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Alife Digest Number 118

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Alife Digest
 · 1 year ago

Alife Digest, Number 118
Sunday, January 30th 1994

~ Artificial Life Distribution List ~
~ ~
~ All submissions for distribution to: ~
~ All list subscriber additions, deletions, or administrative details to: ~
~ ~
~ All software, tech reports to Alife depository through ~
~ anonymous ftp at in ~ftp/pub/alife ( ~
~ ~
~ List maintainer: Greg Werner ~
~ Artificial Life Research Group, UCLA ~
~ ~

Today's Topics:

Calendar of Alife related events
The Third International BEAM Robot Games
Artificial Intelligence Symposium
FREE E-Mag on Intelligent Computing
EEG Models: Chaotic and Linear: PSYCOLOQUY Call for Commentary


Subject: Calendar of Alife related events

Vancouver Cognitive Science Conference, BC, Canada Feb 11-12, 1994 v111
Third Conf on Evolutionary Programming, San Diego, CA Feb 24-25, 1994 v103
BEAM Robot Games, Toronto Canada March 4-6th, 1994 v118
AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford CA Mar 21-23, 199 v110
Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna April 5-8, 1994 v101,103
Florida AI Research Symposium, Pensacola Beach, FL May 5-7, 1994 v113
Integrating Knowledge and Neural Heuristics May 9-10, 1994 v111
Intnl Conf Knowledge Rep and Reasoning, Bonn, Germany May 24-27, 1994 v101
IEEE Computational Intelligence, Lake Buena Vista FL Jun 26-Jul 2, 1994 v106
Alife IV, Cambridge MA July 6-8, 1994 v108
AAAI-94 Seattle, Washington july 31-aug 4, 1994 v116
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Brighton, UK Aug 8-12, 1994 v101
PPSN III, Jerusalem, Israel October 9-14, 1994 v117
ICSRIC94 AI SYMPOSIUM, Baden-Baden, Germany August 15-21, 1994 v118
Intnl Congress on Cybernetics, Namur, Belgium August 21-26, 1995 v114
ECAL95, Granada, Spain June 4-6, 1995 v118


From: (Mark W. Tilden)
Subject: The Third International BEAM Robot Games:

The Third International BEAM Robot Games:

Keywords: Yow!

The Third BEAM Robot Games are scheduled for March 4-6th, 1994 at the CNE
Automotive Building in Toronto as part of the Canadian Home Hobby show.
Those that have competed before or sent their Real-mail addresses will
receive flyers and details by Real mail. For those that wish further
details, contact:

Canada First Inc.
797 Don Mills Road,
Mony Life Building, 10th floor,
Don Mills, Ont.,

Phone: 416/696-5379
Fax: 416/696-7395

They will also be the contacts for the next rulebook, shirts, buttons and
upcoming videos. They are, alas, not on Internet yet. If you send this
company your real-mail address, you will get a detailed flyer on or before
Feb 94. The new BEAM Rules guide will include an expanded get-started
section, previous show dossier, where, how, and rule supplements.

The Automotive Building is a massive auditorium so hopefully we won't run
into space problems like we did at the Science Centre. There is
consequently no limit to the size of robots allowed at this show, provided
it can be moved by truck.

Me, I'm off to Los Alamos NM to carry on my sinister Robotics research, but
I will be around for the games.

Is all. See you there.

Mark W. Tilden


From: Jack Brahan <>
Subject: Artificial Intelligence Symposium



August 15-21, 1994
Convention Centre - Congresshouse
Baden-Baden, Germany

Sponsored by:

The International Institute for
Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics
Society for Applied Systems Research

The Conference provides an international forum for the presentation and
discussion of short reports on current systems research in humanities,
sciences and engineering. A number of specialized symposia are held within
the Conference to focus on research in computer science, linguistics,
cognitive science, psycho-cybernetics, synergetics, logic, philosophy,
management, education and related areas.

The aim of the conference is to encourage and facilitate the interdisciplinary
and trans-disciplinary communication and cooperation amongst scientists,
engineers, and professionals working in different fields, and to identify and
develop those areas of research that will most benefit from such a

AI Symposium

The 1994 conference will place particular emphasis on Artificial Intelligence.
Topics in this Symposium will include, but are not limited to, the following:
Knowledge representation, Reasoning, Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Neural
Networks, Expert Systems, User Models, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, and
Development Methodologies. Papers dealing with theoretical issues or with
applications are solicited. In addition to paper presentations, panel
sessions on several of these topics are planned.

Participants who wish to present a paper are requested to submit a 500 word
abstract as soon as possible, but not later than March 15, 1994. (E-mail
submissions are preferred.) Notification of acceptance will be sent to
authors by April 30, 1994. Full papers, not exceeding 5 single-spaced typed
pages, will be required by May 30, 1994.

Submissions for the Artificial Intelligence Symposium should be addressed

Mr. J.W. Brahan
Institute for Information Technology
National Research Council
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Tel: 613 993 2484
Fax: 613 952 7151

All other submissions and correspondence regarding the conference should be
addressed to:

Prof. George E. Lasker
Conference Chairman
School of Computer Science
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
Fax: 519 974 8191


From: (David Scott Lewis)
Subject: FREE E-Mag on Intelligent Computing



Free, electronic magazine features article summaries on new generation
computer and communications technologies from over 100 trade magazines
and research journals; key U.S. & international daily newspapers, news
weeklies, and business magazines; and, over 100 Internet mailing lists &
USENET groups. Each issue (10/year) includes listings of forthcoming &
recently published technical books and forthcoming shows & conferences.
Bonus: Exclusive interviews with technology pioneers. E-mail
subscription requests to: (Leave the "Subject" line
blank.) In the body of the message, type: SUBSCRIBE HOTT-LIST (do not
include first or last names)


HOTT -- Hot Off The Tree -- is a FREE monthly (10/year) electronic
magazine featuring the latest advances in computer, communications, and
electronics technologies. Each issue provides article summaries on
new & emerging technologies, including VR (virtual reality), neural
networks, PDAs (personal digital assistants), GUIs (graphical user
interfaces), intelligent agents, ubiquitous computing, genetic &
evolutionary programming, wireless networks, smart cards, video phones,
set-top boxes, nanotechnology, and massively parallel processing.

Summaries are provided from the following sources:

Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post,
San Jose Mercury News, Boston Globe, Financial Times (London) ...

Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report ...

Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, The Economist (London), Nikkei Weekly
(Tokyo), Asian Wall Street Journal (Hong Kong) ...

over 50 trade magazines, including Computerworld, InfoWorld, Datamation,
Computer Retail Week, Dr. Dobb's Journal, LAN Times, Communications
Week, PC World, New Media, VAR Business, Midrange Systems, Byte ...

over 50 research journals, including ** ALL ** publications of the IEEE
Computer and Communications Societies, plus technical journals
published by AT&T, IBM, Hewlett Packard, Fujitsu, Sharp, NTT, Siemens,
Philips, GEC ...

over 100 Internet mailing lists & USENET discussion groups ...

plus ...

* listings of forthcoming & recently published technical books;

* listings of forthcoming trade shows & technical conferences; and,

* company advertorials, including CEO perspectives, tips & techniques,
and new product announcements


Exclusive interviews with technology pioneers ... the first issues
feature interviews with Mark Weiser (head of Xerox PARC's Computer
Science Lab) on ubiquitous computing, Nobel laureate Joshua Lederberg
on the information society, and MCC CEO (and former DARPA director)
Craig Fields on the future of computing


Send subscription requests to:

Leave the "Subject" line blank

In the body of the message input:

If at any time you choose to cancel your subscription input:

Note: Do *not* include first or last names following

The HOTT mailing list is automatically maintained by a computer located
at the University of California at San Diego. The system automatically
responds to the sender's return path. Hence, it is necessary to send
subscription requests and cancellations directly to the listserv at UCSD.
(I cannot make modifications to the list ... nor do I have access to the
list.) For your privacy, please note that the list will not be rented.
If you have problems and require human intervention, contact:

The next issue of the reinvented HOTT e-magazine is scheduled for
transmission in February.

Please forward this announcement to friends and colleagues, and post to
your favorite bulletin boards. Our objective is to disseminate the
highest quality and largest circulation periodical on the Information

I look forward to serving you as HOTT's new editor. Thank you.


I've received a steady stream of superb suggestions over the past weeks
regarding the WWW and cross-posting. In response, I plan to launch a
WWW/Postscript version of HOTT by 4Q 94. Also, I'll be attempting to
launch a gated version to a USENET group. We'll probably call it:
bit.listserv.hott or bit.magazines.computing
I'm targeting the first issue for a gated USENET group. Further details
will be provided in a late January update and the first issue of the
e-mail edition.

For the protection of your privacy, the HOTT mailing list will NEVER be
rented. However, it has become necessary to seek corporate sponsors to
help defray costs for subscriptions, reprint permissions, and related
expenses (e.g., a new host site -- we're pushing UCSD to its limits!).
But we can't get sponsors unless we have at least 100,000+ subscribers.

Once we launch a USENET group, we'll be recommending that our Internet
subscribers switch to the moderated (and closed) USENET group.
Converting most of our Internet subscribers to a USENET will pose much
less of a strain on our host system, especially when we exceed 250,000
subscribers. Besides, it's actually easier to read a magazine on a
newsreader than it is by e-mail, but it's a lot harder for me to get
accurate readership numbers. I'll keep you posted (no pun intended).
BTW, we'll continue to offer an e-mail subscription option for those
without (or with limited) access to USENET.


(Consider the following to be a ** very ** preliminary announcement of
new features I plan to add to HOTT ... but I can't until we get
several sustaining sponsors.)

There are numerous features that I plan to add over the next year.
First, I want to expand trade magazine coverage to over 200 sources,
including at least 30 British trade publications. Also, I want to
provide summaries of U.S. and U.K. national news programs, i.e., ABC,
CBS, NBC, and BBC. I'd like to transmit selected full-text features
from The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The (London) Financial
Times, and a Japanese English-language daily (plus article summaries
from a few other Japanese English-language dailies; there are a half-
dozen English-language dailies published in Japan). Eventually, I'd
like to add The New York Times (if I can negotiate a reasonable rate),
The San Jose Mercury News, and The Boston Globe. And maybe even
Newsbytes and the Japanese English-language equivalent to Newsbytes.
I'm currently negotiating with The Los Angeles Times Syndicate for
Michael Schrage's "Innovation" column (Michael is willing to comp HOTT
on an experimental basis) and I'd like to add a few other syndicated
columns. And I have several other surprises!

Wish us luck!

BTW, information on HOTT archives will be provided in the first issue.

* David Scott Lewis *
* Editor-in-Chief and Book & Video Review Editor *
* IEEE Engineering Management Review *
* (the world's largest circulation "high tech" management journal) *
* Internet address: Tel: +1 714 662 7037 *
* USPS mailing address: POB 18438 / IRVINE CA 92713-8438 USA *


From: "Stevan Harnad" <harnad@Princeton.EDU>
Subject: EEG Models: Chaotic and Linear: PSYCOLOQUY Call for Commentary

Note: This is a PSYCOLOQUY Call for Commentators, *not* a BBS Call:

You are invited to submit a formal commentary on the target article
whose abstract appears below. It has just been published in the refereed
electronic journal PSYCOLOQUY. Instructions for retrieving the full
article and for preparing a PSYCOLOQUY commentary appear after the
abstract. All commentaries are refereed.


The target article attempts to reconcile attractor neural network (ANN)
theory with certain current models for the generation of the EEG as a
step toward integrating ANN theory with gross observations of brain
function. Emphasis is placed on symmetry of cortical connections at a
macroscopic level as compared to symmetry at a microscopic level. We
hope to elicit commentary on (1) the methodology of the experiments and
simulations on which the work is based, (2) any contradictory
experimental findings, (3) quantitative methods in anatomy required for
further development, (4) other critiques of ANN applicability to global
brain function.

psycoloquy.93.4.60.EEG-chaos.1.wright Thursday 23 December 1993
ISSN 1055-0143 (53 parags, 12 equations, 3 figs, 62 refs, 1092 lines)
PSYCOLOQUY is sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA)
Copyright 1993 JJ Wright, RR Kydd & DTJ Liley


J.J. Wright, R.R. Kydd, D.T.J. Liley
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Science,
School of Medicine, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand

ABSTRACT: Two complementary EEG models are considered. The first
(Freeman 1991) predicts 40+ Hz oscillation and chaotic local
dynamics. The second (Wright 1990) predicts propagating EEG waves
exhibiting linear superposition, nondispersive transmission, and
near-equilibrium dynamics, on the millimetric scale. Anatomical
considerations indicate that these models must apply, respectively,
to cortical neurons which are very asymmetrically coupled and to
symmetric average couplings. Aspects of both are reconciled in a
simulation which explains wave velocities, EEG harmonics, the 1/f
spectrum of desynchronised EEG, and frequency-wavenumber spectra.
Local dynamics can be compared to the attractor model of Amit and
Tsodyks (1990) applied in conditions of highly asymmetric coupling.
Nonspecific cortical afferents may confer an adiabatic energy
landscape to the large-scale dynamics of cortex.

KEYWORDS: chaos, EEG simulation, electroencephalogram, linear
dynamics, neocortex, network symmetry, neurodynamics, pyramidal
cell, wave velocity.


Accepted PSYCOLOQUY target articles have been judged by 5-8 referees to
be appropriate for Open Peer Commentary, the special service provided
by PSYCOLOQUY to investigators in psychology, neuroscience, behavioral
biology, cognitive sciences and philosophy who wish to solicit multiple
responses from an international group of fellow specialists within and
across these disciplines to a particularly significant and
controversial piece of work.

If you feel that you can contribute substantive criticism,
interpretation, elaboration or pertinent complementary or supplementary
material on a PSYCOLOQUY target article, you are invited to submit a
formal electronic commentary. Please note that although commentaries
are solicited and most will appear, acceptance cannot, of course, be

1. Before preparing your commentary, please read carefully
the Instructions for Authors and Commentators and examine
recent numbers of PSYCOLOQUY.

2. Commentaries should be limited to 200 lines (1800 words, references
included). PSYCOLOQUY reserves the right to edit commentaries for
relevance and style. In the interest of speed, commentators will
only be sent the edited draft for review when there have been major
editorial changes. Where judged necessary by the Editor,
commentaries will be formally refereed.

3. Please provide a title for your commentary. As many
commentators will address the same general topic, your
title should be a distinctive one that reflects the gist
of your specific contribution and is suitable for the
kind of keyword indexing used in modern bibliographic
retrieval systems. Each commentary should have a brief
(~50-60 word) abstract

4. All paragraphs should be numbered consecutively. Line length
should not exceed 72 characters. The commentary should begin with
the title, your name and full institutional address (including zip
code) and email address. References must be prepared in accordance
with the examples given in the Instructions. Please read the
sections of the Instruction for Authors concerning style,
preparation and editing.

PSYCOLOQUY is a refereed electronic journal (ISSN 1055-0143) sponsored
on an experimental basis by the American Psychological Association
and currently estimated to reach a readership of 36,000. PSYCOLOQUY
publishes brief reports of new ideas and findings on which the author
wishes to solicit rapid peer feedback, international and
interdisciplinary ("Scholarly Skywriting"), in all areas of psychology
and its related fields (biobehavioral, cognitive, neural, social, etc.)
All contributions are refereed by members of PSYCOLOQUY's Editorial Board.

Target article length should normally not exceed 500 lines [c. 4500 words].
Commentaries and responses should not exceed 200 lines [c. 1800 words].

All target articles, commentaries and responses must have (1) a short
abstract (up to 100 words for target articles, shorter for commentaries
and responses), (2) an indexable title, (3) the authors' full name(s)
and institutional address(es).

In addition, for target articles only: (4) 6-8 indexable keywords,
(5) a separate statement of the authors' rationale for soliciting
commentary (e.g., why would commentary be useful and of interest to the
field? what kind of commentary do you expect to elicit?) and
(6) a list of potential commentators (with their email addresses).

All paragraphs should be numbered in articles, commentaries and
responses (see format of already published articles in the PSYCOLOQUY
archive; line length should be < 80 characters, no hyphenation).

It is strongly recommended that all figures be designed so as to be
screen-readable ascii. If this is not possible, the provisional
solution is the less desirable hybrid one of submitting them as
postscript files (or in some other universally available format) to be
printed out locally by readers to supplement the screen-readable text
of the article.

PSYCOLOQUY also publishes multiple reviews of books in any of the above
fields; these should normally be the same length as commentaries, but
longer reviews will be considered as well. Book authors should submit a
500-line self-contained Precis of their book, in the format of a target
article; if accepted, this will be published in PSYCOLOQUY together
with a formal Call for Reviews (of the book, not the Precis). The
author's publisher must agree in advance to furnish review copies to the
reviewers selected.

Authors of accepted manuscripts assign to PSYCOLOQUY the right to
publish and distribute their text electronically and to archive and
make it permanently retrievable electronically, but they retain the
copyright, and after it has appeared in PSYCOLOQUY authors may
republish their text in any way they wish -- electronic or print -- as
long as they clearly acknowledge PSYCOLOQUY as its original locus of
publication. However, except in very special cases, agreed upon in
advance, contributions that have already been published or are being
considered for publication elsewhere are not eligible to be considered
for publication in PSYCOLOQUY,

Please submit all material to psyc@pucc.bitnet or
Anonymous ftp archive is DIRECTORY pub/harnad/Psycoloquy HOST

To retrieve the file by ftp from a Unix/Internet site, type either:
When you are asked for your login, type:
Enter password as per instructions (make sure to include the specified @),
and then change directories with:
cd /pub/harnad/Psycoloquy/1993.volume.4
To show the available files, type:
Next, retrieve the file you want with (for example):
get psyc.93.4.60.EEG-chaos.1.wright
[or you can abbreviate with:
mget *wright

When you have the file(s) you want, type:
In case of doubt or difficulty, consult your system manager.
A more elaborate version of these instructions for the U.K. is
available on request (thanks to Brian Josephson)>

These files can also be retrieved using gopher, archie, veronica, etc.
Where the above procedures are not available (e.g. from Bitnet or other
networks), there are two fileservers:
that will do the transfer for you. To one or the
other of them, send the following one line message:


for instructions (which will be similar to the above, but will be in
the form of a series of lines in an email message that ftpmail or
bitftp will then execute for you).


From: (Arantza Etxeberria)
Subject: ECAL95 FCP

First Announcement



Granada, Spain, 4-6 June, 1995

It is a pleasure to announce the forthcoming 3rd European Conference on
Artificial Life (ECAL95).

Despite its short life, Artificial Life (AL) is already a mature scientific
field. In trying to discover the rules of life and extract its essence so that
it can be implemented in different media, AL research has led us to a
better understanding of a large set of interesting biology-related problems,
such as self organization, emergence, origins of life, self-reproduction,
computer viruses, learning, growth and development, animal behavior,
ecosystems, autonomous agents, adaptive robotics, etc.

The Conference will be organized into Scientific Sessions, Demonstrations,
Videos and Comercial Exhibits. Scientific Sessions will consist of Lectures
(invited), Oral Presentations, and Posters.

The site of ECAL95 will be the city of Granada, located in the south of Spain,
in the region of Andalucia. Granada was the last moors site in the Iberic
Peninsula, and it has the inheritance of their culture with the legacy of
marvelous constructions such as the Alhambra and the Gardens of Generalife.

ECAL95 will be organized in collaboration with the International Workshop on
Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN95) to be held at Malaga (Costa del Sol,
Spain), June 7-9, 1995. These places are only one hour apart by car.
Special inscription fees will be offered to those attending both meetings.

Scientific Sessions and Topics

1. Foundations and Epistemology:
Philosophical Issues. Emergence. Levels of organization. Evolution of
Hierarchical Systems. Evolvability. Computation and Dynamics. Ethical

2. Evolution:
Prebiotic Evolution. Origins of Life. Evolution of Metabolism. Fitness
Landscapes. Ecosystem Evolution. Biodiversity. Evolution of Sex.
Natural Selection and Sexual selection. Units of Selection.

3. Adaptive and Cognitive Systems:
Reaction, Neural and Immune Networks. Growth and Differentiation.
Self-organization. Pattern Formation. Multicellulars and Development.
Natural and Artificial Morphogenesis.

4. Artificial Worlds:
Simulation of Adaptive and Cognitive Systems. System-Environment
Correlation. Sensor-Effector Coordination. Environment Design.

5. Robotics and Emulation of Animal Behavior:
Sensory and Motor Activity. Mobile Agents. Adaptive Robots. Autonomous
Robots. Evolutionary Robotics. Ethology.

6. Societies and Collective Behavior:
Swarm Intelligence. Cooperation and Communication among Animals and
Robots. Evolution of Social Behavior. Social Organizations. Division of

7. Applications and Common Tools:
Optimization. Problem Solving. Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics.
Genetic Algorithms. Neural Networks. Fuzzy Logic. Evolutionary
Computation. Genetic Programming.

Inscription / Information

Those interested please send (mail/fax/e-mail) the Intention Form to the
Programme Secretary, Juan J. Merelo, at the following address:

Dept. Electronica |
Facultad de Ciencias | Phone: +34-58-243162
Campus Fuentenueva | Fax: +34-58-243230
18071 Granada, Spain | E-mail:

Organization Committee

Federico Moran. UCM. Madrid (E) Chair
Alvaro Moreno. UPV. San Sebastian (E) Chair
Arantza Etxeberria Univ. Sussex (UK)
Julio Fernandez. UPV. San Sebastian (E)
Francisco Montero. UCM. Madrid (E)
Alberto Prieto. UGr. Granada (E)
Carme Torras. UPC. Barcelona (E)

Programm Committee

Francisco Varela. CNRS/CREA. Paris (F) Chair
Juan J. Merelo. UGr. Granada (E) Secretary
(Definitive list of this Committee will be completed and announced in the
forthcoming Call-for-Papers)

------------------------------- cut here --------------------------------


Granada, Spain, 4-6 June, 1995

Family Name:
First Name:



Phone No.:
Fax No.:

Signature: Date:


End of ALife Digest

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