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Amiga Update (1995-09-15)

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Amiga update
 · 2 Dec 2023


// Amiga Update - News and Rumors //
\X/ (A Very Occasional Newsletter) \X/


F I R S T A 1 2 0 0 R O L L S O F F A S S E M B L Y L I N E !

The following conference came from the IRC, the international chat area
of the internet. It's a transcript of a relatively formal chat between
a representative of Amiga Technologies and a group of Amiga users, plus
some press.
I'm presenting it here just as it came "off the net", in raw form. If you've
never attended a real time on line conference, parts may be hard to follow as
things get a bit confusing with lots of overlap, even in a formal conference
with a question queue. However, there's good information to be found here
and editing it could obscure some of what happened. It begins with an
introduction by the person who posted the transcript, also presented "raw".
Be prepared for "net talk", some of it possibly offensive, or don't read it.
Date of the posting is 14 September, so this happened last night.
Big news:

The following is an IRC transcript held (from what I've been told) just
a couple hours ago. "gbo" is Gilles Bourdin, head PR guy at Amiga
Technologies GmBH in Benzheim, Germany.

Exept for the incessant amount of childish bitching and moaning from some
candy-ass whiner known as "Frotz", Gilles Bourdin let the Amiga community
in on a good deal of GREAT news, including details about US/Australian
distribution agreements, developer support plans, etc. Lotsa great stuff.

Read below!

Tau | for the record, I will be logging this channel
gbo | okay, ready
gbo | please be aware that
Tau | gbo, could you start by giving us a quick overview of the near future plans of Amiga Technologies? When will we actually see machines on sale, and where will we see them?
gbo | i am a PR guy, not an engineer
Tau | question queue at the moment: lohengrin, jalovick. /msg me with a ? to get on the queue
gbo | actually today was a historical day for us
gbo | the first 1200 board came out of the line
gbo | it has been tested and was good.
gbo | so we can now go into mass production.
gbo | the A4000T should be delayed a few more days
gbo | that means that the machines should hit the shelves on schedule.
Tau | (people, remember to end with GA so that we know when to go on)
gbo | now that production runs, we can concentrate one other things
gbo | like what we want to do for next year.
gbo | next thing to arrive will be the 060 board for the a4000T
gbo | then we want to enhance the A1200
gbo | give it more memory expansion onboard,
gbo | make the motherboard less power consuming
gbo | adding an easy CD ROM expansion with MPEG
gbo | These are the plans for the near future, this means early 1996 for us.
gbo | GA
Tau | okay, lohengrin, shoot
gbo | not at me please
«Topic» | New topic by Cyberwlf: GBO Conference has started - Please forward all questions for GBO to Tau - There is a que
Lohengrin | One of the thingsthat made the Amiga less tha popular was that you couldn't go into mainstream software shops and purchase Amiga titles readily. Does Amiga Technologies have
Tau | question queue: jalovick niteflite narwhal guillaume idea-mw the_kid northway
Lohengrin | any plans to encourage large software chains and/or independant dsoftware retailers to carry Amiga compaatible titles again?
Lohengrin | GA
gbo | Of course we are.
gbo | We are also talking to software editors
gbo | to make them write that software we want to see in these shops
gbo | GA
Frotz | jalovick: go.
gbo | (jonathan Anderson is doing a good job regarding this in the UK)
jalovick | I have 3 or so questions
jalovick | has AT contacted Australian distributors,
gbo | try to make one of it
jalovick | what of hte old rang will you continue to support
Frotz | one at a time, and go...
jalovick | rang = range
jalovick | and do you think you'll move away from the 680x0 CPU soon ?
jalovick | GA
Tau | /msg me with a ? to get on the question queue
Tau | We have a long queue at the moment, so please be patient
Tau | Next on the queue will be niteflite, narwhal and guillaume
Tau | We seem to be lagging here
Frotz | ping to gbo hasnt come back... for a WHILE...
gbo | hold on
gbo | ok i'm back, sorry
gbo | We are looking for a distributor in Australia
gbo | but haven't chosen one yet.
gbo | we will have to move away from the 680XX processor range for sure
gbo | GA
Tau | niteflite, go ahead
NiteFlite | What are or will be the eventual USA marketing plans or promotions? If so, will you coordinate them, or Ed Goff (ie/ the US office)? Any dealer support? GA
Frotz | 1.5 minute lag.
narwhal | Will the CD32 be reintroduced or an upgrade released? At the very least will MPEG cards EVER be available? I have 3 CD 32/SX-1's here. ;^)
Tau | frotz, wait!
gbo | In the united states, we are looking for a partner more than for a distributor.
Frotz | sorry.
gbo | We have some negociations going on at the moment that seem to be very promising.
Tau | on the queue: idea-mw the_kid northway caldi timmer ramscan
gbo | Currently, we have signed a non-exclusive agreement with a distributor called SMG.
gbo | this contract is valid until the end of the year.
Tau | narwhal, repeat your question
gbo | marketing and promotion will be made by our partner in the states, in accordance with us of course
gbo | GA
narwhal | Will the CD32 be reintroduced or an upraded version? Or at lest will the MPEG card ever be available? I have three sx-1 CD32's here
narwhal | GA
Tau | (count on IRC to always misbehave on situations like this ;))
Tau | GBO is again badly lagged
Tau | full queue at the moment is idea-mw the_kid northway caldi timmer ramscan jerusalem cyberwlf mbilla redwine frotz
gbo | The CD32 should not be reintroduced this year
gbo | We want to do something new next year on the CD32 base.
gbo | For the MPEG card for the actual CD 32. I think that we aren't going to produce it anymore.
gbo | But we are looking at the market
gbo | and if it is worth it, we have no problem if a third party company wants to produce it under licence.
gbo | This could actually be a good solution
gbo | GA
«Error» | [] No such nick/channel idea-mw
Tau | idea-mw is out of here, so next is the_kid
gbo | i'm here
Tau | okay, northway before the_kid, because of lag
Frotz | tau: US->europe = 1.5 min lag.
NorthWay | when can we hope for ADSP to restart? are you going to do the chips in CMOS for lowpower? and was the DSP project sold to a 3rd party? GA
gbo | waiting...
Tau | gbo, did you see northway's question?
gbo | yes
gbo | adsp will restart
gbo | yes, we want the chips to consume less power. This is actually one of the development goals for the near future
gbo | Sorry, don't know about the DSP project.
gbo | GA
Tau | idea-mw, go ahead with your question
Tau | queue: the_kid caldi timmer ramscan jerusalem cyberwlf mbilla in the order I can reach them
Idea-MW | Are there any plans for an internet package for the Amiga? There is potential but alot of internet software currently available seems to be under-supported or not entirely user-freindly, at least when compared to PC applications.
Tau | mattc informs me that the DSP project was completed but never produced
gbo | Yes, we are working on an internet package indeed.
gbo | I think this will be a very sucessful bundle for the A1200 and for the A4000T.
Tau | is it based on AS225 or AmiTCP?
gbo | For the A1200, we want something that can run with disks and the standard 2MB of RAM.
gbo | And the package has to be very easy to use, sort of plug and play.
gbo | regarding online services, we actually have a lot of plans but these i can't talk about
gbo | GA
Tau | gbo, will this internet package be based on AS225 or AmiTCP?
gbo | It depends on more than one factor.
gbo | the advantage of AS225 is that it' ours
gbo | the advantage of Amitcp is that it's better
gbo | it's nice to have options though
Tau | many of us TCP/IP software developers might disagree on the latter ;)
gbo | GA
Tau | oops
Tau | the_kid, ask your question
The_Kid | Are we going to see A1200 with 2 megs chip and 2 megs fast out of
The_Kid | the box? And will the A1200 be more or less in price now that your
The_Kid | ppl are making them?
The_Kid | GA
gbo | i haven't said witch one we will use, so what is there to disagree with ?
«Names» | Users on #amiga_gbo: caldi aCc Lohengrin HammerD Danne0 Trapper ericgir jaloviick Timmer LowRider GROO RedWine Mitchman Litz Demoman Vicce The_Kid Guiseppe Idea-MW Barimoor @Frotz2 @Cyberwlf mattc DevilMan Spumoni steiner davereed Jerusalem

RobV olio andjo Tess mbilla @FrotzZzz NiteFlite _3V_ SirCuit leestar NorthWay stefanb2 Corzak lilja Scampi ashiq LazaruZ @gbo N`Kognito ramscan Laire @Tau
«Names» | End of /NAMES list.
Frotz2 | gbo: you expressed a preference for which one is better, one that many developers wouldnt agree with.
gbo | amitcp is more advanced
Tau | the queue: timmer caldi ramscan jerusalem cyberwlf mbilla redwine frotz stefanb2
Tau | gbo, the_kid's question is waiting ;)
gbo | The current A1200 slod will have 2 meg chip ram and an optional 170 MB harddrive loaded with the bundle sW
gbo | what is ppl ?
Tau | (there are several TCO/IP oriented developers here, and to my knowledge all of us prefer AS225 (or Interworks' I-Net 225))
Tau | people
Tau | okay, two would prefer AmiTCP ;)
gbo | the price i can tell is 699 DM without HD and 999 DM with 170 MB
gbo | the prices of course will depend on different countries, VAT, etc...
gbo | GA
Timmer | My question is regarding OS development...
gbo | yes
Timmer | have any plans been made yet in this area, and WHEN will developers be given any clue as to the directions the OS will take?
Timmer | Also, who is in charge of OS development that developers can contact?
Timmer | [and I prefer AS225 over AmiTCP :)]
Timmer | GA
Tau | question queue: caldi ramscan jerusalem cyberwlf mbilla redwine frotz stefanb2 trans-x
gbo | The OS has to be improved in many points
gbo | actually you know them as well as we do
gbo | there has been some work done on this by the AOS replacement project team.
gbo | please don't ask me about details but i know about ressource tracking, vMem, and memory protection to be urgent things to improve/implement
gbo | the docs for developers will be made available on our ftp and www servers.
gbo | this is being made currently.
gbo | there will be email adresses for ADSP support.
gbo | we are still building up this developer support structure
Tau | can you give a time estimate when these will be available?
gbo | and we want it to be efficient and easily accessible.
gbo | I have to leave in 10 minutes.
Tau | gbo, as you can see, people have more questions than you have time to answer. Maybe there is something wrong with Amiga Technologies PR? ;)
gbo | tau: servers are running
gbo | domains are reserved and used
Tau | gbo, I tried to access said servers on Monday with no luck.
gbo | email adresses have to be made and publicly announced
gbo | the developer docs have to be put in a directory
gbo | i think this should be running in two weeks.
gbo | (actually it is already but not accessible yet)
gbo | GA
caldi | Also OS related, we have a BOOPSI toolkit called ClassAct which addresses a number GUI/API issues, who would be the contact to discuss inclusion of such work in the the OS? And, will developer support be public or private and $$$ as it was w

ith CATS?
gbo | i said at the beginning of this conf that i was no developer nor engineer but i will try to answer the question
gbo | i think this support should be $, not $$$
Tau | welcome the Amiga Report guy ;)
gbo | hi jason
ramscan | what about delevoper support on BIX, whats happening to that? and will 3.1 RKMs be made available? GA
Tau | next on list: jerusalem cyberwlf mbilla redwine frotz stefanb2 trans-x laire mrdaniel
gbo | BIX is also a theme of discussion among our support guys
gbo | although i'm not into that discussion, i know that it is one of their concerns and that they will adress it for sure
Frotz2 | gbo: the lack of information now is far worse than even during the liquidation, to be honest. the lack of public notice is VERY bad for you guys. We don't even have contact info for the US distributor.
gbo | i know. We are very busy with fairs currently and the PR section is just built up now.
gbo | not easy to get the adresses and databases for the press worlwide.
Tau | ramscan also had a question about a new edition of the RKMs
gbo | because we dont only want to be present in amiga magazines.
gbo | but don't tell me that there is less info than during the liquidation, it's simply not true.
Tau | this is the feeling here on the field
Frotz2 | gbo: there was FAR more media coverage of the amiga in any single month of the liquidation than you folks have managed in 3 months. it's a fact.
gbo | we are going to be present at the world of Amiga in Colone, 10-12 november 1995
gbo | maybe because journalists prefer to report about catastrophies
Frotz2 | gbo: i'm sure it has nothing to do with inactivity on your part.
gbo | and BTW i was the one providing info about Commodore on the net for one year
Frotz2 | sorry, i'll be quiet.
Jerusalem | As a long time member of a user's group, I'd like to know how your support is set up for User's groups, and How will Canadian dealers aquire the new hardware, Thanks GA
gbo | okay, this was the last question
Tau | caldi informs me that Wonder Computers is holding an Amigashow on Dec 10th in Canada
Cyberwlf | gbo: What sort of media coverage (if any) is planned for Australia? (or even Australasian region)
gbo | we will support user groups and fairs and events and everything possible according to our human ressources.
gbo | of course we know how valuable user groups are for us.
Tau | the queue left: mbilla redwine frotz stefanb trans-x laire mrdaniel.. I hope we can continue this at a later date, gbo
gbo | this can be by sending some machines, POS material or attending etc.
jcompton | gbo: But the question remains-WILL you attend, WILL you send POS material, WILL you send machines?
gbo | but please be aware that we still are a small company whith a big job to do.
Frotz2 | 3 months is plenty of time to hire people.
gbo | well, to send machines, one should first have some...
Frotz2 | how many have you hired?
Cyberwlf | gbo: I have been told by a member of the Australian Developers Association that they have recently been thinking of winding up
gbo | please no question flood
Tau | gbo, can you still answer questions, or do we have to stop here?
gbo | we now have 32 people in Bensheim
gbo | 5 in London
gbo | 3 in the USA (sorry i had to count)
jcompton | Nobody answers the phone in the US.
gbo | and 3 month is NOTHING when you build up a company
gbo | i must go.
Tau | gbo, what about a later date, then?
gbo | i will set the date for the next conf with jason
Tau | great
«Action» | jcompton does a little dance.
gbo | jason will announce it.
gbo | jesus, 21:40 again
Cyberwlf | Will you be posting the news in an Amiga news group?
gbo | i loose my sleep with you guys
Tau | we lose our sleep waiting for something to happen
jcompton | Cyber: Once he tells me, I'll put it in AR, on c.s.a.(high-traffic-groups)...
Cyberwlf | Im loosing sleep. Its 5am here ;)
gbo | i will always post my news on the newsgroups.
OnlyLies | gbo: thank you for your informative conference
gbo | and the will be the Amiga homepage THE OFFICIAL ONE this month
gbo | okay, welcome.
Cyberwlf | gbo: is it
gbo | i like it when it's moderated.
gbo | cyb: we will announce it
gbo | but it might also be
gbo | or
gbo | well folks,
Cyberwlf | Thankyou for once again taking the time to speak to us.
Jerusalem | Yes, we just need moderators that know when to speak and when to shut up...
gbo | bye
HeadQuake | I need a log! :)
AOS_RoX | I trade
Cyberwlf | I need a log also
NiteFlite | Well, some interesting things but....
jcompton | Uh, sorry I missed that, everyone. :)
Idea-MW | SEND ME A LOG! :)
AOS_RoX | I flog my Log
Cyberwlf | (and some sleep) :)
|O| Signature v1.15b |o|O|
| |
| Im a whiz-kid of the Superinformation Highway! I wash ALL my clothes |
| with BOLD Laundry Detergent, I spend ALL my time in coffee-shops AND |
| I drive a Subaru Impreza--Because it's just like punk-rock!" |
| |

Bowie J. Poag ( 50 Mhz A2500HD/030/882,AmiTCP/IP 4.2
(I drive an '85 Dodge Omni, hate coffee, and listen to Devo. Bite me.)
|| Brad Webb - available at:
// Commodore has fallen ||
\X/ and it can't get up ||
(but ESCOM can - ?) || Portal -- XJumpdisk

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