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Alife Digest Number 032

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ALIFE LIST: Artificial Life Research List Number 32 Thursday, August 9th 1990

Maintained by the Indiana University Artificial Life Research Group


International Workshop Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN)
AL in the media
Report on AL for IEEE Expert
Re: Call for Papers - ICGA-91


Date: Thu, 2 Aug 90 14:31 O
Subject: International Workshop Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN)

International Workshop
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature
October 1-3, 1990
University of Dortmund, FRG

Chairmen of the Conference

Hans-Paul Schwefel University of Dortmund

Heinz Muehlenbein National Centre for Mathematics and Data
Processing, St. Augustin

Scientific Committee

Reinhard Maenner (chair) University of Heidelberg, FRG
David E. Goldberg (chair) University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, USA

Emile M.L. Aarts Philips Research Laboratories,
Eindhoven, NL
Peter Bock The George Washington University,
Washington D.C., USA
Vladimir Cerny University of Bratislava, CSFR
Yuval Davidor The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel
Gunter Dueck IBM Deutschland GmbH, Heidelberg, FRG
Werner Ebeling Humboldt University, Berlin, GDR
John J. Grefenstette Naval Research Laboratories,
Washington D.C., USA
Antoon W.J. Kolen University of Limburg, Maastricht, NL
Bernard Manderick Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, Belgium
Hans Roeck University of Bielefeld, FRG
Burghardt Schallenberger Siemens AG, Muenchen, FRG
Heinz Schwaertzel Siemens AG, Muenchen, FRG
Karl Sigmund University of Vienna, Austria
Branko Soucek University of Zagreb, YU
A.A. Vedenov Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, USSR
Hans-Michael Voigt Academy of Sciences, Berlin, GDR

Organization Committee

Thomas Baeck University of Dortmund
Joerg D. Becker University BW Neubiberg, Muenchen
Heike Bracklo University of Dortmund
Frank Hoffmeister University of Dortmund
Hans-Paul Schwefel University of Dortmund
Ewald Speckenmeyer University of Dortmund
Alfred Ultsch University of Dortmund

PPSN-Organization Secretariate

Heike Bracklo and Hans-Paul Schwefel
University of Dortmund
Dept. of Computer Science Phone:+49-2 31-7 55-45 90
P. O. Box 50 05 00 Fax:+49-2 31-7 55-20 47
D-4600 Dortmund 50 Telex:822465 unido d
F. R. Germany bitnet:uin005 at ddohrz11


With the appearance of massively parallel computers increased attention has
been paid to algorithms which rely upon analogies to natural processes. The
workshop scope includes but is not limited to the following topics:

-Darwinian methods such as Evolution Strategies and Genetic Algorithms;
-Boltzmann methods such as Simulated Annealing;
-Classifier Systems and Neural Networks insofar as problem solving predominates;
-Transfer of other natural metaphors to artificial problem solving.

The objectives of this workshop are

-to bring together scientists and practitioners working on and with such
-to gather theoretical results about as well as experimental comparisons
between these algorithms;
-to discuss various implementations on different parallel computer
architectures (e. g. SIMD, MIMD, LAN);
-to look for current and future applications in science, technology, and
-to summarize the state of the art in this field which up to now has been
scattered so widely among disciplines as well as geographically.


Parsytec GmbH and Paracom GmbH, Aachen
Ministry of Science and Research of Northrhine-Westfalia, Duesseldorf
Society of the Friends of the University of Dortmund e.V., Dortmund
IBM Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart
Siemens AG, Muenchen
The Computer Society of IEEE

General Information

Location of the conference:

Conference room 1 of the
Conference Centre 'Westfalenhallen Dortmund'
Rheinlanddamm 200
D-4600 Dortmund 1
F. R. Germany Phone: +49-2 31-12 04-0

It is recommended to book rooms at the nearby Parkhotel (see below).


Deadline for submission of full papers (for preprints): September 1,1990
Workshop: October 1-3,1990
Deadline for submission of final papers: December 1,1990


By plane: - International Airport of Duesseldorf; from there take one of
the Ruhr District city trains S21 or S7 (and S1):

- S21 directly to Dortmund Central Station (every hour);
or - S7 to the first stop 'Duesseldorf-Unterrath'; from there
with S1 or S21 to Dortmund Central Station
(every 20 minutes).

For further transportation see under 'By train'.

- Local Airport Dortmund-Wickede with regular air services between
Dortmund and Muenchen/Munich, Berlin, London, Nuernberg/Nuremberg,
and Stuttgart. From Wickede you best take a taxi to the
conference site (about 20 minutes, 25 DM).

By train: - Dortmund Central Station ('Hauptbahnhof'). From there take the
underground/subway U45 up to its terminal station
'Westfalenstadion' or a taxi.


The conference reception desk will be open on Sunday, September 30,
from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and on Monday, October 1, from 7:00 am on.
It is recommended to join the warm-up gathering in the restaurant
'Rosenterrassen' at about 7:00 pm on Sunday.

Registration fees:

Registration fees include: access to the conference sessions, reception,
and one set of the preprints.

Full fees for non- (Reduced fees for
members of IEEE IEEE-members*)

- Normal

Before September 1, 1990 240 DM (215 DM)
After September 1, 1990 300 DM (270 DM)

- Students**

Before September 1, 1990 150 DM (130 DM)
After September 1, 1990 200 DM (180 DM)

* Please give your IEEE membership number (see conference registration form).
** Student fee is applicable only if a copy of a valid student identity card
is enclosed.


Every speaker and poster presenter will get one volume of the proceedings
free of charge (Publisher: Springer Verlag, Berlin, FRG).

Final papers are due to December 1, 1990. They should be limited in the
following way:

- up to 10 full pages for oral presentations;
- up to 5 full pages for poster presentations.

The preprints may be a bit longer. They will be distributed at the conference.

To be published in the preprint volume, manuscripts have to be submitted to the
conference chair before September 1, 1990.

Layout rules will be sent to authors only.


Concerning the technical equipment for the lectures an overhead projector for
transparencies will be available. If you are selected to be a lecturer and if
you need more or other devices, this should be specified on the conference
registration form.


For each poster to be presented a space of 140 cm x 140 cm is available.

Accomodations on site:

Conference participants should stay directly at the conference center in the
hotel 'Parkhotel Westfalenhallen'. The fees are listed on the conference
registration form.


Participants should book lunches and coffee during session breaks in advance
on the conference registration form. Special lunch requirements (koscher,
vegetarian) can be fulfilled.

Dortmund tourist office:

Alternative accomodations might be booked individually by using the enclosed
form of the Dortmund tourist office:

Dortmunder Verkehrsverein
Koenigswall 20
D-4600 Dortmund 1 Phone: +49-2 31-5 42-2 21 74
F. R. Germany +49-2 31-5 42-2 21 64

General Information about Dortmund


- was a Germanic settlement 1000 years ago;
- was a Free Imperial City in the Middle Ages;
- was a member of the Hanseatic League (and still has the second largest inner
harbour of Germany);
- had become one of the prospering coal-and-steel centres at the Eastern end
of the famous Ruhr District during the last century;
- was destroyed during World War II by 93%;
- lies at the railway and motorway crossings Stockholm (Sweden) - Rome (Italy)
and Paris (France) - Moscow (Soviet Union);
- is the capital of Westphalia between the green meadows of the Muensterland
to the North and the lovely mountains of the Sauerland to the South;
- has got 0.6 Million inhabitants within a city half of which is green (parks,
woodland areas, lawns);
- has become a University town not earlier than 1968 and attracted, by now,
more than 20.000 students (the faculty of Computer Science with 2500 students
is the second largest within Germany now);
- is becoming one of the High Tech centres of the next century with its
exponentially growing Technology Park next to the green field Campus;
- is Europe's leading beer brewing city, famous for its soccer team, its
futuristic Casino and its huge Westphalia Hall for all kinds of cultural
events (for 16 500 visitors).

The conference will take place in the conference room 1 of the Westphalia
Terraces next to the German Rosary within the Westphalia Park (nearby is a
modern hotel 'Parkhotel Westfalenhallen', the television tower 'Florian'
(720 ft high, rotating cafe), an exhibition center, the Westphalia Stadium
and the Westphalia Hall with daily performances of international standard).

Dortmund has got its own local Airport (Dortmund-Wickede) with regular air
services between Dortmund and Muenchen/Munich, Berlin, London, Nuernberg/
Nuremberg and Stuttgart. The next international Airport is Duesseldorf,
from where a city train (every 20 minutes) will carry you to Dortmund
within 90 minutes.

Nearly 800 national and international trains are passing Dortmund Main
Station daily, and many regular bus lines connect Dortmund with other cities
within Germany and Europe.


Payments will be accepted only in German DM by bank transfer or cheque payable

SDZ*-Sonderkonto PPSN
Account-No.: 821 001 994
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Dortmund (F. R. Germany)
Bank Code: 440 501 99

*SDZ (SimulationsDienstleistungsZentrum GmbH)
Emil-Figge-Strasse 76
D-4600 Dortmund 50
F. R. Germany
Tentative PPSN-Programme

International Workshop
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature
October 1-3, 1990
University of Dortmund, FRG

PPSN-Conference location:

Conference room 1 of the
Conference Center 'Westfalenhallen Dortmund'
Rheinlanddamm 200
D-4600 Dortmund 1
F. R. Germany

Registration hours:

Sunday,September 30 1990 18:00-21:00
Monday,October 1 1990 from 7:00 on

Sunday, September 30, 1990

18:00-21:00 Welcome service and registration for the
participants at the conference location and
restaurant 'Rosenterassen'

Monday, October 1, 1990

8:00- 8:45 Introduction
8:45-10:15 2 Lectures
10:15-11:30 Coffee break and Poster session 1 (15 posters)
11:30-13:00 2 Lectures
13:00-14:30 Lunch and Poster session 1
14:30-16:00 2 Lectures
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 2 Lectures
19:00-23:00 Inspection of one of Dortmund's breweries
and the brewery museum

Tuesday, October 2, 1990

8:00-10:15 3 Lectures
10:15-11:30 Coffee break and Poster session 2 (15 posters)
11:30-13:00 2 Lectures
13:00-14:30 Lunch and Poster session 2
14:30-16:00 2 Lectures
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 2 Lectures
19:00-21:00 Banquet
(speaker: Peter Bock, The George Washington University:
'Building the Ultimate Machine: The Emergence of Personal
Artificial Intelligence')

Wednesday, October 3, 1990

8:00-10:15 3 Lectures
10:15-11:30 Coffee break and Poster session 3 (15 posters)
11:30-13:00 2 Lectures
13:00-14:30 Lunch and Poster session 3
14:30-16:00 2 Lectures
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:15 1 Lecture
17:15-18:00 Summary




1 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

W. Banzhaf

Hyogo, Japan

The 'Molecular' Traveling Salesman

2 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stephen T. Barnard Aviv Bergman

Menlo Park, CA

Adaption in Signal Spaces

3 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

T. Boseniuk W. Ebeling

Berlin, GDR

Boltzmann, Darwin and Haeckel Strategies for Solving
Optimization Problems

4 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

J. P. Cohoon W. N. Martin D. S. Richards

Charlottesville, VA

Genetic Algorithms and Punctuated Equilibria

5 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yuval Davidor

Rehovot, Israel

An Evolution Standing on Redundant Robot Manipulator Design

6 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kenneth De Jong William M. Spears

Fairfax, VA Washington D.C.

An Analysis of the Interacting Roles of Population Size and
Crossover in Genetic Algorithms

7 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. E. Eiben E. H. L. Aarts K. M. Van Hee

Eindhoven, Netherlands

Global Convergence of Genetic Algorithms - an Infinite Markov Chain

8 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

David E. Goldberg

Tuscaloosa, AL and Urbana, IL

Real-coded Genetic Algorithms, Virtual Alphabets, and Blocking

9 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Martina Gorges-Schleuter

Koeln, FRG

Explicit Parallelism of Genetic Algorithms through Population Structures


Claas de Groot Diethelm Wuertz Karl Heinz Hoffmann

Zuerich, Switzerland Heidelberg, FRG

Simulated Annealing and Evolution Strategy - a Comparison


Juergen Hesser Reinhard Maenner

Heidelberg, FRG

Towards an Optimal Mutation Probability for Genetic Algorithms


Frank Hoffmeister Thomas Baeck

Dortmund, FRG

Genetic Algorithms and Evolution Strategies - Similarities and


Reinhard Lohmann

Berlin, FRG

Application of Evolution Strategy in Parallel Populations


R. C. Paton H. S. Nwana M. J. R. Shave
T. J. M. Bench-Capon S. Hughes

Liverpool, UK

Transfer of Natural Metaphors to Parallel Problem Solving Applications


P. Roussel-Ragot G. Dreyfus

Paris, France

A Problem-independent Parallel Implementation of Simulated
Annealing and its Application to Block Placement


W. Schiffmann M. Joost R. Werner

Koblenz, FRG

Performance Evaluation of Evolutionary Created Neural Network Topologies


Jonathan Schull

Haverford, PA

The View from the Adaptive Landscape


R. L. Shoemaker H. H. Barrett R. H. Seacat III

Tucson, AZ

TRIMM - a Parallel Processor for Image Reconstruction by Simulated


Nico L. J. Ulder Erwin Pesch Peter J. M. van Laarhoven
Hans-Juergen Bandelt Emile H. L. Aarts

Venlo/Maastricht and Eindhoven, Netherlands

Improving TSP Exchange Heuristics by Population Genetics


Francisco J. Varela Hugues Bersini

Paris, France Bruxelles, Belgium

Hints for Adaptive Control Gleaned from Immune Networks


A. A. Vedenov M. V. Zurin E. B. Levchenko
G. D. Mylnikov A. N. Timashev A. Yu. Turygin

Troitsk/Moscow, USSR

Optical Image Preprocessing for Neural Network Classifier System


Hans-Michael Voigt

Berlin, GDR

Modelling and Simulation of Distributed Evolutionary Search Processes


D. Whitley T. Starkweather K. Mathias

Fort Collins, CO

Combinatorial Optimization Using Distributed Genetic





1 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nobue Adachi Kazuhiro Matsuo

Tokyo, Japan

Ecological Dynamics under Different Selection Rules in Distributed
and Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Game

2 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alex M. Andrew

Lifton, UK

The Response-Time Constraint in Neural Evolution

3 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hans-Georg Beyer

Ettlingen, FRG

Determination of Stable Steady States in Dissipative Systems by
Darwinian Evolution

4 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

J. N Bhuyan V. V. Raghavan V. K. Elayavalli Jitender S. Deogun

Lafayette, LA Lincoln, NE

On Enhancements to Genetic Clustering

5 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Christian Blume

Karlsruhe, FRG

GLEAM - a System for Simulated 'Intuitive Learning'

6 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

H. J. Bremermann R. W. Anderson

Berkeley, CA

An Alternative to Back-Propagation - a Simple Rule of Synaptic
Modification for Neural Net Training and Memory

7 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Robert J. Collins David R. Jefferson

Los Angeles, CA

Representations for Artificial Organisms

8 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alberto Colorni Marco Dorigo Vittorio Maniezzo

Milano, Italy

A Genetic Approach to the Time-Table Problem

9 )----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jo Decuyper Didier Keymeulen

Bruxelles, Belgium

A Reactive Robot Navigation System Based on a Fluid Dynamics


Gunter Dueck

Heidelberg, FRG

New Optimization Heuristics - the Great Deluge Algorithm and the
Record-to-Record Travel


Iaakov Exman

Jerusalem, Israel

Solving Sequential Games with Boltzmann-learned Tactics


T. C. Fogarty R. Huang E. H. Genshow

Bristol, UK

Implementing the Genetic Algorithm on Transputer Based Parallel
Processing Systems


Stephanie Forrest

Los Alamos, NM

Parallelism in Classifier Systems


Hugo de Garis

Bruxelles, Belgium

Building Artificial Nervous Systems with GenNet Modules


M. Gerrits P. Hogeweg

Utrecht, Netherlands

A Genetic Algorithm Application on the Search for Minimal Mutation
Phyletic Trees, an NP-Complete Problem


P. J. B. Hancock

Stirling, UK

GANNET - Genetic Design of a Neural Net for Face Recognition


Michael Herdy

Berlin, FRG

Application of the Evolutionsstrategie to Discrete Optimization


Juergen Hesser Reinhard Maenner

Heidelberg, FRG

An Alternative Genetic Algorithm


Tien H. Hoang

Hanoi, Vietnam

Classifying the Information Processing in Neural Networks


Klaus-U. Hoeffgen H. Peter Siemon Alfred Ultsch

Dortmund, FRG

Genetic Improvements of Feedforward Nets for Approximating Functions


Karl Heinz Hoffmann Michael Cristoph Martin Hanf

Heidelberg, FRG

Optimizing Simulated Annealing


Martin Hulin

Muenchen, FRG

Circuit Partitioning with Genetic Algorithms Using a Coding Scheme
to Preserve the Structure of a Circuit


Philip Husbands Frank Mill Stephen Warrington

Brighton/Edinburgh and Glasgow, UK

Genetic Algorithms, Production Plan Optimisation and Scheduling


Mark Jurik

Aptos, CA

A Summary Report on Backpercolation


John R. Koza

Stanford, CA

The Genetic Programming Paradigm for Breeding Computer Programs to Solve


I. Kreuzer K. Goser

Dortmund, FRG

A Local Timing Model for Parallel Optimization with Boltzmann


Berthold Kroeger Peter Schwenderling Oliver Vornberger

Osnabrueck, FRG

Parallel Genetic Packing of Rectangles


Frank Kursawe

Dortmund, FRG

A Variant of Evolution Strategies for Vector Optimization


Gregor von Laszewski Heinz Muehlenbein

St. Augustin, FRG

A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for the Graph Partitioning Problem


Luis Lopez John Caufield

Huntsville, AL

A Principle of Minimum Complexity in Evolution and its
Implications to the Design of Optical and Neural Vision Systems


Caro Lucas

Tehran, Iran

An Information Theoretical Approach to Neural Networks


C. B. Lucasius M. J. J. Blommers G. Kateman

Nijmegen, Netherlands

Conformational Analysis of DNA using Genetic Algorithms


Bernard Manderick

Bruxelles, Belgium

Selectionist Categorization


Maja J. Mataric

Cambridge, MA

A Model for Parallel Distributed Spatial Mapping for Mobile
Robot Navigation


Thomas P. Maxwell Robert Costanza

Solomons, MD

Evolutionary Self-Organization in Model Ecosystems


Barry McMullin

Dublin, Ireland

The Holland alpha-Universes Revisited


Peter Neuhaus

Karlsruhe, FRG

Solving the Mapping-problem - Experiences with a Genetic Algorithm


Yoav Ossia Larry Rudolph

Jerusalem, Israel

Adaptive Algorithms


Jan Paredis

Maastricht, Netherlands

The Evolution of Behaviour - some Experiments


Selwyn Piramuthu

Urbana, IL

Feature Construction for Back-propagation


Ralf Salomon

Berlin, FRG

Improved Convergence Rate of Back-propagation with Dynamic
Adaptation of the Learning Rate


Andreas Schachtner

Dortmund, FRG

A Classifier System with Integrated Genetic Operators


Michael Scholz

Berlin, FRG

A Learning Strategy for Neural Networks Based on a Modified
Evolutionary Strategy


Chang Shu Hilary Buxton

London, UK

Path Planning for Mobile Robots Using a Reaction-Diffusion


Jung-Yul Suh Chan-Do Lee

Bloomington, IN

Extending Distributed Genetic Algorithm to problem solving -
the Case of Sliding Block Puzzle


D. Thierens L. Vercauteren

Ghent, Belgium

Incremental Reinforcement Learning with Topology Preserving
Maps to Control Dynamic Systems


Peter Todd Geoffrey Miller

Stanford, CA

Evolution of Unsupervised Learning in Adaptive Networks


Manuel Valenzuela-Rendon

Monterrey, Mexico

The Fuzzy Classifier System - Motivations and First Results


Antanas Zilinskas

Vilnius, Lithuania

Some Ideas of Parallelization of Global Optimization Algorithms


International Workshop
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature
October 1-3, 1990

Conference Registration Form

Please complete this registration form (mark the '( )' fields and enter
amounts) and return it before September 1, 1990 to

Heike Bracklo and Hans-Paul Schwefel
University of Dortmund
Dept. of Computer Science Phone:+49-2 31-7 55-45 90
P. O. Box 50 05 00 Fax:+49-2 31-7 55-20 47
D-4600 Dortmund 50 Telex:822465 unido d
F. R. Germany bitnet:uin005{ddohrz11

Participant Information

Title First Name/Given Name (Middle Initials) Last Name/Surname






Accompanied by................................................................

Technical equipment requirements (for lecturers)..............................


Registration fees

(including access to the conference sessions, reception, one set of preprints)

Full fees for (Reduced fees for
non-IEEE members IEEE-members 1))

( ) Normal, before Sept. 1, 1990: 240 DM (215 DM) ........ DM

( ) Normal, after Sept. 1, 1990: 300 DM (270 DM) ........ DM

( ) Student 2), before Sept. 1, 1990: 150 DM (130 DM) ........ DM

( ) Student 2), after Sept. 1, 1990: 200 DM (180 DM) ........ DM

1)Please give your IEEE membership number: ........................

2)Student fee is applicable only if a copy of a valid student
identity card is enclosed.


( ) I intend to stay at the conference center in the hotel
'Parkhotel Westfalenhallen'. Prices include breakfast.

Single: Date of arrival: .......................

Date of departure: ....................... = ... days x 99 DM = .....DM

Double: Date of arrival: .......................

Date of departure: ....................... = ... days x140 DM = .....DM

( ) I intend to make my own hotel reservation
(special form enclosed).

Lunches and coffee breaks 3)

(at the conference location)

36 DM x ...... persons x ...... days = ........ DM

3) Special lunch requirements: ( ) koscher ( ) vegetarian

Evening program

Monday, Oct. 1, 1990

Brewery inspection 50 DM x ..... persons =........ DM

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1990

Banquet at the conference location 50 DM x ..... persons =........ DM

Ladies' programme

Monday, Oct. 1, 1990

morning (9:00 am - 13:00 pm):
Sightseeing tour of Dortmund by bus,
Westphalia Park walk,
TV tower 'Florian',
museum of cookery-books 32 DM x ..... persons = ........ DM

afternoon (2:00 pm - 6:00 pm):
City visit and shopping

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1990

starting at 9:00 am:
Excursion to the Open-air museum at Hagen
(historical German buildings and furnishings),
bus transfers
30 DM x ..... persons =........ DM

Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1990

morning (10:00 am - 12:00 am):
Visit of the Chinese Xi'an
terracotta-warrior exhibition
in the Ostwallmuseum of Dortmund 18 DM x ..... persons =........ DM


TOTAL (sum of values in last column of the form): ........ DM



( ) Cheque included

( ) Copy of my bank transfer included

The completion of this form is binding for the participant and it must be
accompanied by payment in full.

Date: Signature:


Date: Sun, 5 Aug 90 14:03:57 -0400
From: Thomas Ray <>
Subject: AL in the media

Artificial Life is featured in the current issues of Time magazine
(Aug. 6, 1990), Whole Earth Review (Summer 1990) and Mondo 2000 (Summer 1990).

Tom Ray
University of Delaware
School of Life & Health Sciences
Newark, Delaware 19716
302-451-2281 (FAX)


Date: Tue, 7 Aug 1990 8:59:17 EDT
From: B Chandrasekaran <>
Subject: Report on AL for IEEE Expert

I am Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Expert, and I think it'd be interesting to have
a report on AL in the Magazine. IEEE Expert has an international circulation
of more than 18,000.

I am looking for an article that outlines the goals of the enterprise,
the ideas that are currently fermenting, difficulties, and perhaps a
report on the recent AL meeting. I am thinking in terms of a 3-5
printed pages. Those of you interested in writing such an article,
pl get in touch with me with some description of what you might cover,
and also let me have an idea about your background.

Thanks for your attention.


Date: Tue, 7 Aug 90 11:08:28 +2
Subject: Re: Call for Papers - ICGA-91

Concerning the scope of the conference, could the program chairman indicate
what the boundaries of the area of genetic algorithms are in the context of
this meeting ?

This can be indicated by providing one or more references the conference
chairman considers to be "typical" work in this area.

Erol Gelenbe

End of ALife Digest
= Artificial Life Distribution List =
= =
= All submissions for distribution to: =
= All list subscriber additions, deletions, or administrative details to: =
= =
= All software, tech reports to Alife depository through =
= anonymous ftp at in ~ftp/pub/alife =
= =
= List maintainers: Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Marek Lugowski =
= Artificial Life Research Group, Indiana University =
End of Alife Digest

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