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Chaosium Digest Volume 15 Number 04

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Chaosium Digest Volume 15, Number 4 
Date: Sunday, June 30, 1996
Number: 2 of 2


Ryons, the High King: Year Three (Karl Rodriguez) PENDRAGON


From: (Karl Rodriguez)
Subject: Ryons, the High King: Year Three
System: Pendragon


A Three Year Campaign in Norgales and Cameliard

(Year 3)


What has happened before depends a lot on how well the player
characters tackled Idurans and Nero in the previous year. The ideal
for King Ryons is for Penkridge to have been destroyed, any southern
allies smashed or occupied with his neighbors, and Stafford to be
under siege. The ideal for the characters is for Cameliard to be
injured but have its army intact and still based at Stafford.

During the Winter Phase, it is imperative that players call on all
their resources available to combat Ryons, whether it be family
knights or an army from their baronies. If the characters are within
Stafford while it is besieged, perhaps a daring rush through the
picket lines to allow the non-combatants to flee upriver and escape to
gather reinforcements is in order. They should only fight Hillmen
(one per character) led by a mercenary knight.

The players may have been driven off by Idurans. If this is the case,
let them return to their respective lords, appear in court and report.
Even if they are in the ideal situation, King Leodegrance will insist
that any knight of vassal rank or higher appeal to his lord for aid.
Players may also take the initiative in searching for reinforcements
back at their own home or in neighboring baronies and dukedoms.

Gathering Reinforcements

Of the neighbors, only Lambor is wholly unable to send reinforcements
as it is involved in internal conflict. Wurensis is relatively stable
and has an army of 70 knights and 120 soldiers. Clarence has 100
knights and 300 soldiers available, and Gloucester also has 100
knights and 300 soldiers, although Duke Morvid regularly hires
mercenaries (about 200 foot) to raid Clarence. Other places not
connected to the characters will not send troops.

Obviously, some money may be needed to entice the Duke or Baron to
act. A personal gift such as a charger (or the equivalent in librum)
may grant an interview, but then it is up to role-play. The GM should
adjudicate how well the player states his/her case and if undecided
then roll an [Orate]. This goes for players going to their home county
as well.

Wurensis, the next victim in line for Ryons will send all of its
troops if the GM was moved by the oration (or on a Critical Succes if
an [Orate] roll was used) or half on a normal success (this is up to
200KV). He will send a token force of 30 knights if the character
fails to persuade. If the [Orate] roll is used, give players a +10 if
they are from Wurensis.

Clarence will be tougher to persuade, sending at most 50 knights and
100 soldiers (which is up to 150 KV). Characters from Clarence will
get a +5 on [Orate]. The Lord of Clarence will also ask foreign player
characters for help in the following year against the evil Duke Morvid
of Gloucester.

Duke Morvid of Gloucester is actually more generous. While he will at
most send 50 knights and 100 soldiers like Clarence, he will turn over
the command of up to all of his mercenaries if the players foot the
bill at the rate of 5 librum/25 soldiers (13 KV). These are Irish
Raiders looking for plunder but will still have a loyalty of 10 to
their employer (+1d6 if of Irish origin). Likewise, a player from
Gloucester gets a +5 to [Orate] and foreign players will be asked on
oath to help against Clarence next year.

Players cannot get both Clarence and Gloucester to help. Both dukes
will ask whether or not the other will be or has been recruited. If
deceived [Deceitful check] and both send armies to the field, they
will fight each other and end up quitting the field. Players will
become persona non grata in both locations and vassals will be
stripped of their lands or worse for such a deception.

Finally, players can attempt to get Orofoise to avenge its honor from
year one. They command 75 knights and 150 soldiers. They will send all
their troops if the GM likes the player's speech and players did not
do any significant damage in an attack on Oroquelenes. If they did
attack, they better bring lots of gifts. If the player truly succeeds
(critical on an [Orate]) he impresses a local, tribal king who joins
the cause (either Clun (148KV) or Godower (83 KV), but not both; see
Year Two).

In all cases (except Orofoise who sends the wily Sir Tathal
[Battle=17]), an Extraordinary Knight leads the force with players as
unit commanders if they have a Battle of 16 or more. Characters with
18 or better at this skill may well lead the force if they are natives
of the dukedom or earldom.

Meanwhile... King Ryons Moves

Meanwhile, King Ryons has not been sitting idle. During the Fall and
Winter, he and some of his elite guard, important chieftans, and
several women, including his mother, went on an expedition into the
mountain reaches of Cambria. When he returns, the tale filters through
the ranks that he has recovered the Crown of Ordovices from its
magical site, the Court of the Crown. Whether, this is true or not,
the tribes believe it and many of the reluctant tribesmen rush to fill
the ranks of the King of Norgales. For gameplay, many of the warriors
can now call in a Passion of Loyalty [King of Norgales] in a pinch.
The value will be at 2d6+6 for warriors and at least 16 for elite

A Last Chance for Captured Players

In the worst cast scenario where the players are captured, they will
hear word of this while in the City of Legions and begin to feel the
fervor in the air especially among the native warriors. If they are at
Dinas Bran, the Raven witch Cabal attempts to seduce warriors to the
cause. If successful, the players will have a high Love for the Raven
witches and a Loyalty to Ryons. The referee should play this out as he
or she deems appropriate. If the characters resist, give them one last
chance to escape. If they botch this, their heads become the newest
adornements on the walls at Dinas Bran.

The Fate of Stafford

If Stafford is beseiged, and the characters bring reinforcements,
replay the Battle of Stafford with losses taken from both parties that
occured in the last battle if appropriate. Of course, the players may
have a large force. Nero has not been reinforced. In fact, he has been
re-called to Dinas Bran. He will fight a few rounds and retreat if he
still has a larger force (in KV) than the opposition. If he is
outmatched, he retreats in orderly fashion with knights in the
rearguard. There is only one round against mounted foes in this case.

In the best case, Leodegrance has mustered his forces and his allies
at Stafford. He decides to take the initiative and lead his main force
towards the City of Legions. He gathers his full strength (100
knights, 300 soldiers) leaving only the wounded and old behind. If
Nero is forced to retreat, Leodegrance makes the next move and decides
to lead the army in the same direction. He will only do this if he has
significant reinforcements. This means at least half of Wurensis, and
half of Clarence or Gloucester. Orofoise is a bonus. If not, he learns
of the huge army of Ryons amassing and retreats to Carohaise,
conceding Stafford. This would be the end of the scenario and
Cameliard is subjected to raid after raid until 510, when Arthur comes
to his aid.


Ryons regathers his army at the foot of the Castle of the Raven.
However, Leodegrance almost ruins his plans by acting too quickly.
Only the tribal warriors of Norgales reinforced by his knights,
Cheshire (who only sends knights and warriors, footsoldiers remain at
the City of Legions), and Pase gather to see Ryons raise the Crown of
Ordovices. Fortunately, he has aerial messengers and sends these to
Amans and the tribes of the Peaks. He orders them to harass northern
Cameliard with due haste.

Although not at full strength, Ryons's army of conquest is still
large. The forces meet on the grounds outside of the burned out motte
and bailey castle of Malpas. At first only leading elements of the
forces meet (players acting as scouts could skirmish with some mounted
Hillmen). Ryons stalls so his army can cross the creeks that feed into
the River Dee. Leodegrance falls back to some higher ground and makes
a stand. Ryons with his numerical superiority and his army's battle
fever, charges anyway.

Battle of Malpas


King Leodegrance (Battle = 18)
King Ryons (Battle = 19)

Battle Size: Medium

Army Sizes:

King Leodegrance: 165 knights, 438 footsoldiers. This could be more if
players are really good at convincing lords or have money for
mercenaries. This does not include players and their family knights
either (589 KV minimum).

King Ryons: 135 knights, 300 mounted hillmen, 1300 warriors (1220 KV).


King Leodegrance outnumbered -5/+5
King Leodegrance on higher ground +5/-5

The Fight:

Round 1: Hillmen charge up the hill throwing javelins against charging
knights. Roll twice against the characters horse. If the player is
still mounted he has a +5 on top of any other bonuses against his

Round 2-4: Normal.

Round 5: A dark fog encompasses King Leodegrance's Unit. -5 to Unit
Events Table.

In the Fog: Players can attempt to enter the fog cloud if they are not
engaged. Once there, they will see strangely clad knights enaging and
driving King Leodegrance's command unit back. The characters are now
involved in a skirmish between 10 farie knights and the 5 remaining
Cameliard knights with their king. Conduct this as one round of heavy
fighting. At one point, let the characters have the opportunity to
take a blow for Leodegrance. If he or she does, let the farie battle
end suddenly. Even the unseelie cannot fight such sacrificing foes.

Round 6: The fog cloud disappears with either Leo badly wounded and
alone, with dead knights all around him, or letting out a battle cry
for victory. He fumbles or criticals his battle roll: -5 or +5 to Unit
Events table.

Round 7: If Leodegrance criticals his battle roll above, King Ryons
loses his crown. If not, Leo or the next in command calls a retreat to

Round 8: Rout of hill men. Enemy knights attack with a vengeance this
round. One more round of purusit possible.

Glory: 30/rd.

Decisive Victory or Indecisive Defeat are possible.

Plunder: if a rout, 1-2 chargers, 1-2 hill ponies, 1 librum of goods.

Battle Modules:

ACB Roll:

C +4 No losses
S +2 10% losses, 2% killed, 8% wounded
PS +0 25% losses, 5% killed, 16% wounded, 4% captured
F -2 50% losses, 10% killed, 25% wounded, 15% captured
Fum -4 75% losses, 50% killed, 25% captured

Foe Table:

01-10 Hillmen, Foot (use Year One Wild Hillman stats)
11-13 Hillmen, mounted (use Year One Wild Hillman chieftan stats)
14-17 Equites (Ordinary (1-3), Mercenary (4-5), or Notable (6))
18-19 Norgales Knights (possibly Nero or Idurans if they still live)
20 Ryons and command group (Famous 1-4, or Extraordinary 5-6, Ryons
is Extraordinary with the physical stats of a Small Giant, or one
could use Sir Turquine's stats)

See above for battle outcome.

Now the players will return home, hopefully with victory. However,
upon their return, they hear of raiding in northern Cameliard. They
could mount up again to drive the raiders away. If they are healthy
vassals of Cameliard they will be forced to do so. They may well lead
a force of 20 knights and 30 footsoldiers (plus any other characters).
Raiding forces can be hunted for and can be from Amans (5 knights, 25
warriors) or the Peaks (5 knights, 20 soldiers, and 25 warriors) or
both as the GM wishes. Treat these encounters as skirmishes.


If Leodegrance is victorious, players may well be the heroes of the
Battle. They may be offered lands if landless and asked for loyalty in
return. All will definitely be allowed to recuperate and will always
be welcome. Ryons will head home in disgust. He slays a few of the
kings who fled early. Also, he can continue to harass Cameliard from
the fringes. It takes him until 510 to re-amass an army and regain the
Crown. Then, he attacks deep into Cameliard.

If Ryons is victorious, he consolidates his position, occupies
Stafford and raids the interior of Cameliard. This continues until 510
where Ryons makes to finish Leodegrance once and for all. Of course,
Arthur raised in Penylln comes to his aid.


This Appendix outlines the events of "Ryons, the High King", to help
the gamemaster keep a handle on the events.

Year One

* Ryons creates conflict between Orofoise and its neighbors.

Battle: Ambush in Orofoise

Year Two

* Players may lead attacks on Orofoise.

Optional Battles: Assaults on Oroquelenes and Shrewsbury

* King Ryons invades Cameliard. An army led by Nero marches South
towards Stafford, and is met by King Leodegrance at Market Drayton.

Battle: Battle of Market Drayton

Afterwards, Leodegrance retreats to Stafford, and Nero continues his

* Meanwhile, Idurans leads an army plundering the towns of Cameliard.
After destroying several small towns, he sieges Penkridge.

Battle: Siege at Penkridge

After four days of siege, Idurans leads part of the army south to
attack a relief force. This is likely the player's introduction for
the year.

Battle: Ambush in Arden

* If the relief force survived the ambush, it may move to relieve the
siege at Penkridge:

Optional Battle: Siege at Penkridge (cont.)

They can also continue on to Stafford, where they find that Nero has
already laid siege:

Battle: Battle of Stafford

Year Three

* Cameliard seeks allies from its neighbors: Lambor, Wurensis,
clarence, Gloucester and Orofoise.

* Ryons recovers the Crown of Ordovice.

* If Stafford is still sieged, reinforcements may try to free it:

Optional Battle: Battle of Stafford

* King Leodegrance begins moving his army North, forcing Ryons to act
prematurely. The two armies meet outside the burned out castle of

Battle: Battle of Malpas

* Afterwards, raiding continues in North Cameliard, due to Amans and
Peaks forces.

* The campaign ends with either Ryons retreating, or Ryons occupying
Stafford, depending on the results of the Battle of Malpas

The End for now...

Karl Rodriguez (


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