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Alife Digest Number 086

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Alife Digest
 · 3 Dec 2023

Alife Digest, Number 086
Wednesday, September 30th 1992

~ Artificial Life Distribution List ~
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~ All list subscriber additions, deletions, or administrative details to: ~
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~ All software, tech reports to Alife depository through ~
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~ List maintainers: Liane Gabora and Rob Collins ~
~ Artificial Life Research Group, UCLA ~
~ ~

Today's Topics:

Calendar of Alife-related Events
Advantages of Lamarckian evolution?
Expert Systems Help
IWANN'93 last Call for Papers


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 17:29:17 -0700
From: liane@CS.UCLA.EDU (Liane Gabora)
Subject: Calendar of Alife-related Events


9th Brazilian Symposium on AI, Rio de Janeiro Oct 5-8, 1992 v79
Worshop on Neural Networks, Liverpool, England Sep 7-8, 1992 v74
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Brussels Sep 28-30, 1992 v77
State of the Art in Ecological Modelling, Kiel Germany Sep 28-Oct 2, 1992 v82
Neural Processing Information Systems (NIPS), Denver Nov 28-Dec 3, 1992 v73
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Honolulu, Hawaii Dec 7-11, 1992 v74
Conference on Complex Systems, Canberra Australia Dec 14-15, 1992 v84
International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii Jan 5-8, 1993 v74
Conf on Neural Networks, San Francisco CA Mar 28-Apr 1, 1993 v79
Conf on Fuzzy Systems, San Francisco CA Mar 28-Apr 1, 1993 v79
AI and Simulation of Behaviour Conf, Birmingham UK Mar 29-Apr 2, 1993 v75
Intnl Conf on Neural Nets and GAs, Innsbruck, Austria Apr 13-16, 1993 v80
BEAM Robot Olympics, Toronto Canada Apr 22-25, 1993 v81
European Conf on ALife, Brussels May 24-26, 1993 v82
Intnl Workshop Neural Networks, Barcelona Spain June 9-11, 1993 v76
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Washington July 7-9, 1993 v84
Fifth Intnl Conf on GAs, Urbana-Champaign IL July 17-22, 1993 v80

(Send announcements of other activities to



From: (Nick Szabo)
Subject: Advantages of Lamarckian evolution?
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 92 12:32:12 PDT

A comment about artificial Lamarckian evolution on another
forum intrigued me into writing the following response:

> While it's certainly conceivable to design a self-reproducing
> machine that inherits acquired characteristics (consider the
> self-reproducing program that disassembles its running core image),
> but I don't see why you'd want to build one.

It adds another feedback loop to the search algorithm that is
evolution. For example, if that core contains the password file,
it might be very beneficial to an evolving network worm if it
incorporates that information into its and its descendants' code.
Under a non-Lamarkian genetic algorithm the baby worm has to build
its own password files from scratch. On the other hand, if password files
change too quickly, the genetic code could become too bulky to be useful,
so Lamarkian evolution might need to be accompanied by some purging

(I'd hope nobody would want to build such a thing, but the phenomenon
might be useful to humans in another context).

For a present-day biological example, think of the giraffe:
if it could have fed back its neck-stretching into its genetic
code, it would have evolved to fit its new tall-tree-leaf-eating
niche much faster.

This brings up an a-life question: I've seen combined genetic
algorithm/neural nets where the genetic algorithm does
the global search, encoding the initial weights for neural nets
which do the local search. I wonder, under what conditions
would sexually recombining with the learned weights help, and under
what conditions would it hurt? Has this experiment been tried?
(If we just fed the learned weights directly to the next generation
it would, I reckon, be no different then doing further learning
on the same net and getting rid of the genetic algorithm).

Nick Szabo


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 92 10:34:58 BSC
From: Leandro KOMOSINSKI <>
Subject: Expert Systems Help

Hello !

I'm preparing a study on expert systems technology impacts. So, I'm looking
for recent references on that subject. If you can help me, please send me an
e-mail. I thank you in advance !

Prof. Leandro J. KOMOSINSKI
Computer Science Dept
Federal University of Santa Catarina
e-mail : cec1ljk@brufsc.bitnet


Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1992 17:28:18 UTC+0100
From: Joan Cabestany <>
Subject: IWANN'93 last Call for Papers

Please find herewith the Final and Last Call for Papers for IWANN'93 to
be held in Sitges (Barcelona) in Spain next June 1993.
Thanks for the difussion.

J.Cabestany Phone: + 34.3.401.67.42 Fax: + 34.3.401.67.56



Second and Final Announcement and Call for Papers

Sitges (Barcelona), Spain

June 9 - 11, 1993


IFIP (Working Group in Neural Computer Systems, WG10.6)
IEEE Neural Networks Council
UK&RI communication chapter of IEEE
Spanish Computer Society chapter of IEEE
AEIA (IEEE Affiliate society)


Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Universidad de Barcelona
UNED (Madrid)

IWANN'91 (International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks) was held
in Granada (Spain) in September 1991. People from over 10 countries attended
the Workshop, and over 50 oral presentations were given.

IWANN'93 will be organised next June, 1993 in Sitges (Spain) with the
following Scope and Topics.


Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were first developed as structural or
functional models of biological systems in an attempt to emulate their unique
problem-solving abilities.

The main interest in neural topics stems from their advantages in
plasticity, speed and autonomy over conventional hardware and software, which
have traditionally proven inadequate for handling certain tasks such as
perception, learning, planning, knowledge acquisition and natural language

IWANN's main objective is to offer a forum for achieving a global,
innovative and advanced perspective on ANN. In addition to conventional Neural
Networks aspects, such as algorithms, architectures, software development tools
, learning, implementations and applications, IWANN'93 will also be concerned
with other complementary topics such as neural computation theory and
methodology, physiological and anatomical basis, local computation models,
organization and structures resembling biological systems.

Contributions on the following aspects are welcome:

* New models for biological networks.

* New algorithms and architectures for autonomy and self-
programmability using local learning strategies.

* Relationship with symbolic and knowledge-based systems.

* New implementation proposals using general or specific processors.
Implementations with embedded learning are especially invited.

* Applications.

Finally, it is expected that IWANN'93 will also serve as a meeting point
for engineers and scientists to establish professional contacts and


1 - BIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES: anatomical and physiological basis, local
circuits, biophysics and natural computation.

2 - THEORETICAL MODELS: analog, logic, inferential, statistical and
fuzzy models. Statistical mechanics.

3 - ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPLES: network dynamics, self-organization,
competition, recurrency, evolutive optimization and genetic

4 - LEARNING: supervised and unsupervised strategies, local self-
programming, continuous learning, evolutive algorithms

5 - COGNITIVE SCIENCE AND AI: perception and psychophysics, symbolic
reasoning and memory.

6 - NEURAL SOFTWARE: languages, tools, simulation and benchmarks.

7 - HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION: VLSI, parallel architectures,
neurochips, preprocessing networks, neurodevices,
benchmarks, optical and other technologies.

speech recognition, adaptive filtering, noise reduction.

network management, digital communications.

motion, adaptive control, navigation, real time applications.


Dr. Shun-ichi Amari University of Tokyo (JP)

Dr. Dante del Corso Politecnico di Torino (I)
(Hardware implementation)

Dr. Miguel A. Lagunas Univ.Politecnica de Catalunya (E)
(Signal Processing)

Dr. K.Nicholas Leibovic University of Buffalo (USA)
(Biophysics of Neural Computation)

Dr. J.J.E.Slotine M.I.T. (USA)
(Control & Robotics)

Dr. Philip Treleaven Univ.College London (UK)
(Programming environments)


SITGES (BARCELONA), JUNE 9 - 11, 1993.

Sitges is located 35 km. south of Barcelona. The city is well known for
its beaches and its promenade facing the Mediterranean sea. Sitges is also
known for its cultural events and history (Maricel museum, painters like
Santiago Rusinol lived there and left part of their heritage).

Sitges can be easily reached by car or by train (about 30 minutes from


English will be the official language of IWANN'93. Simultaneous translation
will not be provided.


The Programme Committee seeks original papers on the above mentioned
Topics. Authors should pay special attention to the explanation of theoretical
and technical choices involved, point out possible limitations and describe the
current state of their work. Authors must take into account the following:


Authors must submit four copies of full papers, not exceeding 6 pages in
DIN-A4 format.

The heading should be centered and include:
. Title in capitals.
. Name(s) of author(s).
. Address(es) of author(s).
. A 10 line abstract.

Three blank lines should be left between each of the above items, and
four between the heading and the body of the paper, 1.6 cm left, right, top and
bottom margins, single-spaced and not exceeding the 6 page limit.

In addition, one sheet should be attached including the following

. Title and author(s) name(s).
. A list of five keywords.
. A reference to the Topics the paper relates to.
. Postal address, phone and fax numbers and E-mail (if

All received papers will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.
Accepted papers may be presented orally or as poster panels, however all
accepted contributions will be published in full length.
(Springer-Verlag Proceedings).


Final date for submission November 30, 1992
Committee's decision March 15, 1993
Workshop June 9-11, 1993


Prof. Jose Mira
Dpto. Informatica y Automatica
Senda del Rey , s/n Phone: + 34.1.398.71.55
28040 MADRID (Spain) Fax: + 34.1.544.67.37



Jose Mira UNED. Madrid (E) **Chairman**
Senen Barro Unv. de Santiago (E)
Joan Cabestany Unv. Pltca. de Catalunya (E)
Trevor Clarkson King's College London (UK)
Ana Delgado UNED. Madrid (E)
Federico Moran Unv. Complutense. Madrid (E)
Conrad Perez Unv. de Barcelona (E)
Francisco Sandoval Unv. de Malaga (E)
Elena Valderrama CNM- Unv. Autonoma de Barcelona (E)


Joan Cabestany Unv. Pltca. de Catalunya (E) **Chairman**
Jordi Carrabina CNM- Unv. Autonoma de Barcelona (E)
Francisco Castillo Unv. Pltca. de Catalunya (E)
Andreu Catala Unv. Pltca. de Catalunya (E)
Gabriela Cembrano Instituto de Cibernetica. CSIC. Barcelona (E)
Conrad Perez Unv. de Barcelona (E)
Elena Valderrama CNM- Unv. Autonoma de Barcelona (E)


Alberto Prieto Unv. Granada. Spain


Jose Mira UNED. Madrid (E) **Chairman**
Sanjeev B. Ahuja Nielsen A.I. Research & Development. Bannokburn (USA)
Igor Aleksander Imperial College. London (UK)
Luis B. Almeida INESC. Lisboa (P)
Shun-ichi Amari Faculty of Engineering. Unv. Tokyo (Jp)
Xavier Arreguit CSEM SA (CH)
Francois Blayo LERI - EERIE. Nimes (F)
Colin Campbell Bristol University of Bristol (UK)
Leon Chua University of California. Berkeley(USA)
Trevor Clarkson King's College London (UK)
Michael Cosnard Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (F)
Marie Cottrell Unv. Paris I (F)
Dante Del Corso Politecnico di Torino (I)
Gerard Dreyfus ESPCI Paris (F)
J. Simoes da Fonseca Unv. de Lisboa (P)
FK Fogelman-Soulie Mimetics. Chatenay Malabry (F)
Kunihiko Fukushima Faculty of Engineering Science. Osaka University (Jp)
Karl Goser Unv. Dortmund (D)
Hans Peter Graf AT&T Bell Laboratories. New Jersey (USA)
Francesco Gregoretti Politecnico di Torino (I)
Karl E. Grosspietsch Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD). St. Austin (D)
Mohamad H.Hassoun Wayne State University (USA)
Jeanny Herault INPG Grenoble (F)
Jaap Hoekstra Delft University of Technology (N)
P.T.W. Hudson Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Leiden University (N)
Jose Luis Huertas CNM- Universidad de Sevilla (E)
Paul G.A.Jespers Univ.Catholique de Louvain (B)
Simon Jones IERI Loughborough Univ.of Technology (UK)
Chistian Jutten INPG Grenoble (F)
H. Klar Institut fur Mikroelektronik. Technische Universitat
Berlin (D)
Michael D. Lemmon University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame (USA)
Panos Ligomenides Unv. of Maryland (USA)
Javier Lopez Aligue Unv. de Extremadura. (E)
Robert J. Marks II University of Washington (USA)
Anthony N. Michel University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame (USA)
Roberto Moreno Unv. Las Palmas Gran Canaria (E)
Josef A. Nossek Inst. of Network Theory and Circuit Design. Tech. Univ.
of Munich (D)
Francisco J. Pelayo Unv. de Granada (E)
Franz Pichler Johannes Kepler Univ. (A)
Ulrich Ramacher Siemens AG. Munich (D)
Tamas Raska Comp. & Aut. Res. Inst. Hungarian Academy of Science.
Budapest (H)
Leonardo Reyneri University di Pisa (I)
Peter A. Rounce Dept. Computer Science. University College London (UK)
V.B. David Sanchez German Aerospace Research Establishment. Wessling (G)
E. Sanchez-Sinencio Texas A&M University (USA)
David Sherrington Dep.of Physics. Univ. of Oxford (UK)
Renato Stefanelli Politecnico di Milano (I)
T.J. Stonham Brunel-University of West London (UK)
John G. Taylor Centre for Neural Networks. King's College London (UK)
Carme Torras Instituto de Cibernetica. CSIC. Barcelona (E)
Philip Treleaven Dept. Computer Science. University College London (UK)
Marley Vellasco Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Br)
Michel Verleysen Unv. Catholique de Louvain (B)
Michel Weinfeld Ecole Polytechnique Paris (F)

(cut along this line)




SITGES (BARCELONA) Spain June 9-11, 1993


Accompanying person:_______________________________________________________

Address:_______________________________ Tel:______________Fax:_____________

Z.C. __________ City ____________________ Country__________________________

Institution or Centre _____________________________________________________


Before March 15 After March 16

Full Inscription 60.000 ptas 70.000 ptas _______________
Basic Inscription (*) 40.000 ptas 50.000 ptas _______________
Economy Inscription (**) 30.000 ptas 35.000 ptas _______________
Accompanying Person Fees 40.000 ptas 50.000 ptas. _______________

(*) Only for students with accreditation and delegates from America
(except USA and Canada), and East European Countries.

(**)Without proceedings.Only for students.

On site registration is discouraged.

Special Hotel rates per night (Breakfast included)

Twin Room Single use room

[] Gran Sitges Hotel **** 18.450 ptas 13.950 ptas 6%
[] San Sebastian Htl **** 14.000 ptas 11.000 ptas 6%
[] Sitges Park Hotel *** 10.000 ptas 8.500 ptas 6%
[] Subur Hotel *** 9.500 ptas 8.000 ptas 6%
[] Unexpensive Accomm. To be confirmed on request

Please reserve ________ room(s) [] Twin(s) [] Single(s)

at Hotel ______________________________________

Date of arrival ________________ Date of departure ___________________

Following deposit per room will be necessary to confirm any Hotel reservation:
Hotel****:20.000 ptas Hotel***: 15.000 ptas Unexpensive Acc.:10.000 ptas.

Attached Hotel Deposit :____________________ ptas x _______ rooms= ___________


Payment of Registration Fees will be necessary to attend the Workshop sessions and social events. Registration Fees include:

For Attendants For Accompanying persons

- Welcome Reception - Welcome Reception.
- Proceedings - Barcelona City Tour
- Attendence to all - Museums of Sitges Tour
Scientific Meetings - Official Dinner
- Coffee Breaks
- Official Dinner

Basic Inscription Economy Inscription

- Proceedings - Attendance to all Scientific
- Attendance to all Meetings
Scientific Meetings - Coffee Breaks
- Coffee Breaks


[] By bank draft in Pesetas, payable to ULTRAMAR CONGRESS on a Spanish Bank.

[] By bank transfer to:

Paseo de Gracia, 3 08007 Barcelona
Acct. No. 13575-70

Please attach copy of Bank transfer to this form. Transfer fees to be paid
by the sender.

[] By VISA Credit Card No._____________________ Expiration date ______________
Name of Card Holder ________________________________________________________

Please send this REGISTRATION FORM, together with payment, to

ULTRAMAR CONGRESS Diputacio, 238, tercer 08007 BARCELONA Spain
Tel. (34-3) 317.37.00 Fax. (34-3) 412.03.19

Date: ____________________ Signature: _______________________________


Sitges is located 35 Km. south of Barcelona. The city is well known for
its beaches and its promenade facing the Mediterranean sea. Sitges is also knownfor its cultural events, and interesting Museums (Maricel, Santiago Rusinol...)

IWANN'93 will be held at one of the most modern Convention Centres of
Mediterranean Coast, The Gran Sitges Hotel, an unique complex in which business and leisure go hand in hand. Opened in 1991, its Congress and Conventions facilities include 13 Meeting Rooms equipped with all the necessary means.
The Mediterranean Sea can be seen from every balcony of its 307 guest rooms.
All of them are designed to offer maximum comfort (TV, mini-bar, air-conditio-
ning and a wall safe).

Sitges can be easily accesed by train (every 30 minutes), and it is wellcommunicated by highway.


Optional tours and excursions will be organized on Saturday and Sunday for the attendants wishing to extend their stay after the Workshop.


End of ALife Digest

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