991
* All registrations must be received no later than Nov. 15, 1991
Send submissions and questions to:
Lawrence Hunter
National Library of Medicine
Building 38A, Mail Stop 54
Bethesda, MD 20894
(301) 496-9300
(301) 496-0673 (fax)
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 10:00:47 PST
From: Wray Buntine <wray@ptolemy.arc.nasa.GOV>
Subject: IJCAI Workshop on Learning and Representation
All those planning to attend IJCAI may be interested in the following
(We've included a TeX version in the hope that you'll print this out
and pin it on the notice board for all your colleagues to appreciate.)
{\Large {\it Call for Papers: } \\
IJCAI-91 Workshop \\
Evaluating and Changing Representation in Machine Learning \\}
The influence of knowledge representation for the success of machine
learning systems is well known. The representation language for a
learning application is formed by the vocabulary (signature) as well
as by the restrictions on the chosen formalism (e.g.\ number of
literals). In practical applications the design of the
representation for input, available domain knowledge, expert
interaction and output can be time-consuming and critical for success.
This workshop will focus on studies that empirically or theoretically
evaluate representations, their change, and the construction of new
Areas of interest include: logical, relational, probabilistic and
neural network representations; concept or classifier learning,
model-building, knowledge-intensive learning, theory refinement, and
other learning tasks; Bayesian, MDL, PAC or complexity theory; and
methodologies for acquisition, evaluation and presentation of
different representations and their individual components.
The workshop will be held on Saturday, 24 August. Submissions
(extended abstracts or short papers, 8-15 pages, 1 copy) should be
sent to either of the Program Chairpersons. The collection of
accepted papers will be provided to participants, and later collective
publication of selected papers will be organised. The Program
Chairpersons are as follows:
Katharina Morik & Francesco Bergadano \\
GMD & University of Torino\\
GMD - PO Box 1240 & Dipartimento di Informatica \\
Schloss Birlinghoven & corso Svizzera 185 \\
D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1, Germany ~~~~~~~~ & Torino, 10149, Italy \\
(+49) 2241 14 2670,\quad fax.\ 14 2889 &
(+39) 11 7712002,\quad fax.\ 11 751603 \\ & \\
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~& Wray Buntine \\
& RIACS and AI Research Branch \\
& NASA Ames Research Center \\
& Mail Stop 244-17 \\
& Moffett Field, CA, 94035, USA \\
& (+1) 415 6043389,\quad fax.\ 6046997 \\
Important dates:
Submission: & May 15th \\
Acceptance notified: & June 15th \\
Final camera ready copy of full paper: & July 15th
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 20:44:02 +0100
From: Walter Van De Velde <>
Call for Participation
July 22nd till 31th 1991
Priory Corsendonk,
Oud-Turnhout, Belgium
The European Summer School on Machine Learning (ES2ML) is a non-profit
event organized by the European Machine Learning community. Its goal
is to educate on the state of the art in Machine Learning, the
subfield of Artificial Intelligence which is concerned with
computational theories of systems that learn. The school approaches
Machine Learning both as a research discipline and as a tool for
developing real-world applications.
ES2ML emphasizes the acquisition of research and development skills in
the area of Machine Learning. In addition, it serves as a forum for
exchanging views on current practice, needs and opportunities in the
research and industrial community. The objective is to learn not only
about Machine Learning but also about the broader context in which
this research is to be oriented, organized, validated and ultimately
turned into practice.
ES2ML-91 is patronized by the European Coordinating Committee for
Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI), the Belgian Association for
Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), the Commission of the European
Communities (CEC), the Belgian National Science Foundation (NFWO/FNRS)
and the Institute for Scientific Research in Industry and Agriculture
(IWONL/IRSIA). Additional sponsoring has been obtained from ALCATEL
ES2ML-91 is organized by Walter Van de Velde (B) and Carl-Gustav
Jansson (S). All mail concerning the summer school should be sent to
Walter Van de Velde at the address mentioned at the end of this
message or by email to
David Aha (USA) Ivan Bratko (Yu)
Maurice Bruynooghe (adv, B) Yuval Davidor (Israel)
Luc De Raedt (B) Tom Dietterich (USA)
Carl-Gustav Jansson (org, S) Ryszard Michalski (USA)
Tom Mitchell (USA) Katharina Morik (FRG)
Stephen Muggleton (UK) Enric Plaza (E)
Luc Steels (adv, B) Katia Sycara (Greece)
Walter Van de Velde (org, B) David Wilkins (USA)
The objectives of the third ES2ML are realized through an intensive
9-day course with hands-on practice, case- studies and plenty of time
for discussions and informal interactions. The participants have free
choice out of more than 60 hours of intensive classes, presentations,
practice, demonstrations and discussions. The various activities will
be flexibly organized and tuned to meet the audience's preferences and
The main courses will be focussed on, but not limited to, the
following areas of Machine Learning:
Empirical and Analytical Learning Techniques
Incremental and Integrated Learning
Case-based and Memory-based Reasoning
Genetic Algorithms
Computational Learning Theory
Attendants wishing to deepen their understanding of state-of-the-art
techniques will acquire hands-on practice. Teaching assistants provide
guidance in small- scale implementation and application courses. In
addition a variety of demonstration systems will be present on-site.
Realistic case-studies are selected to emphasize emerging guidelines
and methodologies for the application of state-of-the-art techniques
to real-world tasks. Special sessions will be devoted to the following
task areas:
Knowledge Acquisition
Inductive Logic Programming
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Diagnosis and Design Applications
Participants are invited to present their own applications and
problems through posters and short presentations to be organized
during the school. They are also encouraged to dynamically form panels
and discussion groups. Material as well as space will be plenty.
Finally a topical day on technology transfer will focus on the
problems, opportunities and the interplay between activities in
research and industrial communities active in the area of Machine
ES2ML will be interesting for researchers, developers and managers.
The attendees will learn, not only about specific techniques but also
about the opportunities and problems of applying these to, for
example, knowledge acquisition, robotics or design problems. ES2ML is
useful for managers that are considering to start their own
applications of machine learning. Courses provide in-depth studies of
applications. The school offers ample opportunity for informal
discussion with the best people in Machine Learning. Finally ES2ML
wants to attract anyone who is interested in the transfer process of
advanced information technology from theory to practice.
ES2ML will take place near Turnhout (Belgium) in the Priory
Corsendonk. This conference center, among the best in Europe, is
located in the midst of unique natural surroundings. The quaint 14th
century priory offers an exquisite combination of ancient Flemish
tradition and modern comfort. It features beautifully restored meeting
rooms, outdoor sports facilities and excellent cooking. Overnight
accommodation is excellent.
The Priory Corsendonk is within easy reach of major cities like
Brussels and Antwerp. On July 22nd and July 31th a shuttle service to
Brussels National Airport will be available. Detailed instructions
about these travel arrangements will be sent to the participants.
In the afternoons several hours are basically kept free. The Priory
has a large garden and outdoor sports facilities for tennis, swimming
and biking. The surroundings are excellent for horse-riding or
jogging. A visit to one of Belgian's famous breweries is being
planned. Guided tours, for example to Antwerp, Ghent or Brugge will be
organized on Saturday and Sunday morning or upon request.
(*) A limited number of grants is available for students without
financial means. Apply for these at the organizers
Regular registration
Before May 1, 1991 33.000Bfr
After May 1, 1991 36.300Bfr
Student registration (certification required)
Before May 1, 1991 22.000Bfr
After May 1, 1991 24.200Bfr
(1US$ is appr 32Bfr; 1ECU is appr 42Bfr)
Full payment of the registration fee is demanded upon registration.
The registration fee includes free selection of courses,
presentations, practice sessions, demonstrations and discussions as
well as all relevant course material. The registration fee also
includes the conference dinner, reception and refreshments during the
(*) A limited number of grants is available for students without
financial means. Apply for these at the organizers
All participants and their company are invited to stay in the Priory
Corsendonk which can accommodate up to 113 persons. Preferences can be
granted on a first come first serve basis.
Accommodation fee 9 days per day
Monk's room single 33.700Bfr 4.500Bfr
Luxury single 42.300Bfr 5.500Bfr
Luxury double 31.000Bfr 4.200Bfr
(1US$ is appr 32Bfr; 1ECU is appr 42Bfr)
The prices listed are for the duration of the school (9 nights) and
include breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you require a special diet
mention this upon registration.
All reservations must be accompanied by a deposit of at least
Name ...............................
Institution ...............................
Department ...............................
Street ...............................
Town ...............................
Country ...............................
Tel ...............................
Fax ...............................
E-mail ...............................
COMPANION (shares room)
Name ...............................
Is Companion a delegate as well? Yes / No
If yes a separate registration form is required.
Type of room (0) Monk's room single
(0) Luxury single
(0) Luxury double
Arrival ...............................
Departure ...............................
Number of Nights...............................
Registration .................. Bfr
Indicate regular or student (certify)
Accommodation .................. Bfr
(min 12.000Bfr)
Non-delegate companion .................. Bfr
(min 12.000Bfr)
Total Advance Payment: .................. Bfr
Please indicate one of the following methods of payment:
(0) Banker's draft or Eurocheque in Belgian Franks.
The payment should be in the name of ES2ML-91
Cheque no. enclosed: .................
(0) Direct bank transfer (add 200Bfr) to ASLK-CGER bank
Address: PO Box 1436 B-1000 Brussels 1
Bank telex: 26860 or 61189
Name of Account: ES2ML-91
Account number: 001-2262479-30
Please send us a copy of all relevant documents.
Date ...............................
Signature $ ...............................
($) With your signature you guarantee full payment of all
costs related to your participation before August 1, 1991.
ES2ML-91 is organized by Walter Van de Velde (B) and Carl-Gustav
Jansson (S). All mail concerning the summer school, including
registration and bookings for accommodation and requests for
information should be sent to the organizers at the following address:
attn. Walter Van de Velde
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: (+32) 2 641 29 65 or 29 78
Fax: (+32) 2 641 28 70
END of ML-LIST 3.4