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Chaosium Digest Volume 10 Number 04

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 · 13 Dec 2023

Chaosium Digest Volume 10, Number 4 
Date: Sunday, April 30, 1995
Number: 1 of 3


Solar Magic, Part I (Michael Caprio Jr.) NEPHILIM

Editor's Notes:

MORE BOOKS OF TERROR: Last issue, I mentioned HP Lovecraft's Book of
Horror as a cool compendium of old horror. Ishmael Stevens and Chris
Jarocha-Ernst both suggested a few more books of stories that might
appeal to fans of pulp horror stories. They include: _100 Little Weird
Tales_, _Rival of Weird Tales_, _Weird Vampire Stores_, _Fabulous
Mysteries_, _100 Creepy Little Creature Stories_ and a whole slew of
other _100 xxx Little Stories_.

HAWKMOON: White Wolf's third anthology of Michael Moorcock fiction is
now out. It's called _Hawkmoon_ (White Wolf, 502 pg., $19.99, ISBN
1-56504-178-X), and contains the four books of the Runestaff Cycle.
All told, this book has outstanding graphics, from the good-looking
cover, to the beautiful end pages and the nice interior black and
white illustrations. Quite nice.

MORE WINHELP DIGESTS: Thanks to Joab Stieglitz, new winhelp versions
of volumes 5 through 7 of the Digest are now available in the
directory /pub/chaosium/archives/windows on
These archives are in that new format where an entire volume is in one
file. Check out V10.3 for more details.



From: (Michael V. Caprio Jr.)
Subject: Solar Magic, Part I
System: Nephilim

Solar Magic rules v1.0

| Copyright 1995 Michael V. Caprio Jr. These rules are for personal use |
| only, and may not be distributed or reproduced beyond the Chaosium |
| Digest without the express permission of the author. |

[This system of Solar Magic for Nephilim originally appeared a few
weeks back in the Nephilim Digest. It is reprinted here with Michael's
permission. -sda]


Some players of Nephilim (myself included) have felt a need to expand
play in their campaigns to encompass the possibility of humans being
able to manipulate the solar magic field in a limited fashion. Even
though some are of the opinion that giving humans magical ability
undermines the basic tenets of the game, I feel that there's a valid
reason to want to include this type of "awakened" (not enlightened)
human as a new PC or NPC category - in short, I think doing so expands
the roleplaying possibilities of the game, and heightens the conflict
between humans and Nephilim (or ego and spirit?) to something more
than just an "us vs. the secret societies" level.

I've taken the time to sketch out what I think would be a good way to
incorporate solar magics into the game; in doing this, I want to say
that this in no way means that this is the only way to do it, and that
this whole thing is just my opinion and is not associated with anyone
from Chaosium in any way.

So bearing that in mind, here are a few notes on the internal
philosophy of the system:

Solar magic is derived from the Sun, the source of Ka. Traditionally,
the Sun has also been associated with being the lifegiver, the source
of power for the world, etc. We have solar minutes, hours, days, and
years; our very world revolves around it. Western Nephilim believe
that their Ka comes from the Sun, refracts through the various planets
and such, and finally coalesces here into the various magic fields of
the Earth. But to date, no Nephilim has ever been able to use the
solar ka that they feel they need to achieve Agartha; bonding
materially with a human seems to be the only way to access solar ka,
and even then, they still have no means of manipulating it.

Humans have, in the recent past, begun to explore their inner selves
more than in any other period of time. Some say the approaching
millennium has something to do with it; others insist that the basis
for this "awakening" of humanity is scientific, calling it ESP or
psychic power. The 60s introduced the first full-scale, mass awareness
of inner human potential through the counter-culture movement;
experiments with mind-altering drugs became common, and belief in
events that were not scientifically provable became more common than
ever. These events, along with a renewed cultural interest in the
occult, have brought some scientists to give credence to the claims of
"inner power", and today they search for explanations for the

(This part here is the metaphor part, my reasoning behind creating the
system the way I did. You can skip it if you want to...)

My personal view on the "psychic" magic: I think that the whole thing
is based on manipulation of reality. Humans are able to do this
because they have a direct link to the perception of reality,
something different from Nephilim... in my mind, Nephilim _are_ the
reality, they are composed of the basic, primal energies of the
universe, and Man is just here for the ride - a product of the primal
energies, but also a part of them. Humans _perceive_ this reality,
and in perceiving, change it. So the guts of this whole thing: Humans
interact on four levels with the Universe - through Time, Space, Mind
and Matter. Essentially, they do the same thing in each field - they
manipulate reality by changing space-time, or changing matter, or what
have you.

What this means in the greater scheme of the game:

I also happen to agree with the book's contention that when a Nephilim
and a human (simulacrum) reach Agartha, they unify in body and soul,
and become a being that is greater than the sum of its parts, but is
still the union of both the human and the Nephilim, even though the
human has remained unconscious for the whole ride to enlightenment. I
think that right now, there is only one discovered path to Agartha,
and the Nephilim know it, so humans can't get there by themselves (not
by a long shot). But at any rate, the Nephilim needs the human to get
there, and the human needs the Nephilim. Just recently, humans have
started on their own path towards enlightenment (one that happens to
be approaching from the opposite direction of the Nephilim, so who
knows if it'll really work or not), and that's where the solar magic
comes in.

There really isn't a lot that they can do with it, but then again,
they aren't creatures of the magic fields, and they haven't had the
eons of practice that the Nephilim have had. So, their potential right
now is pretty small in comparison, but it's still there. Those humans
that have been awakened are going to seem extraordinary to other
humans, and odd to Nephilim. But, they represent a new dawning for
human consciousness, and perhaps, a different kind of relationship
with Nephilim.

Again, this is all IMHO, so you can take it or leave it as you choose.
This is just the way I would set up things if I was writing up a
Nephilim universe. So... here goes:


[For clarity's sake, I include GM and gaming notes in brackets like

Central Intelligence Agency Feasibility Study - the following report
is labelled TOP SECRET.


Here at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Mind, we have
undertaken a categorization of the various psychic abilities we have
encountered among our Subjects. Some of our more romantically inclined
scientists have endeavored to classify Subject's abilities according
to "spheres of influence" in four broadly ranging areas: Time, Space,
Mind, and Matter. It has been shown in our studies that Subject's
proficiency in one area is inversely related to their proficiency in
its opposing area, according to this diagram:


We present the abilities below in order of rarity among our subjects.
The more powerful (and thus, rarer) abilities are discussed last, and
the more common ones are listed first.

In the following power descriptions several terms are used quite
commonly to explain their function. In each, the term "Subject" refers
to the user of the psychic power, the term "Object" refers to all
things affected by the power (sometimes including the Subject
herself), and the term "Target" is used in relation to the physical
presence of the Object or objects affected. In other words, if a
Subject wishes to bend a spoon, the spoon is both Object and Target.
However, if they wish to throw the spoon at someone with their mind,
the spoon is the Object, and the someone is the Target. Both tasks are
valid uses of the Psychokinesis power, as explained below.

So, without further adieu, our results...

[Gaming note: Solar-ka spells like the ones below are cast on a
similar basis to "normal" Nephilim magic: first, a skill roll is made,
then a solar-ka check is thrown. Solar magic functions in the same way
Nephilim magic does: you can initiate as many spells as you like, as
long as you have the energy to do it. In the following lists of
powers, the first four are considered to be cast at SolarX3, the next
three at SolarX2, and the final three at SolarX1. When using Solar
Magic, a Character will need to first make the above Solar-Ka roll,
and then make a resistance roll. You'll note that there are some words
in each explanation that are in all caps... these are the 9 Factors:
explained further below...]

A) Sphere of Time: Psychics with ability in this sphere are able to
interpret, and in some cases affect, the currents of time.

1) Premonition - This ability is a kind of early warning device for
the Subject. The Subject may "turn on" this ability, and it will act
as a kind of radar against currently unknown threats to the Subject.
Obvious limitations of the power: DURATION the power is "on", RADIUS
that the danger is sensed in.

2) Temporal Reading - Subjects use this power to determine the
relative "age" of an Object. The term relative is used since, in some
cases, the Object may have been affected by another temporal power in
some fashion. This power can be used in a limited way to "alter" the
temporal "appearance" of an Object, making it seem older or younger
than it really is. NUMBER OF OBJECTS, and ACCURACY are concerns for
the Subject.

3) Psychometry - Reading past events by touching Objects present at
those events. This power is one of the more popularized talents of the
psychic, but is limited by similar constraints as the Divining ability
(see below), with the necessary addition of the Object being read
acting as the focus; it is obviously necessary for the power to work
(it is simply the other direction the Subject is forecasting... or is
it rearcasting...?).

4) Divining - This is an actual talent for forecasting future events.
In general it requires a focus such as Tarot cards, crystal balls,
runes, etc. Events can be of a personal nature, or on the nature of
any object/person the psychic concentrates on. The talent is also
subject to no mean amount of randomness and spontaneity; results are
not always what the Subject counts on. Some are able to use the talent
as an advantage in combat, to see briefly into the future to
anticipate opponent's moves. Obvious limits on the ability dependant
on strength are: DURATION into the future, presence of focus (use
w/out incurs +5 difficulty), and desired ACCURACY of prediction:
difficulty increases directly as desire for ACCURACY does [This is a
player chosen modifier from +1 to +20; the GM will then make a
judgement on exactly what information the player gains].

5) Chronal Shield - The Subject seems to be able to create an area of
"null time" in front of or around him or herself. An object that
attempts to penetrate the null time zone becomes "stuck" or trapped in
it. This zone has no effect, however, on the speed or momentum of the
objects trapped inside it; once the shield is down, normal time
resumes for those objects. DURATION and RADIUS of shield are central

6) Temporal Blinking - This power is best described as the Subject
being able to "hop" outside of the normal flow of time, jumping
forward in it at will, but never backward. So far, no psychic talent
for traveling in the past has ever been evidenced... but in this case,
the power to move forward and "blink" out of reality has its uses,
especially when the Subject is a Target. The Subject does not reappear
in another area from where they are, they merely appear later in the
same spot. DURATION into the future is the most important Factor, and
is also considered to be at double cost, like the Speed power.

7) Speed - The Subject is able to make him or herself move forward
along their relative time flow more rapidly than normal, thus creating
a "speeding up" effect. Their subjective viewpoint is that the rest of
reality is moving much more slowly then they, while they move at
normal speed; obviously, others experience the opposite effect.
DURATION cost is doubled for the Speed power: refer to the Factor
Chart for base costs, and multiply by two.

8) Advance Time - This power is self-explanatory; it seems to be an
extension of the Speed power, except that the Subject is able to
affect all objects (including themselves) within a certain RADIUS.
Relative DURATION must be calculated - essentially, for every second
of the Subject's relative time, Objects experience however much time
the Subject chooses. In other words, if the Subject wishes several
hours to go by, it will only seem as several seconds within his own
time frame [and result in a difficulty potential of around 12 or 13,
plus whatever the radius to be affected is].

9) Time Dilation - This effect is the opposite of the Advance Time
power; the Subject instead slows time in a certain RADIUS rather than
speeding it up. See the Advance Time power for details, and reverse
the flow of time so that the subject experiences the chosen DURATION
of time for every second of real time that passes. For example, the
Subject can let three hours pass in just a second [also incurring the
+13 or more modifier].

10) Time Stop - We believe that this power is akin to the Chronal
Shield power, except that the Subject has the ability to choose which
objects are and are not affected by the power. This power also affects
a certain RADIUS, and literally brings time to a standstill. DURATION
here means the amount of time for which the Subject wishes to make
Objects in the area stand still.

B) Sphere of Matter: Psychics who harness this ability are able to
interact with matter on a level normal people cannot. They can affect
change on material levels with a complexity that mechanical means
cannot mimic.

1) Psychokinesis - This ability has been observed under laboratory
conditions as one of the more prevalent among psychic talents. Somehow
the subject is able to move objects from one area to another or bend
them through sheer exertion of will. Factors dependant on strength of
ability are RESISTANCE of object to be affected (usually this is
weight, but can depend on other physical things like momentum, etc.),

2) Psychopyresis - Subjects are able to counteract thermodynamic
principle and increase disorganization anywhere in an object they
choose. Result is to create heat within the object, and ultimately
cause its combustion. Several spontaneous human combustions have been
attributed to this phenomenon. Factors dependant on strength of
ability are size of object (RESISTANCE), SPEED of combustion, RANGE TO
OBJECT, and also possibly RANGE TO TARGET.

3) Adrenal Boost - Some subjects are capable of consciously increasing
their adrenal flow, sometimes creating a heretofore unexpected
increase in strength, agility, or dexterity. Obvious factors in this
case are SPEED of chemical response, and DURATION of episode. Also,
there may be a measure of RESISTANCE involved if the body has been
exerted recently.

4) Rapid Healing - Subjects with this ability have shown that they can
more rapidly mobilize body resources to healing moderate to severe
injuries. Usually the Subject does not have the strength to undertake
any other activity, and sometimes when injuries are very serious, the
Subject goes into a trancelike comatose state only waking when the
injuries have completely healed. Factors dependant on strength of
ability are severity of injury (RESISTANCE), and DURATION of healing
time. Some Subjects have shown the ability to heal others as well, but
only at double the cost of their normal use of the power for

5) Slowed Breathing - This ability allows the subject to survive in
some very adverse conditions. One is capable of holding one's breath
for unusually long periods of time, or even appearing as if one was
dead, breathing at such a slowed rate that one cannot detect life
within the Subject. Factors dependant on strength of ability are
DURATION lacking oxygen and rate of activity of Subject (RESISTANCE).

6) Tolerance Adjustment - Subjects can actually readjust their levels
of nervous tolerance: i.e. sensations of pain, pressure, or
temperature. Typically this is most casually demonstrated in Asia,
where fire-walking and piercing the body without causing bleeding are
commonplace. Subjects can typically only suppress one type of
sensation at a time. DURATION of suppression and RESISTANCE to
sensation are important Factors.

7) Mass Adjustment - Subjects with this ability can somehow
temporarily alter the mass of any object, increasing or decreasing it
to whatever point they choose - making a lead weight as light as a
feather, for example. Mass of Object (RESISTANCE) and DURATION of
adjustment are the Factors involved.

8) Decay - Some advanced subjects are actually able to make objects
increase their entropy to a very great degree, breaking down molecular
bonds and actually causing objects to decay to a state unrecognizable
from their previous form. DURATION of Decay time, and RESISTANCE
(usually size) of the decaying Object are important.

9) Reconstitution - It is also possible for some subjects to somehow
detect how an object was originally constituted and "repair" it to
something of its original state; it is essentially the opposite of the
Decay power. Important Factors include ACCURACY of reconstruction,
DURATION of reconstitution time, and size of the Object (RESISTANCE).

10) Force Field - A subject with this power is actually capable of
projecting a "wall" of pure force in front of themselves, sometimes
actually all the way around him or herself in a kind of "sphere". In
addition to being a defensive action, some users of the ability have
found themselves capable of projecting the force, almost like a kind
of "invisible fist". RANGE TO TARGET and/or RANGE TO OBJECT, SPEED of
the field if moving, RESISTANCE of the opposing forces, and of course
the RADIUS of the field are all significant.

[continued in V10.5]


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