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Chaosium Digest Volume 08 Number 04

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Chaosium digest
 · 13 Dec 2023

Chaosium Digest Volume 8, Number 4 
Date: Sunday, October 23, 1994
Number: 1 of 1


Where is Pagan Publishing? (John Tynes) MISC
Chaosium Product Releases (Charlie Krank) MISC


From: John Tynes <>
Subject: Where is Pagan Publishing?
System: Misc


Good question, but handily answerable. We're in Seattle, WA, where we
relocated last May. We've had a very busy summer incorporating the
business and reorganizing just about everything we do to distribute
the workload. There's five of us doing Pagan now, mostly full time
with some part time.

All of our current products are way, way late. Our nemesis has been
the proverbial bite bigger than we could chew, WALKER IN THE WASTES.
This 224-page campaign for Call of Cthulhu finally went to press back
in July, and promptly hit a brick wall. A series of difficulties with
the cover separations meant the final films for the cover arrived at
the printer a few *days* ago. Let's see... July, August, September...
yes, trying to get this book out has been a nightmare. Lord Ithaqua
is most displeased.

Regardless, we're almost over the hump. Somewhere the printing
presses are clacking along and the book is finally becoming a reality.
I don't have a ship date yet, but will post one to alt.horror.cthulhu
as soon as I know.

Issue 11 of The Unspeakable Oath is completed and will go to press
after WALKER is done. The Resurrected: Volume Two is also completed
and will scuttle off to press sometime during or after TUO11.

Our new mail-order catalog The Outsider has done very well, and a new
edition is being prepared. This new edition will include Call of
Cthulhu books from Triad Entertainments, a lovely latex Cthulhu
Tentacle from Dead Earth Productions, the new horror RPG Whispering
Vault, and more. To get on our mailing list, just send your snail
mail address to us at and we'll add you on.

I don't have any further updates, except to say that we've started a
number of new projects that should bear interesting fruit in 1995.
I've been busy working on the new catalog, dealing with the WALKER
cover, and finishing a prospectus for investors. I'm about to start
(as in today or tomorrow) serious work on DELTA GREEN, which is 80%
written and amazing. If you ever thought The X-Files would make a
neat RPG, this blows the series out of the water. Look for it in
early 1995.

If you have any questions about any of our stuff, please drop me email
at and I'll do my best to answer them. We're here,
working hard, and things are going to get very exciting in the near

John Tynes
Pagan Publishing
1910 N. 49th St.
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 632-3471 (Noon-8pm, PST)

p.s. our furiously fuggly card game Creatures & Cultists is back in
print... in German! Courtesy of G&S Verlag, you can now get a German
edition of our card game. It's known as Gotten, Riten & Damonen (SP?)
and should be available in Germany at shops that stock G&S' game SAGA.


From: Charlie Krank <>
Subject: Chaosium Product Releases
System: Misc

The following contains information concerning releases from Chaosium
for the next few months.

In Sanity,
Charlie Krank
Director of Sales and Marketing

Recent Releases

Live-Action Roleplaying

[#6500, $19.95] Secret agents from all over the world are converging
on a small science fiction convention. Coded transmissions have been
intercepted, emanating from somewhere near the Con suite. Fans have
mysteriously disappeared, and strangers have shown up at the
convention wearing their badges. And rumor has it that some of these
clever costumes aren't really costumes at all!

NEXUS contains a complete live-action roleplaying adventure and the
rules needed to play the game. Ample handouts are included as well as
detailed instructions for hosting and organizing a live-action

15 Horror Tales Involving Shub-Niggurath & Her Thousand Young

[#6004, $9.95] NEW CALL OF CTHULHU FICTION -- Among the most familiar
names in the Lovecraftian litany, Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of
the Wood, the Goat with a Thousand Young, is never met personally in
Lovecraft's stories, but is often referred to in rituals and spells.
This deity was spread and adapted as Lovecraft crafted and revised
tales spawned by other authors. This is the first collection of tales
concerning Shub-Niggurath.

Two Tests of Wits and Wiles in the Young Kingdoms

[#2903, $10.95] TWO ELRIC! ADVENTURES -- The first of these tales
involve strange apparitions haunting the city of Raschil which the
adventurers struggle to understand and control.

The second adventure finds a lovesick young nobleman financing a
search across the Sighing Desert for that which can heal his true

Maps included in this book portray a portion of the Northern
Continent, and summary plan of the University of Cadsandria, details
of the library, and city maps of Ilmar on the Pale Sea, Raschil, and
Cadsandria. There are also many new illustrations and statistics,
several new spells, and other source materials.

A New Occult Roleplaying Game System

[#3100, $21.95] NEW ROLEPLAYING SYSTEM -- For the first time in many
years, Chaosium releases a new roleplaying game and unveils a
modern-day world of adventure. The response is tremendous.

Building upon the percentile roleplaying game system that we first
developed with RUNEQUEST and then refined with CALL OF CTHULHU,
STORMBRINGER, ELFQUEST and ELRIC!, NEPHILIM is instantly playable by
any of our fans, and is quickly learned by new fans.

Players portray ancient spirits, given existence when mankind was
still walking on knuckles. These spirits seek the path to Agartha, or
enlightenment; an awakening made possible only through the possession
of human bodies. Highly magical, Nephilim are hated and feared by many
human organizations who hunt them down to enslave them and steal their

This interplay of danger, magic, and the Occult tradition, coupled
with our traditional deep research creates a roleplaying setting rife
with excitement and excellent story lines. Nephilim will be supported
over the next months with a variety of supplements and adventure

October Release

Magic & The Supernatural

[#2904, $12.95] AN ELRIC! MAGIC SUPPLEMENT -- This supplement adds to
and extends the magic chapter of the Elric! rulesbook. Runes and
spell-like runes introduce a powerful new class of magical effects.
New demon breeds and abilities, plus a handful of unique individual
demons, are presented. Many enchantments are outlines, and a plethora
of enchanted items are offered. Finally, the last chapter discusses
the tome, as distinct from the grimoire, and gives a dozen examples.
The location entry for each book includes scenario ideas.


A Gamemaster Screen, Scenario, Celestial Alignment Wheel, &
Essential Tables and References

[#3101, $14.95] A NEPHILIM PLAY AID -- The Nephilim Gamemasters' Veil
provides the players with the tools that help make playing Nephilim

The Gamemaster Screen collects the important information used during
play in a convenient format, complete with page references.

A set of deluxe, 4-page dossiers is included, expanding upon the
character sheet provided in the core rulesbook.

The Celestial Alignment Wheel simplifies what is probably the most
complex portion of the game: determining the appropriate magical
modifier based on the positions of the planets, the month, and the day
of the week. An easy spin of the wheel dials-up the correct modifier.

The scenario presents an introductory tale introducing many of the
essential concepts of the Nephilim roleplaying game.


The Definitive Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos

[#6007, $9.95] CALL OF CTHULHU FICTION -- When H.P. Lovecraft first
created the Cthulhu Mythos it was little more than a collection of
obscure terms and unpronounceable names. Since that time in the late
1920s and 1930s, with the inclusion of other authors and their
additions to the body of lore, the depth and detail of the Mythos has
grown and in 1981 Chaosium first released Call of Cthulhu, fostering a
renewed interest in the Mythos and bringing more authors and their

This release is an important guide to the Cthulhu Mythos, including
every detail inhumanely possible, arranged in an alphabetic format and
extensively cross-referenced.


Heart of an Ancient Empire

sourcebook provided clues and details for that area of the Northern
Continent dubbed The Unmapped East. It lies across the Sighing Desert
from Kaarlak, the last abode of Elric and his wife Zarozinia.

Each nation is given a chapter that reveals the background and
politics of that nation as well as important points and notes on magic
for that land.

January 1995

Ruler of the Outer Gods

[#6006, $9.95] NEW CALL OF CTHULHU FICTION -- Ruler of the outer Gods,
Azathoth has existed since the beginning of the universe, dwelling
beyond normal space and time, where its amorphous body writhes
unceasingly to the monotonous piping of a flute.

The concept of Azathoth is central to the Cthulhu Mythos and appears
in many of the tales written by Lovecraft and the Lovecraft Circle of
writers. This book collects the most important tales concerning this
all-powerful deity, and arranges them in the order in which they were

This is the fifth title in the Cycle Book series.

January 1995

Previous Lives for Nephilim

[#3102, $12.95] A SOURCEBOOK FOR NEPHILIM -- Each Nephilim has
experienced many lives in the past. With each incarnation, a Nephilim
draws closer to enlightenment. This book expands upon the Past Lives
chapter of the Nephilim rulesbook and presents a variety of historical
era during which your character might have lived.

February 1995

Four Tales of Dread and Darkness

[#2356, $10.95] FOR CALL OF CTHULHU -- Here are four new adventures
set in Lovecraft Country, that area in New England including Arkham,
Dunwich, Innsmouth, and the Miskatonic River where the seemingly Good
often proves to be filled with Darkness.

February 1995

The Most Infamous University in the World

[#2352, $12.95] A CALL OF CTHULHU 1920s SOURCEBOOK -- Miskatonic
University, pillar of the 1920s academic community, nestles along the
bank of the Miskatonic River in the city of Arkham, Massachusetts.
This guide explores this prestigious institution in detail, covering
such topics as the Campus, the Library, the University by Department,
On-Campus Life, Graduation, and a multitude of other details. Also
included are 13 scenario seeds, using M.U. in other eras, Lovecraft
references to M.U. Miskatonic expeditions, and more.

March 1995

Gloranthan Legend and Lore

[#4501, $10.95] GLORANTHAN SOURCEBOOK -- Wyrm's Footprints collects
long-lost lore about the world of Glorantha culled from many sources.
Some pieces once appeared many years ago in Wyrm's Footnotes , a
magazine that we used to publish. Others are gems garnered from Greg
Stafford's voluminous files and early writings. Much that is here is
new, never having seen the light of day before.

March 1995

Adventures Through Time

[#2353, $14.95] CALL OF CTHULHU ADVENTURES -- The dire mysteries and
threats to humankind from the minions of the Cthulhu Mythos are not
limited to the eras of the 1920s, 1890s, or even the modern-day. They
can occur in any era, at any moment. Strange Aeons presents three
adventures set in various moments in history.

March 1995

Exploring An Ancient Mystery

[#3104, $16.95] ADVENTURES FOR NEPHILIM -- In Midwestern Ohio exists
an ancient serpentine structure called The Serpent Mound. This book
presents a sequence of adventures leading to a fatal confrontation
between Nephilim and those that oppose them.

Spring 1995

Foes of the Nephilim

[#3103, $16.95] A SOURCEBOOK FOR NEPHILIM -- Many human organization
fear and hate Nephilim: they resent the intrusion of the Nephilim
spirit into human bodies and find the whole concept of possession
repugnant. To combat the Nephilim, these humans have organized into
secret societies dedicated to the elimination of these ancient
spirits. This book reveals the innermost secrets of these shadowy
organizations which frequently operate at the edge of the law and
decent society.

The Northern Continent

[#2905, $16.95] A GUIDEBOOK FOR ELRIC! -- This is a much-needed guide
to the Young Kingdoms, the world described by Michael Moorcock in his
Elric novels and the setting for our roleplaying game. Notes for many
lands in the northern Continent are provided, as well as adventure

Summer 1995

A Guide to Cairo in the 1920s

[#2351, $10.95] A SOURCEBOOK FOR CALL OF CTHULHU -- This book provides
a detailed look at Cairo, Egypt, as it was in the 1920s. Filled with
background and historical detail, it also suggests a multitude of
adventures for our Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

The Land of Picts & Scots

[#2717, $12.95] A PENDRAGON SOURCEBOOK -- This supplement to our
Arthurian roleplaying game explores the are beyond Hadrian's Wall, the
land of Picts and Scots. It includes background about the area, notes
on the cultures found there, notes about the religions they follow,
and a fold-out map of the area.

A Guide to Sanity

[#2354, $18.95] FOR CALL OF CTHULHU -- The fundamental worry of every
Call of Cthulhu investigator is the state of his or her sanity. Will
the next encounter with a Mythos monster topple you over the edge? Can
your allies carry your babbling private eye to reputable care? Taint
of Madness covers such topics, expounding upon the Sanity rules given
in the Call of Cthulhu rulesbook. It covers asylums, mental health
care in the 1920s, 1890s, and in the modern-day, presents new
insanities, and an insane assortment of other details.

Fall 1995

Fantasy Live-Action Roleplaying

[#6501, $14.95] PLAY THIS BOOK SERIES -- This is the second release
for our "Play This Book" series of games. These are all live-action
roleplaying adventures including the system mechanics in every book.

LONG AGO & FAR AWAY presents a scenario for 45 players, taking them to
a fantasy land of intrigue and high magic, a land filled with kings,
princes, ghosts, giants, efreeti, and the Terrible Triumvirate.

A Guide to London in the 1920s

[#2347, $10.95] A SOURCEBOOK FOR CALL OF CTHULHU -- This supplement
explores London during the 1920s. Discover secrets and arcane facets
of this fog-shrouded city of mystery. Explore the strange tunnels
under the city, learn about the aftermath of the Great War, follow new
occupations, and more. Adventure tips are also included.


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