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Alife Digest Number 040

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Published in 
Alife Digest
 · 10 months ago

ALIFE LIST: Artificial Life Research List Number 40 Tuesday, September 18th 1990

Maintained by the Indiana University Artificial Life Research Group

release announcement: GENESIS 1.1ucsd
Agar is available


Date: Wed, 12 Sep 90 10:49:39 PDT
From: (Nici Schraudolph)
Subject: release announcement: GENESIS 1.1ucsd

I am pleased to announce the release of GENESIS 1.1ucsd, a heavily modified
and enhanced version of the original genetic algorithm simulator by John J.
Grefenstette. New features (since 1.0ucsd) include:

- support of subdirectory structure for I/O files
- application-specific parameters to the evaluation function
- sigma scaling (a more robust alternative to window scaling)
- stochastic decoding for searching continuous spaces
- super-uniform population initialization option
- support of Dynamic Parameter Encoding - cf. recent TR announcement

Other major differences to standard GENESIS include the ability to use
suitable C functions directly as evaluation functions, and to distribute
a set of simulations to remote hosts. GENESIS 1.1ucsd can be obtained
via anonymous ftp from the Artificial Life archive server as follows:

% mkdir GAucsd
% cd GAucsd
% ftp (
Login: anonymous
Password: <anything>
ftp> cd pub/alife/software/unix/GAucsd
ftp> binary
ftp> get GENESIS.1.Z
ftp> get GENESIS.2.Z
ftp> get GENESIS.3.Z
ftp> get GENESIS.4.Z
ftp> quit
% uncompress GENESIS.?.Z
% chmod +x GENESIS.?
% lpr UsersGuide
% view README

A tech report describing the main new feature, Dynamic Parameter Encoding,
is available in pub/alife/papers/ on the same ftp server.

If you don't have ftp access, I can honor requests for an e-mail copy
of the source code. I maintain a mailing list for bug reports, updates,
and other issues pertaining to this simulator - send me a message if
you wish to be added to this list. Please feel free to send me your
comments, suggestions and experiences regards 1.1ucsd.

I have compiled and tested the code on Sun3, Sun4, Vax, Mips and Pyramid
architectures - if you are installing 1.1ucsd on another system I'd like
to hear whether you had any compatibility problems.

Best regards,
Nicol N. Schraudolph, C-014
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114


Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 22:42 EDT
From: Michael Travers <mt@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Agar is available

I've finally been allowed to make my Agar software package available to
the public. Agar is an Animal Construction Kit that has been used to
model the collective behavior of ants, among other things. It was
demoed at the Second Artificial Life Workshop.

Agar is written in Lisp. To use it, you must already have a Lisp
environment. So far, Agar has been ported to Macintosh Allegro Common
Lisp 1.3 and Symbolics Genera 7. You can obtain the files for both of
these versions by anonymous FTP from host The
files to get are:


Send me email for more details.

End of ALife Digest

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