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Alife Digest Number 024

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Alife Digest
 · 1 year ago

ALIFE LIST: Artificial Life Research List Number 24 Monday, June 18th 1990

Maintained by the Indiana University Artificial Life Research Group


GA Research Assistantships and a GA Professorship
CM2 Update!
re: program source (VAMV)


Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 15:03:38 CDT
From: "Dave Goldberg" <>
Subject: GA Research Assistantships and a GA Professorship

I seek BS, MS, and PhD students interested in investigating genetic
algorithms at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Good
computations and mathematics background and capability are a must; prior
exposure to GAs through courses or research is a plus. Candidates must
be admitted or admissable to the University of Illinois in an
appropriate academic discipline (science, engineering, business,
mathematics, etc.), although assistantships will be administered through
the Department of General Engineering. Before 1 August, send inquiries
to me at the following address: Department of Engineering Mechanics,
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, dgoldber@ua1vm.bitnet or After 1 August, send inquiries to my new
address: Department of General Engineering, 117 Transportation Building,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801, (217)333-
2730 (email address unknown).

My department at Alabama seeks to fill the position I'm vacating with a
person who can teach in an engineering mechanics department and do
research in genetic algorithms. A more detailed position announcement
is available from Dr. James L. Hill, Professor and Head, Department of
Engineering Mechanics, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487,

Dave Goldberg


Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 18:24:19 EDT
From: rcr@Think.COM
Subject: CM2 Update!

As you may have learned by now, the CM2 was the computer of choice for the
winners of the 3rd annual IEEE Gordon Bell awards. The CM2 sustained
over 5.6G FLOPS on a production code for Mobile Research & Development
Corporation. Remarkably, this was twice as fast as the peak rated
performance of an 8 processor YMP and four times faster than any Cray
application submitted! If you would like a copy of this paper or any
additional information please contact me at Thanks and
best regards.

Richard Rychtarik


Date: Wed, 13 Jun 90 09:25:22 EDT
From: "David M. Chess" <CHESS@IBM.COM>
Subject: re: program source (VAMV)

Sounds like fun! Have you considered adding sexual reproduction
(with crossing-over, dominant/recessive genes, and so on)? The
developing Common Wisdom suggests that asexual reproduction with
only point-mutation (or equivalent) searches a genotype space *much*
less effectively than sexual reproduction that allows crossing-over
and other interactions.

> Not every tuning will tend to produce
> balanced populations or "reasonable" ecologies, and finding one that
> does so is rather like the proverbial needle in a haystack.

Have you considered a meta-system that uses another genetic
algorithm to search the space of tunings? Less trouble than
doing it yourself; the hard part would be the "fitness" algorithm:
training the system to recognize when the population that
arises from the tuning that it's trying is reasonable/interesting.
The tuning-space is probably quite a bit simpler than the

> It's beginning to look like the only way to get them to
> use the instructions may be to make them more necessary to survival;
> currently, organisms can survive by merely eating, dividing, and
> possibly synthesizing food.

Sure! The things that the critters come to use are going to be
exactly those things that are useful (in the particular local
maximum that they're currently hanging around in the space).


End of ALife Digest
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End of Alife Digest

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