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Chaosium Digest Volume 15 Number 12

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 · 1 year ago

Chaosium Digest Volume 15, Number 12 
Date: Sunday, August 18, 1996
Number: 3 of 3


BRP Psionics, Part Three (Tal Meta) RUNEQUEST/BRP


From: Tal Meta <>
Subject: BRP Psionics, Part Three

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Telepathy and Metapsionics

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Animal Telepathy

This devotion allows the possessor to communicate with various forms
of life that are of fixed intelligence. The more unlike the mind being
contacted is to the psionic, the more difficult it is to establish
contact with it. Psionics can contact the following orders of things:

Mammals -02
Marsupials -04
Birds -06
Reptiles -08
Fish -10
Insects -12
Plants -14
Energy -16

Thus, a psi with Animal Telepathy 14 could contact a fly, but could
not contact a plant.


This discipline allows the basic needs, drives, and / or emotions
generated by any unshielded sentient mind to be sensed by the user.


This discipline allows the user to sense things not normally possible.
The psi can thus "know" the contents of someone's pocket, or the face
value of a hidden card. Unlike clairvoyance, which allows the user to
view a hidden locale, ESP merely provides a psi with knowledge. It can
also give the psi information about an individual that even the victim
might be unaware of. Consider it the power to do cheap legerdemain and
mentalist acts.

Mental Shield (2) ** FORM

This psionic defense costs 2 Aspect to erect. It clouds the mind from
contact, hiding first one part, then another. In psionic combat it
provides an automatic 6 points of defense. Psis with modifiers to this
skill gain an additional point per modifier (ie, possessing Mental
Shield +1 would earn a psi 7 points of defense each round for only 2

Psychic Vacancy (1) ** FORM

This psionic defense only costs 1 Aspect to erect. It attempts to hide
the mind from attack, making parts of it unidentifiable. This ability
is almost instinctual... if it is possessed, it will almost always be
active. While it costs no Aspect to maintain, having it active still
constitutes psionic activity. In psionic combat, it automatically adds
3 points to each defensive roll. Psis with modifiers to this skill
gain an additional point per modifier (i.e. possessing Psychic Vacancy
+1 would earn a psi 4 points of defense each round for only 1 AsP.)

Synaptic Wall (3) ** FORM

This form of psionic defense costs 3 Aspect to erect. It resembles a
carefully built wall of thought repetition, which exposes only a small
part of the mind at any one time. In psionic combat, it adds 9 defense
points to each defensive roll the character makes. Psis with modifiers
to this skill gain an additional point per modifier (ie, possessing
Synaptic Wall +1 would earn a psi 10 points of defense each round for
only 3 AsP.)


Bastion of Will (10) ** FORM

This psionic defense costs 10 Aspect to erect and provides 20 defense
points in psionic combat. It uses the superego to construct an
unassailable haven for the brain. Like Cerebral Castle, it has an area
of 1m. Psis with modifiers to this skill gain an additional point per
modifier (ie, possessing Bastion of Will +1 would earn a psi 21 points
of defense each round for only 10 AsP.) The greatest benefit of this
skill is that one psionicist can maintain it and devote all of their
attentions to maintaining defense, while another uses all of their
abilities for attack.

Cerebral Castle (8) ** FORM

This psionic defense form has a 3m area of effect. It costs 8 Aspect
to activate, and provides 16 points of defense in psionic combat.
Psis with modifiers to this skill gain an additional point per
modifier (ie, possessing Cerebral Castle +1 would earn a psi 17 points
of defense each round for only 8 AsP.) The greatest benefit of this
skill is that one psionicist can maintain it and devote all of their
attentions to maintaining defense, while another uses all of their
abilities for attack.

Invasive Id (10) ** FORM

This form of psionic attack costs 10 points to use. It seeks to turn
the victims id against his superego, basically driving him nuts. This
attack form does 10 points of damage to the defenses of an opponent,
and when used on an 'open' mind, the victim must make an immediate
sanity check, failure costing him 1d10 SAN points. He is also driven
berserk for a number of rounds equal to the POW of the psionic. Psis
with modifiers to this skill gain an additional point per modifier
(ie, possessing Invasive Id +1 would do 11 points of damage each round
for only 10 AsP.)

Invisibility (5)

This discipline enables the user to become invisible. In order to use
this ability, the psionic must match his invisibility strength vs the
INT of his victim, and expend 5 Aspect. On a successful "attack", the
victim will literally be unable to perceive the psionic in question
for as long as the psionic pays the maintainance costs. (Of course, if
the psionic attacks the victim in any way, the victim is allowed to
make a new save, with his INT x2 as a modifier.) Psionic invisibility
cannot be detected by any form of magic except a mind bar. Detection
of psionics will reveal only that someone is present and using this
discipline, not his location. It is important to note that this power
affects minds, not light waves or similar manifestations: people
affected by this ability simply will not believe the user is present.

Mental Surgery (Special)

This discipline allows a psi to reach into his own or another's mind
and alter or cure it of an affliction. The abilities gained by this
power are cumulative, and listed in order of occurrence.

+0: Dispel Exhaustion - the psi can replenish up to half the fatigue
points lost to exertion, etc. at a cost of 10 AsP per individual.

+1: Inhibition - the psi can plant a behavior pattern in an individual
which that person must make a save ((POW + MS Degree) vs POW) to
overcome. (Lasts for a duration equal to 1/2 the AsP expended on the
duration table.)

+2: Read Memories - the psi can do a more detailed type of telepathic
probe of memories than normal telepathy. Any of the subjects general
recollections are open to the reader, at a cost of 3 AsP per age of
the particular memory. Detailed examination of a hidden or shielded
memory costs 10 AsP above and beyond the scanning cost, and can only
be done once per day.

+3: Adjust Memories - the psi can now cause the subject to forget or
recall some fact, or can create a fake memory at he same cost for
reading memories.

+4: Feeblemind - at a cost of 15 AsP, the psi can cause the mind of
his victim to become that of a moronic child. (INT becomes 3 for a
duration equal to the psi's degree.)

+5: Cure Insanity or Feeblemind - at a cost of 20 Aspect, the psi can
reverse a feeblemind or restore a person to 1 point over their
Temporary INT score by use of this ability.

+6: Trigger - puts a 'trigger' in a subjects mind so that if
tampered with in a certain way (like reading memories), feeblemind or
death will occur at a cost of 35 Aspect. (Requires a sacrifice of 1

In all cases, an unwilling subject gets a standard save. Range for
placing or curing is always touch. (Inhibitions or triggers have an
unlimited range, once in place.)

Mind Bar (1)

The discipline of constructing a mind bar protects the psi from such
magical or psionic attacks as confusion, charm, telepusion, charm,
telepathy, fear, feeblemind, magic jar, sleep, or suggestion. It
prevents the psi from suffering telepathic influence or possession by
such creatures as demons or devils. Psionic or magical powers of
domination, empathy, hypnosis, mental surgery, or telepathy do not
work against a psi with a mind bar. An individual with a mind bar can
also see an individual employing psionic invisibility. In addition,
this discipline adds its degree to any power trying to compete with
Psi Static. The chance for successfully erecting a mind bar
(instantly, under stress conditions) is 10% per degree, with a 10%
chance per degree above 11th for being able to locate the source of
any attack on the psis mind the instant it is made. The Aspect cost
for this power is standard.

Neural Crush (14) ** FORM

This psionic attack form costs 14 Aspect to use. It is a massive
assault on all the neurons of the victims brain, attempting to destroy
them with a massive overload of signals. When used on an 'open' mind,
it does 2d6 damage to the head location, ignoring armor. Psis with
modifiers to this skill gain an additional point per modifier (i.e.
possessing Neural Crush +1 would do 15 points of damage each round for
only 14 AsP.)

Neural Lash (7) ** FORM

This form of psionic attack requires 7 Aspect to use. It takes the
form of an assault on the victims ego, leaving him with feelings of
inferiority and worthlessness. When used on an 'open' mind, its
effects are similar to the spell Demoralize in some ways. When used in
psionic combat, it adds 7 points of damage to every attack rolll.
Psis with modifiers to this skill gain an additional point per
modifier (ie, possessing Neural Lash +1 would do 8 points of damage
while costing only 7 to use.

Psi Static (5)

Psis with this ability are often called "Screamers" by their fellows,
as very few ever master this rare discipline. The discipline of psi
static allows its user to interfere with any and all psionic activity
within range, ivity within range, forcing every other psi in the area
to match their ability's degree with the screamer's degree on the
resistance table. Thus, a psi with a power of 12 in telepathy trying
to read minds while a screamer of equal power was operating would only
have a 50% chance of succeeding. All psionics in range lose 1 fatigue
point every round until the screamer shuts up, as it were. Psionic
combat is virtually impossible while this power is in operation, and a
screamer has only a 2% chance per degree of being able to limit their
power. In the above example, the telepath might only be 3 meters away,
but the aforementioned screamer would be drowning out every psionic
operation for 20 kilometers. Note that if a psi does make his save vs.
this power, he loses an additional fatigue point for his trouble, and
must continue to make a save every round that psi static is in use.
Once they fail, however, they cannot attempt to activate any psionic
abilities until the static is shut off.

Psychic Shock (20) ** FORM

This psionic attack costs 20 Aspect to use. It reaches out to shock
its victims mind like a piece of shocking news. When used on an 'open'
mind, it will paralyze its victim with fear and indecision for a
number of melee rounds equal to the degree of psychic shock possessed.
Psis with modifiers to this skill gain an additional point per
modifier (i.e. possessing Psionic Blast +1 would do 21 points of
damage each round for only 20 AsP.)

Split Personality (Special)

This discipline allows a psi to divide his mind into two separate,
autonomous parts. Both parts can communicate, and can use psionic
powers. A split personality can choose to do anything it pleases, it
can do simultaneous psionic operations, fight physically and
psionically at once, whatever. Psionic attacks directed against a
split personality affect both separately. One side might be dominated,
while the other remains unfettered. The cost for this discipline is 10
Aspect to make the split, and the standard maintenance costs. Both
personalities share the same Aspect.

Synaptic Stab (4) ** FORM

This psionic attack form costs 4 Aspect to use. It seeks to short the
synapses of the victim by means of imposing the attacker's thought
patterns by way of a short, stabbing thrust into his victims mind.
Against an 'open' mind, a successful attack will cause the victim to
become subject to a suggestion from the attacker. Any reasonable
suggestion will be carried out. Orders to kill self, associates, etc.
will be ignored unless made to sound reaonable... ("Look! The
doppleganger has possessed Franz!"). Psis with modifiers to this skill
gain an additional point per modifier (ie, possessing Synaptic Stab +1
would do 5 points of damage each round for only 4 AsP.)

Telempathic Projection (Special)

This discipline allows the sending and receiving of the basic needs,
desires, and/or emotions generated by an unshielded sentient mind.
Additionally, it permits the psi to influence the emotions of the
victim, enabling him to produce effects similar to the following
spells: Charm, Seduce, Berserk, Fanaticism, or any other emotion
influencing spell. Range, duration and costs are all standard.
Influencing a victim costs AsP equal to the victims POW.

Telepathic Projection (Special)

This discipline allows for the communication of thoughts between
sentient minds, without the need for a common language. Unlike basic
telepathy, this discipline allows sending and recieveing thoughts, and
a psi of sufficient power can use this discipline to possess another
at a cost of AsP equal to the victims POW. Such possession allows the
victim a standard save.

Telepathy (3)

Telepathy is in its most basic form, the ability to receive the
thoughts of others. However, at higher degrees, the depth which a psi
may probe increases as follows:

+0: The psi can receive the unshielded thoughts of those within range.
Thoughts received in non-understood languagesunderstood languages will
be unintelligible.

+1: The psi can view simple, short term memories of his
subject (up to 2 range-bands old).

+2: The psi can now detect if a subject is lying, but cannot
necessarily detect the truth.

+3: The psi can now read long term memories, and can perceive the
motives, intentions, etc. of his subject (up to 4 range-bands old).

+4: The psi can detect the truth behind a lie.

+5: The psi can now do an extensive probe of the subject's mind, to a
range-band limited only by his own degree. In all cases, the subject
is allowed a save (POW vs POW) to avoid having his mind probed.
(Unless his mind has been 'opened' via psionic combat).

The costs of this discipline are standard except when reading
memories, which costs an additional amount of AsP dependant on the age
of the memories being read. This discipline does not grant the ability
to alter memories, nor does it grant the psi the ability to send his



This is the ability to augment psi ability by tapping the resources of
other non-psionic minds. The subjects, who get a save if unwilling,
are placed in a deep trance which lasts for 1d6+3 hours. They cannot
be awakened by any means until the trance has run its course. While
under the trance, the mental energies of the subjects are available to
be employed by the user of this art. Non-psionic individuals can be
assumed to possess an Aspect equal to their POW. The psi can draw this
energy at any rate and for any purpose he desires, so long as he is in


This science grants its possessor with the ability to reach into the
mind of another and block the exercise of certain powers. The powers
that can be blocked and the AsP costs are detailed below:

* Divine Spell Use: 5x victim's POW.
* Wizardry/Sorcery Spell Use: 2x victim's POW.
* Innate Powers: 10 per ability blocked.
* Psionic Ability: 3x victim's POW.
* Spirit Spell Use: 2x victim's POW
* Fetch: Victim's POW + Fetch's POW x2.




The use of this discipline allows the user to produce faerie fires or
dancing lights. The lights produced are shimmery and varied in color,
although the user can choose a particular color if he wishes. The
variation known as handfire resembles a ball of fire which once
conjured can be moved and controlled. Extinguishing another's handfire
costs 5 points and control of the light in a competition goes to the
individual who expends the most Aspect to achieve control. Another
function of this ability allows the user to light candles or other
small flames at a cost of 1 point per every two such flames kindled.


Aura Alteration (Special)

This discipline can be used one of two ways. It can be used to change
the personal aura of an individual (to disguise the true alignment and
show one that is false) or it can be used to recognize and alter an
unfavorable (cursed, geased, or possessed) aura in another. The cost
in AsP for changing auras is 2 AsP per change (ie, a Chaotic being
wishing to appear Balanced would cost 2 Aspect, but a Chaotic being
wishing to appear Lawful would cost 4 Aspect). Such alterations have
a duration equal to the psi's degree of aura alteration. The removal
of curses and other unfavorable auras costs a number of AsP equal to
the intensity of the original spell cast upon the creature. Using this
discipline to expell a possessing spirit costs AsP equal to five times
the possessing spirits POW.


Endowment (Special)

This art allows the psi to endow eligible non-psionics with psionic
power. An eligible non-psi must have a POW of at least 16, and must
FAIL a save of POW x 5. Individuals who make the save have no usable
talent and cannot EVER receive psionic powers. As part of the hour
long ritual, the endowing psi must expend 50 Aspect, and the non-psi
must expend 1 POW, whicst expend 1 POW, which will gain him a random
psionic effect.

Power Transfer (Special)

This art is for creating both objects of power and psion
familiars. Before attempting to send power into something, it
must be primed by the expenditure of 10 AsP.

For Psionic Objects: an object can be assumed to have a CON equal to
its armor points. An object will have no INT unless the empowering
psionicist sacrifices INT to the object (the object gains 1d10 INT per
point of INT sacrificed to it). POW must also be sacrificed, at a rate
of 1 POW for 1d3 POW in the object. Once the object has all the INT
and POW its creator wishes for it, he must expend additional points of
POW for each devotion or discipline he wishes the object to possess.
Objects cannot possess sciences! One point of the user's POW or INT
may be transfered into the object each hour. Only those powers with
which the psi has modifiers can be added to an object, and for each
point of POW he places into the object, he loses one of those

[Example: Camber is preparing an iron sword to become a psionic object
of power. The sword has 12 AP, hence a CON of 12. He places one point
of INT into the sword, and rolls an 8 for its INT. He adds 3 points of
POW, and rolls a 1, 3, and 3 for a total POW in the sword of 7. The
sword will have an Aspect of 27. He has the devotion of Psychic
Vacancy at +2, and the discipline of Neural Crush at +1. He expends
another two points of POW, giving the sword normal levels with each,
and lowering himself to Mind Blank +1 and Psychic Crush +0. However,
when he engages in psionic combat with the sword in his hand, he has
the option of draawing AsP from it to power his attacks or defenses,
or allowing it to make its own attacks, utilizing its own AsP.]
Objects have the advantage of being inanimate; stripped of power, they
lie inert until their AsP regenerate.

For Psionic Familiars: Naturally, an animal has its own CON, INT, and
POW. By expending 1 point of theg 1 point of their own INT, a
psionicist can transform an animal's fixed-INT into normal-INT, as
well as raise that INT by 1d10. Sacrificing POW increases the
familiar's POW by 1d3, just as with objects. The same procedures used
for objects are duplicated with animals. The major difference being
that since the animal is alive, it stands the risk of dying.


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