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Chaosium Digest Volume 09 Number 08

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Chaosium digest
 · 13 Dec 2023

Chaosium Digest Volume 9, Number 8 
Date: Sunday, February 12, 1995
Number: 1 of 1


The Pillars of Daar Krin (Matt Hyde) ELRIC!
The Altar of Blood (Shannon Appel) ELRIC!
Announcement: Hawkmoon! (Lawrence Whitaker) ELRIC!
Short Idea for a Dreamlands Game (Ismael Stevens) ARKHAM HORROR
Chaosium Digest Windows Help Survey (Joab Ben Stieglitz) MISC

Editor's Notes:

Welcome everyone to the first issue of the Chaosium Digest's third
year. Two years and three hundred thousand words ago, the first issue
of the Chaosium Digest went out to 56 subscribers. This issue is being
sent to 630 people. I am very happy that so many people have joined
the Digest, and decided to stay with it. Let me also thank everyone
who has contributed to the Digest over the last two years. Without
contributions, there would be no new Digests to send out. Near
universally, contributions have been of very high quality. Your
efforts are appreciated, and I hope you'll find the Digest useful
enough to continue them in the future.

With that said, I have lots of mini-announcements here, before I get
on to the Digest proper.

CHARACTER DOSSIERS: Now available for Nephilim is the Character
Dossiers packet (Chaosium, $8.95). This is a large set of
spiffy-looking 4 page character sheets for the Nephilim game.

MORE ETERNAL CHAMPION CHRONICLES: Although I haven't picked up a copy
yet, I've been told that the second volume of White Wolf's Eternal
Champion omnibuses is now out. It's the Chronicle of Von Bek (White
Wolf, $19.99, ISBN 1-56504-177-1) and contains the three novels, The
Warhound and the World's Pain, the City in the Autumn Stars and The
Dragon in the Sword, as well as the short story The Pleasure Garden of
Felipe Sagittarius.

NEW FRENCH PRODUCTS: French readers of the Digest will be pleased to
hear that the French translation of the Elfquest RPG is now out,
published by Halloween Concept. Oriflam has announced that a
translation of Credo! should be out in March of 1995, as will the
French edition of Fate of Fools. Finally, a new French supplement for
Hawkmoon should be available soon. It is called Chair et Metal, and is
set in Sicilia.

Character Generator for Windows from as
/pub/chaosium/cthulhu/coc/programs/ I haven't run it, but
I've been told it's quite neat. It contains over 130 classes and 100
skills, and produces printed character sheets. Thanks go out to
author, Andrew Lawrenson (

NEW WINDOWS HELP FILES: Windows users will also be interested in
knowing that there are now Windows Help File versions of the Digest up
through the end of Volume 7. If you use Windows, you should definitely
consider taking a look. The files are all in the directory
/pub/chaosium/archives/windows on ftp.csua. These recent ones have
been produced by Joab Stieglitz ( who is
continuing the work that was begun by Stefan Matthias Aust
( Joab wants to do the best possible
job on these files, and so he put together a survey asking what you'd
like to see. It's the last article in this issue of the Digest. If you
use the Windows Help Files, take a few seconds to fill it out and send
it to Joab.



Subject: The Pillars of Daar Krin
System: Elric!

The Pillars of Daar Krin
(another location on Pan Tang)

In the road approaching the damned city of Hwamgaarl, travellers
notice that along a certain stretch, the sides of the road are large
pillars carved from obsidian. Most travellers ignore these everyday
sites (for Pan Tang), and travel onwards. Others may not be so
sensible and will investigate these objects.

Each pillar stands over twelve feet tall, and would weigh several
tonnes. All over the stones are carved depictions of demons and other
scenes of Chaos. Magically minded adventurers may notice, interwoven
with the pictures, strange runes. Witchsight reveals a strong magical
aura round the pillars. These pillars maybe treated like a grimoire,
and researched. The spells gleaned from the pillars are mainly demon
summonings, and unique Mabden spell of all sorts. But, as with all
seeming gifts of chaos there is a curse.

The Curse of Daar Krin

All adventurers trying to gain spells from the pillars must make a
luck roll, and afterwords must make another at every encounter with
the malign stones thereafter.

Failure at any point means the curse manifests itself 1D8 days later.
The victim's body starts to wither at first, causing 1 CON, 1 STR and
1 CHA loss every 1D8 days. After 2 weeks, if the adventurer is still
alive, the victims body starts to warp. Long fangs sprout from its jaw
and the hands become talons. The victim can no loonger eat cooked
food, but must consume the blood of mammals to live. The body becomes
tougher, gaining 2D8 points in STR and CON. Finally the victim gains a
phobia for light.

Typical Child of Daar Krin - description

A victim of the curse of Daar Krin is a skeletal looking creature with
a pair of long fangs and a set of sharp talons. Their skin is dried
and torn in places whilst their eyes are mere vacant pits of darkness.
They hunt for mammals in the darkness, to consume their flesh and

STR 4D8 18 Armour- 4p dried skin
CON 4D8 18
SIZ 3D6 11 Weapons- claw 45% 1D8
INT 3D6 11 fangs 30% 1D4+ability
POW 3D6 11
DEX 2D8 9
CHA 1D8 4
MOV 2D8 max 12

Exanguinate - 1D6 hp a round.
Create Darkness - 1D10 foot area, centered on creature.

Stay in darkness
Consume mammal blood.

(The spell, curse of Daar Krin is noted on one pillar. Those
interested in the necromantic arts may cast it.)

Range: Touch
Mp. Cost: 25 + 1POW

Define children of Daar Krin like other necromants.

There is a runic version of the spell but none know of its


From: Shannon Appel <>
Subject: The Altar of Blood
System: Elric!

I've been enjoying the writeups that Matt Hyde has been doing of
interesting locations in Pan Tang. Thus, I've decided to write up a
magical locale of my own.


"Upon the rock was a building, a great castle all colored scarlet.
And the scarlet rippled as if water had somehow been molded into a
permanent shape. A familiar, salty smell came from the scarlet
castle." -Description of Duke Teer's Castle, _The King of the Swords_,
Book 2, Chapter 2

In the wilderness of Ilmoria, amidst the grasslands that are still
untamed by the young nation, there is an ancient altar to chaos which
was once worshiped at by a people that are now long dead. It has been
abandoned for ages, but very recently, new worshipers have been drawn
to it.

The altar is a shrine to Duke Teer, the Lord of Blood. It is
approximately rectangular in shape, five feet long, two feet wide and
two and half feet high. The entire altar is composed of blood. It is
fluid, constantly rippling, yet it is set into its current form.
Occasionally, shapes can be seen in the rippling surface, sculptures
made of blood. The altar is not fully solid, but there is increasing
resistance if anyone tries to reach into it. The stench of blood can
be smelled for hundreds of feet around. Carrion eaters constantly
circle the altar, but seem unwilling to actually touch it.

Duke Teer has been banished from the Young Kingdoms for long age, but
now that Old Ollen has rediscovered the altar, he is reawakening the
worship of Duke Teer. He has over a dozen cultists who have joined in
his worship, and he is preparing to spread the cult of Duke Teer

The PCs can be drawn to the area of the altar when the followers of
Duke Teer begin kidnapping local people to drain their blood in
rituals to Duke Teer. They will likely end up in conflict with Old
Ollen, many cultists and creatures of blood. If they defeat Duke Teer,
they will still need to figure out what to do with the Altar of Blood,
since it cannot be destroyed by normal, mundane means. If the PCs are
unable to stop the followers of Teer now, the Cult will slowly spread
across the Young Kingdoms, and become an important force in the


Followers of Duke Teer may learn certain spells of Chaos unique to the
Lord of Blood. To do so, they must worship at the Altar of Blood for a
week, and then suceed at an INTx1 roll. Below are the two spells
available in this way.

Shape Blood (1 POW + varies) - Range is touch. Chaotic. This spell
allows the caster to shape a quantity of blood into some solid form.
One magic point must be expended when casting this spell for every SIZ
point worth of blood that is shaped. All such items created are
sacred to Duke Teer. Teer's followers believe that it is their duty to
one day cover the entire world in blood.

Stop Blood(3) - This spell disrupts the flow of blood within a victim,
causing them considerable pain. If the caster suceeds in overcoming
the victim in a MP:MP roll, the victim immediately takes 1D3 damage.
In addition, the victim will be unable to act in the next round unless
he suceeds at a CONx3 roll.


Below are stats for Old Ollen, the current high priest of Duke Teer.
Statistics for cultists should be created as appropriate. They should
be moderate warriors, who are utterly amoral. A few will know Duke
Teer's special spells.

Old Ollen, High Priest of Duke Teer
Chaos 62, Balance 18, Law 2

STR 9 CON 13 SIZ 11 INT 17 POW 18
DEX 16 APP 6 HP 12

Damage Bonus: none

Blood Dagger 75%, damage 1D4+2

Armor: none

Spells: Affliction (BG), Hell's Razor, Shape Blood, Stop Blood

Demons & Enchantments: see Blood Monsters below

Skills: Craft (Blood) 93%, Disguise 51%, Dodge 78%, Fast Talk 49%,
Hide 83%, Insight 75%, Oratory 97%, Own Language 85%, Search 67%,
Young Kingdoms 34%

Old Ollen has totally accepted the ways of Duke Teer, and is committed
to bringing them to all of the Young Kingdoms. He sees humans merely
as vessels. Some, he allows to be tools to spread the ways of his lord
to all.


Duke Teer has gifted his greatest worshiper in the Young Kingdoms with
creatures composed entirely of blood, to protect him, and help him to
spread the word of Teer.

All creatures of blood have the following characteristics:

* impaling weapons do no damage
* edged weapons do half damage
* blunt weapons do normal damage
* when they are slain, they explode, sending blood in all directions

One example of a Blood Monster is given below. Old Ollen should have
several more at his disposal. Simply adapt demons as necessary for

Blood Monster

STR 24 CON 20 SIZ 25 INT 5 POW 10
DEX 12 APP 3 HP 23

Damage Bonus: +2D6


Absorb Missile at 90%
Vomit Acidic Blood at 50%, POT 1D10, 5 yard range


Claws 90%, damage 2D6+db
Bite 60%, damage 3D8+dbp

Armor: none, but see special notes above

Skills: Act Threateningly 99%, Climb 50%, Dodge 30%, Wrestle 60%

Need: 1 SIZ of blood each day


From: Lawrence Whitaker <>
Subject: Announcement: Hawkmoon!
System: Elric!

Some of you may remember Chaosium's original stab at a Hawkmoon game.
Based heavily on Stormbringer, it had many failings, but did suggest a
strong campaign background and was a sincere attempt to bring
Moorcock's Dorian Hawkmoon to life. I'm a freelancer for Chaosium, and
I'm currently working on a new Hawkmoon supplement for Elric!

The new version is not a game in its own right; rather it is a
supplement/ alternative campaign setting for the Elric! game and as
such requires familiarity with the Elric! rules system. Naturally,
Hawkmoon! will feature technology such as flamelances and
ornithopters, but additionally there will be extensive background
information on Granbretan and Europe, as well as new rules for the
workings of the Runestaff and how it influences the adventurers'
actions during play. The background material provides countless
scenario ideas, and a full digest of NPCs adds even more; the book
rounds out with a starting scenario designed to lead into a full

If anyone wants to know more, or you have any questions, mail me at and I'll be happy to help.


Subject: Short Idea for a Dreamlands Game
System: Arkham Horror

I have been playing around with an game idea based on the ARKHAM
HORROR system. You take the boxed set Dreamlands CoC supplement and
photocopy the big map. Then, overlay a grid system or irregular
boundary system to divide the map into areas for movement. You can
use the characters (or make up new ones) from Arkham Horror and use
the game system itself: sanity, strength, skills (but now you can have
more than one), items, spells, etc.

You can then make up some new items and spells cards on 3 by 5 index
cards cut in half or quarters. For monsters, use an encounter table
like in D&D, i.e. d10s for 1-100 with a bell shaped curve for
frequency. For situations at locations, make up some 2d6 tables for
2-12 results.

The object of the game could be to complete one of several possible

1. Find Kadath and implore the residents to grant you your visions.
2. Defeat Lathi or Zura.
3. Somehow thwart the plans of the Old Ones.

For fleshing out, the Dreamlands boxed set has booklets on places and

Just a quick idea, and one I will NEVER have the time to fully

Ish Stevens


From: (Joab Ben Stieglitz)
Subject: Chaosium Digest Windows Help Survey
System: Misc

I have recently taken over the production of the Windows Help File
version of the Chaosium Digest, which can be found at the berkeley FTP
site ( /pub/chaosium/archives/windows).

As a technical writer, and author of online documentation on a variety
of technical subject for my work, I am accustomed to writing manuals
rather than journals. In order to make the files most useful to their
readers, I would like to know your preferences as to format.

Please mail me a reply to the following questions with "Chaosium
Digest Windows Help Survey" in the subject. Please look at help files
from others Windows programs for comparison purposes.

1. Are you a regular reader/user of Windows Help Files (in general)?

2. Do you prefer reading on the screen, or printing and reading from

3. Would you prefer that articles in the Chaosium Digest be kept in one
large topic, or would you rather see screen sized/logical
subtopics to make navigation on the screen/finding what you are
looking for easier?

4. Would you use the Search button to find information if search items
were included (not currently done)?

5. Do you like the one help file per issue format? Would you prefer
one help file per volume (12 issues)? Both individual issues
and an end of volume all inclusive version?

I currently have volume 8 in the queue for production, but I have been
holding back pending resolution of the issues raised in this survey.
Once they are resolved, my goal is to have the help version out within a
week of receiving the ASCII version.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.



The Chaosium Digest is an unofficial discussion forum for Chaosium's
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