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Chaosium Digest Volume 07 Number 08

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 · 13 Dec 2023

Chaosium Digest Volume 7, Number 8 
Date: Sunday, September 18, 1994
Number: 1 of 1


An Outer Space Adventure Idea (Dakin Burdick) CALL OF CTHULHU
Arcanum Index (Shannon Appel) NEPHILIM
Past Life Index (Shannon Appel) NEPHILIM
Simulacra Index (Shannon Appel) NEPHILIM
Skill Index (Shannon Appel) NEPHILIM
Spell Index (Shannon Appel) NEPHILIM

Editor's Note:

A couple of new products have been released recently that may be of
interest to Call of Cthulhu players.

First, in the last month, Millenium published the second and third
issues of their H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu comic, bringing the newest
story to an end. V3.5 of the digest has some info on these comics.
The first story was "The Whisperer in Darkness", which ran three
issues and was collected in a perfect bound. This second, recently
completed story, was "The Festival". They're not really adaptations
of the Lovecraft fiction in question, but rather modern stories which
include the original Lovecraft story as part of their background.
Pretty fun, although you should expect guns and dynamite, not gothic

About a month ago, Triad released their newest Call of Cthulhu
supplement, End of the World (Triad, $15.95), which I missed when it
originally came out. It contains three "campaign-climaxing" scenerios
which look pretty good. One involves Shub-Niggurath and a second
Azathoth. The third scenerio looks really interesting. It centers
around Mi-Go, Yuggoth and Charon, and also has appearences by the
Great Race of Yith, Martians, Elder Things and the Insects from
Shaggai. If you were intrigued by the list of Outer Space creatures
that was published in V7.7, I suggest you take a look.

Finally, Tim Leask ( has a few questions regarding
Pendragon this issue. He says that it seems like the only passions
invoked in a game are love and hate (hate a lot more than love), and
wants to know when it is reasonable to invoke passions such as
loyalty, honor and hospitality. He asks if they are just rarely
invoked passions, or if he is missing something. Tim would appreciate
insight into how other people play passions in their game, remarking
that scenerios often put players up against opposition that requires
inspiration to defeat, which usually isn't available except with
Saxons and such.

If anyone has insights into passions and the game of Pendragon, drop a
line to Tim and/or the digest.



From: Dakin Burdick <>
Subject: An Outer Space Adventure Idea
System: Call of Cthulhu

Thanks for that list of interplanetary critters in the last digest!
I'm really looking forward to the Mars adventure, especially because I
have played around with the space travel theme as well. Here's a
short synopsis of the campaign I ran -- maybe you guys can use some of
these ideas:

The players began by fighting neo-nazis in Idaho, and traced their
support to a plot by the Fungi of Yuggoth to infiltrate the US and
other national governments, and rule in their stead. While on the run
from a Fungi-directed CIA, the players were recruited by a band of
anti-Fungi spacemen, backed by the serpent people.

It turns out that the Nazis had developed a working flying saucer at
the end of World War II, thanks to the discovery of a crashed Fungi
vessel in Eastern Europe. The discovery came too late, and the Nazis
were forced to flee to a secret Antarctic sub base. They later
established a moonbase and made an alliance with the moonbeasts.

Unfortunately, before they made that alliance they opened fire on a
Fungi saucer, which they believed was a rival Soviet craft. The fungi
took this as a declaration of war by all Earth, and for the last
forty-plus years, the nazis and moonbeasts have been waging a war to
keep Earth orbit free from the Fungi.

They have finally failed, and the moonbeasts have retreated deep
within the moon (except for a few freedom fighters who kept up the
fight). The nazis continued to battle, and finally gained the aid of
the serpent people, who are traditionally enemies of the Fungi.

After the players are recruited, they help in guerrilla attacks on the
Fungi vessels. They first weaken the Fungi supply lines and then root
out Fungi on Earth with the aid of the serpent people. The serpents
then demand Terran aid in an all-out assault on Yuggoth, which pretty
much blasts everybody back to where they started, and the next set of
adventurers starts up in New York, where... but that's another story.


PS: Hope you found something useful here -- be careful of using it
though, a lot of elements are from an old _Analog_ story!


From: Shannon Appel <>
Subject: Arcanum Index
System: Nephilim

In the last few weeks, I've written up a few indexes for Nephilim, to
help and make the game a little easier to understand and reference.
They're all included in this issue of the digest. Hopefully, some of
you will find them useful as well.

This chart indexes and gives short descriptions for the Nephilim
Arcanum. Full descriptions can be found on pages 40-43 of Nephilim.



0* Fool Prophets. Seek to create the Ultimate Messiah
I Magician Prometheans. Work with magician who study solar ka
II High Priestess Seers. Preserve occult knowledge and magic
III Empress Manipulators. Control humans through emotions
IV Emperor Seculars. Seek material power to govern Earth
V Hierophant Gods. Work with humans who believe they are deities
VI Lovers Hedonists. Enjoy and exploit their physical bodies
VII Chariot Technologists. Exploit the world as a machine
VIII Strength Anti-Khaibans. Fighters against Khaiba
IX Hermit Ascetics. See Similacra as a distraction
X Wheel of Fortune Astrologers. Study magic fields and the planets
XI Justice Judges. Punish Nephilim who go astray
XII* Hanged Man Shouites. Submerge personilities beneath humans
XIII* [Unnamed] Selenim. The Doomed Nephilim of the Black Moon
XIV Temperance Healers. Tend to the sick and study the Macrocosm
XV* Devil Khaibans. Become savage beasts
XVI Tower Destroyers. Eradicate occult knowledge among humans
XVII Star Astronomers. Seek life on other stars
XVIII Moon Animalists. Incarnate only in animals
XIX Sun Mystics. Work to gain power over Solar Ka
XX Judgement Pessimists. Fortell the fall of more meteorites
XXI* World Unknown. The Missing Arcanum

* denotes an Arcanum which is not appropriate for a beginning player


Magician (I) - Tower (XVI)
Strength (VIII) - Devil (XV)


From: Shannon Appel <>
Subject: Past Life Index
System: Nephilim

This chart indexes and gives some information on the Nephilim past
lives. It contains some notes not present in the page 48 index. Full
descriptions can be found on pages 52-78 of Nephilim.



5000BC Egypt, Predynastic "The Great Compromise" NE52 TRUMPS: V. Hierophant SOCIETIES: Ancient Cults

3000BC Egypt, Memphis "The Pact" NE54 TRUMPS: IV. Emperor SOCIETIES: Black Star

1350BC Egypt, Thebes "The Arcanum Rebellion" NE56 TRUMPS: Original 18 SOCIETIES: Black Star, Mysteries of Isis, Pharonic Priesthood, Rosicrucians

600BC Persia, Babylon "Ethical Religion" NE60 TRUMPS: IV. Emperor, XIX. Sun, XV. Devil SOCIETIES: Magi, Mithridites, Nooday Eclipse

350BC Egypt, Alexandria "The Age of Philosophers" NE62 TRUMPS: XIX. Sun SOCIETIES: Sisters of the Eclipse

30 Judea, Jerusalem "The Jesus Incident" NE64 TRUMPS: 0. Fool, X. Wheel of Fortune, XVIII. Moon SOCIETIES: Mysteries of Dumuzi

350 Italy, Rome "The New Church" NE68 TRUMPS: XI. Justice SOCIETIES: Gnostics

830 Germania, Aachen "Charlemagne" NE70 TRUMPS: XI. Justice SOCIETIES: Holy Vehn, Paladins, Prieure de Sion

1243 France, Monsegur "The Cathars" NE72 TRUMPS: IX. Hermit SOCIETIES: Alchemists, Knights Templar, Perfecti

1630 France, Paris "The Age of Reason" NE75 TRUMPS: II. High Priestess, VII. Chariot, XVI. Tower, XIX. Sun SOCIETIES: Daughters of the Nile, Mithridites, Illuminati of Bavaria, Invisible College

1900 England, London "Return of the Magicians" NE77 TRUMPS: I. Magus, XIV. Tower SOCIETIES: Golden Dawn


From: Shannon Appel <>
Subject: Simulacra Index
System: Nephilim

This chart indexes the Nephilim simulacra by Solar Ka. Full
descriptions can be found on pages 84-88 of Nephilim.



Neodruid 18
Retired Army Officer 18

Loan Officer 17
Police Officer 17

Airline Pilot 16
Book Seller 16
School Teacher 16

Editor 15
Green Activist 15

Anthropology Professor 14
Nurse 14
Poetess 14

Computer Consultant 13
Midwife 13
Sports Fisherman 13

Artist 12
Dancer 12
New Age Publisher 12
Street Artist 12

College Student 11
Photographer 11
US Marine Private 11

House Painter 10
Truck Driver 10

Unemployed Single Mom 9

Gangster Wannabe 7

Homeless Man 5


From: Shannon Appel <>
Subject: Skill Index
System: Nephilim

This chart indexes and gives short descriptions for the Nephilim
skills. Full descriptions can be found on pages 95-102 of Nephilim.



Anthropology NE95
Archeology NE95
Arcanum Lore NE95
Art () A Musical Instrument, Painting, Dancing, etc NE95
Astrological Lore NE95
Astronomy NE95

Bargain NE95
Biology NE96
Build NE96
Business NE96

Chemistry NE96
Climb NE96
Computer Use NE96
Conceal NE96
Craft () Baker, Cobbler, Mason, Smith, Tailor, etc NE96

Dodge NE97
Drive () Car, Truck, Wagon, Heavy Machinery, etc NE97

Electronics NE97

Fast Talk NE97
Farming NE97
First Aid NE97
Fist/Punch NE97

Geology NE97
Grapple NE97

Handgun NE98
Heavy Weapon NE98
Hermetic Lore NE98
Hide NE98
History NE98
Hunt NE98

Kabbalistic Lore NE98
Kick NE98

Law NE98
Life Experience () May Replace Archeology or History Rolls NE98
Listen NE98
Lore (Arcanum) See Arcanum Lore NE95
Lore (Astrological) See Astrological Lore NE95
Lore (Hermetic) See Hermetic Lore NE98
Lore (Kabbalistic) See Kabbalistic Lore NE98
Lore (Natural) See Natural Lore NE100
Lore (Tarot) See Tarot Lore NE102

Machine Gun NE99
Mechanics May Replace Craft (Locksmith) at 1/2 NE99
Medicine NE99
Melee () Any Weapon Type NE99
Melee (Fist/Punch) See Fist/Punch NE97
Melee (Grapple) See Grapple NE97
Melee (Kick) See Kick NE98
Melee (Handgun) See Handgun NE98
Melee (Heavy Weapon) See Heavy Weapon NE98
Melee (Machine Gun) See Machine Gun NE99
Melee (Rifle) See Rifle NE101
Melee (Shotgun) See Shotgun NE101
Melee (Submachine Gun) See Submachine Gun NE101

Natural Lore NE100

Pharmacy NE100
Physics NE100
Pilot () Rowboat, Sailboat, Balloon, Airliner, etc NE100
Psychology NE100

Read/Write () Any Language NE100
Research NE100
Religion Catholic, Mormon, Islam, Sufism, etc NE101
Ride NE101
Rifle NE101

Scan NE101
Scrtuinize NE101
Shotgun NE101
Smell NE101
Speak () Any Language NE101
Submachine Gun NE101
Survival NE101
Swim NE101

Tarot Lore NE102
Taste NE102


From: Shannon Appel <>
Subject: Spell Index
System: Nephilim

This chart indexes and gives some info on the Nephilim spells. Full
descriptions can be found on pages 142-182 of Nephilim. All spells
are indexed by, in order, type (sorcery, summoning or alchemy), ka,
circle, threshold and name.


KEY: THD = Threshold, DUR = Duration


Aerial Whispers Air Lower 10% 1km* Target 10m NE143
Translucent Veil Air Lower 20% 10m 1000cm3 10m NE144
Mercuriality Air Lower 30% Touch Target 10m NE144
Purify Air Air Lower 40% Touch Target Spec. NE144
Dowse Air Plexus Air Lower 50% Touch Target 1h NE144
Babel Unbound Air Lower 70% Touch Target 10m NE144
Shoal of Air Air Higher 30% Touch Target 10m NE148
Scry of the Wise Air Higher 40% 10m Target Inst. NE148
Hermetic Satori Air Higher 50% Touch Target 30m NE148
Spear of the Valkyrie Air Higher 50% Caster Caster 10m NE148
Winds of Lifting Air Higher 60% Touch Caster 10m NE148
Companion Winds Air Higher 80% 10m Target 10m NE148
Stigmatic Idea Air Grand 20% 10m Target Perm. NE152
Typhoon Thrust Air Grand 60% 1km 100m rad. 24h NE152
Manifest Air Plexus Air Grand 90% 10km 1000m3 Spec. NE152

Terra Mobile Earth Lower 20% 10m 1000cm3 10m NE144
Caduceus Press Earth Lower 30% Touch Target Inst. NE144
Purify Matter Earth Lower 40% Touch 2000cm3 Inst. NE144
Vita Robust Earth Lower 40% Touch Target 10m NE144
Dowse Earth Plexus Earth Lower 50% Touch Target 1h NE145
Balance the Humors Earth Lower 70% Touch Target Inst. NE145
Shoal of Earth Earth Higher 10% Touch Target 10m NE149
Drill of Pluto Earth Higher 20% Caster Caster 10m NE149
Voice of the Earth Earth Higher 30% Touch Target 10m NE149
Grouding the Fool Earth Higher 50% Touch Target Inst. NE149
Caress of Lilith Earth Higher 60% Touch Target 10m NE149
The Mole Bore Earth Higher 80% Touch Target 10m NE149
Seismic Concussion Earth Grand 60% 1km 100m rad. 10s NE152
Manifest Earth Plexus Earth Grand 90% 10km 1000m3 Spec. NE152
Resurreccion Earth Grand 95% Touch Target Perm. NE152

Pyretic Palm Fire Lower 10% Caster 25cm2 10m NE143
Pyromantic Temper Fire Lower 20% 10m 200cm3 10m NE143
Pyretic Fortitude Fire Lower 30% Touch Target 10m NE143
Choking Vapor Fire Lower 40% 50m 10m rad. 5+1d6m NE143
Dowse Fire Plexus Fire Lower 50% Touch Target 1h NE143
Pyretic Limb Fire Lower 70% Touch Target 10m NE143
Sword of Sun Tzu Fire Higher 20% Caster Caster 10m NE147
Ka-Shout Fire Higher 30% Caster 20m rad. Inst. NE147
Shoal of Fire Fire Higher 40% Touch Target 10m NE147
Pyromancy Fire Higher 60% 10m 1m rad. 1m NE147
Pyretic Body Fire Higher 80% Touch Target 10m NE148
Pyretic Consumption Fire Grand 20% 10m 500kg Inst. NE151
Eruption Fire Grand 60% 1km 100m rad. 24h NE152
Manifest Fire Plexus Fire Grand 90% 1km 1000m3 Spec. NE152

Lunar Crescent Moon Lower 10% Touch 20cm3 10m NE146
Monotonic Tintinitis Moon Lower 30% 10m 20m rad. 1m NE146
Incantessimo Moon Lower 30% Touch Target 10m NE146
Lunar Veil Moon Lower 40% 50m 1000cm3 10m NE146
Dowse Moon Plexus Moon Lower 50% Touch Target 1h NE147
Spleen Moon Lower 70% 10m Target 1m NE147
Shoal of Moon Moon Higher 30% Touch Target 10m NE150
Visage of Terror Moon Higher 30% 10m Target 1m+ NE150
Mirror of Thoth Moon Higher 50% Touch Target 10m NE150
Evasion of Earth's Se.. Moon Higher 60% Touch Target 10m NE151
Blinding Orb of Artem.. Moon Higher 80% Caster Caster 10m NE151
Deception of the Moon.. Moon Higher 80% Touch Target Perm. NE151
Wahnsinn Moon Grand 20% 10m Target Perm. NE153
Eclipse Moon Grand 60% 1km 100m rad. 1d NE153
Manifest Moon Plexus Moon Grand 90% 1km 1000m3 Spec. NE153

Seething Aqua Water Lower 10% 10m 200cm3 1h NE145
Liquifaction Water Lower 20% Touch 1000cm3 10m NE145
Dextrous Liquidity Water Lower 30% Touch Target 10m NE146
Mobile Aqua Water Lower 40% 10m 100cm3 10m NE146
Pelagic Survival Water Lower 40% Touch Target 10m NE146
Dowse Water Plexus Water Lower 50% Touch Target 1h NE146
Shoal of Water Water Higher 20% Touch Target 10m NE149
Spring of Lamneth Water Higher 30% Touch 10cm2 1h NE150
Hidden Flow Water Higher 50% Touch Target 10m NE150
Chameleon-Skin Water Higher 60% Touch Target 10m NE150
Slashing of the Shark Water Higher 80% Caster Caster 10m NE150
Watery Deluge Water Higher 80% 10km 1km2 1h+ NE150
Grasp of the Invisib.. Water Grand 30% 1km 50m rad. 24h NE153
Tidal Wave Water Grand 60% 1km 100m w. 1d10m NE153
Manifest Water Plexus Water Grand 90% 10km 1000m3 Spec. NE153


KEY: THD = Threshold, RUP = Rupture, Au = Autonomy, DUR = Duration


Adonai, the Premier M.. ALL Seals 30% 70 Spc To Any Any NE159

The Invoking Voices o.. Air Seals 10% 5 Dis Li Pent. Weds. NE157
The Tempestuous Bands.. Air Seals 40% 18 Dis Li Cast. Thurs. NE160
The Orichalka Trumpet.. Air Seals 60% 21 Cap Li 1km Weds. NE162
The Shadow-cloaked Sa.. Air Seals 90% 25 Spc To Pent. Spec. NE163
The Minister of Peace.. Air Pent. 10% 23 Cap To 100m 30m NE164
Sandolphan, Princess... Air Pent. 50% 35 Cap To Unlim. Spec. NE166
The Daughters of Lul... Air Pent. 70% 1 Dis NA Cast. Any NE169
The Crystal Net, Ship.. Air Pent. 90% 28 Dis To Unlim. Spec. NE170
The Gryphon Gazur, Lo.. Air Keys 40% 70 Spc To Unlim. Spec. NE171

The Ashim, Doors of A.. Earth Seals 10% 7 Imm Li 100m Thurs. NE156
Those Who Creep and N.. Earth Seals 10% 9 Bef Pa 500m Thurs. NE157
The Armor of Those Wh.. Earth Seals 40% 18 Dis Li Cast. Thurs. NE160
Those Who Hit the Sco.. Earth Seals 50% 16 Bef To Unlim. Thurs. NE161
The Prince of the Sal.. Earth Seals 60% 22 Dis To Pent. Thurs. NE162
The Smiling Tarshishi.. Earth Pent. 10% 18 Cap Li Spec. Thurs. NE164
Michael, Prince of th.. Earth Pent. 50% 35 Cap To Unlim. Spec. NE167
The Daughters of Sain.. Earth Pent. 70% 1 Dis NA Cast. Any NE169

The Lights of the Pha.. Fire Seals 10% 5 Fli Li 100m* Tues. NE157
The Swift Flame Portals Fire Seals 30% 14 Fli Gu Cast. Tues. NE158
The Powerful Cuirasse.. Fire Seals 40% 18 Dis Li Cast. Tues. NE159
The Procurators Whose.. Fire Seals 60% 14 Cap Gu 20m 24h NE162
The Implacable Minist.. Fire Seals 90% 21 Cap To Unlim. Tues. NE163
The Lords of Torment... Fire Pent. 10% 21 Pos To Unlim. 24h NE165
Raphael, the Prince C.. Fire Pent. 50% 35 Cap To Unlim. Spec. NE168
The Daughters of Nour.. Fire Pent. 70% 1 Dis NA Cast. Any NE169
The Dragon Azim, Lord.. Fire Keys 40% 72 Cap To Unlim. spec. NE170

The Jade Flowers, Mys.. Moon Seals 20% 14 Imm Gu Pent. Spec. NE158
The Kerubim of Exaspe.. Moon Seals 20% 14 Spc Li 100m Monday NE158
Those Who Whisper, Th.. Moon Seals 30% 13 Imm Li 1km Monday NE159
The Imperishable Fabr.. Moon Seals 40% 18 Dis Li Cast. Monday NE160
The Quicksilver Mirro.. Moon Seals 50% 14 Cap Li 5km Monday NE161
The Spirits of the 24.. Moon Seals 80% 22 Cap To Cast. Spec. NE163
The Powerful Pale Que.. Moon Pent. 10% 28 Cap To Unlim. 24h NE165
Gabriel, Prince of th.. Moon Pent. 50% 35 Cap To Unlim. Spec. NE166
The Daughters of Paul.. Moon Pent. 70% 1 Dis NA Cast. Any NE169

The Whispering Rumors.. Water Seals 10% 5 Dis Gu 500m Monday NE157
The Kerubim, Agile In.. Water Seals 30% 12 Dis To 500m 1h NE158
The Silvery Scales of.. Water Seals 40% 18 Dis Li Cast. Friday NE160
The Riders Armed from.. Water Seals 50% 16 Fli Pa 1km Spec. NE161
The Dark Governors of.. Water Seals 80% 14 Cap Li 500m 14m NE162
The Guardians of the... Water Pent. 10% 21 Cap Li 21km 1h NE164
Ariel, Prince Freed f.. Water Pent. 50% 35 Cap To Unlim. Spec. NE166
The Daughters of Malo.. Water Pent. 70% 1 Dis NA Cast. Any NE169
The Undine Valama, Lo.. Water Keys 40% 73 Spc To Unlim. Spec. NE172


KEY: THD = Threshold, DUR = Duration


The Darkening of the.. Air Black 30% Touch 30m 15m NE176
The Gas of the Egg's.. Air Black 30% 100m 100m 15m NE175
The Earth Dissolver Air Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE176
The Moon Dissolver Air Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE177
The Sublimation of t.. Air White 10% Touch 500m Weds. NE178
The Angelic Automaton Air White 30% Unlim. Golem 7d NE181
The Astral Wings of... Air White 60% 2km Golem 7d NE181
The Gaian Paten Air White 60% Spec. Golem Spec. NE180

The Freezing of the L. Earth Black 30% Touch Target 15m NE176
The Freezing of the G Earth Black 40% 15m 5m 15m NE176
The Reduction of the.. Earth Black 50% Touch Target 15m NE176
The Air Dissolver Earth Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE176
The Water Dissolver Earth Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE177
The Adamantic Sign o.. Earth White 10% Touch Spec. Thurs. NE178
The Chemycal Wedding.. Earth White 20% 500m 500m 3mon. NE181
The Morphic Congolme.. Earth White 50% 1km Golem 30d NE180

The Calcination of t.. Fire Black 30% 100m 25m2 1h NE175
The Double Igneous Man Fire Black 60% 30m 1 Figure 1h NE175
The Water Dissolver Fire Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE177
The Moon Dissolver Fire Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE177
The Sublimation of t.. Fire White 10% Touch Target Inst. NE178
Rabbi Loew's Golem Fire White 30% Spec. Golem Spec. NE180
The Fire Crucible of.. Fire White 70% Spec. Golem Spec. NE179
The True Stone of th.. Fire White 80% Spec. Golem Spec. NE180

The Spitting of the... Moon Black 30% Touch Target 15m NE177
The Transformation o.. Moon Black 50% Touch Target 15m NE177
The Air Dissolver Moon Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE176
The Fire Dissolver Moon Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE175
The Tear of the Blac.. Moon Black 60% Touch Target Monday NE177
The Mutation of the... Moon White 10% 500m Target Monday NE179
The Purifaction of t.. Moon White 80% Touch 50m rad. 10m NE179
The Lunacy Beacon Moon White 90% Touch Golem/1km 28d NE182

The Dissolving of th.. Water Black 30% 100m Target Inst. NE176
The Double Reduction.. Water Black 50% Touch Target Spec. NE177
The Earth Dissolver Water Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE176
The Fire Dissolver Water Black 60% Touch Target Inst. NE175
The Water of Life of.. Water White 20% Touch Target 1h NE178
The Ship of the Sacr.. Water White 60% Touch Spec 24h NE178


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