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Chaosium Digest Volume 36 Number 07

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Published in 
Chaosium digest
 · 10 months ago

Chaosium Digest Volume 36, Number 07 
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2002
Number: 1 of 1


* Feline Invasion (CTHULHU)
by Shannon R. Bell

Editor's Note:

"Unnaturally Familiar: Fiendish Friends for Immortal Sorcerers" by
Christopher Hardesty from issue v36.05 has been selected as the winner of
2nd Quarter 2002 Chaosium Submission Contest. The deadline for submissions
for the 3rd Quarter contest is September 30, 2002. The prize, once again, is
$40 in Chaosium merchandise for the best submission dealing with an in-print
Chaosium game. That includes Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu d20, Stormbringer and
Dragon Lords of Melnibone.

This issue contains a short capsule adventure dealing with H.P. Lovecraft's
favorite animals, cats. If you like this one, check out the archive for a
quintet of cat-related adventures by Andrew Clements. Look for Cat's Claw
(Chaosium Digest v30.11, 3/25/00), Cat's Cradle (Chaosium Digest v28.8,
8/15/99), Cat's Eyes (Chaosium Digest v28.10, 10/3/99) and Cat Song
(Chaosium Digest v29.6, 12/15/99).

We've also got a slew of announcements. Anyone interested in submitting d20
Cthulhu material for publication should be sure to check out the last



* The Black Seal is the magazine of modern horror gaming and is devoted to
supporting Cthulhu Now and Delta Green games.

Issue #1 is available now and features interesting NPCs, dangerous places,
leylines and lloigor, scenarios, Emerson Grant from Delta Green's latest
case file, UK mental health laws, and UK legal and illegal firearms amongst
other things.

The Black Seal can be bought in UK and European games stores and can be
ordered by mail order from the rest of the world.

Please check out our web site for full details
of issue contents, a free teaser PDF and ordering information including
easy-to-use PayPal buttons.
Adam Crossingham
Editor - The Black Seal
Chief Editor - Brichester University Press

The world of Glorantha beckons and the Glorantha Tribe gathers once more!
Issaries, Inc. is pleased to announce that Gloranthacon VIII will be held in
Toronto, Canada in March, 2003. Jeff Kyer is coordinating the convention,
and we expect that it will be the Gloranthan event of the year. Jeff needs
brave volunteers to run events and help out at the Convention. He is trying
to gather as many of the old guard and the new to bring to North America the
kind of Gloranthan fun that has been far too long absent from these shores -
those Europeans shouldn't have all the fun!

The theme this year is Lunars. The Empire waxes strong and the exploration
of this mighty Colossus is the focus of many upcoming publications. We want
to help the Gloranthan Tribe to exchange ideas and views, and to have some
fun exploring the Big Red Moon and the Empire along the way.

Guests of Honor: Greg Stafford, Mark Galeotti, and John Hughes.

Other Guests (so far): Martin Laurie, Robin Laws, Stephen Martin, Sandy
Peterson, Roderick Robertson, and Ken Rolston.

When is it?: March 7th to 9th, 2003.

Where is it?: Glorantha Con is being held at the Toronto Colony Hotel, 89
Chestnut St., Toronto, Ontario. Call Toll Free 1-800-387-8687 (or
416-977-0707) or link to <> and reserve your
room. Make sure you get our Convention Room rates: Single or Double$109 CDN
(about $70 US), Triple $124 ($80 US), Quad $139 ($90 US). Con rates extend
from Wednesday, March 5th to Sunday, March 9th. Remember to book your room
before February 14th so we can make our room commitment!

Call For Events
If you have an event you want to run at the convention, contact
<> or send us a letter describing your event. We
don't care as long as its about Glorantha! Hero Wars, HeroQuest, RuneQuest,
boardgames, miniatures, a Live Action game, or seminar - all are encouraged.
While we are looking at a Lunar theme, your event does not have to be Lunar
in nature. We want people to have fun

Running an event earns a $20 discount off from pre-registration cost.
Running a second event gets you in free. Special events so far include the
GTA Dinner, Lore Auctions, Seminars, Sing-Alongs, Geo's, and many other
planned events.

Other Activities
For those who are not interested in spending their whole time at the con
dealing with All Things Gloranthan, we have a tour of downtown Toronto,
designed to hit some of the Museums and Galleries to be found there as well
as a few hot spots.

Pre registration for the weekend is $50 Canadian. Pre-Registration will be
open until Feb 1, 2003. All pre-payments must be received by Feb 3, 2002.
The GTA dinner is an additional $25 and seating is limited.

Sign up online at <> or mail us at:

Glorantha Con VIII
374 Glenholme Ave
Toronto, Ontario
M6E 3E5 Canada

Make all checks and money orders payable to Gloranthacon. We also accept
Paypal; send funds to <>.

Interested in getting your own word out at the Con? Contact us for 1/4, 1/2,
and full page ads in the program book or the pre-registration book. Banner
and link space on the website is also available. Contact us for rates.

Other Ways to Contact Us:

Discussion of the convention as well as help and advice for events can be
found at <>. Email us directly at

* Issaries, Inc. Press Release
July 11, 2002 Oakland, CA

Gloranthan Toys and Trinkets from Greydog Designs

Issaries, Inc., and The Unspoken Word are delighted to announce that fans of
the fantasy world of Glorantha can now buy rune stones, pendants, and even
plush toys inspired by the Hero Wars and HeroQuest game lines. Issaries,
Inc., has licensed Greydog Designs to produce and distribute these items,
while The Unspoken Word, established producers of supplements for Issaries,
Inc.'s games, will be handling orders and bringing the products to the wider

gaming community.

Sarah Evans, already known for her fine Glorantha-inspired art, has
established this new venture, starting with a line of ten plush toys (from
the Crimson Bat to a Dragonewt) and a huge array of rune-inscribed resin
pendants, keyrings, and badges. These hand-crafted items can be ordered by
mail or over the internet - see for
pictures and details. They will premier next week at Convulsions 2002, a
fan-based convention held in England that has been a mainstay of Glorantha
for a decade.

"Glorantha fans already have access to a regularly-changing range of
products through our stores," Greg Stafford, president of
Issaries, stated. "Our agreement with Greydog Designs allows us to make a
wider, more personalized range of goods available. We hope that Sarah will
be able to expand her product line over the next year." For information on
Gloranthan products available through, see

MidSpring Passing (June, 2002)

Greetings to Observers of the Glorantha Trading Association. Summer's
promise nears, the Bulls of Spring pass by. Now hail Issaries and rising
Yelm. Hearken to the word on Glorantha, Issaries Inc., its partner
publishers, and GTA activity. Welcome new members to the growing tribe.

The winners of the third general GTA Observers drawing were Jonathan Jacobs
and Tuomas Palosaari. They each won a set of the first 11 Gloranthan
Classics miniatures produced by Dark Ages Miniatures. Congratulations, we
hope you enjoy your new "toys"!

All the GTA should celebrate the winners of the Best of Glorantha 2001
awards. "Another promising year for Glorantha marks the millennium," said
Greg Stafford as he acknowledged the winners of worldwide GTA voting.

Best Glorantha Visual Art
Simon Bray's Heortling "wood cuts" in Thunder Rebels and Storm Tribe

Best Hero Wars Scenario
Saddled with the Nightmare, by Simon Bray and Martin Hawley

Best Hero Wars Description
Pavis Hero Wars by Ian Thomson and Issaries, Inc.

Best Gloranthan Website
Nick Brooke's

Best Glorantha in Print, English
Thunder Rebels, by Issaries, Inc.

Best Glorantha in Print, non-English
Pavis Hero Wars by Multisim (French)

Best Hero Wars House Rule
Benedict Adamson's Enhanced Simple Contests to replace Group Simple Contests

Best Glorantha Playing Aid
Uz, The Trolls of Glorantha, produced by The Unspoken Word

Best Glorantha Short Fiction
John Hughes's Helden novella

Best Issaries, Inc. Publication
Thunder Rebels

Best Licensed Product
Uz, The Trolls of Glorantha, produced by The Unspoken Word

Spirit of Glorantha
Life of Moonson (Gloranthan material from the LARP of the same name by Nick
Brooke, Chris Gidlow, David Hall and Kevin Jacklin, with Rick Meints and
Michael O'Brien).

Greg Stafford went on to note his selection of Nick Brooke's
from the Best of Glorantha 2001 winners to be the Best of the Best of
Glorantha 2001. "Fans picked Nick's site and its contents in both categories
in which it was nominated. Material from Nick's site also won last year
during the Best of Glorantha contest. His site is full of original material,
entertaining and humorous in its perspective, and chock full of stuff which
is pretty much canon, as far as the Western religions go. The clincher was
his parody of Barbarian Adventures in his "Rough Guide to Sartar;" though
posted in 2002, it is a brilliant example of the his
material. My congratulations to Nick for a job well done -- and to all the
other winners as well."

Congratulations to each winner, who should sport the winner's logo on their
websites soon. Check for the full story at
<>. Certificates and other
prizes will be mailed out to them this summer.

Issaries and the GTA also announce the Winners of the Top 20 Gloranthan Web
Sites, as nominated and voted on by GTA members and observers.

1. Wesley Quadros' Glorantha site III
2. Nick Brooke's
2. John Hughes' "Questlines"
4. Peter Nordstrand's Hero Wars page
5. David Dunham's Glorantha Page
6. Bruce Ferrie's Glorantha Page
6. James Frusetta's "Troll Wonderhome"
6. Simon Phipp's RuneQuest/Glorantha Site
6. Bo Rosen's "Arumbobo's Heroes"
10. Efendi's "Liber ob Sciscitatora" (Japanese language)
10. Malion's "TOME: The Book of Secrets of Glorantha" (Japanese language)
10. Master Gollum's Glorantha Page (Spanish language)
10. Multisim's official Hero Wars site (French language)
10. Michael O'Brien's Glorantha Page
10. Jamie Revell's "Trotsky"
10. Jonas Schiott's "East Wilds" and Hero Wars pages
10. Hiroki Shimizu's "Gathering Storm" (Japanese language)
18. Kalikos (Finnish language)
18. Steve Marsh's HeroQuest Home Page
20. Ian Thomson's "Pavis"

(Duplicate numbers indicate ties.)

Congratulations to the winners. Soon an official Top Twenty Glorantha
Website logo will be available for posting on those sites. As soon as full
detail on the RPGHost Top Role Playing Game WebSites emerges, we will post
that list too at <>.

I'll swear we missed one in both Best of Glorantha nominations. How about a
Glorantha Skydome on line? Take a look at Mr. Tines' Gloranthan Planetarium
(a Java Applet I cannot shut down); you can launch it from
<>. It is on my list
for next year. Is it true that Nick Brooke built a standalone version
earlier? And is Mr. Tines Nick's cat?

[Actually, Mr. Tines' applet was developed several years ago, and since then
work on the applet has been continued by Alex Ferguson under the direction
of Issaries, Inc. Issaries hopes to finish it eventually for the Issaries
web site. For the moment, they heartily recommend the older version
developed by Mr. Tines. It is truly wonderful.]

Issaries Inc. has been having problems with layout (again), but Orlanth is
Dead!, Volume 2 of the Sartar Rising campaign series, is almost done. Thanks
to long-time Gloranthan fan Ben Monroe for stepping in to do the layout. It
is at the printer now, and should be in the warehouse soon. Those who've
seen it are very pleased with how it turned out, and hope you find it worth
the wait.

Exactly what will come next is not 100% certain, but both Hero's Book and
Imperial Lunar Handbook Volume One are nearing completion. (Hero's Book
would have been out already but we wanted to ensure that it was compatible
with HeroQuest's rules, and it has thus been delayed.) In addition,
editorial work has started on Volume 3 of Sartar Rising. Issaries expects
that all three books will be ready for layout in the next couple of months.

However, a new book has entered the line-up, whose working title is
(appropriately) Working Class Heroes. This book of hero bands from the
Dragon Pass area will take the hero band rules from HeroQuest (originally
posted on the Issaries web site last summer) and put them into practice.
Each of the twenty-seven bands is drawn from one of the Homelands featured
in HeroQuest, thus allowing new players an immediate home for their heroes.
This book has something for everyone: Donandar entertainers, Lunar tax
collectors, draconic scholars, feuding healers, Imperial magicians, Geo's
Inn, and the Slayers of Harrek. Work has progressed so quickly on this book
that it is likely to appear before any of the above. Like Hero's Book and
Imperial Lunar Handbook, this will be released as a supplement for
HeroQuest, not Hero Wars.

Issaries, Inc. still lacks a release date for HeroQuest, but hopes to make
an announcement soon. Work on the rules has been slower than expected due
primarily to the complete refocusing and rewriting of original Hero Wars
rulebook. Meantime you can take a look at the expanded HeroQuest FAQ
available at <>. If you have any questions
that are not answered in this list, please do not hesitate to ask at

Thanks to everyone who has contacted us with new ideas, enthusiasm, good
wishes, and the inevitable questions. Happy HeroQuesting!

After well over a year, King of Sartar is finally back in stock. The problem
had to do with coordination between Issaries and Wizards Attic, and simply
took some time to resolve. Those who back-ordered King of Sartar will
receive it from Wizards Attic in due course, and those who want to can now
order it either through the Wizards Attic web site
<> or by calling them at
1-800-213-1493. Thanks to the efforts of Issaries Goldentongue, the Storm
Tribe now has full control of this book, guaranteeing that the tribe will no
longer run out of copies.

Mark Galeotti notes that a rather chilly Orlanth was the featured god of the
month in June on the Issaries Orlanthi on-line store>, with a limited edition shirt and mug
available only for a few more days. We also have a frosted Minlister's
tankard available for the summer, with more new gear coming soon. There is
also a new Dark Troll joke if you follow the links to the Uz store. Yelmalio
has joined the Lunar Pantheon in preparation for an all-out
assault against Orlanth once Orlanth is Dead! is released. Check the
Issaries site at <>
for information on the five official stores currently open. Also, this is
your last chance to get Barbarian Adventures artwork on products, since all
of the artwork on <> will change once
Orlanth is Dead! is released.

If you're really quick and near England, you can make it to Convulsion C02
from July 19-21 at Digby Hall on the University of Leicester Campus. The
convention committee promises LARPs, sitdown role playing, board games,
seminars, sing-alongs, and maybe even a GTA party. The convention has a line
up of Hero Wars and Runequest Glorantha, Call of Cthulhu, and Elric games.
Meet the many, many guests of honor: John Hughes, Roderick Robertson, John
Tynes, Peter Corless, Michael O'Brien, Ken Rolston, Martin Laurie, Mike
Mason, Lawrence Whitaker, Simon Bray, Mark Galeotti, Nick Brooke, Kevin
Jacklin, Jamie "Trotsky" Revell, Marcus L Rowland, Eric Rowe, Dan Steel,
Ingo Tschinke, and Oliver Dickinson, creator of Griselda. See
<> for details.

Seen the new Glorantha Comic "Path of the Damned" yet? It's a 48 full color
comic with an Orlanth story installment in Jonstown and a short story about
a sorcerer in Pent. Tad pricey at 13 Euro but gorgeous and Glorantha and
worth it. Ingo has a one-question "poll" to gather reaction:
<>, but you'll
have to join the TradeTalk-Info maillist first, if you can stand the Yahoo
ads. As of this writing, the poll responses were very positive. You might
consider more questions than one, Ingo. How about "Would you like a more
readable font in the speech balloons?"

Got my Tradetalk #10, the Wenelia and Ramalia special issue. With nifty info
about the Mraloti, Slontos, the Arstola Forest, and suchlike, it will come
in very handy. Also from <> is promised Legacy of Pavis (all
about the Cult of Pavis, the Flintnail Dwarves and more), for major credit
cards online.

Unspoken Word has merged its magazine and book products (makes sense). UW2 -
The Thieves' Arm (about Dragon Pass under Imperial Occupation: from
bandit country to a mob war in Furthest) has been mailed. Got yours yet? I'm
told it was well worth the wait: full of bandits, honorable thieves,
cannibals, Pargites, and magic, with information from Greg Stafford about
Lanbril, God of Thieves.

Hot on the heels of The Thieves' Arm comes "In Wintertop's Shadow: life and
adventure among the Tarsh Exiles" by Ian Cooper, scheduled for release in
July. This will be followed by "Imther: Edge of Empire" by Harald Smith and
Martin Crim; and "The Far Place," articles and scenarios set in that
turbulent region of Dragon Pass. You will probably get all three if your UW
subscription reaches number 5. The Lunar Map, which got a lot of enthusiasm
in the Best of Glorantha voting, is running low and won't be reprinted, so
check <>. Me, I await Gloranthan
Paper Heroes: the first set may be out by Convulsion (I hope).

Bruce Ferrie's Hero Wars scenario, The Wooing of Enerin and Maniski, in the
just released Valkyrie #24 is worth tracking down. It is a fully developed
scenario in six scenes, with stats for six narrator characters and Riaassha
the Wheat Queen. Way to go Bruce!

Also, at GenCon, Michael Schwartz will be running a series
of six HeroQuest scenarios. (Yes, he will be using the then-current draft of
the new rules.) The Unspoken Word has generously provided prizes for these
events in the form of several copies of the gorgeous Lunar Map mentioned
elsewhere in this newsletter. If you want to score a new map, see how the
new rules are shaping up, or just have some fun colonizing Dragon Pass and
defending your clan, check out these events. You can go to
<> for details on the events and
times for both conventions.

Mything Links is a concordance of Gloranthan stories, recently build by
Oliver Berneutz at <>.
This page
contains myths and stories by David Dunham, Nick Brook, John Hughes, Michael
O'Brien, Ian Cooper, Mike Dawson, Oliver Dickinson, Guy Jobbins, Peter
Larsen, Roderick Robertson, Harald Smith, Dag Stålhandske, and others. Now
over 105 entries are cross referenced by region, title, author, and topic.

Mythic maps of the West are on show at
<>. Thanks to Jamie Revell.
Nice work with Campaign Cartographer, Jamie!

I hope everyone had a great time at Tentacles, which ran May 17 to May 20 at
Castle Stahleck, Germany. Thanks to Issaries Inc, Chaosium Inc, Pegasus
Spiele, Der Spieleladen, and Hannover Spielt for sponsoring it; to Fabian
Kuechler for coordination; and a GTA toast to guests Greg Stafford, Loz
Whitaker, Simon Bray, Jeff Richard, Roderick Robertson, Nick Brooke, and
Rick Meints.

Iwasaki Moto has a Japanese site collecting Glorantha map links that don't
need Japanese to find or to use, though Latin helps. Follow the Mappae
Collectivarum link on

Issaries, Inc. has finally finished the first in a new series of fonts for
HeroQuest. If you're one of the many fans of Gloranthan documents on the web
that want or would benefit from the Gloranthan fonts in their new avatar,
attend to <>. HeroQuest Core Runes is
available both as a TrueType font for Windows and as a suitcase for the
Macintosh, so almost everyone should be able to use it. Issaries does ask
that people not make any modifications to this font, but otherwise people
are free to pass it on as they wish; the above-mentioned page has an
appropriate copyright statement. In addition to the 30 Core Runes, this font
also contains runes for all of the major Gloranthan pantheons; runes for the
most common affinities, spirits, and other magical abilities; and several
brand new runes. A Word document is also available that maps keystrokes to
runes. Additional fonts will follow as Stephen Martin has time to complete
them, probably beginning with Orlanth, Ernalda, and Storm Tribe fonts.

Digital Glorantha is a Yahoo discussion group dedicated to the creation of
artwork, maps, 3D models, and virtual environments for Glorantha, using
software such as Poser, Bryce, Vue d'ESprit, Lightwave, VRML, and whatever
graphics program you can afford. It's a friendly, low-volume forum where you
can swap ideas, models, and props, show off your latest creations, ask for
technical or creative assistance, and jointly plan epic 3-D projects. For
further information, visit the Glorantha 3D home page at

GTA Observers have one benefit that paid members do not -- every few months,
when we send out the Observers newsletter, Issaries, Inc. and the GTA hold a
drawing and give away a prize. (Tell me again guys, why do we leave out the
senior members?)

This time around, the drawing was for two complete sets of the first
Gloranthan Classics miniatures. The lucky winners are Jonathan Jacobs
(despite his invocation of the hated Shepelkirt) and Tuomas Palosaari. This
time around, we will be awarding a copy of either Gloranthan Classics volume
1 (Pavis & Big Rubble) or volume 2 (Griffin Mountain) from Moon Design
Productions. If you know someone who would like to keep up on all happenings
Gloranthan, and maybe score a free prize sometime, have them contact us at
<> with the message "Add Observer" in the subject line so
that we can add them to the list of almost 1000 Observers.

There are now TWO sets of Gloranthan Classic Miniatures available from
Discount Hobby. These miniatures are the 25th anniversary recasting of the
original Gloranthan figures released by Archive Miniatures from 1976-1980.
These are all in lead-free white metal, with characters and creatures from
White Bear & Red Moon, Nomad Gods, and RuneQuest. Replace your Walktapus
that got crushed so long ago! You can order by mail from Discount Hobby,
2376 W. Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, Mi. 49017 USA. Orders can be placed
by fax, internet, or check, with payment in US funds; you can even pay using
Paypal. See <> or contact Johnny Lauck at
<> for details on these and many other miniatures.

Although they have not been released quite as quickly as Issaries, Inc. had
hoped, the brand new Gloranthan miniatures from Lance & Laser look awesome!
The first few are available through Wizards Attic
<> or directly from Lance & Laser
<>, and more are on the way. In addition to Heortling
heroes, Lunar vexillae, and shadowy Uz, forthcoming figures include
dexterous dragonewts, Chaos monstrosities, and even several different types
of mermen. Anyone planning to collect them all?

As everyone knows, Glorantha originally sprang from Chaos. Similarly,
Issaries, Inc. came forth from Chaosium, Inc. and Glorantha would not be
what it is today without the efforts of the staff and fans of that mother
company. One of the mainstays of Chaosium, Inc. nowadays is the Chaosium
Digest, which unlike the Glorantha Digest is a digest-format "newsletter"
containing news, scenarios, and articles for Chaosium games. It relies upon
email submissions for all of its content.

Issaries, Inc. and the GTA would like to extend a special thank you to The
Chaosium Digest. This newsletter is dedicated to Chaosium games, but has
always included our press releases, announcements, and even GTA Observer
newsletters in their mailings, no matter how long they are. In addition to
featuring material on current Chaosium games, the coordinator is more than
willing to accept material for former Chaosium properties. Like Glorantha.
Just as they support Glorantha, please support them, even if only current
Chaosium games are eligible for their quarterly prize. Have a great scenario
you plan to put on the Issaries web site or submit to a magazine? Why not
send it to the Chaosium Digest at the same time. This will allow the Digest
to come out more often, will showcase your talents and expose Glorantha to
another audience, and will show appreciation for the Digest's dedication to
Glorantha. Contact <> for more
information, details on submitting material, or enrolling. Let's show them
that this is a partnership that we appreciate. (People with articles and
scenarios on the Issaries web site can also send them to the Chaosium

Issaries is moving the GTA email lists to reduce the work involved in
sending out GTA Dispatches and Newsletters. In addition, this will allow GTA
members and observers to manage for themselves how they receive
notifications. After the list is initialized, you will be invited to change
your initial password and thereafter to set or reset your mailing
preferences. Unless you're an Observer, however, you will still need to
contact <> to change your address or unsubscribe (we're
working on this negative feature). We expect the move to take place shortly
after you receive this.

Because of feedback from several GTA members after the last newsletter, we
have decided not to move to YahooGroups or any other public listserver.
Graham Robinson was one of several people who offered us space. We accepted
Graham's offer because his is already the home of the
Glorantha-digest and Glorantha-board lists. Issaries, Inc. will still
maintain the databases, but will use the tools to send out GTA
emails. Names and other information about GTA members will not be stored in
the database, only email addresses and GTA rank. No one besides
the list administrators (GTA Steward Mark Leymaster, Webmaster Nils
Weinander, and Issaries Inc) can even see the email addresses, so your
privacy and anonymity (as appropriate) will be preserved.

Only a few people will be able to post directly to the lists, so there
should be no spam. If you want to suggest a posting, contact
<>. Please feel free to express your opinions about this
move to <>. Technical questions are better sent to Graham
directly at <>.

Issaries, Inc. thanks the Tribe and all for respecting its copyrights and
trademarks. They've asked us all to revise the notices on websites to the

"Glorantha and the Glorantha Trading Association are trademarks of
Issaries, Inc. HeroQuest and Hero Wars are trademarks of Issaries,
Inc. Issaries, Inc. is a registered trademark of Issaries, Inc."

Issaries was asked about use of its artwork besides the runes, and replied
that they cannot give blanket approval to use all artwork (in many cases,
they do not have the rights to grant). However, Issaries is pleased to now
allow use of Simon Bray's wonderful Heortling Art, the Best of Glorantha
2001, on non-commercial web sites. Use of these images must be in accordance
with the following rules:

1. Only the images at
<> may be used in this
manner. No other images from this site may be used without express
permission from Issaries, Inc, apart from the "Best of Glorantha" award
logos used by winners.

2. No more than three of these images may be used on a single web page.
There is no limit to the number that can be used on an individual site as
long as this restriction is followed.

3. Each image must link back to
<>, <>, or
<>, or <>.

4. Each page that includes any of these images must contain the trademark
notice indicated in the Issaries online policy as well as the following
copyright notice:

"The Orlanthi deity images by Simon Bray used on this page are copyright
(c) 2000-2002 by Issaries, Inc. and are used with permission."

If any of these images are used on any page on the site, this same notice
must also appear with the trademark notice on the site's main page or main
Glorantha page.

5. These images may not be cropped or altered in any way, other than to
resize them as needed.

6. Use of the images must be in accordance with the rest of the online
policy, which can be found at

I really enjoy the reissue of the Glorantha miniature figures from Discount
Hobby. They recall for me the cardboard pieces from White Bear & Red Moon,
later reified as small sculptures in the first appearance of the cast
figures, some time ago. Clearly time to complete my set.

But I also remember table top gaming large scale combats too, and wonder
whether we'll see operational miniatures rules, perhaps to go with the dandy
work on the Lunar Army by Martin Laurie? I've been tracking a mention of
skirmish rules development (maybe with larger scale) from Roderick
Robertson, <>. Roderick says he's going
to bring figures and run a skirmish game at Convulsion like he did at
Tentacles. Let us know how it goes. The rules are updated from time to time,
and can be downloaded from that Yahoo site.

Heck, I'd be pleased to run a decent set of mass combat rules with
"pasteboard regiments" (perhaps using the forthcoming Gloranthan Paper
Heroes) if the artists of this tribe are interested in helping. Let me know
and I'll report on developments next time.

Hawkbear aka Mark Leymaster

* A Quick Call for submissions :

Would you like to write for Call of Cthulhu D20? Have some good ideas for
Mythos related magical items? Chaosium is now accepting contributions for
an upcoming D20 project.

Email for a submission packet, sample format and
guidelines. Deadline for submissions is August 25th, 2002.

Do not reply to this email with submissions, or requests for more info.
Instead, contact the project coordinator directly at:

- Chaosium


Feline Invasion
A Tale of Terror by Shannon R. Bell

A friend, client, relative, or perhaps one of the investigators herself is
experiencing a strange occurrence of cats. The area of the subject's home
has been overrun with them - if one looks and keeps track carefully, thirty
or fifty can be counted in a day, with who knows how many stalking in and
out by night. While only the person contacting the investigators has
noticed, she has been unable to provide proof of a danger to enlist the aid
of authorities.

1. The cats are attracted to the foundation of a nearby mobile home or
house. Underneath, a wiring fault has transferred power to metal elements
in the foundation, providing heat (if in a cold climate). The stray cats
from all over are flocking to the warm spot. If in a warm climate, the
electrical field from the wiring is coupled with a Freon leak in a
refrigerator, creating a large pocket of cool air which is attracting the
cats to the area.

2. Zanzillerak, a mighty dreamlands wizard, is preparing to invade this area
by opening a gate from the Dreamlands. The Dreamland cats have petitioned
their Earthly brethren for help. On both sides of the gate, cats are
marshalling their forces to defeat Zanzillerak's plan. Of course, without
human aid, they might not be successful.

3. The cats have been attracted to the area by an increase in vermin. The
large house on the corner with the huge lot is the home to an artist. Julie
has been killing people, hacking up the bodies, and using taxidermy to
create horrible artistic visions in her living room and basement. The
excess of blood and guts is now nourishment to thousands of rats and mice,
which inhabit the house and surrounding acreage. The killer, fearful that
the vermin would draw attention to her unique gallery, has been importing
strays and cats from the local shelter to combat the problem before it
spreads to more populated areas of the neighborhood.

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